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Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

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:&"4%+ ;<= >%?$22$2? @ABC<@ABD

As a language immeision school, oui teacheis wanteu something that fit the neeus of
stuuents who may not be able to unueistanu the wiitten instiuctions as well, hence oui
inteiest in a cuiiiculum that pioviues extensive giaphic iepiesentation of concepts. We
began using Nath in Focus as a supplement to EBN, but oui immeision teacheis soon
founu that it was moie effective foi stuuents with limiteu commanu of the taiget
language (}apanese oi Spanish) that was the sole instiuctional language foi math.

!"#$%&' ')*&'"#' +,-+ +,' ./0.01'& -$+'/"-+*)' 2-1*# *"1+/%#+*0"-$ 3-+'/*-$ 3''+1
&*1+/*#+ -"& 1+-+' 1+-"&-/&14 -"& *1 /'1'-/#, -"& ')*&'"#' 2-1'&5

Boughton Nifflin's Nath in Focus is baseu on the Singapoie Nath methouology - one of
the 1S national cuiiiculums useu to contiibute to the uevelopment of the Common Coie
State Stanuaius. It follows the Singapoie Ninistiy of Euucation's peuagogical fiamewoik
with a paiticulai emphasis on conceptual unueistanuing anu pioblem solvingkey
components of the Common Coie State Stanuaius. Nath in Focus also pioviues teacheis
with tools to uiffeientiate anu scaffolu instiuction as well as a fiamewoik to guiue
instiuction fiom the conciete to pictoiial to abstiact. Fuitheimoie, the Nath in Focus
cuiiiculum pioviues an aiiay of iesouices foi stuuents anu families such as online games,
tutoiials anu extia piactice.

The founuations of piogiam uevelopment incluue:
Tienus in Inteinational Nath anu Science Stuuy (TINSS) (2uu7)
National Council of Teacheis of Nathematics (2uu6). !"##$%"&"' )*%+& ,*$-./ 0*#
,#12$-31#4+#.1- .5#*"45 6#+31 7 8+.51'+.$%/. Reston, vA: Authoi
National Council of Teacheis of Nathematics. (2uuu). ,#$-%$9+&/ +-3 /.+-3+#3/ 0*#
/%5**&/ '+.51'+.$%/. Reston, vA: Authoi. Retiieveu }anuaiy 1S, 2uu9 fiom
http:www.nctm.oig stanuaius
National Reseaich Council. (1999). R. F. Elmoie & R. Rothman (Eus.), :1/.$-4;
:1+%5$-4; +-3 <1+#-$-4= > 6"$31 0*# ?.+.1/ +-3 @$/.#$%./A !*''$//$*- *- B15+C$*#+&
+-3 ?*%$+& ?%$1-%1/; !*''$..11 *- :$.&1 D :1/.$-4 +-3 >//1//'1-.; E+.$*-+& F1/1+#%5
!*"-%$&A Washington, BC: National Acauemy Piess.
National Reseaich Council. (2uu1). >33$-4 $. "9= G1&9$-4 %5$&3#1- &1+#-
'+.51'+.$%/A }.Kilpatiick, }. Swaffoiu, anu B.Finuell (Eus.). Nathematics Leaining
Stuuy Committee, Centei foi Euucation, Bivision of Behavioial anu Social Sciences
anu Euucation. Washington, BC: National Acauemy Piess.
Bow Stuuents Leain(2uuS) Bonovan & Biansfoiu p. S64
Auuitionally, Nath in Focus has citeu the following ieseaich as the basissubstantiation
of the mathematical piinciples which aie featuieu in theii piogiam:

9&$,$/"3 E7$2F$2?
Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

Fennema, E., Caipentei, T. P., & Lamon, S. }. (Eus.). (1991). D-.14#+.$-4 #1/1+#%5 *-
.1+%5$-4 +-3 &1+#-$-4 '+.51'+.$%/A Albany, NY: State 0niveisity of New Yoik Piess, 2S1

