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Raja Yoga & The Art Of living An Islamic Appraisal Muhammad Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar

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Muhammad Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar
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, 1+9 ,

149. O you who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will
send you back on your heels, and you will turn back (from Faith)
as losers.
(The Holy Quran, 3:149)

, 9 ,
9. O Prophet (Muhammad)! Strive hard against the
disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be severe against them, their
abode will be Hell, and worst indeed is that destination.
(The Holy Quran, 66:9)

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Those luminous, guided and fortunate souls, who
want to learn, practice and preach the Deen of
Allah Taala.

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May Allah Taala accept my humble effort as this publication is solely for His
pleasure. May He make it a means of guidance and inspiration to all the readers, as
well as, for myself, and all those who assisted in its publication. May Muslims all
over the world benefit from the Malfuzaat (wise and perceptive utterances)
contained within this book.
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PREFACE ..... 6
BE ON YOUR GUARD!............................................................... 95
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;-=,- Q-=,- = ;~-

ear Muslim Reader,
I present to you in these pages the reality of The Art of Living
and Raja Yoga from the Muslims point of view. These two
organisations have been working around the globe, inviting Muslims to also
participate in their programmes and courses.
Many Muslims participate in these programmes without knowing their beliefs and
underlying motives.

Rejoicing the Muslims participation in their programmes and courses, the Art of
Living brochure Our Kenya Love affair with Art of Living states:

A first of its kind in the history of Art of Living was the part 1 course
which was held in the Jamia mosque in Nairobi. The Imam of the mosque
among others participated in the programme and encouraged members of
the community to join including women

Before it is too late, I feel that it is our duty to enlighten the Muslim Ummah about
these organisations and provide the Muslims with essential knowledge with which
they may judge right from wrong.
I, therefore, deemed it necessary to make a research on them and find out the truth
from their own publications which were easily at my disposal. During the research,
an idea of compiling what I had researched crossed my mind and this is what you
have now in your hands.

I have tried to extract as many facts from their publications as I could while
maintaining brevity; though a lot can be elaborated in detail.

Our Kenya Love Affair, with The Art of Living. Page.9. Art of Living Nairobi
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The beauty of Islam as eternal and a perfect message from Allah has been
explained in the first few pages to make the Muslim reader realise and appreciate
the blessings of Islam before he reads about an Islamic critique on Hindu art forms.

The purpose of this writing is to induce the Muslim reader to find out the truth,
before he strays from the right path. If I succeed in doing that, then indeed I have
achieved my goal. Please read the work with an open mind and form your
conclusions with the reason and logic that Allah Taala has bestowed upon you.
We make Duaa to Allah Taala for guidance, as He has taught us in the very first
chapter of The Holy Quran:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
The Beneficent, the Merciful,
Owner of the Day of Judgment,
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee alone we ask for help.
Show us the straight path,
The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not (the path) of those
Earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.

Muhammad Ibrahim Ibrahim Ibrahim Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar
Bulawayo Islamic Society,

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t may appear as a small book, but it took an entire team of dedicated, hard-
working friends and not just one writer- to make what is in your hands
possible in such a short time. Although my name goes on the cover as the
compiler, it would be terribly remiss of me if I do not acknowledge all of

It is impossible for me to render adequate gratitude where thanks are due.

I owe a very heavy debt of gratitude to all my teachers, which I will never be able
to repay. I can only make Duaa to Allah Taala that He rewards them from His
unlimited treasures.

My sincere thanks are due to Hazrat Maulana Musa Menk and his two gems
Maulana Shabir and Mufti Ismail Menk for being a source of inspiration to me.
May Allah Taala grant them good health and long life, and continue to use them to
uplift His religion.

I wish also to express my thanks to Brother Akim Asani, who worked for long
hours with the same passion as mine to see this effort through to the end, for his
valuable comments and useful suggestions.

Special thanks go to:
Brother Abdullah Gaibie, for kindly supporting me with computer, and other
Bhai Imran Shahzad, for his assistance in printing and publishing, and for providing
me with a number of computer accessories, which have been a great help in the
completion of this work and others as well
Brother Adam Leher for editing, formatting and preparing the title page
Sister Balakhiyah, for copying and typing the quotes from different books and
magazines, which saved a lot of my time.

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My thanks are also due to Mrs. Aisha Ebrahim Esat who went through the work
and checked the text from the linguistic point of view.

Here I can not forget to thank sincerely my families from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
who are pillars of support for me in all my activities. May Allah Taala reward
them, save them against all calamities and grant them all the goodness of this world
and the Next. Verily in His hand lies all good.

I also thank all those whose silent efforts have contributed to the success of this

Lastly, all praises and thanks belong to Allah Taala alone, who has given me all
the above-mentioned people whose hearts always brim with genuine feelings for
me. If it were not the will and help of my most Merciful Allah, I would never have
been able to hold a pen. Indeed it is He who has taught man by the pen and taught
him that which he knew not

May Allahs peace and countless blessings be upon all the prophets and the Seal of
the prophets Muhammad, his families and all his companions who practiced,
preached and presented his message accurately.

Muhammad Ibrahim Ibrahim Ibrahim Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar
Bulawayo Islamic Society,
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
26 Shabaan 1429

Please read the Holy Quran, Chapter 96 Verse 3-4.
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n the 6th century of the Christian era, entire humanity was steeped in
ignorance and superstition. They worshipped stones, trees, idols, stars, and
spirits: in short, everything conceivable except Allah. They did not know
anything about the teaching of the Prophets of old. Judaism and
Christianity, which were once based on true and pure revelation from Allah, were
changed to the extent that if their respective prophets had, to say, come and see
their followers, they would not have recognized them.

By the end of the 4
Century, Christianity became a curious mixture of Neo-Platonism
Pagan ideas; History once again repeated its dark phase, which was once illuminated by
Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him).The Jews disbelieved in Jesus as a prophet of Allah
and accused his mother Mary of fornication out of enmity for him. The Christian
exceeded the limit out of love for Jesus (Peace be upon him) and raised him from
human being and prophet to the status of son of God, or God. While pagan religions in
India and all over the world believed in ever increasing gods, deities and baseless


Thus there was a dire need for a Prophet, with an eternal message from Allah Taala,
who could take humanity out of the depth of darkness into the light of Allah Taala.
The Most Merciful Allah conferred a great favour upon those who believe willingly by
sending His last and final messenger, the greatest benefactor of humanity Hadhrat
Muhammad Peace be upon his soul.
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Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 16+ ,

Allah verily hath shown grace to the believers by sending unto them a
messenger of their own who reciteth unto them His revelations, and purifies
them, and teacheth them the Scripture and wisdom; although before (he
came to them) they were in flagrant error.
(The Holy Quran, 3:164)

, 151 ,
, 15? ,

Even as We have sent unto you a messenger from among you, who reciteth
unto you Our revelations and purifies you, and teacheth you the Scripture
and wisdom, and teacheth you that which ye knew not.
Therefore remember Me, I will remember you. Give thanks to Me, and
reject not Me.
(The Holy Quran, 2:151-152)

The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam) transformed the
nation with the radiant message he received from Allah. The summary of his message
is as follows:

"The idols which you worship are a mere sham. Cease to worship them from now
on. No mortal being, no star, no tree, no stone, no spirit, is worthy of human
worship. Therefore, bow not your heads in worship before them. The entire
universe with everything that it contains belongs to Allah Taala alone.

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He alone is the Creator, the Nourisher, the Sustainer, and, consequently, the real
Sovereign before Whom all should bow down and to Whom all should pray and
render obedience. Thus worship Him alone and obey only His commands.
Loot and plunder, murder and rape, injustice and cruelty-all the vices in which you
indulge are crimes in the eyes of Allah Taala. Leave your evil ways. He hates them
all. Speak the truth. Be just. Do not kill anyone. Do not rob anyone. Take your
lawful share. Give that which is due to others in a just manner. You are human
beings and all human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah. No one is born with the
slur of shame on his face, nor does anyone have come into the world with the
mantle of honour hung around his neck. He alone is high and honoured who is
Allah-fearing and pious, true in words and deeds. Distinctions of birth and glory of
race are not criteria of greatness and honour. One who fears Allah and does good
deeds is the noblest of human beings. One who is shorn of love of Allah and is
steeped in bad manners is doomed.

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alahi wasallam) was a prodigy of extraordinary
merits, a paragon of virtue and goodness, a symbol of truth and veracity, a great
apostle of Allah, Allahs Messenger to the entire world. His life and thought,
truthfulness and straightforwardness, piety and goodness, character and morals, his
ideology and achievements stand as unimpeachable proof of his prophethood.
Any human being who studies the Prophet Muhammads life and teachings
without bias will testify that verily he was a true Prophet of Allah Taala. He gave
to mankind the Book of Allah the Quran. No unbiased and serious seeker of truth
can escape this conclusion.

Please read the books Islam and the World by Maulana Abul Hasan Nadwi and Towards
Understanding Islam by Maulana Maududi
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Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

` `
, ?8 ,

It is He (God Almighty) who has sent His messenger (Muhammad) with
guidance and the religion of Truth (Islam) that He may make it prevail over
all religions. And enough is God for a witness.
(The Holy Quran, 48:28)

, 86 ,

, 87 ,

, 88 ,

86. And you were not expecting that the Book (this Qur'n) would be sent
down to you, but it is a mercy from your Lord. So never be a supporter of
the disbelievers.

87. And let them not divert thee from the revelations of Allah after they have
been sent down unto thee; but call (mankind) unto thy Lord, and be not of
those who ascribe partners (unto Him).
(The Holy Quran, 28:86-88)
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he Messenger of Allah (SallaAllahu Alaihi wasallam) who sailed
through many difficulties, hardships, and finally triumphing over all
forms of persecutions, delivered the message of Allah to all mankind.
The light of true knowledge and guidance of Islam rose from Makkah
Mukarramah and within a short period of 23 years it reached all corners of the
world. Those who took the message of Islam to their hearts moved from success to
success and attained the highest pinnacle of glory in history. The message he
(SallaAllahu Alaihi wasallam) brought was and is of a universal nature. It applies to
all times past, present and future, and in all situations.

Man has reached a final stage where he needs a complete and perfect way of life
from Allah to safeguard his purposeful existence on earth.

Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 108

Say: This is my Way (Islam): I invite towards Allah with sure knowledge, I
and whosoever followeth me Glory be to Allah! And I am not of the
(The Holy Quran, 12:108)

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, 151

And (He commandeth you, saying): This is My straight path, so follow it
and follow not other ways, lest ye be parted from His way: This hath He
ordained for you, that ye may ward off (evil).
(The Holy Quran, 6:153)


And whoso opposeth the messenger after the guidance (of Allah) hath
been manifested unto him, and followeth other than the believer's way, We
appoint for him that unto which he himself hath turned, and expose him
unto hell a hapless journey's end!
(The Holy Quran, 5:115)

} { ,
, ?0 ,

And if they argue with thee, (O Muhammad), say: I have surrendered my
purpose to Allah and (so have) those who follow me.
(The Holy Quran, 3:20)

After conferring the favour of Islam upon the believers, Allah Taala commanded
the Prophet (SallAllahu Alahi wasallam) and his followers to be steadfast upon the
right path shown to them and not follow the vain desires of the disbeliever lest they
should go astray and walk behind Shaitaan.
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Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 18 ,

, 19 ,

, ?0 ,

And now have We set thee (O Muhammad) on a clear road of (Our)
commandment; so follow it, and follow not the whims of those who know

Lo! they can avail thee naught against Allah. And lo! as for the wrong
doers, some of them are friends of others; and Allah is the Friend of those
who ward off (evil).

This is clear indication for mankind, and guidance and a mercy for a folk
whose faith is sure.
(The Holy Quran, 45:18-20)

Moreover three months before the Prophet (SallAllahu Alahi wasallam) left this
world, Allah Taala announced the perfection of the message of Islam in these

, 1 ,
This day are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your
religions; so fear them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion
for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as
religion ISLAM.
(The Holy Quran, 5:3)

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It means that up to the day of Judgement only Islam will be the accepted religion.
Allah says in other places in the Holy Quran:

Lo! Religion with Allah (is) Islam
(The Holy Quran, 3:19)

} {
, 85 ,

And whoso seeketh as religion other than Islam it will not be accepted
from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.
(The Holy Quran, 3:85)

We can clearly discern from the above verses that any one who follows any other
way besides Islam is a loser no matter how attractive and beautiful that way may
appear to one.
A similar message is given in the words of the Nabi of Allah (SallAllahu Alahi


Hazrat Abu Huraira RadhiyAllahu anhu narrates that Allah's Apostle
SallAllahu Alahi Wasallam said, "All my followers will enter Paradise
except those who refuse." They said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who will refuse?"
He said, "Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me
is the one who refuses (to enter it)."
(Sahih Al-Bukahri)

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Following the Messenger of Allah demands us that we abstain from admiring or
practicing any other way of the time of ignorance.

