Introduction To Internet Technology Gy and Markup Languages

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Introduction to Internet Technology

and Markup Languages

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 1
` Comp ter net
Computer network
◦ Any technology that allows people to connect computers to
h other
` The Internet
◦ A large system of interconnected computer networks
spanning the globe
` World Wide Web
◦ A subset of computers on the Internet
◦ A collection of network applications that primarily
communicate using HTTP

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 2
` Early 1960s
◦ U.S. Department of Defense funded research to
explore creating a worldwide network
` In 1969, Defense Department researchers
◦ Connected four computers into network called
` Th
h 1970 and
1970s d 1980s
◦ Academic researchers connected to ARPANET and
b d to its technological
h l lddevelopments

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 3
` I 1972
◦ E-mail was born

` Mailing list
◦ E-maill address
dd that
h fforwards
d any message received
to any user who has subscribed to the list

` Usenet
◦ Started by
b group
gro p of students
st dents and programmers at
Duke University and the University of North Carolina

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 4
` In 1986
◦ NSFnet was created by funding from National Science
` In 1991, NSF
◦ Eased restrictions on commercial Internet activity
◦ Began implementing plans to privatize the Internet
` In 1992,
◦ Coordination of the Internet was transferred to a
nonprofit organization which later on has evolved into
the Internet Society (ISOC)

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 5
` What
h the
h Internet is:
x A world-wide network of computer
p networks
x At the lowest level, since 1982, all connections use
x TCP/IP hides the differences among devices connected
to the Internet

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 6
Picture from: Web Applications: Concepts & Real World Design by Craig D. Knuckles and David S. Yuen, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

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SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 9

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 10
` The Web
◦ Software that runs on computers connected to the Internet
` In 1945
◦ V
Vannevar Bush
B h speculated
l t d that
th t engineers
i would
ld eventually
t ll
build a memory extension device (the Memex)

"Consider a future device for individual use, which is a sort of mechanized

private file and library. It needs a name, and, to coin one at random, 'memex'
will do. A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books,
records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be
consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate
supplement to his memory" (Bush, 1945).

Suggested Reading: Bush's original article “As we may think”

((one version can be found at

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 11
` In the 1960s
◦ Ted Nelson described a similar system called hypertext
◦ The term was coined in 1963 and published
in 1965.

` Hypertext most often refers to text on a computer

that will lead the user to other, related information
on demand
d d th
h links
li k andd connections
ti called
ll d
His motto is:
A user interface should be so simple that a beginner in an
emergency can understand it within ten seconds.

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 12
` In 1989
◦ Tim Berners-Lee developed code for hypertext server program
` Hypertext server
◦ Stores files written in hypertext markup language
◦ Lets other computers connect to it and read files
` H
t t Markup
M k L
Language (HTML)
◦ Includes set of codes (or tags) attached to text
` Web browsers
◦ Mosaic in 1993, Netscape Navigator in 1994 and Internet
Explorer soon after
` In 1994
◦ the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was formed to set
standards for all to use

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 13

See more statistics from

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 14
` Internet2
◦ Experimental
p test bed for new networking
◦ Has achieved
h d bandwidths
b d d h off 10 Gbps
b and
d more on
parts of its network
◦ Used by universities to conduct large collaborative
research projects

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 15
` Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses
◦ Every node has a unique numeric address
◦ Form: 32-bit
32 bit binary number
x New standard, IPv6, has 128 bits (1998)
` Organizations are assigned groups of IPs for
their computers
` Problem: By the mid-1980s,
mid 1980s, several different
protocols had been invented and were being
used on the Internet,, all with different user
interfaces (Telnet, FTP, Usenet, mailto

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 16
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 17
` Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)
◦ Uses a 32-bit number to identify computers
connected to the Internet
` Base 2 (binary) number system
◦ Used by
y computers
p to p
perform internal calculations
` Subnetting Dotted Decimal

◦ Use of reserved private IP addresses within LANs and

WANs to provide additional address space
` Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
◦ Uses a 128-bit number for addresses Colon Hex