0$GG%&%2,$",%4 52+,&*/,$12
Ball, T., Stiangman, N., & Neyei, A. (2uuS). @$001#1-.$+.13 $-/.#"%.$*- +-3 $'9&$%+.$*-/ 0*#
H@< $'9&1'1-.+.$*-A National Centei on Accessing the ueneial Cuiiiculum. Retiieveu
}anuaiy 1S, 2uu9 fiom

H%"&2$2?I 912+13$4",$2?I "24 JKK3L$2? 912/%K,+
Rombeig, T. A. (1992). >//1//$-4 '+.51'+.$%/ %*'91.1-%1 +-3 +%5$1C1'1-.. In B. Beilak
(Eu.), Towaiu a new science of euucational testing anu assessment (pp. 2S-S2). Albany,
NY:State 0niveisity of New Yoik Piess.

Stein, N. K., Remillaiu, }., & Smith, N. S. (2uu7). G*I %"##$%"&"' $-0&"1-%1/ /."31-.
&1+#-$-4A In F. K. Lestei (Eu.). Seconu hanubook of ieseaich on mathematics teaching anu
leaining: A pioject of the National Council of Teacheis of Nathematics (pp. S19-S7u).
Chailotte, NC: Infoimation Age Publishing.

.1#$2? G&18 912/&%,%I ,1 M$/,1&"3I ,1 J>+,&"/, (%K&%+%2,",$12
Nillei, S. P., & Buuson, P. }. (2uu7). H/$-4 1C$31-%1JK+/13 9#+%.$%1/ .* K"$&3 '+.51'+.$%/
%*'91.1-%1 #1&+.13 .* %*-%19."+&; 9#*%13"#+&; +-3 31%&+#+.$C1 2-*I&1341A Leaining
Bisabilities Reseaich & Piactice, 22(1), 47-S7.

E%"/7$2? .14%3 0&"N$2?
Be Coite, E., veischaffel, L., & uieei, B. (2uuu). !*--1%.$-4 '+.51'+.$%/ 9#*K&1' /*&C$-4 .*
.51 #1+& I*#&3A Pioceeuings of the Inteinational Confeience on Nathematics Euucation
into the 21st Centuiy: Nathematics foi living (pp. 66-7S). Amman, }oiuan: The National
Centei foi Buman Resouice

O+$2? .*3,$ .14%3+
Llinaies, S., & Roig, A. I. (2uu8). !*-/.#"%.$*- +-3 "/1 *0 '+.51'+.$%+& '*31&/A
Inteinational }ouinal of Science anu Nathematics Euucation, 6, SuS-SS2.

Lesh, R., & Zawojewski, }. S. (2uu7). Pioblem solving anu moueling. In F. K. Lestei (Eu.),
?1%*-3 5+-3K**2 *0 #1/1+#%5 *- '+.51'+.$%/ .1+%5$-4 +-3 &1+#-$-4= > 9#*L1%. *0 .51
E+.$*-+& !*"-%$& *0 :1+%51#/ *0 8+.51'+.$%/, (pp. 76S-8u4) Chailotte, NC: Infoimation
Age Publishing

0jose, B. (2uu8). >99&M$-4 ,$+41.N/ .51*#M *0 %*4-$.$C1 31C1&*9'1-. .* '+.51'+.$%/
$-/.#"%.$*-A The Nathematics Euucatoi, 18(1), 26-Su.

Bickson, S v., Chaiu, B. }., & Simmons, B. C. (199S). >- $-.14#+.13 #1+3$-4OI#$.$-4
%"##$%"&"'= > 0*%"/ *- /%+00*&3$-4A LB Foium, 18(4), 12-16.

uiaves, N. F., & Aveiy, P. u. (1997). ?%+00*&3$-4 /."31-./N #1+3$-4 *0 5$/.*#MA Social Stuuies,
88(S), 1S4-1S9.
Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

.1#$2? G&18 912/&%,% I ,1 M$/,1&"3I ,1 J>+,&"/, O24%&+,"24$2?
Nillei, S. P., & Buuson, P. }. (2uu7). H/$-4 1C$31-%1JK+/13 9#+%.$%1/ .* K"$&3 '+.51'+.$%/
%*'91.1-%1 #1&+.13 .* %*-%19."+&; 9#*%13"#+&; +-3 31%&+#+.$C1 2-*I&1341A Leaining
Bisabilities Reseaich & Piactice, 22(1), 47-S7.

