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About Master Daniel Tiger Schulmann

The Growth of TSMMA
TSMMA Adult Programs
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
Muay Thai
TSMMA Kids Programs
Martial Arts
Karate Classes
Bully Shield
ADHD Prevention
Experiences & Testimonials
Jen Annunziato
Will Murphy
TSMMA Instructors
Sensei Dave Tirelli
Sensei Louis Gaudinot
Sensei Mike Stine
Tiger Schulmanns Mixed Martial Arts Facilities
New Jersey
New York
Tiger Schulmanns Mixed Martial Arts is an MMA school that has been teaching students the art
of self-defense, kickboxing, and submission grappling for over 30 years.
First established in 1984, TSMMA has since grown to include 50 schools, with 17 dojos in New
Jersey, 25 in New York, and eight more in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Florida.
What makes Tiger Schulmanns Mixed Martial Arts school stand out is its focus on using what
works in real life. TSMMA has included programs for kids such as ADHD Prevention and Bully
Shield in order for children to learn how to become condent and focused, both inside and
outside of the dojo. Tiger Schulmanns also has many adult programs such as Kickboxing, Mixed
Martial Arts, Muay Thai, and many more for an intense strength-building cardio workout that will
help keep the mind, body and spirit in peak condition.
TSMMA continues to grow as it expands programs for both adults and children that accom-
modates for a variety of skill levels, ranging from a beginner that is learning the ropes to a
professional looking to compete. Being true to its name, Tiger Schulmanns Mixed Martial Arts
has combined a variety of techniques, including grappling and striking, to provide the most
efcient and efective means of self-defense. Keep reading to nd out more about the rise of
the TSMMA Empire.
As a young man, after years of rigorous training and
winning over 100 competitions, Daniel Tiger Schul-
mann set his sights on the ultimate: full contact bare
knuckle competition. This type of competition was
widely known to be the most brutal and challenging of
all, testing the true efectiveness of each competitors
martial arts skills.
Drawing upon his exceptional technique, speed, and
non-quitting spirit, Tiger Schulmann reigned as the un-
defeated North American knockdown champion for six
consecutive years.
Tiger Schulmann could imagine no greater pursuit than to give back to others what the martial
arts had given him, so he devoted his life to developing what has become the most comprehen-
sive and efective style known today. Drawn by his outstanding reputation and high standards,
people come to train in his schools year after year. Today, those numbers have grown to many
thousands, including students who have gone on to become champions themselves.
At the age of 14, Daniel Schulmann started his rst school in a hotel conference room in Quaker-
town with classes costing $2.00. Schulmann did not like bullies, so he started teaching kids to be
more condent in order to avoid being bullied or becoming a victim. To attract more attention
and gain new students, Schulmann passed around yers for his class at football games.
Schulmann was still competing back in those days, so the students that he taught were also his
training partners. After going through some forms and exercises with his students, he would
begin to spar all 20 people that were in his class.
It wasnt until Schulmann opened his third school in Nyack, New York that he began to set a
standard to his operating procedures. Schulmann followed a 50/50 partnership deal for his
schools back then, and still does today. He believes that if the schools were owned by the
instructors, they would treat it and care for it as if it were their own.
Schulmann says, We build our schools by ourselves. We get the space, sheetrock it, paint it,
install our own carpeting and mats, and go nd a cheap sign company. Eight thousand dollars
opened that school. We were equal partners, as I was with my Quakertown partner.
Some of those little kids I taught back in Spring Valley went to college and are now instructors
and owners of their own schools, says Schulmann, To grow an organization, loyalty is very
important. I have instructors that have been with me for 15 and even 20-plus years.
On top of his 50/50 partnership with his schools, Schulmann makes sure that his instructors train
with him rst at HQ. This allows him to personally get to know them as well as see how good
they really are at martial arts. His instructors will then continue to train with him every Tuesday,
as well as one more additional day of mandatory training.
Schulmann says, I go into business with real martial artists - good, ethical people who must deal
well with children and adults, and who are going to care about their students.
This all began in the mid-1980s, but as of today, there are 50 Tiger Schulmann schools located in
New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Florida. Schulmann also owns one of the
largest martial arts schools in the world with a 20,000 square feet dojo located in Manhattan.
I never set out to have 50 schools. I dont know anyone who can really plan on things like that
happening. If the only idea in mind is to become a millionaire, it never works, because you dont
enjoy what youre doing. I just work every day because I enjoy it and try to do it as smart as I
can, and I like being successful.
As a Tiger Schulmanns student, youll be in great company. We provide the most comprehensive
training for people of all ages. Tiger Schulmanns has been the school of choice for many law
enforcement ofcials, professional athletes, educators, and tness enthusiasts.
