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Prayer Book on Spiritual Warfare

Teaching by Dwight Jester
Whether you realize it or not you are in a cross fire between two opposing spiritual
forces that are battling each other with fierce intensity, and you are the prize they are
after. The battle has been going on longer than you have been on earth, and your
choice determines who will win the battle. If you choose God's side you will eventually
end up with total victory in all areas of your life: spiritual, physical, and financial. If
you choose Satan's side you will eventually end up in very bad health spiritually,
physically, and maybe financially. I say maybe, because Satan sometimes uses the
financial to destroy you. Spiritually and physically, however, the choice is up to you.
Many people feel they are the victim of circumstances, and they do not have a choice.
That is the first deception of Satan. He wants you to believe that it is hopeless and
that there is no way out for you. If you do not choose, he wins the battle and takes
you as his spoil. The second deception is to make you feel that even if you do choose,
nothing good is ever going to happen to you. He makes you think that God doesn't
care about you, and He would never give you any blessings even if you did choose Him.
Again, Satan wins the battle and takes you as his spoil. The third deception is to get
you to believe that you are not in a spiritual battle. If you are a Christian he makes
you think that you are already safely in the kingdom of God and Satan has nothing to
do with your life. If you are not a Christian he makes you believe that there isn't a God
or a Satan, so it doesn't matter. My answer to both Christian and non-Christian is this:
When there is no more sickness, crimes, abortions, cheating, stealing, jealously,
backbiting, hatred, fear, guilt, depression, despair, physical and mental abuse and
suicides; I will agree that there is no spiritual war going on and that Satan has lost the
battle. Until then, I have to believe that a war is going on and that it is for the lives
of men.
Paul writes in Ephesians 6:11 and following: (paraphrased) Put on the complete
heavy-duty armor that God gives you so that you can win against the darkness and
deception of the Devil. For we are not in hand to hand combat with people, but in
hand to hand combat with evil angels and spiritual beings that are the rulers, the
authorities and the powers of the kingdom of darkness located in the heavenly realm.
Hold your position against these powers, having tightened your belt of truth around
your waist, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having put on shoes
that will not be moved because of the good news of peace that you received. Hold over
yourself the shield of faith so that you can stop all the flaming arrows of the devil. Put
on the helmet of salvation, and take up the Sword of the Holy Spirit who is Jesus
Christ. You as soldiers of God's army pray unceasingly in the spirit always being alert
and on guard to pray for yourself and all the true people of God. These scriptures tell
us that we are in a battle, the battle is spiritual, and its location is in the heavenlies
(the space between our blue sky and God's heaven). They also tell us to put on spiritual
armor to protect ourselves, to use the power that is available through Jesus Christ,
who is the Sword of the Spirit, to take the battle to the enemy, and lastly to pray
without stopping.
Let's look at some more scriptures that show this heavenly battle and our part in it.
Revelations 12:7,8 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against
the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their
place found any more in heaven. (KJV) From this we know that Satan was in heaven
to begin with and he was cast out into the heavenlies, which is the total space
between heaven and earth. This gives Satan access to heaven and earth and the space
between. (Verse 9) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and
his angels. (Verse 11) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the
word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (KJV) We sing
the song Jehovah-Jireh my provider and we get all excited over that but
Jehovah-Jireh is only mentioned one time in the Bible.
But the Lord of Host which is another name for the Lord which means the Lord of
Army is mentioned 300 times. We are in God's Army and would much rather be a
civilian than a soldier but we are going to have to do the fighting against the
unrighteousness of Satan and everything else he uses against us. Ephesians 3:10 The
purpose of the Church is that through the Church the complicated many sided wisdom
of God might now be made known to the angelic rulers, authorities, principalities, and
powers in the heavenlies. (Amp) If you want to learn how to pray and take authority