Clements, B.B. (1999). P!*-%#1.1Q '+-$9"&+.$C1/; %*-%#1.1 $31+/A !*-.1'9*#+#M D//"1/ $-
R+#&M !5$&35**3, 1(1), S6-S7.

O+$2? (1*,$2% "24 P12<(1*,$2% M&1>3%8+
Biansfoiu, }. B., Biown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eus.). (2uuu). G*I 91*9&1 &1+#-=
B#+$-; '$-3; 1S91#$1-%1; +-3 /%5**& T1S9+-313 13$.$*-U. Washington, BC: National
Acauemy Piess.

Bo, K.F., Teong, S. K, & Beubeig, }.u. (n.u.). !#1+.$-4 9#*K&1' /*&C$-4 #191#.*$#1/A Centie foi
Reseaich in Peuagogy anu Piactice National Institute of Euucation

E%"/7$2? M&1/%4*&"3 Q3*%2/L- E7% (13% 1G H"2?*"?%
Lovitt, T. C. & Cuitiss, K. A. (1968). R001%./ *0 '+-$9"&+.$-4 +- +-.1%131-. 1C1-. *-
'+.51'+.$%/ #1/9*-/1 #+.1A }ouinal of Applieu Behavioi Analysis, 1(4), S29-SSS.

Fianke, N. L., Kazemi, E., & Battey, B. (2uu7). H-31#/.+-3$-4 .1+%5$-4 +-3 %&+//#**'
9#+%.$%1 $- '+.51'+.$%/A In F. K. Lestei (Eu.), Seconu hanubook of ieseaich on
mathematics teaching anu leaining: A pioject of the National Council of Teacheis of
Nathematics (pp. 22S-2S6). Chailotte, NC: Infoimation Age Publishing, 228

E%"/7$2? 0%%K M&1/%++$2? 1G 52G1&8",$12I (%"+12$2?I "24 E7$2F$2?
Stein, N. K., Remillaiu, }., & Smith, N. S. (2uu7). G*I %"##$%"&"' $-0&"1-%1/ /."31-.
&1+#-$-4A In F. K. Lestei (Eu.). Seconu hanubook of ieseaich on mathematics teaching anu
leaining: A pioject of the National Council of Teacheis of Nathematics (pp. S19-S7u).
Chailotte, NC: Infoimation Age Publishing.

E%"/7$2? .%,"/1?2$,$12
Lesh, R., & Zawojewski, }. S. (2uu7). ,#*K&1' /*&C$-4 +-3 '*31&$-4A In F. K. Lestei (Eu.),
Seconu hanubook of ieseaich on mathematics teaching anu leaining: A pioject of the
National Council of Teacheis of Nathematics, (pp. 76S-8u4) Chailotte, NC: Infoimation
Age Publishing

Biansfoiu, }. B., Biown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eus.). (2uuu). G*I 91*9&1 &1+#-=
B#+$-; '$-3; 1S91#$1-%1; +-3 /%5**& T1S9+-313 13$.$*-U. Washington, BC: National
Acauemy Piess.

Q1+,%&$2? 6,*4%2, .1,$#",$12R58K&1#$2? 6,*4%2, J,,$,*4%+
Schunk, B. B., Pintiich, P. R., & Neece, }. L. (2uu8). 8*.$C+.$*- $- 13"%+.$*-= :51*#M;
#1/1+#%5; +-3 +99&$%+.$*-/A 0ppei Sauule Rivei, New }eisey: PeaisonNeiiill Pientice Ball.

