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Pr oposal

Effective Selection Interviewing Skills

Workshop and TTT

Special designed for


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Our Ref:CORNPRODUCTS / 20080710/1

July 10, 2008

Ms. Yvonne Hu

Dear Laura,

Proposal on Effective selection interviewing skills workshop and TTT

We are delighted to be invited to submit a proposal to CORNPRODUCTS for the

development of your people. At SDC Consulting, we endeavour to offer our clients
not just any solution, but specifically customized ones to meet your business
objectives. Through the interviews that we could do with your staff, as well as your
managers, we will understand more holistically some of the challenges that you are

We are proud and indeed honoured, to be considered for partnership with you to
equip and develop the staff in CORNPRODUCTS to meet the business challenges
ahead. To demonstrate our commitment to you, I have also considered how
CORNPRODUCTS should best invest its training dollar, to glean the best benefit
from it.

Hence, while there is a priority and emphasis put on areas that will bring you quick
wins, as well as those that will in the longer run, bring you the most benefit, I have
also added in some other areas that we can offer services that are “packaged in” as

Please do not hesitate to let me know if you would like further clarification on the
proposal that we are herewith submitting. Do let me know your concerns, and how
we can work together – I am committed to ensure that this will become a win-win
partnership for both CORNPRODUCTS and SDC Consulting.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Su
Assistant Account Manager
SDC Consulting
Tel: 021- 5858-5883
Fax: 021- 6280-8306

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Confidentiality Clause
All information submitted under this proposal is classified 'Confidential'. SDC
Consulting and client agree to protect all 'Confidential' information contained in this
proposal and adhere to applicable professional standards with regards to the usage
of the information. Further, client will be required to respect all copyrights and
intellectual property rights pertaining to all methodologies, frameworks, processes,
forms, concepts and know-hows included in this proposal. No part of this proposal
may be disclosed to any third parties unless a written consent from SDC Consulting
is obtained

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1. SDC’s Proposed Solution
WHY THIS The aim of this programme is to enhance the participants’
PROGRAMME? competencies in recruiting the right people for the organisation.

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the programme, participants should be able to:

• understand the interviewing process;

• conduct the recruitment interview professionally to avoid

biases and pitfalls;

• assess the candidate’s potential during the interview;

• apply effective questioning, listening and rapport building

skills during interviews;

• understand the various assessment tools and techniques

used in recruitment interview;

• apply the tools and techniques in conducting an interview

• plan for the interview and take action after the interview; and

• develop an action plan for self-improvement.

METHODOLOGY • Individual skills practice and critique will be heavily

: emphasised

• Videotapes (of recruitment interviews during practices)

• Instruments/questionnaires

• Skills practices/Role plays

• Syndicate discussions

• Short lectures

WHO IS IT FOR? This programme is designed for HR professionals or line

managers who have to conduct recruitment interviews. Line
managers who need to have a clear understanding of how a
professional recruitment interviewing session is to be conducted
to source an internal candidate could also benefit from this
programme. As this is a highly skills-based programme, the
number of candidates should be around 20.

CONTENTS: • Impact of environmental changes on career
development and recruitment

• Understanding Recruitment Interviewing

- Purpose

- Process

• Potential Assessment

- Focus on qualities

- Level of reasoning and intellect

- How to assess potential and suitability during the


• Assessment Tools and Techniques

- Competency-based approach

- Use of assessment centres

- Use of tests (aptitude or personality)

• Interviewing Process

- Preparations to be made

- Questioning techniques and information seeking

- Concluding an interview

- Develop a plan of action

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Programme schedule


9.00AM • Introduction • Sharing of learning insights
• Programme Objectives • Interviewing skills practice
• Understanding the impact of (Session 1)
changing environment on
career development and
• Understanding the
recruitment interview
• Common mistakes, pitfalls,
prejudices and biases
10.30AM • Role-play: Who should we • Interviewing skills practice
recruit? (Session 2)
• Potential Assessment
• Exercises
• Assessment tools and
techniques (competency-
based and assessment
1.30PM • Recruitment interviewing • Individual skills practice
process critique (Session 3)
• Preparations
• Questioning techniques
• Information seeking
• Documentation
3.30PM • Job concerns and issues • Summary
• Planning for skills practice • Transfer of learning: Action
• Sharing of action items
5.00PM • Course critique

