1st QTR 4th Yr 1314

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San Juan, Batangas

USE 1 whole intermediate pad as o!r answer sheet NO E"ASU"ES
#O" $UESTIONS 1 TO % "e&er to pi't!re (elow
1. Based on the picture, label 1 is called
a. Text box b. Insert Word Art c. Select Objects d. Line
2. Based on the picture, label 2 is called
a. Text box b. Insert Word Art c. Select Objects d. Line
3. Based on the picture, label 3 is called
a. Text box b. Insert Word Art c. Select Objects d. Line
. Based on the picture, label 4 is called
a. Text box b. Insert Word Art c. Select Objects d. Line
!. Based on the picture, label 5 is called
a. "ectan#le b. S$uare c. O%al d. Autoshapes
&. Based on the picture, label 6 is called
a. "ectan#le b. S$uare c. O%al d. Autoshapes
'. Based on the picture, label 7 is called
a. "ectan#le b. S$uare c. O%al d. Autoshapes
#O" $UESTIONS ) to 1*
(. Based on the picture, label 8 is called
a. Set Transparent )olor b. *ecrease Bri#htness c. )rop d. none o+ these
,. Based on the picture, label 9 is called
a. Set Transparent )olor b. *ecrease Bri#htness c. )rop d. none o+ these
1-. Based on the picture, label 10 is called
a. Set Transparent )olor b. *ecrease Bri#htness c. )rop d. none o+ these
11. Based on the picture, label 11 is called
a. Increase Bri#htness c. Set Transparent color
b. Text .rappin# d. none o+ these
12. Based on the picture, label 12 is called
a. Increase Bri#htness c. Set Transparent color
b. Text .rappin# d. none o+ these
* +
, - .
) /
10 11 1*
FOR 13 to 21/ 0atch, the 1issin# label on Column A to Column B.
22. Based label 22, this is called
a. Ti#ht b. Throu#h c. S$uare d. Top and Botto1
23. Based label 23, this is called
a. Ti#ht b. Throu#h c. S$uare d. Top and Botto1
2. Based label 2, this is called
a. Ti#ht b. Throu#h c. S$uare d. Top and Botto1
2!. Based label 2!, this is called TO2 and BOTTO0
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
2&. Based label 2&, this is called 6one
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
2'. The 1issin# label on no. 2' is Lines
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
2(. The 1issin# label on no. 2( is Bloc7 Arro.s
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
2,. The 1issin# label on no. 2, )allouts
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
1/ *0 *1
a8 Baseline 9uides
b8 9rid 9uides
c8 0ar#in
d8 0ar#in 9uides
e8 TO2
+8 "i#ht
#8 Botto1
h8 Le+t
i8 2re%ie.
j8 0aster 2a#es
78 6O 2OSSIBL4 A6SW4"
** *+ *- *, *.
#O" $UESTIONS +0 to ++
3-. Based on label 3- the 1issin# label is Width:
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
31. Based on label 31 the 1issin# label is ;ei#ht:
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
#O" $UESTIONS +- to +.
3'. I+ I press ri#ht clic7 on this object, .hat do <ou thin7 .ill happen:
a. the picture toolbar .ill appear on the .or7area b. The dra.in# toolbar .ill appear on the .or7area
c. a 1enu .ill appear on the screen d. none o+ these
3(. I+ I press clic7 on the picture, .hat do <ou thin7 .ill happen:
a. the picture toolbar .ill appear on the .or7area b. The dra.in# toolbar .ill appear on the .or7area
c. a 1enu .ill appear on the screen d. none o+ these
3,. What .ould happen i+ I dra# the picture +ro1 1 place to other:
a. the picture toolbar .ill appear on the .or7area b. The dra.in# toolbar .ill appear on the .or7area
c. a 1enu .ill appear on the screen d. none o+ these
-. What .ill happen i+ I start dra##in# the 1ouse +ro1 the ruler up to the .or7 area:
a. #uide .ill appear b. a picture .ill appear c. both a = b d. none o+ these
1. What .ill happen I+ I place a textbox on the .or7 area, then I press ri#ht clic7 inside the textbox:
a. letter .ill appear b. a 1enu .ill appear c. the object .ill 1o%e d. none o+ these
2. >ou create a business card on <our co1puter. >ou .ant to ta7e a brea7 +or +i%e 1inutes.
Be+ore <ou lea%e <our co1puter, .hat .ill <ou do to ensure that <our recent chan#es are not lost:
A. Shut do.n the co1puter. B. Turn o++ the 1onitor.
