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Customer insight, risk tolerance, entrepreneurship, alignment, technology excellence,
innovation, creative collaboration, and execution are the building blocks

Jerry L. Newman

OVERVIEW: A highly effective CREATIVE R&D culture R&D culture can be the engine for sustained product
combines Customer-focused, Risk-tolerant, Entrepre- innovation—a key driver of continual growth in many
neurial, Alignment with strategy, Technology and successful corporations. Today there is a general impera-
scientific excellence, Innovative, Virtual organization tive to generate growth through innovation (1,2). This is
(Collaboration), and Execution elements to consistently evident from all the organizations, conferences, consul-
drive true product innovation. To generate this culture, tants and books focused on the subject (1,3,4). Even
R&D leaders should examine attitudes and values, and with these resources, however, many organizations still
eliminate barriers that impede behaviors based on these struggle to generate consistent results in new product
characteristics. Constructing the CREATIVE R&D culture development (NPD). Finding and implementing new
involves a change process of building on inherent opportunities is difficult and complex, yet, some organi-
strengths and compensating for organizational gaps. zations excel not just once, but on an on-going basis.
This starts with a foundation of leadership and executes
product innovation at the juncture of customer insight, Because innovation means many different things to peo-
technology and business alignment powered by risk tol- ple, any in-depth discussion of the topic requires a defini-
erance and collaboration. This holistic framework has tion of the term. In this case, discussion will be limited to
evolved from the practice of product development and product innovation, which is defined as commercializing
has been applied successfully in various companies and products that produce customer and shareholder value
industries. through differentiated technology that is strategically
aligned with the business. This product innovation model
KEY CONCEPTS: R&D leadership, R&D culture, is illustrated in Figure 1.
product innovation.
Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dol- Customer insight, business alignment, technology, and
lars you have……it’s not about money. It’s about the execution are at the core of building an effective innova-
people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get tion initiative. The R&D culture of innovation excellence
it.—Steve Jobs is built on these elements plus risk tolerance and creative
collaboration (virtual organizations). These elements
form the acronym CREATIVE: Customer-focused, Risk-
tolerant, Entrepreneurial, Aligned with strategy, Tech-
Jerry Newman is senior director, product develop- nology and scientific excellence, Innovative, Virtual
ment at STERIS Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri. His organizations (or creative collaboration), Execution (or
team is responsible for R&D activities for the skin care Excellence in project management) (5).
and other chemical decontamination businesses within
STERIS. During his career he has held a variety of R&D Many R&D organizations have excelled by successfully
positions at S.C. Johnson & Son, Johnson & Johnson focusing on single factors, such as creativity, execution or
Medical, Kemin Foods and STERIS. He and his teams customer focus. The CREATIVE R&D culture framework
have been responsible for the development of over 50 depicted in Figure 2 (6) has been originated and utilized
new infection control, skin care, wound care, decontam- by the author at various levels of R&D management in
ination, and dietary supplement products. Newman ob- multiple industries. The application of this framework
tained his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Ohio University. has generated sustained innovation, resulting most re- cently in significant and sustained improvement in new-

September—October 2009 21
0895-6308/09/$5.00 © 2009 Industrial Research Institute, Inc.
product sales over a five-year period. What follows is a
detailed explanation of each CREATIVE element and
tips for how to implement the holistic framework.
R&D professionals
Customer Focus
should avoid the
We can believe that we know where the world should go.
But unless we’re in touch with our customers, our model
“build it and they
of the world can diverge from reality.—Steve Ballmer
When R&D team members overcome isolation from
will come” attitude.
customers and consumers they can gain profound insight
into how their technologies can be incorporated into If the customer insight side of the innovation equation is
new products that bring value to customers. Without true ignored in favor of the R&D organization’s excitement
customer insight, an invention is just that—an invention, over a new technology, the department can end up with “a
not an innovation. There are many examples of outstand- technology in search of a market.” This occurs when R&D
ing technologies that failed in the marketplace, and of professionals “fall in love with” technologies for their
products that failed to even reach the marketplace, due to own sake, as opposed to creating and developing tech-
poor relevance to customer needs. Traditional R&D man- nologies to meet customer needs. This can lead to a
agement and organizations have tended to seclude R&D perception that the R&D organization is out of touch with
professionals away from customers and have often been the customers and the business needs of the organization.
reluctant to push for customer contact. However, unless
they are encouraged to see through the eyes of customers R&D professionals should avoid the “build it and they
and end-users, R&D professionals are often unable to see will come” attitude. Although no one can dispute the
practical applications for their technologies (7). value of visionaries, few R&D team members can afford

