The Gist November 2013

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GIST OF THE HINDU ......................................................................................................... 2
Nuclear Deterrence is Overrated ...................................................................................................................................... 2
CO2 Effect: Focus on Marine Fauna ............................................................................................................................... 3
Indias TB control ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
New Company Bil ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
U.S. n-energy: unviable at home; strategic instrument abroad ....................................................................................... 7
Hindu Encyclopaedia to be Unveiled............................................................................................................................... 9
Knocking down the Malaria Causing Parasite ............................................................................................................... 10
Exam for Journalists ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
India is now Worlds Third Largest Internet user after U.S., China ............................................................................. 14
From the Granary to the Plate, Food Security Bill ....................................................................................................... 15
Carbon Nanotubes for Next-gen Conductors ................................................................................................................ 18
An IT Tool for Freer Information .................................................................................................................................. 19
RISHTA helps to Shape the Lives of These Women .................................................................................................... 20
GSAT-7, First Navy Satellite, Launched ....................................................................................................................... 21
Turning out to be Rocket Science .................................................................................................................................. 25
The Importance of the Outsider ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Make Medicines while the Sun Shines .......................................................................................................................... 28
GIST OF YOJANA.............................................................................................................. 34
Towards Holistic Panchayati Raj ................................................................................................................................... 35
Equality and its Demands on Democratic Institutions ................................................................................................. 39
Copyrights and Copywrongs ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Economic Paradigms and Democracy in the Age of Financial Globalization .............................................................. 43
Peoples, Voices, Development and Democracy ............................................................................................................ 47
Political Empowerment of Women: Pathway to Inclusive Democracy....................................................................... 50
Government Initiatives to Empowerment Women-Areas of Concern ......................................................................... 52
GIST OF KURUKSHETRA ............................................................................................... 53
Empowering Rural Women A Step Towards Inclusive Growth ................................................................................... 58
Where do Women Stand in Rural India? ........................................................................................................................ 61
GIST OF PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU.................................................................. 63
Review of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) caps and routes in various sectors. ...................................................... 63
Cabinet Decision ............................................................................................................................................................ 63
Courier Services (para 6.2.10)(a) ................................................................................................................................... 64
Defence (para 6.2.6) ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
Gist of
hc Indian Navy has igurcd in hrcc
rcccn, global ncws icms. Thc launch
o hc indigcnously dcvclopcd aircra
carricr, INS, cxpcccd o bc opcraional by
2018, makcs India only hc ih counry acr hc
Unicd Sacs, Russia, hc Unicd Kingdom and
Francc o havc such capabiliy. Thc dicscl-clccric
submarinc Primc Miniscr Manmohan Singh and
his wic, Cursharan Kaur, launchcd hc 6,000-
onncin Visakhapanam on 3uly 26, 2000.
In imc, i was said, wih a lcc o ivc nuclcar-
powcrcd submarincs and hrcc o our aircra
carricr balc groups, a 85-squadron air orcc and
land-bascd wcapons syscms, India would cmcrgc
as a major orcc in hc Indian Occan, rom hc
Middlc Fas o Souhcas Asia.
Thc sracgic raionalc is o acquirc and
consolidac hc hrcc lcgs o land, air and sca-
bascd nuclcar wcapons o undcrpin hc policy o
nuclcar dccrrcncc. Unorunacly, howcvcr, hc
wholc conccp o nuclcar dccrrcncc is dccply
Nuclcar wcapons arc uniqucly dcsrucivc
and hcncc uniqucly hrcacning o our common
sccuriy. Thcrc is a compclling nccd o challcngc
and ovcrcomc hc rcigning complaccncy on hc
nuclcar risks and dangcrs, o scnsiisc policy
communiics o hc urgcncy and graviy o nuclcar
hrcas and hc availabiliy o non-nuclcar
alcrnaivcs as anchors o naional and
incrnaional sccuriy.
Limited India-Pakistan war
Thc puaivc sccuriy bcncis o nuclcar
dccrrcncc havc o bc asscsscd agains hc rcal
risks, coss and consrains, including human
and syscm crrors. Modclling by amosphcric
scicniss shows ha a limicd, rcgional India-
Pakisan nuclcar war using 50 Hiroshima-sizc
bombs cach would, in addiion o dircc blas, hca
and radiaion dcahs, scvcrcly disrup global ood
producion and markcs and causc a nuclcar war-
induccd aminc ha kills up o a billion pcoplc
around hc world.
Thc cxra cauion induccd by hc bomb
mcans ha hc subconincns nuclcarisaion
raiscd hc hrcshold o olcrancc o Pakisans
hosilc mischic, likc provocaions on hc Iinc o
Conrol and covcr or cross-bordcr crrorism. Yc,
India did no nccd o buy dccrrcncc agains
China. Thc bcs availablc cvidcncc shows ha
Chinas nuclcar wcapons, docrinc, posurc and
dcploymcn pacrns arc dcsigncd ncihcr o
cocrcc ohcrs nor o igh a nuclcar war wih hc
cxpccaion o winning, bu solcly o councr any
acmp a nuclcar blackmail.
