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The Tales of Beedle the Bard By J. K.

1. India and ChinaA Thousand Years of Cultural Relations
By Probodh Chandra Bagchi
2. Maqbool Fida Hussain
By K. Bikram Singh
3. Economic and Social Sure! of Asia and the "acific #$$%
Sustaining Growth and Sharing Prosperity
. The Audacit! of Ho&e ' Thou(hts on Reclaimin( the American )ream
By Barack !bama
". *lim&ses of Indian A(riculture
By #acro and #icro $spects% &dited by '. S. (eshpande) *i+ai Pau, Sharma) '.P.S. #a,ik) Bra+esh -ha)
S.$. $nsari
.. I shall +eer As, for "ardon
$ #emoir o/ Pandurang Khankho+e 0 Sa1itri Sawhney
2. The Morbid A(e ' Britain bet-een the .ars
By 'ichard !1ery $,,en 3ane
4. The Crisis of Islamic Ciili/ation
By $,i $. $,,awi
5. 0&en 1eins of 2atin America ' Fie Centuries of the "illa(e of a Continent
By &duardo Ga,eano
16. If Cric,et is a Reli(ion3 Sachin is *uide
By *i+ay Santhanam 7 Shyam Ba,asubramanium
11. The 4ltimate *ift
By -im Sto1a,,
12. The Miracle of )emocrac! ' India5s Ama/in( 6ourne!
By 8. S. Krishnamurthy
13. India5s Ener(! Securit!
&dited by 3igia 9oronha and $nant Sudarshan
1. The 6udiciar! and *oernance in India
By #adha1 Godbo,e
1". The Tales of Beedle the Bard
By -. K. 'ow,ing
1.. The "riate "atient
$ no1e, by P. (. -ames Penguine
12. +o 0ther .orldSelected "oems
By Kunwar 9arain
14. The #7 89 Marria(e ' Smart Strate(ies For *ood Be(innin(s
By (r. *i+ay 9agaswami
15. The Idea of 6ustice
By (r. $martya Sen
26. Ar(uments for a Better .orld ' Essa!s in Honour of Amart!a Sen
By Kaushik Basu and 'a1i Kanbur
21. *lobalisation and )eelo&ment
By Sundanda Sen
22. The "olitics of E:tremism in South Asia
By (eepa #. !,,apa,,y
23. Risin( India and Indian Communities in East Asia
&dited by K. Kesa1apany) $. #ani and P. 'amasamy
2. The Three Trillion )ollar .ar ' The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict
By -oseph Stig,it: and 3inda -. Bi,ms
2". Ar;un Sin(hE, Saha!atri Itihas <a
By 'am Sharan -oshi
2.. "olitics of InclusionCaster3 Minorities and Affirmatie Action
By ;oya <asan
22. Bold EndeaorsHo- 0ur *oernment Built America3 and .h! It Must Rebuild +o-
By =e,i> 'ohatyn
24. Ima(in( IndiaIdeas for a +e- Centur!
9andan 9i,ekani
25. )au(hters of Shame
By -as1inder Sanghera ?mprint <odder) Gurgaon
36. Celebratin( India ' Reflections on Eminent Indian Muslims =>%?9@#$$9A
By #eher =atima <ussain
31. The M!th of 6udicial Actiism ' Ma,in( Sense of Su&reme Court )ecisions
Kermit 'oose1e,t ???
32. E4BIndia Relations
$ Criti@ue 0 &dited by Sha:ia $:i: Au,bers
33. The A(e of the 4nthin,able ' .h! the +e- .orld )isorder Constantl! Sur&rises us and .hat -e
can do About It
By -oshua Cooper 'awa
3. Macroeconomics of "ostBReforms India3 1olC I Mone! and Finance in the Indian Econom!3 1olC II
By #ihir 'akshit
3". 0ut of Ste&&e ' The 2ost "eo&le of Central Asia
By (anie, #etca,/e
3.. The .inter 1ault
By $nne #ichae,s Knop/
32. )emocrac! and Human )eelo&ment in India
By 9aresh Gupta
34. 2ords of Finance ' >D#D3 The *reat )e&ression and The Ban,ers .ho Bro,e the .orld
By 3ia@uat $hmed
35. Acceleratin( *ro-th and 6ob Creation in South Asia
&dited by &+a: Ghani and Sadi@ $hmed
6. India and "a,istanSocial3 "olitical and Militar! "ers&ectie
By 'a+kumar Singh
1. <issin(er ' >D9E3 The Crucial Year
By $,istair <ome) Simon and Schuster
2. The *reat )iide
&dited by ?ra Pande <arper Co,,ins
3. Taliban ' Militant Islam3 0il and FundamenBtalism in Central Asia
By $hmed 'ashid
. India and the *lobal Financial Crisis
B. *. 'eddy
book and author
C $ Bunch o/ !,d 3etters 0 -awahar,a, 9ehru
C $d1entures o/ Sher,ock <o,mes 0 $rthur Conan (oy,e
C $dhe $dhure 0 #ohan 'akesh
C $ Aeek with Gandhi 0 3ouis =ischer
C $ China Passage 0 -.K. Ga,braith
C $esopDs =ab,es 0 $esop
C $ =arewe,, to $rms 0 &rnest <emingway
C $ #idsummer 9ightDs (ream 0 Ai,,iam Shakespeare
C $ #i,,ion #utinies) 9ow 0 *.S. 9aipa,
C $n iron Ai,, 0 Swett #arden
C $ Pair o/ B,ue &yes 0 8homas <ardy
C $ Passage to ?ndia 0 &.#. =orster
C $ PrisonerDs Scrapbook 0 3.K. $d1ani
C $ Season o/ Ghosts 0 'uskin Bond
C $ Suitab,e Boy 0 *ikram Seth
C $ 8a,e o/ 8wo Cities 0 Char,es (ickens
C $ *i,,age by the Sea 0 $nita (esai
C $ *oice /or =reedom 0 9ayantara Sehga,
C $enied 0 *irgi,
C $gainst the 8ide 0 #inoo #asani
C $ge o/ 'eason 0 -ean Pau, Sartre
C $ (angerous P,ace 0 (anie, Patrik #oyihan
C $ <aunted <ouse 0 *irginia Aoo,/
C $gni *eena 0 Ka:i 9a:ru, ?s,am
C $mar Kosha 0 $mar Singh
C $nand #ath 0 Bankim Chandra Chatter+e
C $ Story o/ <istory 0 $rno,d 8oynbee
C $1anti Sundari 0 (andi
C $utobiography 0 -awahar,a, 9ehru
C $s Bou 3ike ?t 0 A. Shakespeare
C Between the 3ines 0 Ku,deep 9ayyar
C Bhagwad Gita 0 #aharshi *ed *yas
C B,ack Aednesday 0 Promi,a Ka,han
C Bubb,e 0 #u,k 'a+ $nand
C Buddha Charitam 0 $sh1aghosh
C Ba, Gitayan 0 (.P. #aheshwari
C Bitter Sweet 0 9oe, Coward
C B,ind Beauty 0 Boris Pasternak
C Broken Aings 0 Saro+ini 9aidu
C Canterbury 8a,es 0 Chaucer
C Chidambara 0 Sumitra 9andan Pant
C Chitra,ekha 0 Bhagwati Charan *erma
C City o/ -oy 0 (omini@ue 3apierre
C Con/essions o/ a 3o1er 0 #u,k 'a+ $nand
C Comedy o/ &rrors 0 Shakespeare
C Communist #ani/esto 0 Kar, #ar>
C Comus 0 -ohn #i,ton
C Con/identia, C,erk 0 8.S. &,iot
C Coo,ie 0 #u,k 'a+ $nand
C Count o/ #onte Cristo 0 $,e>ander (umas
C Chi,de <aro,d 0 3ord Byron
C Chittirappa1ai 0 P.*. $khi,andam
C (egeneration o/ ?ndia 0 8.9. Seshan
C (e1das 0 Sharat Chandra
C (i1ine Comedy 0 (ante
C (isco1ery o/ ?ndia 0 -awahar,a, 9ehru
C (on !ui>ote 0 Cer1antes
C (r. -eky,, 7 #r. <yde 0 '.3. Ste1enson
C (ash Kumar Charitam 0 (andi
C (ark 'oom) 8he 0 '.K. 9arayan
C (ebac,e 0 &mi,e ;o,a
C (iana) 8he 8rue Story 0 $. #orton
C (eserted *i,,age 0 Go,dsmith
C (istant (rums 0 #anohar #a,gaonkar
C &mma 0 -ane $usten
C &nds and #eans 0 $,dous <u>,ey
C &ssays o/ &,ia 0 Char,es 3amb
C &mperor -ones) 8he 0 &ugene !D 9ei,,
C &ssays on Gita 0 Sri $urbindo Ghosh
C &1ery #an a King 0 Swett #arden
C =ather and Sons 0 ?1an 8urgane1
C =aust 0 Goethe
C =or Ahom the Be,, 8o,,s 0 &rnest <emingway
C =,ames /rom the $shes 0 P.(. 8andon
C =riends) 9ot #asters 0 $yub Khan
C Gathering Storm 0 Ainston Churchi,,
C Geet Go1ind 0 -aya (e1
C Ghasiram Kotwa, 0 *i+ay 8endu,kar
C Gitan+a,i 0 '.9. 8agore
C Gita 'ahasya 0 Ba, Gangadhar 8i,ak
C G,impses o/ Aor,d <istory 0 -.3. 9ehru 0
C Godan 0 Premchand
C God =ather) 8he 0 #ario Pu:o
C Grapes o/ Arath 0 -ohn Steinbeck
C Great 8ragedy 0 ;.$. Bhutto
C Guide) 8he 0 '.K. 9arayan
C <am,et 0 Ai,,iam Shakespeare
C <arsha Charit 0 Bana Bhatt
C <eat and (ust 0 'uth Prawar -habwa,a