CD18:0000:0000:AF23:0000:FF9E:61B2:884D CD18:::AF23::FF9E:61B2:884D

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 18
` IP addresses are assigned by
◦ American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) –
ARIN Whois
◦ Reséaux IP Européens (RIPE) – RIPE Whois
◦ Asia-Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) –
` Domestic IP addresses
◦ Thailand Network Information Center (THNIC) –

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 19
` Domain names
◦ Form: host-name.domain-names
◦ First domain is the smallest; last is the largest
◦ Last domain specifies the type of organization
x Top-level domain (or TLD) - Rightmost part of a domain name
` Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
◦ Responsible for managing domain names and coordinating
them with IP address registrars
◦ Fully qualified domain name - the host name and all of the
domain names
` DNS servers - convert fully qualified domain names to IPs

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 20
Picture from: Programming of the World Wide Web, 3rd edition by Robert W. Sebesta, Addison-Wesley, 2006.

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 21
Picture from: Electronic Commerce, 5th Edition by Gary Schneider, Course Technology, 2003.

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 22
u Two useful application layer services on
th W
the Web.
l Domain Name Service (DNS) -- Uses
UDP for transport.
l Virtual Hosting -- Maps Domain
Names onto folders on the Web

Picture from: Web Applications: Concepts & Real World Design by Craig D. Knuckles and David S. Yuen, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 23
` How: The application layer protocol. Example:
Browsers and Web servers use httpp ((hypertext
transfer protocol)
` Where: The named address of the resource --
Translated to IP address for internet travel, then
used to locate the virtual space (folder) on the Web
` What: Path to specific resource in that folder.
htt //
hid l th 202 28 162 1

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 24
` The What part of a URL identifies a particular resource
within the folder assigned to the domain name (Where
part of URL).
` The request for a directory loads a default file in that
di t
directory. If th
there is
i no ddefault
f lt file,
fil then
th the
th directory
di t
contents may be listed.
` The request for a file loads that file.

Picture from: Web Applications: Concepts & Real World Design by Craig D. Knuckles and David S. Yuen, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 25
` Originally developed for email
` Used to specify to the browser the form of a file returned by
the server (attached by the server to the beginning of the
document) )
` Type specifications
◦ Form: type/subtype
◦ Examples: text/plain, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg
` Server gets type from the requested file name’s suffix (.html
li ttext/html)
t/ht l)
` Browser gets the type explicitly from the server
` Experimental types - Subtype begins with x x-
◦ e.g., video/x-msvideo
◦ Experimental types require the server to send a helper application or
plug in so the browser can deal with the file

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 26
` The protocol used by ALL Web communications
` Request Phase
- Form:
HTTP method domain part of URL HTTP ver.
Header fields
blank line
Message body
- An example of the first line of a request:
GET / HTTP/1.1
` M
Most commonly
l used
d methods:
h d
◦ GET - Fetch a document
◦ POST - Execute the document, using the data in body
◦ HEAD - Fetch just the header of the document
◦ PUT - Store a new document on the server
◦ DELETE - Remove a document from the server

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 27
` Response Phase
- Form:
Status line
p header fields
blank line
Response body
` Status line format: HTTP version status code explanation
- Example: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
` Status code is a three-digit number; first digit specifies the genera
1 => Informational
2 => Success
3 => Redirection
4 => Client error
5 => Server error
` The header field, Content-type,
Content type, is required

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 28
` Four categories
g of header fields: General,, request,
q , response,
p ,
& entity
` Common request fields:
p text/plain
Accept: text/*
If-Modified_since: date
` Common response fields:
Content-length: 488
Content-type: text/html
` Can communicate with HTTP without a browser
>telnet http
GET /respond.html HTTP/1.1

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 29
` An example of a complete response header:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tues, 18 May 2004 16:45:13 GMT
Server: Apache (Red-Hat/Linux)
Last-modified: Tues, 18 May 2004 16:38:38 GMT
Etag: "841fb-4b-3d1a0179"
841fb 4b 3d1a0179
Accept-ranges: bytes
Content-length: 364
Connection: close
Content-type: text/html, charset=ISO-8859-1
` Both request headers and response headers must be followed
by a blank line

