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2014/6/2 -NO.

Activists call to delegitimize Presidential Elections
Damascus announced military zone
Syrian Government
holds secret agree-
ment with ISIl, PYD
Elections illegiti-
mate, opposition
Councils stress
Syria enters
Electoral Silence
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (496) 2014/6/2
Presidential Elections illegitimate, opposition
Syria enters Electoral Silence
Damascus announced military zone
Political offce of Forum
of the National Call an-
nounced that Presidential
Elections scheduled to be
held on June 3 are absurd
and provocative since and
the Regime is depending
on intimidating and terror-
izing civilians, instead of
adopting peaceful solutions
for dealing with current
situations within a state of
law and National agree-
ment to stop civil war. The
offce gave priority to stop
Ahmad Jarba, the head of
the National Coalition for
Syrian Revolutionary and
Opposition Forces is to
hold a conference on Mon-
day as Syria enters elec-
toral salience. The meeting
came in response to opposi-
tion calls to boycott Syrian
presidential election.
Damascus Operation Room
announced, in a statement, Da-
mascus a military zone, vow-
ing to escalate military acts
during presidential elections
in Damascus and its country-
destruction and killing be-
ing perpetrated in the coun-
try, cooperation with all
parties, so we can count
on a legitimate presidential
Activists call to delegitimize Presidential Elections
Syrian activists from inside
and outside Syria fled a pro-
test letter to Arab League and
Egyptian Foreign Ministry,
stressing the illegitimacy of
tomorrow`s presidential elec-
tion. The letter censured the
upcoming president as hav-
ing no legitimate representa-
tion, calling all friends to
join efforts in order to bring
down the elections.
side. The statement called on
civilians to stay at home for
their safety. This came after
military brigades declared
Hama province a military
zone starting from June 2.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (496) 2014/6/2
Battles escalate
in Daraa countryside
Rebel Councils
stress solidarity
Ten Local Councils in Da-
mascus countryside denied
the rumors about holding rec-
onciliations between Syrian
Government and opposition,
stressing that liberated areas
in Damascus countryside are
in complete unity; we`ve
suffered together, will die to-
gether a statement issued by
the Councils said.
Deadly clashes have recently
erupted between opposition
militants and Syrian army in
Hrak, Otman, Nawa and other
villages in Daraa countryside.
Horans brigade command-
er, Fadi Zobie, was report-
edly killed, unoffcial media
sources reported.
Islamic Brigades unite to fght Syrian Army
Syrian Government holds secret agreement with ISIl, PYD
Opposition controls Army positions in Maliha
Five Islamic Brigades in Dier
ez-Zor vowed to unite and
protect each other against
Wide Military campaigns car-
ried out earlier resulted liberat-
ing many villages from ISIL.
Deputy Commander of Revolu-
tionary Military Council in Dier
ez-Zor, Ismael Mullah Amir
stressed. A secret Agreement
has been signed between Syr-
ian Government, ISIl and PYD
a month ago, forcing ISIL to
withdrew from Raqqa, Qamish-
li countryside and al-Hasaka.
The agreement also included
that ISIL will be supported f-
nancially in exchange of con-
trolling Dier ez-Zor, oil and gas
wells Mullah Amir added.
Severe battles between Syrian
army and opposition militants
took place in Maliha, Damas-
cus countryside, where oppo-
sition took over several army
positions. Clashes also con-
tinued in Doma, Zabadani,
Daraya and Harasta.
Syrian Army. The new union
formed an independent court
to work out potential disputes.

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