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1x09 - "Luck, Next Time"


SHOWTIME ADVISORIES: Nudity, Adult Language, Adult Content
Steeo ! CCA"
#$ %
'enni(e )eal& *)ette+
Ein Daniel& *Dana+
Lei&,a Hailey *Ali-e+
Lauel Hollo%an *Tina+
Mia .i&-,ne *'enny+
.aina Lo%/ad *Maina+
Ei- Ma/iu& *Ti%+
.at,eine Moennig *S,ane+
and "a% Gie a& .it
gue&t &ta&
Snoo0 Dogg
De1on Gu%%e&all
Helen S,a1e
&0e-ial gue&t &ta
Lolita Da1ido1i-,
&0e-ial gue&t &ta
Ro&anna A2uette
e3e-uti1e 0odu-e
Ilene C,ai4en
e3e-uti1e 0odu-e&
Ste1e Golin
Lay .enna
-o-e3e-uti1e 0odu-e
Ellie He%an
-o-e3e-uti1e 0odu-e
Ro&e To-,e
-on&ulting 0odu-e&
Ma4 5a4ain
Su&an Mille
-a&ting /y
Coeen Maye&, CSA
Hei4e )and&tatte
edited /y
Allan Lee
0odu-tion de&igne
Ri-ado S0ina-e
die-to o( 0,otoga0,y
Ro/et A&-,%ann
0odu-ed /y
Ro&e La%
-eated /y
Ilene C,ai4en
.at,y Geen/eg
Mi-,ele A//ott
7itten /y
Ro&e To-,e
die-ted /y
Ro&e To-,e
'a%e& - "e&ton Coo4
Ste1e 'a((e - 'a%e& "u-ell
Ste0,anie - Re/e--a Ha4e
D8 Wil&on - 'udit, Ma3ie
'o,n 'a%e& - Ande7 M-Iloy
Ande7 - Dain .li%e4
Hou&e4ee0e - Sonia Mai&
I&a/ella - Ca%en Aguie
Lat,e Re-e0tioni&t - Mi44a Dagel
Deli1ey Man!9oung Man - 'oe Ma-leod
9oung Wo%an - G7en% Eye
Die-to - Donny Lu-a&
A8D8 - Gey Sout,
Guad - .ennedy Good4ey
Ti0le - C,ale& "ayne
C,oeoga0,e - Ri-,ad O:Sulli1an
Dan-e& -
.aen Holne&&
Vi-4y La%/et
O/i Ed7ad&
'ay Willia%&
Cole Walli&e
E-&ta&ia Sande&
[title card: Lisbon, Portugal - Present Day]
[Latin guitar music plays. The camera pans up the ornate iron railing of a balcony on a house. In the indo, e can see hat
loo!s to be a man posing as "esus, hands outstretched and upturned, ith a light gloing on the all behind his head. Three older
men ith beards stand around him in period costume. They all stand absolutely still as if they#re posed for a painting.]
[$ oman, Isabella Pernao, enters. The camera#s %ie of the scene is obscured as it mo%es to another indo. &hen e see the
scene again, Isabella isn#t there.]
[The camera starts to pull aay. Isabella is re%ealed to be na!ed, !neeling on a table in front of the man dressed as "esus, roc!ing
bac! and forth as if ha%ing se' ith him, ith no pleasure e%ident in her features. The man dressed as "esus doesn#t mo%e or
react to her( Isabella stares straight ahead ith an empty loo! upon her face.]
[The camera )ooms out to re%eal a %ideo camera on a tripod, filming the entire scenario.]
[main title]
[$lice and Lisa are in bed. Lisa has his arm and leg o%er $lice. *he tries to get up. +e aa!ens.]
Lisa: M%8 W,ee you going=
Alice: I 7ould li4e to go to t,e /at,oo%8
Lisa: So, ae you -o%ing /a-4=
[Lisa !isses $lice#s forehead.]
Alice: M%-,%%8 9ea,8 9ea,8
[$lice gets up. Lisa snuggles into her pillo.]
Lisa: Huy /a-4, lo1e8
[$lice al!s don the hallay.]
Alice: *to ,e&el(+ W,at a le>?
[,ette is at the counter ma!ing some -uice. Tina al!s in the bac! door.]
Tina: )a/e, I t,oug,t you 7ee &u00o&ed to /e gone8
Bette: No, I:1e got # %inute&8
Tina: Well, do you %ind %o1ing you -a, /e-au&e t,e guy& ae ,ee 7it, t,e tan4 and t,ey -an:t get t,oug,8
Bette: *tun& aound+ W,at tan4=
[Tina al!s outside. ,ette al!s into the li%ingroom to loo! out the indo.]
Tina: *to guy& 7it, tan4+ It:& o4ay, &,e:& gonna %o1e it8
[,ette loo!s outside. There are a couple of guys in the dri%eay ith a huge, round, ooden tan!. Tina loo!s up at ,ette in the
Tina: *to )ette+ 9ou gonna %o1e it, o 7,at=
Bette: *&%iling+ I& t,at one o( t,o&e /it,ing tan4&=
Tina: 9ea,8
Bette: Well, &in-e 7,en did 7e agee to ,a1e t,e /a/y in 7ate=
Tina: Sin-e I de-ided to gi1e /it, t,at 7ay8 I didn:t 7anna /ot,e you 7it, it8
Bette: *&%iling+ It:& &i3 %ont,& a7ay, I don:t unde&tand 7,y you:e /uying t,i& no78
Tina: )e-au&e, I got a good deal on it8 It 7ould ,a1e /een %oe to ent it8
Bette: And 7,at i& Do-to Wil&on &aying a/out t,i&=
Tina: S,e t,in4& it:& geat8
Bette: So, you:1e tal4ed to ,e a/out it, /ut not to %e=
Tina: )a/y8 "lea&e, %o1e you -a8
[$ palm tree-lined street. .uffled hip hop music is heard coming out of a slee!, blac! stretch limo belonging to rapper *lim Daddy.
$ man opens the door for /it to get in.]
Kit: 9o, 7,a&&u0?
[+ip hop music plays. /it gets in the limo and sits ne't to *lim Daddy. $ fe other guys are sitting in the bac! of the e'pansi%e
automobile. 0ne of them holds a tray of fruit smoothies. ]
Kit: Hi, Sli% Daddy8
Slim: Hey, ,o7 you doing today=
Kit: "etty good, yea,8 9ou 4no7, I eally 7anna t,an4 you (o gi1ing %e a ide to t,e &tudio8
Slim: S,it, 7,y 7ouldn:t I 7anna ide 7it, a /eauti(ul 7o%an li4e you=
[/it blushes.]
Smoothie Guy: <,, Mi&& "ote8 Do you 7ant a &%oot,ie=
Kit: <,888 yea,8 W,at:& in t,e%=
Smoothie Guy: @uit8
Slim: Tell ,e 7,at 4ind 7e got8
Smoothie Guy: We got &ta7/ey, oange, &o%e /ey-ty0e t,ing, and, u,888 0eanut /utte8
[/it scrunches her nose.]
Smoothie Guy: 9:4no7, Au&t in -a&e8
Kit: I 7ill ta4e, u,, t,e &ta7/ey8
[*moothie 1uy hands the straberry smoothie to *lim Daddy. /it is about to ta!e it, but he instead holds it for her to ta!e a sip.
*he does. The other guys smile.]
Slim: 9ou li4e t,at=
Kit: 9ea,, it:& good8 )ut I t,in4 I:d li4e it /ette i( I -ould, u%, din4 it %y&el(8
[*moothie 1uy laughs. *lim Daddy hands her the drin!.]
Slim: *to S%oot,ie Guy+ 9ou din4ing t,e 0eanut /utte one8
[*moothie 1uy shuts up. The other guys laugh at him.]
[1reat big, e'pensi%e house in the hills, surrounded by palm trees.]
[Dana is in bed. *he#s petting her cat, .r. Piddles. +e purrs li!e a motor. *he !isses his head.]
ana: M8 "iddle&= T,ee:& &o%et,ing i%0otant I ,a1e to tell you8
[.r. Piddles purrs. Dana scratches his ear.]
ana: Do you e%e%/e Laa= 9ou e%e%/e ,o7888 ,o7 &,e u&ed to -o%e o1e all t,e ti%e and888 &tay o1e &o%eti%e& and888
7e:d %o1e aound a lot and888 toget,e= M8 "iddle&, Laa:& gay8
[.r. Piddles stops purring. Dana loo!s at him.]
ana: So a% I8 9ou &till lo1e %e=
[.r. Piddles purrs.]
ana: O,, you:e t,e /e&t -at in t,e 7old, M8 "8
[Dana is startled hen she hears her front door open and close.]
ana: *to M8 "iddle&+ S,,,8
[&hoe%er it is sets their !eys don on the table in the other room, then a door crea!s. Dana leans bac!, loo!ing a bit orried, and
grabs the co%ers. $lice al!s into her bedroom.]
ana: W,at ae you doing ,ee=?
[$lice plops don on the edge of the bed.]
Alice: *&ig,&+ I:1e -o%e888 to get you out o( /ed8
[Dana !nits her bro at her.]
Alice: C:%on8 Let:& go8 I:1e ,ad enoug, o( t,i&8 C:%on8
[$lice thros the co%ers bac!. .r. Piddles meos and runs into the other room.]
Alice: O, &,it - &oy8 M8 "iddle&8 *to Dana+ O4ay8 C:%on8
[$lice physically mo%es Dana#s legs o%er the side of the bed. Dana grumbles.]