Muscular Development using the latest exercise physiology, our classes target every muscle,
helping you develop greater strength and muscular denition.
Cardio Conditioning through intense cardiovascular conditioning, youll expand the capacity
of your heart and lungs while burning calories. The result increased stamina to keep you ener-
gized all day.
Flexibility in order to protect you from injury, as well as enhance your range of motion, weve
incorporated stretching exercises to keep you feeling young and agile.
Muscular Development + Cardio Conditioning + Flexibility = Total Fitness
Hand-picked by Master Tiger Schulmann himself, every candidate must complete years of rig-
orous training prior to becoming a certied head instructor or Sensei. To preserve the schools
high ideals, these Instructors and Senseis must continually train every week to stay current on
the latest and most efective self-defense techniques, instructional methods, nutritional and
exercise-physiology regimes. We expect the utmost quality from our instructors, and in turn, you
can expect unparalleled Martial Arts instruction.
Making the rst step is easy and the best place to start is with our free 1 trial class, which includes
an orientation and free bag training gloves. Youll experience, rst-hand, the excitement and
challenge of Tiger Schulmanns. Through this, youll have the opportunity to see all the benets
and advantages of how Tiger Schulmanns will change your life physically and mentally.
Kickboxing classes incorporate the art of Muay Thais unmatched skills for standing combat
with an intense, 800 calorie-per-hour, fat-burning cardio workout. Fighting techniques focus on
strikes with hands, feet, elbows, knees, blocking and take-downs while you slim down, get toned
and build endurance.
The ultimate combination of ghting styles to face opponents while standing, conned to
close-quarters or on the ground. This intense strength-building cardio workout blends the most
efective techniques from Muay Thai, Karate, and Jiu-Jitsu while keeping your mind, body and
spirit in peak condition.
Proven to be the most efective ghting style when in close-quarters or on the ground. Regard-
less of the size and strength of your opponents, you will learn the mechanics of the human body
and bring them to submission through joint manipulations, chokes and holds using leverage and
advanced grappling techniques.
The most efective, martial art for standing combat. Muay Thai uses the hands, feet, shins, knees
and elbows to deliver devastating attacks to your opponent. A sophisticated system of blocks
and throw-downs is incorporated to neutralize attacks. Muay Thai intensies strength, speed,
concentration, plus aerobic and overall tness.
Martial Arts requires a great deal of discipline and training. It takes more than just a t body to
succeed in mastering a martial arts, it also takes a strong and resilient mind. With a strong mind,
your kids will be able to press forward, and constantly strive for improvement. Lets take a look
at the many benets that can be gained from Kids Martial Arts:
Positive Mindset
Improved Relaxation
Increased Flexibility
The rst thing that comes in mind when thinking about the benets of applying your children to
a Kids Martial Arts class is tness. What separates Kids Martial Arts from any other tness pro-
gram is that its not just a change up in a work-out routine, but a change up in lifestyle. Training
from Martial Arts can be applied towards a healthier diet, as well as a more active lifestyle. With
your children being healthy and t, theyll be more condent in tackling goals that are outside
of their experience.
With your children being healthy and t, they will be more condent and apt in tackling goals
that would have normally been outside of their comfort zone. Kids Martial Arts applies measur-
able and reachable goals so that your children can see, as well as feel, the improvement and
accomplishments that they have achieved. Having reachable and measurable goals is important,
and can be applied to other aspects of their lives, such as school.
Kids Martial Arts programs can help children learn techniques in relaxation that will aid them in
protecting their minds and bodies. Feeling tense and stressed can cause problems and cloud a
childs mind, so releasing all that built up stress in the form of Kids Martial Arts is a great way
to calm their mind and minimize that stress from building up. It has also been proven through
scientic studies that Kids Martial Arts is a great way help children with ADHD to focus and vent
out all that excess energy and stay relaxed.
Kids Mixed Martial Arts classes focus on building self-discipline and condence, respect for self
and others, plus greatly improved physical, mental and emotional health. All this is coupled with
developing unshakable determination and self-defense skills. The classes are safe, fun, and can
shape your kids positively for the rest of their lives.
Karate is a standing style which excels at devastating, hyper-focused punching and kicking tech-
niques coupled with efective blocks and take-downs. Kicking is slightly emphasized to keep
opponents at a greater distance. Strength, exibility and aerobic tness are developed along
with a clear, focused mind and unshakable spirit.