2. Investment Details
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Please find below the investment value for one package as a solution of the programmes. Our intent
is to ensure that the solution meets the objectives you required.
Total Investment
Course Professional
Day (Package pricing
Fee Size
Total Investment special offer for
Run (RMB by day) (person)
(package (s)
Customizati RMB
- - - - RMB 10,000
on 20,000/day
Selection RMB 62,000
RMB 27,000
Interviewin 2 1 For Senior <20 Including: RMB 52,800
g Skills Consultant - Professional fee
workshop -Travel and
TTT of
2 - - 6 RMB 80,000 RMB 75,800
g Skills
Material Fee
with RMB 800/set/2
Copyright - - - - - year
questionnai - - - - - WAIVED
Evaluation - - - - - WAIVED
Action Plan
- - - - - WAIVED
questionnai - - - - - WAIVED


1. Above prices Including: Consultant’s travel and accommodation fee ( to or in SH); sets of workbooks
for participants in TTT project.

2. SDC Consulting take initiative to give this offer to show our appreciation of the long term partnership
with CORNPRODUCTS in the future. All above is package pricing.

Terms & Conditions:


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All prices quoted include the stipulated number of folders, materials and professional
fees. Airfare, hotel accommodation and transportation for our trainer/s have been
included within the package price. Package prices do not include venue and

The above offer is valid for 1-month’s from the date of submission of this proposal.
SDC reserves the right to amend the above rates after the validity date.

Venue & Facilities

Arrangements for the training venue and facilities such as DVD player, LCD
projector, flipcharts and writing equipment shall be taken care of by CORNPRODUCTS.

Upon completion of the programmes CORNPRODUCTS will make full payment within 2
weeks of receiving our invoice.

Postponement & Cancellations

We would appreciate if we could receive written notice of any postponement or
cancellations of workshops at least 10 working days in advance. This is to enable
us to rearrange our dates, to serve you and all our clients better. Postponements /
cancellations with undue notice will be charged a cancellation fee of 25% of total
programme cost.

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3. Confirmation Notification

SDC Consulting
Fax: (8621) 5258 5878
9C Careri Building,
No. 432, Huai Hai Xi Road,
Shanghai, 200052
Attn :


I, ______________________ of ______________________, would like to

Name Client’s company

confirm the quotation (Our Ref: CORNPRODUCTS / 20080710/1) under the terms
and conditions outlined by SDC Consulting.

Signature & Company stamp


All rights reserved

About SDC Consulting
SDC Consulting is a full-service learning and consultancy company. Set up in 1995,
our specialty is in the Organization & People Development arena, offering solutions
& interventions that help organizations achieve their desired state of organizational
capability. Our forte lies in our pool of knowledgeable consultants, the rigorous
frameworks we apply to the projects and the experience of implementing solutions in
diverse business environments. All of our solutions incorporate international best
practices which are set against an Asian context and Figure 1 below shows our
proprietary Organization and People Capability Framework used in enhancing our
clients’ operating environment.

SDC’s 5 Dimensions of Organisation and People Capability¹

Note: 1 There are other organisational capabilities such as finance, technology, etc.

Figure 1 : Organization and People Capability (OPC) Framework

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HRD Training Services
SDC Consulting helps to build effective organizational capability through the
development of human capital. From managing personal effectiveness for young
executives to that of providing leadership at the top management level, our
comprehensive HRD training services will meet your organization’s needs.

JobChallenge – CompetencyMatrix
Core Inter -functional Competencies
Role/ Manage Develop Manage Manage Provide
Functions Self People Operations Performance Leadership
Function/Dept Organisation
Job Challenge


© 1996 by SDC Consulting. Revised, 2003.

Manage Self : Manage Operations :

• Communication effectiveness • Customer service / management
• CREST • Customer service from the HEART
• Creative and critical thinking • Negotiation skills
• Effective work mindset • Project management
• Eradicating problems & making
effective decisions Manage Performance :
• Presentation skills • Effective selection interviewing skills
• STAR : Foundation for Leadership • Finance for non-finance managers
Excellence • Performance management
• Working as a team • Process management

Develop People : Provide Leadership :

• Effective job facilitation & coaching • Change management
• Executive coaching • Managerial leadership
• Experiential teambuilding • Organization development
• Leading a team
• People leadership: styles and skills

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