, ,

Hazrat Abbas (RadhiyAllahu anhu) relates that the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alahi Wasallam) said, the most hated people by Allah are three:
The transgressor in Haram, seeker of ways of the time of ignorance in
And the one who demands the bloodshed of a Muslim man unjustly.
(Sahih Bukahri)


Hazrat Bahz bin Hakim narrates from his father and his father from his
grandfather that he asked the Messenger of Allah (SallahAllahu Alahi wa
Sallam) about Islam. He (SallaAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, Islam is: you
clean your heart for Allah, submit yourself to Allah, read your obligatory
Salah and pay the compulsory Zakah.
(Musnad Ahmad)

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On the authority of the Mother of the Faithful, Umm `Abdillaah `Aaishah
(radi Allaahu 'anhaa), who said: The Messenger of Allaah (SallAllahu
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Alaihi wasallam) said: He who innovates something in this matter of ours
[i.e. Islam] that is not of it will have it rejected [by Allah].
[Bukahri and Muslim]

In one version by Muslim, it states:

He who does an act, which we have not commanded, will have it rejected
[by Allah].
(Bukahri and Muslim)

We thank Allah for granting us the greatest favour i.e. Islam. It sets our minds in
one direction, suffices us as a complete way of life and we do not have to wonder
any more looking for guidance anywhere else. Allah Taala says in the Holy

, 89 ,

And We have revealed the Scripture unto thee (Muhammad) as an
exposition of all things, and guidance and a mercy and good tidings for
those who have surrendered (to Allah).
(The Holy Quran, 16:89)

, : :
, .
Hazrat Jabir (RadhiyAllah anhu) relates that Hazrat Umar bin Khattab
(RadhiyAllahu anhu) came to the Prophet (SallaAllahu alahi Wasallam)
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with a book, which he got from some of the people of the scripture (the Jews
or Christian). He said, O Messenger of Allah I got a nice book from some
people of the scripture. The Messenger of Allah got so angry, that anger
was reflected on his face, and then he said, by Him in whose hand my soul
is, I have come to you with a message as clear as daylight. Dont ask them
(the Jews or Christian), they may tell you the truth and you may deny it and
at other time you may believe while they are telling falsehoods. Verily by
Allah even if Musa (Alaihissalaam) were alive, he has no way, except that
of following me. Hazrat Umar (RadhiyAllahu anhu) then said, I am
pleased with Allah as Lord, with Islam as religion and with Muhammad
SallAllahu alahi wasallam as the Prophet.

(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaibah)

Hazrat Jabir (RadhiyAllahu anhu) narrates that the Messenger of Allah
(SallaAllahu Alahi wasallam) said, Dont ask the people of the scripture
(the Jews and Christian) about anything. They will not guide you while they
themselves have gone astray. By asking, you may end up believing in
something false or denying something that is true. Verily by Allah even if
Musa (Alaihissalaam) were alive, he has no way except that of following
(Musnad Ahmad)
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efore the advent of the last and final Messenger of Allah Muhammad
(SallAllahu Alahi wasallam), whenever the followers of a prophet
assimilated the ways, ideas and customs of the disbelievers and
corrupted the true teachings of their prophet, Allah Taala sent
another prophet to set the criterion between right and wrong, and to bring the
people back to the straight path. The Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alahi
wasallam) was the last and final messenger. No prophet is to come after him.

Lets discuss briefly the causes and reasons why the previous nations like the Jews
and the Christians went astray after being guided by Allah Taala. By knowing the
reasons we may become more conscientious about protecting ourselves from going


There are seven reasons why the teachings of the Prophets before
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) were corrupted. They are as follow:

When the respective Prophet departed the world, his followers passed down
his teachings from one generation to the next. Over the period of time, the
successors turned to be neglectful of their duty to Allah Taala. They
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neither preached, nor enjoined what was good, nor forbade what was
wrong. They did not learn, nor teach others. Within a short period of time
the false customs, man-made rituals, pagan beliefs and ideas permeated
their society.

They either deliberately misinterpreted their prophets teachings or edited
verses of the Scripture to mean and suit their own pre-conceived ideas and
beliefs. One of the examples of such misinterpretation is the verses which
are used to prove the Trinity in Christianity.

The followers deviated from the middle and straight path of Allah Taala to
which all the Prophets led. They, for instance, established monasticism to
please Allah Taala. These acts were neither prescribed by Allah Taala nor
advised by Jesus (Peace be upon him). St. Anthony founded Christian
monasticism, on the pattern of paganism, in the 4
century A.C.

The Jews, for example, were given the commandment to stone the adulterer
to death, but they decided to darken the face of such person and to lash him
or her.

The general public among the Jews and Christian did not question the
authenticity of the message delivered to them by their forefathers. They
innocently followed them blindly and went astray.

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Prophets, appointed by Allah Taala, were sinless and thus were protected
by Allah Taala against all kinds of mistakes and errors. All human beings,
with the exception of the Prophets with clear signs from Allah, are sinners
and subject to error. Following blindly someone who is not appointed as
prophet by Allah, leads people to corrupt the teachings of a true prophet. In
Christianity, for example, the people followed St. Paul who was a self-
appointed apostle. He introduced many of the pagan originated beliefs into

7. Innovation.
When people entered the true religion in crowds, some of them were not
genuine in accepting the truth at all. Some other accepted it just for the sake
of accepting. They did not accept it whole heartedly. Their hearts were
greatly attached to and filled with the love for their previous religions or
ideologies. The germs of paganism which they nourished in their hearts
were not eradicated. They looked for an excuse to bring their polytheistic
customs, festivals and rituals to their new religion. Through this way, the
words of the pagan wise men, Greek philosophy, Babylonian mythology,
Persian history, astrology and numerology penetrated Judaism and
Christianity to a great extent.

Some of the Muslims who have weak Imaan will try to corrupt the Deen of Allah
Taala in the similar way as did the Jews and the Christians. The Prophet of Allah
Muhammad (SallAllahu Alahi Wasallam) foretold us:

` `

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (RadhiyAllahu Anhu) narrates that the Prophet
(SallAllahu Alahi Wasallam) said, "You will follow the wrong ways of your

For more detail on who is the founder of Christianity, please read the book What is Christianity
by Mufti Taqi Usmani.
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predecessors so completely and literally that if they should go into the hole of a
lizard, you too will go there." We said, "O Allah's Apostle! Do you mean the Jews
and the Christians?" He replied, "Whom else?" (Meaning, of course, the Jews and
the Christians)
(Sahih Bukahri)

Islam, however, will never lose its pristine purity and orthodox originality because
Allah Taala has taken responsibility upon Himself to protect Islam against all
corruption for eternity.
Allah, the Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

, 9 ,

, 10 ,

, 11 ,

Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the reminder (i.e. theQuran) and
surely, We will guard it (from corruption).Indeed, We sent Messengers
before you (O Muhammad) amongst the sects (communities) of old. And
never came a Messenger to them but they did mock him.
(The Holy Quran 15:9-11)

` `
, +1 ,

Lo! Those who disbelieve in the Reminder when it cometh unto them (are
guilty), for lo! It is an unassailable Scripture. (The Quran)
(The Holy Quran 41:41)

Falsehood cannot come at it from before it or behind it. (It is) a revelation
from the Wise, the Owner of Praise.
(The Holy Quran 41:42)

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The one who neglects such a beautiful religion as Islam and its teachings fools none
but himself. As Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 130 ,

, 131 ,

, 132 ,

130. And who forsaketh the religion of Abraham save him who befooleth
himself? Verily We chose him in the world, and lo! In the Hereafter he is
among the righteous.
131. When his Lord said unto him: Surrender! he said: I have surrendered
to the Lord of the Worlds.
132. The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons, and also Jacob, (saying):
O my sons! Lo! Allah hath chosen for you the (true) religion; therefore die
not save as Muslims.
(The Holy Quran, 2:130-132)

Allah Taala describes His true servants in many places in the Holy Quran. One of
the typical characteristics of the true Muslims is that they keep their distance from
wrong places, vain talks and evil desires. Allah Taala says:

, 1 ,

, 2 ,

, 3 ,

1. Successful indeed are the believers.
2. Those who offer their Salt (prayers) with all solemnity and full
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3. And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk,
falsehood, and all that Allh has forbidden).
(The Holy Quran, 23:1-3)
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, 55 ,

55. And when they hear vanity they withdraw from it and say: Unto us our
works and unto you your works. Peace be unto you! We desire not the
(The Holy Quran 28:5.)

, 72 ,

, 73 ,
, 74 ,

, 75 ,

, 76 ,

72. And those who will not witness vanity, but when they pass near
senseless play, pass by with dignity.
73. And those who, when they are reminded of the revelations of their Lord,
fall not deaf and blind thereat..74. And who say: Our Lord! Vouchsafe us
comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all)
those who ward off (evil).
75. They will be awarded the high place forasmuch as they were steadfast,
and they will meet therein with welcome and the word of peace,
76. Abiding there forever. Happy is it as abode and station!
(The Holy Quran, 25:72-76.)

Mujahid and Rabee bin Anas RahimahumaAllah say that Zoor (translated as
vanity) in this verse means festivals of the disbelievers.

Hazrat Ikrama says Zoor in the verse refers to one of the sports that the disbelievers
indulged in the time of ignorance. Amr bin Murrah said, the meaning of the verse is
that Muslims should not get inclined to the disbeliever in the matters of polytheism
nor should they mix with them.
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Zoor literally means something ugly, beautified and camouflaged. It appears to the
people what it is not in reality. It looks beautiful because of desires or doubts, while
in reality it is ugly.
The festivals or the programmes of the disbelievers are the combination of both;
doubt and desire. They may look very charming and attractive but in reality they
are camouflaged. There is no benefit of Deen in it. The little joy you have might be
followed by the wrath of Allah and lot of sorrows. Joy followed by sorrow is not

In the above verse Allah Taala admired His faithful servants for not being present
in the vain gatherings just for listening or seeing. In other words, He does not like
His faithful slaves to attend such gatherings where there is some sort of vanity.
Early Muslim scholars, therefore, created dislike in the hearts of the Muslim masses
for non-Islamic culture and ways.

Abdulallah bin Utba saw a man putting on some kind of costume of the non-
Arab (Polytheists), so he remarked by saying, this man should be cautious
lest he should be a Jew or a Christian not perceiving it.
(As-Sunnah by Abu Bakr Al-Khallal)


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Hazrat AbdulAllah bin Masood (RadhiyaAllahu anhu) says that the
Messenger of Allah (SallaAllahu alahi wasallam) drew a line (on the
ground) for us and said; This is the path of Allah, then he drew many
lines on its right and left sides and said, these are the ways on each one of
them there is Shaitaan calling towards it. Then he recited the verse which
means; And (He commandeth you, saying): This is My straight path, so
follow it Follow not other ways, lest ye be parted from His way: This hath
He ordained for you, that ye may ward off (evil).
(Nasai & Ahmad)


Hazrat Umar (RadhiyAllahu anhu) said, Do not take to speaking foreign
languages and do not go to the polytheist in their worshipping places on
their day of festival, for the wrath of Allah descends upon them.
(Musannaf AbdurRazzaque)

' ;--- "

Abaan says that he heard Hazrat Umar (RadhiyAllahu anh) saying, stay
away from the enemies of Allah on their Eid day.
(Iqtidhaus Sriratil Mustaqeem)

Hazrat Umar (RadhiyAllahu anhu) prohibited witnessing their festivals for fun even
though a man is not participating in their programmes. In the same way he
discouraged Muslims from speaking any other language besides Arabic. He
disliked that a man should get used to speaking a foreign language and forgets
Arabic because Arabic is the language chosen by Allah for His Noble Quran and
the Last Messenger, and Islamic culture is ingrained within it.

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As the Arabic saying goes:

Language and culture walk hand in hand.

If you speak English, and forget your own language, then you will adopt the
culture of the Englishman.

We are ordained to oppose the disbelievers not only in the matters of worship but
also in certain ways of our personal lives such as lengthening the beard, trimming
the moustache, not wearing clothes which are specifically identities or symbols of
the disbelievers religion etc.

The main reason why this injunction is given to us by Islam is that when we allow a
minor evil to happen, it will lead to a bigger one coming into existence. Give it an
inch, it will take a mile. Slowly it becomes commonplace. One generation does it
just for fun; the next generation takes it seriously as part of the Deen. They tend to
forget the origin. Through this door, Shirk
penetrated into the people who were
once guided by Allah Taala. Imitating the ways of the disbelievers may cause the
death of Islam and revival of polytheism in the Muslim Ummah.

From here it becomes very clear why Islam has stressed so much on the prohibition
of imitating non Muslims.

A Muslims participation in programmes of the disbelievers makes the disbelievers
happy. It strengthens their belief in wrongs that they do. It may give them a chance
as well to create doubts about Islam in the hearts of the weak Muslims. Especially
the Muslims, who have secular education and do not balance it with Islamic
education, seem to get attracted very easily to the outer charm and beauty of the
disbelievers programmes.

Please find out more from your scholars about how idol worship took its birth among the people.
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All that the disbelievers do in their religious or semi religious programmes are
either that they indulge in polytheistic or Haraam or permissible actions. It is
difficult for an ordinary Muslim to differentiate between the three and he may
incriminate himself. It is better to abstain from involving oneself in such practices.

Imitating the non-Muslim also causes some kind of liking for them and their ways.
This liking may make one admire some of their things and then adopt it without
realizing the harm it may cause to your Deen. Thats the reason why Allah has
forbidden us to befriend intimately the polytheists and idol worshippers.
Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 22 ,
22. Thou wilt not find folk who believe in Allah and the Last Day loving
those who oppose Allah and His messenger:even though they be their
fathers or, their sons or their brethren or their clan. As for such, He hath
written faith upon their hearts and hath strengthened them with a Spirit
from Him, and He will bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers
flow, wherein they will abide. Allah is well pleased with them, and they are
well pleased with Him. They are Allahs party. Lo! Is it not Allahs party
who are the successful
(The Holy Quran, 58:22)

, 144 ,

144. O ye who believe! Choose not disbelievers for (your) friends in place
of believers. Would ye give Allah a clear warrant against you?
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(The Holy Quran, 4:144)

, 23 ,

23. O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends
if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them
for friends, such are wrong doers.
(The Holy Quran, 9:23)

, 138 ,

, 139 ,

, 140 ,
138. Bear unto the hypocrites the tidings that for them there is a painful
139. Those who choose disbelievers for their friends instead of believers!
Do they look for power at their hands? Lo! all power appertaineth to Allah.
140. He hath already revealed unto you in the Scripture that, when ye hear
the revelations of Allah rejected and derided, (ye) sit not with them (who
disbelieve and mock) until they engage in some other conversation. Lo ! in
that case (if ye stayed) ye would be like unto them. Lo! Allah will gather
hypocrites and disbelievers, all together, into hell;
(The Holy Quran, 4:138-139 )

Condemning the Jews and Christians for befriending the disbelievers and adopting their
ways, Allah Taala says:

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, 77 ,

, 78 ,

, 79 ,

, 80 ,

77. Say: O People of the Scripture! Stress not in your religion other than
the truth, and follow not the vain desires of folk who erred of old and led
many astray, and erred from a plain road.
78. Those of the children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the
tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they rebelled
and used to transgress.
79. They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily
evil was that they used to do!
80. Thou seest many of them making friends with those who disbelieve.
surely ill for them is that which they themselves send on before them : that
Allah will be wroth with them and in the doom they will abide.
81. If they believed in Allah and the Prophet and that which is revealed
unto him, they would not choose them for their friends. But many of them
are of evil conduct.
(The Holy Quran, 5:77-81)

' '

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Hazrat Anas bin Malik (RadhiyAllahu anhu) says that the Messenger of
Allah came to Madinah and the people had two days in which they used to
have fun. He (SallaAllahu Alaihi wasallam) said, what are these days?
They said, we used to have fun in these two days in the time of
ignorance. The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam) said,
Allah has replaced those two days with better ones,( i.e. EidulFitr and
(Abu Dawood)

This Hadith strongly proves that anything, of the time of ignorance, is prohibited to
practice upon, until Islam approves of it.