over something, then take authority over Satan and these fallen angels and evil
Evil Angels God Has Revealed So Far, Who Reside in My Heavenly Space
1. SATAN Satan (Lucifer, Son of the Morning, Light bearer), Devil, the shining one.
He rules over his Kingdom with an iron fist. He rebelled against God by committing
four sins. He wanted to be God. He wanted God's power and Authority. He was proud
of who he was, and He deceived his own self into believing he could be God and take
God's place. Eze 28:12-18; Isa 14: 12-14. He rules over everything in his kingdom. He
forces every angel, principality, power and demon to worship him as God. He uses
other evil beings to deceive people into worshipping him as God. His most important
deception is to get us to believe we are our own God. He is called the accuser of the
Brethren, and resides in the 2nd heaven which is located between the blue sky and the
3rd heaven (where God dwells). Satan has access up to God in order to accuse us
before God, or he comes down to the earth and accuses God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
and other Christians before us. He is out to deceive people just as he deceived a third
of the angels of God.
2. TWELVE ZODIAC ANGELS Zodiac Angels. There are 12 angles of the Zodiac that
coincide with astrological signs of the Zodiac. They are second in command in Satan's
Kingdom. They rule over all people on the earth through their birth dates. They rule
equally. They bring Darkness and Death upon the whole earth. They control your
relationships, money, and possessions. They control fallen angels, demons, and people
to harm you and put pressure on you. If you are not born again, they rule over you
automatically. If you are a Christian, they can control you through any covenant you
have ever made with them, through sex with one of your parents, brothers or sisters.
Also, they can rule over you if any of your ancestors have made a covenant with them.
They definitely rule over you if you have been through a Satanic ritual.
3. DARKNESS Darkness and Death. Darkness leads to death. These are twin angels
who work together under the Zodiac angels to bring Darkness and Death upon the
whole earth. This is the veil of Darkness spoken of in the bible. (Isa 25:7 Amplified).
They are the opposite of Light and Life. Satan causes a veil of darkness to be over the
whole earth to block out the Glory of God that was released at the death of Jesus when
the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom.
4. DEATH Death, sickness, disease and infirmity are upon the whole earth, and
death is in charge of them. Death is the end result of living in darkness.
5. DECEPTION AND DELUSION Deception and Delusion. These two angels are under
Darkness and Death. Between Darkness and Death, and Deception and Delusion almost
all the evil on earth are caused by them. The Zodiac angels could not operate unless
these four spirits kept us in darkness and deception. These two angels make you
believe that death is life and life is death. They are the angels that control the evil
being of deception and delusion in your human spirit. No one would live in sin,
darkness and death unless they were deceived into doing so.
6. THE OCCULT ANGELS Occult Angels. These are the false power angels who make
you believe you have powers like God. Some of these angels are Witchcraft, Divination,
Mind Control, Levitation, Psychokinesis, Medium, Seance, and many more. They
include Satanic worship, and legalistic worship in churches. Without Deception and
Delusion, you would never believe you had power like God. These angels are in charge
of all the occult practices on the earth. Some of them are false religion, divination,
fortune telling, drugs, witchcraft, domination, control, false power, mind reading,
tarot cards, Ouija boards, levitation, seances, false prophecy, psychic praying, false
meditation, new age, cults, etc. They operate by trying to get me to use a power other
than God to obtain what I want out of life or to take something that is God's and
pervert it into error and untruth. This is taking love, sex, and relationships and
twisting them and perverting them into something that is not true. These angels
manipulate me to get money, possessions, and things and causes me to lord over, and
exercise dominion over other people by an occult power or through an evil being.
7. FALSE IMAGES Angel of false images. This angel is in charge of filling your
imagination with false images from the Kingdom of Satan. Most of these images deal
with the future and what bad things might happen to you. They also make you assume
you know what is going on in the mind of another person, and have you act
accordingly. Without discernment from God, you will never know what is truly going
on in the mind of another person, and the only reason God will show any of this to you
is to have you minister to that person. They replace the true images of living in the
Kingdom of God. Jesus lived by the true images of what He saw the Father doing and
saying. We live by false images that make us do and say what Satan wants us to do.
