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Computers for

A book that will teach you all you need to know about a
computer and the great history of technology.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1:What is a computer? . Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 2:What is Hardware? .................................................. 3
Chapter 3:Main hardware components in a computer .............. 5
Chapter 4:An operating system ................................................ 7
Chapter 5:What is software? .................................................... 9
Samples of software .......................................................... 11
Chapter 6:Common user interface elements .......................... 13
Chapter 7:What is a peripheral? ............................................. 15
Chapter 8:What peripherals are commonly used and what are
they used for? ........................................................................ 17
Chapter 9:What is a network? ................................................ 19
Chapter 10:How should a computer workstation be set up to
maximize the comfort of user? ............................................... 21
Chapter 11:Revolutions in computing timeline ........................ 21
Glossary ................................................................................. 27
Index ...................................................................................... 30



Chapter 1

What is a computer?

A computer (Figure 2) is a programmable electronic device for storing and processing data or information. It processes the data through binary form, according the instructions given to it in a variable program. In
addition, this device has the ability to show pre-recorded
list of instructions (which is known as a program).You
can use a computer to type documents, send e-mails, and
browse the internet. Computers can also be used to
handle accounting, database management (Figure 1), spreadsheets, games, presentations
and more. Computers are very useful in our generation and perhaps in the future
generations too. They help people with almost anything and accomplish tasks faster
than performing the task manually. Due to the invention of computers, more jobs have
been improved and created. This electronic device is now part of our everyday lives;
without it, we wouldnt be able to type documents, send e-mails and conduct many
other tasks more rapidly!

Figure 2
Figure 1



Chapter 2

What is Hardware?
Hardware (Figure 3) is the machines, wiring and other physical components of a
computer or other electronic system. Hardware can be found inside and outside a computer
system. The internal hardware components in a computer are composed of several disks
inside, which include one specific disk called the hard disk (Figure 5). The hard disk holds all
the information in a computer and cannot be removed or seen. Most hardware consists of a
circuit board and ICs. Some examples of hardware are: DVDs, hard drive, Blu-Ray,
keyboards, mice, printers, etc. One of the most important parts of a computer is hardware. Its
internal and external parts (Error! Reference source not found.) allow users to use the
computer comfortably and easily, without any problems. In order to use the computer,
hardware components must be present.

Figure 3

Figure 4
Figure 5



Chapter 3
Main Hardware Components in a Computer
The main hardware components in a computer are special parts which make up the
computer. Without these special mechanisms, the computer wouldnt be able to function.
Some main hardware components in a computer include the following:
CPU (CU, ALU) = the CPU (Figure 6) is responsible for handling all instructions it
receives from hardware and software running on the computer.

Figure 6
Motherboard= Alternatively referred to as the mb, mainboard, mobo, mobd, backplane
board, base board, main circuit board, planar board, system board, or logic board on
Apple computers. The motherboard (Figure 7) is a printed circuit board that is the
foundation of a computer and allows the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware
components to function and communicate with each other.

Figure 7
Hard Drive= Alternatively referred to as a hard disk drive and abbreviated as HD or
HDD, the hard drive(Figure 8) is the computers main storage media device that
permanently stores all data on the computer.


Figure 8
RAM= Random Access Memory (RAM) (Figure 9) is a computer storage location that
allows information to be stored and accessed quickly from random locations within
DRAM on a memory module. Because information is accessed randomly instead of
sequentially like a CD or hard drive the computer is able to access the data much faster
than it would if it was only reading the hard drive.

Figure 9
Video Card= a video card (Figure 10) is an internal circuit board that allows a display
device such as a monitor to display images from the computer.

Figure 10
Sound Card= a sound card (Error! Reference source not found.) is an expansion
card or integrated circuit that provides a computer with the
ability to produce sounds that can be heard by the user either
over speakers or headphones.

Figure 11


Chapter 4
An Operating System
An operating system is the most important software that supports the computers
basic functions. It is in charge of the computer's memory, processes, and all of its software
and hardware. All desktop computers need operating systems. Common examples are the
Windows family of operating systems by Microsoft and the Macintosh operating systems
by Apple (Figure 12). A computer cannot function without an operating system.