C <ima,ayan B,unders 0 Brig. -.P. (a,1i
C <ouse (i1ided 0 Pear, S. Buck
C ?d,e <ours 0 '.K. 3a>man
C ?do,s 0 Suni, Ga1askar
C ?dy,,s o/ the King 0 3ord) $,/red 8ennyson
C ?/ ? am $ssassinated 0 ;.$. Bhutto
C ?sabe,a 0 Keats
C ?,,iad 0 <omer
C ?nside the C.B.?. 0 -oginder Singh
C ?ndia (i1ided 0 'a+endra Prasad
C ?ndia Ains =reedom 0 #au,ana $:ad
C ?ndian Aar o/ ?ndependence 0 *.(. Sa1arkar
C -ean Christopher 0 'omian 'o,,and
C -udgement) 8he 0 Ku,dip 9ayyar
C -u,ius Caesar 0 Ai,,iam Shakespeare
C -urassic Park 0 #ichae, Chrichton
C Kadambari 0 Bana Bhatt
C Kaga: 8e Kanwas 0 $mrita Pritam
C Kamayani 0 -ay Shankar Prasad
C Kamasutra 0 S.<. *atsayayan
C Kaya Ku,p 0 Premchand
C King 3ear 0 A. Shakespeare
C 3a++a 0 8as,eem 9asreen
C 3ady Chhatter,eyDs 3o1er 0 (.<. 3awrence
C 3ea1es o/ Grass 0 Aa,t Ahitman
C 3i/e (i1ine 0 Sri $urbindo
C 3i1ing <istory 0 <i,,ary 'odham C,inton
C 3i1ing with <onour 0 Shi1 Khera
C 3o,ita 0 *,adimir 9oboko1
C 3ong Aa,k to =reedom 0 9e,son #ande,a
C 3ess #iserab,e 0 *ictor <ugo
C #acbeth 0 Shakespeare
C #adhusha,a 0 <ari1ansh 'ai EBachchanD
C #ahabharata 0 #aharshi *ed *yas
C #a+or Barbara 0 G.B. Shaw
C #a,ti #adha1 0 Bha1bhuti
C #a,1ikagnimitra 0 Ka,idas
C #an and Superman 0 G.B. Shaw
C #eghdoot 0 Ka,idas
C #en Aho Ki,,ed Gandhi 0 #anohar #agaonkar
C #erchant o/ *enice 0 Shakespeare
C #idd,e #arch 0 George &,iot
C #idnight Chi,dren 0 Sa,man 'ushdie
C #other 0 #a>im Gorky
C #udra 'akshasa 0 *ishakha (att
C #urder in the Cathedra, 0 8.S. &,iot
C #y &>periments with 8ruth 0 Gandhi
C 9ana 0 &mi,e ;o,a
C 9atya Shastra 0 Bharat #uni
C 9eta+i (ead or $,i1e 0 Samar Guha
C 9ine (aysD Aonder 0 -ohn #ans/ie,d
C 9inteen &ighty =our 0 George !rwe,,
C !D -eruse,am 0 3. Co,,ins 7 (. 3apierre
C !dyssey 0 <omer
C !,d #an and the Sea 0 &rnest <emingway
C !/ <uman Bondage 0 Somerset #augham
C !ur ?ndia 0 #inoo #asani
C !ut o/ (ust 0 =.(. Karaka
C !n Contradiction 0 #aoF8seF8ung
C Pakistan) 8he Gathering Storm 0 Beha:ir Bhutto
C Panchatantra 0 *ishnu Sharma
C Pather Pancha,i 0 Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyaya
C Peace has no $,ternati1e 0 #ikhai, Gorbache1
C Pickwick Papers 0 Char,es (ickens
C Pi,grimDs Progress 0 -ohn Bunyan
C Prathma Pratishruti 0 $shapoorna (e1i
C Price and Pre+udice 0 -ane $ustin
C Prince 0 #achia1e,i
C Peter Pan 0 -.#. Barrie
C Principia 0 ?saac 9ewton
C 'aghu1ansha 0 Ka,idasa
C 'a+taringini 0 Ka,han
C 'am Charit #anas 0 8u,sidas
C 'amayana 0 *a,miki
C 'angbhoomi 0 Premchand
C 'atna1a,i 0 <arsha1ardhan
C 'obaiyat 0 !mar Khayyam
C 'obinson Crusoe 0 (anie, (e/oe
C 'ugby Chape, 0 #athew $rno,d
C Saket 0 #aithi,i Sharan Gupta
C Satanic *erses 0 Sa,man 'ushdie
C Satyarth Prakash 0 Swami (ayanand
C Shakunta,am 0 Ka,idas
C Shahnama 0 =irdausi
C Socia, Contract 0 'ousseau 0
C Sursagar 0 Surdas
C Sakharam Binder 0 *i+ay 8endu,kar
C 8estament o/ Beauty 0 'obert Bridges
C 8he B,ind $ssassin 0 #argaret $twood
C 8he &mperorDs 9ew Suit 0 <ans Chrishtian $nderson
C 8hree #usketeers 0 $,e>ander (umas
C 8he !therness o/ Se,/ 0 =ero: *arun Gandhi
C 8he &,ephant Paradigm 0 Gurcharan (as
C 8he $//,uent Society 0 -.K. Ga,braith
C 8he God o/ Sma,, 8hings 0 $rundhati 'oy 0
C 8he ?nheritance o/ 3oss 0 $nita (esai
C 8he 3egacy o/ 9ehru 0 K. 9atwar Singh
C 8om -ones 0 <enry =ie,ding
C 8reasure ?s,and 0 '.3. Ste1enson
C 8rai, o/ -esus 0 -ohn #ase/ie,d
C Gnc,e 8omDs Cabin 0 #rs. <araiet Stowe
C Gnhappy ?ndia 0 3a+pat 'ai
C Gtopia 0 8omas #oor
C Gnto 8he 3ast 0 -ohn 'uskin
C Gnto,d Story 0 B.#. Kau,
C Gr1ashi 0 'am (hari Singh (inkar
C Gttara 'am Charita 0 Bha1 Bhuti
C Gni1erse $round Gs 0 -ames -eans
C *anity =air 0 8hackeray
C *ictim) 8he 0 Sau, Be,,ow
C *i,,age) 8he 0 #u,k 'a+ $nand
C *inay Patrika 0 8u,sidas
C *oskresenia 0 3eo 8o,stoy
C Aar and Peace 0 8o,stoy
C Aea,th o/ 9ations 0 $dam Smith
C Ae ?ndians 0 Khushwant Singh
C Aaiting /or God 0 8homas Becket
C Aings o/ =ire 0 (r. $.P.-. $bdu, Ka,am
C Bama 0 #ahade1i *erma
C Bashodhara 0 #aithi,i Sharan Gupta
C ;u,/i) #y =riend 0 Pi,oo #ody
C ;hi1ago) (r. 0 Boris Pasternak
<em Chandra Barua) #adha1 Konda,i) <em Chand Goswami) Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya H'ecipient o/
-nanpith $ward) 1525I) 9i,mani Phukan HAinner o/ Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad $ward 2666I) $poor1a
Sharma HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I) ?ndira Goswami HAinner o/ the -nanpith $ward /or
2666I) #ahima Bora H'ecipient o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward) 2661I) 9a,inidhar Bhattacharya HAinner o/
Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) *ireshwar Barua HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F6I) <irendra
9ath (utt HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I) Beshe (or+i 8hongchi HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward 266"I) $tu,anand Goswami HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266.IJ) Purabi Bormudoi HAinner o/
Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) 'ita Choudhury HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
B. B. Bandhopadhyay) 'abindra 9ath 8agore) Bankim Chandra Chatter+ee) 8ara Shanker Bandhopadhyaya
H'ecipient o/ Bhartiya -nanpith $ward) 15..I) Sarat Chandra) '.C. (utt) Ka:i 9a:ru, ?s,am) #ache,
#adhusudan (att) Premendra #itra) *ishnu (ey H'ecipient o/ -nanpith $ward o/ 1521I) $shapoorna (e1i
H'ecipient o/ -nanpith $ward) 152.I) Subhash #ukhopadhyaya and Smt. #ahasweta (e1i H'ecipient o/
-nanpith $ward 1551 and 155. respecti1e,yI) -ai Goswami HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I)
$tin Bandyopadhyay HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2661F2662I) Sandeepan Chattopadhyaya HAinner
o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) Pra/u,,a 'ay HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F6I) Sudir
Chakra1arti HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I) Suni, Gangopadhyaya HAinner o/ Saraswati
SammanF266I) *inay #a+umdar HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) $mar #itra HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 266.I) Samarendra Sen Gupta HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) Sarat Kumar
#ukhopadhyay HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
#irabai) 9arsingh #ehta) K.#. #unshi) Gma Shanker -oshi H'ecipient o/ -nanpith $ward) 15.2I) Go1erdhan
'am Parmanand) 9armada Sagar) Panna 3a, Pate, HAinner o/ the 154" -nanpith $wardI) *inesh $taani
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I) (hiruben Pate, HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2661F