Alice: So%e o( u& ,a1e it 7o&e, you 4no7, Dana8 So%e o( u& ae dating le&/ian %en8 O4ay= C:%on8
[$lice al!s into the other room. Dana raises her bros at her.]
INT8 - THE C8A8C8 - DA9
[,ette is in the conference room, atching the "esus %ideo from the beginning of the episode. "ames sits at her side.]
Bette: *7,i&0eing+ Loo4 at ,e (a-e8888 S,e:& &ea-,ing (o a (eeling8 It:& li4e &,e:& longing (o (ait,8 S,e:d do anyt,ing to get it8 To
(eel it8 *&%iling+ I lo1e t,i& 7o48
!ames: It i& eally -ool8
[The man posing as "esus in the film falls forard onto the oman, Isabella, as if in orgasm.]
[$ floer deli%ery guy al!s in carrying a big bou2uet of floers in a %ase. +e#s distracted by the film.]
!ames: Can I ,el0 you=
"lo#e$ Guy: <,8 *loo4& at e-ei0t+ <,, )ette "ote8
Bette: I:% )ette "ote8
"lo#e$ Guy: T,e&e ae (o you8
["ames sets the floers on the table.]
!ames: T,ee:& no -ad8 W,o ae t,e&e (o%=
"lo#e$ Guy: <%888 *loo4& at e-ei0t+ It, u,, doe&n:t &ay8
!ames: *to )ette+ Tina=
Bette: No8 Tina:& into 0a-ti-al gi(t-gi1ing8
[3loer 1uy loo!s at the film.]
"lo#e$ Guy: I& t,at &u00o&ed to /e at=
["ames signs the 3loer 1uy#s receipt.]
Bette: *&%iling+ It:& not &u00o&ed to /e8 It i&8
[3loer 1uy doesn#t loo! con%inced.]
"lo#e$ Guy: I gue&& Hu&tle and "ent,ou&e %ay 0ut out &o%e 0etty good at, too8
[3loer 1uy lea%es. "ames loo!s at ,ette, laughing.]
Bette: Can you %a4e &ue ,e lea1e& t,e /uilding=
!ames: 9ea,8
[,ette loo!s bac! at the film. Isabella sits alone no, eeping into her hands.]
[People are outside en-oying the sunshine.]
[$lice and Dana are sitting together. $lice pushes a drin! toards Dana. Dana -ust ants to slump in her chair and mope.]
Alice: &hat i& gonna -,ee you u0=
[Dana rolls her eyes and sloly leans up out of her slump. *he ta!es a sip of the drin!. $lice grabs her cellphone and dials
Alice: *0,one+ Hello= <,, ,ello, yea,8 I 7a& 7ondeing i( you e(igeato i& unning8 o,, it i&=
[$lice hands the phone to Dana.]
Alice: Go8 T,ey &aid Byea,8B C:%on8
[Dana puts the phone to her ear.]
ana: *0,one+ Well, t,en, you /ette -at-, it?
[They both laugh.]
ana: *0,one+ Mo%=
[$lice stops smiling. Dana hangs up the phone and thros it at $lice. $lice sets it on the table.]
Alice: 9ou ,a1e got to tal4 to t,i& 7o%an, and I %ean it8
ana: W,y=
Alice: )e-au&e you don:t 4no7 i( &,e:& -o%ing aound -
[The phone rings. $lice hands it to Dana.]
Alice: O4ay8 It:& ,e8 Let:& go8
ana: No?
[$lice ansers it.]
Alice: *0,one+ Hello= 9e&8 O4ay8 9e - I - I 4no7, it 7a&n:t (unny8 9ea,8 S,e i&8
[$lice hands the phone to Dana. Dana reluctantly ta!es it.]
Alice: S,e 7ant& to tal48
ana: *&ig,&+ *0,one+ Hello= *li&tening+ 9ea,8 9ea,, I 4no78 )ut, %o%, I:% not? I - *li&tening+ O - O4ay8 O - (ine, (ine8 )ye8
[Dana hangs up.]
Alice: Well=
ana: It:& li4e I -a%e out to a 0ie-e o( 7ood8 I %ean, &,e didn:t e1en %ention it8
Alice: T,at:& good8 S,e:& a--e0ting it t,oug, denial8
ana: S,e:& &etting %e u0 on a /lind date 7it, ,e (iend Milded:& &on?
Alice: At lea&t it:& not &,o-4 t,ea0y8
ana: W,at=?
[,usy commercial district streets in near the mountains.]
[*hane is lea%ing. "ohn catches her in the door.]
!ohn: <,, 7,at ae you doing= *to -u&to%e+ Hello8
Shane: I:% getting -o((ee8
!ohn: No, you ae not8 C,eie 'a((e i& you &i3 o:-lo-4 and &,e:& not gonna 7ait (o you8
!ohn: )e ni-e8
[*hane still stands in the dooray. $ oman, 4herie#s assistant, gets out of a hite *56 and comes inside, to the front counter.]
Assistant: Hi8
%ece&tionist: Hi8
Assistant: <,, I:% loo4ing (o a S,ane M-Cut-,eon8
[7eceptionist nods o%er at *hane. *hane steps o%er.]
Shane: I:% S,ane8
[The assistant unfolds a big folder on the counter.]
Assistant: O4ay, u%888 t,e&e ae M&8 'a((e:& e-od&, teat%ent& ,e ,ai ,a& undegone in t,e la&t # yea&, u,, a li&t o( 0e(eed
0odu-t& to /e u&ed on ,e ,ai, and one& t,at you %u&t, unde no -i-u%&tan-e&, u&e8
[*hane nods.]
Assistant: I( you:1e ead and unde&tand t,e in(o%ation, you -an Au&t &ign ig,t ,ee8
[The oman places an 898 on a form for *hane to sign. *hane signs it.]
Shane: It:& no 0o/le%8
Assistant: T,an4 you8
Shane: Allig,t8
[4herie "affe al!s in. *he#s a little hurried and loo!s completely disinterested.]
Assistant: *7,i&0eing to C,eie+ T,at:& S,ane8
'he$ie: Soy, 7,at=
Assistant: T,at:& S,ane8
'he$ie: Geat8
Shane: Hi8
'he$ie: *nodding+ Hello8
[$ bunch of dancers are practicing a routine set to /it#s song. ,ette stands off to the side in the shados, smiling. /it loo!s a bit out
of sorts and can#t seem to !eep up ith the dancers. The choreographer counts off and the group dances, but /it !eeps lagging
'ho$eo($a&he$: And #, C, D, E8 *dan-ing+ And one, t7o, t,ee, (ou, and (i1e, &i3, &e1en, eig,t?
[,ette atches and smiles proudly.]
'ho$eo($a&he$: *dan-ing+ One, t7o, t,ee, (ou, ig,t ,ee8
[/it tries to !eep up ith the others.]
'ho$eo($a&he$: *dan-ing+ One, (i1e, &i3, &e1en eig,t8 *&to0&+ O4ay, let:& ty one %oe ti%e8 Let:& get /a-4 to (o%ation8
[*lim Daddy and his cre approach ,ette. The dance routine starts again, and the choreographer starts to count off again as the
group begins to mo%e to the music. /it tries to !eep up, but isn#t 2uite hitting their rhythm.]
Slim: 9ou a (an, o ae you Au&t 7at-,ing=
Bette: *&%iling+ O,, ,ello8 I:% - I:% 7aiting (o %y &i&te, .it "ote8
Slim: .it:& &i&te=
Bette: He ,al(-&i&te8
Slim: H%8 )eauti(ul ,al(, I:% &u00o&ing8
Bette: M%%, %oe li4e t,e gay ,al(8
Slim: I& t,at &o=
Bette: M%-,%%8
Slim: M%8 T,at:& &e3y8 Vey &e3y8
[,ette laughs. The dancers start to file out of the rehearsal area, past ,ette and *lim Daddy.]
Slim: Hey, %an, 7,at:& t,e %atte 7it, ya:ll 0eo0le, 7e totuing ya:ll o &o%et,in:= :Cau&e I got a gang o( 0eo0le t,at:ll lo1e to /e
in t,i& 0o&ition t,at ya:ll in8 9a:ll need to (i3 ya:ll (a-e& u0 in ,ee8
[/it al!s up to them. ,ette smiles. *lim Daddy puts his arm around /it.]
Slim: T,ee you go, %y gil, you ,a1ing (un, yet, /a/y=
Kit: A,, o,8 *-,u-4le&+ 9ea,8 I( t,at:& 7,at you 7anna -all it8
[,ette hugs /it.]
Kit: *in )ette:& &,oulde+ A,,, t,i& %ot,e(u-4e:& tying to 4ill %e? 9ou 4no7 I -an:t dan-e unle&& I din48
[*lim Daddy stands bac! and atches the to omen embracing each other.]
Slim: 9ea,, t,at:& 7,at I li4e to &ee8 'u&t li4e t,at8 *to .it+ 9ou 4no7, %e and you &i&te, 7e ,ad a little tal48 S,e:& a 1ey
intee&ting lady8
Kit: Did &,e tell you t,at &,e 7a& into 7o%en=
Slim: 9ea,8 T,at:& one o( t,e t,ing& 7e ,a1e in -o%%on8 Matte o( (a-t, 7,ee you gil(iend& at ig,t no7=
Bette: We don:t u&ually ta1el in 0a-4&8
Slim: It:d /e ni-e i( you ,a1e t,e% -o%e /y ,ee to%oo78 9ou 4no78 )ing &o%e e3-ite%ent to t,i& ,ee 1ideo8
Kit: *-,u-4ling+ Wait a %inute, (o %e o you=
Slim: S,it, I (igue 7e -ould &,ae8
[*moothie 1uy al!s up to *lim.]