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 30
Picture from: Web Applications: Concepts & Real World Design by Craig D. Knuckles and David S. Yuen, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 31
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 32
in query string
sent in packet

Data is part of
message payload
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 33
` Secure HTTP (HTTPS)
` Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
◦ Invented by Netscape
◦ Operates in conjunction with TCP/IP at both the
transport and internetwork layers to prevents IP

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 34
` Document languages and programming
languages that are the building blocks of the
web and web programming
` Plug ins
` Filters
` Javascript
` Java, Perl, Ruby, PHP

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 35
` The spectrum of Web application approaches
can be divided into:
◦ Scripting or programmatic approaches
◦ Template approaches
◦ Hybrid approaches
◦ Frameworks

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 36
` In scripting or programmatic approaches,
approaches the
source associated with the page object
consists predominantly of code written to
express app logic, while the page formatting
(e.g. HTML) is generally produced using
output statements in the associated
programming language.
` Examples are:
◦ Java Servlet API

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 37
` This category of web development approaches utilizes a
source object (the template) that consists predominantly of
formatting structures, with limited embedded constructs that
add programming power.
` Unlike the programmatic approaches, the focus of the source
object of template approaches is on formatting, not app
` Examples are:
◦ Server
Side Includes (SSI)
◦ Cold Fusion
◦ WebMacro/Velocity

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 38
` Combine scripting elements with template
` Examples are:
◦ PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
◦ Active Server Pages (ASP)
◦ Java Server Pages (JSP)

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 39
` In the old days,
days authors scribbled markup
instructions on paper in the margins of hand-
written works
` With the advent of electronic documents, the
markup instructions are included in the
binary files.
` Word processing files are binary blobs
blobs. The
markup languages are proprietary. Only the
programmers know how the markup
instructions are encoded as bytes.

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 40
` Some word processors give a graphical view of how
it is including markup instructions, however, what
the corresponding bytes look like in the binary blob
the software creates may be unknown


` Word processing files tend not to be interoperable

among different software packages. Some do have
translators which attempt to transform different
markup languages into their own.
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 41
` Text markup language
◦ Specifies set of tags that are inserted into text
` Standard Generalized Markup Language
◦ Older and complex text markup language
◦ A meta language
` World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
◦ Not-for-profit group that maintains standards for
the Web

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SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 43
` Offers a system of marking up documents that is
independent of any software application
` Nonproprietary and platform independent
` Offers user-defined tags
SO standard
d d 8879
88 9
` Key
ey idea:
dea Separate
Sepa ate content
co te t from
o ppresentation
ese tat o
` Costly to set up and maintain

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 44
` HTML was defined with SGML
` O g
Original intent of HTML: General
G layout
y of documents
that could be displayed by a wide variety of
` Recent versions:
◦ HTML 4.0 – 1997
x Introduced many new features and deprecated many older features
◦ HTML 4.01 - 1999 - A cleanup of 4.0
◦ XHTML 1.0 - 2000
x Just 4.01 defined using XML, instead of SGML
1 1 – 2001
◦ XHTML 1.1
x Modularized 1.0, and drops frames
x We
ll stick to 1.1,
1 1 except for frames

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 45
` HTML tags
◦ Interpreted by Web browser and used by it to format the display of
the text
` HTML Links
◦ Linear hyperlink structure
◦ Hierarchical hyperlink structure

` Scripting languages and style sheets

◦ Most common scripting languages: JavaScript, JScript, Perl, and
◦ Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
x Sets of instructions that give Web developers more control over the
format t off displayed
di l d pages
x Style sheet
x Usually stored in a separate file
x Referenced
R f d using
i the
h HTML style
l tag

