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o= HERALD o=
Vol No CIX No: 325
Bhôrpis (Gypsies) in Goa
Goa, Saturday 21 November, 2009 TEOTÓNIO R DE SOUZA examines the history of the gypsies in Portugal and in Goa, and the age-old negative perceptions about them
Ageing Princess, J
ust as I was hesitating about what theme to authorities were effective in checking the
take up in this column, I received in my inbox a movements of the gypsies in Goa, so that they were
message from Binaya Jena, the national award- dissuaded from finding their way and circulating

fading beach winning film-maker, seeking documentary

assistance for her script Goan Sonata, to be screened
more confidently within Goa territory? Very likely,
because from the time of dated presence of the

with a background of Goa of the 1950s and with Spanish gitanos in Portuguese Estremadura and
he Disaster Management Authority’s sub-committee on Oscar-winning actors. She was particularly some other regions, there are repeated royal orders
River Princess on Thursday rejected both the bids submitted interested in knowing more about the gypsies in banning the gitanos from entering into Portuguese
for removal of the grounded ship at Candolim Beach, on Goa. Binaya Jena had read my Unwrapping Goan territory. Such orders continue throughout the
‘technical grounds’. Two companies had submitted bids for cutting Identity and that’s when she seems to have following centuries, proving obviously that the royal
up the ship into sections and floating it away. These were G M connected in her mind the Goan identity with that orders had little or no effect, until King John V (1706-
Services of Mumbai, and the old, unsuccessful suitor of the Princess, of the wandering gypsies. Not a very far-fetched 1750), who for whatever reason disliked gypsies
Jaisu Shipping. For the latter, it was its fourth bid. Apparently, a conception of the Goan diaspora, whether seen as heartily, took tougher measures and deported them
clause in the tender that the ship has to be cut into not more than outward- or inward-oriented since its relatively in regular batches to African colonies and to Brazil.
five pieces for salvage deterred potential bidders. distant past. There is one of his orders in 1718 indicating India as
However, Binaya Jena will find it difficult to find one likely destination. Historians will need to check
The government had floated tenders for removal of the ship, traces of the gypsies in Goa in the 1950s, because that up in the surviving documents.
grounded since 2000. The technical bids were opened on Friday that was a particularly worrying decade for the One of the royal orders issued to the governors
13 November. This day seems to have proved unlucky, because Portuguese administration. The satyagrahis had in Brazil and Angola was that the gypsies should
both company’s bids have been rejected on technical grounds. G become a nightmare for it, and any roaming gypsies not be allowed to return to Portugal or to use their
M Services submitted that it can complete the job only by breaking were likely to face zero tolerance from the language ‘Gerigonça’. This word continues in the
the ship on the spot. This is unacceptable, and it was therefore Portuguese authorities. Portuguese vocabulary, and from it derived the term
rejected. Jaisu, on the other hand, submitted options to either tow I first heard about the gypsies from my dad. gíria (= calão, jargão). Konkani too retains the
away or to break the ship on the spot. Why its tow-away bid was Recounting his own “gypsy” past that took him word ‘gerigons’ to mean tudkibhas, but also false
rejected remains to be seen. from Goa to Hyderabad, where he initiated his promises or something alike.
Both companies naturally claimed that they were technically expat career in the palace of the Nizam, to the Curiously the gypsies or ciganos of Portugal,
time it would nearly 50 years later in the palace of related to Spanish gitanos, speak a language that
qualified for the job. Tourism Director Swapnil Naik said that the
the Sheikh of Kuwait, he was forever impressed by HISTORICAL EXPLORATIONS contains words of Indian origin, such as pani
government would have to verify the claims before considering (=water), cani (kan=ear), chalar (chalunk=to
a gypsy who read his fortune. He was more
either. This sounds strange, considering that the government had impressed because she had told him that he had in common Konkani parlance till very recent times. S R street. Joaquim José Campos and his family lived walk), chardó (chadar=), chor (=thief), churi
earlier awarded the contract for salvaging the ship to Jaisu Shipping, very recently lost a brother! That was a reference Dalgado’s classic Konkani-Portuguese Dictionary of some houses farther to the east of us, and closer to (suri=knife), dai (mother), boque (bukh=hunger),
a company whose expertise is in dredging, not in salvage. Is this to his late brother Calisto, who had drowned at 1893 lists the term as meaning trickster, robber. the pond. The gypsies, men, women and children, chaló (=go), dicaló (deklo=saw), etc. According to
a subtle admission by the government that the company may not the tin manos (triple sluice-gates) in Moira, where Today’s Goa has made a big cultural turnabout prepared to set up camp in the field opposite our a study by Adolfo Coelho in Portugal, the rom
have been qualified to do the job? he had gone fishing. and we can visit a gypsy mart or a gypsy boutique house and some neighbours came to our house in (gypsies) of Portugal are culturally closer to the
The tragedy is that with this new development, tenders will Just a few years ago, I wrote a foreword to Alfred near the Calangute football grounds, or view the a panic, asking my father to intervene. The fear Indian origin than the East European branches.
