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“A Simple Technology for Complicated Woe”

Community Based Micro Hydro for rural electrification in Sabah and Sarawak

By: Adrian Lasimbang


Sabah and Sarawak is blessed with high volume of rainfall every year and topographic
condition is hilly and mountainous. These areas are also rich in water; forest other biological
resources that sustain the livelihoods of many indigenous communities. Many of these
communities are very remote and dispersedly located on these hilly and mountainous areas,
making it challenging in terms of development.

In this new era of information and

communication technology (ICT),
electricity supply is the most essential
infrastructure for development. Electricity
is also the key infrastructure enhancement
to provide opportunity for job generation
and vital income for village residents.
However, numerous rural communities in
Sabah and Sarawak are without electricity
services, which are a limiting factor in
socio-economic development, education,
and healthcare.

Rural electrification through “conventional methods” such as grid connection and diesel
generators is either very costly, or - in the case of grid extensions – simply not in the plans for
the foreseeable future. These conventional methods result in emissions that are harmful to
human health and the environment. With the rise of fuel prices in recent year rendering many
isolated diesel generators un-operational due to high maintenance cost. Even new solar
hybrid systems are affected by the cost since these systems still runs almost 50% on diesel
during rainy days; where in remote areas in Sabah and Sarawak average rainy days are almost
all year long!

With the rise of fuel prices, diesel generators

become an economic burden on low-income
families remote rural communities have to pay
more to enjoy diesel and petrol-fueled electricity
supply, eliminating the economic benefits of
electricity. The additional costs very often cover
the long distance transportation. Hence they pay
twice or more the actual market price for every
liter to power generators, often for less than six
hours a day. Already burdened by poverty,
paying such a high cost for energy is like
rubbing salt to their financial wound.

The Solution is Micro hydro power

Proposed solutions to these problems to provide electricity to remote communities in Sabah

and Sarawak is amazingly coming from its own obstacle which is its hilly and mountainous
terrain and high rainfall. These conditions are ideal criteria for a micro hydro system. Hydro
power is the oldest form for technology to harness energy from natural resources since the
invention of the water wheel by humans. It uses simple but practical form of spinning wheel
to harness power from water that is still in use today.

A micro hydro power system harnesses the kinetic energy of fast flowing water using a
turbine and converts it into mechanical power. The mechanical power then can be used
directly to drive agro processing
equipment such as rice mills or to
turn a generator to produce
electricity. Because of the size, the
system is very cost effective and
easy to operate and maintain making
it ideal for electrification in remote
and isolated communities
particularly in Sabah and Sarawak.
In the advancement of the digital
technology, Micro hydro digital load
control system has evolved Micro
hydro power into a system that is
very reliable and requires very low
Fig 1: Typical setup of micro hydro system

A micro hydro system is environment friendly since it does not require any dams that will
obstruct water flow and submerge vast areas because it is designed based on the available
flow of the river. It is carefully designed that not more than 60% of the water flow should be
used to ensure that the river continues to flow and support aquatic life. A small diversion weir
is all that is needed to divert water to an intake then to a penstock pipe that will run the
turbine (fig.1). This system does not conflict with the regulations of the Drainage and
Irrigation Department (DID). As a solution, community-based Micro Hydro projects
emphasize the people’s participation in all aspects of
project conceptualization, design, installation, and
implementation. These projects have the greatest
likelihood of long-term successful operation because
community residents are invested in designing and
maintaining the systems. Since they have invested
their time, energy, and resources into project
development, they have ownership over the project
and work to keep it successfully running over the
long term.

( Micro Hydro installation in Kg. Terian Penampang, commissioned in 2005)

The micro hydro system will directly serve the communities through increased capacity and
the availability of electricity, clean water, and agro-processing equipment powered by the
new electricity system. The villagers will be the direct beneficiaries of the trainings that are
designed and intended to empower the entire community at large.

It is an innovative and Award winning rural electrification program

This program was initiated through cooperation

between PACOS and ERA WIRA Sdn. Bhd.
building upon its previous successful and Award
winning (2006 ASEAN Energy Awards1)
Community Based Micro Hydro Projects in
Kg.Terian, Penampang and Kg.Bantul,
Pensiangan Sabah including Long Lawen, Belaga
Sarawak. Community-based micro hydro projects
emphasize people’s participation in all aspects of
project planning, installation, management, and
maintenance. The community work to keep it
running successfully over the long term because
they have ownership of the system.

PACOS trust is a community based NGO have been working on social and environment
issues since 1993. The organization has been responsible on the community aspect such as
community mobilizing, socio economic and watershed management component of the Micro
Hydro projects.