Smoothie Guy: 9o, Sli%, t,e dan-e& ,e /oug,t ain:t not,in:, %an, let %e tell you 7,at I got8
[*lim al!s off ith *moothie 1uy. ,ette smiles at /it.]
Bette: *&%iling+ He -etainly li1e& u0 to ,i& e0utation8
Kit: W,i-, one=
Bette: He:& &u-, a (lit?
Kit: He:& a 0laya? *laug,&+ And I:% telling you, ,e 0lay& 7it, e%erybody8
Bette: )elie1e %e, I didn:t t,in4 it 7a& /e-au&e I 7a& &0e-ial o anyt,ing8
Kit: A7888 you ae &0e-ial, you:e %y &i&te?
[They lea%e together.]
[4herie "affe is sitting in the hairdressing chair. *hane stands behind her, tousling her hair to get an idea of ho to style it. 4herie#s
assistant sits a fe feet behind them, riting in her planner.]
'he$ie: *to a&&i&tant+ And al&o, 7ill you -all G7ynnie and get t,ee ti-4et& to 4oldplay (o Clea= )ut don:t tell ,e, allig,t=
)e-au&e I 7anna &ee i( &,e 4ee0& t,i& Ao/8 I:% not a/out to e7ad ,e i( &,e 2uit&8
Assistant: O4ay8
'he$ie: I t,in4 t,at:& it8 W,y don:t you go to :eiman#s and 0i-4 u0 %y .anolos, I t,in4 Lonnie:& ,olding t,e% (o %e8
Assistant: :eiman#s=
'he$ie: 9e&, :eiman#s=
Assistant: O4ay8
'he$ie: )ye8
[The assistant lea%es. *hane turns 4herie#s chair around and loo!s her right in the eye.]
Shane: Tell %e 7,at you 7ant8
'he$ie: I 7ant &o %any t,ing&8 )ut in te%& o( 7,at you -an do (o %e= I 7ant a -,ange8 I 7ant &o%et,ing ne78
Shane: *nodding+ E3-ellent8
[*hane turns the chair bac! around to face the mirror. *he messes ith 4herie#s hair a bit more, chec!ing the length and running
her fingers through the sides.]
Shane: 9ea,888 I 4no7 7,at to do8 *a /eat+ *(inge& C,eie:& &,it+ 'u&t, ta4e t,i& o((8 *a /eat+ And t,ee:& &o%e &%o-4& in t,e /a-48
[4herie gets up.]
[It#s dinner night and "enny has arri%ed. .arina lets her into the house.]
"$ancesca: *1oi-e o1e+ D:ya li4e it=
["enny sits on the couch in the li%ingroom, holding a champagne glass. *oft music plays in the bac!ground. .arina mills around in
the !itchen se%eral feet aay.]
!enny: *&%iling+ 9e&8
"$ancesca: It:& "o&e--o8 *0ouing+ In not,en Italy, t,ey &e1e it on ta08
!enny: T,an4&8
"$ancesca: It:& lo1ely, i&n:t it=
!enny: *din4ing+ M%-,%%8
[3rancesca sets the bottle don and !neels ne't to the 4D player.]
"$ancesca: I li4e to &tat 7it, &o%et,ing /u//ly8 )ut I (ind -,a%0agne -an /e too (ull o( e30e-tation8 I li4e to 4ee0 t,ing& &i%0le8
[3rancesca puts another 4D in the 4D player. "enny glances o%er at .arina, in the !itchen. .arina smiles at her.]
[4herie#s in the chair. +er hair is pinned up. *hane is combing through and curling it.]
'he$ie: So ,o7 did you %eet Hay=
Shane: T,oug, a (iend8
'he$ie: I ,a1e to &ay888 7,en ,e told %e I &,ould -o%e &ee you, I t,oug,t ,e 7a& (ull o( &,it8
[They both smile.]
'he$ie: A& u&ual8 )ut t,en Ellie 5i%%e 7al4ed into t,e LACMA /ene(it t7o 7ee4& ago, and I al%o&t didn:t e-ogni>e ,e8 I %ean,
t,at 7o%an ,a& not loo4ed good in $F yea&8 T,ee &,e 7a&, loo4ing &tunning8
[*hane chuc!les.]
'he$ie: 9ou did an a%a>ing Ao/8
Shane: T,an4 you8
[4herie sips on a glass of ine.]
'he$ie: So, ,o7 did you get Hay to (all in lo1e 7it, you=
Shane: *laug,ing+ Well, I didn:t &lee0 7it, ,i%8
[4herie smiles and nods.]
[3rancesca, .arina and "enny sit at the dinner table, finishing up their meal.]
!enny: BT,e Gi(t o( t,e MagiB i& one o( t,e %o&t 0e(e-t &toie& t,at:& e1e /een 7itten8
"$ancesca: Tal4 a/out e-ono%y o( language8 I( it:& a &u--e&&, t,en it:ll ta1el to Ne7 9o4, t,en L8A8 And it &,ould, /e-au&e t,ee
7a& e3taodinay 0eo0le in1ol1ed8
)a$ina: *-,u-4ling+ Ae you e(eing to you&el(=
"$ancesca: *-,u-4ling+ *to Maina+ And a (e7 ot,e&8
)a$ina: So &ay& t,e 0i%a /alleina8
"$ancesca: S,e 7a& 0etty tei(i-8
["enny loo!s %ery ithdran and uncomfortable.]
)a$ina: *to 'enny+ @an-e&-a, u,, 7a& a /ig (an o( t,e 0i%a /alleina8
"$ancesca: I ,ad &e3 7it, ,e, and no7 Maina:& 0etending to /e Aealou&8
["enny, more ithdran and uncomfortable by the second.]
)a$ina: It:& Au&t t,e 7ay it ,a00ened8 T,ee:& t,i& 7o%an 7,o 7a& getting a -o&tu%e (itting, and @an-e&-a 0o-eeded to &edu-e
,e8 *to @an-e&-a+ W,i-, I t,in4 i& a /it unet,i-al8
!enny: 9ou do=
"$ancesca: Do you (ind t,at ,ad to /elie1e=
!enny: 9ea,8 Et,i-al i&n:t eally t,e (i&t 7od t,at -o%e& to %ind 7,en I t,in4 o( Maina8
[.arina loo!s stung.]
"$ancesca: 9ou &ound angy8
!enny: *0i-4ing at (ood on 0late+ No8
"$ancesca: Well, &,e:& /eauti(ul8 And t,at -o%0en&ate& (o a %ultitude o( &in&8 *to Maina+ Doe&n:t it= C:%on? It:& a -o%0li%ent to
/e t,e to0i- o( -on1e&ation8 I&n:t t,at ig,t, 'enny=
[Dance music plays. 4herie#s hair is done and she#s on the phone ith +arry, preparing to lea%e. *hane puts on some finishing
'he$ie: *0,one+ *&%iling+ Hay= 9ou a&&,ole8 I:% -alling you to &ay t,an4 you (o /egging %e to go to S,ane8 *0ut& 0,one at
S,ane:& ea+ *to S,ane+ Say ,ello Hay8
Shane: *0,one+ Hello, Hay8
'he$ie: *0,one+ *to Hay+ <,-,u,? *laug,&+ No8 O,, &,e:& a%a>ing? S,e:& a geniu&?
[4herie !isses *hane on the chee!.]
'he$ie: *0,one+ *7al4ing a7ay+ 9ea,8 @i&t o( all, (o gi1ing %e a geat ,ai-ut, and &e-ond o( all, (o not &lee0ing 7it, you? So -all
%e 7,en you get out o( you . ,ole, o4ay=
[4herie heads donstairs to pay her bill. *hane leans o%er the balcony, atching.]
!ohn: T,an4 you, M&8 'a((e8
[4herie hands something to "ohn.]
'he$ie: Gi1e t,at to S,ane=
!ohn: Sue?
'he$ie: I lo1e %y ,ai8
!ohn: Gogeou&8
["ohn al!s around the counter to open the shop door to let her out.]
!ohn: A(te you8 See you again8
[4herie lea%es.]
!ohn: S,ane=
Shane: W,at=
!ohn: M&8 'a((e le(t t,i& (o you8
Shane: *&%iling+ Cool8
!ohn: FGG /u-4&8 Ni-e 7o48 Don:t (oget to &7ee0 u08
[*hane huffs.]
[Dinner#s o%er. 3rancesca al!s upstairs. "enny and .arina are in the !itchen, cleaning up. "enny stands by the dishasher ith
some dishes.]
)a$ina: Don:t do t,at8 I 7ant you to 4no7 ,o7 di((i-ult it:& /een to get you out o( %y %ind8
!enny: W,y ae you &aying t,at=
)a$ina: )e-au&e you:e a-ting li4e you:e t,e only one 7it, (eeling&8
!enny: Well, t,at:& /e-au&e you a-t &o -old, it:& eally ,ad to 4no7 t,at you ,a1e any8
)a$ina: I( you:e &o angy, 7,y did you a--e0t t,i& in1itation=
!enny: )e-au&e I 7anted to 4no7 7,y &o%eone 7ould 7o4 &o ,ad to %a4e &o%eone (all in lo1e 7it, t,e% and t,ey eally don:t
gi1e a (u-48
)a$ina: *,ut+ Wo4 &o ,ad8 A,, geat8 T,at:& a geat a&&e&&%ent on 7,o I a%8
[.arina tries to storm off, but "enny forcibly grabs her arm and brings her bac! around.]