Figure 1.—True product innovation occurs when ideas at the intersection of customer insight, technology and
business alignment are successfully executed (6).

22 Research . Technology Management

the approach of Buckminster Fuller, who said, “I just
invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what
I’ve invented.” A search of numerous R&D management
“Risk” means
books indicates that many of them offer little discussion
of the customer. Writings on innovation and NPD, on the
other hand, are filled with discussion of how to search for
different things to
effective solutions through the eyes of the customer (8).
Customer needs can be divided between articulated,
different corporate
unarticulated (9) and future needs. Figure 3 illustrates
how these needs are a part of the innovation model (6).
Articulated needs are those that customers can recognize
and easily describe, based on their current requirements
and understanding of available technologies. These Highly effective R&D organizations have close ties to
types of insights generally result in incremental or con- customers philosophically and in practice. The first step
tinuous innovation. Unarticulated needs are sometimes in creating customer focus among the R&D team is sim-
referred to as latent needs. R&D project team members ply to have R&D professionals directly observe custom-
must have unfiltered access to customers in order to ers in their own environment. This is where abstract,
identify unarticulated needs. Future needs are discerned imagined customer needs can become concrete and real
through a deep understanding of how alternative futures for the team. Observing customers’ actual challenges al-
create needs for new technologies. Unarticulated and fu- lows team members the opportunity to extrapolate tech-
ture needs are often the source of discontinuous innova- nological solutions for these problems.
tions or breakthrough opportunities.
The R&D team is ideally suited for discovering unar-
It is important to take a balanced approach to the evalu- ticulated needs. If the marketing department takes on the
ation of customer insight. Excessive emphasis on articu- sole responsibility for gathering customer insight it can
lated needs may tend to drive the organization toward become a crutch that keeps R&D team members isolated
too many incremental projects. On the other hand, from customers. Uncovering an unarticulated need
excessive emphasis on unarticulated needs may drive through a customer visit could lead to a fundamental
the balance of projects toward too many high-risk, long- change in the priority of customer needs. If customers
term projects. A balanced approach is needed to generate do not realize that there is a solution to one of their prob-
a diversified portfolio of projects appropriate for the lems, they may prioritize needs differently. This chal-
corporation and the market. lenge can be the basis of discontinuous innovation and

Various tools have been designed that provide more so-

phisticated customer insight to R&D staff and all cross-
functional project team members (8,10,11). Regardless
of whether the marketing group or project teams spear-
head the customer insight activities, it is important for
key R&D representatives to be involved in order to hear
the concerns, problems and comments of the customers
first-hand. This can help resolve potential conflicts in
feature sets and help to prioritize product requirements
early in any discovery or development process.