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 46
` The Web was created to be text based
(ASCII,Unicode 8,…) so the markup language
used to format Web pages is all text
` Here is how the address on the previous slide
would be formatted in HTML,
HTML the markup
language used to format Web pages.
<B>Bryan Moore</B><BR>
<FONT SIZE=12 FACE=Textile>
1234 Sunset Ave<BR>
WalaWala, WA 12345<BR>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 47
<B>Bryan Moore</B><BR>

<FONT SIZE=12 FACE=Textile>

1234 Sunset Ave<BR>

WalaWala WA 12345<BR>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 48
` HTML specifies how to render a document
but it does not specify what is in the
◦ Alternative as a solution: XML
` The structure of parse tree for HTML code
y be inefficient in some cases.
◦ For example, A 100 of such addresses would
require a 100 instances of the markup instructions
◦ Alternative as a solution: CSS

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 49
` U
Uses paired
i d start and
d stop tags

` Includes data management capabilities that

HTML cannot provide

` Differences between XML and HTML

◦ XML is not a markup language with defined tags

◦ XML tags do not specify how text appears on a Web


SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 50
` XML features a total separation of data content and

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SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 54
` XHTML is aimed to replace HTML
` XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01
` XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of
HTML so the XHTML documents are well-
formed, and can thus be processed by XML
` XHTML is HTML defined as an XML
` XHTML is a W3C Recommendation

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 55
` Case sensitivity
` Closing tags
` Quoted attribute values
` Explicit attribute values
` id and name attributes
` Element nesting

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 56
` Reasons to use XHTML,, rather than HTML:
1. HTML has lax syntax rules, leading to sloppy
d sometime
ti ambiguous
bi d
x XHTML syntax is much more strict, leading
to clean and clear documents in a standard
2 HTML processors do not even enforce the few
syntax rule that do exist in HTML
3. The syntactic correctness of XHTML documents
can be validated

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 57
<li>Black tea</li>
<li>Green tea</li>
<li>Milk</li> <ul>
</UL> <li>Coffee</li>
li Bl k ttea</li>
<li>Green tea</li>
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 58
` A combination of HTML,
HTML Javascript and CSS
used to create dynamic and interactive Web
` Sample implementation of onmouseover
<A HREF=“…”
<IMG NAME=“picture1” SRC=“images/pic1.gif”>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 59

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 60
` El
t are d
fi d bby ttags ((markers)
k )
` Tag format:

- Opening tag: <name>

- Closing
g tag:
g </name>
` The container and its content together are called an element

` Exactly one title element must appear in the head element


` Syntax for empty elements (no closing tag): <element />

` If an element is not empty, it must have a closing tag:


SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 61
` All elements
l t and
d attribute
tt ib t names mustt b
be iin llower case.
` All attribute values must be quoted (single or double)
attribute="value" or attribute='value'
` Every attribute must have a value.
◦ For example,

<hr noshade> must be <hr noshade="noshade">

noshade= noshade >

` Comment form: <!-- … -->

` Browsers ignore comments, unrecognizable tags, line breaks,
multiple spaces, and tabs

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 62
` Every XHTML document must begin with:
<?xml version = ″1.0″?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ″-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN″>
` <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> are required in every
` The whole document must have <html> as its root
` html must have the xmlns attribute:
<html xmlns = ″″
` A document consists of a head and a body
` The <title> tag is used to give the document a title, which is normally
displayed in the browser’s window title bar (at the top of the display)
` Prior to XHTML 1.1, a document could have either a body or a frameset

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 63
` Text is normally placed in paragraph elements
` Paragraph
P h El
◦ The <p> tag breaks the current line and inserts a blank line - the new line gets the
beginning of the content of the paragraph
◦ The
Th bbrowser puts
t as many words
d off th
the paragraph’s
h’ content
t t as will
ill fit iin each
h line
<?xml version = ″1.0″?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ″-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN″>
<!-- greet.hmtl
greet hmtl
A trivial document
<html xmlns = ″″>
<h d> <title>
<head> <titl > Our
O first
fi t ddocument
t </titl
ti f
from your W
b t !