!enny: Well, you tell %e 7,o you ae?
)a$ina: 9ou 4ee0 a&4ing %e t,at? O/1iou&ly you:e not 0aying attention? *a /eat+ 9ou 4no7 7,at:& &o &ad= *a /eat+ It:& t,at you
don:t 4no7 ,o7 %u-, you %ean to %e t,at:& -
["enny grabs .arina and !isses her. .arina starts to reciprocate hen 3rancesca comes bac!.]
"$ancesca: I t,oug,t it 7a& a little 2uiet do7n ,ee8
["enny brea!s the !iss and bac!s aay, embarrassed.]
!enny: Soy8
)a$ina: It:& o4ay8
[3rancesca, upset, approaches them.]
"$ancesca: I& it=
[.arina stares at 3rancesca. 3rancesca sighs at "enny.]
"$ancesca: T,e t,ing a/out Maina i& t,at 7,en &,e (o-u&e& on you, you (eel li4e you:e t,e only one t,at e3i&t&8
[.arina loo!s don.]
"$ancesca: It:& ,e gi(t8 I don:t /la%e you (o (alling in lo1e 7it, ,e8 *to Maina+ )ut %ay/e you u&e you gi(t a little too (eely8
[3rancesca al!s past .arina to a bottle of ine sitting on the !itchen counter.]
"$ancesca: W,at:& this;
)a$ina: T,at:& t,e 7ine 'enny /oug,t8
[3rancesca puts the bottle don and turns to the other counter and gets another bottle.]
"$ancesca: Gue&& I:ll o0en t,i& t,en8 *o0ening /ottle+ So, 'enny8 Tell %e a/out t,e &toy you:1e /een 7iting8 T,e one a/out t,e
de%on&8 Maina &ay& it:& eally 2uite good8
[.arina glares at 3rancesca( "enny glares at .arina.]
"$ancesca: I& it (ini&,ed=
!enny: So, t,i& i& 7,at t,e t7o o( you do8
[3rancesca uncor!s the bottle.]
!enny: 9ou go and you %a4e t,e&e little -on2ue&t&8 And t,en you go ,o%e, and you -o%0ae note&8
[3rancesca pours herself a glass.]
!enny: 9ou ty to %a4e ea-, ot,e Aealou& in ode to (ind t,e ot,e de&ia/le8
"$ancesca: I 7ouldn:t /e &o &el(-ig,teou&8 9ou:e not e3a-tly an inno-ent /y&tande8
[.arina stares at the floor. "enny sloly pic!s up her bottle of ine and lea%es. 3rancesca passes .arina on the ay to see "enny
"$ancesca: Cla&&y8
[.arina rolls her eyes and sighs.]
["enny stands in the li%ingroom. 3rancesca brings her her -ac!et and purse.]
"$ancesca: I:% &oy t,e e1ening tuned out li4e t,i&8 )ut t,ee:& &o%et,ing you ,a1e to unde&tand8 W,en I go a7ay, Maina -an
do 7,ate1e &,e 7ant&8 A& -an I8 )ut 7,en I -o%e /a-4, I 7ant %y ,o%e t,e 7ay I:1e le(t it8 I ,o0e t,at i&n:t too %u-, to a&48
[3rancesca hands "enny her purse and -ac!et.]
!enny: T,an4 you8
["enny lea%es. 3rancesca turns bac! to loo! at .arina. .arina is still brooding in the !itchen.]
["enny turns around the thros the ine bottle at a indo. The bottle shatters against it. "enny al!s aay. .arina runs to the
indo and loo!s out.]
[Tim sits in this li%ingroom, atching an old /ung 3u mo%ie on T6. "enny comes in the bac! door and heads toard the bathroom
ith stuff to shoer.]
!enny: Hi8
Tim: Hi8
["enny al!s to the bathroom.]
Tim: 'en8
!enny: *&to0&+ M%-,%%=
Tim: @eel li4e 7at-,ing a eally /ad .ung @u %o1ie=
[$fter a moment, "enny nods.]
!enny: 9ea,8
["enny al!s around to the couch.]
Tim: It:& 0etty &tu0id8 .inda 7,at I:% in t,e %ood (o, t,oug,8
!enny: No, &tu0id i& good8
["enny sits don, lea%ing space beteen herself and Tim.]
[They atch the mo%ie. They loo! at each other, then loo! aay. Tim tosses the pillo he as holding and raises his arm for "enny
to curl up ne't to him.]
Tim: C:%ee8 C:%on8
["enny scoots o%er ne't to him. +e continues to atch the mo%ie. *he loo!s at him, tears in her eys.]
!enny: *7,i&0eing+ I lo1e you &o %u-,8
[+e loo!s at her. *he#s about to cry. *he lays her head on his chest. Tim puts his face on her hand( she loo!s up, and they !iss.
The !issing gets desperate. Tim pic!s "enny up and heads to the bedroom.]
[Tim and "enny ha%e se' on the dresser, then the bed. They suddenly stop !issing and stare at each other for se%eral seconds,
then resume.]
[,ette and Tina are lying in bed ne't to each other, staring at the ceiling. They both loo! a little distant.]
Tina: Ae you %ad t,at I %ade a de-i&ion=
[,ette loo!s at Tina.]
Bette: No8 I888 I Au - *&ig,&+ I Au&t (eel a little le(t out8
[,ette loo!s aay. Tina loo!s at ,ette and sighs, then loo!s bac! up at the ceiling.]
Tina: I, u,888 get t,i& (eeling (o% you t,at you:e &o 0oud to /e 7it, %e8
[,ette rolls o%er toard Tina and smiles. *he puts her hand on Tina#s belly. Tina continues to stare up at the ceiling.]
Tina: And it %a4e& %e (eel eally &a(e888 and888 lo1ed8 It:& geat8
[,ette smiles armly at her. Tina doesn#t seem happy, though.]
Tina: )ut lately, I888 ,a1en:t /een (eeling it8
[,ette pulls her hand aay and rolls onto her bac! again.]
Tina: So, I:1e Au&t /een, u,888 tying to -on-entate on %y&el(, and, u,888 /een tying not to get &-aed a/out it8
[$fter a moment, ,ette loo!s at Tina, nonplussed.]
[Tim and "enny lay in bed. "enny is -ust a!ing up, but Tim loo!s to ha%e been aa!e, thin!ing.]
!enny: Hi8 Moning8
Tim: Moning8
!enny: I lo1e /eing ,ee 7it, you8
[Tim smiles a little. "enny rubs his hand.]
!enny: Can I tell you &o%et,ing=
[Tim loo!s at her.]
!enny: It:& o1e8 )et7een Maina and %e8 I 7ent o1e to ,e and ,e gil(iend:& ,ou&e la&t nig,t8 I ,a1e ne1e %et any/ody li4e
t,at in %y li(e /e(oe8 It:& all a/out t,ei o7n ego&, and t,ey don:t -ae 7,o t,ey ,ut, and t,ey Au&t da7 you into t,i& 7e/ (o &o%e
4ind o(888 a &0ot8
[Tim stares into the distance, loo!ing a little lost and hurt.]
!enny: I:% not gonna &ee ,e e1e again8 I t,e7 a /ottle o( 7ine at t,ei ,ou&e8
[Tim ta!es a deep breath, nods to himself, and gets up out of bed.]
!enny: W,at ae you doing=
Tim: I too4 a888 giant (u-4ing &te0 /a-47ad&8
["enny sits up.]
Tim: I don:t 7anna /e /a-4 toget,e 7it, you, 'enny8 I %ean, I - I don:t 4no7 7,o you ae8 I %ean, you Au&t888 you &tat tal4ing
a/out Maina and ,e gil(iend and888 ,o7 0,ony and %ani0ulati1e t,ey ae and all I -an:t t,in4 i& t,at:& you? T,at:& 7,o you#%e
/e-o%e8 It:& li4e888 you:1e done t,i& t,ing, and888 you -an:t 7a&, it o((8
["enny loo!s stumped.]
Tim: It:& in you8 *t7o /eat&+ I888 I don:t 7ant it in %e8
["enny#s eyes iden a little, hurt. Tim sloly al!s off.]
!enny: *7,i&0eing+ @u-4 you, Ti%8 I a% not a0ologi>ing any%oe8
[The entrance to the Paramount lot. $ guy in a golf cart dri%es by.]
[The security guards are chec!ing people through the gates. ,ette and Tina, ith *hane, $lice and Dana in the bac!seat, pull up.
$lice#s cell phone starts ringing.]
Shane: Ae you gonna an&7e t,at=
Alice: No8
ana: It:& Li&a8
Tina: Hee8 Le%%e &ee it8
Bette: Guy&, I need I8D8&8
ana: Rig,t8
[<%eryone starts getting their I.D. out. Tina ansers the phone.]
Tina: *0,one+ Hello= No, &,e &te00ed a7ay (o% t,e 0,one (o Au&t a %inute8
[,ette pulls up to the security booth and stops.]
Tina: *0,one+ He,8 O4ay, 7o78 Allig,t, u,, ,old on a &e-ond8 *,and& 0,one to Ali-e+ O4ay, ,ee8 He &ay& ,e -an ,ea you
[$ security officer approaches the car.]
