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Jammu and Kashmir’s Monthly Magazine RNI : JKENG/2007/26070

ISSN 0974-5653
Jammu and Kashmir’s Monthly Magazine
Epilogue Telling

because there is more to know The J&K Stories
Jammu, November 1, 2009 / Vol 3 / Issue 11 || Price Rs. 30 || Postal Registration No. JK-350/2009-11 ||

Via Talks & Trade
Special on First Anniversary of
Cross-LoC Trade
because there is more to know
An Analysis of Joint Chamber

November 1, 2009
New Delhi's Fresh Peace Initiatives
Perspectives on Harnessing Indus Waters


Vol 3 / Issue 11 || Price Rs. 30 ||
Author of Islam Women &
Violence in Kashmir
Socio-Cultural and Economic
Changes Among Muslim Rajputs

Bridging Divides

A Window of Opportunity


There is a window of opportunity opening in J&K that must not be missed once again. This follows the
Union Home Minister's statement that the Government intends to open and persevere with quiet talks with
all sections of J&K opinion, including those outside the mainstream like the Hurriyat and . None can claim a
veto or set conditionalities. Spoilers will be exposed.
The first and more important part of a J&K already discussed in recent years? Cross-border
settlement is an internal resolution on matters relations in turn will unfold and evolve over time.
of human rights, disappearances, displacement, One urgent new issue is climate change that
autonomy, livelihoods and development will hit J&K and the entire Indus basin. This will
generally. This must include bridging regional respect no boundaries and offers both a
divides. Pakistan can have no role in this and challenge and an opportunity. The Indus Treaty
must, rather, put right its own house in order in has worked fairly well. Both sides now need to
that part of J&K under its control which lacks the avail of Article 7 of the Treaty on “Future
autonomy and freedom enjoyed on this side. Cooperation” to move towards joint investigation,
The other part pertains to an external development and management of the three
settlement with Pakistan which can now Western rivers allocated to Pakistan (in which
realistically only be along the LOC on the basis of the Indian part of J&K has a modest share) but
making boundaries irrelevant (with no whose upper basins are controlled by India. This
derogation to sovereignty on either side) as alone will permit the optimal development and
basically agreed in principle. This means halting utilization of the full potential of the Indus basin
the trans-border infiltration and mindless for the mutual benefit not only of all the people
violence that Pakistan has wantonly indulged in, of J&K but also of India and Pakistan.
extending jihadi terrorism far afield to other Together with this, the Siachen issue can
parts of India, of which 26 /11 was a horrendous easily be settled by acknowledging the specific
example. There are no true non-state actors as and unambiguous 1949 Karachi Agreement
the jihadi organizations and Taliban have all delineation of the LOC beyond the last
been trained and sponsored by Pakistan and demarcated point at grid reference NJ 9842 and
cannot masquerade under new names. To say “thence north to the glaciers”, without leaving
that Pakistan is itself a victim of terrorism means any part as no-man's land as stipulated. Once
little as it is the monster Pakistan has long bred, this is done, the triangular area from NJ 9842
and even now patronises in part, that has turned running NE to the Karakoram Pass and NW to K2
on it. could be declared a Peace Zone and a scientific
No one either in J&K or Pakistan can plead park for joint Indo-Pakistan glaciological,
for more time to formulate their views. Nor can hydrological and meteorological studies, with
it be argued that “Kashmiris” must meet to international collaboration, in order to monitor
EXCLUSIVE TO decide on a common position before the internal and respond to climate change on the basis of

Epilogue dialogue commences. What will they discuss

that they could not discuss earlier or have
real time data.
This is the way forward. Vol. 3, Issue 11 Epilogue, November 2009

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