Thc rolc o nuclcar wcapons in having
prcscrvcd hc long pcacc o hc Cold War is
dcbaablc. How do wc asscss hc rclaivc wcigh
and pocncy o nuclcar wcapons, wcs Furopcan
incgraion, and wcs Furopcan dcmocraisaion
as cxplanaory variablcs in ha long pcacc` Thcrc
is no cvidcncc ha cihcr sidc had hc incnion
o aack bu was dccrrcd rom doing so by hc
ohcr sidcs nuclcar wcapons. Moscows dramaic
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crriorial cxpansion across cascrn Furopc
bchind Sovic Rcd Army lincs ook placc in hc
ycars o U.S. aomic monopoly, 104540.
Convcrscly, hc Sovic Union implodcd acr,
alhough no bccausc o, gaining sracgic pariy.
Historical Evidence
To hosc who nonchclcss procss aih in
hc csscnial logic o nuclcar dccrrcncc, a simplc
qucsion: arc you prcparcd o provc your aih by
supporing hc acquisiion o nuclcar wcapons by
Iran in ordcr o conribuc o hc pcacc and
sabiliy o hc Middlc Fas, which prcscnly has
only onc nuclcar-armcd sac`
I is cqually concsablc ha nuclcar
wcapons buy immuniy or small sacs agains
aack by hc powcrul. Thc biggcs clcmcns o
cauionin aacking Norh Korca i anyonc has
such incnion lics in unccrainy abou how
China would rcspond, ollowcd by worrics abou
hc Dcmocraic Pcoplcs Rcpublic o Korcas
convcnional capabiliy o hi populacd pars o
Souh Korca. Pyongyangs puny arscnal o uscablc
nuclcar wcapons is a disan hird acor in hc
dccrrcncc calculus. Agains hc concsablc
claims o uiliy, hcrc is considcrablc hisorical
cvidcncc ha wc avcrcd a nuclcar caasrophc
during hc Cold War as much owing o good luck
as wisc managcmcn. Thc 1062 Cuban missilc
crisis is hc mos graphic cxamplc o his.
Ausralias mos rcspcccd sracgic analys,
ormcr Dcpuy Dccncc Sccrcary Paul Dibb,
argucs ha Moscow and Washingon also camc
closc o a nuclcar war in 1088. Frighcningly,
Washingon was no cvcn awarc o his scarc a
hc imc and any nuclcar war hcn would havc
uscd much morc dcsrucivc ircpowcr han in
Comparcd o hc sophisicaion and
rcliabiliy o hc command and conrol syscms o
hc wo Cold War rivals, hosc o somc o hc
concmporary nuclcar-armcd sacs arc
dangcrously rail and brilc. Nor do nuclcar
wcapons buy dccncc on hc chcap:
hc canno subsiuc or hc loss o
hc- . Thcy can lcad o hc crcaion
o a naional sccuriy sac wih a prcmium on
govcrnmcnal sccrcivcncss and rcduccd public
accounabiliy. In crms o opporuniy coss,
hcavy miliary cxpcndiurc amouns o scaling
rom hc poor. Nuclcar wcapons do no hclp o
comba Indias rcal hrcas o Maois insurgcncy,
crrorism, povcry, illicracy, malnuriion and
corrupion. Across hc bordcr cspccially, hcrc is
hc addcd risk o prolicraion o cxrcmis
clcmcns hrough lcakagc, hc, sac collapsc
and sac capurc.
Thc Nuclcar Non-prolicraion Trcay
(NPT) has kcp hc nuclcar nighmarc a
bay or 45 ycars. Thc numbcr o counrics
wih nuclcar wcapons is sill, jus, in
singlc digi.
Thcrc has bccn subsanial progrcss in
rcducing hc numbcrs o nuclcar
Bu hc hrca is sill acuc wih a
combincd sockpilc o 17,000 nuclcar
wcapons, 2,000 o hcm on high alcr.
Thc NPTs hrcc-way bargain bcwccn
non-prolicraion, disarmamcn and
pcaccul uscs is undcr srain. Thc
Concrcncc on Disarmamcn canno agrcc
on a work plan.
Thc Comprchcnsivc Tcs-Ban Trcay has
no cncrcd ino orcc. Ncgoiaions on a
issilc macrials cu-o rcay arc no
ncarcr o saring. Thc cxpor conrol
rcgimc was damagcd by hc IndiaU.S.
civil nuclcar agrccmcn.
Thc occans absorb morc han a quarcr o
carbon dioxidc in hc amosphcrc, which
dissolvcs in hc wacr o orm carbonic acid. This
way, hc occans ac as a carbon dioxidc sink.
Howcvcr, as hc amoun o grccnhousc gas
incrcascs in hc amosphcrc, so docs hc amoun
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o carbonic acid in hc wacrs, lcading o occan
acidiicaion (OA).
Thc sudics havc ound varying lcvcls o
adapabiliy among dicrcn organisms.