8. ANGELS THAT CONTROL PEOPLE AROUND US When Satan needs to confirm a
false image to us as being true, he sends these angels to control people around us to
confirm it for him. When people verify what Satan has put into our images, we tend
to believe these images to be true. First, I have the witness inside, then I have it
confirmed by people outside. This is a counterfeit of what God does in us. The Holy
Spirit witnesses to us on the inside, then God sends his people to confirm what the
Holy Spirit has already said.
9. FALSE SLAVERY Angel of False Slavery. Using false images and Deception and
Delusion, the Angel of false slavery causes you to worship false images as your gods.
I would never become a slave to anything unless I first had a false image of that thing
and what it would do for me. The evil being of Slavery covers the same areas as false
images, but instead of having a false image I become a slave to them. anything I feel
will make me feel better, protect me, give me pleasure, etc. I will use them in my life
based on a false image. Later, I become a slave to them and instead of solving my
problem, they become my problem and destroy my life. I can no longer leave them
alone. This happens with love, with parent-child relationships, with domination, with
churchianity, drugs, alcohol, sex, work, money, possessions, spouse, or any other
thing to which I become a slave. My images become my idols and gods. In order to get
from these idols and gods what I want I have to surrender and become a slave to their
bidding. They are saying, "If you will bow down, worship and obey me then I will do
this for you. We buy this lie all the time. Know you not, that to whom you yield
yourselves slaves to obey, his slaves your are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto
death, or of obedience unto righteousness? Romans 6:16
10. FALSE WORSHIP Angel of False Worship. We tend to worship whatever we are
a slave to. We worship man, man's achievement, and man's ability. We worship our
relationships with our parents, brothers, sisters, spouses, and friends. We worship
religion, church, the Bible, ministers, liturgy, order, legalism. We worship power,
control, and domination. We worship our intellect, our emotions, or will, and our
bodies. We worship money, luxury comfort, and ease. We worship hobbies, sports,
groups, organizations, etc. We worship our talents, abilities, spiritual gifts, or anything
we can do as well or better than others. We idolize and worship anything that seems
to give us what we want. We become married to whatever we worship, which is saying,
we have a covenant with a thing or person and are soul tied thereto. When we become
soul tied, we are put in a cage or prison of darkness and we are unable to see we are
bound. The light and truth of God is blocked from us in this area of our life even
though we may be in light in other areas of our life. We not only have to pray for the
overall darkness be lifted from us, but we have to pray for Jesus to remove the prison
or cage we are in about this area of our life. These angels get me to worship anything
they can, except God-- even if it is very right and religious.
11. SHADOW OF DEATH Angel of the Shadow of Death. This angel is given the task
of concentrating all the evil beings we have discussed so far into our ancestry, and
into our human spirits. He is directly related to darkness and death, therefore, he
carries out the intent and purpose of Darkness which is to take us to Death. It matters
not to him whether it is spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical death. He does this
by putting us into cages or prisons of darkness. I may have light in some areas of my
life, but I am in darkness in some other areas. It is the task of Darkness and Death to
bring darkness over the whole earth, and over individual people. It is the task of the
Angel of the Shadow of Death to bring darkness and death inside us. He concentrates
all the tasks of the angels we have discussed and uses them like an orchestra to put
us into darkness and bondage. They are like a magnifying glass that concentrates
darkness upon me just as a real magnifying glass concentrates the sun on a piece of
paper. It begins to burn a hole in me--a hole of darkness and death. In addition, to
false images, slavery, and worship, he uses fear, false desires, and our own covenants,
or soul ties to put us into cages, or prisons in areas of our life so we can not see light.
Job 10:22 A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without
any order, and where the light is as darkness.

Psa 107:10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in
affliction and iron.
12. BAAL AND ASHERAH The angel of Baal represents male domination, and the
angel of Asherah represents female domination. Their job is to cause conflict in
relationships with people, marriages, churches, schools, businesses, governments, etc.
They give the Antichrist spirit his male and female characteristics. The Antichrist, in
turn, gives these characteristics to the male and female dominating spirits that reside
in the human personality known as the "Old Man."