Figure 12



Chapter 5
What is Software?
Software is a group of instructions that allows a user to interact with the computer or
have the computer perform specific tasks for them. Software, in other words, are the
movable parts of a computer. Software (Figure 13) can be divided into two parts:
application software and system software.

Figure 13
Examples of Software
Some well-known software includes Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
These three examples of software have direct access to the computers hardware as they
are system software. Microsoft Word, ITunes and Excel (Figure 14) are application
software that have minor access to hardware and complete explicit functions.


Figure 14


Chapter 6
Common User Interface Elements
Common user interface elements include an easily accessible search box so that users
arent confused or annoyed while on a website. Moreover, to make websites look more neat
and structured, it is vital that that the content is organized in a clear fashion. Another
important feature that would make an excellent website would be a straightforward and
easily accessible shopping cart, login and register links (Error! Reference source not found.)
so that customers who are using the website are satisfied and pleased. Finally, you must
ensure that your text is different from your links so that your page looks even more
organized and operable.

Figure 15



Chapter 7
What is a Peripheral?

A peripheral device is a computer device, such as a CD-ROM (Figure 17) drive or
printer that is not part of the actual computer itself. Peripheral devices include the memory
and microprocessor. Peripheral devices can be external, such as the mouse, keyboard, printer,
monitor, external Zip drive or scanner (Figure 16). Or peripheral devices can be internal, such
as a CD-ROM drive, CD-R drive or internal modem.

Figure 16

Figure 17



Chapter 8
Commonly Used Peripherals and What Are They Used For?
There are three different types of peripherals such as: input, output, and storage.
Each type of peripherals has a special ability to perform different tasks. For example, the
first type of peripherals is input. The input is used for interaction with, or sends data to
the computer [mouse (Figure 19), keyboards (Figure 18) ]. The second type of peripherals is
output. The output provides output to the user from the computer (monitors, printers).
Lastly, the third type of peripherals is storage. The storage is used for storing data
processed by the computer (hard drives, flash drives).

Figure 18

Figure 19



Chapter 9
What is a Network?
A network (Figure 20) is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. It
allows different computers to exchange data using either cable media or wireless media. The
best-known computer network is the Internet. A stand-alone environment is an application
that runs on a single computer. The computer processes the application and maintains all the
data by working as the server and the client.

Figure 20


Chapter 10
How a Computer Workstation Should Be Set Up to Maximize the
Comfort of the User
The user of a computer workstation must have the most comfort possible while using
the computer in order to prevent from slight injuries. In order for the user to feel
comfortable while using a computer workstation, they must check their posture, adjust their
chair, rearrange their workstation layout, and improve their lighting and minimizing glare.
The user must first check their posture by reassuring that they are sitting up with back
straight to loosen the tension in the body. Secondly, the user must adjust their chair to
support the back in order to prevent from any muscle tension, fatigue, and soreness. Thirdly,
the user must adjust the workstation layout to prevent from making repetitive movements
and moving in awkward positions while using the keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. Lastly, the
user must make changes to the lighting to avoid straining the eyes, and having sore muscles.
These are a few simple strategies of how a computer workstation should be set up to
maximize the comfort of the user. See (Figure 21) below for extra details on how to set up a
computer workstation
Figure 21



Chapter 11
In our generation, today, we have over a thousand electronic devices we use in our everyday
life. However, have you ever thought about its history? Have you thought about where it
came from? Who invented the device? Why was it important? Or maybe what year was it
invented in? If you have no clue, take a look at this table to see the revolutions in computing
timeline! As it will take you back in time to see where it all began
Revolutions in Computing Timeline