2662I) (hru1 Bhatt HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) 'a+endra Kesha1,a, Shah H<onoured with
-nanpith $ward 2661I) Bindu Bhatt HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F6I) $mrit 3a, *egad HAinner
o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I) Suresh (a,a, HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) 'a+endra
Shuk,a HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) Suman Shah HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
Shree 3a, Shuk,a HAinner o/ 1555 *yas SammanI) 9irma, *erma H'ecipient o/ #oorti (e1i $ward in 155"
and -nanpith $ward /or 1555I) (r. 'am *i,as Sharma H'ecipient o/ Bharat Bharati Puruskar and many other
distinctions. Krishna Sobti and Girira+ Kishore Hboth winners o/ Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad $ward) 2666I)
#ang,esh (abra, HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I. P.C.K. Prem H'ecipient o/ <indi 'atan
$ward in 2661I) 'amdarsh #isra H'ecipient o/ Sha,aka Samman 2661F62I) $,ka Saraogi HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 2661F2662I) (r. 'am #urthy 8ripathy HAinner o/ Shankar Puruskar) 2661I) 'a+esh -oshi
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) Kam,eshwar HAinner o/ Sha,aka Samman 2662F63I) S. '.
<arnot H'ecipient o/ ?ndu Sharma Katha Samman 2663I) (r. Biswambha Pahi H'ecipient o/ Shanker
Puruskar 2662I) 'a+endra Bada1 H'ecipient o/ Sha,aka Samman o/ <indi $cademy 2663I) *ibhuti 9arayan
'ai H'ecipient o/ Katha EG.K.D honourI) Prem 'an+an $nimesh H'ecipient o/ Bharat Bhushan $ward /or
&>ce,,ence in PoetryF266I) *eeren (angwa, HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I) #arudhur
#ridu, HAinner o/ Bihari PuruskarF266I) Pt. *idya 9iwas #isra H'ecipient o/ Padma Bhushan $wardI)
#ridu,a Garg H'ecipient o/ *yas Samman F266I) Pramod 8iwari H'ecipient o/ ?ndu Sharma Katha Samman)
266"I) Pro/. Kam,esh (utta 8ripathi H'ecipient o/ Bhasha Samman H266"I o/ Sahitya $cademy) Bhagwan
Singh H'ecipient o/ Shankar Puruskar) 266"I) Chandrakanta H'ecipient o/ *yas Samman /or 266"I)
#arudhar #ridu, Hrecipient o/ Bihari Puruskar /or 266I) Kunwar 9arayan H<onoured with Sha,aka Samman
/or 266"F6.I. $sgar *a+ahat H'ecipient o/ ?ndu Sharma Katha SammanF266.I) Gyanendra Pati HAinner o/
Sahitya $cademy $ward 266.I) $markant HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) Go1ind #ishra
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
#asti *enkatesh ?yengar Hwinner o/ the -nanpith $ward) 1543I) Pro/. *.'. $nandmurti HAinner o/ -nanpith
$ward) 155I) Girish Karnad HAinner o/ -nanpith $ward) 1554I) Shanti 9ath (esai HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward /or 2666I) S. 9arayan Shetty Su+an HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) K. B.
Subanna HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F 6I) Geetha 9agabhushan HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward 266F6"I) 'agh1endra Pati, HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) *eerbhadrappa HAinner o/
Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) Shrini1as B. HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
!. Chandu #enon) K.*. 'aman Pi,,ai) G. Shanker Kurup H'ecipient o/ Bhartiya -nanpith $ward) 15.")
author o/ !dakhuga,I) Kumaran $san) 9arayan #enon) #ohd. Basheer *a,,atho,) S.K. Pottekkat H'ecipient
o/ Bhartiya -nanpith $ward) 1546I) 8akshi Shi1shanker Pi,,ai HAinner o/ the -nanpith $ward) 154I) #.8.
*asude1an 9air HAinner o/ the -nanpith $ward) 155"I) (r. #. 3i,a1ati HAinner o/ Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad
$ward) 2666I) '. 'am Chandran HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I) $ttoor 'a1i1arma HAinner
o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2661F2662I) K.G. Shanker Pi,,ai HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I)
Sarah -oseph HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F6I) Pau, ;akaria HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward 266F6"I) G. *. Kakkanadan HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) Pro/. K. $yyappa Paniker
H'ecipient o/ Saraswati Samman /or 266"I) #. Sukumaran HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266.I) $.
Sethumadha1an HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) H3ateI K. P. $ppan HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward 2664I.
<ari 9arayan $pte) 8ukaram #ahaya) *. S. Khandekar H'ecipient o/ -nanpith $ward) 152I) Shirwadkar
H-nanpith $ward) 1542I) Binda Karandikar HAinner o/ Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad $ward) 2666I) 9. (.
#ahanore HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I) 'a+an Ga1as HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward
2661F62I) #ahesh &,kunchwar HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) 8.*. Sardeshmukh HAinner o/
Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F6I) Sadanand (eshmukh HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I)
$run Ko,hatkar HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) *inda Karandikar H'ecipient o/ -nanpith $wardF
2663I) $she Bage HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266.I) G. #. Pawar HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward 2662I) Shyam #anohar HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
Gopa,abandhudas) 'adha 9ath 'oy) Gopi 9ath #ohanti H'ecipient o/ -nanpith $ward) 1523I) (r.
Saachchidanand 'aut 'ai H'ecipient o/ -nanpith $ward) 154.I) (r. Sitakant #ahapatra HAinner o/ -nanpith
$ward) 1553I) #. 9ee,mani Sahu HAinner o/ Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad $ward) 2666I) Pratibha 'ai HAinner
o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I) #ano+ (as HAinner o/ Saraswati Samman /or 2666I and =e,,owship o/
Sahitya $cademy in 266.I) Pratibha Satpathy HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2661F2662I) Sharat
Kumar #ohanti HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) -atindra #ohan #ohanti HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 2663F6I) Pra/u,, Kumar #ohanty HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I) Pandit
(ukhisyama Pattanayak H'ecipient o/ Bhasha Samman H266"I o/ Sahitya $cademy) 'am Chandra Behra
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) Bansidhar Sarangi HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266.I)
(eepak #ishra HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) Pramod Kumar #ohanty HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 2664I.
