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Reliance Industries Ltd.

Health, Safety, Environment and Fire

Procedure Manual
Page No. of !
"."# PRE S$%R$ &P S%FE$' RE(IE) PR*+E,&RE
In chemical process plants, process changes or modifications, extension of
existing facility or installation of new equipment / plant & facility may be
required for various reasons like de-bottlenecking, capacity enhancement,
improvements in operability, productivity, product quality, safety and
environmental protection, etc. It may involve changes in process materials,
chemicals & catalysts, operating conditions, process equipment, structures,
throughput, software, trips and alarm setting, etc.
ll intended changes / modifications at !I", #a$ira are evaluated and reviewed
thoroughly and systematically by engineers of technical, operation, engineering
and #%& departments before implementation as per the company's
policy/procedure (o. ).)*+ ,-.rocedure for /ield 0hange 1rder23 so as to
avoid any endangerment to people, environment and property and to ensure
integrity and reliability of the plants/processes or product quality. ll changes
are finally approved by the %ite .resident ,4fg.3 for implementation.
It is also necessary to verify that all changes/modifications or new facilities are
installed as per the intended design, standards and necessary inspections, tests
are completed prior to start up including statutory requirements. It is the policy
of !I", #a$ira that all changes/modifications of plant/equipment, new plants &
facilities shall be sub5ected to pre start up safety review prior to start up.
6he ob5ective of - .re %tart up %afety !eview .rocedure2 ,.%7%!3 is to ensure
an inspection prior to operation start up of any facility, plant, equipment, etc.
after modifications/changes or prior to commissioning of new plant/facility to
assure that all such modifications /changes or new plants/facilities are installed
in accordance with the intended design and process safety.
6his procedure also addresses other issues related to the change, like %1.,
training of affected personnel, site safety aspects and will provide to verify that
defined safety & environmental aspects and other field safety requirements have
been taken care in the change/modification or new plant/facility.
6his procedure shall be applicable to all intended changes, modifications of
plant, process, equipment, structures, material within the purview of the
company's policy/procedure (o. ).)*+ ,-.rocedure for /ield 0hange 1rder23
and also to all extensions of existing plants/facilities and new installations at
Section No. 1 "."# Rev. 1 ## ,ate 1 "!.#3."##4
Reliance Industries Ltd. Health, Safety, Environment and Fire
Procedure Manual
Page No. " of !
!I", #a$ira complex.
.re-start up %afety !eview ,.%7%!3 shall be carried out after completion of
installation of any facility after intended change or section of facility in stages
if installation is large and all new plants/facilities before commissioning. 6he
5ob executing agency will declare about completion of installation of facility as
per approved /01 in writing to the #18 or co-ordinator of owning plant / dept.
after thorough inspection at site.
fter getting the confirmation from the 5ob executing agency , the #18 or co-
ordinator of owning plant/department will intimate team members prior to start
up for conducting .%7%!.
.%7%! will be carried out by a team of technical persons from 1peration, 06%,
0&%, 4aintenance and %afety. ny other person as felt necessary may be
included in .%7%! team. 6he team will be constituted by the #18 /
coordinator of owning department.
6he .%7%! team members will have approved /01, .&I8s, Isometric
drawings, reports of #91. study and other documents/data sheets before
starting .%7%! for their reference and compile all the critical points for
inspection and verification at site.
6he team members will start inspection at site, check every points one by one
and sign off as per the attached checklist ,ppendix : %/);**/3 verifying
completion of installation as per design /standards. . 6he check list points,
which are not relevant will also be signed off as -(16 .."I0<"&2.
dditional points, as required may be included in the inspection check list by
the team members.
1bservations of team members will be recorded in the .%7%! check list, if the
facility is not installed as per approved .&I8 / Isometric drawings or
design/standards . 6he team members shall review all aspects of safety of the
installation and may suggest additional actions, if required.
.%7%! team, after inspection shall prepare report, if installation is not
complete in all respects as per the approved /01/.&I8/design/ standards. 6he
co-ordinator will follow up compliance of the balance points if any.
fter the completion of the balanced points the concerned engineer/ officer
shall endorsed the .%7%! report. 6he co-ordinator shall get the report approved
from %ection #ead safety/#18 ,#%&&/3 for safety clearance .#18 from the
owing plant/dept. shall give clearance for commissioning of the modification
6he team shall not give clearance for start up, if the installation is incomplete
Section No. 1 "."# Rev. 1 ## ,ate 1 "!.#3."##4
Reliance Industries Ltd. Health, Safety, Environment and Fire
Procedure Manual
Page No. ! of !
or standards are not met or otherwise unsafe to start due to any reason, however,
clearance may be given for start up in certain cases if there is no risk or the risk
has been taken care temporarily by alternate means. ny significant deviation
from approved /01/.&Ids/Isometric drawings , if any shall have approval of
#18 ,06%3/0&%/ #%&&/ and %ite .resident,4fg.3 prior to start up.
If the facility /installation is not cleared for any valid reason, the action required
shall be defined by the team which will be inspected by the them after
completion by owning plant /department prior to give clearance for start up.
H*, -o5ning 2lant6de2artment.7
Information to #18 ,#%&&/3 for conducting .%7%!.
0onstitution of .%7%! team
#e will after receiving the duly endorsed .%7%! report review the
modification in totality prior to giving the clearance for commissioning of
the system /modification
4anager .roduction/.%! of the concerned plant /dept. will intimate the
.%7%! team members for conducting .%7%!.
#e will co- ordinate with the .%7%! team
$eam mem/ers7
6hey will have approved /01, .&I8s, Isometric drawings,design data,
#91. reports and other documents related to /01 /new facility and go
through the details, compile all critical points for inspection and verification.
Section Head Safety 6 H*, HSE8F
#e will review .%7%! team report and he will give the safety clearance
6he reports of all .%7%! shall be documented and kept with owning
department and a copy of the same shall be kept with #%&/ department for
Reference1 .rocedure no. ).)*+ - -.rocedure for /ield 0hange 1rder2
%ttachment1 ppendix : %/))*;/
Reason for Revision 1 IMS First Issue
Pre2ared 9y 1 : P Pandey +hec;ed /y 1 S < Patel %22roved /y 1 S S ,ate
Section No. 1 "."# Rev. 1 ## ,ate 1 "!.#3."##4

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