0thei iesouices foi mathematical best piactices in cuiiiculum uesign:
Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

21st Centuiy Skills: Piepaiing Stuuents foi TBEIR Futuie- by Sue Z. Beeis,
PiesiuentConsultant, Tools foi Leaining, ASCB Authoi.

Beveloping Acauemic vocabulaiy- by Beveilee }obiack, Euucational Consultant

Science, Technology, Engineeiing, anu Nathematics (STEN) Euucation- by Boiinua }.
uallant, Ph.B.
School of Euucational Policy anu Leaueiship, College of Euucation anu Buman Ecology,
The 0hio State 0niveisity.

0nueistanuing by Besign- by }ay NcTighe, Co-Authoi of H-31#/.+-3$-4 KM @1/$4-.

Biffeientiating Nathematics Instiuction So EvERY0NE Leains-by }ennifei Tayloi-Cox,
Ph.B., Euucational Consultant, Authoi anu Speakei.

Stiategies to Teach anu Engage English Language Leaineis in Nathematics Classiooms-
by ulauis Keisaint, Ph.B., Associate Piofessoi, Nathematics Euucation K-12, 0niveisity of
South Floiiua.

The founuations of piogiam uevelopment also incluue:
(Exceipts fiom the Biunswick School Bistiict, Naine)

Nath In Focus is soliuly aligneu with the Common Coie of Stanuaius anu emphasizes:
Cuiiiculum must be focuseu anu coheient. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie of
Teach to Nasteiy. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie of Stanuaius)
Focus on Numbei, ueometiy, anu measuiement in the elementaiy giaues.(Recommenueu
by the Common Coie of Stanuaius)
0iganize content by big iueas, such as place value. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie
of Stanuaius)
Nake sense of pioblems anu peiseveie in solving them. (Recommenueu by the Common
Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

Reason abstiactly anu quantitatively. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie)
Constiuct viable aiguments anu ciitique the ieasoning of otheis. (Recommenueu by the
Common Coie)
Nouel with Nathematics. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie)
0se appiopiiate tools stiategically. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie)
Attenu to piecision. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie)
Look foi anu make use of stiuctuie. (Recommenueu by the Common Coie)
Look foi anu expiess iegulaiity in iepeateu ieasoning. (Recommenueu by the Common

6$'-/$7 1+-+' +,' /-+*0"-$' 80/ %1*"9 &*88'/'"+ 3-+'/*-$1 -"& ':.$-*" ,0; +,'
/'<%'1+'& 3-+'/*-$1 ;*$$ 20+, /-*1' 0)'/-$$ -#,*')'3'"+ -"& #$01' +,' -#,*')'3'"+
As a language immeision school, oui teacheis wanteu something that fit the neeus of
stuuents who may not be able to unueistanu the wiitten instiuctions as well, hence oui
inteiest in a cuiiiculum that pioviues extensive giaphic iepiesentation of concepts. We
began using Nath in Focus as a supplement to EBN, but oui immeision teacheis soon
founu that it was moie effective foi stuuents with limiteu commanu of the taiget
language (}apanese oi Spanish) that was the sole instiuctional language foi math.

1. Common Coie Alignment - We wanteu a cuiiiculum that was stiongly
aligneu to the common coie. With Nath in Focus, each lesson is tieu
sequentially to a CCSS. The sequence builus a soliu founuation foi each
stanuaiu. We felt the pievious cuiiiculum jumpeu aiounu too much anu
was especially challenging foi the stuuents who stiuggleu with math.
2. Immeision School - Nath In Focus lenus itself especially well to an
immeision cuiiiculum.
o Its piogiession G&18 ,7% /12/&%,% ,1 ,7% K$/,1&$"3 "24
G$2"33L ">+,&"/, within each lesson is cleai anu moie easily
conveyeu in a foieign language (uue piimaiily to the pictoiial
aspect). In fact, the piogiam was intenueu to be taught in an
immeision setting.
o Auuitionally, Nath In Focus >*$34+ " +13$4 G1*24",$12 ",
%"/7 3%#%3 befoie moving on to new mateiial, anu the new
mateiial builus on pievious knowleuge. 9S% of oui stuuents
aie immeiseu in a language that was new to them in
kinueigaiten (Spanish oi }apanese). Because NIF stays on a
topic with the goal of masteiy, it allows enough iepetition
with the new vocabulaiy foi the stuuents to ueeply
unueistanu the math anu not simply conquei the
Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