Scientic studies have proven that Martial Arts, above all other athletic activities, have greatly
improved the lives of kids sufering from ADHD scholastically, socially and at home. Their lack of
focus, excess energy and tendency to act out are channeled perfectly through the disciplined,
high-energy approach our classes ofer.
Bullying is a process which develops before it ever leads to physical contact. Bully Shield teaches
kids to immediately identify the process and instills self-condence to verbally difuse bullying
when it starts. Most often, bullies lack condence themselves. Bully Shield helps bullies and their
victims achieve the self-esteem to avoid bullying altogether, leaving self-defense as the last
Real People. Real Results. Real Success. Last year, Paramus Mixed Martial Arts student Jen An-
nunziato wrote a testimonial about her successes in weight loss, physical conditioning, increased
energy, and change of life. At the time she wrote it, Jen had lost a great amount of weight
(130lbs in total) and WOWED us with her progress! Not only had she achieved the goals she set
for herself, but she surpassed them. She hasnt stopped to rest yet. Lets take a closer look at
her testimonial as well as a few other students of TSMMA.

I have been training at Tiger Schulmans Paramus since February 2011. I needed
a change in my workout. What I was doing on my own at home was not working. I
was constantly bored and not seeing any results. By changing my at home tness
program and adding TSMMA to my workout routine, I was able to exceed my tness
and health goals. The instructors and atmosphere at Tiger Schulmans Paramus is so
supportive and encouraging that I have set new goals for myself; ones that I thought
could never be obtained. If I hadnt started training. I would have been so frustrated
with my at home tness that I probably would have given up and accepted my life
the way it was, whether I was happy or not. But I took the rst step.
I have met people that I never would have and they have changed my life. These
students, now my close friends, have been there for good times and bad. They have
been there for me through some tough times both related to my training and in
my personal life. I speak to everyone about the TSMMA Paramus school. Training
under Joshu Michael Murray and Joshu Brian Russo has given me self-condence,
discipline and focus that carries over into my at home tness as well as in my pro-
fessional life. This is not just about a great workout, its about a way to a better life.
My story is very diferent than anyone elses that trains. Its possibly the most unique
situation in the Tiger Schulmans organization. I have a chronic medical condition
that will always be with me and does cause some problems when I train. The instruc-
tors have made it a point to sit down with me and truly understand the situation.
They have gone above and beyond and have given me rules so that my health
does not hinder my training and accommodated me when needed so that I can still
train at the level of intensity I want and not let this unfortunate circumstance get
in the way. I cannot say enough about Joshu Murray and Joshu Russo. They are not
only amazing instructors with their knowledge and technique but they truly care
about their students. They go out of their way to help students better themselves,
not only in their abilities in class but in their daily lives as well. The atmosphere is like
a family and I truly believe they have everything to do with this.


I rst started training at TSMMA back in January 2010. At the time, I weighed 216
pounds, lacked condence and was very unhappy with my appearance. This caused
me to frequently battle with feelings of anger and depression. Realizing I needed to
do something for myself, I joined TSMMA Syosset because I always enjoyed watch-
ing UFC and wanted to try something diferent than just another gym.
What I found there while training under Sensei Nick Gravina was far more than just
a workout; it was an experience that positively changed the entire way I lived my
life. By that spring I had lost 30 pounds and began to really perfect my technique.
More importantly, my feelings of anger and depression began to disappear just as
fast as the inches of my waste and my condence grew with each drop of sweat
left on the mat.
Unfortunately, a combination of school and work forced me to stop training to-
ward the end of 2010. From then until September 2012, I gradually regained the 30
pounds I had lost as well as an additional 25. Once again I found myself often feeling
angry and depressed and lacking condence. By my 29th Birthday in August 2012, I
realized that I could no longer continue living in such an unhealthy way both physi-
cally and mentally. I would turn 30 a year later and knew my family had a history of
obesity, heart disease and diabetes. I promised myself then that by the time I turned
30 I would be in the best shape of my life to avoid similar health problems and also
rebuild my mental strength and discipline.
I knew exactly where to go. I joined TSMMA Seaford and never looked back. Training
under Sensei Joe Belluomo for over a year now I have seen myself lose 85 pounds,
transform my body into the greatest shape its ever been throughout my entire life,
and nd the focus, condence and discipline I was sorely lacking. Initially my goal
was a simple one; lose weight. As I lost weight, however, my goals changed. I didnt
just want to be skinny. I wanted to be as toned as possible. I didnt want to just hit
a bag, I wanted to have perfect technique and challenge myself in advanced grap-
pling and sparring classes. I didnt just want to survive a class, I wanted to attack a
class with every ounce of energy I had and set an example for others. I now hope to
continue advancing toward my Black Belt and maybe to even teach TSMMA classes.