The Prophet (SallaAllahu alahi wasallam) eliminated the elements of polytheism in
order to save his Ummah from getting infected with the viruses of disbelief.

The greatest psychologist of mankind Muhammad (SallaAllahu alahi wasallam)
forbade his Ummah strongly from attending the festivals or the programmes of the
disbelievers, so that it can not lead them into committing Shirk. The stricter you
become in opposing the matters of Shirk, the more your Imaan will grow.
The Messenger of Allah (SallaAllahu alahi wasallam), no doubt, has the deepest genuine
feelings for his Ummah. In the light of the guidance he received from Allah, he showed
us the straight path, warned us against the implacable ogres of desires that may not only
destroy our lives but also may take away the greatest favour of Allah, i.e. Imaan; and
what can be a greater favour than that of Imaan.

Addressing the disbelievers, the Prophet of Allah Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam) said:

` `
, +0 ,

40. Those whom ye worship beside Him are but names which ye have
named, ye and your fathers. Allah hath revealed no sanction for them. The
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decision rests with Allah only, Who hath commanded you that ye worship
none save Him. This is the right religion, but most men know not.
(The Holy Quran, 12:40)

The Muslims should say the same to the disbelievers instead of encouraging them
on their wrong doings by attending their programmes.
The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (SallAllahu Alahi Wasallam) discouraged his
Ummah to imitate the disbelievers.

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "He does not belong to us who
imitates other people. Do not imitate the Jews or the Christians"
(Tirmidhi ShareeI)

Hazrat Anas RadhiyAllahu Anhu narrates that the Holy Prophet SallAllahu
Alaihi Wasallam said, Strive hard against those who associate partners with
Allah, with your wealth, hands and tongues.

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;-=,- Q-=,- = ;~-


fter reading the above verses from the Holy Quran and Ahaadith of
our beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alahi wasallam), we Muslim have to be extra
cautious when it comes to attending some of the programmes or
gatherings organized by non-Muslims.
These days some of our Muslim brothers and sisters attend Yoga classes, the Art of
Living courses or some other non Muslim gatherings.

I feel it is time to discuss these issues, and to simultaneously shed light on other,
related issues, as well. Before we go into the depth of the matter, lets decide on a
criterion to judge an organization or institution. People form their good or bad
impression by just looking at the cover of a book, publicity cards, pamphlets or
speeches from patrons of that particular organization.

Muslims are supposed to look at and assess from various aspects and different
angles. Before he passes a judgment concerning any organization or institute, he
must find out facts as many as possible such as the founder of the organisation , his
background, his beliefs and ideas, what his followers take him to be, what was the
leading cause for him to found this organization, its aims and objectives, origin and
sources, what he wants to inculcate into its members, the religion and background
of the influential people in the organization, what is the ultimate effect on its
members. Finally as Muslims we have to ensure that such activities are in
conformity with Islamic teachings. Bearing these points in mind let us analyse
sincerely and critically the Art of Living first and then Raja Yoga.
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The Art of Living organization was founded solely by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. He was
born in 1956 in southern India. At the tender age of four, he could recite the entire
Bhagavad-Gita, an ancient Sanskrit Hindu scripture.
He started his studies in ancient Indian literature at the age of eight. His first
teacher was Pandit Sudhakar Chaturvedi a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was conferred with the following qualifications:
Doctor of Literature
Honoris Causa, Kuvempu University, Karnataka, India, 2004
Doctor of Philosophy
(Holistic Medicine) Honoris Causa, Open International University for
Complementary Medicine, Sri Lanka, 2006
Doctor of Science
Honoris Causa, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India 2007
Doctor of Letters
Honoris Causa, MahaRaja Sayajirao University, India, 2007


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar follows Hinduism and his beliefs are the same as those of
Hindu scholars. Here are some excerpts of his speeches, which clearly reflect his
religion and belief.

Talking on similarities between Hinduism and Christianity, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Most often people think Hinduism is worshipping many gods and
goddesses, but it is not true. It is one God, but with many names and many
forms. It does not mean that God exist only in the form of Ganesha. God
exists in all forms Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, LakhshamiSo if you want
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obstacles removed, pray to Ganesha. If you want prosperity, pray to Shiva.
If you want wealth, pray to Lakhshami and for knowledge pray to

Talking about worshipfulness and honour he says:

The appreciation of beauty brings worshipfulness. You worship beauty,
you adore it. Adoring and worshipping everything in creation, as a
reflection of the creator is the next law of spiritual life.

Talking about God he says:

People were told in ancient days God is your mother, God is your father and
thirdly, God is your teacher. See God as your mother as your father and as
your master
If you are able to see divinity in everyone, then all your relationships are
relationships with God. You cant be related to anything else, because whatever
you relate to, you will see God in it. If you have a brother, you will see God in
the brother. If you have a sister, you will see god in the sister. If you have a
husband, you will see God in the husband. If you have parents, you see God in
your parents .If you have friends, you see God in your friends. In every relation
you will see only God God appearing to you in so many forms. Even an
enemy is God. God is coming to you in the form of an enemy and making you
stronger somewhere, pulling out all your weak points, contributing to your life.
This is my understanding. With this understanding, the bliss, the joy retrains
eternal, Unshakable.
Who is God? You and me and all that is, the totality. Love is God and
everything is love. The whole creation is filled with love.

Hinduism & Christianity by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Page.4
Re-awakening human values Art of Living Foundation Page.36
Symposium on human values presented by The Art of Living Foundation Page.17

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Encouraging people to break the barriers of their religions and attend freely any
other religious practices, he says:
People who dont have an experience of spiritual awakening interpret the
scriptures in a narrow way and they think God will punish them if
Christians go to Hindu temples and vice versa. The consciousness, which
has been playing the role of Saviour, has come so many times.
Unfortunately many religious fundamentalists use guilt and fear to keep
people religious. In fact, the real religious man is broad-minded,
compassionate and full of love. He is not afraid of God, for he knows that
God loves him.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a social activist. His activities involve conflict resolution,
disaster and trauma relief, poverty alleviation, empowerment of women, prisoner
rehabilitation, education for all and campaigns against female foeticide and child
labour. He travels around the world teaching the art of living course in which he
has brought out ancient (Hindu) sciences to suit present day life.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has the idea of making the people of the world one family
by bringing them together on a few common grounds ignoring their respective
religious teachings. It is clearly reflected in his talks and lectures. Read the
following passages from his talks.
One thing that is absolutely essential to avoid such fanaticism or
religious terrorism in the world is a multi-cultural, multi religious
education for children. It is because a child grows up thinking that
other religions or cultures are bad or good , that he/she is ready to
give up his /her life for that cause; but when a child grows up

Hinduism and Christianity by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Pge.18
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knowing a little bit about all other religions, cultures and customs,
then there is a sense of belonging with everybody.
So, whether a culture or a religion is rightly or wrongly used to
divide people, it is not good . We need to unite the world, the hearts and
the minds! Where is it that we can all unite? That is the meditative state
that we are all born with- the simplicity that we are gifted with. So, I feel
that when every child in the world learns a little bit of every other
religion, the child will not have inhibitions or hatred towards other
religions or cultures.
See, we accept food from every part of the world. We accept music from
every part of the world. You dont need to be Chinese in order to eat
Chinese food! You dont need to be Italian to go to the Pizzeria and eat
pizzas, nor a Danish to eat Danish cookies! One doesnt have to be Indian
to listen to Bhajans or sitar music! Similarly, we need to learn to accept
knowledge and wisdom from every part, and this is what has been
lacking in the world.

Here I would like to make a clear distinction between religion and
spirituality. Religion is the banana skin and spirituality is the banana. All
religions have three aspects: Values, Symbols and Customs. While values
are the same, in all religions, Symbols and Customs differ. And today we
have forgotten the values and simply hold on to the symbols and customs.
Only spirituality can nourish human values, this can eliminate
frustrations and bring contentment and happiness in life. Right education
is that which creates a sense of belongingness with the whole world. A
person learns to own all the religions of the world and can choose to
practice one without decrying the other. Members of a family can practice
more than one religion. This should be the strategy for the 21
Neither at home nor at school does one learn to handle ones own mind.
Breathing techniques and spiritual practices such as pranayamas, meditations
and Yoga can release the tension and negative emotions and help one to live in

One World Family.Page.37
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the present moment. (Text from Sri Sri Ravi Shankars address to the United
-In 1995 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was a featured speaker at the United Nations 50th
Anniversary celebrations at the U N Headquarters in New York.-
The followers of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar exaggerate in praising him. Here are some of
the passages from their magazines.
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
It is indeed true Ageless wisdom pouring forth, afresh from the living
Master, is more potent than all the scriptures of the world put

Occasionally a time is blessed with one extraordinary brilliance and
compassion that comes out to teach among the people. Such a presence
abundantly uplifts those of that time and those of generations to come. History
records the impact of such Ones as Christ , Buddha, Lao-tzu, Krishna ,Adi
shankara, Mahavir and others of divers times and place whose names are less
known today. With this book we herald the living presence of such a one (Sri
Sri Ravi Shankar). He is addressed by various names: Guruji, Swamiji, Babaji.
He has no care for titles. Many simple call him Punditji (Revered wise one ).
His full name is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. A spiritual Master of exquisite grace and
rarity, he embodies at once the love of Jesus, the silence of Buddha, the
playfulness of Krishna and the wisdom of Adi-Shankara.

Ageless wisdom coming afresh from the living Master is more potent than all
the scriptures of the worlds put together invincible beyond all languages or

Symposium on human values presented by Art of living foundation.Pge.7
Re-awakening of human values art of living foundation. Page.3
Symposium on human values Presented by Art of living foundation Page.3
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cultures, the masters teaching becomes a living reality instead of a
concept . His words are supreme knowledge.

By reading the above excerpts of the speeches of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, which
appeared in different publications of the Art of Living foundation, we can easily
discern that a man who has such beliefs and ideas has gone far astray from the right
path of Islam, which is the only acceptable religion and the perfect way of life in
the sight of the Supreme Creator Allah Taala.
The way the followers of the Art of Living praise Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is
ridiculous. As you read above, they say that the wisdom of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is
more potent than all the scriptures of the world put together.
What are they trying to tell us? Does his wisdom exceed that of the Quran, the
Book of Allah Taala? Are they not trying to mitigate the importance of the Quran
and all other scriptures to promote their own ideals and beliefs?
My fellow Muslim, I leave it to you to conclude.
According to the website of the organization, it is stated that in 1981, Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar established the Art of Living, an educational and humanitarian Non-
Governmental Organization that works in special consultative status with the
Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has
reached out to an estimated 300 million people worldwide through personal
interactions, public events, teachings, Art of Living workshops and humanitarian
The Art of Living, as they say, is held together by three pillars. Seva (service),
Sadhana (Practices) and Satsang (spiritual gathering) and these have been duly
instilled in the programme participants.

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The Art of Living runs the courses on which they invite and encourage people of all
walks of life, religion, culture and tradition to attend. The courses are structured as
The Art of Living Basic course (as they say) is the ideal introduction to the
teachings of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Part 1 of the course is taught over a week. In the
course they teach simple Yoga postures, simple breathing techniques and a few
other things. The breathing technique offered during the course is called Surdarshan
Kriya. Sudarshan Kriya, breathing practice, formulated by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, is
the cornerstone of all Art of Living programmes.
The completion of Part 1, they say, leaves one prepared to further ones journey on
the path of spiritual growth. The Art of living part 2 course is divided into Semi-
Advanced and Advanced. Semi Advanced courses are those that are not conducted
in the presence of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
The pillars of the part 2 course are Sadhana (Spiritual practices), Satsang (Spiritual
communion thorough singing), Seva (service) and silence.
The Art of Living foundation also teaches Sahaj Samadhi Meditation.
They say, The discovery of self is gained with Sahaj Samadhi Meditation-a gift of
wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and the ancient tradition of Vedic Masters who
have faithfully passed on the purity of this teaching through countless generations.
In Sahaj Samadhi Meditation new comers are introduced to certain powerful sound
or mantras (Hindu incantations) and taught how to use the Mantra to get to a
meditative state.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, Love is seeing God in the person next to us, Meditation
is seeing God within us


Our Kenya love affair with art of living Page.2
Anandotsav A tribute to 50 years of love, light and service, Preface.
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A study of Hinduism unveils clearly the roots and origin of the practices of the Art
of Living courses. Below are mentioned some of the ways the Hindus worship.
In Hinduism the mode of worship (Puja) is a replica of the services rendered to a
beloved guest or an honoured king. The sequence goes like this:
a) The presence of deity is invoked (avahana);
b) A seat is offered to the deity (Asana);
c) The deitys feet are washed (Padya);
d) An offering of sandal wood paste and rice as a sign of respect to the
deity is made (arghya);
e) A sacred thread put on the idol (upavita);
f) Sandal wood paste is smeared (chandana);
g) Flowers (puspa) are offered;
h) Incense (Dhupa) is burnt;
i) Lamps (dipa) are waved;
j) Food (naivedya) is offered;
k) Betel (Tambula) and camphor (niRajana) is burned
l) Gold is given as a gift (Suvarna-puspa);
m) The Deity is bidden farewell to (visarjana).
In the temple the priest is expected to attend on the Deity as he would on a king.
The king of kings is roused from sleep early in the morning with music. A
ceremonial bath is conducted, after that the deity is dressed in royal robes and
decked with ornaments and flowers. Artistic lamps are waved before him. Food is
offered at regular intervals. The king holds his daily court, gives audience to his
devotees, hears their complaints and bestows on them his grace.