Scicniss rom hc Hclmholz Ccnrc or
Polar and Marinc Rcscarch havc ound
ha corals and cchinodcrms (likc
sarish) acc cndangcrmcn and
cxincion, rcspccivcly, by 2100.
Thcir indings arc morc pcrincn bccausc
hcy arc bascd on hc samc cmission
sccnarios uscd by hc Incrgovcrnmcnal
Pancl on Climac Changc (IPCC) o
prcparc is Fih Asscssmcn Rcpor, duc
ou in Scpcmbcr.
Corals spcnd hcir cnirc lic in onc placc
and canno cicicnly compcnsac or
highcr acidiy as hcy lack hc ncccssary
physiological mcchanisms.
Thcsc organisms also sccrcc calcium
carbonac o crcac hc mos producivc
ccosyscms known: coral rccs. Highcr OA
and warmcr climcs could incrcrc wih
hc ormaion o rccs, wih hc
scicniss bclicving hcy could acc
cxincion by hc cnd o hc ccnury.
Tubcrculosis is vcry much in hc ncws,
bu or all hc wrong rcasons a
shoragc o drugs, incrcasing muli-drug
and cxcnsivc drug rcsisancc (MDR,
XDR), making rcamcn boh
cumbcrsomc and cxpcnsivc, oal drug
rcsisancc (TDR) as a vcriablc dcah
warran, popularly uscd scrological css
or diagnosis bcing dcclarcd worsc han
usclcss, and a govcrnmcn ordcr or
mandaory casc noiicaion.
Privac praciioncrs arc lcgally
auhoriscd o rca TB, bu wihou qualiy
chcck mcchanisms.
Thcy ocn bypass hc prcscribcd
rcamcn proocol, whilc MDR, XDR and
TDR rcsul rom non-proocol drug
India pionccrcd TB conrol among
dcvcloping naions.
A naional TB conrol proj cc was
launchcd in 1062. Wih BCC vaccinaion
as hc main incrvcnion, hcrc was an
air o cxpccancy ha i would procc
agains TB. Frcc TB rcamcn was
includcd o crcac goodwill in hc
communiy, wih public-privac
parncrship (PPP). Whcn dirccly
obscrvcd rcamcn, shor coursc
(DOTS) bccamc popular, PPP was
ncglcccd a aal law in TB conrol. In
2012, Indias goldcn jubilcc ycar o TB
conrol, hc World Hcalh Organizaion
(WHO) namcd India hc wors pcrormcr
among dcvcloping naions, wih 17 pcr
ccn o hc global populaion carrying 26
pcr ccn o hc global TB burdcn.
BCG vaccination
Indias TB conrol pionccrs P.V. Bcnjamin
and Frimod-Mollcr inroduccd hc mass
BCC vaccinaion in hc hopc ha i would
procc agains inccion by TB bacilli.
Prcvcning inccion is kcy o discasc
conrol. BCC manuacuring bcgan in
Chcnnai and an cxcnsivc vaccinc rial
was launchcd in Chcngalpau disric,
Tamil Nadu, o mcasurc is proccivc
cicacy. In 1078, hc Fxpandcd
Programmc on Immunisaion ook ovcr
BCC vaccinaion.
In1070, prcliminary rcsuls o a 15-ycar-
long BCC rial showcd no proccion
agains inccion by TB bacilli. Thc
disappoining rcsuls wcrc much dcbacd,
and ignorcd by hc hcn TB conrol
lcadcrship. In 1000, hc inal rcsuls,
which wcrc publishcd in hc
- , conirmcd
ha hc TB conrol projcc had los hc
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ool o primary prcvcnion.
In 2000, hc Indian Acadcmy o Pcdiarics
callcd or a major rcdcsign o TB conrol,
wih alcrnaivc acics o prcvcn
inccion and rca inccion bcorc i
causcd discasc. WHOs 2012 Annual
Rcpor on TB conirmcd Indias ailurc.
DOTS savcs livcs rom TB moraliy, bu
has ailcd o conrol TB.
Infection in the Air
TB bacilli sprcad hrough hc air wc brcahc
in, cvcr yonc is a risk o inccion. Acr
inccion, hc majoriy rcmains wcll, bu hc
bacilli say alivc, lacn or dorman in body issucs
or lic. Somc 10 pcr ccn will dcvclop TB discasc
somc imc in adul lic. Whcn discasc pahology
is in hc lungs (pulmonary TB), hc bacilli havc
an casy cscapc rouc o hc cnvironmcn. Thus,
lung TB is hc criical link in hc chain o
ransmission coughing and spiing allow hc
bacilli o conaminac hc air, and ohcrs brcahc
hcm in.
In young childrcn, inccion can rapidly lcad
o discasc, callcd childhood TB, which can bc
scrious and lic-hrcacning. BCC ails o procc
agains inccion by TB bacilli, bu proccs
agains inccion progrcssing o childhood TB.
Thus, univcrsal nconaal BCC vaccinaion savcs
housands o livcs and hugc coss or diagnosis
and rcamcn. Childhood TB is no inccious, so,
rcaing childhood TB has no rolc in TB conrol.
