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Phenick Field

by Twentynine Palms Scenery Design

Adding Phenick Field
to the Scenery Library
Phenick Field Manager
End User License Agreement
29Palms Freeware
At frst, thank you for purchasing Phenick Field (ICAO: CCA1)!
The airfeld is located nearby Newark, Ohio.
Nowadays it doesnt exist anymore but it provides a nice
environment for fights in the area, lovely surrounded by felds and
This project is inspired by Golden Age Simulatons
(htp:// desire to partner with an
experienced designer to bring the Golden Age to FSX.
Therefore we started by recreatng Bill Lyons classic Phenick Field.
We added some details from that tme, for example a
1934 Ford Model B pick-up.
Check out the secton features for more details.
01. General
02. Installation
Unzip the .zip-fle you received afer purchasing Phenick Field.
Theres one .exe included and one .zip-fle
(, both contain the same version of
Phenick Field.
Some people feel more comfortable doing a manual installaton.
Either extract the included .zip-fle to your FSX main folder
or run the installer which will guide you through the installaton
You need to accept the EULA (installaton step or page of
this manual).
The installer will automatcally create a shortcut to the Phenick
Field Manager on your desktop.
If you installed Phenick Field manually, check out the secton
Phenick Field Manager for further instructons.
Afer a successful installaton of Phenick Field the following
fles are created in your FSX main folder:
[FSX dir]\Addon Scenery\Phenick Field
[FSX dir]\Addon Scenery\Phenick Field\scenery\*
[FSX dir]\Addon Scenery\Phenick Field\texture\*
[FSX dir]\Addon Scenery\Phenick Field\
Phenick Field Manager FSX.exe
[FSX dir]\Addon Scenery\Phenick Field\Phenick Field Manual.pdf
[FSX dir]\Efects\Cntrl_29Palms_PF.fx
[FSX dir]\Efects\fx_29Palms_aa.fx
[FSX dir]\Efects\fx_29Palms_bird.fx
[FSX dir]\Efects\fx_29Palms_fa.fx
[FSX dir]\Efects\fx_29Palms_fmb.fx
[FSX dir]\Scenery\World\Scenery\29Palms_CCA1_ALT.BGL
[FSX dir]\Sound\29Palms_PF_AirfeldAmbient.wav
[FSX dir]\Sound\29Palms_PF_Bird.wav
[FSX dir]\Sound\29Palms_PF_FMB.wav
[FSX dir]\Sound\29Palms_PF_ForestAmbient.wav
[FSX dir]\29Palms I Uninstal Phenick Field FSX.exe
Info: Uninstalling Phenick Field
If you installed the scenery manually, delete the scenery in FSXs
scenery library prior deletng all fles above.
Phenick Field is deinstalled.
If you installed the scenery using the installer, delete the scenery in
FSXs scenery library prior running the uninstaller:
[FSX dir]\29Palms I Uninstal Phenick Field FSX.exe
03. Scenery Library
Afer installing Phenick Field either manually or automatcally
you have to add it to the scenery library.
Run Flight Simulator X and go to Setngs -> Scenery Library.
Click on Add Area.
Navigate to the [FSX dir]\Addon Scenery folder.
Select the Phenick Field folder and click OK.
The folder will be entered and the folders scenery and texture
appear. Click OK again if youre not using Windows 7.
Windows 7 users: Instead of clicking OK, click anywhere in the
white space of the browser because theres a bug with FSX under
Windows 7.
Phenick Field will now be displayed at the top of the list.
Youre ready to fy! Go to the Free Flight menu and search for
the airport name (Phenick Field) or the ICAO code (CCA1).
TIPP: Make sure that high resoluton textures are enabled in FSX.
Go to C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsof\FSX
and open FSX.cfg with a text editor. Search for the line
TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD= and enter 2048 or 4096.
Ex.: TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096 Save afer editng. 02
05. Features
Phenick Field contains a lot of specials and eyecandies.
First of all the airfeld is equipped with VOLUMETRIC GRASS which
is a feature rarely seen in fight simulator add-ons.
The idea behind volumetric grass is to create the illusion of three
dimensions by placing partly transparent textures above each other,
in this case ten to twenty.
If youre interested in how this process works, check out the
Developers Corner:
Volumetric grass brings a new realistc feeling to small airports and
Check out the secton Phenick Field Manager for further instruc-
tons on how to chose between levels of detail.
Below are two screenshots of how volumetric grass looks like in FSX.
Another feature are DETAILED TREES.
They are no simple trees like normally seen in FSX landscape.
Every tree consists of modelled branches and a realistc looking log.
Theyre located nearby the main buildings on Phenick Field, have
custom shadows and change their colour depending on the selected
Below are screenshots of the design process and in game to give you
an idea of how theyre modeled and how they fnally look in FSX.
To provide best performance, the trees stll have a low polygon
As 29Palms designed Phenick 1930s-style, the scenery contains
some sweet eyecandies from that tme such as the Ford Model B.
Animated Car Traffic livens the street around the main buildings
An airfeld is never quite, it lives as its surroundings do.
Therefore Ambient Sounds care for a real 1930s experience:
Forest Ambient (birds twitering)
Airfeld Ambient (engine noise)
Fly-Bys (about every three to fve minutes)
Radio playing music (this will be delivered with the frst patch
because questons concerning licenses stll need to be clarfed.)
A Fly-Through Barn is also located at Phenick to give you a nice
adrenaline rush because fying through it (with crash actvated of
course) is a real challenge.
Besides that, car trafc and fences cross
the fightpath so get ready to test your skills!
Tip: Chose your aircraf wisely.
Besides animated car trafc further animatons make Phenick Field
even more realistc.
The main hangar features Animated Gates.
Theyre opened by default and can be closed during dawn, day and
All gates are closed during the night.