The Hindu worshipper submits himself to considerable preparation namely
preliminary ablution, food restriction which may extend to the fast, corporal
postures and gestures of the fingers (Mudra), control of breath, possession (nyasa)
by god of the body of the worshipper, etc.

The four pillars of Islam by Abul Hasan Nadwi Pge.66
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Prayer consists of the silent recitation (japa) of sacred formulae (Mantra), which
are repeated indefinitely. They claim that this type of prayer is an aid to mental
concentration, and thought to bring about the desired effects of protection,
fulfilment of promise or expiatory virtue.
Other elements of personal worship are the study of the Hindu scriptures, and
above all, meditation. Strengthened by Yoga exercises, meditation, as they say, can
lead to a state of union with God.
Two things will appear to be common to all types of worship among the Hindus.
The first is an excessive fondness for music. A temple or any other place of
worship hardly exists in which singing and clapping is not done. Music is
fundamental to the very nature of Hinduism and enjoys a place of foremost
importance in the entire range of its activities. The Hindu philosophers and
ecclesiastics have relied on it for evoking a sympathetic response in the heart of the
devotees and instilling the sentiments of love and devotion in them. The truth is this
that this principle applies to all religions, which have based themselves on human
experience or come under the shadow of polytheism or gone through a process of
change and alteration.
The other attribute shared universally by Hindus is idol worship.
If devotional music and songs and ecstatic hand-clapping are, to any extent, helpful
in arousing the feelings of love and tenderness among the worshippers, as their
spiritual leaders would say, these practices have, at the same time, done an
irreparable harm to the purposes of reverence, peace and solemnity that are
indispensable to Divine worship.

As a system of spiritual practice, Yoga has, from the beginning, been one of the
most influential features of Hinduism. Yoga exerted a powerful attraction upon
Hindus because of the wonders attributed to it and because it gives countenance to
the performance of austerities, to which Hindus are so strongly inclined.

The four pillars of Islam by Abul Hasan Nadwi Page.69
"Yoga," Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopaedia
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One of the six classic systems of Hindu philosophy, Yoga affirms the doctrine that
through the practice of certain disciplines one may achieve liberation from the
limitations of flesh, the delusions of sense, and the pitfalls of thought and thus
attain union with the object of knowledge. Such union, according to the doctrine, is
the only true way of knowing.

I shall discuss Yoga in detail later on under Raja Yoga. In order to understand the
origin and source of the Art of Living courses, I need to quote here briefly the
stages of original Yoga.


Yoga practice forms a ladder leading to perfect knowledge.

(1) Self-control (yama) involves truthfulness, abstinence, avoidance of theft,
refusal of gifts, and not doing injury to living things.
(2) Religious observance (niyama) embraces austerity, poverty, contentment,
purification rites, recital of the Vedic hymns, and devoted reliance on the
Supreme Being.
(3) Postures (Asana), of which there are a great many, are regarded as basic to all
the stages that follow.
(4) Regulation of the breath (pranayama) includes altering its depth and rhythm,
breathing through either nostril at will, and the virtual suspension of breath.
(5) Restraint of the senses (pratyahara) means their withdrawal from external
objects and the consequent turning of the mind upon itself.
(6) Steadying of the mind (dharana) narrows attention to one part of the body,
such as the navel, the tip of the nose or the middle of the brow, and in that
way renders the practitioner insensitive to outside disturbance.
(7) Meditation (dhyana) fixes the mind on the object of knowledge, especially
Brahma, to the exclusion of all other thoughts.

"Yoga," Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopaedia.
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(8) Profound contemplation (samadhi) is the perfect absorption of thought in the
object of knowledge, its union and identification with that object. The
achievement of samadhi liberates the self from the illusions of sense and the
contradictions of reason. It is thought that has gone beyond thought,
reaching its goal by its own negation. It leads to an inner illumination, the
ecstasy of the true knowledge of reality.
If you read carefully the above quote, you will, no doubt, come to realize that all
these are deeply rooted in Hinduism. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a well-versed scholar
of Hindu Scriptures. He drew his teachings from the original Yoga that was taught
in Upanishads time. The pamphlet of the Art of Living Course Zimbabwe states:
The Art of Living course is an ancient technique designed to develop your full
potential of lifeTurn your stress into success.
Art of living website says, He (His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) has brought to
the masses ancient practices which were traditionally kept exclusive and he has
designed many self-development techniques which can easily be integrated into
daily life to calm the mind and instil confidence and enthusiasm. These techniques
have helped thousands overcome depression and violent and suicidal tendencies.
Certain modified Yoga is named after the founder of the Art of living courses. They
call it Sri Sri Yoga. And they explain it with praises.

Sri Sri Yoga
Sri Sri Yoga is based on Purna Yoga which means complete or whole. It explores
the true essence of Yoga, going beyond the physical practice of Asanas(postures),
integrating the vast knowledge of Yoga and its philosophy with the practice

In addition to what has been mentioned, there are many other reasons why it is not
permissible to attend such kind of courses or programmes.

"Yoga," Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia.

One World Family (South African Tour 2006) Page.13
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Both men and women conduct Art of living courses. There is no separate facility
for men and women. They mix freely and attend the course in the same hall. Very
beautiful unmarried girls conduct the course sometimes. As a man of 25, I know for
sure that the Fitna is obviously there.
Islam, therefore, prohibits its followers from attending gatherings where there is
free mixing of sexes.

Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 10 ,

30. Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer
for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do.
31. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest and to
display of their adornment only that which is apparent
(The Holy Quran 24:30-31)

A man is affected by what happens around him even though he tries to resist the
environmental effect. The surrounding has a strong impact on his spirituality. Allah
Taala enjoins upon the believers to stay in the company of the righteous as He says
in the Holy Quran:

, 119 ,

119. O ye who believe! Be careful of your duty to Allah, and be with the
(The Holy Quran ,9:119)
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The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam) said,



Hazrat Abu Musa (RadhiyAllahu anhu) narrates that Allah's Apostle
(SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "The example of a good companion
(who sits with you) in comparison with a bad one, is like that of the musk
seller and the blacksmith's bellows (or furnace); from the first you would
either buy musk or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn
your clothes or you get a bad nasty smell thereof."
(Sahih Bukahri)
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As the saying goes like teacher like student, we need to choose a correct teacher.
The teacher can influence and convince the student very easily. It is an undeniable
fact that the conduct, behaviours and the ways of a teacher have a great effect on
the student. The teachers of the Art of Living Courses are generally Hindu priests
whom they call Swami, Guru or Panditjee. They put on Hindu religious dress. The
Hindus respect them so much that some of the rituals that they offer to their Deities
are offered to the Swamis as well.

Islam does not allow its followers to use musical instruments.
Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

` `
, 6 ,

6. And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.)
to mislead (men) from the Path of Allh without knowledge, and takes it
(the Path of Allh, the Verses of the Qur'n) by way of mockery. For such
there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire).
(The Holy Quran, 31:6)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Maswood said, a song (with music) grows hypocrisy in the
heart as water grows grass.

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Hazrat Abu Umaamah (RadhiyAllahu Anhu) narrates that the Messenger of
Allah (SallAllahu Alahi wasallam) said, I have been sent as mercy and
guidance for the entire world and to destroy the idols, musical instruments,
and customs of the Time of Ignorance.
(Mujam Kabeer Tabraani)


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Amr relates that a man invited Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (RadhiyAllahu
Anhu) to a Waleemah. When he came there, he heard some kind of play
(with music). He did not enter. The man said, what is wrong? He said, I
heard the messenger of Allah saying, whoever increases the number of a
people by being with them, he is one of them. He who is pleased with the
doing of a people, shares the consequence.
(Al-Matalibul Aaliyah)


One point worth noticing in these gatherings is the influence of Hindus over the
gatherings. They are the ones who actually run the show. Man is affected by what
happens around him even if he tries to resist the impact. Even if you may not get
affected, what guarantee can you give that your children will not be affected? The
safe way for your Imaan and the Imaan of your children is to stay away from them.
Allah Taala forbade His beloved Messenger to sit with the wrong doers. The Holy
Quran says:

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, 68 ,

68. sit not thou, after the remembrance, in the company of those
who do wrong.
(The Holy Quran:6:68.)

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;-=,- Q-=,- = ;~-


ada Lekh Raj, the founding father of the institution, was born in
1876 in a middle class family in Hyderabad, Sind, now in Pakistan.
His father was a headmaster of a school in a neighbouring village.
By dint of his quick wit, Dada Lekh Raj became a big
businessperson. He rose to be a well-known jeweller of his time. He made Calcutta
the main seat of his business, though he had businesses in other big cities of India
as well. He became a multi millionaire. Though he was rich, he was a strongly
religious man who observed his religious principles, and put his beliefs into
practice without any lapses. He was an ardent devotee of the deity Shri Narayana
and daily read Shrimad Bhagwad Gita (Hindu Scripture) without fail even when he
was travelling. He visited many religious places of Hinduism like Varansi,
Amarnath and other places. He invited Hindu saints to his place to hold religious

He was very staunch in his religious beliefs and practices. Once he went to Udaipur
at the invitation of the King of the state. Immediately, after his arrival, he went to
the Nathdwara temple to pay his respects to the deity before going to the Durbar-
the Royal Assembly. The king had to delay proceedings because of him but he did
not mind. The royal family traditionally held the deity in great reverence.

The biography of the founder is extracted and abridged from the publications of the Raja Yoga
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He read many religious books and attended many religious congregations but the
Gita (Hindu scripture) was his most favourite. When his daughter got married, he
gave the Gita (the Hindu scripture) to her as a present. He kept pictures of the deity,
Narayana, in his bedroom, office and one even in his pocket.

Dada had great respect for women. He gave so much honour to women that he even
disliked the sight of goddess Lakhshami pressing the feet of her consort, Narayana,
even though the latter was his beloved and revered deity. To Dada, this sight was
symbolic of the subservience of women. Once he called an artist and asked him to
erase the scene of Lakhshami pressing the feet, from the picture in the background
and to liberate Lakhshami.

Later he became more and more of an introvert. He began to spend more time in
contemplation and in Hindu religious practices. He often meditated on moonlit
nights on a green spot in front of his bungalow. He would go to his friends place to
practice a more intense and prolonged meditation in solitude.

At this stage he claimed to have the vision of Hindu deity Vishnu, the four armed.
He said, a voice uttered to me Aham Vishnu Chatrubhuj, Tat Twam, Meaning: I
am Vishnu, the four-armed and so thou art.

One day he was listening to a saintly Hindu scholars discourse, at his residence, he
got up from his seat and went into his prayer room. They say that his wife Jasoda
and his daughter-in-law Radha also went into his prayer room and were amazed to
see a brilliant glow in his eyes and his face, and suddenly a radiant divine light
filled the whole room. The words of the God of Hinduism, Shiva emanated from
his lips:

Check for detail A brief biography of Brahma Baba. Pandva Bhvan , Mount Abu, Rajisthan, India.
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Nij Anand roopam Shivoham Shivoham
Gyan Swaroopam Shivoham Shivoham
Prakash Swaroopam Shivoham Shivoham


I am the Blissful Self, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.
I am the Knowledgeful Self, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.
I am the Luminous Self, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

The Raja Yogis believe that incorporeal the god Shiva descended on his person and
gave his transcendental introduction through Dada Lekh Raj who had now become
his medium and instrument, through which he now began to dispense godly
knowledge which was a new revelation to Dada and to others who listened.

He then started regular Satsang, a Hindu religious congregation in Hyderabad Sind
in the year 1936. He announced that sex-lust was the greatest vice and body-
consciousness was the root of all vices. At these congregations people gathered and
recited the Hindus sacred chant OM.

Men, women and children attend the Satsang (Spiritual Gathering). Among these
was one teen-aged girl, Om Radhey, the most promising of all according to Raja
Yogis. She later rose to be the spiritual mother and came to be known as
Jagadamba Saraswati because of her divine intellect, her excellence in godly
knowledge, her high state of Yoga and purity and her work of giving spiritual
sustenance to others.

In July 1936, he went to Kashmir with his family, and from there he wrote a long
letters on points of divine knowledge to some inspired women who carried on the
Satsang during his absence on the basis of the letters.

Ibid. Page.12.
Ibid. Page.13
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He formed a managing committee composed only of women, in October 1937, and
on 17th February, 1938, he wrote his will, bequeathing all his property to this trust.
Mostly women or girls of marriageable age surrounded him and took a pledge of

He opened a class for women to train in sewing. He arranged workshops of
soldering, welding, repairing and doing small jobs of a blacksmith, a shoe
workshop, and a bicycle repair shop, etc. Mainly women and girls ran them.

Special importance was given to the practice of meditation in the daily classes.
After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, the institution came under
Pakistan control. In 1951, they received an invitation from people in India to
establish a centre in India. They thereafter migrated to India and established their
headquarters which they named Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. It is
located at mount Abu in Rajasthan, India.


I interacted with one of their scholars to find out what actually Raja Yogis believe
and practice. I read many of their publications. I would like to give you below an
account of their beliefs and practices mostly in their own words.

Raja Yogis (those who practise Raja Yoga) start every lesson with Om Shanti. They
say these words are the essence of the teachings of Raja Yoga. Om is a sacred
syllable of Hinduism. Hindus take OM as a very sacred divine word. The Hindus
explain it thus:

OM is the eternal, OM is this entire universe. OM is the syllable of assent. The
sages begin the recitation with it, they pronounce the shastras (religious text) with
OM, the priest officiating at a sacrifice says the response with OM, Brahma begins
creation with OM. OM is Brahman. OM is the Word of Brahman. OM is the sound
of Brahman. OM has no beginning. OM has no end. OM was before time was
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created. OM is beyond time, space and causation. OM is beyond past, present, and
future. Every vibration in the body and in the universe emerges from OM, sustains
in OM, and returns to OM. OM is Veda, the wisdom of God. OM is the one Truth
which is worshiped in diverse ways. OM brings equilibrium. OM brings wisdom.
OM is the root. OM is the support. OM pervades all. OM sustains all. OM brings
peace, bliss and power. OM kills the ego, desires and doubt. OM is the language of
God. OM is expressed by God. OM expressed God. OM is God. OM is the
imperishable Word.