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 64
` W3C HTML Validation Service
` Line breaks
◦ The effect of the <br /
/> tag
g is the same as that of <p>
p , except
p for the blank line
x No closing tag!
` Example of paragraphs and line breaks
On the plains of hesitation <p> bleach the
bones of countless millions </p> <br />
who, at the dawn of victory <br /> sat down
to wait, and waiting, died.

` Typical display of this text:

On the plains of hesitation

bl h th
the b
bones of
f countless
tl millions
who, at the dawn of victory
sat down to wait, and waiting, died.

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 65
` Headings
◦ Six sizes, 1 - 6, specified with <h1> to <h6>
◦ 1, 2, and 3 use font sizes that are larger than the default font size
◦ 4 uses the default size
◦ 5 and 6 use smaller font sizes

<!-- headings.html
An example to illustrate headings
<html xmlns = ″″>
<head> <title>
i Headings
i </title>
/ i
<h1> Aidan’s Airplanes (h1) </h1>
<h2> The best in used airplanes (h2) </h2>
<h3> "We’ve got them by the hangarful" (h3)
<h4> We’re the guys to see for a good used
airplane (h4) </h4>
<h5> We offer great prices on great planes
(h5) </h5>
<h6> No returns, no guarantees, no refunds,
all sales are final (h6) </h6>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 66
` Blockquotes
◦ Content of <blockquote>
◦ To set a block of text off from the normal flow and appearance of text
◦ Browsers often indent, and sometimes italicize
` Font Styles and Sizes (can be nested)
◦ Boldface - <b>
◦ Italics - <i>
◦ Larger - <big>
◦ Smaller - <small>
◦ Monospace - <tt>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 67
The <big> sleet <big> in <big> <i> Crete
</i><br /> lies </big> completely </big>
in </big> the street

The sleet in Crete

lies completely in the street
x These tags are not affected if they appear in the content of a <blockquote>,
unless there is a conflict (e.g., italics)
◦ Superscripts and subscripts
x Subscripts with <sub>
x Superscripts with <sup>
Example: x<sub>2</sub><sup>3</sup>
Display: x23
` Inline versus block elements
◦ Block elements CANNOT be nested in inline elements

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 68
` All of this font size and font style stuff can be done with style sheets, but these tags are
not yet deprecated
` Character Entities
Char. Entity Meaning
& &amp;
p Ampersand
< &lt; Less than
> &gt; Greater than
” &quot; Double quote
’ &apos; Single quote
¼ &frac14; One quarter
½ &frac12; One half
¾ &frac34; Th
Three quarters
° &deg; Degree
(space) &nbsp; Non-breaking space
` Horizontal rules
◦ <hr /> draws a line across the display, after a line break
` The meta element (for search engines) Used to provide additional information about a
document, with attributes, not content

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 69
` GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)
◦ 8-bit color (256 different colors)
` JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
◦ 24-bit color (16 million different colors)
` Both
B h use compression,
i b
but JPEG compression
i iis b
` Images are inserted into a document with the <img /> tag with the src attribute
◦ The alt attribute is required by XHTML
x Purposes:
1. Non-graphical browsers
2. Browsers with images turned off
i src = "comets.jpg"
alt = "Picture of comets" />
` The <img> tag has 30 different attributes, including width and height (in pixels)
` Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
◦ Relatively new
◦ Should eventually replace both gif and jpeg

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 70
<!-- image.html
A example
An l tto ill
t t an i image
<html xmlns = ″″>
<head> <title> Images </title>
<h1> Aidan's Airplanes </h1>
<h2> The best in used airplanes </h2>
<h3> "We've got them by the hangarful"
h2 Special of the month </h2>
1960 Cessna 210 <br />
577 hours since major engine overhaul
<br />
1022 hours since prop overhaul
<br /><br />
<img src = "c210new.jpg"
alt = "Picture of a Cessna 210"/>
<br />
Buy this fine airplane today at a
remarkably low price <br />
Call 999-555-1111 today!