Thc chanccs o inccion wih TB bacilli
incrcasc wih imc and inccion prcvalcncc
incrcascs wih agc. In India, abou 15 pcr ccn arc
incccd by 15 ycars o agc, 40-60 pcr ccn by 40
ycars. Among hcm, a cw dcvclop lung TB duc o
various risk acors. Thcy cough/spi ou
billions o TB bacilli. Onc way o conrol TB is by
rcaing cvcryonc wih lung TB vcry carly on o
brcak hc ransmission chain. This is hcory, a
pcrson wih lung TB is inccivc or many wccks
and would havc alrcady incccd childrcn in
conac by hc imc his spuum is cscd and
ound posiivc. Morc ocn han no, hc sablc
door is shu acr hc horsc has bolcd. Yc, i all
arc rcacd, ovcr a pcriod o imc, hc inccion
rac migh dcclinc. Srangcly, hc argc is o rca
only 70 pcr ccn wih DOTS. WHO csimacs ha
only hal o lung TB paicns gc DOTS. This way,
TB canno bc conrollcd in India. Wihou PPP, all
cascs canno bc rcacd according o proocol.
A Public Health Emergency
Thc TB conrol pionccrs dcsigncd rcc
rcamcn in hc public and privac sccors. Acr
all, i hc govcrnmcn canno providc a sac
cnvironmcn or childrcn o grow up in wihou
gcing cxposcd o TB bacilli, hc lcas i should
do is o ocr rcc carc. Thcy dcsigncd a disric TB
rcamcn modcl undcr PPP. TB conrol is a
Ccnral govcrnmcn projcc, whilc hcalh carc is
a Sac subjcc. Thc privac sccor has grown
cnormously. Thc TB conrol projcc has ailcd o
addrcss hc yawning gap bcwccn privac sccor
hcalh carc and TB conrol.
In hc 1080s, AIDS cncrcd India, HIV
inccion is a major risk acor o TB. Diabccs,
anohcr acor, is incrcasing in India. Povcry and
nuriional dcicicncics arc addiional acors. A
projcc rcvicw in 1000 conirmcd Indias ailurc o
conrol TB. Thc Rcviscd Naional TB Conrol
Programmc (RNTCP) using DOTS was launchcd
in 1008, hc ycar WHO dcclarcd TB a global
cmcrgcncy. Naionwidc cxpansion o RNTCP ook
18 ycars as hc govcrnmcn saw no TB cmcrgcncy
in India.
For hosc orunac cnough o rcccivc
DOTS, hc curc rac is high. Thcir dcah rac is
markcdly rcduccd. For hosc wih cxra-
pulmonary TB, a spuum cs will no hclp in
diagnosis. RNTCP is no incrcscd in hcm as
hcy do no sprcad TB bacilli. So, hc projcc
illusracs incomplcc hcalh carc and inadcquac
public hcalh.
As a Right
Conrol is a dcincd crm in cpidcmiology
hc discasc burdcn should bc rcduccd o a prc-
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sacd lcvcl, wihin a sipulacd pcriod o imc,
and provcn o bc duc o incrvcnion and bccausc
o a sccular rcnd. As socio-cconomic saus
incrcascs, TB should dcclinc cvcn wihou spcciic
incrvcnions ha is a sccular rcnd. RNTCP
has no sc conrol argcs in crms o a imc
ramc and discasc burdcn. I is no mcasuring a
sccular rcnd. Thus, hc conrol in RNTCP is no
cpidcmiologically sound.
A criical mchod o TB conrol, praciscd in
counrics wih public hcalh inrasrucurc, is o
dccc and rca incccd childrcn so ha hc
lacn bacilli arc killcd and childrcn rcmovcd rom
hc incccd pool. Thcy will no dcvclop
pulmonary TB as aduls. This movc is casiblc in
India, bu rcquircs a rcdcsigncd TB conrol
sracgy. Boh incrvcnions, DOTS and
rcamcn o lacn inccion, mus bc dovcailcd
or cccivc TB conrol.
Povcry lcads o TB and TB worscns
povcry. Povcry allcviaion rcquircs TB conrol.
Thc annual cconomic loss o India on accoun o
unconrollcd TB was asscsscd by hc govcrnmcn
a $28.7 billion, whilc RNTCPs budgc is only
$200 million. A rcdcsigncd RNTCP dcscrvcs a
lcas $1 billion. TB conrol is a oncc a
humaniarian scrvicc, human righs cnilcmcn
and invcsmcn in socio-cconomic dcvclopmcn.
Thc RNTCP lcadcrship has o gc back o hc
drawing board o rcdcsign TB conrol.
