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WATER from the AIR

Atmospheric Water Generator

What is an AWG?
How does an AWG work?
Is there enough water in the air?
Is this a new technology?
What do we need AWG for?
How is it different from other existing filtration system?
Are there health benefits we can get from it?
Has it passed any tests for drinking water in the Philippines?
What are the perks for having it?
What is the production capacity of an AWG?
What are the consumables?
How is it earth-friendly?
How much is it?
Our Company
ECOLEADERS INC., is a global and exclusive distributor of
Eco-Friendly and Green Solution products. We provide
the most technologically advanced, and most
sustainable Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG's) in
the World.
An Atmospheric Water Generator or AWG
is an appliance that employs
dehumidification/condensing technology
that extracts water from the humidity in
the air.
How does an AWG work?
Is there enough water in the air?
Water is an exceptionally interesting chemical with many
important implications for life on Earth and the circulation of the
atmosphere. It is the only chemical that naturally exists in all
three phases (solid, liquid, and gas) in our atmosphere.
At any moment, the atmosphere contains an astounding 37.5
million billion gallons of water, in the invisible vapor phase. This is
enough water to cover the entire surface of the Earth (land and
ocean) with one inch of rain.
Whats more, this amount of water is recycled 40 times each year
in what is known as the hydrological cycle. That means a water
vapor molecule has an average residence time in the atmosphere
of only nine days: the raindrop that fell on your head last Tuesday
on average had evaporated into the atmosphere nine days before.
This huge amount of water is processed through an endless cycle
of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation all over the globe.
Evaporating water requires energy in fact, it takes 600 calories
of energy to evaporate each gram. When that gram of water
condenses back into liquid, that same amount of energy is
released back into the atmosphere.
Traditional Water Harvesting Techniques
While AWG can be used virtually anywhere where potable water is needed, it is most
applicable in places with higher humidity. The ideal place for this is the band around
the equator (40 North Latitude to 40 South Latitude). That also happens to be where
most of the people are in the world. Interestingly, this band is also where most of the
water shortage problems have been identified.
Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air compared to what the air can
"hold" at that temperature. When the air can't "hold" all the moisture, then it
condenses as dew.
Over 70% of our Earth's surface is covered by water ( we should really
call our planet "Ocean" instead of "Earth"). Although water is seemingly
abundant, the real issue is the amount of fresh water available.
97.5% of all water on Earth is salt water, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water.
Nearly 70% of that fresh water is frozen in the icecaps of Antarctica
and Greenland; most of the remainder is present as soil moisture, or lies
in deep underground aquifers as groundwater not accessible to human
< 1% of the world's fresh water (~0.007% of all water on earth) is
accessible for direct human uses.
The population is growing rapidly, putting more pressure on our water
supply (demand is increasing)
The amount of water is effectively reduced by population, pollution and
contamination (supply is decreasing)
The water cycle on Earth is essentially a closed system we always have
the same amount of water.
The only parts of this cycle appropriated by humans is water held as
surface water or shallow aquifers.
If current water usage trends continue, by 2025, two-thirds of the
world's population -- or 5.3 billion people -- will be vulnerable to water
We are currently using more water at a faster pace -- and nature is not
able to keep up. It's no longer enough to conserve water during
droughts, or to turn off the tap while we brush our teeth.
Applications for Use and Likely Scenarios
It can be considered a logistical asset due to the nature of its mobility and
durability. Its reliability, due to the fact that it needs only two factors to produce
drinking water - air and electricity, makes it a worthwhile investment.
Restaurants, bars, and hotels that need copious amounts of clean water and ice
will find the AWG essential in the kitchen or lobby premises.
Office environments that are using bottled water units can do away with plastics
when replaced by AWG.
AWG can be considered at remote locations, island resorts, mining sites, and
instances where water scaling is an issue.
In cases of natural disasters and epidemics, the availability of AWGs can be timely
in saving lives and improving sanitary conditions.
Disaster management organizations specify drinking water as a top priority to
maintain good health; the portability, reliability of AWGs in generating pure
drinking water will prove to be a vital technological intervention in sustaining lives
and health.
Atmospheric Water Generator Desalination/Reverse Osmosis
No conventional water source required Seawater is a must or any other municipal water
Contains 0-20 PPM of total dissolved solids(TDS)
Level 350 PPM of TDS is the minimum that this system
cannot remove(1% of the 35,000 PPM of TDS contained in
No need for preconstruction requires pumping stations before and after the system.
Life expectancy of any model is 15 years Life expectancy is 5-10 years only
No impact on its major components, does not
require seawater to go throughout its components
Major effect on all the system when allowing the seawater
to pass through the components, thus reducing the life
expectancy of the membrane.
It provides security by securing the 2nd most
important element for human being
Will not work with seawater contamination by acts of wars
and oil spills. It works efficiently with maximum of 35,000
PPM of TDS only.
Environmentally friendly. No waste products
Has long term side effect with waste created and high
energy consumption.
Atmospheric Water Generator Desalination/Reverse Osmosis
No evidence of organic or inorganic chemical in the
water produced
Contains organic chemicals that need additional and costly
removal process.
No waste generated between input and output of
Between 2-20 gallons of water are being wasted to
produce just 1 gallon. If municipal water is the main
source, this may translate to more cost per gallon than
what it's advertised for.
Minimal replacement parts cost Expensive when fully installed with all the right options.