Many organizations are described as either market (or cus-

tomer) driven or technology driven. The best innovation
comes through a real balance of the two, as suggested by
the innovation model in Figure 1. Creating this balance is
not an easy task when faced with some of the biases with-
in some R&D organizations. By building the philosophy
of customer focus into the R&D organization, the more
Figure 2.—The CREATIVE R&D culture starts balanced perspective can be established. While tools are
with a foundation of leadership and executes an important part of gathering effective customer input,
product innovation at the intersection of customer R&D leadership needs to make customer focus an impor-
insight, technology and business alignment tant and expected part of the R&D culture. Effective col-
powered by risk tolerance and collaboration (6). laboration with the company’s marketing and sales teams

September—October 2009 23
at multiple levels will help reinforce the importance of removed the initial source of negative consequences. The
customer insight for R&D staff. risk tolerance of an organization is not only the result of
the personality of individuals but also of organizational
Risk Tolerance behavior both past and present, particularly that of mid-
dle and senior management (12). Cultural attitudes to-
You miss 100% of the shots you never take.—Wayne ward risk tolerance can be difficult to modify, and any
Gretzky change must start with communication of risk tolerance
When R&D team members learn to effectively use in- by R&D leadership.
tuition and overcome their tendency to trust only abso- Project-related risk also concerns the balancing of corpo-
lute certainty, they can make decisions fast enough to rate financial risks vs. speed-to-market. The typical trade-
keep up with the demands of the current business cli- offs for any activity, but particularly for new product
mate and create true innovation and competitive ad- projects, almost always involve time–cost–quality impacts
vantage. The term “risk” is used differently by various (10). A discussion of risks helps determine the appropriate
corporate stake holders. The R&D discussion of risk course of action and tradeoffs to make in particular cir-
does not relate to personal or product safety, but rather cumstances of the project framework. Appropriate risk-
to the risk of failure that can hinder rapid decision- taking may involve adjusting project cost to gain a time
making. For scientists and engineers, this specifically advantage and suggesting a value for parallel activities on
relates to the question of whether enough data exist to high-priority projects and activities.
make rapid decisions that can move projects more
quickly to completion. At times, team members misunderstand the relative
value of costs. For example, rapid third-party testing of
Because actions speak louder than words, creating a risk- prototypes may seem expensive, but compared to the
tolerant R&D organization can be a difficult task. Reper- overall costs of potential project delays, it may actually
cussions from past failure can be traumatic and long be a bargain. Decision-making and cycle time reduc-
lasting, persisting even after changes in leadership have tion may involve sacrificing perceived quality, which

Figure 3.—Customer focus can provide insight about articulated, unarticulated or future
needs. These can generate the basis for incremental, next generation or breakthrough
innovations, respectively (6).

24 Research . Technology Management

in most organizations translates to significant apparent
Fast decision-making is more important than ever in
Ask R&D staff to look
NPD and sometimes requires decisions to be based on
less information. In the competitive environment of new
at decisions as if
product development, the speed imperative does not al-
low collection of enough information for R&D profes-
sionals to always feel comfortable. Thus, the higher-risk
they owned the
environment requires many scientists and engineers to
operate outside their normal comfort zone. R&D leader-
ship is responsible for creating the environment to en-
courage this transition.
R&D professionals may tend to be risk-averse when it cubicle isolation. It also has to do with a subtle expecta-
comes to data interpretation, but risk-tolerant when it tion that R&D professionals should be left alone to do
comes to project selection and termination. They gener- their science or engineering. In addition, there is often a
ally value a challenge when it comes to the project choice self-perpetuating cultural gap between scientists and en-
and there may be a tendency to take on projects that have gineers and other parts of the business. This attitude
high technical risk. This can also result in a hesitancy to comes not only from functions other than R&D but is at
discontinue or kill projects with low practicality. Engi- times reinforced by R&D management and profession-
neers and scientists are taught, perhaps unintentionally, als in their desire to just do the science (or engineering)
that anything is possible with enough time and money. and let others make the business decisions.
Based on a desire for challenge, R&D professionals may The lack of business perspective among R&D profession-
advocate that certain projects are technically feasible als is a generally neglected topic in management books,
when the time and cost to achieve success are not within and a subtle but definite stereotype exists that the typical
the expectations of business partners. This leads to an- R&D group is reluctant to dispute. A common distinction
other aspect of true risk avoidance: failure to admit mis- is made between “the business side” and “the R&D side.”
takes and “pull the plug” on projects when appropriate. This mindset can be a significant barrier to generating a
Product development is full of risks and thus many proj- true CREATIVE innovation atmosphere and can subtly
ects are bound to fail (13). In R&D, the mantra should strengthen the attitude that innovation is solely about cre-
be that it is OK to fail but we should fail fast and learn ative ideas and novel technology. Ironically, while many
from that failure. History is full of inventors that have R&D managers receive management and business train-
turned mistakes into successes (14). In fact, serendipity ing, there is a reluctance to offer R&D staff similar busi-
has been the source of many great innovations (15). ness and leadership education.
It’s OK to make mistakes, but not the same mistakes Although R&D team members may enjoy dealing with
over and over. Discovering dead ends faster is one of numbers, they don’t always want to understand the num-
the benefits of understanding the positive attributes of bers that drive the business. Perhaps this myopia is due
failure for the R&D team. The high-performance R&D to leaders who don’t make them aware of how their cur-
culture learns from failures, to ensure that the same rent R&D activities align and link to the business and its
mistakes are not repeated, and regularly “turns lemons objectives. By learning and using financial terms, par-
into lemonade.” Nurturing this attitude can be difficult, ticularly those related to the evaluation of new product
since it is important to communicate learning without opportunities, R&D professionals can earn the credibil-
penalizing or creating a sense that the organization is not ity to enter the debate about business strategy and can
risk tolerant. become effective business partners, strategically aligned
with organizational objectives.