Wih Parliamcn passing hc Companics
Bill las wcck, hc counry will inally havc a
concmporar y lcgislaion o rcgulac hc
corporac sccor. Thc cxising Companics Ac
dacs back o 1056, sincc whcn hc corporac
landscapc has dramaically changcd. Whilc hc
ncw Companics Ac akcs ino accoun hc
prcscn cnvironmcn by ovcrhauling scvcral
provisions o hc cxising Ac, such as, or
cxamplc, hc onc pcraining o audior
appoinmcns, a lo will dcpcnd on hc
subordinac rulcs undcr hc dicrcn provisions
ha will ramcd by hc cxccuivc. Fvcn so, onc
paricular provision on corporac social
rcsponsibiliy (CSR) has araccd a lo o
acnion and commcn. Thc ncw law sipulacs
ha companics abovc a ccrain sizc havc o spcnd
wo pcr ccn o hcir avcragc nc proi o hc las
hrcc ycars on CSR. This is hc irs imc ha CSR
has bccn mandacd by law in any counry in hc
world and ha hc govcrnmcn mcans busincss
is cvidcn rom hc ac ha hc companys board
has o crcac a commicc o ovcrscc CSR
aciviics and hc companys policy in his rcgard
has o bc poscd on is wcbsic. Thc board is also
answcrablc i i ails o spcnd hc mandacd sum
on CSR in a paricular ycar.
Thc incn bchind hc provision is
obviously noblc and mcan o nudgc companics o
givc back o socicy a lilc o wha hcy akc rom
i. Yc, hcrc arc a cw dangcrs o mandaing CSR
on companics which arc basically proi-sccking
cncrpriscs answcrablc o hcir sharcholdcrs.
Thcrc arc companics and indusry houscs such as
hc Taas ha arc known o spcnd libcrally on
CSR bu on aciviics ha arc carcully choscn by
hcm or hcir russ csablishcd spcciically or
his purposc. Wha happcns i hc aciviics undcr
hc CSR rulcs o bc ramcd now do no i ino hc
cxising programmcs which bcnci socicy
anyway` Thcrc is a dangcr hcrc ha hc bcs will
urn an cncmy o hc good. Sccond, hcrc is
gcnuinc conccrn ha companics will now bc opcn
o arm-wising by local poliicians sccking unds
or aciviics ha urhcr hcir own incrcss.
Wha proccion do companics havc in such an
cvcn` Third, o cu down on compliancc coss,
companics may wcll op o mark hc rcquircd
conribuion o hc Primc Miniscrs Naional
Rclic Fund or similar such schcmcs rccogniscd
by hc Ac as CSR spcnding. Civcn ha hcsc
conribuions also ocr ax-brcaks, hc
cmpaion will bc rcmcndous indccd. In such an
cvcn, hc largcr purposc o hc provision will
obviously bc dccacd. Thc rulcs govcrning hc
provision o bc ramcd in hc ncx cw monhs
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will, hcrcorc, bc crucial o hc succcss o his
iniiaivc. I is imporan ha hc govcrnmcn
involvcs indusry associaions such as CII and
FICCI in his macr.
Thc irs nuclcar cncrgy plan consruccd
acr hc 1070 Thrcc Milc Island accidcn will bc
commissioncd in 2017 a Wayncsboro in hc Sac
o Ccorgia.
Powcrcd by an advanccd ligh wacr rcacor,
his will bc a milcsonc in wha many dcscribc as
U.S. nuclcar rcnaissancc. I has considcrablc
signiicancc or India oo. Thc wo rcacors arc
callcd AP-1000 which hc manuacurcr,
Wcsinghousc, is rying o hard scll or hc
nuclcar cncrgy plan proposcd a Mihivirdi in
Cujara. Wcsinghousc is building hcsc rcacors
in hc U.S. as wcll as in China, a counry ha is
dcvcloping is nuclcar cncrgy capaciy a a
galloping pacc.
20 rcacors arc undcr consrucion in hc
Communis naion China whilc 51 morc arc
bcing planncd For Voglc Flccric Ccncraing
Plan, owncd by a consoria lcd by Ccorgia Powcr
Company, hc wo rcacors will cos $14 billion.
Thc USP o AP-1000 is is passivc dcsign
undcr which a largc rcscrvoir o wacr sis aop
hc rcacor. I hc rcacor has o bc shu down in
hc cvcn o an cmcrgcncy, say an carhquakc, and
alcrnaivc powcr sourccs do no kick o o pump
wacr ino hc corc as happcncd a hc Fukushima
Daiichi plan in 3apan, hc wacr will low by
graviy. As hc condcnscd wacr kccps lowing
back, a mcl-down can bc prcvcncd or a
considcrablc pcriod o imc.
Nuclcar cncrgy policy in U.S. is going
hrough a churning likc ncvcr bcorc. Fukushima
looms ovcr cvcry narraivc, making sacy and
sccuriy paramoun. As a rcsul, liccnsing o ncw
plans has bccomc a imc-consuming aair,
making imc and cos ovcrruns bccomc incviablc
as in hc Voglc plan. A ncw challcngc is
cmcrging or hc nuclcar powcr sccor rom
naural gas which is chcapcr and availablc in
abundancc in hc U.S.
Vicor McCrcc, Alana-bascd Rcgional
Adminisraor o NRC, said nuclcar cncrgy
accouns 20 pcr ccn o powcr supplicd in hc U.S.
hrough 100 plans, down rom 104 carlicr
consiuing morc han 10 pcr ccn o hc
gcncraing capaciy. Yc, morc arc undcr
consrucion, hc hascncd o add.
