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On Construction of All-student Self-education System under the Guidance

of All-staff Education

Reflections and Practice on Students Cultural Education of Huazhong Uniersity

of Science ! "echnology
Prof. Kang Ouyang
Vice Chairman of University Committee
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Abstract: This paper, with its focus on the study of how to integrate Cultural
Education into the general education and management of students, based on
relevant practical explorations in Huazhong University of Science
Technology, has proposed to construct a !ll"student self"education system under
the guidance of !ll"staff Education, in an attempt to provide possible solutions
for the arising problems and confusions imposed upon the Cultural Education of
college students#
Key words: College students, Cultural Education, !ll"staff Education, !ll"
student Self"education
The Student-centered Cultural ducation! an im"ortant means for colleges and universities to
cultivate high-#uality talents! is no$ seen as easily disconnected $ith current student
education and management system! $hich is very li%ely to develo" into a &oring stand-u"
comic sho$. To solve these e'isting "ro&lems! after years of e'"loration and "ractice!
Huazhong University of Science and Technology "ro"oses the construction of (ll-student
Self-education System under the )uidance of (ll-staff ducation.
*n light of this (ll-staff ducation enhanced system! full "lay is given to the educating
ca"a&ility of the $hole faculty of colleges and universities! ma%ing sure the education is all
involved! s"ecified to small matters $henever and $herever "ossi&le. (s for the main target
of "romoting (ll-student self education! great efforts are made to fully stimulate and maintain
students+ initiatives to see% and internalise %no$ledge! so that self-education is individually
im"lemented $ith full self-management al$ays and every$here! ultimately fulfilling the all-
around self-develo"ment of college students.
#$ Construction of All-student Self-education System under the Guidance of All-staff
*n constructing the (ll-student Self-education System under the )uidance of (ll-staff
ducation! an im"lementation "lan is designed! $hich can &e summarized into , one center!
t$o contingents! three structures! four goals! five conce"ts and si' "latforms,! as is sho$n in
the gra"h &elo$-
Students as the Center
. Center
(ll-student Self-
System under the
)uidance of (ll-
staff ducation
/ Contingents
0 Structures
(ll Teaching Staff
(ll the Students
Class and 1eague 2ranch
Student Party 2ranch
Student Union and Organizations
Self-develo"ment 4eeds
Social Services
3acrosco"ic )uide
5eed&ac% 3ach
5eed&ac% of 6esults
5eed&ac% of (tmos"here
5eed&ac% of 5orms
7 )oals
*nternalization in ducation Content
*nternationalization in ducation Vision
O"timization in ducation ffects
8 Conce"ts
Providing nough 9evelo"ing S"ace and O""ortunities
1eading a 6ight 9irection for the 9evelo"ment
sta&lishing the 2est System
Stimulating nthusiasm and 3otivation of Self-develo"ment of
3ost Students
: Platforms
Creating )ood (tomes"here
'"ansion in ducation 6ange
Platform for Students+ Self-education in Party Construction
Platform for Students+ Self-education in Pu&lic 3orality
Platform for Students+ Self-education in Technological *nnovation
Platform for Students+ Self-education in Social Practice
Platform for Students+ Self-education in Scientific Values
Platform for Students+ Self-education in 3ental Health
#$# Reoling around One Center% Centered on Students! the system is aimed to "romote
students+ free and all-around develo"ment.
#$& Enhancing the 'eelo(ment of ")o Contingents- The t$o contingents of &oth
educators and the educated are to &e involved in the realization of all-around higher
education. *n other $ords! the teaching staff $ill $ell fulfill their res"onsi&ility of educating
and cultivating students $hile the students are to strengthen their initiatives of self-education
and self-develo"ment.
#$* +uilding "hree Structures% The construction of organizational structure! o"erational
mechanism and feed&ac% mechanism $ill largely guarantee the construction of the all-student
self-education system. 5irst of all! ma%ing full use of Class and 1eague 2ranch! Student Party
2ranch and Student Union and other student organizations! $e &uild the "latform for students;
self-education. Secondly! under the schools+ macrosco"ic guide! fully a$are of the students;
self-develo"ment needs and targeted at social services! $e im"rove the o"erational
mechanism of students; self-education system. Thirdly! &y the means of the feed&ac% of
forms! results and atmos"here! $e assess the students; efforts made in self-education.
#$, Esta-lishing .our Goals- Targeted at the e'"ansion in education range! $e $ill advocate
and im"lement the Cultural ducation throughout the $hole "rocess of higher education. <ith
the internalization of education content as an im"ortant goal! $e $ill hel" the students e'tract
the motivation and ca"acity for self-develo"ment from Cultural ducation. <ith great
em"hasis laid on the internationalization of education vision! $e $ill integrate the favora&le
foreign develo"ing and gro$ing modes into our Cultural ducation for college students.