(hani 'am Chatrik) Bhai *ir Singh) $mrita Preetam H'ecipient o/ Padma *ibhushan in 266I) Aaris Shah)
Ba,want Gargi) 9anak Singh) Gurudaya, Singh H'ecipient o/ 1555 -nanpith $wardI) Sur+it Pattar HAinner o/
Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad $ward) 2666I) *aryam Singh Sandhu HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or
2666I) (e1 HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2661F2662I) (r. (a,ip Kaur 8iwana H'ecipient o/ Saraswati
Samman 2661 and Padam Sri in 266I) <arbha+an <a,war1i HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I)
Charan (as Siddhu HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F6I) Satinder Singh 9oor HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 266F6"I) Gurbachan Singh Bhu,,ar HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF 266"I) $+mer
Singh $u,akh HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266.I) -aswant (eed HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward
Bhasa) Ka,idas) Bana Bhatt) Bhartrihari) Bha1bhuti) Ka,han) *a,miki.) Pro/. 'asik Behari -oshi H'ecipient o/
*achaspati Puruskar) 1555I) Pro/. 'am Chandra 9arayan (andekar) 'amanu+tatacharya H'ecipient o/
*achaspati Puruskar /or 2666I) Psriramachandrudu HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2661F2662I) (r.
Ga+anan Ba,krishna Pa,su,e H'ecipient o/ *achaspati Puruskar 2661I) Kashinath #isra HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 2662F63I) Pt. #ohan 3a, Sharma H'ecipient o/ K.K. Bir,a =oundationDs *achaspati Puruskar
2662I) *i+aydan (etha H'ecipient o/ Bihari Puruskar 2662I) Bhaskaracharya 8ripathi HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 2663F6I) Pro/. Go1ind Chandra Pandey H'ecipient o/ Saraswati SammanF2663I) $charya
P. 'amchandudu H'ecipient o/ *achaspati PuruskarF2663I) Ka,anath Shastri HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward 266F6"I) Pro/. 'am Karan Sharma HAinner o/ *achaspati PuruskarF266I) Swami
'ambhadracharya HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) $charya 'amyatna Shuk,a H'ecipient o/
*achaspati Puruskar /or 266"I) <arshde1 #ahade1 HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266.I) (r.
Bhaskaracharya 8ripathi HAinner o/ *achaspati Puruskar 266.I) <ari (utt Sharma HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 2662I) !m Prakash Pandey HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
Subramaniam Bharati) 'ama,ingam 9a1akha,) P.*. $ki,andam HAinner o/ -nanpith $ward) 152"I) (r. ?ndira
Parathasarathi H'ecipient o/ Saraswati Samman /or 1555I) 8.G. Shi1shankarn HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward /or 2666I) C.S. Che,,appa HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2661F2662I) Sirpi Ba,asubramanian
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) '. *ermatu HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2663F6I)
Sunder 'amaswami H'ecipient o/ Kath Chunamani Puruskar) 266I) 8ami,ban HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$ward 266F6"I) (. -aykanthan HAinner o/ -nanpith $wardF2662I) G. 8i,ka1ati HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy
$wardF266"I) 9ee,a Padmanabhan HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I) #e,annai Ponnusamy
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
*ishwanatha Satya 9arayan H'ecipient o/ Bhartiya -nanpith $ward) 1526) author o/ Sreemadramayan
Ka,pa1rakshamI) 8irupati) 3akshmi 9arasimhan) C.9. 'eddy H-nanpith $ward) 1544I) (r. *asireddy Sita
(e1i HAinner o/ Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad $ward) 2666I) 9. Gopi HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or
2666I) 8iruma,a 'amchandra HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2661F2662I) Chekuri 'am 'ao
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) 9a1een HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I)
$bboori Chhaya (e1i HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) #unipi,,ai 'a+u HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 266.I) Gadiaram 'amkrishna HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662I.
#ohd. ?@ba,) #ir:a Ga,ib) 'aghupati Sahay =ira@ H'ecipient o/ Bhartiya -nanpith $ward) 15.5) author o/
Gu,FeF9aghmaI) $,ta/ <ussain) -osh #a,ihabadi) Gyan Chandra -ain Hauthor o/ 8a/seerFaFGha,ibI) Sikander
$,i Aaid) #s. Kurratu, <yder HAinner o/ -nanpith $ward) 1545I) $,i Sardar -a/ri HAinner o/ -nanpith $ward)
1552I) ?brahim Busu/ and -oginder Pa, HAinner o/ ?@ba, Samman /or 1554F55 and 1555F2666 respecti1e,yI)
$mber Bahraichi HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward /or 2666I) 9ayyar #asood HAinner o/ Sahitya
$cademy $ward 2661F2662I) Pro/. Gopi Chand 9arang HAinner o/ #a+,is =aroge Grdu $dab $ward in 2662
and Padma Bhushan in 266II) Kai/i $:mi H'ecipient o/ Sahitya $cademy =e,,owship in 2662I) Gu,:ar
HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2662F63I) Syed #ohammad $shra/ HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward
2663F6I) Sa,aam bin 'a::ak HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 266F6"I) Shaharyar HAinner o/ #. P.
Go1ernmentDs ?@ba, SammanF266F6"I) Ka:i $bdu, Sattar H'ecipient o/ =arogFeF$dab $ward) 266") ;abir
<ussain HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $wardF266"I) Bahab $shar/i HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward
2662I) -ayant Parmar HAinner o/ Sahitya $cademy $ward 2664I.
Famous Indian .riters in En(lish
'abindra 9ath 8agore) K. #. #unshi) Bankim Chandra Chatter+ee) Saro+ini 9aidu) 8oru (utt) #u,k 'a+
$nand) '.K. 9arayan) 3a,a <ar (aya,) #ohandas Karamchand Gandhi) -awahar 3a, 9ehru) C.
'a+gopa,achari) $shok #ehta) P. Seshadri) 9.*. 8hadain) 'amesh Chandra (utt) #rs. 9ayantara Sehga,)
K.$. $bbas) 'a+a 'ao) 9irad C. Chaudhari) Khushwant Singh) $nita (esai) $rundhati 'oy) Shobha (e) $mit
Chaudhury) -humpa 3ahiri H?ndianF$mericanI) *ikram Seth) $mita1 Ghosh.
Famous Authors in Different Languages
En(lishChaucer) Spenser) Christopher #ar,owe) Ai,,iam Shakespeare) =rancis Bacon) -ohn #i,ton)
Bunyan) (ryden) (r. -ohnson) $,e>ander Pope) <enry =ie,ding) !,i1er Go,dsmith) Sheridan) Aa,ter Scott)
Ai,,iam Aordsworth) S.8. Co,eridge) 3ord Byron) P.B. She,,ey) -ohn Keats) 'obert Browning) Char,es 3amb)
Char,es (ickens) 8homas <ardy) A.#. 8hackeray) George &,iot) Char,otte Bronte) &mi,y Bronte) $,/red
8ennyson) 'obert Bridges) George Bernard Shaw) Ga,sworthy) (.<. 3awrence) Somerset #augham) 8.S.
&,iot) Ceci, (,ay 3ewis) $,duous <u>,ey) A.B. Beats) <aro,d Pinter H'ecipient o/ 9obe, Pri:e /or 3iterature
/or 266"I. (oris 3essing H'ecipient o/ 9obe, Pri:e /or 3iterature /or 2662I.
Religious Books
Hindus =our *edas) 8he Bhagwad Gita) 8he 'amayan) 8he Puranas) 8he #ahabharat) 8he Gpnishads)
8he 'amcharitmanas
Muslims 8he <o,y Kuran
Si,hs Guru Granth Sahib
Christians 8he Bib,e
"arsis ;end $1esta
>C ?ndia is the se1enth ,argest country in the wor,d in terms o/ area.
#C ?ndian main,and e>tends between ,atitudes 4 degree L and 32 degree .L north) ,ongitudes .4 degree 2L
and 52 degree 2"L east and measures about 3)21 km /rom north to south between the e>treme ,atitudes
and about 2)533 km /rom east to west between the e>treme ,ongitudes.
EC ?ndia has ,and /rontier o/ about 1")266 km. 8he tota, ,ength o/ the coast,ine o/ the main,and) 3akshadweep
?s,ands and $ndaman and 9icobar ?s,ands is 2)"1... km.