This is indeed mans exaggeration about explaining God in his own way without
the true divine guidance. The similitude of this Hindu thought is found in the
Christian Bible in the gospel of John.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was
(The Bible John.1:1-3)

Please note that these are not the words of Jesus Christ Peace be upon him even
though they appear in the New Testament. They are actually words of Philo who
tried to explain the Old Testament in terms of pagan Greek philosophy.

Shanti means peace. Raja Yogis translate OM Shanti as I am a peaceful soul.
They say that through the teachings of Raja Yoga, the soul is able to achieve its
natural state of peace very easily.

The Raja Yoga teacher says, you need five to seven lessons in order to understand
Raja Yoga. Here are the extractions of what they explain during these lessons
mostly in their own words.
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Raja Yogis explain that the world we are living in is full of crime, such as war,
murder, rape, teenage school girl pregnancy etc. The root cause of all these crimes
is that man has become body conscious. Man is supposed to be soul conscious
and it is a mistake on mans part to be body conscious. Hence he takes into
consideration gender, country, tribe and cast to which he belongs. It gives birth to
five basic vices, i.e. greed, ego, attachment, lust and anger.

Raja Yoga inculcates into its practitioner soul consciousness.

Raja Yogis tell us that the body is just like a vehicle and the soul is the driver. You
are not a body. You are purely a soul.

The soul of a man is a tiny point of light. It is located in the centre of his forehead
between the eye-brows where Hindu women apply Tilak
- a mark.

When you look at soul, it does not have gender, colour or race.
Through Raja Yoga, one becomes soul-conscious.


Raja Yogis describe God as the Supreme soul. Human beings are souls, and so is
their father God. They say that the meaning of Yoga is union and the meaning of
Raja is king, master or sovereign, but, in particular, it means supreme, so Raja
Yoga is union with the Supreme soul, the father, director, the one who is
remembered as God.
The Supreme Being is also a soul, a spark of light, the infinitesimal pinpoint which
contains within itself a mind, intellect and Sanskar (resolves), a personality.


To Hindus Tilak is a mark of auspiciousness. It is put on the forehead with sandal paste, sacred
ashes or kumkum (red turmeric)
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The name of God according to Raja Yogis is Shiva. Shiva is the Sanskrit name. The
word Shiva has three specific meanings: It means the benefactor, the point and it
also means seed. Hence God according to them is the tiny point of light and the
seed of the world. According to them Shiva is the one who is referred to as God by
All religions. Below is a picture which they show during the lesson. Please examine
it carefully and you will notice that they have made an effort to include Islam!
Since Islam does not allow the pictures of animate beings in order to eradicate the
germs of paganism, I have disfigured the faces in the pictures.
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God is self-luminous and incorporeal, to mans third eye; He looks
like a star or a point-of-light as other souls do. An Oval-shaped
stone, or a flame of light, is used as a symbol of His form in
various religions. He gives to mankind spiritual rejuvenation and
divine inheritance and is, therefore, known as World-Father Shiva.
He is the Holiest of the holy and the highest of the high. He is
Incorporeal and above the law of Karma.

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Raja Yogis tell us that all souls take a human form, a costume, which they use to
play their roles on the world stage, within the cycle of birth and death. But the
Supreme Soul is the one free from this cycle of birth and death, the one who is
constantly incorporeal.
Souls, taking a human body, are governed by the laws of action and reaction
and there is liberation or bondage depending on actions.

The supreme Soul is the one who is totally fulfilled, eternally complete, and forever
constant, constant in name (whereas human names are merely labels for the body),
and constant in qualities. No human soul has this constancy and this is why we turn
to God when seeking the stability we ourselves lack.


According to Raja Yogis there are three worlds. This physical world on which we
are now living is known as the CORPOREAL WORLD.

Beyond this world of matter, of physical elements, there is the SUBTLE REGION
light, sometimes referred to as the astral plane.

Beyond the Subtle region is the INCORPOREAL WORLD, a place of constant,
unchangeable light, of complete stability, silence and peace, the land of Nirvan,
which means the land beyond sound or the land of release or of liberation. The

Hindus believe that after death, the soul leaves the body and is reborn in the body of
another person, animal, vegetable, or mineral. This condition of endless entanglement in
activity and rebirth is called samsara. The precise quality of the new birth is determined by
the accumulated merit and demerit that result from all the actions, or karma, that the soul
has committed in its past life or lives.
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Yogi says, This is my home, the world from which all souls come, and the land
where all souls ultimately go. It is also the Home of the Supreme Father, Shiva
Below is a picture which they show during the lesson.

Ours is the gross world, for we have gross bodies. Beyond the sun
and the stars, there is the subtle world where the deities- Brahma,
Vishnu and Shankara, having subtle bodies, abide in Light. Beyond
that is the world of souls and of God. A Yogi keeps mentally in
touch with God in the Soul World- Brahmloka or the Highest

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They say that the Raja Yogi can turn his mind away from this corporeal world to
that incorporeal world, where the Father resides, and where he can experience
complete peace.


Raja Yogis tell us that Raja Yoga was taught by Shiva, the Lord of Yogis. They
explain it further;

Recently, the word Yoga has become widely known. Yoga is a Sanskrit word
which originally means: to connect, to add, to establish a link. The word was
originally used to denote the mental or spiritual link with God, with other
souls , and with the nature. But now this word is being used to denote certain
physical bends, twists and postures , called Asanas. This, evidently , is a
wrong, or at least, a very crude and very narrow use of the term.
The tradition and texts (of Hinduism) clearly declare that Shiva is the Lord of
Yogis and that Yoga was originally revealed by him. That Yoga is the same as
propounded by the Lord Sermonizer of the Gita.
Raja Yoga , as expounded by Patanjali, is also known as The Yoga of eight
limbs, for it has eight essential parts, namely:

i. Abstention from evils(yams)
ii. Various observances ( Niyams)
iii. Physical postures (Asana)
iv. Breath control (Pranayama)
v. Withdrawal (Pratyahara)
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vi. Concentration (Dharana)
vii. Contemplation and (Dhyana)
viii. Absolution. (Samadhi)

Talking about postures, Patanjali has not mentioned any particular posture in which
one does not feel relaxed and comfortable. Similarly, about breath control, he has
said that it should come easy.

Comparatively, Raja Yoga as taught by Shiva, Lord of the Yogis, lays stress on six
of the above, leaving out Asana and Pranayama. They say that when the soul
withdraws from the body and concentrates on God and gets stabilised in the
Samadhi, ones postures will automatically become stable and breathing will be as
it should be. Hence there is no need for Asana and Pranayama.

Besides this, Shiva, Lord of the Yogis, has given (as they say) knowledge of the
Past, The present and the Future of the world, and of the creator and creation and
also about how one should inculcate divine qualities in the self. Thus, the Raja
Yoga, taught by god Shiva, is based on knowledge, is easy and gives ever-lasting
benefits. Its impact is so great that it brings purity and peace not only to the
practitioner but it also changes the atmosphere and, when it is practised on a mass
scale, it brings about the Golden Age in the world, for it uplifts the character and
spreads vibrations of peace.
It improves human relations, increases mans stamina, frees him from worries,
saves him from wastage of thought-power and brings about an atmosphere of good
will. In other words, it brings a Golden Age or the world of deities or divine

Only Raja Yoga is the solution. A person cannot reach on his own his most
elevated stage even with prophets and messengers.


See for more detail Illustrationss on Raja Yoga published by PRajapita Brahma Kumaris
Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya Mount Abu Rajisthan India.
See Correspondence Course Lesson3 produced by Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount
Abu, India.
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At its most basic, Yoga is a set of spiritual practices originating in ancient India.
While most people in the Western world think of Yoga as a form of physical
exercise, it actually encompasses much more. Even when only the physical branch
of Yoga is considered, many different branches exist today.

The Bhagavad-Gita, a text dating from the first few centuries BC and considered
the definitive source of Hindu philosophy, mentions four branches of Yoga. Karma
Yoga refers to one's action in the world, Jnana Yoga is the development of
knowledge and of the mind, Bhakti Yoga is the worship of a deity, and Raja Yoga
is meditation.

The term Raja Yoga has been in existence for many centuries, but according to the
present day Raja Yogis, the original teachings of the ancient Raja Yoga, taught by
the sermonizer of the Gita (Hindu scripture), the God of Gita, have been lost to
mankind, which is why we have been unable to experience that highest state of
union, or True Yoga. Now, in accordance with the promise given to us by God in
the Gita, Whenever there is unrighteousness, I incarnate, to establish righteousness
and destroy irreligiousness; I come to teach Raja Yoga, the teachings are once
again being given to fulfil the promise. So Raja Yogis, today, claim that Raja Yoga
brought by Dada Lekh Raj is the perfect combination of all Yogas within one


When a person first begins to practice Yoga, he is able to stabilize his
mind on God for some seconds while, during other moments, his
thoughts are scattered in all directions and towards many objects .
In this second stage, one is easily able to switch ones mind to God,
as one would switch on the light. One only thinks of God with deep
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emotion that he is the most beloved Guide and Friend and Mother-
Father, and ones mind goes in that direction, and only a very small
fraction of ones thoughts fritters away. One begins to feel ecstasy and
becomes intoxicated with the divine love and bliss. However, the full
blaze of Yoga has yet to be lit. That would be the third stage, called
In this stage, a man finds light, peace, bliss and might, descending on
him and spreading through him into the world. It is such a wonderful
experience that one feels that all the treasures of the world fade into
insignificance in the face of this attainment. At this stage, love, peace
and bliss do not remain merely stale like insensitive dictionary
words, but one takes a dip into the essence of the above feelings or one
is drenched in them.32
The ultimate aim of Raja Yoga is not just the transformation of the self, not
just perfection for the self, but the creation of a new world order in which
there is perfection. The aim of Raja Yoga is the establishment of the
World of Truth, the Golden Age, the World of Purity, the World of Love,
and the World of Happiness.

Illustrations on Raja Yoga, Page.44.
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Stages of Yoga
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Raja Yogis believe strongly in the law of Karma, the law of action and reaction
which has been the tenet of Hinduism. Hindus believe in reincarnation. In other
words, they believe that after someone dies their soul lives again in another body.

The state in which the soul is reborn is predetermined by the good or bad deeds
(karma) done in former incarnations. The souls of those who do evil, for example,
are reborn in lower states (such as animals, insects, and the spirits of trees or in the
poor and suffering family). The souls of those who do righteous deeds in previous
lives are reborn in the higher states. They, for example, will be born in rich and
prosperous families, etc.


The Raja Yogi tells us that Shiva Baba defined three specific types of action, of

1. Sukarma: action by which happiness is given; such action would be
pure action.
2. Vikarma: action based on vices and therefore giving sorrow.
3. Akarma: action with neither positive nor negative effect.


Seeing that by doing bad deeds he is carrying the Karmic burden for which he will
suffer in the next life, Raja Yogi thinks of what he can possibly do to ensure that he
does not increase his negative Karmic account. He should not perform any action
that is going to increase his Karmic bondage.

The second thought comes to him is that what can he do to reduce his Karmic
account? Or even is there possibly a quick simple easy method by which he could
settle his entire Karmic debt at a stroke?

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And further thought: can he ensure that he performs such Karma that he constantly
has a huge income, stock, and a big fortune waiting for him in future life.


The answer for them is yes; as through the teachings of Raja Yoga, one experiences
how it is possible to work on all three levels.

With the understanding of the knowledge of Karma and the link
with the supreme Soul, Shiva, one is able to ensure that there is no
further sin, that there is no Karmic account being increased.
With the fire of Yoga, one is able to annul the past debts that have
been gathered through so many births.
With the power and inspiration, the renunciation and the dedication
felt by the soul, it is possible to perform such pure Karma that there
is the guarantee that his future births will have purity, health, wealth
and happiness.

Sharing the spiritual knowledge of Raja Yoga with others is the highest form of
Karma, according to Raja Yogis.

The fire of Yoga annuls ones past sins and changes our very Sanskara (resolve) and
the power from the Supreme (Shiva) gives one the strength to perform pure actions,
in order to collect ones stock for the future.

Yoga vis--vis the universe & god

Raja Yogis believe that world history repeats on the same pattern for eternity. The
world, according to Raja Yogis, passes through five different phases, namely
Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age, Iron Age and Confluence Age as indicated in
the picture of the Time Wheel. The world, during the Golden Age, (as they say) has
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complete purity, peace and prosperity and, in the Silver Age also, it enjoys all these
three though to the extent of two degrees less. In the Copper Age, sex- lust, anger,
greed, and attachment appear in to the world. Abraham, Buddha and Christ
establish their respective religions one after the other. Despite all this,
unrighteousness, violence and lack of peace go on increasing gradually in this
world. In the Iron Age, there is rapid degeneration in moral and spiritual values so
that, at the end of the Iron Age, the climax is reached. At this time, god descends
into the body of an aged man who he names Brahma or Adam. He, the creator of
Brahma , Vishnu and Shankar, gets his three acts done.

Through Brahma or Adam, he imparts godly knowledge, teaches easy Raja Yoga
and inculcates divine qualities. Thus, he transforms human beings and elevates
them spiritually. This brings about the new, Golden Age world again. Those who
do not achieve divine qualities, suffer destruction and also punishment for their evil
acts. The act of destruction of the Iron Aged, vicious world of the Iron Age is
carried out through Shankar. In the Golden Age and Silver Age, the righteous world
is sustained through Vishnus corporeal representatives Shri Narayana and Shri
Lakhshami and Shri Sita Shri Rama and their dynasty respectively. Thus the wheel
of time goes on non stop. The four yugas or epochs, including the Confluence Age,
are of 5000 years duration and each of the first four yugas or epoch equal to
1250years. This cycle has been going on and on since time immemorial.