Thanks to Sensei Belluomo and TSMMA I was able to keep the promise I made to
myself on my 29th Birthday of being in the best shape of my life when I turned 30.
Thanks to Sensei Belluomo and TSMMA I am also a better, stronger, more successful
person than Ive ever been before. I owe much to Sensei Belluomo and TSMMA,
but the most important thing Ive learned is to never give up on myself. It was that
simple concept that allowed me to achieve what I have in the past year and one I
share with every new student who walks into our school. The results I achieved are
attainable for everyone so long as they just never give up on themselves. In fact,
after seeing my results, my 51 year old mother even joined TSMMA Seaford and has
now lost 40 pounds of her own. TSMMA Seaford has become our extended family
and will always be an essential part of our lives moving forward.


On March 19th I walked through Tiger Schulmanns East Hanovers doors not
knowing what to expect, but knowing that something in my life had to change. At
30 years old I came to a point in my life where you can say I hit rock bottom. I
weighed 226 pounds, sufered from depression, emotional eating, and self harm. I
was very unhappy with a lot of areas in my life, but being overweight was the hard-
est issue for me to try to gain control of. It was an issue I had struggled with for
many years, and lately began to spiral out of control. After seeking help from my
family and therapy I was able to gain some control of the emotional areas of my life.
It was then that I felt that it was time to start focusing on my physical self. Thats
when I decided I should to get back to my athletic roots (my high school years)
since thats when I was the happiest, and most t, in my life.
My rst trial class is a day I wont forget for the rest of my life. It was the day that
something great and empowering had awoken within me. Joshu walked me around
showing me pictures on the walls of amazing ghters, gave me a small background
on the schools history, introduced me to Sensei Lopez and gave me my rst ever
pair of boxing glovesI felt super special at that point! After surviving the rst trial
class I felt a little overwhelmed, yet full of energy and excitement! I wanted to take
some time to see if it was really something I wanted to commit myself to, but deep
down I already knew. Tiger Schulmanns was where I belonged and a month later I
ofcially started. Thats when I felt my new self come to life!
Focus and discipline are words you will always hear coming out of Senseis mouth
and thats exactly what I needed to hear on a daily basis to be able to accomplish
what I have in the short months that Ive been with Tiger Schulmann. Before I start-
ed training I never thought achieving any type tness goals were possible. However,
shortly after I began training, I started to see a diference in how I felt physically and
mentally. It felt absolutely great and I did not want it to stop. Feeling my uniform
and belt get bigger and bigger, hearing all the encouraging words from everyone
around me and achieving my rank of hi-white belt, was all the motivation that I
needed to keep going full force. Its then that I realized that anything is possible so
long as I stay focused and have the discipline to come to training. I also had the help
and encouragement from the other students I train with, and as a whole I really feel
that none of my accomplishments wouldnt have been possible without my family,
Sensei, Joshu and all the other wonderful strong people Ive met at the school. To
this day I have placed in two challenges, and lost a total of 63 pounds (and count-
ing!). I have been of my medication, and have not relapsed to my old eating habits
or cutting in 246 days, feats would be absolutely impossible not too long ago.
During this journey Ive learned a lot about myself. In these past 8 months I found
out what I am truly capable of, how strong I really am, and to never forget that I
can do anything that I put my mind to. I truly thank Tiger Schulmann for giving me
the physical skills I needed to get myself back into shape, the mental skills of learn-
ing how to not give up, how to stay positive and focused on any goal that I set for
myself in life, and providing a fun and healthy environment to practice these skills.
Whether its short term, long term or on or of the mat, I know I can and will accom-
plish it; TSMMA has truly changed my life for the better.


As mentioned earlier, Daniel Tiger Schulmann makes sure that all of his instructors
have trained under him and meet his standards of being a Martial Artists. Schulmann
says that he works with real martial artists - good, ethical people who must deal
well with children and adults, and who are going to care about their students. One
of these instructors is Sensei Dave Tirelli.
Sensei David Tirellis mixed martial arts journey began over two and a half decades
ago. Initially inspired by Bruce Lees Enter the Dragon movie at a young age,
Sensei Tirelli eventually enrolled in Tiger Schulmanns MMA after being referred by
his older brother, Sensei Peter Tirelli.
At the time, David had just graduated with a bachelors degree from Curry College
and the idea of training mixed martial arts really appealed to him. As he recalls
my brother came home one day raving about his new martial arts instructor and
insisted I give it try. That instructor turned out to be the legendary Master Tiger
Schulmann himself.