7C Countries ha1ing common border with ?ndia are0 $/ghanistan) Pakistan) China) Bhutan) 9epa,) #yanmar
and Bang,adesh. Sri 3anka is separated /rom ?ndia by a narrow channe, o/ sea /ormed by the Pa,k Strait and
the Gu,/ o/ #annar.
?C $ra1a,,i) *indhya) Satpura) #aika,a and $+anta are prominent hi,, ranges that ,ie between the Peninsu,ar
?ndia and the p,ains o/ Ganga.
FC 8he &astern and Aestern Ghats meet at the southern part o/ the ?ndian Peninsu,a which is /ormed by the
9i,giri <i,,s. .
9C Ghagra) Gomti) Gandak) Kosi and Bamuna are the ma+or <ima,ayan ri1ers that +oin the Ganga. Chamba,)
Betwa and Sone are ma+or ri1ers /,owing north /rom centra, ?ndia that +oin BamunaMGanga.
%C $/ter Ganga) Goda1ari has the second ,argest basin co1ering 16 per cent o/ the area o/ ?ndia. 9e>t to it is
Krishna) /o,,owed by the #ahanadi basin.
DC 8he c,imate o/ ?ndia can be described as 8ropica, monsoon type.
>$C ?ndia is in tenth position in the wor,d and /ourth in $sia in p,ant di1ersity.
>>C Botanica, Sur1ey o/ ?ndia) HBS?I) Ko,kata is the noda, agency that is studying the /,ora o/ the country. BS?
brings out an in1entory o/ the endangered p,ants in the /orm o/ a pub,ication tit,ed N'ed (ata BookN.
>#C 8he ;oo,ogica, Sur1ey o/ ?ndia H;S?I) Ko,kata and its 1. regiona, stations are responsib,e /or sur1eying
the /auna, resources o/ ?ndia.
>EC ?ndia has a great 1ariety o/ /auna) numbering 45)"1 species.
>7C 8he design o/ the 9ationa, =,ag was adopted by the Constituent $ssemb,y o/ ?ndia on -u,y 22)152.
>?C 8he State emb,em o/ ?ndia is an adaptation /rom the Sarnath 3ion Capito, o/ $shoka. Car1ed out o/ a
sing,e b,ock o/ po,ished sandstone) the Capito, is crowned by the Ahee, o/ the 3aw H(i:aram ChakraI. 8here
are /our ,ions) standing back to back) mounted on an abacus with a /rie:e carrying scu,ptures in high re,ie/ o/
an e,ephant) a ga,,oping horse) a bu,, and a ,ion) separated by inter1ening whee,s o1er a be,,Fshaped ,otus.
>FC ?n the State emb,em) adopted on -anuary 2.)15"6) on,y three ,ions are 1isib,e. 8he be,,Fshaped ,otus has
been omitted. 8he words) Satyame1a -ayate) /rom #undaka Gpanishad) meaning Ltruth a,one triumphsL) are
inscribed be,ow the abacus in (e1anagiri script.
>9C 8he song -anaFganaFmana) composed by 'abindranath 8agore) was adopted in its <indi 1ersion by the
Constituent $ssemb,y) as the 9ationa, $nthem o/ ?ndia) on -anuary 2) 15"6. ?t was /irst sung on (ecember
22) 1511) at the Ca,cutta session o/ ?ndian 9ationa, Congress. 8he comp,ete song consists o/ /i1e stan:as.
8he /irst stan:a contains the /u,, 1ersion o/ the 9ationa, $nthem.
>%C 8he nationa, ca,endar o/ ?ndia is based on the Saka &ra) with Chaitra as its /irst month. $ norma, year o/
3." days was adopted /rom #arch 22) 15"2) a,ong with the Gregorian Ca,endar /or the /o,,owing purposes0
H1I Ga:ette o/ ?ndia% H2I news broadcast by $,, ?ndia 'adio% H3I ca,endars issued by Go1ernment o/ ?ndia%
and HI Go1ernment communications addressed to the members o/ the pub,ic.
>DC $gricu,ture sector o/ ?ndia contributes 2" per cent o/ Gross (omestic Product HG(PI and about 26 per
cent o/ the popu,ation is dependent on it.
#$C 8here are three main crop seasons in ?ndia) name,y) khari/) rabi and summer.L
#>C #a+or khari/ crops are0 rice) +owar) ba+ra) mai:e) cotton) sugarcane) soyabean) and groundnut.
##C #a+or rabi crops are0 wheat) bar,ey) gram) ,inseed) rapeseed) and mustard. 'ice) mai:e and groundnut
are grown in summer season a,so.
#EC ?n ?ndian agricu,ture) oi,seeds are ne>t to /ood grains in area co1erage) production and 1a,ue. ?ndia
is)one o/ the ,argest oi,seeds growing countries) contributing about 1" per cent to the acreage under
oi,seeds in the wor,d.
#7C 8he #inistry o/ $gricu,ture) Go1ernment o/ ?ndia) set up a 8echno,ogy #ission on !i,seeds in #ay 154.
with the ob+ecti1e to increase the production o/ oi,seeds) reduce the import o/ edib,e oi,s and to achie1e se,/F
su//iciency in edib,e oi,s.
#?C ?ndia is the third ,argest producer and consumer o/ /erti,i:ers in the wor,d) a/ter China and GS$. ?t
contributes to 5." per cent o/ wor,d production and 16.. per cent o/ wor,d consumption o/ 9PK nutrients) but
sustains oneFsi>th o/ the wor,d popu,ation.
#FC 8he 9ationa, Bio/erti,iser (e1e,opment Centre is ,ocated at Gha:iabad) Gttar Pradesh. ?ts si> regiona,
centres are ,ocated at .,aba,pur) 9agpur) Banga,ore) Bhubaneshwar) <issar and ?mpha,.
#9C 8he Centra, =erti,iser Kua,ity Contro, and 8raining ?nstitute is ,ocated in =aridabad) <aryana. ?ts three
regiona, centres are ,ocated at #umbai) Chennai and Ka,yani.
#%C ?ndia accounts /or about 16 per cent o/ the production o/ /ruits in the wor,d.
#DC #ango is the most important /ruit produced in ?ndia) co1ering about 35 per cent o/ the tota, area used /or
/ruit production and accounting /or 23 per cent o/ tota, /ruit production o/ ?ndia.
E$C ?ndia occupies /irst position in the tota, production o/ banana in the wor,d.
E>C ?ndia is ne>t on,y to China in the area and production o/ 1egetab,es. ?ndia contributes about 13 per cent
o/ the wor,d 1egetab,e production and occupies /irst position in production o/ cau,i/,owers) second in onion
and third in cabbage in the wor,d.
E#C ?ndia is the ,argest producer) processor) consumer and e>porter o/ cashew nut in the wor,d. ?ndia
produces " per cent o/ the g,oba, production o/ cashew.
EEC 8he Centra,,yFsponsored scheme o/ soi, conser1ation in the catchments o/ 'i1er *a,,ey Pro+ect H'*PI
was started in the third =i1eFyear P,an. $nother scheme o/ =,oodProne 'i1ers H=P'I was started in the si>th
P,an. Both the schemes were c,ubbed during the ninth P,an and /urther subsumed under #acro
#anagement #ode in 9o1ember 2666.
E7C 8he 3ocust Aarning !rganisation H3A!I is ,ocated in -odhpur.
E?C Seed sector in ?ndia consists o/ two nationa, ,e1e, corporations0 9ationa, Seed Corporation H9SCI and
State =arm Corporation o/ ?ndia HS=C?I. 8he Seeds $ct) 15.. pro1ides /or the ,egis,ati1e /ramework /or
regu,ation o/ @ua,ity o/ seeds so,d in ?ndia.
EFC 8he (epartment o/ $gricu,ture and Cooperation H($CI ,aunched a Centra, Sector Scheme during the
ninth P,an to make a1ai,ab,e seeds /or any contingent situation arising out o/ natura, ca,amity.
E9C (irectorate o/ #arketing and ?nspection H(#?I ad1ises the Centra, and State go1ernments on agricu,tura,
marketing po,icies and programmes. ?t is ,ocated in =aridabad) <aryana.
E%C 8he 9ationa, ?nstitute o/ $gricu,tura, #arketing H9?$#I is ,ocated in -aipur.
EDC =arm #achinery 8raining and 8esting ?nstitutes are ,ocated at Budni H#adhya PradeshI) <issar
H<aryanaI) Gar,adinne H$ndhra PradeshI and Biswanath Charia,i H$ssamI.