In India, abou 25 rcacors arc cihcr in hc
planning sagc (18) or arc undcr consrucion (7)
whcrcas cxpcrs in hc U.S. havc vccrcd round o
hc vicw ha hcy canno pu all hcir cggs in onc
(nuclcar) baskc, hough hc govcrnmcn iscl is
supporivc o nuclcar powcr. A group o visiing
journaliss rom six counrics invicd by hc
Forcign Prcss Ccnrc o hc U.S. Dcparmcn o
Sac wcn round hc Voglc nuclcar plan in
Ccorgia Sac whcrc work is on a a rcncic pacc
on Unis 8 8 4. Capaciy addiion in nuclcar
cncrgy will bc dwarcd by ha in naural gas
which will add 41 pcr ccn in hc ncar uurc Bu,
hc U.S. has plans ousidc is bordcrs as i cxpccs
hc global nuclcar markc o rcach $750 billion
ovcr hc ncx 10 ycars.
U. S. nuclcar cchnology should bc a
sracgic insrumcn o U.S. orcign policy. Thc
sccond wavc o nuclcar powcr consrucion will
bcgin acr 2020, said Sco Pccrson, Scnior
Vicc-Prcsidcn o hc Nuclcar Fncrgy
Insiuc.For busincss rcasons ha arc quic
obvious, powcr-sarvcd India igurcs high in his
dccadc ago, hrcc Indian companics
Rcliancc Indusrics Id. (RII), Oil and Naural Cas
Corporaion (ONCC) and Cujara Sac Pcrolcum
Corporaion (CSPC) indcpcndcnly announccd
subsanial gas discovcrics in hc Krishna-
Codavari Basin in hc Bay o Bcngal. For a ucl-
sar vcd counr y, hcsc discovcrics wcrc
harbingcrs o hopc and opimism. Whilc crudc
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impors would coninuc, wc bclicvcd wc could
inally urn our back on polluing coal and ransi
o naural gas-bascd clccriciy gcncraion. In ac,
in Andhra Pradcsh, our CCCT-bascd (combincd
cyclc gas urbinc) hcrmal gcncraion plans camc
up in hc wakc o hc announccmcn. Abundan
domcsic gas supplics also mcan cnhanccd ood
sccuriy, sincc gas is hc main ccdsock or
manuacuring crilizcrs.
All hosc claims urncd ou o bc a lo o
ho air, rahcr han mchanc. Ncihcr ONCC nor
CSPC is anywhcrc ncar moncising hcir
rcspccivc naural gas discovcrics alhough ha
docs no sop hcm rom claiming urhcr
discovcrics in hc samc basin rom imc o imc.
RII had hcn dramaically announccd ha i
could producc 80 million mcric sandard cubic
mccrs o naural gas cvcry day (mmscmd), a
claim ha scn is sock priccs soaring hcn. Yc,
i ailcd o producc cvcn hal ha volumc, and
now producion has plummccd o a sixh o ha
quaniy. Whchcr hc drop in gas producion is
duc o cchnological challcngcs, gcological
problcms or pricing balcs wih hc govcrnmcn
is immacrial as ar as consumcrs arc conccrncd.
All hc indusrics ha camc up on hc promisc o
abundan gas availabiliy wcrc accd wih hugc
shoragcs o gas. Thcy had o cihcr rcmain
srandcd or opcrac a a racion o hcir namc-
plac capaciics, ha oo using naphha, a cosly
subsiuc or naural gas.
India is surroundcd by gas-rich ncighbours
Turkmcnisan, Aghanisan, Bangladcsh and
Myanmar. Yc, cross-bordcr gas pipclincs havc
cludcd us ill now. Whilc hc Turkmcnisan-
Aghanisan-Pakisan-India (TAPI) pipclinc is
said o bc a a rcasonably advanccd sagc o
ncgoiaion, is prospccs arc doggcd by so many
problcms ha unil ha pipclinc acually
macrialiscs and hc gas sars lowing, i would
bc prcmaurc o coun on i. In hc cvcn, Indias
hopc o mccing burgconing gas dcmand is only
hrough impor o naural gas in hc orm o INC
(liqucicd naural gas).
INC is an cxccllcn opion or counrics
ha canno acccss pipcd gas. Fvcn Furopc, which
is cxravaganly scrvcd by gas pipclincs rom
Russia, has buil scvcral INC crminals o
supplcmcn Russian supplics. INC rcquircs
subsanial inrasrucurc, boh a hc
dispaching and rccciving cnds. INC is naural
gas coolcd a sourcc o minus 161 dcgrccs Cclsius
convcring i ino liquid orm and shippcd in
cryogcnic ships. Thc imporing counry nccds
cr yogcnic soragc aciliics as wcll as rc-
gasiicaion crminals whcrc INC can bc
convcrcd oncc again ino gascous orm and scn
hrough hc domcsic pipclinc ncwork. Scing
upINC crminals is a capial-incnsivc opcraion.