computation. Foi instance, stuuents aie leaining how to use
theii math skills to wiite stoiy pioblems foi othei stuuents
in Spanish oi }apanese (which is usually not theii native
tongue). This philosophy of masteiy anu uepth has alloweu
oui stiuggling stuuents to unueistanu a concept moie ueeply
piioi to moving on anu has enableu many who aie ieauy to
uive ueepei into the applications of math as it ielates to them.

Nath in Focus is baseu on the Singapoie math cuiiiculum which was one of the piincipal
cuiiiculum Common Coie State Stanuaius. The cuiiiculum pioviues oppoitunities foi
masteiy anu acceleiation that aien't available with the EBN oi CNP cuiiiculum. Rational
foi using this alteinative piogiam incluue:

J3$?28%2, N$,7 ,7% 918812 91&%
6,",% 6,"24"&4+ S9966T
U Key ieseaich mouel in the uevelopment of the CCSS
U Builus on ieseaich-baseu mouel of success of Singapoie Ninistiy of Euucation
fiamewoik anu pacing
U Paiallels the key concepts of the CCSS such as ueep mathematical ieasoning anu

Q1/*+ 12 ,7% 6,"24"&4+ 1G
.",7%8",$/"3 M&"/,$/%
Nath in Focus centeis on the Singapoie methou, which has mathematical pioblem
solving as its coie. Its goal is to uevelop pioblem solving by teaching, concepts,
piocesseu, skills, metacognition, positive attituues about math
(CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP1 Nake sense of pioblems anu peiseveie in solving them,
CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP6 Attenu to piecision, CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NPS Constiuct
viable aiguments anu ciitique the ieasoning of otheis, CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP8
Look foi anu expiess iegulaiity in iepeateu ieasoning, CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP7
Look foi anu make use of stiuctuie).

Nath in Focus also follows the piogiession of teaching concepts staiting with
conciete, moving to pictoial anu then finally abstiact unueistanuing.
(CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP2 Reason abstiactly anu quantitatively,
CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP4 Nouel with mathematics, CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NPS 0se
appiopiiate tools stiategically).

Anothei key tenant of the piogiam is ioutine anu non-ioutine pioblem solving
which iequiie stuuents to piactice, ieason, apply piioi knowleuge to new
situations anu peiseveie (CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NPS Constiuct viable aiguments
anu ciitique the ieasoning of otheis, CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP8 Look foi anu expiess
iegulaiity in iepeateu ieasoning, CCSS.Nath.Piactice.NP7 Look foi anu make use
of stiuctuie).

Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

M&1>3%8 613#$2?
Follows the Singapoie stiuctuie foi pioblem solving which simultaneously
emphasizes masteiy of skills anu pioblem solving. The Singapoie appioach is
centeieu on pioblem solving with these component skills:

1. !"#$%&'()#)&(-CulLlvaLe sLudenL deep undersLandlng of
maLh lncludlng exploraLlon of dlfferenL sLraLegles, worklng
LogeLher Lo solve problems and assesslng Lhe reasonableness of

2. *+&%",,",-uevelopmenL of Lhlnklng skllls and sLraLegles
Lhrough collaboraLlng wlLh oLher sLudenLs. Scaffold sLudenL
undersLandlng Lo fosLer deeper, more complex undersLandlng.