Our task is to aid and abet the Father, Jesus and his angels in their battle against
Satan and his angles. We can do this best by praying for our own heavenly space that
God has given to us, and then praying for others.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all
your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your
own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. Prov 3:5-7 (NKJV)
Warning! Please do not pray these prayers depending upon your own intellect and
understanding to try to determine whether they are true or not. Ask the Father to
reveal whether what is said is true or not. Do not use what you have been taught, the
images you have of what truth is, or what you think or believe to be the truth. Our
Heavenly Father is Truth and the source of all Truth. Pray these prayers with the
expectation that they are true and then let the Holy Spirit show you where there
might be error. If the Holy Spirit reveals error to you, He will show you the error and
the scriptures that correct it. Let us know if the Holy Spirit shows you places where
there is error. We are open to the Holy Spirit to correct anything that might be in
error. Each part of these prayers have been used with people in all kinds of situations
for over 24 years. They have been tested by time and by the results people receive. We
know they work and they will change your life. They may not be perfect, but they do
Veil of Darkness. Remember, and constantly pray the Veil of Darkness prayer for
yourself, the people around you, and the people, groups, cities, or nations you are
praying for. This is the most powerful and effective prayer the Lord has ever given me
to pray. The reason? It levels the playing field between the Kingdom of Satan and the
Kingdom of God. Satan will try to make you weary of praying this prayer. Do not grow
weary. Keep submitting to the Lord and praying. You will begin to see results in your
own life and the lives of the others you are praying for. John 8:32 (KJV) And ye shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Father, I ask you to send Jesus to rend the veil of darkness over me. I choose to be
baptized in the Light that is Jesus Christ. I am immersed in knowledge, wisdom,
understanding, faith, courage, strength, dominion, authority, love, joy, peace, and
hope through Jesus Christ, my Lord. I am filled with the truth who is Jesus Christ. I
choose to be free of all the bondage and oppression of Satan in my Life and to live a
life of freedom in Jesus Christ, my Lord. (See Prayers to Pray for Other People if you
have someone you need to pray for).
Genuine Repentance
See Jesus standing in front of you. You are kneeled down before Him. Begin to lay all
your fear, pain, hurt, rejection, anger, resentment, and unforgiveness at his feet. See
yourself laying all the curses from your ancestors, your parents, and from others
there. Lay all the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical abuse you received as a
child before Him, and your bondage to this abuse. Choose to repent of deciding for
yourself what is right and wrong for your life, and for acting on what you think is right
for you. Give Him all your addictions--domination, overeating, tobacco, alcohol, drugs,
sexual promiscuity and perversion, greed, false religion, occult practices (witchcraft,
fortune telling, tarot cards, Ouija boards, mind control, false prophesying, seances,
mediumship, new age, masonry, Mormonism, eastern religions, false Christianity, add
what you do), relationships, possessions, goals, fears, images from my past, and
sickness, disease and the spirit of death. (add any I have missed). Watch as Jesus
completely removes everything you have laid at His feet. Feel his forgiveness and love
flow over you--spirit, soul, and body. He leans over, lays his hands on your head and
you feel His power flow through every part of your being. Receive his forgiveness for
you and all the things you have ever done. Receive His forgiveness for all the people
in your life who have ever rejected, abandoned, ignored, died, or abused you
emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually. Choose by your free will to let go of
everyone of these things in your life. Let Jesus give you a brand new inheritance, and
a brand new personality and identity. Let him deliver you from all the power of Satan
in your life.
Choose to be translated from the kingdom of Satan to the Kingdom of God. Choose for
Jesus to be Lord, Master, King, and Ruler of your life. Refuse and reject the lordship
of Satan and the spirit of Antichrist. Make a will choice to trade in your old life with
all its hurts, pains and failures for a completely new existence in the Kingdom of God.
Receive a continuous heart of repentance from him as a wonderful gift. Begin to praise
and worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for doing this for you.