Year What is it? Why is it
Interesting fact
1200 A.D An abacus is a counting
device that helps many with
arithmetic. This instrument
consists of beads placed in
an orderly formation
including a certain number
of beads aligned in a
specific row or column.
Many centuries ago,
an abacus helped
many people to keep
count of large
quantities of items. In
the olden days, written
numbers were not yet
In Chinese, the abacus would be
called a suan-pan.
1900 The Antikythra mechanism
is a geared device that was
intended to mechanically
demonstrate the motions of
the five planets known to the
Greeks of the time
The mechanism is
known to have been
an analog computer
designed to allow the
operator to predict the
future or past positions
of the sun, moon, and
probably some of the
planets mechanically.
There are 82 remaining fragments
of the mechanism that contain a
total of 30 gears.
John Napier,
1617 The calculation table was
the first mechanical
calculator, incorporating a
set of ivory bars that can be
aligned in many different
ways to permit calculations
to be read directly from
Instead of multiplying
a number several
times repeatedly,
Napier thought of
inventing a calculating
table which would do
all the calculations for
The set of ivory bars; from their
color were crudely called
Napiers bones.
Jacquard, Punch
card controlled
1801 Jacquards loom mechanism
is controlled by detailed
patterns of holes in a stirring
of cards and allows a normal
workman to weave complex
This instrument was
important because it
facilitated the
production of various
types of designs on
fabrics more quickly. It
has motivated the
textile industry to
produce clothing with
much better quality in
a short period of time.
This device also
helped cut down
human labor.
This machine used punch cards,
which were revolutionary because
the machine had the ability to
follow an algorithm. In addition,
they were capable of storing
information in them which further
helped scientists with the
invention of the computer.

1832 The Difference engine was
designed to automatically
calculate and tabulate
mathematical functions
called polynomials, which
have a great contribution
and are used frequently in
mathematics and
This device helped
many engineers and
even mathematicians
develop or receive the
correct answers for
their calculations that
were made without
any miscalculations.
The Difference Engine #1
originally needed 25,000 parts in
order to be built; which wouldve
weighed about four tons.
Samuel Morse,
1837 A telegraph is a
communication device that
is used to transmit
information or messages
through the use of electricity.
The telegraph was
used to transmit and
receive important
messages in the least
amount of time
compared to sending
or receiving letters that
might take several
weeks or months.
Morse used old clock-work gears
and home-made batteries to
construct the first electric
Sir Charles
paper tapes
1857 Sir Charles paper tape used
two rows of holes to
represent Morses dots and
dashes. Messages could be
prepared off-line on paper
tape and later transmitted
Early designers of the
computer discovered
the ability to record
data by punching
holes on paper, sort of
like Sir Charles
telegraph. The pattern
of the holes in each
data row represents a
single data value or
Sir Charles creation was great
because the paper tapes could be
used to eventually become a key
feature of ticker-tape parades.
Stoles, Glidden
and Soule,
1866 A typewriter is a small-sized
machine that is either
electric or manual with type
keys that produced
characters on at a time on a
piece of paper that is
inserted around a roller.
The typewriter helped
many easily type
automatically instead
of writing things down
manually. This
increased the legibility
of documents
compared to reading a
persons handwriting
or print with difficulty.
It has provided the
neatness and a good
quality for documents
that were later on
The inventors of this typewriter
created it through the inspiration
of an 1867 article called Scientific
American about a machine
invented by an Alabaman named
John Pratt who had recently
released a piano-like writing
machine in England.
1896 Mechanical tabulator based
on punched cards to briskly
tabulate statistics from loads
of pieces of data.
The importance of the
tabulating machine
was that it can
tabulate the census
that were made at the
time more quickly.
Without this machine,
the 1880 census
wouldve taken more
time to be created and
Herman Hollerith built the first
punched-card tabulating and
sorting machines and most
importantly, the first key punch.
He also founded a company
which is now known as IBM.
Mark 1: Feb.
1944 Mark 2:
June 1
The colossi are electronic
computing devices used by
British code breakers to help
read encrypted German
messages during the second
World War. These were the
first programmable,
It was a device that
was able to decode
what the opponents
(as known as:
Germans) was saying
or planning to do,
used by the British, in
Ten colossi were built by the end
of World War II.