have to be floated afresh for the salvage operation. It is already de Mello’s book of memoirs, entitled From Goa to bull dance by roadside as in was that they would steal whatever they could, The earliest gypsy groups may have arrived in
mid-November. Even if the government moves quickly on the new Patagonia (2006). In the book, he too writes about watch?v=ACYzZ-Wa8zk where a traditional bull- including livestock and children! However, when Portugal in the fifteenth century. They were given
tenders, it is unlikely that they can be opened before the end of a Hindu astrologer, who drew up his horoscope dancer gives instructions to his bull in English, or a my father prepared to go out, my mother became the legal classification of ‘vagabundos e marginais’
and had predicted that he would end his life in westernised metallic high-decibel ear-mistreat of quite concerned and almost hysterical; I have a (nomads and marginals). The classic Portuguese
December or early January. This means it may be end-January by Gypsy music associated with the Anjuna freak faint recollection that a knife fight had already dramatist Gil Vicente has a play entitled A Farça
Patagonia. He took it as a joke whenever his father
the time the contracts are awarded. That would leave only three would warn him to behave well if he did not want festivals. occurred or been swiftly aborted. Anyway, in the dos Ciganos wherein he characterises the irksome
months of fair weather for the task, an impossible time frame in to reach Patagonia. However, all said and done, he Victor Rangel-Ribeiro posted the following middle of the turmoil, a cabo (Portuguese police begging practice of the gypsy women and children.
the circumstances. This means that the chances of removing the has been living in Uruguay (near the region of information to the Goa-Research-Net cyber-forum officer) showed up from Mapusa with no weapon He also points to their skills in black magic and
vessel before the onset of the monsoon in 2010 are bleak to non- Patagonia) for the greater part of his life. The on the 16th of this month, drawing from the but a whip in his hand, and he ordered the group to fortune-telling. Due to this latter practice, in
existent. soothsayer inspired the title of his memoirs. Gypsies unpublished memoirs of his father in 1930s: “A group march before him on the winding road up the particular, they were persecuted in by the
What does this development mean for Candolim Beach, which too know how to exploit the general human fears of bôrpi came to Saligão when I was about five Saligão hill. They surrounded the man and there Inquisition. It is yet to be checked if the Goa
has suffered from alarming erosion as a result of the grounded of facing the future and capitalise on them. years old. We lived at that time in ‘Filpa Tio’s house’, was a bit of an argument, but he showed absolutely Inquisition did not have such victims in its records.
ship? Last year, large chucks of land adjoining the beach were I know that there were Bhôrpi in Goa. They which faced a field that led to a toem and was the no fear and the group eventually did as he I can only wish all success to Binaya Jena’s Goan
occasionally scared us as kids during the Portuguese second house east of the crossroads where the commanded.” Sonata and her Goan gypsies! May these bring
swept away by the angry waters. The government’s attempt to
times. Bhôrpi was equivalent to uncouth or ill-dressed Mapusa-Verem road via Pilerne met Saligão’s main Could it be that the Portuguese colonial good luck to her and to us in the coming years.
stop this, by sand-filled ‘geo membrane tubes’, recommended by
the Central Water and Power Research Institute (CPWRI) and
implemented by the state Water Resources Department at the
exorbitant cost of Rs6 crore, failed to protect the heavily eroded
1.5 km section of beach from further devastation.