7$C ?ndia accounts /or "2 per cent o/ the wor,dLs bu//a,o popu,ation and 1" per cent o/ the catt,e popu,ation.
?ndia possesses 22 acknow,edged indigenous breeds o/ catt,e and 2 breeds o/ bu//a,oes.
7>C 8he present a1ai,abi,ity o/ anima, protein in an ?ndian diet is 16 gm per person per day) as against a
wor,d a1erage o/ 2" gm.
7#C ?ndia is the ,argest producer o/ mi,k in the wor,d and ranks /i/th in egg production.
7EC Centra, Sheep Breeding =arm is ,ocated in <issar.
77C 'eishi or 3ing ;hi is a medicina, mushroom which has been success/u,,y grown in ?ndia.
7?C =or rehabi,itation o/ ca,careous soi,s 8amari> articu,ate) $cadia ni,otica) Prosopis -u,i/,ora) &uca,yptus
tereticornis) $cacia torti,,s) Cassia siamea and =eronia ,imonia ha1e been /ound promising /or p,antation with
/urrow p,anting methods in arid and semiFarid regions. Sa,1adora persica pro1ed the idea, species /or soi,
and water management in sa,ine b,ack soi,s.
7FC Kar:at ) ?ndryani) Pan1e, 2) Pa,garh 1 and 2 are names o/ 1arious rice 1arieties sown in ?ndia.
79C Kankre+) Ponwar) Gangatiri and Kherigah are names o/ 1arious catt,e breeds in ?ndia.
7%C -a,auni) Kheri) #andya) <assan and #echeri are names o/ 1arious sheep breeds o/ ?ndia.
7DC CF&3?S$ is an indigenous,y de1e,oped kit /or rinderpest which has been 1a,idated by the ?nternationa,
$tomic &nergy $gency) *ienna.
?$C =eedbaseF2661 is a data base that pro1ides in/ormation on /eed resources and /eed ba,ance sheet.
?>C !kara is a byFproduct o/ soymi,k.
?#C *i1ekananda Par1atiya Krishi $nusandhan Sansthan is ,ocated in $,mora) Gttarancha,.
?EC 8he 3a,it Ka,a $cademy H9ationa, $cademy o/ =ine $rtsI is ,ocated in 9ew (e,hi. ?t has regiona, centres)
ca,,ed 'ashtriya 3a,it Ka,a Kendras) ,ocated at 3ucknow) Ko,kata) Chennai) GarhiH9ew (e,hiI and
?7C Bharata 9atyam is a dance /orm o/ 8ami, 9adu. Kathaka,i is a dance /orm o/ Kera,a. Kathak is a
c,assica, dance /orm re1ita,ised as a resu,t o/ #ugha, in/,uence on ?ndian cu,ture. #anipuri is a dance /orm o/
#anipur) whi,e Kuchipudi owes its origin to $ndhra Pradesh. !dissi) once practised as temp,e dance) has its
origins in !rissa.
??C Kathak Kendra) (e,hi) and -awahar,a, 9ehru #anipur (ance $cademy) ?mpha,) are training institutes run
by Sangeet 9atak $cademy) the 9ationa, $cademy o/. #usic) (ance and (rama. 8he $cademy a,so
supports training programmes in Chhau dance o/ #ayurbhan+ and Seraike,,a) as a,so Koodiyattam o/ Kera,a.
?FC 8he 9ationa, Schoo, o/ (rama H9S(I is one o/ the /oremost theatre institutions in the wor,d and the on,y
one o/ its kind in ?ndia. ?t was set up by Sangeet 9atak $cademy in 15"5 and in 152" it became an
autonomous organi:ation.
?9C 8he 8heatreFin education Company Hrenamed as Sanskar 'ang 8o,i was /ounded by 9S( in 1545.
Since 1554) 9S( has organi:ed 9ationa, 8heatre =esti1a, /or Chi,dren) christened -ashne Bachpan) e1ery
?%C 8he /irstFe1er 9ationa, 8heatre =esti1a,) christened Bharat 'ang #ahotsa1) was he,d in #archF$pri,)
1555 to commemorate the "6th year o/ ?ndiaLs ?ndependence.
?DC Sahitya $cademy has its <ead !//ice in 9ew (e,hi. Besides) it has /our o//ices in Ko,kata) #umbai)
Banga,ore and Chennai. ?t a,so has /our trans,ation centres at Banga,ore) (e,hi) $hmedabad and Ko,kata)
besides a pro+ect o//ice at *adodra /or promotion o/ ora, and triba, ,iterature and an $rchi1es o/ ?ndian
,iterature. ?t a,so maintains a mu,ti,ingua, ,ibrary at 9ew (e,hi) Banga,ore and Ko,kata) stocking books in o1er
2" ,anguages.
F$C 8he highest honour con/erred by Sahitya $cademy on a writer is by e,ecting himMher its =e,,ow. 8he
honour is ,imited to 21 at any gi1en moment.
F>C 8he Sahitya $cademy ho,ds a L=esti1a, o/ 3ettersL e1ery year) usua,,y in =ebruary.
F#C 8he $rchaeo,ogica, Sur1ey o/ ?ndia H$S?I /unctions as an attached o//ice o/ the (epartment o/ Cu,ture)
#inistry o/ 8ourism and Cu,ture.
FEC 8he 9ationa, #useum was estab,ished on $ugust 1") 155 in the (urbar <a,, o/ the 'ashtrapati
Bhawan.?t was /orma,,y inaugurated on (ecember 14) 15.6 on its present premises.
F7C 8he 9ationa, Counci, o/ Science #useums is ,ocated in Ko,kata.
F?C 8he $,,ahabad #useum is /amous /or its co,,ection o/ Bharhut) Bhumara and -amsot scu,ptors and /or
the terracotta /rom Kausumbi) Bhita) -husi) Pat,iputra) Sarnath) 'a+ghat and $hichhatra. 8he #useum a,so
has parapherna,ia and /ami,y heir,ooms o/ 9ehrus) inc,uding manuscripts o/L $n $utobiographyL by -.3.
FFC 8he 9ationa, 'esearch 3aboratory /or Conser1ation o/ Cu,tura, Property H9'3CI is ,ocated in 3ucknow.
F9C 8he 9ationa, Ga,,ery o/ #odern $rt H9G#$I was /ounded in 15" to promote and de1e,op contemporary
?ndian $rt.
F%C 8he 9ationa, $rchi1es o/ ?ndia H9$?I) 9ew (e,hi) known unti, independence as ?mperia, 'ecord
(epartment) was origina,,y estab,ished in Ko,kata in #arch 1451. ?t is the o//icia, custodian o/ a,, nonFcurrent
records o/ permanent M 1a,ue to the go1ernment o/ ?ndia and its predecessor bodies. ?t has a regiona, o//ice
at Bhopa, and three record centres at Bhubaneswar) Jaipur and Pondicherry.
FDC #arine $rcheo,ogy Centre has been estab,ished in the 9ationa, ?nstitute o/ !ceanography) Goa. #a+or
e>p,oration are being undertaken in the waters o/ ancient (warka) Poompuhar waters H8ami, 9aduI and
around 3akshadweep.
9$C 9ationa, 3ibrary) Ko,kata ser1es as a permanent repository o/ a,, reading and in/ormation materia,
produced in ?ndia) as we,,.as printed materia, written by ?ndians and concerning ?ndia written by /oreigners)
where1er pub,ished and in whate1er ,anguage.
9>C Gnder the (e,i1ery o/ Books and 9ewspapers HPub,ic 3ibrariesI $ct) 15") /our ,ibrariesF9ationa, 3ibrary)
Ko,kata) Centra, 3ibrary) #umbai) Connemara Pub,ic 3ibrary) Chennai) and (e,hi Pub,ic 3ibrary) (e,hiFare
entit,ed to recei1e a copy o/ new books and maga:ines pub,ished in the counuy.
9#C Khuda Bakhsh !rienta, Pub,ic 3ibrary) Patna has a rich co,,ection o/ o1er 26)666 L$rabic) Persian) Grdu)
8urkish) Pa,i and Sanskrit manuscripts.
9EC 8he 8han+a1ur #ahara+a Ser/o+iLs Saraswati #aha, H8#SS#I 3ibrary) 8han+a1ur is one o/ the /ew
medie1a, ,ibraries that e>ist in the wor,d.
