Elections Do Not Represent The Syrian People, SNC: Maneuvers To Be Carried Out Away From Syrian Border

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2014/6/6 -NO.

Elections do not represent the Syrian people, SNC
Assa`ad: We must unite and start Damascus` battle
Maleh: Assad
wins won`t stop
and water shortage
overburden Aleppo
Hijab to
succeed Jarba
Maneuvers to be carried out
away from Syrian border
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (500) 2014/6/6
Maleh: Assad wins won`t stop Revolution
Hijab to succeed Jarba Assa`ad: We must unite and start
Damascus` battle
Elections do not represent the Syrian people, SNC
The National Syrian Coali-
tion (SNC) has confrmed
in a statement that the pres-
idential elections are ille-
gal and do not represent the
Syrian people, calling for
increasing the support to
the opposition in order to
change the balance of forc-
es on the ground, and force
the Syrian government to
accept international con-
ventions that form the ba-
sis for a political solution
in Syria.The Assad regime
has ended yesterday the
last chapters of the farce,
by declaring the victory of
Assad through polls which
were boycotted by the most
Syrians. It has forced stu-
dents and employees to
participate under threat, as
nine millions of displaced
refugees ignored in Syria
and neighboring countries
have been ignored, the
statement has addedAhmed
Jarba, coalition head, said
that Bashar al-Assad the
whole election is a fraud,
the results are pre-deter-
Haitham al-Maleh, head of
the SNC legal department,
said ,That the interna-
tional attitudes toward the
electoral farce is not suf-
fcient because the Syrian
people are no more inter-
ested in words and con-
demnation statements to
prove the illegality of the
presidential election is not
dependent on United Na-
tions declaration, the Syr-
ian people are determined
to continue the Revolu-
tion, Al-Maleh explained
in an interview with Okaz
it is high time to unite
and begin the battle of Da-
mascus, I call on all mili-
tary brigades as well as
political, social and media
movements to work togeth-
er under a The former head
A leader in Syrian oppo-
sition coalition said that
Riad Hijab the former Syr-
ian Prime Minister is the
most prominent nominee to
replace the coalition`s cur-
rent head, Ahmed al-Jarba,
whose second term in offce
in expected to expires at the
end of June.The General
Authority for coalition have
to meet in order to elect a
new president to succeed
Jarba who has no right to
run for a third term, the
source said in statement to
the Anatolia Agency.
of FSA, Riad Assaad, said
on a statement.We will be
working with a number of
brigades and factions com-
manders in all Syrian prov-
inces for restructuring the
FSA , he has explained.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (500) 2014/6/6
Maneuvers to be car-
ried out away from
Syrian border
Battles in Eastern Ghouta grow fercer
Al-Nusra withdraws from Deir ez-Zour western
Explosions and water shortage overburden
Chief training offcer at the
U.S. Central Command,
Robert Catalanotti, con-
frmed that the exercises
of Eager Lion Maneu-
vers build strong military
ties between the involved
countries.On other hand,
Jordan denied any relation-
ship between the exercises
and the security situation
in the region, especially
in Syria, as the maneuvers
have been carried out a long
time before Syria`s upris-
ing. the maneuvers are tak-
ing place in the blue area
and the southern region,
which is far away from the
Syrian border Amman
explained.the Maneuvers
are focuses on the training
objectives that cater to the
operational requirements of
armies involved; respond to
the changes in the concepts
of modern warfare and pro-
mote the new roles of the
armies under unconven-
tional wars, The Chief of
Training department in the
Jordanian Army, General Is-
mail Shobaki, said.
Battles between SAA and
opposition fghters in Da-
mascus` Eastern Ghouta
have heavily intensifed
on three major axes, near
the TamiCo factory, and
on the way linking Jesreen
to Maliha town.The Syr-
ian warplanes bombarded
Jobar area, killing seven
militants, while the opposi-
tion militants responded by
mortar shelling Mezzeh 68
neighbor, Baghdad St.and
al-Maliki St. in Damascus.
The Syrian army tightened
control on al-Thawra town
near al-Kisweh city, south
of Damascus
Al-Nusra and other Islamist
fghters have withdrew from
Unoffcially media sources
revealed that Aleppo prov-
ince is on the verge of a new
humanitarian crisis threat-
ening the city as main water
pipelines have been severe-
ly damaged due to bombing
the a tunnel near the main
water pumping station in
Aleppo.The city live on the
rest of the water stored in the
tanks, the blast destroyed
two out of the three water
pipes in Suleiman al-Halabi
area, in addition to the dam-
the entire western country-
side of Deir ez-Zor, leaving
the area to be under full con-
trol of ISIL. Violent clashes
took place between the Is-
lamic state and the al-Nusra
and Islamist militants in the
vicinity of Alchola town,
southwest of Deir ez-Zour.
age inficted upon the power
plant feeding water station,
the sources pointed out.

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