Tongue in Cheek
Learning from Sachin By Adelmo Fernandes

Each geo tube was about 20 metres long, 3 metres in his week saw the whole country and indeed the entire cricketing That is probably the reason why he has been playing on the circuit for Sachin puts his heart and soul in his game. He is one of the most
circumference and designed to rise to a height of 1.8 metres after world shower accolades on Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar on his so many years. intense players around. He enjoys his game. That is the trait we
being filled with sand. Each tube could hold about 24 to 30 tonnes completion of twenty successful years of playing cricket at the You need not be a sportsperson of international repute to show passion should possess if we are to achieve something in life. We should enjoy
of sand. They were supposed to be laid in the sea and on the highest level. And why not? Over the years Sachin, on his way to for something. People like Baba Amte have show a passion for social whatever we do. The more you enjoy doing a thing, the more are the
beach, to form a double barrier; the line of geo tubes in the sea breaking several records, has given every Indian something to cheer service. Others have shown a passion in religious matters. Some have a chances of you coming up trumps. It is only when you enjoy doing
would break the waves’ velocity and help deposit sand in between about, something to be proud of. passion for writing – I have been writing for newspapers for the past something that you can give a hundred per cent.
the two barriers. However, said the contractors, cross currents Completing twenty years in international cricket is comparable to twenty-five years. The same enthusiasm is there in writing an article Sachin has been able to achieve greatness because of his physical
made it very difficult to lay the geo tubes, so they put down only celebrating one’s hundredth birthday. It takes resilience, motivation, today as it was when I wrote the first article a quarter of a century ago. endurance. A tennis elbow almost ended his career. But his
one line, to protect the beach. Half measures rarely work. The big passion, determination and, above all, physical endurance to achieve One need not do great things but should strive to do small things in determination to get back on the field, which resulted in him working
what Sachin Tendulkar has achieved. Many of us may not have played a great way. Determination is a quality the master-blaster has shown in on his fitness after an elbow surgery, speaks volumes of his reslove.
monsoon waves simply battered the high-cost tubes till they were
the game of cricket, or for that matter any sport, at even the school great abundance. You should be determined to accomplish whatever Sachin said that while recovering from surgery he could not even lift
in tatters. level. But there are a lot of things we can learn from the life of this little you have set your heart to achieve. Many great personalities have not his son’s bat. But he came back more strongly from the injuries. We
Endless delays have made the removal of the River Princess ‘master blaster’, who can now also be called ‘master laster’. He has lived to their full potential because somewhere on the way they gave may not be called to go through a physical endurance test. But we
very costly. The estimated cost has now been calculated at a lasted in international cricket for so long that younger team-mates up. They showed very little determination to achieve their goal. often require mental endurance. Many a time we lose a battle much
staggering Rs75 crore. Of this, only Rs25 crore can be recovered like Yuvraj call him “grandfather”. Many times success goes to one’s head. As a result of the pride before it is fought because of our mental attitude.
through sale of scrap. It may seem like a huge sum, but every How could Sachin Tendulkar have lasted for so long in a competitive that follows, the person meets failure. Sachin Tendulkar has been an Sachin has never rested on past laurels. There is a world of difference in
monsoon will only raise these numbers, not lower them. If at all a sport like cricket? Sachin says that it is passion for the game which epitome of simplicity. He has his feet firmly on the ground, even experiencing satisfaction and being satisfied. When you are satisfied is
new tender is floated for the Princess, it should be for the post- has kept him going. Indeed passion can be a great driving force for though he has achieved success of unimaginable magnitude. That is when you stop performing. One should have an insatiable thirst for success.
monsoon season in 2010. Let us get the formalities over before anything we wish to do over a period of time. “Only passions, great what separates truly great persons from the mediocre. People tend to Sachin said that he never discussed a game that was finished, but prepared
the monsoon starts, so the contractor can get started as soon as passions, can elevate the soul to great things,” wrote Denis Diderot. get carried away by their temporary success. That contributes to their himself mentally for the next game. We should always look forward.
Nothing great has ever been accomplished without passion. Our very downfall. We should be humble even if we have achieved success. Indeed, we have a lot to learn from this boy from Mumbai who took
it ends and take this ageing Princess away. own Leander Paes plays the game of tennis which intense passion. Indeed humility is one of the greatest virtues that one can possess. the cricket world by storm.

