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Industries Ltd.
Fire, Safety & Environment Procedure Manual Page No.1 of 2
2.!" PR#$E%&RE F#R %E$#N'(MIN('I#N #F %R&MS
Pur)ose *
As per the hazardous waste authorisation issued under The Hazardous
Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 !" #$%&, all the drums
to !e de'ontaminated prior to selling or disposing( This pro'edure pro)ides a
*rame wor+ *or de)eloping a spe'i*i' drum de'ontamination pro'edure !" all
plants and its asso'iated ser)i'es( This will ensure that all drums are
de'ontaminated prior to selling or reusing within the 'omple,(
Sco)e *
The s'ope o* this pro'edure 'o)ers all the drums, 'ontainers, whi'h are
reused internall" or sold ( All pro'ess plant will de)elop a spe'i*i' drum
de'ontamination pro'edure !ased on the guide line pro'edure(
Res)onsi+ility *
-ndi)idual plant H./s are responsi!le *or de)eloping a spe'i*i' pro'edure *or
the spe'i*i' 'hemi'als( -t is the plant H./ responsi!ilit" to ensure that drums
are de'ontaminated prior to reused or sold(
Procedure *
0)er" /epartment shall ha)e a suita!le *a'ilit" *or
de'ontaminating drums 1 'ontainers within the plant at suita!le
lo'ation( 2a'ilit" to ha)e pro)ision o* Water, Air, 3$ steam,
4itrogen and &reathing air line, i* re5uired(
All wash o** *rom drums 'ontaining !iodegrada!le organi' !e led
to 0T$( Routing o* the wash o** *rom the drums 'ontaining non6
!iodegrada!le 'hemi'als to !e de'ided 7ointl" !" 0n)ironment
%ell and respe'ti)e plant operation group(
/rum 'ontaining )olatile organi' material, where hot nitrogen 1
3$ steam is used *or de'ontamination, generated )apours are to
!e routed to *lare header to minimise the h"dro'ar!on emission
and odour nuisan'e in wor+ pla'e area(

0)er" /epartment shall segregate the 'ontainer 8 drum(
0)er" /epartment shall ma+e suita!le standard operating
pro'edure *or 'leaning 1 de'ontaminating 'ontainers 1 drums( The
pro'edure shall mat'h with the re'ommendation o* suppliers1
pro'ess li'enser(
Section No. * 2.,, Rev. * !! %ate * !,.!.2!!-
Industries Ltd.
Fire, Safety & Environment Procedure Manual Page No.9 of 2
The standard operating pro'edure will en'ompass the sa*et"
*eatures *or 'hemi'al handling and ne'essar" pre'autions to !e
ta+en and use o* $ersonal $rote'ti)e 05uipment(
0)er" e**ort shall !e made to empt" the 'ontainer prior to
de'ontamination to the possi!le e,tent so that the load in the 0T$
shall not in'rease unne'essaril"(
A*ter de'ontamination, the original la!els shall !e 'ross mar+ed
and a la!el o* /0%.4TAM-4AT0/ shall !e applied on the
'ontainer and the la!el shall !e 'ounter signed !" the responsi!le
person o* 'on'erned plant a*ter 'on*irming(
/e'ontaminated drums 1 'ontainers are to !e stored at designated
storage spa'e(
Re'ord shall !e +ept in the department in suita!le *ormat in
register regarding the 4o( o* 'ontainers 1 drums de'ontaminated
date wise and 'ontainers 1 drums sent *or disposal(
All the standard operating pro'edures prepared !" the 'on'erned
department shall !e re)iewed !" the 2ire, :a*et" 8 0n)ironment
/ept( !e*ore *inalization(
Records ;
Register pertaining to de'ontamination
All Re'ords shall !e +ept *or minimum 1 "ear(
References *
Re'ommendation o* suppliers *or the drum de'ontamination(
Reason for Revision * First IMS issue
Pre)ared .y * Ne/al S/a/ $/ec0ed +y * (tul 1a2i ())roved +y * S.S.%ate
Section No. * 2.,, Rev. * !! %ate * !,.!.2!!-

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