(imed at the o"timization of education effects! $e $ill give full "lay to the interactive and
com"lementary of teachers and students in the $hole "rocess of Cultural ducation.
#$/ 0m(lementing .ie Conce(ts- (s is clearly %no$n! motivation "lays an im"ortant role in
initiative stimulating and confidence &oosting so as for self-develo"ment! thus efforts should
&e made to stimulate the enthusiasm and motivation of the over$helming ma=ority of
students. On the other hand! o""ortunities greatly affect the ca"acity and altitude of students;
self-develo"ment! $hich ma%es it necessary to "rovide sufficient develo"ing "ossi&ilities.
(lso! a correct direction is a&le to lead the students onto the right trac%! thus necessary and
significant. (s for the other t$o im"ortant conce"ts to im"lement all through! namely the
esta&lishment of the &est system and the creation of good education atmos"here! they can hel"
to "rovide a favora&le environment for free and all-around individual self-develo"ment.
#$1 0m(roing Si2 Platforms% The im"rovement of the Platform for Students+ Self-education
in Party Construction can hel" enhance students+ "olitical #uality $hile im"roving the
Platform for Students+ Self-education in Pu&lic 3orality can hel" students develo" &asic
social virtues. On the other hand! a &etter "erfected Platform for Students+ Self-education in
Social Practice can hel" students form their sense of social res"onsi&ility and an im"roved
Platform for Students+ Self-education in Technological *nnovation can hel" cultivate
innovative s"irits and a&ilities of students. 5urthermore! im"roving the Platform for Students+
Self-education in Scientific Values can hel" students come u" $ith scientific em"loyment
ideas and the im"rovement of the Platform for Students+ Self-education in 3ental Health can
hel" students u"lift their characters.
&$ A Practical Account of the All-student Self-education System under the Guidance of
All-staff Education
/.. *m"roving the Platform for Students+ Self-education in Party Construction! and guiding
the students to hold firm faith in Communism and im"rove their "olitical #uality during the
"arty &uilding activities
Student Party Construction "lays an im"ortant role in university "ersonnel training and
#uality education. (nd *deological and "olitical education $ith "arty &uilding ta%ing the lead
can hel" enhance the ideological #uality and "olitical accom"lishment of college students.
Under such circumstances! Huazhong University of Science and Technology >HUST? ta%es
@2uilding 2ranch in ClassesA as the starting "oint and esta&lishes a ne$ mechanism for "arty
construction. <ith ,1ed &y Party 5lag, Pro=ect as a &rea%through! em"hasis is laid on the
"arty education of "arty candidates &efore! during and after their =oining the Party! giving full
"lay to the vanguard and e'em"lary role of student "arty mem&ers. On the other hand! in
recruiting and training student "arty cadres! HUST has "ro"osed some creative training model
for student &ac%&ones! further strengthening the construction of &asic-level "arty &ranches!
carrying out in de"th the "ractical and educational "arty activities and hel"ing students
im"rove their "olitical #uality.
/./ *m"roving the Platform for Students+ Self-education in Pu&lic 3orality and guiding
students to %no$ the morals and eti#uettes in various "u&lic morality activities! in order to
ma%e the students &ecome #ualified citizens! civilized and ethical.
The education of "u&lic morality is an integral "art of Cultural ducation! greatly influential
to the cultivation of highly "rinci"led morally lofty college students. <ith this in mind!
Huazhong University of Science and Technology has carried out the activity of ,1ong 3arch
of Pu&lic 3orality,! intended to strengthen students+ daily morality education. 3oreover! all
%inds of internal and e'ternal "u&lic morals res"onsi&ility areas have &een esta&lished so that
students could integrate $hat they are told into daily &ehaviors.
/.0 *m"roving the Platform for Students+ Self-education in Social Practice and guiding
students to care a&out "eo"le;s livelihood! enhance their a&ilities and strengthen their sense of
res"onsi&ilities in the "rocess of understanding and serving the society.
*n the System of (ll-student Self-education $ith the guidance of (ll-staff ducation! "ractical
a$areness and social res"onsi&ility of the college students contri&ute a lot to the students;
self-education in that they "lay an irre"lacea&le role in ma%ing university students %no$
a&out the society! enhance their a&ilities! cultivate their character and strengthen their sense of
social res"onsi&ility. <ith regard to this! $e can esta&lish Social Practice 2ases so as to &uild
a long-term mechanism for students; social "ractice! set u" ,6evisit the 6ed, 2ases for the
sa%e of education on revolutionary traditions! organize teaching courses of social "ractice
targeted at scientific social "ractices methods for the students and encourage the "artici"ation
of college students in social services so as to "romote their a$areness of serving the "eo"le.