Gua$*: I8D8&=
Alice: *0,one+ 9e&8
Bette: *,and& I8D8&+ Hee you go8
Tina: We:e ,ee to &ee .it "ote8
[*lim Daddy#s limo pulls up behind ,ette#s car. .uffled rap music can be heard.]
Gua$*: O4ay8
Alice: *0,one+ I don:t 4no78 Let %e a&4 t,e -a8 *to e1eyone+ Do you guy& (eel, &u/-on&-iou&ly, %ay/e 7e possibly (ogot to in1ite
Li&a :-au&e ,e:& a little /it di((eent=
ana: 9e&8
Bette+Tina: Dana?
Shane: Gi1e %e t,e 0,one8 *0,one+ Hey, Lee&e= Hi, Loo48 It - it -o%0letely &li00ed ou %ind&8 Loo4, you ,a1e to &to0 /eing &u-,
a le&/ian8 *li&tening+ No it:& not -ute8 And you ae gonna -,a&e t,e gil& a7ay, I 0o%i&e8
Gua$*: *to )ette+ Soy8 I:% not &,o7ing anyt,ing ,ee8
Bette: S,e &,ould ,a1e le(t ou na%e& at t,e gate8
[0ne of *lim Daddy#s entourage, the *moothie 1uy from earlier, gets out of the limo and comes up to the guard shac!.]
Smoothie Guy: 9o, i& t,ee a 0o/le%=
Gua$*: Soy, I, u,, don:t %ean to ,old M8 Daddy, /ut, u,, I -an:t let t,e&e 7o%en on t,e lot8
Smoothie Guy: Sue you -an8 T,ey 7it, u&8 T,e&e ae Sli% Daddy:& 0eo0le8
Gua$*: All o( t,e%8
Smoothie Guy: Well, yea,8 *0oint& to )ette+ T,i& one& ,i&, u,, /u&ine&& %anage8
[,ette smiles and a%es.]
Smoothie Guy: *0oint& to Tina+ T,at one o1e t,ee, t,at:& - t,at:& ,i& a--ountant8
[Tina smiles and a%es.]
Smoothie Guy: *0oint& to Ali-e+ Little )londie in t,e /a-4, t,at:& ,i& "8R8 lady8
Alice: *%out,ing+ "8R8
Gua$*: H%08
Smoothie Guy: *0oint& to Dana+ And, u,888 t,i& one ,ee888 t,i& one888 &,e:& ,i& 7,ite lady8
[Dana frons.]
Smoothie Guy: *0oint& to S,ane+ And, u,888 t,i& one o1e ,ee888 7ell888 &,e:& Au&t a (iend o( t,e%8 Ca%e along (o t,e ide8 *to
Guad+ So, 7,at you &ay 0atne, you -ool 7it, t,at=
Gua$*: *&ig,&+ 9ea,, I:ll &et t,e% u0 7it, &o%e 0a&&e&8
Smoothie Guy: Allig,t, t,en, t,an4&8 *&,a4e& Guad:& ,and+ A00e-iate it8 A00e-iate it8
Alice: T,an4&8
Bette: T,an4 you8
Smoothie Guy: *to )ette+ 9o, u%8 Sli% Daddy 7ould li4e you to di&-u&& &o%e o( ,i& /u&ine&& 0lan& 7it, you, i( you got a %inute8
[,ette loo!s at Tina. ,oth raise their bros a little.]
Bette: *to S%oot,ie Guy+ <, - 7ell, 7ell &uely ,e 7ould 7ant ,i& a--ountant to /e t,ee too=
Smoothie Guy: I don:t 4no7 a/out all o( t,at8
Bette: Well, a& ,i& /u&ine&& %anage I 7ould ,a1e to in&i&t8
Smoothie Guy: Allig,t8
[*lim Daddy is sitting in his limo, listening to hip hop. The door opens, and *moothie 1uy po!es his head in.]
Smoothie Guy: 9o, Sli%? I got a little &o%et,ing ,oo4ed u0 (o ya8
[,ette and Tina get in. Tina sits ne't to *lim Daddy. ,ette sits across from them.]
Bette: Hey8
Slim: Hey lo1e8
Tina: Hey8
Slim: :Su08
[Tina sits ne't to *lim Daddy. *he smiles, really e'cited. *lim a%es for *moothie 1uy to get lost.]
Slim: *to )ette+ So 7,o i& t,i&=
Bette: T,i& i& %y 0atne, Tina8
Tina: Hello8
Slim: W,at:& u0, Tina= Ho7 you doing=
Tina: I:% good8
Slim: So 7,at ya:ll got, a little /u&ine&& elation&,i0 o &o%et,ing=
Tina: *&%iling+ <,888 7e:e li(e 0atne&8
Slim: W,at, ya:ll %aied=
[,ette and Tina smile at each other, blushing a little. ,ette grins at Tina and in!s. Tina grins and in!s bac!.]
Slim: I &ee8 So you got you&el( a little -o%%it%ent, ,u,= And 7,at a/out you &i&te, you t,in4 &,e:d /e intee&ted= O i& &,e 7it,
a -,i-4, too=
Bette: <,, no, .it i& not gay8
Slim: )ut I t,oug,t you &aid &,e 7a&8
Bette: No, I &aid I 7a&8
[*lim Daddy rolls his eyes and sha!es his head.]
Slim: S,e gonna 4ill %e 7,en &,e (ind& out t,e die-tion I too4 7it, t,i& 1ideo8
[/it and se%eral scantily-clad female dancers in blac! leather and lace gyrate in front of a green screen as hip hop music plays
across a sound system. /it lip syncs the ords and cameras film her from e%ery angle.]
[,ette, Tina, $lice, Dana and *hane atch from the sidelines. *hane sits in a chair. <%eryone seems to be en-oying it, e'cept for
,ette, ho sees her sister loo!ing a little uncomfortable in the getup, ith the dancers all o%er her.]
Bette: S,it, I (eel li4e I did t,i&8
Tina: No, loo4, &,e:& ,a1ing (un8
Bette: S,e:& /eing %ounted8
[/it continues to dance and lip sync. The dancers start grabbing at her legs, hich thros her off balance.]
i$ecto$: Let:& -ut, -ut it8
[The music grinds to a halt. The dancers stand up.]
i$ecto$: E1ey/ody /a-4 to (i&t 0o&ition& 0lea&e8
)an: *o((&-een+ "lay/a-48
i$ecto$: A-tion8
[The music begins again. /it and the dancers start to groo%e to the music.]
Alice: I 7ant to do t,at dan-e8 Wait8
[$lice starts to dance. *he mo%es her hip around in circles, and e'tends her arm and mo%es her hand in circles, too. *he isn#t 2uite
getting it, though.]
Shane: 9ou do not 7anna do t,at dan-e8
Alice: *dan-ing+ O,, loo48 T,i& i& ,ad, S,ane8 Do you &ee t,i&=
ana: T,at:& /e-au&e it e2uie& a &en&e o( ,yt,%, Ali-e, t,at you don:t &ee% to 0o&&e&8
Shane: At all8
[*lim Daddy steps in front of them, obscuring their %ie of /it and her dancers.]
Slim: *to Ali-e!Dana+ 9ou t7o %aied, too=
Alice: <&= *laug,&+ No8
[$lice puts an arm around Dana#s shoulder. Dana chuc!les.]
Alice: We:e Au&t (ee-7,eelin:8
[*lim Daddy mo%es o%er to *hane.]
Slim: *to Ali-e!Dana, e: S,ane+ W,o:& t,i&=
Shane: I:% S,ane8
[They stare each other don for a fe seconds.]
Shane: *getting u0+ <, - I:% &oy8 Ha1e a &eat8
[*lim Daddy stares at *hane as he sits don.]
ana: *to Ali-e, e: Sli% and S,ane+ It:& li4e &o%e 7eid -ani1al %io o &o%et,ing8
Alice: I 4no78
i$ecto$: Let& -ut? Cut it8
[The music stops.]
Kit: I -an:t do t,i&8 *7al4ing o(( &tage+ I -an:t - I -an:t do t,i&8
[*lim Daddy gets up to go tal! to her.]
Kit: *to Sli%+ 9ou 4no7, I lo1e t,e &ong and I eally 7ant to /e in 1ideo, /ut888 I Au&t -an:t /e in it li4e t,i&, you 4no7= Hey, 7,en I
&to00ed din4ing, I 0o%i&ed %y&el( I 7ould ne1e %a4e a (ool o( %y&el( again8
Slim: Loo4, it:& %y /ad8 I 0ut t,e ladie& in t,e 1ideo :-au&e I t,oug,t t,i& 7a& 7,at you 7anted8 I t,oug,t t,i& 7a& you t,ing8
Kit: 9ou did t,at (o %e= T,at 7a& &7eet8 Loo4, It:& not a/out t,e gil&8 It eally i&n:t8 It:& Au&t t,at888 ,ey, I ain:t FG, and I ain:t
no/ody:& ,oo-,ie, and I Au&t &aid to %y&el(, 8&hy am I putting myself through all this;8 9ou 4no7= I( t,ey don:t li4e %e and %y
&ong, t,i - this *,olding a%& out+ i& not going to -on1in-e t,e%8
[The director approaches *lim Daddy.]
i$ecto$: <,, &oy to inteu0t, e3-u&e %e, /ut u%888 I ,a1e to 4ee0 &,ooting8 Ae you in o not=
Slim: E3-u&e %e, 4id8 I( it 7a&n:t (o .it "ote, 7ouldn:t /e none o( u& ,ee8 Wouldn:t /e no &ong8 Wouldn:t /e no 1ideo (o you to
&,oot8 So 7,at you %eant to &ay 7a&, you (i3in: to &it yo a&& o1e t,ee and (igue out ,o7 to get t,i& ig,t, ig,t=
[*lim Daddy steps up. The director bac!s don. ,ette comes o%er. *he and /it smile at each other. They put their arms around
each other and al! off.]