Calling Forth the New Person
In the name of Jesus, I call forth the new person Jesus created me to be before the
earth was formed. I was with Jesus in heaven. Jesus, I ask you to restore, redeem, and
reconcile me to the true person I was before Satan marred, messed up, deceived, and
covered up the true person I am in you. I choose to allow this new person to take over
my life completely. I ask Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the angels to come and remove
Satan and his angels from my heavenly space, from my ancestry, from my experience
in my mother's womb, from my spirit, from my imagination, my conscience, and my
memory. I ask them to remove my fear, resentment, anger, bitterness, and
unforgiveness towards myself, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, spouses, children,
people who I work with and socialize with. I ask them to remove the false personalities
and addictions, the false emotions, the doubt and confusion in my intellect, and the
false choices I have made in my will. I ask them to remove all sickness, disease, and
infirmity from my physical body. I choose for them to remove the power of Satan from
my relationships, my job, my money, and my possessions. I choose to let the true
person take over every area of my life. My desire is for the true person to come forth
and for the old nature to be removed completely. I receive the gift of Faith from the
Father to believe this is beginning to happen right now. I choose, by my free will, to
persist and cooperate with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit until I know without doubt
the true person fills my whole life. I ask this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. So be it!
Heavenly Space
Father I ask you send Jesus and His angels to drive Satan, his angels, principalities,
and powers from my heavenly space. I break every covenant I have made to be bound
or married to Satan in anyway. I see God's Angels drive Satan from my heavenly space,
and lose his position of authority to control, manipulate, and dominate my life. I see
my Ruling Angel, and all the Ruling Angels that have ever operated through my
parents and my ancestry being driven out. I see Darkness, Deception/Defusion,
Sickness and Death being driven from me. I see all the Occult Angels of Witchcraft,
Divination, Medium, Mind Control, Levitation, Psychokinesis, etc. being driven from
over me. I see the Angel of False Images, False Confirmation, and False Slavery being
driven out. I see the Angels of False Worship: worship of man, man's abilities and
capabilities; worship of religion, preacher's, bible reading, denominations; worship of
my emotions, my will, my intellect, my body; and the worship of money, treasure,
luxury, comfort, ease, possessions, etc. being driven from over me by God's Holy
Angels. I see the Angels drive out the Angel of the Shadow of Death, and the Male and
Female Dominating Angels. The Light of God, Who is Jesus, penetrates my Heavenly
space and fills it with Himself. My Heavenly Space is filled with the Light that is Jesus
Christ. He rules and reigns in my heavenly space!
I ask the Father to send Jesus to redeem me from my Forefathers and my Ancestry.
I ask Jesus to take His blood and set me free from the Righteous, Unrighteous, and
Psychic Curses that have come from my past. I ask Jesus to take His Blood and set
me free from the False Gods, Sins, and Sicknesses of my Forefathers. I Renounce the
inheritance from my Forefathers and receive the inheritance from my Heavenly
Father. I have a brand new inheritance in Jesus Christ, My Lord, Master, King, and
Elder Brother. I thank you, Father, for sending Jesus Christ to do this for me.
Protecting yourself for others' False Prayers
Father, I ask you to send Jesus to break the power of the false prayer attack that
comes directly from Satan, his angels and his evil powers. Jesus, send your angels to
deliver me from the evil powers outside of me. Let the Holy Spirit convict me of the
evil beings inside of me, and, Jesus, deliver me from these evil beings. In the Name
of Jesus, I command these evil beings inside of me to leave. I ask Jesus to set me free
from the false curses that have been sent against me from my ancestry. In the Name
of Jesus, I rebuke the curses that have been placed upon me and my children by these
evil powers. I command the evil beings inside and outside of me to leave in the name
of Jesus Christ, my Lord.
In My Mother's Womb
I picture myself being back in my Mother's womb. Jesus is there with me. He takes His
Blood and redeems my inheritance from my past. Jesus drives out the Familiar Spirits
that tell me that God can't be trusted and just when I need Him, he will abandon me.