Now, we should know that the world is heading towards a catastrophe, because of
overpopulation, environmental decay, lack of sources of energy, increasing mental
tension and above all, erosion of moral values and extinction of the feeling of
brotherhood. There will not be a total destruction or desolation of the world but it
will be an indescribably major destruction through nuclear war, natural calamities,
civil wars, starvation etc. It is the last chance for man to give up exploitation, greed,
anger and vengeance, sex-lust and prurient habits, pride and sloth and, while
discharging his social and family obligations, be a true Yogi for his own sake, for
the sake of the world and for gods sake.

Illustrations on Raja Yoga, Mount Abu, India. Page 33
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Dada Lekh Raj, the founder of the Raja Yoga institution (according to the Raja
Yogis) is Brahma or Adam who was used by god Shiva to impart godly knowledge,
to teach easy Raja Yoga and prepare for the coming of the Golden Age.

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Raja Yogis believe that God is not the creator or Sustainer in the sense that
Muslims understand. He creates by means of reshaping or renewing a soul with
purity. By granting knowledge, God sustains the soul by imbuing it with the power
of purity; and with the force of purity God destroys the old world of evil so that the
new age may begin again.

These, according to the Raja Yogis, are the secrets of Creation, Sustenance and
Destruction. In lesson 6 they explain to us:
We see that, in fact, the energy of nature works on its own level and certainly
man does not need to interfere with the systems of nature. Every aspect of
nature works in such a way that by itself it can create, sustain and destroy- but
before bringing destruction to the old, it will have already created the new.
Nature works most efficiently if allowed to do so without human interference,
and it most certainly does not need intervention from the Supreme Being.
Human souls also work with their own energy on their own level. It is clear that
a soul cannot be created. God does not even create the human bodies. Every
thing of human is determined by his past actions.

World genealogical tree

The history of this world, according to Raja Yogis, is depicted here in the form
of a genealogical tree, called the Kalpa Tree. On its trunk is first shown the
Golden Age and then the Silver Age, each having the duration of 1250 years.
During the period of the Golden Age , there was only one practical religion

For more detail please read Lesson 6 (Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Univesity,
Mount Abu, India)
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characterised by complete vice-lessens, non-violence and peace. Therefore, the
sovereigns and the people of that era are known as Devatas or deities.
in the last Silver Age.
This happened because; gradually people had become body-conscious.
They further explain:
Various religions began to be established. Abraham, Buddha, Christ,
Shankaracharya and Mohammed established their respective religions. Scriptures
were written, worship performed in various ways. Temples, churches, mosques, etc
were built and pilgrimages to holy places came into vogue. During the course of
time, these religions, represented by branches of the Kalpa Tree were split up, to
sub-branches, so that there was now internal strife and hatred.

Then, came the Iron Age, with greater decline in moral values. Religions were
transformed into rituals or had become mostly theoretical. The world reached the
stage of complete irreligiousness and unrighteousness. Today, America and Russia
have built up a great stock of nuclear weapons which, in combination with natural
calamities and civil wars are ready for great destruction of the world in the near
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The World grows like a tree. In the Golden Age and Silver Age,
there is only one religion- the Deity Religion, i.e. all are holy or
deities by nature. So, there is peace, love and prosperity in full
measure. Later, bodyconsciousness and vices appear and various
religions and their off-shoots also appear. The degeneration
continues till the end of the Iron Age when mans acts lead the
world to destruction through nuclear war, etc.

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Raja Yogis say:
Knowing this story of man from age to age, we should now make sincere efforts to
transform ourselves into deities by means of Raja Yoga. We now have the golden
opportunity, offered by Kalpa (world cycle ), for we have now the direct guidance
of god Shiva, the perfect guru( master) and the Yogishwara (Lord of Yogis), for he
has now taken a corporeal medium to bring about the Golden Age in the world.The
time, we are now passing through, is known as the auspicious sangam yuga,amrit
vela (time to get elixir) Brahm muhurta (the most sacred era when man should
meditate on god ).
We can let this pass only at a grave, recurring loss to ourselves.

The world is now on its death-bed. All now have a heavy load of sin on their
heads. The nuclear warheads are hanging like the sword of Damocles, from a
slender thread. It is time that we take to Yoga and make ourselves and the world
free of mental pollution. Man. because of his wrong ways has brought the world to
the brink of destruction. Raja Yoga is the only hope of man and this is the time to
practise it for the benefits of the world.

Illustrations On Raja Yoga (Mount Abu ,Rajasthan India.) Page 64
Ibid. Page.66
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Discussing on the universal truth about God, the Raja Yogis tell us that there was a
time when people of almost every major religion of the world believed that God is
Jyoti-Bindu (an eternal luminous point-like entity). They try to explain its example
in Islam thus:

In Mecca, the sacred-most pilgrimage of Muslims, there is symbolic black-
stone having this form and it is a tradition among the Mohammadans to touch it
or to kiss it from a distance to signify their love and reverence for God.

After giving similar examples in many religions, they say:

Let us tell one and all that god, the supreme soul does exist. All of us can have
perception, experience or vision of him. Yoga is the way for that extra sensory
perception or god realisation. Yoga means focussing the mind on god, the
transcendental, micro star like ancient verity who is related to us as our
spiritual mother father etc which also will be proof of gods existence just as
the flow of water from a tank, full of water, at a higher level, to a tank, at lower
level, serves as a proof that the former has water.


The rise and fall or the series of births and re-birth of many may be compared to a
ladder or a stair-case, having eighty four steps as the maximum. When the souls
first descend from the soul world, they have goodness, purity and good qualities in
them and are, therefore, in their Golden Age. They take eight births in all, in the
Golden Age----- the reign of Shri Lakhshami and Shri Narayana and their Sun
Dynastyand have all the good things that this World has. They descend along
these stairs to the Silver Age, which also is of 1250 years like the Golden Age, or
any other Age. Their stage of purity, peace and prosperity has by now lessened by
two degrees. In this age the reign of Shri Sita and Shri Rama and their Moon

Illustrations on Raja Yoga Mount Abu (Headquarter) Rajasthatn, India. Page.26
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dynastythey take twelve births. For the average life-span of a person in the
Silver Age is 125 years whereas it was 150 years in the Golden Age.
However, both these epochs are characterised by Sattoguna.

Then comes the Copper Age -- the period of Rajoguna when worship of Shiva,
Shankara, Vishnu and other deities is started and temples are built at great
cost to perpetuate their memory. During this epoch of 1250 years, the soul takes
twenty-one births in all. The king and the subjects in this age are no longer
worthy worship or being deities-like as they were in the Golden Age and the
Silver Age. They have now become worshippers of their own ancestors and
of their even own previous forms.
This is followed by Iron Age during which Tamoguna pervades into the
world. Now the worship of Imaginary gods, fire, the tree, water etc also takes place
and people become extremely body-conscious and irreligious. It is such a point
of time that the advent of God , the Knowledgeful, peaceful, blissful and
Almighty Father , takes place. He, the Redeemer, takes all souls back to the
world of liberated soulsthrough Yoga or through expiation and chastisement
of souls at the hands of the divine Adjudicator. That time has now come. He,
the worlds Most Beloved Father is now teaching Easy Raja Yoga to purify
the souls and enable them to have peace. The great destruction of the world
through Nuclear World War is round the corner.

But, let it be noted that divine efforts are also going on to sow seeds of a divine
world order by implanting divine qualities in the divine call and to change their
ways. Those who care would go via divine knowledge, Raja Yoga and virtues, to
the divine worlds.

Illustrations on Raja Yoga Mount Abu (Headquarter) Rajasthatn, India. Page.68
Ibid. Page.71
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Raja Yogis say that a very short time is left for the worlds destruction. If man does
not spend a small part of each day on practising Yoga, then he will have lost this
precious time without having bliss and without attaining the goal of life.
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The methodology of Yoga is explained thus:

Sit in any easy posture. Feel yourself relax. Take your mind to the Soul World
i.e. Brahmloka, which is far beyond the moon, the sun and stars. There you
see with the eye of your mind a goldish-red light, called Brahm, present
everywhere and , in it, you see a brilliant and conscient Point-of -light,
called God Shiva, the World Father, radiating divine light, might, peace,
bliss and love in all directions. Stabilise your mind on him and considering
yourself as though bathing in that light and peace.
Keeping your mind focused there, meditate thus,: I am a soul, a
conscient, twinkling star, a point of light , radiating light in all directions.
Shiva Baba, Thou art my most beloved Father, Teacher, Guide, and
Saviour: Thou are Knowledgeful, Peaceful, Blissful, Loveful and Almighty. I
am really fortunate to have known Thee and to have a mental link with
Thee. I have now become Thine, Baba , and will obey all Thy commands
and thus be a great Yogi and a holy person. I will pass on this light and
Might and Peace and Bliss, which I am getting from Thee, to all
directions.., Mediating thus, get immersed in the experience. Be all
Light Peace, Bliss and Love. Drink deep into this bliss. Love God profoundly,
thinking Him to be the one from whom you have strayed but whom you
have found after long. He being the one who loves you truly and who is
the most infallible Guide.
If any worldly thought lands in your mind, again , start
meditation thus : I soul, a twinkling star, eternal and immortal
, pure and peaceful in my original nature I am a child of
God. Shiva Baba! Thou art my only Guide.. I have come to
Thee, Baba; I am now thine and Thou art mine. And get absorbed
again into bliss and love. This heightened consciousness will
enable you to feel relaxed, refreshed, purified, elevated and re-
Thou art my most beloved Father, Teacher, Guide and Saviour. Thou art
Knowledge full, Might and directions..,

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Snatch a few moments, every now and then, out of your busy hours also and
meditate thus. You will feel happy, alert, energised and active. Practice this early in
the morning, then again after a bath, in the evening for sometime and in the night
before sleep. The more you practice, the happier and holier you will be.


i. Be soul conscious
ii. Stabilize your mind in the love full consciousness of incorporeal
God Shiva, the most beloved father-cum-Teacher-cum-preceptor-
iii. Through the power of Raja Yoga, win full victory over the six
iv. Inculcate in your self the divine qualities of Humility, Tolerance,
contentment, sobriety etc.
v. Remember this last life in this cycle. The world destruction is at
hand, and the Golden-Age world order will soon ensue.
vi. Complete purity, peace and prosperity in the coming Golden-Aged
world are your God-given birthright.


Raja Yogis practice celibacy though they are not strict in imposing it on new
recruits. Married couples, who join Raja Yoga, are required to avoid having sex
forever since the day they join because sex-lust, according to them, is the root of all
vices. Single people should avoid getting married. He may, if he wills, get married
to someone who is already practicing Yoga just for the sake of company, or that she
will cook and help him, and not for having sex.

The Yogis say that if you eat the food cooked by someone who has not joined Yoga
it may affect your spirituality. Therefore one should not eat food cooked by any one

Illustrations on Raja Yoga (Mount Abu,India) Page.76
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except those who have joined them, but they do not mind fruits and vegetables
grown by non Raja Yogis.

They have to bath each time after they pass a stool. Clothes worn also must be
washed thereafter.

In the above pages I have laid down to you in brief the beliefs and teachings of Raja
Yoga as explained in the books produced and published by the headquarters of the
Raja Yoga institution. I did not attempt to comment or criticise any of their
teachings or beliefs from the Islamic point of view. I expect the Muslim reader to
have the basic Islamic knowledge with which he himself will conclude how far
their ideas are against Islamic beliefs.
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Muslims believe that Islam, without doubt, is the complete way of life, chosen
and perfected by our Creator and Sustainer Allah Taala. Contrary to this Raja
Yogis believe and preach that Raja Yoga is the only way to salvation.

Their set of beliefs regarding God is totally different from what Islam teaches
us. They believe in Shiva as God. God is just like us in shape and form; a tiny
point of light. He is not omnipresent. The world has always existed and
therefore was never created. The system of the universe works on its own
without the need of God.
As a Muslim, you know how perverted these beliefs are.

Islam makes it an article of faith to believe in:

Allah as the supreme Creator, Originator, Sustainer of the entire
universe in the sense the general public understands and not in the
sense that the Raja Yogis take. Allah is One and Only in His person,
actions and attributes. He created everything by His own power and
will when there was nothing at all.
All the messengers of Allah Taala of whom Muhammad is the last
and final messenger were sent as mercy for the entire world.
All the books revealed by Allah Taala, the Quran is the last and final
revelation for entire mankind up to the day of Judgement.
The last day, the day of Judgement.
The fate, good and bad thereof.
Resurrection and accountability in the Hereafter
Jannat (Heaven) and Jahannam (Hell) (in different sense from what the
Raja Yogis believe.)

(Recall the Imaan Mufassal you learnt in Madrasah.)

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Raja Yogis do not believe in any of the above mentioned articles of faith as
constituted in Islam. Moreover they believe that Islam is the product of the Copper
Age as other religions are according to them. The original eternal religion is the
deity religion established by the god Shiva Baba through Brahma Baba (Dada Lekh

In other words, they are struggling to establish a new world order where there is no
religion except deity religion, as quoted above in the aims of Raja Yoga.

In Raja Yoga centres, they have photos of Dada Lekh Raj hung on the wall.
Pictures of Saraswati and other female luminaries of the institute are also hung on
the wall. Images of Hindu deities also seem to be revered and kept as sacred in the
centres. As Muslims should we enter such places? Look at these two narrations and

, 1 ,

Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu Anha) narrates that Um Habiba and Um Salama
mentioned a church they had seen in Ethiopia and in the church there were
pictures. When they told the Prophet of this, he said, "Those people are such
that if a pious man amongst them died, they built a place of worship over his
grave and paint these pictures on it. Those people will be Allah's worst
creatures on the Day of Resurrection."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

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Aslam (the freed slave of Umar (RadhiyAllahu anhu)) reports that when Hazrat
Umar Ibn Khattab came to Syria, one Christian man prepared food for him and
said to him, I would like you to come and grace me along with your
companions. The man was among the echelons of Syrian society. Hazrat
Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) said to him, we do not enter your meeting-house
because of the pictures in it; meaning the images (of Saints, Jesus or his
mother Mary).