[*hane enters the shop.]
%ece&tionist: O,, t,ee:& &o%eone ,ee to &ee you8
[4herie#s assistant is sitting on a chair in the front. *he stands.]
Assistant: Hi8
Shane: Hello8
Assistant: <%, C,eie:& ,o&ting a /ene(it t,i& e1ening (o t,e Wo%an:& Can-e "oAe-t and &,e:d li4e you to do ,e ,ai8
Shane: W,at, tonig,t=
Assistant: 9ea,, Tonig,t at #:GG8 Can I let ,e 4no7 t,at you:ll /e t,ee=
Shane: *a /eat+ 9 - 9ea,8
Assistant: E3-ellent -,oi-e8 Hee:& t,e die-tion&8 *,and& S,ane die-tion&+ T,an4&8
[*hane ta!es the sheet of directions. The assistant grabs her planner.]
Assistant: "lea&e /e on ti%e, M&8 'a((e get& gu%0y 7,en &,e:& %ade to 7ait8
[The assistant lea%es. *hane, impressed, shos the papers to the receptionist, ho giggles.]
E;T8 - THE C8A8C8 - DA9
[,ette al!s to the building. *e%eral employees are outside, scratching off %arious stic!ers that the religious petition=protest group
stuc! to the facade of the %irtually all-indoed building. *ome of the stic!ers read such things as 8$7T > 3ILT+8, 8&$L/
T+7051+ T+<*< D007* T0 P0LL5T< ?057 .I:D. P07:017$P+? P<DDL<7*8, and 8The 4$4: $ receptable for trash.8
,ette ta!es off her sunglasses and loo!s at the stic!ers, then goes in.]
INT8 - THE C8A8C8 - )ETTE:S O@@ICE - DA9
[,ette enters the reception area of her office. "ames is there.]
!ames: )ette8
["ames al!s after her ith a cup of coffee.]
!ames: Co((ee8
[,ette ta!es the coffee.]
!ames: So, a& (a a& I:1e (igued out, t,e 0eo0le e&0on&i/le ae *loo4& at a 0ie-e o( 0a0e+ t,e Coalition (o Con-ened Citi>en&8
T,ey:1e 4inda all /ut &tood u0 and &aid t,ey did it8
[,ette al!s into her office and sets her stuff don on her des!.]
!ames: <%888 t,ey:1e /een ta-4ing t,e &,o7 &in-e Ne7 9o4888 /ut t,ey:e all eady to get &eiou& ,ee in L8A8 /e-au&e, a& t,ey
&ee it, u,888
["ames pic!s up one of the 4oalition for 4oncerned 4iti)ens brochures and 2uic!ly reads it.]
!ames: 888 *0oint& to /o-,ue+ *eading+ 8L.$. is the capital of filth and degradation.8
Bette: *loo4ing+ T,ey &ent t,e&e=
!ames: <,, yea,8
Bette: W,en did t,ey ai1e=
!ames: <,, a -ou0le o( day& ago, I t,oug,t it 7a& Aun4 %ail8
[,ette loo!s aay and puts her face in her hands.]
Bette: O4ay8 I Au&t - I - I 7ant you to get %e a& %u-, in(o%ation a& you -an8 'u&t (ind out 7,o un& t,e t,ing and 7,o (und& t,e%8
I need to (ind out 7,at 7e:e u0 again&t8
!ames: Rig,t8
Bette: O4ay=
!ames: Run& and (und&8 9ea,8
["ames lea%es.]
[$ huge, beautiful old-style mansion ith lots of trees. The doorbell rings.]
[The house!eeper opens the door. *hane stands on the other side, a small bag ith her hair supplies in her hand.]
,ousekee&e$: Hello, Mi&&8
Shane: Hi, u,888 *&te00ing in&ide+ I, u%888 I 0a4ed t,ee8
[*hane points to her run-don, old Toyota pic!up truc! sitting in the circular dri%eay a fe feet aay.]
Shane: I& t,at o4ay=
,ousekee&e$: 9e&8
Shane: O4ay8
[The house!eeper closes the door.]
,ousekee&e$: T,e M&8, *0ointing+ &,e 7ait (o you u0&tai&8
[*hane loo!s toards the upstairs, a little oed by the beautiful house. 4herie "affe is upstairs. *he comes up in a robe, carrying
a glass of ine, and stands at the top of the stairs and smiles at *hane.]
Shane: O4ay8
[*hane clomps up the stairs, her boots hea%y on the polished ooden floors.]
'he$ie: Hello8
Shane: Hi8
[4herie heads bac! into the hallay. *hane follos.]
[4herie opens the door to a large dressing room outside her bathroom. *hane follos, closing the door behind her. 4herie sits at a
large mirror. *hane sets her bag don and stands behind 4herie.]
Shane: O4ay8 So &,ould I, u%888 &,ould I do 7,at I did la&t ti%e=
[4herie loo!s at *hane in the mirror.]
'he$ie: I 7a& ,o0ing (o a little %oe8
Shane: O,, 7ell888 7,at 4inda %oe=
'he$ie: Lot& %oe8
[4herie turns around and starts to unbutton *hane#s shirt at the aist.]
Shane: O,8
[4herie !isses *hane#s stomach.]
Shane: O,, I &ee8
[*hane ta!es 4herie#s face in her hands and !isses her. They !iss passionately. 4herie stands up and ta!es off her robe( she#s
earing blac! lacey things underneath. They continue to !iss.]
[$lice and Lisa sit at a table together. Lisa pushes a tall glass of a pale green concoction toards $lice.]
Lisa: It:& good (o you8 9ou:e -on&tantly -o%0laining a/out (eeling &luggi&,8
Alice: Not -on&tantly8
Lisa: "etty -lo&e8 And lately I (eel li4e you /ing t,at (atigue into t,e /edoo%8 I %ean, I %a4e lo1e to you and t,en 7,en it:& %y
tun, you:e too tied, and I dont 7ant to %a4e you, /ut888 I end u0 not ,a1ing an oga&% and it:& (u&tating8
Alice: So you:e 0u%0ing %e (ull o( &0iulina &o you -an -o%e=
Lisa: No, God8 I:% Au&t &aying t,at you don:t eat t,at 7ell8 And i( you 7ould Au&t -ut out t,e ed %eat it %ig,t ,el08
[Dana enters and heads to a table nearby, here $ndre, the guy her mother anted her to date, is sitting.]
[$lice and Lisa atch. $lice gets up.]
Alice: Allig,t8 I:ll /e /a-4 in a %inute8
[Dana sha!es hands ith $ndre.]
ana: Hi8 I:% Dana8 @ai/an4&8
An*$e#: Ande78 Sit Do7n8
ana: Ande78 T,an4&8
[$lice al!s o%er to the table behind Dana and $ndre#s table. *he sits, halfay facing them, so she can hear.]
An*$e#: *o((&-een+ So8
ana: *o((&-een+ So? *giggle&+
An*$e#: I, u,888 tal4ed to you %o% on t,e 0,one8
ana: *-,u-4ling+ O,, yea,8 9ea,8
An*$e#: S,e, u,888 &,e &aid you:e a tenni& 0laye8
ana: *&%iling+ O,, yea,? 9ea,8 It:& (un? 9ou 4no78 It:&, u,, it:& (un8 It:& , - it:& ,ad 7o4, t,oug,8
An*$e#: Well, It &,o7&8 9ou ,a1e a eally /eauti(ul /ody8
ana: *un-o%(ota/le &%ile+ 9ea,8 O4ay8
An*$e#: 9ou 4no7, I don:t unde&tand 7,y you need to /e &et u08 W,en you %ot,e &,o7ed %e you 0i-tue I 7a&, li4e -
ana: Wa& it a Su/au ad /y any -,an-e=
An*$e#: O,, you did a Su/au ad=
ana: 9ea,8 T,e &logan 7a& BGet out and &tay out8B
An*$e#: O,, i& t,at li4e an outdoo&y 4ind o(888
ana: Gay t,ing= 9ea,8 Loo4, u%888
[Dana ta!es a deep breath.]
ana: T,at:& %e o4ay= I:%888 I:% a le&/ian8
[Dana loo!s a little green around the gills. $ndre smiles.]
ana: Don:t loo4 at %e li4e t,at, o4ay, I don:t 7ant to ,a1e &e3 7it, you and anot,e 7o%an, o4ay8 I:d Au&t - I 7ould 7ant to ,a1e
&e3 7it, t,e 7o%an, allig,t8 I:% that gay8
[$ndre nods.]
ana: I:% &oy you ,ad to888 -o%e all t,e 7ay out ,ee and888 do t,i&8
An*$e#: It:& o4ay8
ana: *elie1ed+ Geat? *elie1ed &ig,+ T,at:& geat? Well, go&,, allig,t t,en? *getting u0+ Well, it 7a& geat %eeting you?
[They sha!e hands.]
An*$e#: It 7a& good to %eet you8
ana: Ta4e Cae?
[Dana al!s o%er to $lice. $lice stands up. They slap hands.]
