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CAST 2011 UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

Project Reflection Sheet for UDL Educators Checklist

How did you use technology to implement the 9 UDL guidelines? Explain in the nine boxes below.
Resave the file as Group # UDL checklist
I Provide !ultiple !eans of Representation"
#our notes
$ Provide options for perception We will include an Activnspi!e "lipcha!t to display the
#$ate!pilla!% song on the boa!d&
1.1 'he "lipcha!t is colo!"ul and c!eative in a way that will
engage the students in the lea!ning p!ocess.
1.2 'he teache! will "i!st model the singing o" the song
so the students can hea! the wo!ds in the song.
(.) 'his "lipcha!t will p!ovide the students with an
alte!native way to lea!n the song instead o" hea!ing it be
sung by the teache!. 'he "lipcha!t also includes )
sepa!ate slides that include many visuals to aid the
lea!ning o" se*uencing.
$$ +""e! ways o" customi,ing the display o"
$% +""e! alte!natives "o! audito!y in"o!mation
$& +""e! alte!natives "o! visual in"o!mation
% Provide options for lan'ua'e( )athe)atical
e*pressions( and s+),ols
-.( 'he wo!d .etamo!phosis will be w!itten on the
p!omethean boa!d "o! the students to see clea!ly. Also/
the stages o" this p!ocess will also be clea!ly
!ep!esented "o! the students to visuali,e the vocabula!y.
-.) 'he numbe!s in the sto!y will be !ep!esented by "!uit
-.0 'he p!omethean boa!d p!ovides an oppo!tunity "o!
multiple media. Also/ the teache! will !ead the sto!y "!om
a 1outube video displayed on the boa!d.
%$ $la!i"y vocabula!y and symbols
%% $la!i"y syntax and st!uctu!e
%& 2uppo!t decoding o" text/ and mathematical
notation/ and symbols
%- 3!omote unde!standing ac!oss language
%. llust!ate th!ough multiple media
& Provide options for co)prehension ).( 4ac5g!ound 5nowledge will be supplied th!ough the
use o" discussion and the !eading o" a non6"iction boo5
about cate!pilla!s and thei! li"e6cycles.
).- 'he "lipcha!t p!ovides se*uencing activities "o! main
pa!ts and big ideas in the sto!y.
).) 'he "lipcha!t will include many oppo!tunities "o! the
students to manipulate the in"o!mation.
&$ Activate o! supply bac5g!ound 5nowledge
&% Highlight patte!ns/ c!itical "eatu!es/ big ideas/
and !elationships
&& 7uide in"o!mation p!ocessing/ visuali,ation/
and manipulation
&- .aximi,e t!ans"e! and gene!ali,ation
II Provide !ultiple !eans for /ction and
#our notes
4. Provide options for ph+sical action 3hysical action will be g!eatly used du!ing the "lipcha!t
activity and the pape! cutting at the end o" the lesson.
8.- 2tudents will optimi,e thei! access to di""e!ent tools
with the use o" the "lipcha!t activity and the 1outube
video !eading. 'he video will p!ovide a di""e!ent means
o" listening to a sto!y.
-$ 9a!y the methods "o! !esponse and
-% +ptimi,e access to tools and assistive
5. Provide options for e*pression and
'he students will be able to display exp!ession th!ough
the "lip cha!t activity and g!oup wo!5 towa!ds the end o"
the lesson.
0.( 2tudents can communicate th!ough the "lipcha!t
.$ Use multiple media "o! communication
.% Use multiple tools "o! const!uction and
.& 4uild "luencies with g!aduated labels o"
suppo!t "o! p!actice and pe!"o!mance
6. Provide options for e*ecutive functions :.( 'h!ough modeling/ the teache! will g!adually !elease
the students into each se*uencing slide.
:.- 2uppo!t will be p!ovided th!ough modeling and
guided p!actice. Also th!ough g!oup wo!5 and
:.) ;esou!ces will be p!ovided to lengthen the
in"o!mation. <o! example/ the teache!s will p!esent a
*uic5 !eading o" a non6"iction sto!y about
0$ 7uide app!op!iate goal setting
0% 2uppo!t planning and st!ategy development
0& <acilitate managing in"o!mation and
0- Enhance capacity "o! monito!ing p!og!ess
III Provide !ultiple !eans for En'a'e)ent" #our notes
7. Provide options for recruitin' interest nte!est will be ac*ui!ed du!ing the song singing !ight as
CAST 2011 UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

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