He drives out the Familiar Spirit that tells me I can't trust my parents and just when
I need them they will turn their back on me. Jesus drives out the Familiar spirit that
tells me that the only way I am going to survive, protect myself, get love and
acceptance, achieve, attain, and get what I want out of life is to do it myself. He tells
me, "No one is ever going to help me. If I want something, I will have to do it myself."
I break the covenants I have made to not trust or rely upon God my Father, or my
parents. I ask Jesus to take His Blood and annul these covenants in His Name. I make
a covenant to absolutely trust and rely on God the Father, The Son, and The Holy
Spirit, in the Name of Jesus. I break the covenant I have made to rely on, and trust
only myself in order to get what I want out of life. When I made this choice, I
fragmented the person Jesus Christ created me to be before I was born. I want to be
restored to the way Jesus made me. I confess that Jesus is the one who made me and
He made me perfect. I choose for the fragmented parts of me to be restored to the
person Jesus created me to be, and I confess that these parts are now under the
Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Human Spirit
Jesus comes into my human spirit as Lord of my Life. He draws His Sword and drives
out the spirit of Antichrist along with his three natures: I am god; I am savior; and I
am a victim. I am neither God, Savior, or Victim. I am a person being restored to the
person Jesus Christ created me to be. I don't need to be my own god, or my own
savior, or a victim. I am a Victor in the person Jesus, my Lord, created me to be.
Jesus takes His sword and drives out the evil beings that assist and help the
Antichrist Spirit. He drives out False Authority and Power, Pride and Condemnation,
and Deception and Delusion. Jesus Christ fills my spirit with Himself. He is the Lord
of my Life. The Antichrist is no longer my lord. I choose for Jesus Christ to be my
Lord, and to keep the Antichrist spirit permanently from my life. If he tries to come
back, I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal him to me, so I can ask Jesus to drive him out
Jesus fills my imagination with Himself. He takes the false images Satan has sent to
me through the evil being of Deception and Delusion, and casts them out of my life.
The Holy Spirit fills my imagination with the true images of the Kingdom of God. I
refuse to believe the false images Satan has filled my imagination with, and I ask the
Holy Spirit to teach me all truth and bring me into all truth.
The Holy Spirit comes into my conscience and fills it with Himself. I am immersed
and filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit shuts the mouths of the familiar spirits
that convince me the false images are true, and He drives them out of my life. He
drives out the familiar spirits that tell me what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
They are liars and are leading me into false actions. I break my covenant to listen,
converse with, or have anything to do with them. The Holy Spirit leads me into all
truth, teaches me all things, reveals to me what I should do in all areas of my life. I
ask the Father to send Jesus to pour healing ointment upon the scarred and seared
conscience in me. I see the scars softening, breaking up, and going away. I ask Jesus
to take His sword and penetrate the internal darkness that is in me, and break down
the walls of my internal prisons. I see Jesus take His sword and break the chains that
bind me. I choose to have a repentant heart instead of an unrepentant heart. I let
Jesus reach down and take out the heart of stone and replace it with a soft, pliable
heart of repentance. I ask Jesus to give me faith and belief so the Holy Spirit can seal
me unto complete redemption. I choose to be sealed by God and not sealed by Satan.
Jesus comes into my memory and drives out the false images I picked up from the
time I was in my Mother's womb until now. All the images of rejection, not being
loved. being ignored, being abused physically, sexually, emotionally, mentally, and
Satanically. Images of failure in relationships, marriages, and with relatives. Jesus
Christ drives out the bad images of myself as a failure, and not being of much worth
to myself, God, or other people. All the images of fear, anger, resentment,
unforgiveness, and bitterness I feel towards, God, myself, and other people for being
treated this way are all gone. The Holy Spirit comes and fills my memory with images
from the Kingdom of God and not the Kingdom of Satan. He fills me with the true
images of who I am as the new person Jesus created me to be. I receive these images
and refuse to let the old images from my past control and dominate my life.