97C 8he 'ampur 'a:a 3ibrary) housed in <amid #an:i, in the /ort o/ 'ampur) is a treasure house o/ ?ndo
?s,amic ,earning and art.
9?C $siatic Society in Ko,kata was /ounded by Sir Ai,,iam -ones in 124) with the ob+ecti1e o/ in@uiring into
the history) science) arts and ,iterature o/ $sia.
9FC 8he Centra, ?nstitute o/ <igher 8ibetan Studies is ,ocated in *aranasi. ?t was estab,ished with the
ob+ecti1e o/ preser1ation o/ 8ibetan cu,ture and tradition) restoration o/ ancient ?ndian ,iterature preser1ed in
8ibetan ,anguage and to pro1ide higher education in Buddhist studies.
99C 8he Centra, ?nstitute o/ Buddhist Studies is ,ocated) in 3eh.
9%C 8he Sikkim 'esearch ?nstitute o/ 8ibeto,ogy is ,ocated in Sikkim. ?t has done signi/icant work in
promoting research in C<<! H8ibetan /or (harmaI.
9DC $nthropo,ogica, Sur1ey o/ ?ndia is ,ocated in Ko,kata.
%$C ?ndira Gandhi 'ashtriya #ana1 Sanghraha,aya H9ationa, #useum o/ #ankindI is ,ocated in Bhopa,. ?t is
dedicated to the depiction o/ an integrated story o/ humankind in g,oba, perspecti1e) with specia, /ocus on
%>C 8he Centre /or Cu,tura, 'esources and 8raining HCC'8I has its head@uarters in 9ew (e,hi and two
regiona, Centres at Gdaipur and <yderabad.
%#C Aith the aim o/ pro+ecting in ?ndia cu,tura, kinships transcending territoria, boundaries) se1en :ona,
cu,tura, centres ha1e been estab,ished at Patia,a) Ko,kata) 8han+a1ur) Gdaipur) $,,ahabad) (imapur and
%EC ?ndira Gandhi 9ationa, Centre /or the $rts H?G9C$I is a premier nationa, institute engaged in the pursuit
o/ know,edge on arts and cu,ture. ?t is a,so the noda, agency /or the setting up o/ a nationa, data bank on
arts) humanities and cu,tura, heritage.
%7C Gandhi Smriti and (arshan Samiti has been set up primari,y to maintain and ,ook a/ter the nationa,
memoria, where Gandhi+i was assassinated) now ca,,ed Gandhi Smriti) and a permanent photo e>hibition at
'a+ghat) ca,,ed Gandhi (arshan.
%?C 8he Centra, Statistica, !rganisation HCS!I is responsib,e /or /ormu,ation and maintenance o/ statistica,
standards) work pertaining to nationa, accounts) industria, statistics) consumer price indices) conduct o/
economic census and sur1eys and ,iaising with internationa, agencies in statistica, matters. ?t is ,ocated in
9ew (e,hi.
%FC 9ationa, income is de/ined as the sum o/ incomes accruing to /actors o/ production) supp,ied by norma,
residents o/ the country be/ore deduction o/ direct ta>es. ?t is e@ua, to net nationa, product at /actorFcost.
%9C 8he 9ationa, Samp,e Sur1ey !rganisation H9SS!I has been set up to conduct ,arge sca,e sur1eys to
meet the data needs o/ ?ndia as a,so /or the estimation o/ nationa, income and other aggregates. ?t has /our
di1isions0 HiI Sur1ey (esign and 'esearch (i1ision HS('(I) with head@uarters in Ko,kata% HiiI =ie,d
!perations (i1ision H=!(I ha1ing its head@uarters in (e,hi% HiiiI (ata Processing (i1ision H(P(I with
head@uarters in Ko,kata% and Hi1I Coordination and Pub,ication (i1ision HCP(I) ,ocated in (e,hi.
%%C Summary resu,ts o/ 9SS! sur1eys are pub,ished in the biannua, technica, +ourna, Sar1ekshana.
%DC ?ndia has an &>c,usi1e &conomic ;one H&&;I o/ 2.62 mi,,ion s@ km. 8he &&; pro1ides ?ndia with more
than .6 per cent o/ its oi, and gas production and /ishing 1a,ued at O 1.1" bi,,ion.
D$C 8he $rmy Aar Co,,ege) ear,ier known as Co,,ege o/ Combat) is ,ocated in #how.
D>C 8he ?n/antry Schoo,) #how is the ,argest and o,dest mi,itary training centre o/ ?ndian $rmy. 8his institute
a,so trains the 9ationa, Shooting team) under the aegis o/ $rmy #arksmanship Gnit H$#GI.
D#C 8he ?nstitute o/ (e/ence #anagement is ,ocated in Secunderabad.
DEC 8he (e/ence Ser1ices Sta// Co,,ege is ,ocated in Ae,,ington. ?t imparts training to midd,e ,e1e, o//icers
H#a+or and e@ui1a,entI o/ $rmy) $ir =orce and 9a1y.
D7C 8he <igh $,titude Aar/are Schoo, H<$ASI is ,ocated in Gu,marg.
D?C 8he 9ationa, (e/ence Co,,ege is ,ocated in (e,hi. ?t is the on,y institute o/ ?ndia that imparts know,edge
on a,, aspects o/ nationa, security and strategy.
DFC #ishra (hatu 9igam 3imited) ,ocated in <yderabad) was incorporated with the primary ob+ecti1e o/
ushering in se,/Fre,iance in specia, meta,s and a,,oys /or strategic sectors ,ike (e/ence) Space and $tomic
D9C 8he Constitution $mendment $ct) 2662) makes e,ementary education a =undamenta, 'ight /or
chi,dren in the ageFgroup o/ .F1 years.
D%C 8he Sar1a Shiksha $bhiyan HSS$I scheme e1o,1ed ? /rom the recommendations o/ the State &ducation
#inistersL Con/erence he,d in !ctober 1554. 8he main goa,s o/ SS$ are0 HaI $,, .F1 age chi,dren comp,ete
/i1eFyear primary education by 2662% HbI Bridge a,, gender and socia, category gaps at primary stage by
2662 and at e,ementary education ,e1e, by 2616% HcI =ocus on e,ementary education o/ satis/actory @ua,ity
with emphasis on education /or ,i/e% and HdI Gni1ersa, retention by 2616.
DDC 8he 9ationa, programme o/ 9utritiona, Support to Primary &ducation is common,y known as #id (ay
#ea, Scheme. ?t was ,aunched in $ugust 155".
>$$C !peration B,ackboard was ,aunched in 1542 with the aim o/ impro1ing human and physica, resources
a1ai,ab,e in primary schoo,s o/ ?ndia.
>$>C -ansha,a Programme is a co,,aborati1e e//ort o/ the go1ernment o/ ?ndia) and /i1e G9 agenciesFG9(P)
G9&SC!) ?3!) G9?C&= and G9=P$Fto pro1ide programme support to the ongoing e//orts towards
achie1ing Gni1ersa, &,ementary &ducation HG&&I.
>$#C 8he 9ationa, Counci, /or 8eacher &ducation was estab,ished by an $ct o/ the Par,iament in $ugust
>$EC 8he Gni1ersity Grants Commission HGGCI ser1es as a coordinating body between the Gnion and State
go1ernments and the institutions o/ higher ,earning.
>$7C 8he 9ationa, 3iteracy #ission H93#I aims to attain a sustainab,e thresho,d ,e1e, o/ 2" per cent ,iteracy
by 2662) by imparting /unctiona, ,iteracy to nonF,iterates in the ageFgroup o/ 1"F3" years.
>$?C 8he Centra, ?nstitute o/ &ng,ish and =oreign 3anguages is ,ocated in <yderabad.
>$FC 8he ?nternationa, Standard Book 9umber H?SB9I system was introduced in ?ndia in 154" by the 'a+a
'am #ohan 'oy 9ationa, $gency /or ?SB9. ?SB9 is a uni@ue internationa, pub,isherLs identi/ier number.
>$9C $dministering the Copyright $ct) 15"2 is the responsibi,ity o/ the Gnion #inistry o/ <uman 'esource
(e1e,opment) (epartment o/ Secondary and <igher &ducation.
>$%C 8he (amodar *a,,ey Corporation H(*CI was the /irst mu,tipurpose ri1er 1a,,ey pro+ect to be undertaken
a/ter ?ndependence. ?t was set up in -u,y 154.