ERA WIRA SDN. BHD a renewable energy consultancy company has been responsible in
designing, installing and commissioning the successful Micro Hydro System in Long Lawen,
Terian and Bantul. Technical team specialized in renewable energy (Hydro and Solar energy)
feasibility, its technicians is trained in design and troubleshooting by ENTEC of Switzerland
and HEKSA HYDRO a small Hydro turbine manufacturer based in Bandung Indonesia. Have
vast network of the best Small Hydro turbine manufacturer and supplier in the region

Community Based Micro Hydro Project – Runner-up of the Off Grid Category of the 2006 ASEAN Energy Awards,
presented During ASEAN Energy Forum in Vientiane, LAOS.

Past successful Community Based Micro Hydro Projects

Long Lawen, Belaga, Sarawak 10Kw

Located in very remote village in upper Bakun. Approximately 7 hours by logging road from
Bakun Dam. The micro hydro system supply 24 hrs electricity to 70 households, Kenyah
Badang, ethnic group. The micro hydro system has displace use of 56 diesel and petrol
generators. Saving about 15,000 liters of diesel annually, which is approximate RM 110,000
worth of diesel at location price (note: diesel selling at RM 7.50 per liter at nearby timber

The micro hydro system is also

integrated with rice mill mechanically
operated by turbine at the power house
contributing to the improvement of the
livelihood of the community. This project
was initiated in September 1999,
Commissioned in April 2001. The total
cost of this project RM 280,000. Funded
by Seacology Foundation, Green
Empoerment and The Borneo Project
through US- Malaysia NGO assistance program.

Kg. Terian, Penampang, Sabah 5 Kw

This project is located in a remote village in Upper

Papar, Approximate 5 hrs by foot traversing Crocker
Range Park. No road linking this village. All
equipment has to be air lifter using helicopter. The
micro hydro system is supplying 24 hrs electricity to
25 house holds of the KadazanDusun Ethnic group.
The micro hydro system also displace use of kerosene

lamps, 12 diesel and petrol generators. Saving about 6000 liters of diesel 3000 liters of petrol
and 500 liters of kerosene per year, which worth approximate RM 16,000 worth of diesel,
RM 8,500 worth of Petrol and RM 3,500 worth of kerosene.

The micro hyro system is integrated with universal disk mill to produce flour mechanically
operated by turbine at power house for food processing and making animal feed. This project
was initiated in November 2003 completed and commissioned in May 2005. The total project
cost is RM 188,000 and was funded by SEACOLOGY foundation, The Borneo Project and
Green Ville Foundation through US- Malaysia NGO assistance program.

Kg. Bantul, Pensiangan, Sabah 5 Kw

This project is located in a remote village in

Pensiangan District, takes approximately 5
hrs by road from Kota Kinabalu to Sapulut,
then another 3 hrs by boat. Very close to the
Malaysia - Indonesia border. The micro
hydro system is supplying 24 hrs electricity
to 20 households of Murut ethnic group.
The micro hydro system also displaces use
of kerosene lamps, 8 diesel generators.
Saving about 6500 liters of diesel and 300
liters of kerosene per year, which is

approximately RM 32,500 worth of diesel and RM 2,250 worth of kerosene. (note: Diesel
price is RM 5.00 per liter and kerosene at RM 7.50 per liter in nearby Pagalungan town)

The micro hydro system is integrated with universal disk mill to produce flour mechanically
operated by turbine at power house for food processing and making animal feed. This project
was initiated in November 2003 completed and commissioned in May 2005. The total project
cost is RM 188,000 and was funded by United Nations Development Program – Global
Environment Facility - Small Grant Program (UNDP GEF SGP)

Kg. Bario Asal, Bario, Sarawak 40Kw

Located in the Kelabit highlands, this project is to revive the failed RM 17 million hybrid
micro hydro by the Ministry of Rural Development in 1997. The system has since been
abandoned and was partly destroyed by flash floods in 2003. The community of Bario Asal
has taken the initiative to revive this system through assistance from PACOS and Era Wira
Sdn. Bhd. This project is funded by the SEACOLOGY Foundation, GEF SGP, and the
Sarawak Development office. It is completed in January 2009.


We strongly feel that Micro hydro is one of the answers to the rural electrification in Sabah
and Sarawak. It is a better alternative to the proposed 12 dams in Sarawak and the Coal fired
power plant in Sabah. Dams have adverse impacts to the livelihoods of Indigenous Poples
which we have seen in Batang Ai an Bakun Hydro projects and Coal fired power plants are
harmful to the environment and contributes to global warming.

NGOs and donor agencies have played a good role in promoting this benign technology, so
far through this pilot project a model have been established and now it’s the government’s
turn to replicate and adopt this model. Malaysia should learn from its neighbors like
Indonesia and Thailand that have implemented a similar model.

In micro hydro terms, “Small is beautiful and practical”. In moving Malaysia towards
sustainable development, appropriate technology will always play an important role to
answer the complicated problems that lies ahead.

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