Alice: Way to go8
ana: S-oe8
[Dana heads for Lisa#s table. $lice al!s o%er to $ndre.]
Alice: *to Ande7+ Hi8 *-,u-4le&+ Ali-e8 *,old& ,and out+ Ni-e to %eet you8
An*$e#: *&,a4ing ,and+ Ande78
Alice: 9ou ,andled t,at eally 7ell8
[Dana sits don.]
ana: Hey?
Lisa: Ho7 did it go=
ana: I (eel great@
[$lice sits don.]
An*$e#: Well, It all ,a00ened &o (a&t I, u,, -ouldn:t t,in4 o( anyt,ing el&e8
Alice: So, Ande78 9ou:e &taig,t= O888
An*$e#: *a /eat+ <,, ye&=
Alice: Co%0letely= No888 &,ade& o( gey o anyt,ing=
An*$e#: <,, none8
Alice: Wo78 @a&-inating8 *-,u-4le&+ So, you ,a1e no888 &e3ual a%/iguity, no888 1aiation on you oientation o888
[Dana and Lisa atch $lice flirting ith $ndre.]
Lisa: I& &,e888 (liting 7it, ,i%=
Alice: 9ou:e not ,iding a 1agina in t,ee=
[$lice and $ndre chuc!le.]
Alice: *-,u-4ling+ One te&ti-le=
ana: 9ea,8
[Lisa atches $lice and $ndre.]
ana: I Au&t told %y (i&t &taig,t guy t,at I 7a& gay and not e1en to /ot,e tying?
Lisa: Good (o you8 Congatulation&8
[Lisa turns bac! to atch $lice and $ndre.]
[*hane and 4herie are on the floor, half-na!ed, seaty, ha%ing se'.]
'he$ie: M%? *4i&&e&+ 9ou:e (u-4ing *4i&&e&+ a%a>ing8 M%? *4i&&e&+ I -an:t 7ait to tell Hay? *4i&&e&+ He:& gonna /e &o Aealou&8
M%8 *4i&&e&+
[They continue to !iss. The sound of the front door opening and closing is heard.]
Ste-e: *%u((led, o((&-een+ C,eie=
HC,eie /ea4& t,e 4i&& and (ea4& out8I
'he$ie: O,, %y God? It:& Ste1e?
Ste-e: *%u((led, o((&-een+ C,eie?
Shane: O, (u-48
[*hane 2uic!ly starts grabbing %arious clothing items scattered all around. 4herie grabs a piece of clothing and sho%es it at
'he$ie: 'e&u&, (u-48 Hee ta4e it? S,it?
Shane: @u-48 9ou ,a1e e1eyt,ing=
[4herie pulls up her underear. *hane gathers up her boots and shirt.]
'he$ie: 9ea,8
Shane: 9ou:e good=
'he$ie: I got it8
[*hane gets up and stumbles into the bathroom so fast she falls o%er. 4herie thros a stray boot in the bathroom -ust as *hane
shuts the door. 4herie stands up -ust as *te%e enters the room. *he -umps, trying to put her robe on.]
Ste-e: Hello=
'he$ie: Honey? 9ou:e al7ay& inteu0ting %e 7,en I:% not eady yet8
Ste-e: *7al4ing in+ Well, I t,oug,t you:d /e de&&ed /y no78
'he$ie: I:% Au&t getting %y ,ai done8
Ste-e: O,8
[*te%e al!s closer to her as she puts her robe on. +e loo!s at her hair. It#s still tousled from being on the floor ith *hane.]
Ste-e: Loo4& good8
'he$ie: It:& t,e888 *%u&&e& 7it, ,ai+ *&%iling+ Au&t-(u-4ed loo48
Ste-e: 9ea,= Well, it 7o4& (o %e8
[4herie smiles and !isses *te%e. *hane opens the bathroom door and comes out, dressed again.]
Shane: Hi8
Ste-e: A,8 9ou %u&t /e S,ane8
[*te%e approaches and e'tends a hand for a handsha!e. *hane 2uic!ly holds up her hands.]
Shane: My ,and& ae 7et8
Ste-e: *-,u-4ling+ T,at:& o4ay8
[*hane grabs her bag.]
Shane: <,888 *loo4& at C,eie+ 9ea,, you loo4 geat8
Ste-e: It:& good to /e a/le to 0ut a (a-e to t,e na%e8 Hay 7on:t &to0 tal4ing a/out you8
'he$ie: S,e:& t,e /e&t8
Shane: 9ea,8 O4ay8
[*hane al!s toard the door. *he stops by 4herie and touches her hair a fe times as if she actually did any or! on it.]
Shane: Let %e &ee888 e3-ellent8 9ou loo4 lo1ely8 *to Ste1e+ It 7a& ni-e to %eet you8
[*hane seems pretty ner%ous, unable to meet *te%e#s ga)e.]
'he$ie: So, u%888 i( I - i( I need a tou-,-u0, I:ll -all you8
Shane: *lea1ing+ 9e0, ye0?
[*hane runs bac! don the stairs, in a hurry to get out of there.]
[*hane lets herself out the front door. *he ta!es out her !eys and heads for her truc!.]
[*te%e 2uic!ly runs don the stairs.]
[*hane -ogs to her truc!. *he opens the dri%er#s door -ust as *te%e comes out of the house.]
Ste-e: 9o8 Hey, ,ey, ,ey, 7,oa, 7,oa, 7,oa8
[*hane turns bac!. *te%e approaches her.]
Ste-e: Hold on a &e-ond t,ee8 *7al4ing o1e+ *0ull& out %oney+ C,eie &aid &,e (ogot to 0ay you8
Shane: No, no, no8
Ste-e: W,at ae you tal4ing a/out= It:& you %oney8 9ou eaned it8 9ou ,a1e a eal talent8 9ou %ade %y 7i(e loo4 ,ot8 Seiou&8
[*hane loo!s guilt-ridden.]
Ste-e: I &a7 ,e8 I t,oug,t I 7a& gonna /ang :e ig,t t,ee8 9ou 4no7 ,o7 %any %en t,in4 t,at a/out t,ei o7n 7i1e&= None8 9ou
-ould /e a gold %ine, you 4no7 t,at=
Shane: *ta4ing %oney+ T,an4 you8
Ste-e: *7in4&+ Got %y eye on you8
[*te%e heads bac! in. *hane gets in her truc!.]
INT8 - THE C8A8C8 - DA9
[,ette sits at her des!, concentrating on some paperor!.]
[&e see hat she#s reading - an article titled 8The 4oalition +eaded ,y 3ae ,uc!ley Tac!les The ..0.:.$.8. ,ette underlines 83ae
,uc!ley8 ith a blue mar!er.]
["ames enters, carrying a shopping bag.]
Bette: O,, good, you got t,e%?
!ames: I ,ad to go to t,ee di((eent /oo4&toe&8
["ames pulls out a children#s boo! from the bag and hands it to ,ette proudly.]
!ames: BMon4ey& Go On Sti4e8B
Bette: Don:t laug,8 BMon4ey& Go On Sti4eB 7a& %y (a1oite8 Se-ond only to *,old& u0 /oo4+ BAad1a4 Ma4e& "a&taB8
!ames: T,at:& geat8
Bette: My dad u&ed to ead t,e&e to %e 7,en I 7a& little8
!ames: Ae you gonna /e one o( t,o&e %o%& t,at:& al7ay& eading to Tina:& &to%a-,=
Bette: It:& eading to t,e /a/y, 'a%e&8
["ames nods a little.]
Bette: S,it, I:% late (o a do-to:& a00oint%ent 7it, Tina8 <%888 *0utting on Aa-4et+ -an you (ini&, gat,eing t,e in(o%ation and Au&t
,a1e it eady (o %e in t,e %oning=
!ames: 9ea,8 T,at e1eyt,ing you need=
Bette: 9ea,8
!ames: Good lu-48
Bette: *lea1ing+ Ten /u-4& &ay& Tina laug,& at BMon4ey& Go On Sti4e8B
["ames smiles at ,ette.]
[The receptionist lets ,ette out of the building. ,ette starts to al! to her car hen a oman al!s up to her.]
.oman: Hello? E3-u&e %e8 Do you 7o4 ,ee at t,e %u&eu%=
Bette: *&%iling+ 9e&? I do8
[The oman al!s ith ,ette.]
.oman: Geat8 Can you tell %e i( I&a/ella "enao:& 7o4 ,a& ai1ed yet=
Bette: *&%iling+ Well, I:% not at li/ety to &ay 7,et,e Mi&& "enao:& 7o4 ,a& ai1ed8
.oman: )ut you:e e30e-ting it8 T,e 7o4 /la&0,e%ing 'e&u& C,i&t8
[,ette stops and faces the oman.]
Bette: T,e 0ie-e e(een-e& a 'e&u& (igue in a &y%/oli- 7ay, not a liteal one8
.oman: Ho7 i& Mi&& "enao:& 7o4 ele1ant to anyone, Mi&& "ote, e3-e0t to degade and o((end anyone o( t,e C,i&tian (ait,8
Bette: Well, it:& ele1ant /e-au&e 7e ,a1e to ,a1e ot,e 0e&0e-ti1e&8 Not e1eyone i& o( t,e C,i&tian (ait,J not e1eyone /elie1e&
in Hea1en o Hell8 At e(le-t& t,at8 It:& a888 %io o( t,e 7old 7e li1e in8
.oman: So, a--oding to t,e C8A8C8, t,e 7old 7e li1e in i& a godle&& one8
Bette: No, t,at:& not 7,at I &aid8
[,ette smiles and begins to al! aay. The oman loo!s don and notices ,ette#s carrying children#s boo!s in her arms.]