Some of the clashing points with Islam, mentioned under the topic of Art of Living
also apply in the same way to Raja Yoga classes.

Their gatherings involve free mixing of sexes as the whole institution is run by
women who run meditation classes. They speak in a very soft and attractive way to
give you the required peace of mind to meditate. You meditate on what? On god
Shiva, a tiny point of light, depicted at the centre of a framed chart. You are happy.
You have forgotten your problems (however you have not solved them).

But do you realize? Do you realize that you are out of the fold of Islam because
you have turned your face to someone besides Allah Taala, and have taken
Raja Yoga as your way? (Read again how they do Yoga) You have committed the
sin which Allah will never forgive if you die with it without repentance. Ponder
over these two verses.

, 116 ,

116. Verily! Allh forgives not (the sin of) setting up partners in worship
with Him, but He forgives whom he pleases sins other than that, and
whoever sets up partners in worship with Allh, has indeed strayed far
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(The Holy Quran, 4:116)

, 85 ,

, 86 ,

, 87 ,

, 88 ,
` `
, 89 ,

, 90 ,

` ` `

, 91 ,

85. And whoso seeketh as religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted
from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.
86. How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and
(after) they bore witness that the messenger is true and after clear proofs
(of Allah's sovereignty) had come unto them. And Allah guideth not
wrongdoing folk.
87. As for such, their recompense is that on them rests the curse of Allah
and of angels and of men combined.
88. They will abide therein (Hell fire). Their doom will not be lightened;
neither will they be reprieved;
89. Save those who afterward repent and do right. Lo! Allah is Forgiving,
90. Lo! Those who disbelieve after their (profession of) belief, and
afterward grow violent in disbelief: their repentance will not be accepted.
And such are those who are astray.
91. Lo! Those who disbelieve, and die in disbelief, the (whole) earth full of
gold would not be accepted from such a one if it were offered as a ransom
(for his soul). Theirs will be a painful doom and they will have no helpers.
(The Holy Quran, 3:85-91)
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Any one, who attends Raja Yoga classes after knowing their beliefs and practices,
is out of the fold of Islam.
The message is delivered to us in the Quran in very clear words. Lets preserve the
noblest gift of Imaan with which Allah has blessed us, and not let disbeliever rob or
corrupt it.

, '' - - = ' ' ' - ' ' - - + ' ' - ' - - - + - ' ' ', ' ' - '' - - ' ' . - ' -
) 43 (

43. .And they (the Muslims) say: Praise be to Allah, who hath guided
us to this (Islam). We could not truly have been led aright if Allah had not
guided us. Verily the Messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth.
(The Holy Quran, 7:43)
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,=' -=' - -


n the preceding pages we read about the Art of Living and Raja Yoga. All
the body postures and exercise these institutes offer are the products of the
human mind. Yoga, therefore, has hundreds of postures and different
branches trying to give man a better exercise. You can study all the
branches of Yoga and select few postures from them, and then you may produce
your own Yoga. Do not forget to name it after you. A few years later, depending
on your effort, you will gain followers.

The modern man may have broad and varied experiences, but his mind is very
narrow, fickle, shallow and superficial. Allah Taala gave man the highest rank and
the greatest pre-eminence among all His creatures. From a particle of dust to the
heavens unseen, everything in the universe is made and put by Allah in the state of
flux for the benefit of man. Man holds his place as vicegerent of Allah Taala.
The majority of the followers of Yoga, however, do not realize their real value and
the position that Allah has blessed them with. They prostrate themselves before
trees, rivers, hills, worship fire, the sun, the moon and the stars, and idolize their
saints, monks, ghosts and the like.

They follow their own whims and fancies and ascribe them to Allah. Do not follow
them! Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran.

During the course of penning this topic, I took most of the stuff from the book
The Four Pillars of Islam and from the Islamic websites on internet. A lot of
research has been done on the scientific benefits of Salah. You may log on to
internet and find some more information on the scientific benefits of Salah.

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, 116 ,

, 117 ,

116. And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far
away from Allahs Path. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do
but guess.
117. Verily, your Lord! It is He Who knows best who strays from His Way,
and He knows best the rightly guided ones.
(The Holy Quran, 6:116-117)

, +9 ,

, 50 ,
49. So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow
not their desires, but beware of them lest they seduce thee from some part
of that which Allah hath revealed unto thee. And if they turn away, then
know that Allah's will is to smite them for some sin of theirs. Lo! Many of
mankind are evil livers.
50. Is it a judgment of the time of (pagan) ignorance that they are seeking?
Who is better than Allah for judgment to a people who have certainty (in
their belief)?
(The Holy Quran, 5:49-50)

, 5? ,

52. So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them (by preaching) with
the utmost endeavour, with it (the Quran).
(The Holy Quran 25:52)

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Our Creator and Sustainer, Allah Taala, forbade us to follow such people because
they have very little knowledge of the complicated nature of man. It is Allah who
created man, and knows full well what is good for His creation. He, the Creator
Himself, blessed us with Islam, a perfect way of life.

Islam provides us with a complete guidance for every aspect of our life. It solves all
sorts of problems facing humanity now and in the future, be it physical, material or
economic, socio-cultural, political, legal, religious and spiritual, and the like.
Everything it enjoins us to do is for our own benefit.

However Islam does not ignore mans need for physical, mental and spiritual
exercise. The performance of Salah, particularly the five compulsory daily Salah is
a form of exercise Allah commands us to perform. The performance of Salah is the
second pillar of Islam. It constitutes the physical, mental, and spiritual submission
to Allah which starts by pronouncing Allah's greatness and ends with Salaam
(salutation of peace).

Performance of Salah serves as the foundation of Islam. Without it there is no
Islam. It is the concrete proof of our submission to Allah. It fulfils our very purpose
of creation. Regular observance of Salah makes us develop cleanliness of our
bodies as well as our dress and environment. Before the performance of Salah, we
are required to perform Taharah (purification or ablution) and it is a requirement
that our dress and place of worship are clean, free from any form of impurities. We
are also expected to purify our intention spiritually.
Regular performance of Salah serves as a natural source of physical exercise that
makes our bodies stronger, trains us to be punctual, disciplined and conscious of
our duties as each particular Salah has its own appropriate time on which it is

Salah cultivates in us the ability to relax because one of the important requirements
that we should observe while praying is Tum'aneenah (attaining calmness in the
performance of each act). When Salah is performed in congregation, it promotes a
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bond of brotherhood, unity and equality among Muslim worshippers. In addition,
by performing Salah the Muslim develops obedience, patience, trust, honesty, piety,
fear, humility, modesty, truthfulness, love, devotion and all other virtues acceptable
to Allah.

By performing Salah, we develop righteousness and prevent all sorts of immoral
and indecent practices and evil deeds.

Performance of Salah develops in us an optimistic outlook to life because we know
that we are praying to the only True Allah who is Most Forgiving and whose
guidance we seek for help. He rewards those who sincerely pray to Him with an
everlasting reward, Paradise.
(Please read the meaning of Surah Fatihah)

Salah contains an excellent provision for the nourishment of the soul and provides a
most valuable defence against the inroads of materialism and God negligence.
Salah is a pillar of faith, the means to salvation and the dividing line between a
Muslim and an apostate.
Salah is a more secure, a more soothing, pleasing and comforting refuge for the
believer than the lap of a mother is for a weak and orphaned child. Just as when the
child feels hurt or is annoyed or seized with fear or afflicted with thirst or hunger, it
clings to its mother or sits on her lap thinking that now it is safe. Salah is the
greatest shelter and haven of peace for the believers. It is the rope, strong and
unbreakable, which is stretched between him and his Lord and Creator. He can get
the assurance of safety by holding to it whenever he wants. It is the sustenance for
his soul, a balm for his wound and a panacea for his ills.
Salah is not a name given to certain physical movements nor is it a wooden, lifeless
ritual neither is it a military discipline in which ones own choice or volition has no
place. It is an act in which all the three aspects of human existence, physical,
mental and spiritual find their due expression. The body, the mind and the heart
participate in it jointly and in an ideal manner. The act of standing erect, kneeling
and prostration appertain to the body, recitation appertains to the tongue, reflection
and contemplation to the mind, and fear, repentance and lamentation to the heart.
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Muslims who attend Yoga are sadly misguided and ignorant of the marvellous
comprehensiveness of the institution of Salah. The sole object of the excellent and
all-embracing design and structure of Salah, set by Allah, is that by means of it man
may attain the fulfilment of his spiritual destiny, the noble qualities of humility and
earnestness, and fear and love of Allah may develop in him and he may dissociate
himself completely from everything that is apart from Allah and that makes Allah
the centre of his all hopes and aspirations. The aim of Salah is to generate within
the self of man such spiritual power, light of faith and awareness of Allah as can
enable him to strive successfully against all kinds of evils and temptations and
remain steadfast at times of trial and adversity and protect himself against the
weaknesses of the flesh and the mischief of immoderate appetites.

The Muslim performs Salah only to please Allah Taala.


Salah involves little effort (standing, bowing, prostration and sitting), has a short
duration and is beneficial for mental and physical health.

1. QIYAAM (Standing for Salah)
Worshippers stand upright and concentrate their minds on praying. The
determination to pray has a remedial action on depression. Standing helps to
develop balance. When people stand comfortably, the center of pressure is
usually midway between the insteps of the two feet. Standing up straight is a
correct position for the spine. In a standing position, the worshippers raise their
hands up to the ear lobe and bring them down one after another by holding the
left wrist with the right hand on the abdomen, above the navel, or on the chest.
During voluntary clenching of the right hand, blood flow is increased in the
hand area of the left motor cortex, and the corresponding sensory areas in the
post-central gyros.

2. QIRAAT (Uttering)
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Worshippers utter some verses from the Quran which is written in Arabic.
Like any other language, various muscles are exercised during speech. There is
a bilateral increase in blood flow in the face, tongue, mouth sensory and motor
areas, and the upper pre motor cortex in the brain during speech. During
creative speech, there is also an increase in blood flow in Brocas and
Wernickes areas of speech in the brain.

3. RUKUU (Bowing)
After standing and uttering some verses from the Quran, bowing is done by
forward movement of the vertebral column, especially at the lumbar joint, and
supported by two straight hands grasping the two hyper extended knees. After a
few seconds, the worshipper gradually reverts to the previous state until the
vertebral column is vertical. Bowing at a right angle allows a flow of energy
from the pituitary gland in the back of the head.

4. SUJOOD (Prostrating)
Placing ones head on the ground in Sujood (prostration) allows a large amount
of blood to enter into the brain. The act of prostration is the substance of Salah.
It is done from the standing position to kneeling, putting the head down and
touching the ground with the forehead, with the palms remaining parallel to the
ears, and touching the ground with the flexed elbows for a few seconds. These
various movements have a great impact on blood flow in the human brain.
Because of variations in arterial mean pressure in the body, prostration helps in
improving cerebral circulation and avoiding chemical brain disease. Thus, the
various positions of Salah from the vertical natural position to prostration helps
in the maintenance of steadiness of postural equilibrium.

5. ITMINAAN (Concentration)
During Salah, Muslims usually keep their eyes fixed on the site of prostration.
This visual fixation together with proprioceptive systems, vestibular systems,
and the various postures provide a complex positional sense in the brain stem
and cerebellum.

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6. JALSAH (Sitting) Sitting and Finishing Salah
Sitting in the Jalsah (sitting position) to say the Tashahhud with the back
straight and focusing all ones attention on the lap help in enhancing
concentration. Salah is concluded by looking over ones right and left shoulder
wishing peace for mankind. Turning the face during Salaam is good exercise
for the neck as well. We find that during the offering of Salah, most of the
joints and muscles of the body are involved in physical activities with little
effort, which play a vital role in cerebral blood flow and postural reflexes.

Worshippers wear loose garments during Salah. Salah is usually conducted in a
calm environment which helps in the concentration of the mind of the
worshipper. This kind of mind concentration has a tranquilizing effect and is
different from conventional meditation. Salah is a physical as well as a spiritual
act involving total obedience and submission to Allah. Salah is like a free hand
exercise. It can be performed in groups or individually without any equipment.
During the performance of Salah, most of the muscles and joints of the body
are involved. This activity is convenient for all kinds of people, including
children, the elderly and physically handicapped, for strengthening their
muscles as well as the mind.

Can you compare Salah given to us by Allah to any other exercise or Yoga which
are merely mind-workings of man? My Muslim brother, please do not belittle Salah
by going to attend Yoga!

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,=' -=' - -


et us understand the value of the precious example shown to us by the
greatest benefactor of humanity Hazrat Muhammad (SallAllahu Alahi
Wasallam); such a perfect and complete example after which we do not
need to look for any better example simply because it does not exist at

Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, ?1 ,

21. verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who
looketh unto Allah and the last Day, and remembereth Allah much.
(The Holy Quran, 33:21)

Whoever deviates and abandons this example harms none, but himself. Moreover
Muslims have been entrusted with the duty of conveying Allahs message to all
mankind. We must ponder sincerely and ask ourselves if whether we are really
fulfilling the responsibility assigned to us by Allah. Are we conveying the message
of Islam to millions of non Muslims around us? Has not Allah Taala asked us to
preach His message to his unbelieving servants? Instead of displaying the beauty of
Islam, a perfect way of life, we are busy admiring and attending to the disbelievers
ways and arts. Let us think whether we really are doing justice to Islam. We seem
to have lost the essence of our Deen, Salah. Let us not be counted among those
people whose desires took them away from the right path on which once their
forefathers walked. Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

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, 59 ,

, 60 ,

59. Now there hath succeeded them a later generation who have ruined
Salah and have followed lusts. But they will meet deception.
60. Except those who repent and believe (in the Oneness of Allh and His
Messenger Muhammad), and work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise
and they will not be wronged in aught.
(The Holy Quran, 19:59-60)

Lets follow the example of Ibrahim (Alahis Salam), mentioned in the Holy Quran.
When the idol-worshippers called him to their faith and tried to convince him to
join them, he said:

, 79 ,
` ` `

, 80 ,

, 81 ,

, 8? ,

79. Verily, I have turned my face towards Him Who has created the
heavens and the earth Hanifa, as by nature upright ( Islamic Monotheism,
i.e. worshipping none but Allah Alone) and I am not of those who associate
partners with Allah..
80. His people disputed with him. He said: "Do you dispute with me
concerning Allah while He has guided me, and I fear not those whom you
associate with Allah in worship. (Nothing can happen to me) except when
my Lord (Allah) wills something. My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge
all things. Will you not then remember?
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81. And how should I fear those whom you associate in worship with Allah
(though they can neither benefit nor harm), while you fear not that you have
joined in worship with Allah things for which He has not sent down to you
any authority. (So) which of the two parties has more right to be in
security? If you but know.
82. It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah and worship none but
Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong i.e. by
worshipping others besides Allh), for them (only) there is security and they
are the guided.
(The Holy Quran, 6:79-82.)