Entrepreneurial An important way to generate credibility among busi-

ness partners is for R&D team members and leaders to
In the history of the world, no one has ever washed a endorse incremental innovations that support short-term
rented car.—Lawrence Summers business needs. R&D professionals generally prefer
working on the longer-term or more substantial innova-
If R&D staff members can learn to think like business
tions. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are able to un-
owners and understand “the big picture,” they will gain
derstand the need to balance short-term needs with
accountability for and drive greater innovation results.
long-term opportunities.
One of the criticisms commonly heard about R&D pro-
fessionals is that that they lack business perspective. Understanding the big picture and connecting the results
This criticism is perhaps another consequence of lab and with business strategies builds ownership among R&D

September—October 2009 25
team members. By generating and publicizing progress
toward measurable new product goals, R&D leaders can
demonstrate the importance of these performance met-
Lack of alignment is
rics to the R&D team as well as to other parts of the
corporation. New product sales, both in absolute num-
bers and as a percentage of base business, are arguably
created largely by
the best surrogate measure of innovation results. How-
ever, since these are long-range measurements, patience
isolation and
and understanding are required to evaluate the impact of
the CREATIVE R&D culture.
Being responsible and accountable for results can be dif-
ficult for some R&D organizations. It is easy to blame
marketing or corporate decisions for poor new product lation and independence. An indication of this perceived
performance. By entering into the debate over project lack of alignment is the often-posed question, “Why is
selection with credibility, the R&D organization takes R&D working on that project (which has little linkage to
responsibility for its performance. While some projects the stated business strategies of the corporation or busi-
or activities may lack good, well-disciplined marketing ness unit)?” These apparent inconsistencies create fric-
direction, R&D innovators can take responsibility for tion and distrust among other corporate departments.
obtaining market and customer feedback or demand that Organizational isolation, often referred to as the “silo ef-
appropriate due diligence be obtained before initiation fect,” is one of the primary causes.
of programs. An entrepreneurial approach does not al- When an R&D organization has strong links with corpo-
low for lack of responsibility or accountability for new rate and business-unit vision, mission, goals, and strategic
product performance. Risk tolerance should not be an plans, the opportunity for successful innovation increases
excuse for a lack of suitable discipline or diligence exponentially. Strategic alignment between R&D and
around business decisions. the marketing and operations functions is particularly
valuable in driving the innovation process. Unfortunate-
A valuable method for building ownership is to ask R&D
ly, there is often a lack of alignment among these three
staff members to look at decisions as if they owned the
groups for new product strategies.
company. Similarly, R&D leaders and teams could view
the department as if it needed to compete against outside Business-unit organizations have often been formed in
suppliers of new products and technology. This approach an attempt to overcome this lack of alignment. Some
can be a good method for instilling a sense of competition marketing leaders believe that if they had control of the
and a culture of continual improvement. Comparing results R&D organization they would improve new product
to those of small companies that introduce innovations rap- performance. But business-unit organizational structures
idly provides motivation and a model for fast cycle time. are no guarantee of R&D alignment. Although market-
ing professionals might provide some general manage-
While all R&D professionals may not want to be drivers ment and business information, they are less likely to
of innovation, virtually all are involved with projects have the skill set to manage, motivate and reward re-
that bring innovation to the marketplace. Without enough search and technical talent. Resorting to organizational
exposure to business needs and an understanding of the structure to achieve the goal of alignment can create bu-
big picture, R&D professionals will not support these reaucratic and motivational problems.
innovations with passion. Without some passion and
sense of ownership, the drive to perform those support Organizational alignment can be accomplished either
functions suffers. through organizational structure such as business units