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 71
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 72
• Hypertext
H t t is
i th
the essence off the
th Web!
W b!
• A link is specified with the href (hypertext reference)
attribute of <a> (the anchor tag)
• The content of <a> is the visual link in the document
• If the target is a whole document (not the one in which the link
appears) the target need not be specified in the target
document as being the target

• Note:
N t Relative
R l ti addressing
dd i off ttargets
t iis easier
i tto
maintain and more portable than absolute addressing

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 73
<!-- link.html
An example to illustrate a link
<html xmlns = ″″>
<head> <title> Links </title>
<h1> Aidan's Airplanes </h1>
<h2> The best in used airplanes </h2>
<h3> "We've got them by the hangarful"
<h2> Special of the month </h2>
1960 Cessna 210 <br />
<a href = "C210data.html">
Information on the Cessna 210 </a>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 74
SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 75
• If the target
g is not at the beginning
g g of the document,, the target
g spot
p must be
• Target labels can be defined in many different tags with the id attribute, as in
<h1 id = "baskets"> Baskets </h1>
• The link to an id must be preceded by a pound sign (#); If the id is in the same
document, this target could be
<a href = "#baskets">
What about baskets? </a>
• If the target is in a different document, the document reference must be included
<a href = "myAd.html#baskets”> Baskets </a>
• Style
y note: a link should blend in with the surrounding
g text,, so reading
g it without
taking the link should not be made less pleasant
• Links can have images:
<a href = "c210data.html“>
<img src = "smallplane.jpg"
alt = "Small picture of an airplane " />
Info on C210 </a>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 76
• Unordered lists
• The list is the content of the <ul> tag
• List elements are the content of the <li> tag
<h3> Some Common Single-Engine Aircraft </h3>
<li> Cessna Skyhawk </li>
<li> Beechcraft Bonanza </li>
<li> Piper Cherokee </li>

• Ordered lists
• The list is the content of the <ol> tag
• Each item in the display is preceded by a sequence value

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 77
<h3> Cessna 210 Engine Starting Instructions
< l>
<li> Set mixture to rich </li>
<li> Set propeller to high RPM </li>
<li> Set ignition switch to "BOTH" </li>
<li> Set auxiliary fuel pump switch to
"LOW PRIME" </li>
<li> When fuel pressure reaches 2 to 2.5
PSI, push starter button </li>

• Nested lists
• Any type list can be nested inside any type list
• The nested list must be in a list item

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 78
` Definition lists (for glossaries
glossaries, etc
◦ List is the content of the <dl> tag
◦ Terms being defined are the content of the <dt> tag
◦ The definitions themselves are the content of the <dd> tag
<h3> Single-Engine Cessna Airplanes </h3>
<dl >
<dt> 152 </dt>
<dd> Two-place trainer </dd>
<dt> 172 </dt>
<dd> Smaller four-place airplane </dd>
dt 182 </dt>
<dd> Larger four-place airplane </dd>
<dt> 210 </dt>
<dd> Six-place airplane - high performance

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 79
• A table is a matrix of cells,
cells each possibly having content
• The cells can include almost any element
• Some cells have row or column labels and some have data
• A table is specified as the content of a <table> tag
• A border attribute in the <table> tag specifies a border between the
• If border is set to "border", the browser’s default width border is used
• The border attribute can be set to a number,
number which will be the border
• Without the border attribute, the table will have no lines!
• Tables are given titles with the <caption> tag, which can immediately
follow <table>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 80
` Each row of a table is specified as the content of a <tr> tag
` The
Th row hheadings
di are specified
ifi d as th t t off a <th> tag
the content t
` The contents of a data cell is specified as the content of a <td> tag
<table border = "border">
<caption> Fruit Juice Drinks </caption>
<th> </th>
<th> Apple </th>
<th> Orange </th>
h Screwdriver
d i </th>
/ h
<th> Breakfast </th>
<td> 0 </td>
<td> 1 </td>
<td> 0 </td>
<th> Lunch </th>
<td> 1 </td>
<td> 0 </td>
<td> 0 </td>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 81
` A table can have two levels of column labels
◦ If so, the colspan attribute must be set in the <th> tag to specify that the
label must span some number of columns
<th colspan = "3"> Fruit Juice Drinks </th>
<th> O
Orange </th>
<th> Apple </th>
<th> Screwdriver </th>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 82
• If the rows have labels and there is a spanning column label
label, the
upper left corner must be made larger, using rowspan