To open the gates, simply tune to NAV 112.00.
Phenick Field has been designed having performance always in
Therefore a program is included that gives you the opportunity
to control every performance related object in the scenery,
the Phenick Field Manager.
Please read the 5th chapter for further informaton.
Besides High Resolution Textures Phenick ofers you another fea-
ture, the so called Texture Baking.
Texture baking is the process to bake special conditons into a tex-
ture using a 3D-Design program which is able to do rendering.
You can see an example below.
Pay atenton to how the light fades and even the fridge is properly
Every object in the scenery has texture baking applied.
So even if youve shadows switched of in FSX youll stll have nice
shadow castng in Phenick and this doesnt afect performance in
any way because its a property that the texture itself holds.
But because of that, shadows dont move depending on the sun.
Phenick Field isnt located in a dessert (as the brand 29Palms could
Ohio has seasons and so has Phenick.
The scenery provides Seasonal Textures: Summer, fall and winter.
Not only the custom made Groundpolygon is optmized for optmal
texture blending.
It may happen that you cant fnd the way back to Phenick Field be-
cause it integrates perfectly into the landscape.
Phenick is surrounded by a forest which is not just simple autogen,
every single tree is either placed by hand or by a technique directly
inside the 3D-design program to provide a realistc look.
An Animated Flag and Windsocks indicate wind speed and heading.
They have a total of 18 conditons:
Wind velocity: low - medium - high.
Wind heading: 0 - 60 - 120 - 180 - 240 - 300.
Two Static Aircrafts breathe even more life into the airfeld.
One is located inside the main hangar covered by a blanket, the
other one stands right outside the gates undergoing maintenance
by an Animated Mechanic.
=> simply feel the passion for detail - at Phenick!
06. The Phenick Field Manager
This scenery includes a program that allows you to control diferent
optons in terms of performance.
If you used the installaton program, a shortcut is automatcally
placed on your desktop.
The program is located in
[FSX dir]/Addon Scenery/Phenick Field/Phenick Field Manager.exe.
Do not move the program to a diferent directory as it wont work
Volumetric Grass [on/of] [low/high]
This opton controls whether volumetric grass is actvated.
Unless you dont have a powerful system, keep it of or at
low quality.
On systems that operate Windows XP and/or older graphics cards,
volumetric grass may cause rendering problems.
If you notce this behavior frst try to switch it of, if that doesnt help
contact our support.
Detailed Trees [on/of]
This opton controls whether detailed trees are actvated.
Detailed trees are located nearby buildings such as the gas staton.
They may afect performance.
Statc Aircraf [on/of]
This opton controls whether statc aircrafs are actvated.
There are two statc aircrafs located at Phenick Field, one inside
the main hangar and the other outside with an animated mechanic
working on it.
Those statc aircraf are highly detailed and therefore may afect
Ambient Sounds [on/of]
This opton controls whether ambient sounds are actvated.
Around the main objects twitering of birds, airport ambient sounds
and sometmes fy-bys are audible if you have Environment Sounds
actvated in the Sound setngs of FSX.
Textures [High Resoluton Textures / Low Resoluton Textures]
This opton controls whether high resoluton or low resoluton textu-
res are actvated.
If you have an older graphics card consider using low resoluton
textures if you experience problems with textures taking tme to pop
Animated Trafc [on/of]
This opton controls whether animated trafc is actvated.
There are two cars driving on the road around Phenick Field.
Having this opton actvated may afect performance.
Seasons [summer + spring / fall / winter]
This opton controls the seasons as FSX is limited in doing it
Theres another feature implemented that reminds you of what
season is currently actvated directly in FSX.
When selectng Phenick Field as the current locaton in the Free
Flight menu of the FSX main page, the selected season appears in
brackets afer the airport name.
This isnt directly shown in the Go To Airport menu because of FSX
limitatons so you have to click OK to get the current season dis-
Afer you selected everything that you wanted, exit the program by
clicking on the Done buton.
The program stores the setngs and shows them again on its next
To ensure that the manager works correctly do not rename, move or
edit any of the fles that are contained in the Phenick Field folder.
If you want to edit the AFCAD please contact us frst for further

Microsof NET Framerwork 4.0 is recommended to run the Phenick
Field Manager.
We cant ensure that the program runs properly on older
If you have problems running the program please contact our
The purchaser understands that by installing this product that they
agree to the stpulaton that this product remains the sole property
of Twentynine Palms Scenery Design that they may not copy, alter
or redistribute the sofware without express writen permission of
Twentynine Palms Scenery Design.
Copyright march 23 2012 all rights reserved
07. End User License Agreement
Special thanks go to:
Golden Age Simulatons htp://
The FSDeveloper community htp://
Arno Gerretsen for his incomparable support for not only me but
the whole fight simulator community.
Jon Patch
Jrg Dannenberg
Paul Corish
08. Special Thanks
Twentynine Palms Scenery Design also released San Pedro de Ata-
cama as freeware for FS9 and FSX.
San Pedro de Atacama is situated in the Atacama Dessert, Chile.
high resoluton textures
baked textures on many objects
realistc vegetaton
large groundpolygon with details added
animatons (car trafc, reading man)
09. 29Palms Freeware

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