India alrcady has wo opcraional INC
crminals on hc Cujara coas, and a hird onc in
Kochi. Morc INC capaciics arc bcing planncd
along our long coaslinc. Wih domcsic gas
producion plummcing o rccord lows, somc o
hcsc will gc buil in hc ncx cw ycars.
Whilc ha may sound promising o all hosc
gas-bascd indusrics and powcr plans hoping o
rcsumc producion, hc ground rcaliy is ha INC
pricing, ucrly opaquc as i is, migh badly hur
Indian consumcrs. Unlikc crudc, hcrc is no global
compciivc markc or gas, much lcss or INC
whosc priccs cnd o bc capricious, volailc and
INC cxpor priccs o Furopcan dcsinaions
havc bccn drivcn down by hc shalc glu in hc
U.S. Howcvcr, Asian INC priccs cnd o bc aligncd
o hc priccs 3apan is willing o pay or is INC
impors. 3apans clccriciy gcncraion is almos
cnircly INC-bascd, and is dcspcraion o kccp
hc lighs on has lcd o subsanially highcr priccs
or INC in hc Asia Paciic rcgion. Tha said,
sccrccy shrouds hc pricc a which INC is
conraccd by imporing counrics, including
Fconomic hcory will cll you ha pricc-
gouging is incviablc or any commodiy,
cspccially ucl or ood wih inclasic dcmand,
whosc pricc is ncihcr dccrmincd by compciivc
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markcs nor rcgulacd by hc govcrnmcn or an
indcpcndcn rcgulaor. I opcns up cnormous
scopc or corrupion and kickbacks whcn a sac-
owncd INC crminal opcraor (TO) gocs
shopping or INC cargocs in hc incrnaional
markc. In hc casc o privacly-owncd INC
crminals, hc sccrccy surrounding hc pricing o
INC ocrs subsanial pocnial or pricc-
gouging, cspccially in an inclasic dcspcrac
Yc, Indias ucl-sarvcd burgconing
cconomy canno do wihou imporcd INC.
Crancd ha hc govcrnmcn or an indcpcndcn
rcgulaor canno bc cxpcccd o rcgulac hc pricc
o a commodiy ha is wholly imporcd nor is i
rcalisic or casiblc o cxpcc hc govcrnmcn o
subsidisc an imporcd ucl.
Bu wha hc govcrnmcn can do is o bring
abou a modicum o ransparcncy in INC pricing
by mandaing ha all TOs, whchcr in hc public
or privac sccor, mus disclosc hc pricc a which
hcy procurc INC rom hc global markc placc. I
is impcraivc ha hc crminaling chargcs arc
rcgulacd and madc ransparcn. Thcsc canno bc
lc o hc whims o individual TOs, cspccially
bccausc hc dcmand or gas is inclasic and
growing. Whilc ransporaion coss will bc
dccrmincd by global INC shipping markcs, all
ohcr coss such as soragc, rc-gasiicaion and
markcing margins mus idcally bc rcgulacd by
an indcpcndcn rcgulaor.
Pari passu, INC crminals in hc counry
mus allow opcn acccss o hcir aciliics so ha
bulk consumcrs likc crilizcr companics or powcr
plans can go and conrac hcir own cargocs and
havc hcm sorcd and rc-gassiicd a hc
crminals a a ransparcn ari.
In a hal-hcarcd acmp, hc govcrnmcn
has rcccnly mandacd ha all ncw INC
crminals mus ocr a lcas 0.5 million onncs
o hcir shor-crm rc-gasiicaion capaciy or
non-discriminaory opcn acccss. This providcs
window or TOs o cncr ino long-crm conracs
o ic-up hcir cnirc capaciy. Whilc ha may bc
a good oucomc sincc i would cnsurc lowcr
priccs han spo purchascs, hcrc is no ccrainy
ha hc lowcr priccs would bc passcd on o hc
consumcrs sincc hcrc is absolucly no
ransparcncy in pricing. In Furopc, all INC
crminals havc bccn mandacd o providc opcn
acccss o hcir cnirc capaciy unlcss a spcciic
cxcmpion has bccn sough and obaincd rom
hc FU rcgulaor prior o scing up hc crminal.
TOs in FU also ollow ransparcncy in
opcraional and commcrcial inormaion, so
crucial o succcssul implcmcnaion o opcn
Thc uurc o INC in India will criically
dcpcnd upon a ar-sighcd proacivc approach ha
cnsurcs ransparcncy, airncss and ccrainy or all
sakcholdcrs, mos o all, or hc bclcagucrcd
Indian gas consumcr.
Thc auhor is an indcpcndcn cncrgy
analys and ormcr Mcmbcr, Pcrolcum and
Naural Cas Rcgulaory Board
In a milcsonc or Indian sudics, hc
Fnglish cdiion o -, a
produc o 25 ycars o rclcnlcss acadcmic cors
by ncarly 1000 scholars, unvcilcd.
Thc 11-volumc cncyclopacdia which covcrs
Hindu spiriual bclics, praciccs and philosophy,
cncompasscs morc han 7,000 ariclcs ha span
Indian hisor y, civilisaion, languagc and
philosophy, archiccurc, ar, music and dancc,
mcdicinc, scicnccs and social insiuions, and
rcligion, spiriualiy and hc rolc o Hindu womcn.