<table border = "border">

border >
<td rowspan = "2"> </td>
<th colspan = "3"> Fruit Juice Drinks
<th> Apple </th>
<th> Orange </th>
<th> Screwdriver </th>


SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 83
` The align attribute controls the horizontal placement of the contents
in a table cell
◦ Values are left, right, and center (default)
◦ align is an attribute of <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements

` The valign attribute controls the vertical placement of the contents of

a table cell
◦ Values are top, bottom, and center (default)
◦ valign is an attribute of <th> and <td> elements
Æ SHOW cell_align.html and display it
• The cellspacing attribute of <table> is used to specify the distance
between cells in a table
` The cellpadding attribute of <table> is used to specify the spacing
between the content of a cell and the inner walls of the cell

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 84
<table cellspacing = "50">
<td> Colorado is a state of …
<td> South Dakota is somewhat…

- Table Sections
- Header, body, and footer, which are the elements: thead, tbody, and tfoot
- If a document has multiple tbody elements, they are separated by thicker horizontal lines

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 85
` A form is the usual way information is gotten from a browser to a server
` HTML has tags to create a collection of objects that implement this
information gathering
g g
◦ The objects are called widgets (e.g., radio buttons and checkboxes)

` When the Submit button of a form is clicked, the form’s values are sent
to the server
` All of the widgets, or components of a form are defined in the content of
a <form> tag
◦ The only required attribute of <form> is action, which specifies the URL of the
application that is to be called when the Submit button is clicked
action =
x If the form has no action, the value of action is the empty string

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 86
` The method attribute of <form> specifies one of the two possible
techniques of transferring the form data to the server, get and post
` Widgets
◦ Many are created with the <input> tag
x The type attribute of <input> specifies the kind of widget being
x Creates a horizontal box for text input
x Default size is 20; it can be changed with the size attribute
x If more characters are entered than will fit, the box is scrolled
(shifted) left

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 87
◦ If you don’t
don t want to allow the user to type more characters than
will fit, set maxlength, which causes excess input to be ignored
<input type = "text" name = "Phone"
size = "12" >
2. Checkboxes - to collect multiple choice input
◦ Every checkbox requires a value attribute, which is the widget’s
value in the form data when the checkbox is ‘checked’
x A checkbox
h kb th thatt iis nott ‘‘checked’
h k d’ contributes
t ib t no value
l tto th
form data
◦ By default, no checkbox is initially ‘checked’
◦ To initialize a checkbox to ‘checked’, the checked attribute must
be set to "checked"

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 88
` Widgets (continued)
Grocery Checklist
<form action = "">
<input type = "checkbox" name ="groceries"
value = "milk" checked = "checked">
<input type = "checkbox" name ="groceries"
value = "bread">
<input type = "checkbox" name = "groceries"
value= "eggs">

3. Radio Buttons - collections of checkboxes in which only one button can

b ‘‘checked’
be h k d’ att a titime
x Every button in a radio button group MUST have the same name

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 89
` Widgets (continued)
3. Radio Buttons (continued)
◦ If no button in a radio button group is ‘pressed’, the browser often
presses the first one
Age Category
<form action = "">
<input type = "radio" name = "age"
value = "under20" checked = "checked"> 0-19
<input type = "radio" name = "age"
value = "20-35">
20-35 > 20-35
<input type = "radio" name = "age"
value = "36-50"> 36-50
<input type = "radio" name = "age"
value = "over50"> Over 50