electronic, computing
order for them to
protect and defend
their own country.
Bell Labs, the
1947 It acted as a semiconductor
so that a small electric
current entering on one side
of the gold strip came out
the other side as a
proportionately amplified
The transistor is very
important because it
made possible the
integrated circuit and
microprocessor which
are the basis of
modern electronics.
Without the transistor video products
would never have gotten very small.
Instruments and
1961 The chips contain
information that replaces
transistors and other
components along with all of
the wiring.
When creating a large
complex device like a
computer, technology
becomes more
advanced and needs
more parts which
would make the
device larger. The
Integrated Circuit
replaces separated
transistors, resistors,
capacitors and all the
connecting wiring onto
a single chip.
The original IC had only one
transistor, three resistors and one
capacitor and was the size of an adult's
pinkie finger. Today an IC smaller than
a penny can hold 125 million
IBM 360
1964 The IBM 360 was precisely
designed to control high-
speed data processing for
scientific uses such as
space exploration,
theoretical astronomy,
subatomic physics and
global weather forecasting.
Its importance was to
help scientists with
their various
calculations for new
scientific discoveries.
Without this device,
scientists wouldnt be
able to solve
extremely long
for further scientific
research being done.
The IBM 360 family of computers
ranged from the model 20
minicomputers (usually has a
memory of 24 KB) to the model 91
supercomputer, Which was in fact
built for the North American
missile defense system.
Word Processor
1977 A Word Processor is
software that is capable of
creating, storing, and
printing documents.
The document created
can be saved and
changes can be made
in the document.
Unlike the typewriter,
this invention allows
users to modify their
documents and are
able to correct
mistakes made in the
document and can
also save changes
that are made.
An advance brought by the Word
Processor was introduced by
Xerox in its Star Information
System, allowed working on more
than one document at a time on
the same screen.
1969 Created before the Internet,
ARPANET is a network created
in the US that was used for
testing new networking
ARPANET is important
because it was like a basis
for the creation of the
ARPANET was created by the
United States Defense Advanced
Research Project Agency.
1969 The Internet is a place to
retrieve endless information
displaying billions of web pages,
making life easy and convenient
for us today.
The Internet is a main
resource. Some of us, we
forget simple things and
instead of figuring it out,
we resort to the Internet
for the answer.
The first ever website is still
Intel, 1K RAM
1971 It is the first general purpose The Intel, 1K RAM The RAM CHIP was the size of a

CHIP (the 4004)
programmable processor
available for purchase. It works
in different electronic devices.
CHIP is important
because it was the first on
the market programmable
processor that could be
used for general purpose.
little fingernail, delivered the same
computing power as the first
electronic computer built in 1946,
which filled an entire room.
Jonathan Titus,
Mark 8
1973 The Mark-8 was a
microcomputer design, based on
the Intel 8008 CPU.
Mark 8 is important
because in the 1970s,
computers were
enormous and expensive,
around 10 000$. When
the Mark 8 came out, it
was small and cost only
around 350$, so it was a
revolution in technology.
Mark 8 was the world's first 8-bit
BBN, Telenet
1974 It was the first packet-switched
network service that was
available to the general public.
Commercial and
government interests paid
monthly fees for
dedicated lines
connecting their
computers and local
networks to this network.
Telenet was taken over by Sprint and
called Sprintnet which is now known
as Sprintlink, a network on the
Paul Allen and
Bill Gates invent
1975 BASIC was one of the first
programming languages created
by Microsoft for computers.
It is important because a
programming language is
needed to make a
computer function. It is
the program that gives
instructions to the
computer and tells it what
to do.
Bill Gates full name is William Henry
Gates III.
1978 TCP/IP is a universal
networking protocol
language that allows all
computers with different
languages to communicate
through networks using a
universal programming
TCP/IP is important
because computers
have different
languages so when
two or more
computers try to
communicate through
a network, they need a
language so they can
understand each
Created during a project funded
by Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency in 1969. Network
was called ARPANET.
1979 USENET is a collection of
newsgroups in which, the
users of this program can
post messages that can be
seen by all USENET users.
At the time, USENET
was a collection of
newsgroups that were
able to share
information with
thousands of people,
promptly and easily.
The Usenet was created at the
University of North Carolina in
1979 by three IT-Students: Tom
Truscott, Steve Bellovin and Jim
3D printing
1980s This system uses a UV laser
shined into a vat of
photopolymer, tracing the
object to be created on its
3D printing is
important to designers
because it allows them
to turn their ideas into
3D models/prototypes.
3D printing can also
save users money and
material by using
techniques where
material is rarely
Certain 3D printers can even be
used in food preparation, to apply
items in liquid or paste form such
as cheese, icing, and chocolate.
Apple Macintosh
1984 The Apple Macintosh is a
model of the computer. The
system uses a GUI
(graphical user interface) to
easily use a mouse to point,
Apple Macintosh was
very important when it
was initially introduced
and remains important
today. The Apple
Apple Macintosh continues to
develop its model today becoming
the powerful iMac 2009.