or by developing interdepartmental relationships. While
Aligned with Strategy relationship-based alignment can be especially strong,
its success depends on the individual personalities, the
In the end, effective execution of strategic alignment quality of senior management alignment and on other
is a leader’s top priority and ensures that goals are met cultural factors. R&D leadership needs to encourage the
and success achieved.—Gerard A. Abraham (Thermo teamwork that leads to a truly effective alignment and
Electron Corp., 16) must be willing to participate in virtually all elements
R&D teams can gain credibility and support from other listed in the model shown in Figure 4. Establishing align-
functions and drive innovation more effectively if they ment is primarily a leadership function, but these tools
act in alignment with business strategies. An extension include both management and leadership aspects.
of the lack of business perspective in the R&D organiza- Organizational alignment doesn’t mean that there is
tion is lack of alignment, which is created largely by iso- complete agreement with all R&D activities throughout

26 Research . Technology Management

the company. Innovation does require free-thinking at
certain times. However, the R&D organization needs to
be working toward the same focused business goals
Risk tolerance
rather than toward undefined scientific objectives. Indi-
vidual maverick innovators can be tolerated when they
are not overly distracting and they produce results that
should not become
are aligned with overall business objectives. While some
freedom is desirable to allow exploration that leads to
an excuse for lack of
innovation, it can be an excuse for lack of alignment and
accountability. The R&D leadership must understand
this balance and must know how to best utilize the
critical thinking.
unique attributes of each R&D staff member.
should be strong throughout all levels of the R&D orga-
Technology and Science Excellence nization. R&D team members should be encouraged to
build their knowledge base and skills, since technical in-
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguish- formation changes so fast. Failure to keep up with ad-
able from magic.—Arthur C. Clarke vances in their field can cause scientists and engineers to
When the R&D team individually and collectively exhib- lose their edge and value to the organization.
its excellence in technology and science, it can continu- As long as proprietary information is not exposed, writ-
ally drive differentiated and sustainable innovation. ing technical papers and attending technical meetings
Therefore, technical excellence might be considered the are also good ways to maintain these skills. They are
ticket for entry to a high-performing R&D team. This un- also beneficial to the corporation in building credibility
derstanding is perhaps the easiest of the success factors to for their expertise and their technologies. Writing ar-
establish within the R&D organization. Depending on the ticles for trade journals and customer-oriented peer-
nature of the business, the R&D scientists and engineers reviewed journals allows the R&D staff to translate
may be expected to be world-class technical experts in technical differentiation into customer benefits.
their respective fields. When they are able to apply techni-
cal expertise to meaningful innovations, the R&D team Critical thinking leads to faster, better and cheaper new
can build credibility within the company and within their product development. Tools such as high-throughput
industry, potentially on a national and international scale. screening, rapid prototyping and experimental design
can help to provide faster answers to fundamental ques-
Because knowledge is a major driver of innovation, con- tions involving multiple variables. Using critical think-
tinual learning should have a high value in the high- ing to plan effective experiments can help reduce the
performance R&D culture. Leaders who understand the total time for projects. When proper planning is sacri-
value of innovation know that technical knowledge ficed in an attempt to speed up the process it can ulti-
mately result in slower decision-making due to repetition
of studies and incomplete or erroneous information.
Risk tolerance should not become an excuse for lack of
critical thinking and planning.
R&D leadership is responsible for identifying, prioritiz-
ing and developing technologies and technology plat-
forms that drive innovation and growth. These technology
platforms typically leverage existing or sustaining tech-
nologies as well as incorporating emerging disruptive
technologies. R&D leaders should interpret the value of
technology platforms to non-technical business partners
in order to translate the magic of technology into cus-
tomer benefits (7).