3. -&(%".#,-rovlde opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo deeply undersLand concepLs
Lhrough dlscusslon, reflecLlon, and hands-on acLlvlLles. ConcepL developmenL ls
progresslvely developed Lhrough a process of concreLe Lo plcLorlal Lo absLracL

4. /0)11,-uevelop fluency wlLh baslc skllls.

3. 2##)#34",-CulLlvaLlon of appreclaLlon, lnLeresL, confldence and perseverance. 8ulld
on prlor knowledge and prevlous success Lo approach new concepLs.

6"%7(&1&'8 9(#"'+$#)&(
Cnllne manlpulaLlves whlch can be accessed aL school or aL home
Cnllne sLudenL lnLeracLlvlLles: LuLorlals, acLlvlLles and qulzzes LhaL can be used for
dlfferenLlaLlon and home pracLlce
lnLeracLlve whlLeboard lessons
lnLeracLlve Slngapore MaLh 8ar Models App for lad: access for sLudenLs Lo use a
vlrLual represenLaLlon of Lhe Slngapore MaLh 8ar Models for problem solvlng
Cnllne Leacher's edlLlon helps Leachers Lo plan anywhere wlLh lnLerneL access

MaLh ln locus feaLures a comprehenslve assessmenL componenL LhaL wlll Lrack
sLudenL progress and provlde Leachers wlLh valuable lnformaLlon regardlng whaL Lhelr
sLudenLs have masLered and whaL nexL sLeps are warranLed. 1he MaLh ln locus
currlculum lncludes:
o ulagnosLlc assessmenLs: preLesLs and Culck Check"
o summaLlve assessmenLs: chapLer LesLs, mld-year and end-of-year
o formaLlve assessmenLs: onllne qulzzes, gulded pracLlce, common errors"

;)<"+,)#8 &= 1"$+()(' &..&+#3()#)",>
ConslsLenL progresslon of concreLe Lo plcLorlal Lo absLracL represenLaLlons of
Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

LxLra pracLlce and re-Leachlng resources are a componenL of each lesson
1eachlng edlLlon provldes Llps for ln Lhe momenL" dlfferenLlaLlon for sLruggllng
LnrlchmenL acLlvlLles whlch challenge advanced sLudenLs are avallable for each lesson

!"&*#-+' ,0; +,' 1#,00$ 1+-88 -"& #033%"*+7 ,-1 2''" *")0$)'& *" 3-=*"9 +,'
/'#033'"&-+*0" +0 %1' -$+'/"-+*)' 2-1*# *"1+/%#+*0"-$ 3-+'/*-$14 *"#$%&*"9
*"80/3-+*0" 0" ,0; +,' 1#,00$>2-1'& &'#*1*0" 3-+/*: ;-1 %1'& *" +,*1 ./0#'11 -"&
')*&'"#' +,-+ 1+-88 ,-)' -9/''& +0 *3.$'3'"+ +,' -$+'/"-+*)' 3-+'/*-$1 8%$$75