). Sa%e the report. *. 2rint the report.
32. Based on label 32 the 1issin# label is "otation:
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
33. Based on label 33 the 1issin# label is )ancel:
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
3. Based on label 3, the 1issin# label is
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
3!. Based on label 3!, the 1issin# label is )olor.
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
3&. Based on label 3&, the 1issin# label is Wei#ht.
a. T"34 b. 5ALS4
3. Based on <our project, I +or1atted a brochure to a 3 panel ?re+er to picture belo.8 on .hat label .ill I put
the title o+ 1< brochure:
. Based on <our project, I +or1atted a brochure to a 3 panel ?re+er to picture belo.8 on .hat label .ill I put
the desi#ned b<:
!. Based on <our project, I +or1atted a brochure to a 3 panel ?re+er to picture belo.8 on .hat label .ill I put
1< +irst topic and content:
46. ;o. 1an< objetcs .ere used to create this desi#n:
a. b.3 c1.! d. 1
'. ;o. 1an< objects .as used in this desi#n:
a. 1 b.2 c. 3 d.
(. ;o. 1an< objects .as used in this desi#n:
a. ' b.! c1.3 d. none o+ these
#O" $UESTIONS -/ TO ,+ "e&er to pi't!re (elow
,. Which o+ the +ollo.in# icons pointed b< labeled letters is used to crop picture a+ter I insert the picture:
!-. I .ant to chan#e the la<out o+ the picture a+ter I insert, .hich o+ the +ollo.in# icons ?labeled b< letters8
.ill I use:
!1. I .ant to re1o%e the .hite area o+ the picture, .hich o+ the +ollo.in# icons labeled b< letters .ill I use:
Back of the short bon !a!er Ins"e of the short bon !a!er
Back of the short bon !a!er Ins"e of the short bon !a!er
Back of the short bon !a!er Ins"e of the short bon !a!er
1 E
# G H
!2. I .ant to increase the bri#htness o+ the picture a+ter I insert, .hich o+ the +ollo.in# icons ?labeled b<
letters8 .ill I use
!3. I .ant to decrease the bri#htness o+ the picture a+ter I insert, .hich o+ the +ollo.in# icons ?labeled b<
letters8 .ill I use
!. Which o+ the +ollo.in# .ill be chosen in order to di%e the pa#e to 3 colu1ns:
a. La<out 9uides b. "uler 9uides c. 2a#e setup d. none o+ these
Yo!2re primar o(3e'ti4e is to set!p a pa5e in 6i'roso&t p!(lisher with - panels and a meas!rement o& 7+,8 as m spa'in5
!!. Which o+ the +ollo.in# .ould be 1< +irst step:
a. Open 0icroso+t 2ublisher b. )lic7 Blan7 2ublication c. *ouble )lic7 5ull 2a#e d. none
!&. Which o+ the +ollo.in# .ould be 1< second step:
b. Open 0icroso+t 2ublisher b. )lic7 Blan7 2ublication c. *ouble )lic7 5ull 2a#e d. none
!'. Which o+ the +ollo.in# .ould be 1< third step:
c. Open 0icroso+t 2ublisher b. )lic7 Blan7 2ublication c. *ouble )lic7 5ull 2a#e d. none
!(. Which o+ the +ollo.in# .ould be 1< +ourth step:
d. )lic7 on the .ord Arran#e on the 1enubar
e. )hoose and clic7 La<out 9uides.
+. )lic7 on the .ord 0ar#in 9uides then, t<pe -.! on le+t, ri#ht, top and botto1.
#. )lic7 on the .ord 9rid 9uides then t<pe 2 on the colu1ns and t<pe 2 on the ro.s.
h. T<pe -.3!@ on both colu1ns and ro.s spacin#
i. )lic7 on the .ord 9rid 9uides then t<pe on the colu1ns and t<pe on the ro.s.
j. T<pe -.3!@ on both colu1ns and ro.s spacin#
!,. Which o+ the +ollo.in# .ould be 1< +i+th step:
7. )lic7 on the .ord Arran#e on the 1enubar
l. )hoose and clic7 La<out 9uides.
1. )lic7 on the .ord 0ar#in 9uides then, t<pe -.! on le+t, ri#ht, top and botto1.
n. )lic7 on the .ord 9rid 9uides then t<pe 2 on the colu1ns and t<pe 2 on the ro.s.
o. T<pe -.3!@ on both colu1ns and ro.s spacin#
p. )lic7 on the .ord 9rid 9uides then t<pe on the colu1ns and t<pe on the ro.s.
$. T<pe -.3!@ on both colu1ns and ro.s spacin#
&-. Based on the steps <ouA%e done, do <ou thin7 <ouA%e 1et the objecti%e:
r. >es because the steps are clear and concise
s. 6o because there are 1ore tas7 that is 1issin#.
t. 6o. because a+ter the last step .e didnAt clic7 the O7 button
u. >es because I encoded all the 1easure1ent.
2repared b</
!o"n R#$n %ut&'((')

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