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.—Alan
Figure 4.—The elements of strategic alignment Kay
begin with corporate mission as foundation and
utilize various layers of tools to drive toward R&D teams must understand that true innovation as
aligned results. modeled in Figure 1 is much more than clever inven-

September—October 2009 27
tions or nifty technology (6). Great ideas are indeed the
lifeblood of an R&D organization, but ideas need to be
successfully implemented to become new products. Sus-
True innovation is
tained innovation requires the successful combination of
advanced technology, customer needs, the organization’s
strategy, and effective execution. In other words, inno-
much more than
vation is putting it all together to create value for cus-
tomers and the corporation.
clever inventions or
Successful innovation is to a great extent about creat-
ing the atmosphere and mechanisms for choosing the
nifty technology.
right project. Although this is primarily a leadership
function, maintaining disciplined processes around
these choices might also be perceived as a management scientists and engineers are often afraid to let go of their
function. The choice and implementation of the right egos and ask questions or seek help.
projects is a fundamental challenge of sustained inno-
vation. Isolation and independence can lead to the well-known
phenomena of NIH (not invented here) and groupthink
The process of “ideation” is generally enjoyable for many (19,20). One of the consequences of NIH can be rejec-
R&D staff members. However, a problem occurs when tion of ideas from the outside without appropriate dili-
these professionals fall in love with creative ideas and gence. This practice has a damaging effect on innovation
lack the skills or passion for critical evaluation and/or and R&D credibility. One tactic for discouraging NIH
implementation. Many R&D professionals love long- behavior is “research tourism,” i.e., having researchers
range ideas or potential radical or breakthrough innova- visit outside institutions (21). Jain and Triandis discuss
tions. While these projects are exciting and essential, it other helpful activities to help reduce the NIH attitude in
is important to have a healthy, balanced portfolio of Management of Research and Development Organiza-
projects with different opportunities vs. risk profiles and tions (20). Internal and external relationships are impor-
timelines. This balance helps R&D leadership establish tant sources of creative energy for identifying new
credibility with other stakeholders in the organization product opportunities and for solving problems during
who are under pressure to produce short-term business rapid implementation. However, this external research
results. should be balanced against the desirable benefits of ex-
Characteristics of an R&D innovation champion often in- tending internal competencies.
clude: technical competency, the ability to interpret cus- Any corporate perception of an NIH attitude from the
tomer needs, risk tolerance, entrepreneurial understanding, R&D group can lead to frustration and eventually to an
alignment skills, effective networking capabilities, and a undervalued R&D organization. When that happens,
propensity for driving toward implementation (17). R&D other departments may seek alternate sources of innova-
teams and staff members can become natural champions tion, and the R&D organization may be cut out of a ma-
of product innovation if R&D leaders identify, reward jor part of the innovation process. The R&D team needs
and develop those individuals who show potential. to maintain an open, collaborative attitude and seek ap-
propriate outside interactions before these detrimental
consequences occur.
Virtual Organizations (CREATIVE Collaboration)
None of us is as smart as all of us.—Japanese Proverb The spectrum of innovation processes ranges from to-
tally internal development to entirely external product
R&D teams improve their effectiveness by excelling at or asset acquisition. “Open innovation” is the popular
collaboration within the team itself, across the corpora- term for the external side of the continuum. Fully internal
tion and externally. The spectacular results of creative development uses totally vertically integrated opera-
collaboration have been chronicled in the book, Organiz- tions, and this rarely occurs today. The practical reality
ing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration and is that most NPD projects fall somewhere in the middle
Group Genius (18). Building effective collaborative cor- of this spectrum. One way to combine the benefits of
porate relationships with marketing, operations and other larger and smaller companies is to become a system
internal functional groups can be crucial for successful integrator and use sub-contractors to coordinate the
innovation and is characteristic of highly effective R&D complex elements. In this case, R&D innovators need
teams. Unfortunately, networking doesn’t come naturally to build effective partnerships with appropriate outside
to many R&D professionals. Their personalities, training organizations. Again, this may not come naturally, so
or culture have often influenced them toward personal au- leadership needs to find ways to encourage such partner-
tonomy and independence. Because of this mindset, R&D ships.