.oman: Mi&& "ote8
[,ette stops and turns bac! to her.]
.oman: Do you ,a1e -,ilden= *ai&e& /o7&+ Si%0le 2ue&tion8
Bette: My 0atne and I ae e30e-ting a /a/y8
.oman: S,a%e on you, Mi&& "ote8 *hame. 9ou ae %a4ing t,i& 7old a da4e 0la-e (o you -,ild to li1e in8
[,ette al!s off.]
.oman: Mi&& "ote?
[,ette turns around, again. The oman approaches her.]
.oman: Do you t,in4 t,at t,e (a-t t,at you:e ,o%o&e3ual %a4e& you %oally /an4u0t=
Bette: )y you de(inition I:% a 0e1et, &in-e eally 7,at you:e tying to &ay i& only a 0e1et -ould &,o7 t,i& 7o48
.oman: *&%iling+ T,an4 you (o you (an4ne&&8 O,8 And I ,o0e you li4ed t,e (lo7e&8 T,ey:e Au&t %y 7ay o( &aying, 8:othing
[The oman smiles and saunters aay. ,ette stands there, at a loss for ords. *he atches the oman go, then reali)es: ]
Bette: @ae )u-4ley?
[The oman - 3ae ,uc!ley - turns around, smiling.]
"ae: *,olding (inge u0+ )ingo?
[3ae al!s off.]
[4amera pans don from the infamous dating chart, to $lice and $ndre, ho are sitting on the couch, close, facing each other.]
Alice: I didn:t &ay t,at8 I &aid, u,888 I:1e %ade &o%e interesting -,oi-e&8
An*$e#: It &ound& li4e you %ade &o%e 0etty /ad one&8 *a /eat+ No7, 7,at 7a& t,at %andate= Si%0le /oy-on-gil &e3 7it, no
-o%0li-ated &tu((=
[$ndre !isses $lice. $ !noc! comes at the door. It#s Lisa.]
Lisa: *o((&-een+ Ali-e8
Alice: @u-48 O4ay8 I888 I %ig,t ,a1e to a&4 you to lea1e8 *get& u0+ S,,,it8
[Lisa !noc!s on the door again. $lice al!s don the hallay to anser it. $ndre leans forard, put off by the incon%enience.
Lisa !noc!s on the door again. $lice ansers it.]
Alice: *to Li&a+ Hi8
[$fter a moment, Lisa al!s in and heads don the hall to the li%ingroom. $lice follos him.]
Lisa: Ho7 -an you do t,i&=
Alice: Li&a -
An*$e#: Dude8 9ou na%e:& Li&a= Ha&,8
Lisa: It:& %y ta4en na%e, allig,t=
Alice: O4ay8 We 7een:t doing anyt,ing8 Allig,t=
Lisa: *u0&et+ He e0e&ent& e1eyt,ing t,at i& 7ong in t,e 7old and all you 7ant to do i& ,a1e &e3 7it, ,i%?
An*$e#: Hey? Ta4e it ea&y8
Lisa: *&,outing+ I don:t ,a1e to ta4e it ea&y, allig,t, 0al= I:% ,e le&/ian lo1e?
[$lice shuts her eyes.]
An*$e#: W,oa8 'u&t got not-7ot,-it8
[$lice al!s o%er to $ndre. +e stands up to lea%e.]
Alice: <,888 I - I:ll -all you o888 *nod&+
An*$e#: Sue8
Alice: O4ay8 Geat8
An*$e#: Loo4& li4e you got you 7o4 -ut out (o you8
Alice: *-,u-4ling+ 9ea,, dy4e da%a8 9ou 4no7888 ,o7 it i&8
An*$e#: *&%iling+ No8
[$ndre heads for the door and lets himself out. Lisa loo!s at $lice for an e'planation. $lice shuts the door to the hallay.]
Alice: 9ou 4no7 7,at, Li&a= W,en I (i&t &tated &eeing you, I 7anted &o%et,ing &i%0le and ea&y8 And in&tead I end u0 7it, t,e
%o&t complicated inte0etation o( &e3ual identity I:1e e1e encountered8
[Lisa shifts from foot to foot, froning.]
Alice: 9ou 4no7, I %ean, you do lesbian /ette t,an any le&/ian I 4no7? O4ay8 And I don:t 7ant a le&/ian /oy(iend8 I:% &oy?
*&,ug&+ I 7ant a /oy(iend 7,o:& &taig,t, o a I 7ant a le&/ian 7,o:& a gil?
[Doctor &ilson is putting aay some e2uipment hen ,ette al!s in. Tina is not in the room.]
Bette: Hello8 I:% &oy I:% &o late8
octo$ .ilson: O, -
Bette: 9ou 7ould not /elie1e 7,at ,a00ened to %e i( I told you8
[,ette sees the empty gurney here Tina should be.]
Bette: I& Tina not ,ee yet, o a% I late t,an I t,oug,t=
[Doctor &ilson al!s to a chair and scoots it toard ,ette.]
octo$ .ilson: )ette, u%, 0lea&e8 Ha1e a &eat8
Bette: W,ee:& Tina=
[Doctor &ilson al!s to the other side of the small room.]
octo$ .ilson: )ette, I - I:% a(aid I ,a1e &o%e /ad ne7&8 Duing ou e3a%ination, I 7a& una/le to lo-ate a ,eat/eat8 *a /eat+
T,e (etu& ,a&888 &to00ed t,i1ing8
[,ette stares in absolutely in shoc!. &e hear Doctor &ilson#s %oice start to echo and fade aay as the camera pulls in on ,ette#s
da)ed e'pression.]
octo$ .ilson: T,i& i& u&ually due to &o%e -ongenital 0o/le%, it:& 4ind o( t,e /ody:& o7n 7ay o( ending a 0egnan-y8 It:& eally888
1ey -o%%on in (i&t-ti%e 0egnan-ie&8 Moe&o t,an i& e1en tal4ed a/out8
[,ette comes through the front door. The house is totally dar!. *he thros the children#s boo!s on the sofa and 2uic!ly al!s
through the house, loo!ing for Tina.]
[,ette al!s into the bedroom. *he sees Tina sitting in the corner, crying. *he goes to her and holds her.]
[$ car is heard pulling up outside, then the sound of car doors shutting. $ fe moments later, the sound of hammering is heard.
,ette loo!s up]
Bette: *7,i&0eing+ Stay ,ee, o4ay= Stay ig,t ,ee, I:ll /e ig,t /a-48
[,ette gets up.]
[,ette al!s through the li%ingroom, toard the sound. *he loo!s through a indo and sees the floer deli%ery guy from earlier in
the episode, and a girl carrying a %ideo camera. The guy is hammering a sign into ,ette#s front lan. $ dog somehere nearby
bar!s at the noise.]
[,ette comes out of the house.]
Bette: E3-u&e %e? W,at t,e ,ell do you t,in4 you:e doing=
[,ette al!s across the lan to the to. The girl shines the %ideo camera#s light in her eyes, filming her.]
"lo#e$ Guy: Telling 0eo0le t,e tut,?
Bette: *to gil+ 9ou &,ut t,at o((? 9ou ,a1e no ig,t *&la0& -a%ea+, you &,ut it o((?
[The girl stumbles a little but !eeps filming. ,ette turns around and reads the sign: 8,<TT< P07T<7 Director of the 4$LI307:I$
$7T* 4<:T<7 ants you to support 10DL<** 3ILT+ I: T+< :$.< 03 $7T8]
"lo#e$ Guy: T,at &tu(( you:e &,o7ing in you *%a4e& ai 2uote&+ %u&eu%, it:& 0onoga0,y -
[,ette rips the sign out of the ground.]
"lo#e$ Guy: - it:& (ilt,? -
Bette: *&,outing o1e @lo7e Guy+ *0ointing to ,ou&e+ This i& %y ,o%e? This i& %y (a%ily?
"lo#e$ Guy: *&,outing o1e )ette+ It:& di&gu&ting? 9ou ,a1e no ig,t to &,o7 it?
Bette: *&,outing o1e @lo7e Guy+ 9ou ,a1e no ig,t to -o%e ,ee, do you ,ea %e=
"lo#e$ Guy: *&,outing o1e )ette+ 9ou ,a1e no ig,t to -ou0t -,ilden?
[,ette sho%es the sign at the 3loer 1uy, nearly pushing him o%er. *he screams at him, her frustration and pain boiling o%er into
Bette: *&-ea%ing+ ?ou ta!e this bac! to 3ae ,uc!ley and you tell her if she e%er - <6<7@ - tries something li!e this again, she ill
regret it@
[,ette slaps the girl#s %ideo camera don again.]
[The to lea%e ,ette standing in her yard. The 3loer 1uy thros the sign don on the ground.]
Gi$l: *yelling+ 9ou:e going to ,ell?
[,ette loo!s around, completely lost and ounded. *he turns and sloly al!s bac! into the house, ha%ing to steady herself
against the railing along the ay. .usic plays - :ic! 4a%e A The ,ad *eeds 8Into .y $rms8.]
[,ette 2uietly enters. *he pulls don the shades on the front door, then leans against the door and sha!es as she eeps silently.]
[$fter a moment, she stops, ta!es a deep breath, s2uares her shoulders, and heads bac! to the bedroom.]


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