Can be placed close to the end-user location, thus
reducing the capital needed in installing and
maintaining the complex water pipe network
Extensive piping infrastructure is often needed where the
source of feed water(sea, lake) is at a distance.
Valuable for remote areas that are not habitable
due to lack of water
Cannot fulfill the needs of the remote area without major
capital investment.
Can be installed for industries on project by project
basis, thus reducing the pressure on the municipal
If installed on project by project basis, this taps into
municipal water, thus increasing the pressure on the main
country's water supplhy and distribution network
Product Comparison Atmospheric Water Generator vs Conventional Reverse Osmosis (Source: AridTec)
Bio-Infrared Mineral Filter
The Minerals and their functions
Strontium(Sr) similar to Ca. It promotes bone formation; prevents bone
Iron(Fe) provides oxygen to different organ systems through its role in RBC
Magnesium(Mg) aids in the absorption of Ca; lowers the risk of
cardiovascular disease; regulates blood pressure.
Copper(Cu) helps in utilization of Iron; prevents premature ageing and
increases energy production; increases rate of wound healing.
Selenium(Se) has antioxidant properties; protects cell from damage.
Calcium(Ca) bone formation; regulation of muscle contraction.
The Minerals and their functions
Lithium(Li) helps in balancing minerals in the body.
Molybdenum(Mo) prevents growth of cancer-producing agents.
Sodium(Na) improves heart performance, nervous system and glucose
Zinc(Zn) boosts the immunity; prevents lower respiratory infection; acts as
Potassium(K) relief from stroke, BP, heart and kidney disorder; enhances
muscle strength
Detoxify your body to remove normal acidic waste products accumulated daily, plus remove
toxins accumulated in your body from your environment, prescription drugs, unnatural foods
and fromthe normal process of aging.
During ionization your alkaline water filter forms your water into micro clusters that are more
easily absorbed at the cellular levels thus super hydrating your body.
Alkaline water acts as an antioxidant, scavenging for and neutralizing harmful free radicals.
Because alkaline water has the ability to give up electrons, it can effectively neutralize and
block free-radical damage to the body. Cancer and most other illnesses cannot survive in an
oxygenated, alkaline environment.
Benefits Of Alkaline Water
Alkaline water helps balance the bodys pH, which tends to be acidic because of our high acid
food diet, stress and exposure to environmental toxins such as smog. Alkalize your body pH
from acidic to alkaline pH, because cancer and many other illnesses cannot live in alkaline
Enhance your immune system to maximize your bodys ability to fight off disease and heal
Benefits Of Alkaline Water
Independent test results measured 99.9% purity,
far exceeding Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) requirements.
Removes Outside Air Moisture
Air Is Dehumidified & Cooled
Creates Better Air For Breathing
Purifies Indoor Air
Better For Your Health Overall
As a Dehumidifier
Can Be Connected To Local Water Supply
Distinct benefits associated with an AWG system
Highly portable, economical and easy to maintain
No expensive piping infrastructure investment is needed
Quick flexible deployment
No conventional water source required
Needs only to plug into electrical socket to generate fresh, pure water
Convenient, dependable, and safe
Gives you total control over your water needs
Use Type Residential or Commercial
Water Production
Up to 8 Gallons A Day (30 liters)
Power Supply 110v-240v
Input Power Variable Compressor
Humidity Required 35% to 90%
Colors White, Black and Silver
1 Year Warranty
Commercial & Industrial
Use Type - Industrial Power Supply -380V/50Hz 3Phase
Water Production Input Power 2.6KW
150 Liters Per Day Compressor Consumption 2.2KW
Humidity Required Internal Water Storage 50 Liters
30% to 99% Warranty 1 Year
Use Type Industrial Power Supply -380V/50Hz 3Phase
Water Production Input Power 19.36KW
1000 Liters Per Day Internal Water Storage 150 Liters
Humidity Required Warranty 1 Year
30% to 90%
Use Type Industrial Power Supply -380V/50Hz 3Phase
Water Production Input Power 200KW
10000 Liters Per Day Compressor Consumption 6.1KW
Humidity Required Internal Water Storage 1000Liters
30% to 90% Warranty 1 Year
Filter Replacement Schedule
Only about 12 percent of "custom" plastic bottles, a category
dominated by water, were recycled in 2003, according to industry
consultant R.W. Beck, Inc. That's 40 million bottles (USA) a day that
went into the trash or became litter.
In contrast, the recycling rate for plastic soft drink bottles is around
30 percent. Millions of tons of greenhouse gases are generated in
the manufacture and transport of plastic bottles.
The use of AWG in commercial, tourism, hospitality and MICE
sectors where most bottled water is consumed will reduce the
supply of earth-choking plastic bottles.
Plastic bottles also pose a health risk with leaching of volatile
organic compounds. Harvard School of Public Health researchers
traced the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in the urine of college
students who drank from polycarbonate bottles. BPA is known to
interfere with the reproductive development of animals and might
also be associated with heart disease and diabetes
Addressing the Bottled Water Issue
The Competition
AlkaZone Antioxidant
Water Fountain
Counter Water Ionizer Alkaline
Filter Machine Purifier
70,356.00 175,120.00 171,380.00
6 Level Filtration 1 High Grade Filter High PH Levels
Alkaline Acidic Reversal
1 Cleaning Cartridge Adds Microelements
Convenient Water Ionizer Produces 5 Types of Water Energizes The Water
UNEP (1997) Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in Some Countries in Asia, UNEP, Unit
of Sustainable Development and Environment General Secretariat, Organisation of American States, Washington, D.C.
Schemenauer, R.S., P. Osses, and M. Leibbrand (2004) Fog collection evaluation and operational projects in the Hajja
Governorate, Yemen. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Cape Town,
South Africa, 38.
Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda (1994). Fog collection's role in water planning for developing countries. Natural
Resources Forum, 18, 91-100, United Nations, New York.
UNISA (University of South Africa) (2008) Research Report, UNISA. Cape Town.
International Desalination Association (IDA)
European Desalination Society (EDS)
Australian Water Association

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