28 Research . Technology Management

Execution, or Excellence in Project Management
Real artists ship.—Steve Jobs R&D teams improve
The R&D organization should consistently excel at com-
mercializing innovations to gain and maintain a reputa-
tion as a high-performing team. There has been a great
their effectiveness
deal of attention provided to improving cycle time or
speed-to-market in many companies and industries, and
by excelling at
countless books and papers are available on the topic.
While there are many reasons for excessively long
product development cycles, a major source of frustra-
tion can come from inefficient project prioritization
procedures that span R&D and other corporate func-
tions involved in the NPD process. commercializing products. The desire to tweak new
products often leads to numerous delays. Credibility of
Much has been written about the benefits and disadvan- the R&D organization is often lost when timelines are
tages of phased product development, and about project not maintained. “Paralysis by analysis” can become a
management as it relates to new product development. problem for R&D professionals and managers, but inter-
The best processes balance discipline with lack of nal credibility can be gained or reestablished by meeting
excessive bureaucracy. Although R&D teams should project milestones, in scope, on budget and on time.
participate and be proficient in these overall corporate R&D leaders should strive to develop credibility for
processes, they must also master internal R&D process- their organization within the company by consistently
es and activities. Great ideas and strategic alignment meeting its commitments. High credibility will provide
mean little without the results of efficient execution. greater resources and freedom for the R&D organization
Champions of innovation within the R&D organization to advance longer-term objectives.
need to be proficient at cross-functional project manage-
ment. Lack of proficiency can result in revenue loss and When progressing toward a high-performance R&D
missed opportunities (22). team, the change can begin with focus on execution.
Many times even smaller projects or ideas flounder due
Effective disciplined corporate processes have been well to a lack of attention on execution. These projects may
described by Cooper and by Wheelwright and Clark (4, represent only small, incremental innovations but change
23). These process tools include the establishment of is often accomplished through small early wins and the
phases and decision gates, resource allocation, and port- celebration of these milestones. When there is a history
folio mapping. They help the corporation manage risk of poor performance, cross-functional relationships fal-
and eliminate projects that should be discontinued due ter and R&D credibility suffers. Even small commer-
to lack of marketing or technical feasibility. While such cialization successes can restore teamwork, confidence
processes are valuable, they need to be monitored to en- and credibility.
sure that they do not become overly bureaucratic. Fur-
thermore, these tools work best when they are accepted It may be difficult for many R&D staff members to
throughout the corporation. deal with the political complexity of the product inno-
vation process, especially in large organizations. There-
Execution is the element most related to R&D manage- fore, the innovator/champion must be adept at initiating
ment. Some leaders may view this discipline as micro- projects and maintaining progress. Professional project
management, but leaders are ultimately accountable for managers can be valuable, but should not become a
results. It has been said that “management without lead- crutch for R&D innovation champions. Individual con-
ership is bureaucracy, but leadership without manage- tributors need to be involved in project planning and
ment is chaos.” It is the R&D leader’s job to set the execution.
expectation for discipline and accountability for new
product results. Many R&D managers don’t feel the full
Implementing the CREATIVE Culture
weight of this responsibility because progression to se-
nior levels has often been based on technical competen- Lead, follow or get out of the way.—Thomas Paine
cy rather than managerial or leadership skills (24). Once
they are promoted, managers often miss appropriate Establishing the CREATIVE R&D culture is a challeng-
training and coaching on the skills related to manage- ing, long-term task and is not achieved through a single
ment and leadership. seminar, tool or program. There are no simple techniques
that can create this culture and make changes in intrinsic
Execution does not always come easily to R&D scien- values. R&D leaders must examine attitudes and behav-
tists and engineers who tend to seek perfection before iors, and eliminate barriers that impede customer focus,