After accepting the truth, it is also of utmost importance to remain steadfast.
Shaitaan tries in different ways to take man away from the straight path. Allah
Taala ordained his messengers Musa and Harun (AlahimusSalaam) to remain steadfast
and not to follow the way of disbelievers. Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 89 ,

So you both keep to the Straight Way (i.e. keep on doing good deeds and
preaching Allahs Message with patience), and follow not the path of those
who know not (the truth i.e. to believe in the Oneness of Allah, and also to
believe in the Reward of Allah: Paradise, etc.)."
(The Holy Quran, 10:89)

A similar command was given primarily to the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu
Alahi wasallam) and secondly to all of us Muslims. Allah Taala says in the Holy

, 11? ,

, 111 ,

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112. So tread thou the straight path as thou art commanded, and those
who turn (unto Allah) with thee, and transgress not. Lo! He is Seer of what
ye do.
113. And incline not toward those who do wrong lest the Fire touch you,
and ye have no protecting friends against Allah, and afterward ye would
not be helped.
(The Holy Quran, 11:112-113)

In spite of being the strongest in terms of faith, even the messengers were
commanded to stay away from the ways of the disbelievers. What about us where a
minor polytheistic wind blow can snatch our Imaan. Shaitaan is in ambush, ready to
pounce on our Imaan day or night. Be on your guard!

Following Islam half-heartedly will not earn you the reward that Islam promises.
There is no way out except to follow the Deen of Allah whole-heartedly. Allah
Taala says in the Holy Quran:

` `
, ?08 ,

` ` `
, ?09 ,

208. O you who believe! Enter perfectly (whole heartedly) in Islam (by
obeying all the rules and regulations of the Islamic religion) and follow not
the footsteps of Shaitn (Satan). Verily! He is to you a plain enemy.
209. Then if you slide back after the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad and
this Quran, and Islam) have come to you, then know that Allah is All-
Mighty, All-Wise.
(The Holy Quran, 2:208-209)

Our own effort is not enough to shield ourselves against Shaitaan, we need Allahs
help constantly. Let us make Dua as Allah has taught us in the Holy Quran:

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, 8 ,

, 9 ,
8. Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to stray after Thou hast guided us, and
bestow upon us mercy from Thy Presence.Lo! Thou, only Thou art the
9. Our Lord! it is Thou Who gatherest mankind together to a Day of which
there is no doubt. Lo! Allah faileth not to keep the tryst.
(The Holy Quran, 3:8-9.)

In his last discourse on the Mimbar of the Masjide Nabawi, the Prophet (SallAllahu Alahi
Wasallam) said that he was leaving behind two things, if we were to hold fast unto
them, we would never go astray. The Book of Allah and Sunnah of the Prophet
(SallAllahu Alahi Wasallam).

In his farewell sermon delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H in the
Uranah Valley of mount Arafat the Prophet (SallAllahu Alahi wasallam) said:

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don't know whether, after this
year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am
saying to you carefully and take these words to those who could not be
present here today.
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so
regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the
goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one
may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He
will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury
(Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived...
Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that
he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following
him in small things.
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O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women,
but they also have rights over you. If they abide by your rights then to
them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your
women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed
helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of
whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit adultery.
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily
prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth
in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. You know that every Muslim is
the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal. Nobody has
superiority over other except by piety and good action.
Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your
deeds. So beware, do not go astray from the path of righteousness after I
am gone.
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith
will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words
which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur'an and my
example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to
others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than
those who listen to me directly.
Then he said to the people, you will be asked on the day of Judgement
about me whether I conveyed the message of Allah to you or not. What will
you say? The faithful companions said, Why not, indeed you have
conveyed the message, fulfilled the trust and showed the genuine feelings
towards the Ummah. The Prophet (SallaAllahu Alahi wasallam) said,
Be my witness oh Allah that I have conveyed your message to your

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I wish Allah would take me once again to the blessed city of Madeenah
Munawwarah, I will stand by the blessed grave of my beloved and say these
words from the bottom of my heart as my response to his last sermon:


Let my father and mother (who are dearer to me than my life) be
sacrificed for you. Indeed you have conveyed the message, fulfilled the trust
and your heart brimmed with genuine feelings for the Ummah. I bear
witness that you are the Messenger of Allah. I make Duaa to Allah that he
does not deprive me, my parents, teachers and all my believing brothers
and sisters from your intercession and company on the day when wealth
and children will be of no benefit. He is able to do that and worthy of all

The time is very short and reckoning is near. Let us prepare for it and not play.
Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

, 1 ,

, ? ,

` `
, 1 ,

1. Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they heed not
and they turn away.
2. Never cometh there unto them a new reminder from their Lord but they
listen to as It is in jest.
3. Their hearts toying as with trifles.
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(The Holy Quran, 21:1-3)

Very soon we will meet our beloved Nabi {SallAllahu Alahi Wasallam} on the Pond of
Khawsar on the day of rising. He will give us a drink if we follow his way, or else
we will be lost.


Hazrat Abu Hurayra {RadhiyAllahu anhu} narrated that the Messenger of
Allah (SallAllahu alahi wasallam} went to the graveyard and said, "Peace
be upon you, home of a people who believe! We shall be among you, Allah
willing. I wish that I had seen our brothers!" The people with him said,
"Messenger of Allah! Are we not your brothers?" "No," he said, "You are
my companions. Our brothers are those who have not yet come. And I will
precede them to the Hawd. (The Hawd: the watering place of the Prophet
(SallAllahu Alahi wasallam) from which he will give water to the people of
his Ummah on the day of rising.)"

They asked him, "O Messenger of Allah! How will you recognise those of
your community who come after you?" He said, "Doesn't a man who has
horses with white legs and white blazes on their foreheads among totally
black horses recognise which ones are his own?" They said, "Of course,
Messenger of Allah." He went on, "Even so will they come on the day of
rising with white marks on their foreheads, hands and feet from Wudu, and
I will precede them to the Hawd. Some men will be driven away (by angels)
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from the Hawd as if they were straying camels and I shall call out to them,
'Will you not come? Will you not come? Will you not come?' and someone
will say, 'they changed after you (they did not follow your way),' so I shall
say, 'Then away with them, away with them, away with them!' "
(Al-Muwatta Hadith )

May Allah make us steadfast and among those who will have a drink from the hand
of the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alahi wasallam).

For further information on any issue please feel free to contact any of your local
Alims. You may contact me for any query, suggestion or constructive criticism
regarding the topics discussed in this book. It will be my pleasure to assist.

Finally we say, All praises be to Allah alone, the Sustainer, Cherisher and Lord of
the worlds. Peace be upon His last Messenger, his companions and all those who
follow his footprints till the day of Judgement. Aameen

Muhammad Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar,
Bulawayo Islamic Society,
P.O.Box. 133 Raylton,
Bulawayo. Zimbabwe.
Cell: 00263-912 300 306
1, Siddheshwar Nagar,
Plot No. 64, Majrewadi,
Sholapur, India.
Phone: 0091- 217 -2605620.
Cell: 0091- 9420780212/9370405361/9325285488

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1. The Holy Quran (Translated by Yusuf Ali) IPCI South Africa
2. The Holy Quran (Translated by Muhsin Khan) King Fahd Press
Madinah Munawwarah.
3. The Holy Quran (Translated by Marmaduke Pickthall) Islamic Books
4. Sahih Bukahri Shareef Arabic- (Muhammad bin AbduAllah Bukhari)
5. Sahih Muslim Shareef -Arabic- (Muslim bin Hajjaj)
6. Tirmizi Shareef -Arabic- (Muhammad bin Isa Tirmizi) )
7. Muattaa -Arabic- (Imaam Malik) )
8. Mujami Kabeer Tabraani -Arabic- (Imaam Tabraani)
9. Al-Matalibul Aaliyah Arabic- (Ibn Hajar Asqalaani)
10. Rahmatullahil Wasiah Urdu- (Mufti Saeed Palanpuri) Maktaba Hijaz
Deoband India 2002.
11. The Four Pillars of Islam (Abul Hasan Nadwi)
12. Towards Understanding Islam (Abul Aala Maudoodi)
13. Iqtidhaaus Siratil Mustaqeem Arabic- (Shaikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyah)
Daru Alamil Kutub 1999.
Raja Yoga & The Art Of living An Islamic Appraisal Muhammad Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar
Page 106 of 108
14. Nawaaqidhul Islam -Arabic- (Abudul Aziz bin AbdulAlla Baaz)
Ministry of Islamic Affairs K.S.A. 1410 A.H.
15. Fadhlul Islam -Arabic- (Imaam Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab)

Raja Yoga

1. A brief biography of Brahma Baba
2. Brahma Baba A short life-sketch
3. Lesson 1: who am I?
4. Lesson 2: God the Supreme
5. Lesson 3: what is Raja Yoga?
6. Lesson 4:Secrets of Karma
7. Lesson 5: Cosmic Cycle
8. Lesson 6: Mysteries of Creation
9. Lesson 7:The Eternal World Tree
10. Illustrations on Raja Yoga
-Please note that all the books here pertaining to Raja Yoga do not bear the
name of authors and are published by the headquarter of Raja Yogis; Brahma
Kumaris World Spiritual University, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India.-

The Art of Living

1. Hinduism & Christianity (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) Bangalore India
2. Re-awakening Human Values Africa 2002. Art of Living Foundation
South Africa
3. Anandotsav A tribute to 50 years of love, light and services January 2006.
Vyakti Vikas Kendra-Puplication Division. Banglore, India.
4. One World Family South African Tour 2006. South Africa
5. Symposium on Human Values 7June 1998 Durban South Africa. Presented
by Art of Living Foundation International Association for Human Values.
6. Our Kenya love affair with Art of Living. Art of Living Nairobi, Kenya.
Raja Yoga & The Art Of living An Islamic Appraisal Muhammad Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar
Page 107 of 108
7. The Art of Living Course (brochure) The Art of Living Zimbabwe
9. Encyclopedia Encarta 1997

Raja Yoga & The Art Of living An Islamic Appraisal Muhammad Ibrahim AbdulKarim Jahurkar
Page 108 of 108


Ma Ma Ma Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Jahurkar, son ulana Muhammad Ibrahim Jahurkar, son ulana Muhammad Ibrahim Jahurkar, son ulana Muhammad Ibrahim Jahurkar, son
of AbdulKarim Jahurkar, of AbdulKarim Jahurkar, of AbdulKarim Jahurkar, of AbdulKarim Jahurkar, was born on the was born on the was born on the was born on the
7 77 7
th th th th
of April 1983 in Sholapur, India. He did of April 1983 in Sholapur, India. He did of April 1983 in Sholapur, India. He did of April 1983 in Sholapur, India. He did
all his Islamic studies in various Darul all his Islamic studies in various Darul all his Islamic studies in various Darul all his Islamic studies in various Darul
Ulooms throughout India. Ulooms throughout India. Ulooms throughout India. Ulooms throughout India.

In 1994 he graduated in Hifz of the Quran In 1994 he graduated in Hifz of the Quran In 1994 he graduated in Hifz of the Quran In 1994 he graduated in Hifz of the Quran
at at at at Darul Uloom Ahmed Nagar, India. Darul Uloom Ahmed Nagar, India. Darul Uloom Ahmed Nagar, India. Darul Uloom Ahmed Nagar, India.
He further completed his Alim and Fadhil He further completed his Alim and Fadhil He further completed his Alim and Fadhil He further completed his Alim and Fadhil
courses at Jamia Akkalkuwa and Darul courses at Jamia Akkalkuwa and Darul courses at Jamia Akkalkuwa and Darul courses at Jamia Akkalkuwa and Darul
Uloom Deoband in 2002. Uloom Deoband in 2002. Uloom Deoband in 2002. Uloom Deoband in 2002.

In the year 2004 he completed his studies In the year 2004 he completed his studies In the year 2004 he completed his studies In the year 2004 he completed his studies
in English and comparative religion at in English and comparative religion at in English and comparative religion at in English and comparative religion at
Markaz Markaz Markaz Markaz- -- -e ee e- -- - Islami Ankleshwar in India. Islami Ankleshwar in India. Islami Ankleshwar in India. Islami Ankleshwar in India.

Maulana Ibrahim has been serving the Maulana Ibrahim has been serving the Maulana Ibrahim has been serving the Maulana Ibrahim has been serving the
Bulawayo Islamic Society of Zimbabwe Bulawayo Islamic Society of Zimbabwe Bulawayo Islamic Society of Zimbabwe Bulawayo Islamic Society of Zimbabwe
since February 2005. since February 2005. since February 2005. since February 2005.

He is a Muslim scholar who is always He is a Muslim scholar who is always He is a Muslim scholar who is always He is a Muslim scholar who is always
thirsty for knowledge thirsty for knowledge thirsty for knowledge thirsty for knowledge and very motivated to and very motivated to and very motivated to and very motivated to
share his knowledge with others. share his knowledge with others. share his knowledge with others. share his knowledge with others.

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