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2014/6/5 -NO.

Seven countries Syrian elections fake
Al-Mujahedeen army. Assads nominating and winning part of comic game
Ashton: elections
offend political
Americas weap-
ons not access to
Civilian Protection
Body refuses foreign
fighting on Syria.
Al-Assad president of
Syrian Arab Republic for
new term. .
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (499) 2014/6/5
Ashton: elections offend political efforts
Seven countries Syrian elections fake.
Al-Assad president of Syrian Arab Republic for new term.
Head of Syrian Parliament
Mohammad Jihad al-Laham
declared candidate Bashar
al-Assad won the post of
the Syrian Arab Republics
President for a new consti-
tutional term, having the
majority of participants
votes with 10.319.723 votes
and 88.7% of the correct
votes, while candidate Dr.
hassan Nouri had 500,279
votes with a percentage
of 4.3%, whilst Mr. Ma-
her Abdul-Hafz Hajjar got
372,301 with a percentage
European Union called
the Syrian government to
conduct political negotia-
tions to fnd a real solution
to the confict, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Eu-
ropean Union, Catherine
Ashton, said that the EU
considers the election il-
legitimate and offensive
of 3.2% .Al-Laham clari-
fed in a Press Conference
that number voters who
have the right to vote inside
and outside Syria Number
is 15.845.575, number of
voters inside and outside of
Syria is 11.634.412, which
is 73.42% of citizens eligi-
ble to vote, where number
of invalid ballots reached
442108, which is 3.8% of
valid ballots.
Leaders of the seven coun-
tries group described last
Syrian elections as false
one, demanding President
Bashar al-Assad to topple,
where the leaders said in
statement during a meet-
ing in Brussels, we con-
demn the fake presidential
elections that took place in
3rd June , and Assad hasnt
any future in Syria, as-
serted on impossibility of
holding elections and con-
sidering it credible during
civil war.
and it is abusive to po-
litical efforts for fnding
a solution to this terrible
confict.The Syrian gov-
ernment rejected the Ge-
neva Declaration to be the
basis for the transition po-
litical process and contin-
ued its military operation,
she added.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (499) 2014/6/5
Americas weapons
not access to coalition.
Battles between ISIL and Shura carry on.
Al-Mujahedeen army. Assads nominating and
winning part of comic game.
Civilian Protection Body refuses foreign fghting
on Syria
Western diplomatic source
said that US discuss provid-
ing Syrian armed opposition
with sophisticated weapons
but it is convinced that polit-
ical opposition will not have
role in that for its inability
to control these weapons;
American military offcials
also discuss alternatives
plans.The source said to
AKI Italian Agency that
Syrian opposition coalition
delegations meeting with
one of US military senior
supervised on arming was
failure, US military offcial
showed knowledge about
Syrian military situation on
ground more than the del-
egation, adding that offcial
said too the delegation that
the coalition dont control
military battalions and forc-
es, and US knows where
qualitative weapons must
head to, where the weapons
wont access through Syrian
opposition coalition.
Fierce battles continued in
Deir ez-Zor countryside
where Shura council, al-
Sharkia mujahedeen tries
to expel ISILs fghters and
control its regions, lifting
siege on Deir ez-Zor, while
severe clashes took place
on axis of al-Namila town
where no one of them cap-
tures the town which Shura
Council targets of control-
ling it to move to al-Twaim-
ia town, where that allows
cutting off ISILs supply
line.Battles also took place
in surrounding of al-Halabia
square and the entrance of
the town from Hasakah side,
while unconfrmed news
was said about ISILs recap-
turing of the square.
Commander of al-Mujahe-
deen army, Mohammad ab-
dulkader Bakkour said that,
Presidential elections is a
we refuse completely
the participation of foreign
fghters on Syrian lands,
stressing that recruitment
of foreign people just helps
ISIL fghters , Civilian
Protection Body announced.
we thank all Syrias friends
for their supporting , hoping
historical farce by Assads
regime as a try of him and
his allies to give themselves
and their supporters a new
impetus in their war by giv-
ing himself false legitimate,
clarifying that Assads nom-
ination and his winning is
a part of the game that will
purport himself and people
around him that he went out
a legitimate president by le-
gitimate elections.
to cooperate with them in
active and transparent way,
Body added.

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