Letters to the Editor

the Christian community, which are not sert that the Rs150 advocated by the Mini-
Sack the DGP! Paths of Wisdom
Peter Andrade, Vasco
boundless, even though the Bible prescribes
forgiveness. Letter of the Day mum Wages Advisory Board is reasonable.
Most unskilled labourers in Goa are migrants
DGP Bassi should be sacked from the police and are paid much more than that, some-
force for equating churches with casinos. He
needs to realise that one does not go to church
Freedom to gamble
Cedrick B Fernandes, Margao
Policing or hooliganism? times even more than some white-collared
Goan workers.
If the minimum wage of unskilled labour-
for entertainment or for the purpose of Soter D’Souza, Socorro
financially benefiting or ruining oneself. After With regard to the report ‘Clean chit for casino ers is raised, the repercussion will be that
falling flat in the Vasco church blast case, I cops’ (Herald, 16 Nov), I would like to know The reports about some senior police officers partying on an off-shore casino should not skilled labourers will demand more. As man-
wonder what the DGP is trying to prove with the basis on which DGP is equating churches surprise Goans. It is sad that a couple of respected police officers got entangled in this ufacturers and industrialists raise the prices
such blasphemous statements. and temples to casinos and why he has not controversy. But the behaviour in the police department has by and large been not at all of manufactured goods, there will be all-round
The media has time and again said that mentioned other religious institutions apart exemplary. A law-abiding citizen visiting the police station may end up being verbally inflation in prices of essential commodities,
the police patronise and benefit from illegal from churches and temples. Were these police abused, while thugs and anti-social elements get a dignified reception. in turn leading to unemployment.
gambling. DGP Bassi has now proved that his officers trying to fulfill the Indian Constitu- The reply of the DIG to the casino incident and the belly-dancers speaks volumes about Several unskilled workers have eventually
senior officials are also into gambling and tional rights of equality and freedom of ex- the sick mindset prevalent at the topmost level. Visiting a casino could have been compared become skilled workers. Rather than putting
pression during their visit to the casino and to a visit to the toilet, bar or a brothel. In no way can it be equated to a visit to a place of the government to shame, we need to
has compared this act of visiting the casino
by organising belly-dancing at the inaugura- worship and prayer.
Nirodha and Ekagrata
with spirituality. blame the workers who choose to remain
tion of Anjuna Police Station? If the argument that casinos are legal holds good and there is nothing wrong in police unskilled. Attention, contemplation and meditation
Can the wise DGP tell us who bombed the
Is he trying to motivate youngsters to officers patronising them, does it mean that it would be appropriate for senior police officers are anterior to and not immediately
Vasco Church? The Goa police need to realise
frequent casinos, by ruling out any action to indulge in booze parties after office hours, as alcohol consumption is legal? Are senior Women to the fore productive of that kind of meditation in
that they are testing the limits of patience of
against these seven police officers and by police officers not meant to be mentally, spiritually and physically fit for duty 24 hours of the which the distinct cognition of the object is
saying that casinos are not illegal? What day and therefore avoid places where they can become vulnerable to compromising R Fernandes, Margao lost, which is called meditation without a
100 Years Ago message are the police giving the Goan youth, Two-wheelers are doing roaring business in seed.
behaviour? What example do these officers set for their subordinates?