September—October 2009 29
risk tolerance, entrepreneurial approaches, alignment,
technology excellence, innovation, collaboration, and
execution. Isolation is a major barrier to these changes.
Establishing the
Although the R&D team may benefit from some insula-
tion, R&D leaders need to look for signs of isolation and
determine the underlying reasons.
CREATIVE R&D culture
It is a happy coincidence that the CREATIVE acronym be-
gins with the customer and ends with execution. These
is a challenging,
elements can be referred to as the bookends of the frame-
work from a conceptual standpoint, but the starting point
long-term task.
for building the culture actually depends on the current
status of the R&D organization. And of course there is
no end point, since the high-performance R&D culture
is built on continual improvement. within the R&D organization: a culture that encourages
not just doing projects right but also doing the right
John Kotter has said that “most organizations are over- projects. Rapid, effective, sustained innovation can be
managed and under-led” (25). This observation seems the result. Individual contributors are the force behind
particularly true for R&D organizations. It is difficult to innovation. Great R&D managers and leaders under-
develop leadership skills in what may be the most tech- stand the attributes of individual innovators and can
nical function of the corporation. Although managers help establish the innovation culture. Their leadership
are responsible for project implementation and process provides direction toward choosing projects and estab-
improvement, it is a leader’s role to establish the overall lishing the right environment for identifying and imple-
high-performance culture. The CREATIVE framework menting innovation, and their management ensures that
provides guidance for building and maintaining such a the execution process delivers new products to the mar-
culture. ketplace.
A culture is defined through behaviors that represent To initiate the change process, R&D leaders must first
individual, management and leadership characteristics. communicate their vision for establishing a high-perfor-
This is a holistic approach to new product development mance culture. Next, baseline qualitative and quantita-

Figure 5.—A high-performance R&D culture is built though a number of potential steps
depicted as performance vs. time.

30 Research . Technology Management

tive assessments should be completed to provide a
thorough understanding of the relative strengths and
weaknesses of the organization and its people. This
Great R&D managers
can be followed by a CREATIVE 360 evaluation of the
management team, which can lead to organizational
alignment within the team to support the model (5).
and leaders
Leaders should also communicate expected behaviors
broadly throughout the R&D organization (5). Leaders
understand individual
of poorly performing organizations may want to focus
on executing incremental but significant innovations
innovators and help
to produce small early wins. Figure 5 depicts a possible
outline of a plan for R&D culture development. While
the plan will depend upon the results of assessments and
to establish the
early achievements, it is important to develop and com-
municate an overall plan for the organization as well.
innovation culture.
Fortunately, the CREATIVE R&D culture is not merely
a theory. This author’s use of the model has been proven
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