Forgiveness of myself, God, and others
I choose to forgive myself for every mistake, every sin, everything I have failed to do,
for my attitude, how I look, my physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental condition,
for my thoughts, my weight, my lack of knowledge, and (add what you are not
forgiving yourself for). I receive the Father's forgiveness for feeling this way towards
myself. I see Jesus coming to me and taking me up to heaven to the throne of God.
As I approach the throne, my Heavenly Father comes to me with his arms
outstretched towards me. I walk into His arms. He puts his arms around me and I put
my arms around Him. I feel the warmth of his love flowing over me. As I am feeling
the love of the Father, He turns and I turn with Him. He puts His arm around my
shoulders and I walk back to the throne with Him. He sits down, and pulls me up in
His lap. I am filled with His love and I know in the deepest part of my being I am
loved. I ask the Father to forgive me for my unforgiveness towards Him for not doing
for me when, where, what, how, and why I think He should have. I receive His
forgiveness and choose to let it baptize me inside and out. I am bathed in His
forgiveness and love. I choose to forgive all the people who I feel have hurt or harmed
me in some way--my father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandfather,
grandmother, relative, people I grew up with, worked with, attended meetings with,
my spouse, my children, and any other person I have unforgiveness towards. I break
the covenant I have made to have hate, anger, and unforgiveness towards them. I
command the spirit of unforgiveness to leave me. I pray this in the name of Jesus
Christ, my Lord.
False Prayers coming from other people
I choose to forgive all people who are sending evil beings against me, and ask the veil
of darkness be rent over them so the light, truth, wisdom, and conviction of the Holy
Spirit come upon them so they can choose to be set free from the bondage of Satan,
his angels, and his evil beings. I ask You reveal the truth to them so they will no
longer pray to God to have their will done against other people. I ask this in the Name
of Jesus Christ.
Getting Rid of my Fragmentation Personalities
I repent of the false perception I have of authority--God's, people, and my own. I
repent of avoiding, submitting, or rebelling against authority in all it's form. I call
back the fragmented parts of me into the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I break every
covenant I have made with the false child spirit who always tries to avoid authority,
the male servant that is always performing for false authority to get love and
acceptance, and the male and female dominating spirits that always rebel against
authority. I ask Jesus to reintegrate these parts of my person back into the true
person Jesus created me to be. Jesus Christ is the Lord of the true person He created,
and I submit these fragmented parts of my person under His Lordship. I choose not
to fragment myself anymore by my choice. I ask Jesus to take these evil personality
spirits and drive them from my life. I ask Him to tear down the place I have given for
them to live in me. I choose to be the whole true person Jesus created me to be. I
command all evil beings that help these personalities to leave my life with them. I
pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ, My Lord.
I repent of all the fragmented parts of me that represent evil spirits of addiction in my
life. I repent of (pick the ones that apply to you) things I believe are right, smoking,
alcohol, food, drugs, sexual lust and promiscuity, relationships, hate, anger,
bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, violence, murder, suicide, rock music, music
of all types, religion, church, denominations, bible reading or study, faith, will,
emotion, appearance, losing weight, Satan, fallen angels, the occult, witchcraft,
divination, fortune telling, psychic powers, fame, fortune, money, power, authority,
success, achievement, education, social position, luxury, comfort, ease, freedom from
responsibility, being my own god, being right, self righteous, gold, silver, treasure, art,
theater, acting, hobbies, sports all types (either as a fan or participant), job, business,
profession, computers, family, children, financial position, not to work, to always fail,
go broke, bankrupt, be punished, mistreated, used, taken advantage of, robbed, hurt,
(Continue with this list as you get revelation) I choose to reintegrate the fragmented
parts of me into the person Jesus created me to be. I choose for them to be under the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. I ask Jesus to drive out these evil beings who reside in me,
and tear down the place I have made for them to live in. Seal them from my life, so
they can not return into me. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord.
False Prayers I pray against myself and others.
I ask Jesus Christ to rend the veil of darkness over me so I might be free of the false
prayers I send against myself. I choose to forgive myself and receive the revelation of
the Holy Spirit to show me when I am sending evil beings against myself. I ask Jesus
to send His angels to surround me and drive away every evil being that is being sent
against me by Satan because of my prayers against myself. I command every evil being
inside and outside of me to leave me by the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Lord.