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 90
4. Menus - created with <select> tags
` There are two kinds of menus, those that behave like checkboxes and
those that behave like radio buttons (the default)
◦ Menus that behave like checkboxes are specified by including the
multiple attribute, which must be set to "multiple"
` The name attribute of <select> is required
` The size attribute of <select> can be included to specify the number
of menu items to be displayed (the default is 1)
◦ If size is set to > 1 or if multiple is specified
specified, the menu is displayed
as a pop-up menu
◦ Each item of a menu is specified with an <option> tag, whose pure text
content (no tags) is the value of the item
◦ An <option> tag can include the selected attribute, which when
g "selected”
se ected specifies
p that the item is p

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 91
` Widgets
g ((continued))
4. Menus (continued)
Grocery Menu - milk, bread, eggs, cheese
<form action = "">
< >
With size = 1 (the default)
<select name = "groceries">
<option> milk </option>
i b
d </option>
/ i
<option> eggs </option>
<option> cheese </option>

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 92
- Widgets
g ((continued))

` After clicking the menu:

` After changing size to 2:

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 93
- Widgets (continued)
5 Text areas - created with <textarea>
◦ Usually include the rows and cols attributes to specify the size
of the text area
◦ Default text can be included as the content of <textarea>
◦ Scrolling is implicit if the area is overfilled
Please provide your employment aspirations
<form action = "">
<t t
<textarea name = "
i ti " rows = "3”
cols = "40">
(Be brief and concise)

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 94
` Widgets (continued)
6. Reset and Submit buttons
◦ Both are created with <input>
<input type = "reset" value = "Reset Form">
put type = "submit”
<input sub t value
a ue = "Submit
Sub t Form">
` Submit has two actions:
1. Encode the data of the form
2. Request that the server execute the server-resident program
specified as the value of the action attribute of <form>
◦ A Submit button is required in every form
--> SHOW popcorn.html and display it

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 95
• Frames are rectangular sections of the display window
window, each of which
can display a different document
• Because frames are no longer part of XHTML, you cannot validate a
document that includes frames
• The <frameset> tag specifies the number of frames and their layout in
the window
• <frameset> takes the place of <body>
• Cannot have both!
• <frameset> must have either a rows attribute or a cols attribute, or both
(usually the case)
• Default is 1
• The possible values for rows and cols are numbers, percentages, and asterisks
• A number value specifies the row height in pixels - Not terribly useful!
• A percentage specifies the percentage of total window height for the row - Very

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 96
◦ An asterisk after some other specification gives the remainder of the
height of the window
◦ Examples:
<frameset rows = "150, 200, 300">
<frameset rows = "25%, 50%, 25%">
<frameset rows = "50%, 20%, *" >
<frameset rows = "50%, 25%, 25%“ cols = "40%, *">
` The <frame> tag specifies the content of a frame
` The first <frame> tag in a <frameset> specifies the content of the first
frame, etc.
◦ Row-major order is used
◦ Frame content is specified with
ith the src attribute
attrib te
◦ Without a src attribute, the frame will be empty (such a frame CANNOT be filled
` If <frameset>
<f t> has fewer <frame>
<f > tags than frames,
frames the extra frames are

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 97
` Scrollbars are implicitly included if needed (they are needed if the
specified document will not fit)
` If a name attribute is included, the content of the frame can be
changed later (by selection of a link in some other frame)
ÆSHOW frames.html
` Note: the Frameset standard must be specified in the DOCTYPE
` Nested frames - to divide the screen in more interesting ways
Æ SHOW nested_frames.html

SCCS426 Internet Technology and Its Applications, ICT Programme, Semester 2/2008 98
<!-- contents.html
Th contents
The t t of f th
the fi
t f
frame of
frames.html, which is the table of
contents for the second frame
<html xmlns = ″″>
<head> <title> Table of Contents Frame
<h4> Fruits </h4>
<li> <a href = "apples.html"
target = "descriptions">
apples </a>
<li> <a href = "bananas.html"
target = "descriptions">
bananas </a>
<li> <a href = "oranges.html"
target = "descriptions">
oranges </a>

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