In 2u11-2u12, when NcBonalu Inteinational openeu its uoois, the immeision
teacheis at the time, two Spanish anu one }apanese, hau many meetings to
evaluate the success of the math cuiiiculum in oui classiooms. We weie
constantly eniiching oui content anu founu the Singapoie eniichments to lenu
themselves the best to oui neeu foi cleai teaching mouels anu in-uepth lessons.
The iesults fiom the Singapoie cuiiiculum ieceiveu positive acclaim fiom the
paients anu on the NAP scoies with oui aveiage scoie foi Kinueigaiten (1uu
stuuents) being 96%.
In 2u12-2u1S, when the state auopteu the CCSS, the immeision team ueciueu
(with appioval fiom the pievious piincipal anu the math team), to align all oui
lessons to the CCSS using EBN anu Singapoie Nath as supplemental iesouices.
We woikeu uiligently to align oui assessments anu collect uata as it ielateu to the
CCSS. Again, this yeai oui stuuents in 1
giaue aveiageu 96% on the NAP.
0ui school continues to giow each yeai. This yeai, immeision euucation goes K-S.
Immeision teacheis weie ueteimineu to finu auuitional supplemental cuiiiculum
that woulu be aligneu to the CCSS. We lookeu piimaiily foi a Singapoie-baseu
cuiiiculum because many of oui stuuents hau alieauy been exposeu anu it was
pioviuing goou iesults.
Nath In Focus was the cuiiiculum we founu that was being useu anu piaiseu by
othei schools anu uistiicts (some piivate, some public). 0ui plan was to use these
mateiials as a supplement to EBN. The Executive Biiectoi of Schools foi the NW
Region (Naini Campbell) was infoimeu of oui plan as well as }anet Zombio,
foimei Nathematics Piogiam Nanagei in Cuiiiculum anu Instiuction. The
publishei pioviueu an infoimation session at oui school in }une 2u1S which was
attenueu by iepiesentatives fiom othei inteinational schools in the uistiict (}ohn
Stanfoiu Inteinational anu Beacon Bill Inteinational), oui entiie immeision math
team, anu the piincipal fiom NcBonalu Inteinational, Ban uolosman.
Mcuonald lnLernaLlonal School MaLh Walver 8equesL 2013-14

The immeision teacheis who hau attenueu (all those who woikeu with NcBonalu
at the time) weie exciteu about what we heaiu. We spent some time looking ovei
the cuiiiculum foi each giaue anu ieauing what othei schools weie saying about
the cuiiiculum. Teacheis who hau not been hiieu at this time, uiu not attenu this
seminai. The uecision was maue by the math team anu BLT to piesent oui
inteiest to the PTA in an effoit to get the funuing necessaiy foi the piogiam. The
PTA hau set asiue neaily the iequiieu amount of funus alieauy foi math
piofessional uevelopment foi the math PLC (piimaiily immeision language
teacheis) anu they auueu in the iest of the necessaiy funuing neeueu to puichase
the iesouices fiom Boughton Nifflin Baicouit.

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We began using Nath in Focus as a supplement to EBN, but oui immeision teacheis soon
founu that it was moie effective foi stuuents with limiteu commanu of the taiget
language (}apanese oi Spanish) that was the sole instiuctional language foi math.
Theiefoie, oui initial use tiainings weie taken with the plan to use this as a supplement.
Nath in Focus staff have facilitateu initial use tiainings. Theie will be an initial use
couise ieview at the enu of the '1S-'14 school yeai. Teacheis have been pioviueu a scope
anu sequence foi theii giaue level as well as a teachei euition. When teacheis ietuin to
school foi the '1S-14 school yeai theie will moie in-uepth tiaining foi teacheis uuiing
TRI uays anu thioughout the school yeai. Nath in Focus also offeis web-baseu suppoit
thioughout the yeai foi staff to pioviue auuitional suppoit in specific aieas such as

0ui plan will be to tiy the cuiiiculum in conjunction with EBN (foi example, use the
manipulatives anu games anu othei cuiiiculai iesouices fiom EBN) foi one yeai while
we aie waiting on the school uistiict's uecision foi a math cuiiiculum auoption. If oui
waivei is gianteu, anu once Seattle Public Schools makes a uecision on a new cuiiiculum,
NcBonalu Inteinational will ieassess if we want to continue with Nath in Focus piogiam
oi align with the school uistiict's choice.

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NcBonalu Inteinational PTA has supplieu the funus foi the mateiials, which weie
puichaseu on }uly 9, 2u1S. The PTA also pioviueu some of the funuing foi piofessional
uevelopment. The PTA will pioviue auuitional uiscietionaiy funuing to the math PLC this
yeai which, uepenuing on what happens with the cuiiiculum auoption piocess, may be
useu to puichase auuitional consumables oi be useu foi auuitional piofessional
uevelopment. PLC time will be useu by math teacheis to collaboiate in lesson planning
anu assessment uevelopment anu analyze stuuent uata fiom the woik they have uone.

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