click and select instead of
learning difficult commands.
Macintosh is powerful
and easy to use. It is
important because it
allows users to easily
access information
and retrieve data.
Windows 1.0
Nov. 20

The MS Windows 1.0 is a
16-bit graphical operation
location. It is Microsofts first
attempt to create a multi-
tasking graphical user
interface-based operating
location on the PC platform.
Unlike MS-DOS
(Microsoft Disk
Operating System),
where you type
commands, Windows
1.0 permit users to
point and click to
access the windows.
This invention helps
users use the
graphical user in a
simpler and easier
way. Instead of
accessing something
through complicated
Microsoft made Windows an
international success by
duplicating it or making different
versions of it in different
languages. For example, version
1.02 was released in May 1986
and had editions in several
different European languages.
Apple iPod
iPod Touch:
The iPod
Shuffle: 2005
An iPod is a portable device
used for storing and playing
digital files through media
connections which is
designed and produced by a
company called Apple.
There are various types of
iPods that come in many
different sizes and designs.
The importance of the
iPod Shuffle is that its
a newer version of an
mp3 player and has
more special effects
which make it easier
to transport and play
music. The iPod touch
allows the user to
always be in touch
with friends through
media apps, play
games, listening to
music and take
pictures. This device
includes the abilities of
many devices in one
small portable touch-
screen gadget.
The iPod comes in many storage
capacities ranging from 512 MG
to 80 GB.

2003 A mobile software
application developed for
use on devices powered by
Google's Android platform
It a device used for
communication. This
device enables you to
keep in touch with or
contact any friends
and/or family.
Today, the Android is the most
used mobile operating system in
the world. Over 60 manufacturers
use it; more than 750 million
devices have been activated
globally; and 25 billion apps have
now been downloaded from
Google Play.
Apple iPhone
2007 An IPhone is an internet
connected and multi-media
linked smartphone that has
the ability to download
various apps like pictures,
videos, linksand is
produced from a company
called Apple.
The IPhone is a
cellular device that
includes the same
features as an iPod
and is well known for a
common and popular
The iPhone has the capability to
download books through the
internet, which allows all users to
read on their iPhone at any
location with Wi-Fi.
Amazon Kindle
2007 The Amazon Kindle is an
electronic book reader that
lets users buy/download
books and later read the
The Amazon Kindle is
important because it is
very convenient.
Rather than carrying
the books you want to
You can bookmark a page,
highlight a selection of text or
even type notes as you read.

books on the e-book reader. read with you, you can
have hundreds of
books electronically on
this small device.
Apple iPad
2010 An iPad is an electronic
touch-screen device that lets
users surf the internet, use
apps, send and receive
emails, take photos and
videos, and more.
An iPad is important
because unlike a
desktop computer, it
lets users easily
access and share data
or important
information quickly. It
is also portable and
very convenient.
The iPad can run any of the
140,000 apps in the iTunes App
Leap motion
2010 The leap motion controller is
a system that uses
movement sensors to
control your computer and
replacing a mouse.
The leap motion
controller is important
because it is an
advance in technology
that makes it easier to
use a computer and
save time instead of
using a mouse.
The leap motion controller is only
3 inches long.
The Cloud
The CloudApp allows you to
share images, videos,
music, links and files that will
automatically upload to your
computer or any other
device. It permits you to
view and share interesting
links, videos and pictures
with friends and family in the
click of a button wirelessly.
Wherever you are, this
App will allow you to
automatically upload
pictures to your
computer. This way,
you can always stay
connected with friends
and family from any
area you are in.
CloudApp is powered by Heroku
and Amazon's Simple Storage