I choose to no longer pray to God or Jesus to have Them carry out my will against
another person or persons. This is praying psychically and I repent of ever doing it in
any form. I ask Jesus to drive away every evil being I have sent against someone
without knowing what I was doing. I ask Jesus Christ, my Lord to forgive me
The Holy Spirit baptizes my emotions in love, joy, peace, and hope. I am filled with
the emotions of the Holy Spirit. I cast out fear, anger, resentment, unforgiveness,
bitterness, thoughts of violence, murder, and suicide. I command them to leave me
in the name of Jesus Christ. I cast out self anger, self judgment, self condemnation,
and self bitterness. I renounce feelings of inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy,
ineptness, unworthiness, self guilt and guilt, and punishment and self punishment. I
command them to leave me, in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Master. I cast
out heaviness, depression, despair, hopelessness, loneliness, the fear of being alone,
gloom and doom, thoughts of not existing, dying, being killed, or committing suicide.
I command them to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ. I cast out the Spirit of
Death from my emotions. I choose to not experience an emotional death of any kind.
I receive the emotional life of the Kingdom of God.
The Holy Spirit places in my mind the mind that was in Jesus Christ. I receive
wisdom, knowledge, faith, hope, courage, authority, dominion, power, revelation, and
understanding. I rebuke doubt, unbelief, unclear thought, and the lack of
understanding of the voice, will, and Word of God.
I ask the Father to fill my will with His will. I choose for my will to track exactly with
the will and purpose of the Father. I ask the Father to drive out the will, purpose and
plan of Satan for my life. I choose to do only the will of my Heavenly Father from this
day forth. I choose to no longer do my will because I now understand that this is doing
the will of Satan--not my will, but his. I have been deceived into believing a lie. I
repent of it and choose to be totally free of it in the name of Jesus.
Removing the Old Man Personality
I choose to be reintegrated into the person Jesus Christ created me to be. I choose to
live totally in my new person, and to manifest the nature and character that Jesus
placed in my personality. I break the marriage covenant I have with the False Child
personality. I refuse to let it decide what is best for my life. I command it to leave my
personality, in the name of Jesus. I break the covenant I have with the Female
Dominating personality. I refuse to continue to manipulate, dominate and control
people, situations, and things by verbal, seductive, critical, psychic or any other
means. I command her to leave my personality, in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord.
I break the marriage covenant I have with the False Servant personality. I refuse to
submit to false authority, doing what they want me to do, in order to get love and
acceptance. I refuse to be a workaholic, or spend all my time trying to achieve. I
command this spirit to leave me in the name of Jesus. I break the covenant I have
with the Male Dominating personality. I refuse to continue to dominate by direct
intimidation, verbal abuse, by physical and emotional threats, or by direct physical
abuse and punishment, and psychic terror towards another person. I command him
to leave me in the name of Jesus. I choose for all the fragmented parts of my person
to be reintegrated into the person Jesus created me to be I choose to be under the
Lordship of Jesus Christ, My Lord, Master, and King.
Spirit, Soul, and Body
I proclaim that my Spirit, Soul, and Body are being cleansed and healed as they would
be in Heaven. Father, thy Kingdom come and thy will be done in me as it is in heaven.
I choose to manifest the nature of the person Jesus created me to be before I was
born. I refuse to manifest the nature of the evil spirits that have occupied the places
that I have, by choice, split away from the person Jesus Christ created me to be. I
choose to be manifested as a son or daughter of God the Father. I choose to help
others become restored to the person Jesus created them to be as I am being restored.
I pray this in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Originally published in 1997, This is an older version of what became
Prayers to Pray to be made Whole in Jesus Christ.
The current version of this article is:
Prayers to Help You Be Reconciled to Your Heavenly Father.
Copyright 2003 Duplication permitted without alteration.
Gods Love, Inc. P.O. Box 249, Lewisville, NC 27023

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