David knew he found his calling from day 1, and never looked back. After progressing
through the ranks, Sensei Tirelli pursued a career in Tiger Schulmanns Mixed Martial
Arts by becoming both a certied head instructor as well as a professional ghter.
Now, as a master head instructor, Sensei Tirelli has the experience of teaching thou-
sands of students, helping many change their lives.
Sensei Dave Tirelli has spent twenty years teaching students Martial Arts. He pursued
his own competitive goals even while teaching Tiger Schulmanns Mixed Martial
Arts every day to his own students. He knows rsthand how Self-Condence helps
students avoid becoming involved with activities like the one gaining popularity
My students have enough condence in themselves to avoid trying to impress
someone just to t in, says Tirelli. Instead they build their Condence by achieving
things, whether in school, sports or in Martial Arts.
Tirellis Classes are based on 30 years of progress by Tiger Schulmanns. His curric-
ulum is proven to teach the most contemporary techniques for self-defense on the
street, all while instilling Self-Discipline.
Sensei Louis Gaudinot started his training at the age of 6. His parents needed a
disciplined and constructive activity for him to participate in. Martial Arts tuned
out to be the perfect t. Sensei Gaudinot was a natural, he picked up techniques
quickly. Like his mentor, Shihan Tiger Schulmann, his speed and agility made him
a great kick-boxer and grappler, and current Pro Mixed Martial Artist.
He continued his training until 1998 when he received his 3rd Degree Black Belt.
At Tiger Schulmanns advice he put his training on hold, to pursue his education
and went on to Seton Hall University, where he graduated with a degree in Criminal
Justice. His passion for the martial arts drove him back to training and consequently
being promoted to rank of Senior Instructor (Sensei).
Sensei Gaudinot has been competing professionally in Muay Thai Kickboxing,
Grappling, and MMA. In 2010,he captured the Ring of Combat Pro MMA Flyweight
Division Championship belt with a submission victory. This win vaulted Louis into a
top 10 world ranking for Flyweight division. By 2011, Louis had set sights on fullling
his dream of becoming a UFC ghter. Louis auditioned and was successfully cast in
the UFCs Ultimate Fighter reality show for season 14. Louis hard work paid of as
he is now a 3 ght UFC veteran, and a world renowned mixed martial artist.
Sensei Gaudinots enthusiasm for martial arts comes through in his teaching as well
as his professional accomplishments. For him this is not a job, but a way of life.
Sensei Mike Stine began his training in the martial arts in 1998 under the direction
of Sensei Joseph Curran in Hicksville, NY. Sensei Stine has had a very successful
career in numerous areas of competition. He holds a record of (2-0) in Muay Thai
Kickboxing, and is (3-1) in his Pro MMA career, where he successfully nished all
three ghts in the rst round with 2 submissions and 1 knockout. In addition, he
has a boxing record of (6-2), while competing for 3 years in the NY Golden Gloves.
In 2004, he won the USMMA Light Heavy Weight Reality Fighting title, winning by
submission in the rst round. In his grappling career of, he has taken 1st place in the
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced divisions of the North American Grappling
Association (NAGA). He was also selected by the UFC to compete in the 3rd season
of The Ultimate Fighter.
After 5 years of competition, Sensei Stine made the decision to retire and devote
his full time and energy to helping his students achieve their own personal goals,
which include physical conditioning, condence and of course, self-defense.
Starting out as an instructor and co-owner in Great Neck Long Island, he now makes
his home in the Rego Park school. In addition to enjoying his work with all of the
students in Rego Park, he also enjoys helping others in need by raising money, ded-
icated his time and sharing his knowledge with such worthy causes as; St. Judes
Hospital, The American Heart Association, and The American Red Cross. He also
enjoys giving back to the community by holding free Bully Proof and Child Safety
Seminars for kids in the neighborhood. He continues to train each and every week
with Master Tiger Schulmann and his fellow instructors at the TSMMA Headquarters
so that he can provide his students with the most up to date and valuable martial
arts training he can.
Cherry Hill
East Brunswick
East Hanover
Elmwood Park
North Plaineld
Old Bridge
Red Bank
South Plaineld
Bay Ridge
Garden City
Middle Village
Mount Kisco
New Dorp
New York
New York City
Rego Park
Rockville Centre
Vails Gate
Tiger Schulmanns Kickboxing & Mixed Martial Arts trains thousands
of people to their optimal physical and mental health every single day.
Established in 1984, Tiger Schulmanns MMA ofers a tness program which
is highly efective and people stick with it. Each program is tailored to your
personal tness goals. Tiger Schulmanns MMA will customize a program for
you to build your body, train your mind, and energize your spirit.

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