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Still pouring Halzay, since 96 to this very day, rolling the dro, trafficin a ho, cook crack,

deal smack, squeezing my veins, my soul it drains, forgetting--- lethal injections, genital
infections, inner reflections, Spiritual conflictions, insecure projections, daily inspections,
embarrassing cross-sections, ack of affection, the trigger let lose !"this tension, earning
a pension, religious suspension, and the other 99# $ still didn%t mention&
Ho! ong !ill they mourn me, mourn me-- these niggers trying to blast me, kill me,
scorn me, not give a fuck bout !hat $ leave behind me, my streets, my people, my family,
scars that mask me, enemies that surround me, pops raised me, to be the best $ can be,
took a dive, the devil found me, no! these sins dro!n me, nothing goes past me, so
envies niggers test me, kno!ing the cant surpass me, get the black suites to stalk and
harass me, $ use these greens to calm me, enhance, pacify, and feed me, ord Save
*uck this, this day, this endless night, this country, every country, no reason to fight,
shoot me on sight, $ !ish $ kne!, !hat%s in store, $ have the right, some insight, $ guess
$%m preordain to live in Hell, probably gona end up there as !ell, no reason to d!ell, got
up every time $ fell, this time its my soul $ sell, learned to dell the cards $%m dealt, but
$%m inpatient, flame under the spoon !aiting for my shit to melt, tying my arm !ith a
belt, pressing the syringe till the poisons felt, no! $ sit back face fulla s!eat, shirt is
blood drenched, hand on the trigger clenched, born pure, no! $%m Hell sent, like an angle
that defies god, my eternal punishment is quite evident&
9-+-+, national security, ,-- tryin to murder me, and $ !ish it !as just physically, it%s a
!ar on my soul, my beliefs, killing me mentally, .crusaders are back/ !asn%t said
accidentally, nigga you !ant it, come get it, you fucked all amity, and $ mean that
literally, !ith your, gun, military bases in the deserts of Sau-di, outnumbered and
cornered, is !hen $%ll send you to hell, !e did it previously, do it again inevitably, and
you%ll call this blasphemy, another reason to get to blastin me, but not if $ blast you first,
then put this 0k in your ass laterally, in front of your eyes rape your !hole family, *uck
you !orld, forget that $ e1ist till $%m on ur door, plant the c2 tryin to sell a scout cookie,
&3sound of door open and an e1plosion4&5hat !hen you%ll remember me)
++-+-67, day god sent me do!n from heaven, broke ever rule under the same heaven,
but no! $%m driven, to become forgiven, tho shall not kill, but this piece isn%t just a
provision, $%ve had one too many vision, $%m in the dirt, or a more literal prison, an even
bigger, more confining sijin, you%d love me too, just take a second and listen, a man on a
mission, to bring them dollars in, feed my troops, my brother my cousin, but you call that
supporting terrorism, cuz he%s a +8 year old 9alestinian, $ don%t care bout ur bitch, ur ride,
or ho! ur rocks be glistening , if you%re a real man, you%re my man, $m coming, but you
!ont see me,3tupac in the backround .cant see us/4 so just keep listening)

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