/.7 *m"roving the Platform for Students+ Self-education in Technological *nnovation! and
guiding students to ta%e the initiative to "ractice! to innovate! and underta%e the im"ortant
tas%s of national scientific and technological develo"ment.
The innovation s"irit! innovation a$areness and "ractical intelligence are %ey factors to
measure the innovative talents. (nd e'tracurricular scientific and technological innovation
activities! as an im"ortant carrier of the students; gro$th and success! "lay an active role in
cultivating innovative talents and "romoting the organic integration of industry! education and
research. *n such &ac%ground! Huazhong University of Science and Technology su""lements
and e'tends the first class mainly through the ,2ase-oriented,scientific and technological
innovation education model! guides students to "lay the main role through the ,3entor-
aided,scientific and technological innovation education model! and &uilds the an amazing
stage for innovative talents through the ,Self-organized,scientific and technological education
/.8 *m"roving the Platform for Students+ Self-education in Scientific Values and guiding
students to realize their values in contri&uting to society.
To further im"rove the Platform for Students+ Self-education in Scientific Values! Huazhong
University of Science and Technology has initially created five on-line career consulting
modules! namely ,Online Consultation <ith 3r. 3ao,! @Career )uidance Column on
)raduate m"loyment *nformation <e&A! @'change 5orum for Career )uidance CourseA ,
4et$or% (cademy for Pre-$or% ducation ,! and ,8.langtu.comA! constituting a
com"rehensive net$or% guidance service system $ith learning! evaluation! counseling!
guidance! and e'changes integrally included. 5urthermore! $ith s"ecific guidance and
ins"irations! $e encourage outstanding graduates to $or% in areas or at "osts $here they are
most needed! ma%ing &est contri&utions. (lso! $e ma%e full use of a variety of o""ortunities
"roduced in the coo"eration $ith enter"rises on &oth research and "ersonnel training!
trans"orting graduates to enter"rises! es"ecially those $ithin Key 4ational 9evelo"ment
Strategy or im"ortant industries.
/.: *m"roving the Platform for Students+ Self-education in 3ental Health! and guiding
students to develo" a healthy "ersonality
<ith leading students to u"lift their character &eing a vital "art of the Cultural ducation! it
has &ecome an im"ortant criterion for success to have healthy mentality and "ersonality. *t
calls for the =oint efforts of all involving "arties in the education to "romote a successful
"sychological ducation! yet the %ey lies $ith the students themselves in the enhancement of
self-a$areness. Therefore! College Cultural ducation should target at a coordinated
develo"ment of the college students ideologically! morally! scientifically! culturally and
"sychologically! "roviding universal access to mental health %no$ledge! and hel"ing them
ada"t to university life and cultivate a healthy and "ositive state of mind.
*$ Practice Effects of All-student Self-education System under the Guidance of All-staff
This research has achieved remar%a&le results in "ractical e'"loration. 5irstly3 the Cultural
4uality Practice System of Huazhong Uniersity of Science and "echnology Education
has fully mo-ilized all 5inds of internal and e2ternal educational resources$ Secondly3 it
has facilitated (ositie transformation in the teaching conce(ts of many of the staff$
"hirdly3 in the teaching of s(ecialized courses and social (ractices3 College Cultural
Education has successfully integrated the three 6classrooms6 of higher education3 i$e$3
the first )here traditional teaching actiities are organized3 the second )here academic3
scientific3 technological3 cultural3 s(orts and community actiities organized -y students
under the guidance of teachers3 and the third )here social (ractice conducted )ith the
guidance -y teachers$
<ith clearly set educational goals! concretely s"ecified $or% measures! and $ell im"lemented
guarantees! the system has greatly "romoted the Cultural ducation of undergraduates. 5or
e'am"le! the academic "erformance of undergraduates has im"roved significantly! $ith more
and more a$ards $on in com"etitions &oth at home and overseas! the research and innovation
ca"acity has &een greatly enhanced! and the num&er of "u&lished "a"ers and successfully
a""lied "atents has increased su&stantially. 3oreover! the graduates+ conce"t of em"loyment
has changed greatly! and an increasing num&er of students choose to &e em"loyed in the
national %ey industries! at $estern areas or in the grass-roots units. (t the same time! the
im"lementation of (ll-student Self-education System under the )uidance of (ll-staff
ducation has made significant achievements in "ractice education of undergraduates+ cultural
#uality. 3any education forms! such as ,1ed &y Party 5lag, Pro=ect! @1ong 3arch of Pu&lic
3orality , and ,6evisit the 6ed, 2ase! are $idely recognized and "ractised among
universities across China in cultural education! "roducing "ositive res"onses in the field of
*nternational Student (ffairs.

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