>$DC 8he 9ationa, Power 8raining ?nstitute H9P8?I is ,ocated at =aridabad.
>>$C 8he Centra, Power 'esearch ?nstitute HCP'?I has its head@uarters ,ocated at Banga,ore. !ther units
are ,ocated at Bhopa,) <yderabad) 9agpur) Gha:iabad) 8hiru1anthapuram and 'aichur.
>>>C 8he Bureau o/ &nergy &//iciency HB&&I is the noda, agency to promote e//icient use o/ energy and its
conser1ation in a,, sectors o/ economy o/ ?ndia.
>>#C Coa, is the main source o/ energy in ?ndia and account /or about .2 per cent o/ ?ndiaLs commercia,
>>EC 8he coa, reser1es o/ ?ndia) as on -anuary 1) 2663 were 2)6)24 mi,,ion tonnes.
>>7C 8he Botanica, Sur1ey o/ ?ndia and the ;oo,ogica, Sur1ey o/ ?ndia both ha1e their head@uarters in
>>?C 8he =orest Sur1ey o/ ?ndia has its head@uarters in (ehradun and has /our regiona, o//ices at
Banga,ore) Ko,kata) 9agpur and Shim,a.
>>FC Biosphere reser1es are mu,tiFpurpose protected areas to preser1e the genetic di1ersity in
representati1e ecosystem. 13 Biosphere reser1es ha1e been set up in ?ndia. 8hese are0 9i,giri) 9anda (e1i)
9okrek) Great 9icobar) Gu,/ o/ #annar) #anas) Sundebans) Simi,ipa,) (ibru) (aikhowa) (ehong (eband)
Pachmarhi) Kanchun+unga and $gasthyama,ai. !ut o/ these) 9i,giri) Sunderbans and Gu,/ o/ #annar ha1e
been recogni:ed on Aor,d 9etwork o/ Biosphere 'eser1es by G9&SC!.
>>9C ?ndia is one o/ the 12 megaFbiodi1ersity countries o/ the wor,d.
>>%C 8he /orest co1er o/ ?ndia constitutes 26."" per cent o/ its geographica, area. !/ this) dense /orest
constitutes 12..4 per cent and open /orest 2.42 per cent. 8he mangro1e co1er occupies 6.1 per cent o/
geographica, area. 8he tota, treeM/orest co1er is estimated as 41)22 s@ km or about 2.4 per cent o/ the
>>DC G.B. Pant ?nstitute o/ <ima,ayan &n1ironment and (e1e,opment is ,ocated at KosiFKatarma,) $,mora)
>#$C 8he &n1ironmenta, ?n/ormation System H&9*?SI network brings out a @uarter,y +ourna,) Parya1aran
$bstracts) which contains in/ormation about en1ironmenta, research in the ?ndian conte>t.
>#>C 8he &9*?S has been designated as 9ationa, =oca, Point H9=PI and 'egiona, Ser1ice Centre H'SCI /or
South $sia subFregiona, countries by ?9=!8&''$ Ha g,oba, in/ormation system on en1ironmentI o/ G9
&n1ironment Programme HG9&PI.
>##C 8he (epartment o/ &conomic $//airs H(&$I consists o/ nine main di1isions) name,y) HiI &conomic% HiiI
Banking% HiiiI ?nsurance% Hi1I Budget% H1I =oreign 8rade and ?n1estment% H1iI &>terna, =inance% H1iiI Capita,
market% H1iiiI =und Bank% and Hi>I Currency and Coinage.
>#EC $,, re1enues recei1ed) ,oans raised and money recei1ed in repayment o/ ,oans by the Gnion
go1ernment /orm the Conso,idated =und o/ ?ndia. 9o money can be withdrawn /rom this =und e>cept under
the authority o/ an $ct o/ Par,iament.
>#7C 8he ?ndian Constitution pro1ides /or the estab,ishment o/ a Conso,idated =und) a Pub,ic $ccount and a
Contingency =und /or each State.
>#?C 8he /irst bank o/ ,imited ,iabi,ity) managed by ?ndians) was !udh Commercia, Bank. ?t was /ounded in
1441. Pun+ab 9ationa, Bank was estab,ished in 145.
>#FC 8he 'eser1e Bank o/ ?ndia H'B?I was estab,ished under the 'eser1e Bank o/ ?ndia $ct) 153 on $pri, 1)
153" and nationa,i:ed on -anuary 1)155.
>#9C 'B? is the so,e authority /or issue o/ currency notes in ?ndia) other than oneFrupee coins and subsidiary
coins and notes.
>#%C ?ndia ranks third in the wor,d) a/ter China and GS$) in terms o/ production o/ coa,.
>#DC 8he three important go,d /ie,ds o/ ?ndia are0 Ko,ar HKarnatakaI) <utti in 'aichur district HKarnatakaI and
'amgiri in $nantapur district H$ndhra PradeshI.
>E$C #ains reser1es o/ 8ungsten are ,ocated at (egana) 'a+asthan.
>E>C 8he #angampet deposits) occurring in Cuddapah district o/ $ndhra Pradesh is the sing,e ,argest
deposit o/ Barytes in the wor,d.
>E#C 8he main diamondFbearing areas in ?ndia are Panna be,t in #adhya Pradesh) #unimaduguF
Banganapa,,e cong,omerate in Kurnoo, district) Aa+rakarur Kimber,ite pipe in $nantapur district and Krishna
ri1er basin in $ndhra Pradesh.
>EEC !rissa is a ma+or producer o/ Graphite in ?ndia.
>E7C -udges o/ the Supreme Court o/ ?ndia ho,d o//ice unti, they attain the age o/ ." years. -udges o/ the
<igh Court ho,d o//ice unti, they attain the age o/ .2 years.
>E?C 8he 9ationa, -udicia, $cademy is ,ocated in Bhopa, with its registered o//ice in 9ew (e,hi.
>EFC *.*. Giri 9ationa, 3abour ?nstitute) 9oida) is an autonomous body under the Gnion #inistry o/ 3abour. ?t
is engaged in research pertaining to ,abour and training o/ ,abour administrators) trade unions) pub,ic sector
managers and other go1ernment /unctionaries concerned with ,abour.
>E9C 8he /irst radio programme was broadcast in ?ndia in 1523 by the 'adio C,ub o/ Bombay.
>E%C $,, ?ndia 'adio H$?'I operates on motto Bahu+ana <itaya% Bahu+ana Sukhya Hto promote the happiness
and we,/are o/ the masses through in/ormation) education and entertainment.
>EDC Cyan (arshan is the educationa, channe, run by (oordarshan.
>7$C Press 8rust o/ ?ndia HP8?I is ?ndiaLs ,argest news agency.
>7>C Gnited 9ews o/ ?ndia HG9?I became the /irst agency in ?ndia to ,aunch a /u,,F/,edged <indi wire ser1ice
Gni1arta in 1542. ?n ear,y 1556s) it ,aunched the /irstFe1er wire ser1ice in Grdu.
>7#C 8he Press Counci, o/ ?ndia has been estab,ished under the $ct o/ Par,iament /or the purpose o/
preser1ing the /reedom o/ the press) and o/ maintaining and impro1ing the standards o/ newspapers and
news agencies in ?ndia.
>7EC ?ndia has one o/ the ,argest road networks in the wor,d) aggregating to about 3.3 mi,,ion ki,ometres.
>77C Go,den Kuadri,atera, comprises o/ 9ationa, <ighways connecting the /our metro cities.
>7?C Shipping Corporation o/ ?ndia 3imited HSC?I is the biggest shipping ,ine o/ ?ndia.
>7FC ?ndian ?nstitute o/ #aritime Studies H??#SI is ,ocated in #umbai.
>79C ?ndia has 12 ma+or ports and about 14 other ports.
>7%C #umbai) 9ha1a She1a) Kand,a) #ormugao) 9ew #anga,ore and Cochin are the ma+or ports on west
>7DC Ko,kataM<a,dia) Para dip) *isakhapatnam) Chennai) &nnore and 8uticorin are ma+or ports on the east
>?$C Command $rea (e1e,opment HC$(I Programme was ,aunched in 152F2" with main ob+ecti1e o/
impro1ing the uti,i:ation o/ created irrigation potentia, and optimi:ing agricu,ture production and producti1ity
/rom irrigated ,ands on sustainab,e bases.

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