Client: A client is a computer that retrieves information from or uses resources
provided by a server or main computer. Many corporate networks are comprised
of a client computer at each of the employees' desks. Each of these computers
connects to a central server or mainframe, which allows a lot of the processing to
be done on the client side instead of the server side and reduces the processing
requirements of the server.
Computer: A programmable electronic device for storing and processing data or
CPU: The computer CPU is responsible for handling all instructions it receives
from hardware and software running on the computer.
Flash drive: Alternatively referred to as a USB flash drive, data stick, pen drive,
keychain drive and thumb drive, a jump drive is a portable drive that is often the
size of your thumb that connects to the computer USB port.
Hard disk: Alternatively referred to as a hard disk drive and abbreviated as HD
or HDD, the hard drive is the computers main storage media device that
permanently stores all data on the computer.
Hard drive: Alternatively referred to as a hard disk drive and abbreviated as HD
or HDD, the hard drive is the computers main storage media device that
permanently stores all data on the computer.
Hardware: The machines, wiring and other physical components of a computer
or other electronic system.
Input: Any information or data that's entered or sent to the computer to be
processed is considered input.
Internal: Internal is a term used to describe a device that is installed within the

Internet: Alternatively referred to as the net or the web, the Internet was initially
developed by the IPTO with the intention of helping to develop the progress of
computing technology by linking the work being done by all the best academic
computer centers.
Media: More commonly known as digital media or medium, media is a term
used to describe any type of computer storage. For example, a floppy diskette and
USB jump drive are both media used to store data.
Motherboard: (Alternatively referred to as the mainboard.) The motherboard is a
printed circuit board that is the foundation of a computer and allows the CPU,
RAM, and all other computer hardware components to function and
communicate with each other.
Network: A collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices,
peripherals, or various other devices connected to one another allowing for data
to be shared and used. A great example of a network is the Internet, connecting
millions of people all over the world together.
Operating System: A system that is in charge of the computer's memory,
processes, and all of its software and hardware.
Output: Any information that has been processed and comes from a computer
or computer device is considered output.
Peripheral: A peripheral device is a computer device, such as a CD-ROM (Figure 17) drive
or printer that is not part of the actual computer itself.
RAM: Random Access Memory (RAM) is a computer storage location that
allows information to be stored and accessed quickly from random locations
within DRAM on a memory module. Because information is accessed randomly
instead of sequentially like a CD or hard drive the computer is able to access the
data much faster than it would if it was only reading the hard drive.
Server: A computer connected to a network that other computers may or may
not access. Unlike other computers on a network, a server is a dedicated
computer set up for one or more purposes. For example, a user may setup a

server to authenticate and allow or prohibit users from accessing a network,
send/receive e-mail, manage print jobs, or host a website.
Software: A group of instructions that allows a user to interact with the computer
or have the computer perform specific tasks for them.
Sound Card: A sound card is an expansion card or integrated circuit that
provides a computer with the ability to produce sounds that can be heard by the
user either over speakers or headphones.
Storage: Alternatively referred to as storage, storage media, or storage medium, a
storage device is a hardware device capable of holding information.
Video Card: a video card is an internal circuit board that allows a display device
such as a monitor to display images from the computer.

documents, 1, See page 1, See page 1
function. See page 3
hard drive. See page 2
Internet. See page 14
keyboards. See page 9
login. See page 7
Macintosh. See page 5
mechanisms. See page 3
memory. See page 4
monitor. See page 4
printers. See page 2
software. See page 6
workstation. See page 11
Zip drive. See page 8

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