when casinos and belly-dancing are not part Defensive arguments that the police are only human may find favour in other states but Goa. Their advertising theme is ‘macho’, and There are two trains of self-reproductive
of Indian culture? not in Goa. We have a sizeable population who have been abroad or at least have relatives this is fueling reckless driving. The ads are thought, the first of which results from the
who narrate experiences about the fitness levels and sober social behaviour of policemen taking a toll on young Goan lives. mind being modified and shifted by the
PRIMEIRO DIARIO NAS COLONIAS PORTUGEZAS Belly-dancing for all! in other countries. Policing, which is a sacred duty, has unfortunately been reduced to a Girls are more level-headed and under- object or subject contemplated; the second,
Murad Karol, Navelim mere hooliganism in Goa due to increased politicisation. stand that this type of ‘macho’ behaviour is when it is passing from that modification
21 November 1909 The campaign against DGP Bhimsen Bassi
Senior police officers need to find positive and constructive avenues of entertainment and just not worth it. It is time they take control and is becoming engaged only with the
coping with stress, other than boozing, gambling and gaping at foreign belly-dancers. and cock a snook at show-offs. truth itself; at the moment when the first is
Saptah festivities begin and his officers is unfair. What he originally The greatest ‘macho’ quality a young per- subdued and the mind is just becoming
In the City, the festivities of the Saptah of said has been misinterpreted by the media. sand dunes and greenery will be destroyed ite restaurants. son can show is disciplined driving. Create a intent, it is concerned in both of those two
the Hindus, which will last 7 days, have The police did not go to a rave party. Casinos to accommodate the additional beach shacks. What made our holiday so special was revolution on Goan roads. That will be the trains of self-reproductive thought, and this
begun. are legal, and they went there while they being able to walk the length of the beach mark of a man. state is technically called Nirodha.
were off-duty. Sena vs Sachin without falling over sun-beds or having no In that state of meditation which has
Wood prices shoot up Some people are in the habit of criticising room at times to walk on the beach due to been called Nirodha, the mind has a
The price of wood has shot up in the District others for some hidden agenda. When most
Yogesh A Shivji, Pernem
the number of sun-beds. We had no hassle on
Uneasy heads
The statement by Shiv Sena Supremo Bal uniform flow.
of Bicholim due to devastation caused by of the politicians go to five-star hotels to see the beach and found a nice restaurant further Blossom Cabral, Nagoa When the mind has overcome and fully
mining explorations. belly-dancing, then why not police officers? Thackeray on Master Blaster Sachin back than the temporary shacks normally are, It is said, “Uneasy is the head that wears a
Tendulkar is in a really bad taste and has hurt controlled its natural inclination to consider
Assassination plot that wasn’t which was fine for us to eat, drink and be crown.” A helmet cannot be termed a crown, diverse objects, and begins to become
The arrest of two individuals mentioned in
Reduce the shacks the sentiments of millions of people in India happy. Though the weather was not perfect, but it can protect the rider’s head from an intent upon a single one, meditation is said
Maria Fernandes, Calangute and abroad. it really was blissful to walk on that gorgeous injury in case of an accident. After all, preven-
OHeraldo two days was motivated by The Shiv Sena is playing the game of politics to be reached,
stretch of beach. tion is better than cure. When the mind, after becoming fixed
infringements over a license to sell Cyclone Phyan has made topographic changes in the name of ‘Marathi Manoos’ and hurting I am sure if things remain like this Goa will upon a single object, has ceased to be
gunpowder and not to assassinate Lord in altering the Calangute, Baga beach stretch the Indians’ sentiments and feelings. attract a better clientele who enjoy peace Letters should be 150 words or less in concerned in any thought about the
Minto. with sand erosion. GCZMA needs to conduct and space. length, and should have the writer’s condition, qualities, or relations of the thing
Millionaires turn smugglers a re-survey of the beach and reconsider the
reduction of beach shacks. The media has
Shack-less perfection name, address and telephone number. The thought of, but is absolutely fastened upon
Various millionaires from New York, shown the sand erosion on this beach through Michelle Bradbury, UK Keep wages low editor reserves the right to edit letters for the object itself, it is then said to be intent
Philadelphia and other American cities are Aureo Fernandes, Margao size and readability, and to delete any upon a single point — a state technically
photographs. Our sixth visit to Goa was unique and we had
defrauding the American government by personal attacks or libellous /objectiona- called Ekagrata.
If the Directorate of Tourism does not a perfect holiday. We met all the good friends With reference to Alex de Souza’s letter ‘Paltry
indulging in large-scale smuggling. ble matter. (Patanjali)
reduce the number of beach shacks, more we made over the years and ate in our favour- minimum wage’ (Herald, 19 Nov), I feel as-
Printed and published by Vinayak Pai Bir for and on behalf of Herald Publications Pvt Ltd. Printed at Herald Publications Pvt Ltd, Plot No: L-135, Phase II, Verna Industrial Estate, Verna, Salcete, Goa. Published at PO Box 160, Rua Sao Tome, Panjim, Goa - 403001. Editor-in-chief: Mr R F Fernandes.
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