Morc han 1,000 colour illusraions and
phoographs bring hc Hindu radiions and
culurc alivc or rcadcrs.
Conccivcd, compilcd and produccd by hc
India Hcriagc Rcscarch Foundaion, and
publishcd by Mandala Publishing, hc
voluminous produc is schcdulcd o bc unvcilcd a
hc Univcrsiy o Souh Carolina (USC) during a
day-long concrcncc.
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Thc concrcncc will bc acndcd by Rajcndra
K. Pachauri, hc chairpcrson o hc
Incrgovcrnmcnal Pancl on Climac Changc
which was awardcd hc Nobcl Pcacc Prizc in 2007,
Anna Hazarc, an ani-corrupion acivis, bcsidcs
Swami Chidanand Saraswai, prcsidcn o
Parmarh Nikcan Ashram and oundcr o India
Hcriagc Rcscarch Foundaion.
Crccnkos 24-MW Kukkc I Hydcl Projcc,
proposcd in hc dcnsc orcss o Dakshin
Kannada, highlighs how mislcading labcls likc
grccn and small can bc in rcaliy.
Thc Kukkc I projcc is proposcd across
Kumaradhara acr is conlucncc wih Cundia,
wo rcmarkably biodivcrsc rivcrs in hc Wcscrn
Crccnko has also proposcd 24-MW Kukkc II
projcc upsrcam o Kukkc I. Iocal communiics
havc bccn opposing Kukkc I or morc han a ycar
duc o is hiddcn submcrgcncc dcails and
Crccnko wcn rom saing ha hcrc is no
submcrgcncc, o 21 hccarcs submcrgcncc. Bu,
modclling sudics by Ccnrc or Fcological
Scicnccs, Indian Insiuc o Scicncc rcvcal ha
his small projcc will submcrgc 888.71 hccarcs,
including 110.1 hccarcs o rcmarkably
biodivcrsiy rich orcss.
Karnaaka Rcncwablc Fncrgy Dcvclopmcn
Corporaion issucd a Sop Work noicc on Kukkc
I in Fcbruary 2012, dcmanding a dcailcd sudy o
submcrgcncc arca.
Kumaradhara is cxccpionally rich in
biodivcrsiy, wih scvcral discovcrics bcing madc
rcqucnly. Thc rivcr has wo rarc communiy ish
sancuarics closc o hc projcc, ccming wih
cndangcrcd Dcccan Mahsccr, which will bc
scvcrcly acccd by hc projcc. Thc rivcr is homc
o 56 ish spccics 28 cndcmic, 11 vulncrablc
and cigh cndangcrcd. Fivc ncw spccics havc
bccn discovcrcd jus in hc las ycar. Fxpcrs havc
bccn calling o procc Kumaradhara as a ish
sancuary. Howcvcr, Kukkc I docs no cnvisagc a
ish pass or ish o migrac, ncihcr docs i plan
o rclcasc cnvironmcnal lows or susaining hc
downsrcam ccosyscm or hc rivcr.
Whcn hc Souh Asia Ncwork on Dams,
Rivcrs and Pcoplc (SANDRP) and local groups
raiscd his issuc in our commcn o hc Clcan
Dcvclopmcn Mcchanism (CDM) applicaion o
hc projcc, Crccnko cacgorically rcspondcd.
Thc Ncravahi and Kumaradhara rivcrs
havc morc han 44 small hydcl projccs planncd
bumpcr-o-bumpcr. Bu by a qucsionablc
omission in hc Fnvironmcn Impac Asscssmcn
(FIA) Noiicaion (2006), hydcl projccs lcss han
25 MW arc cxcmp rom cnvironmcnal
clcarancc. Hcncc, such projccs rcquirc no FIA,
public hcaring or cnvironmcn managcmcn plan,
no macr how scvcrc hcir impacs maybc.
SANDRP has bccn wriing o hc Minisry o
Fnvironmcn and Forcss wih cvidcncc o
impacs, rcqucsing hcsc projccs bc brough
undcr FIA Noiicaion.
Ironically, Kukkc I is now rcqucsing
rcgisraion or carbon crcdis hrough hc Clcan
Dcvclopmcn Mcchanism o hc Unicd Naions
Framcwork Convcnion on Climac Changc. Thc
cnircly lawcd CDM applicaion proccss
highlighs hc murky naurc o carbon crcdis in
India, wih consulans, validaors, rcvicwcrs and
hc Naional CDM Auhoriy orming a carcl.
Kukkc projccs arc jus onc cxamplc o hc kind o
raud ha is rouinc in small hydcl and CDM
Targcing hc malaria parasics abiliy o
makc an iron-conaining molcculc, hacm, migh
hclp crcac a vaccinc agains hc discasc and also
lcad o novcl drug hcrapics or blocking inccion
and ransmission, according o rcscarch rom a
cam o Indian scicniss ha was publishcd
rcccnly in -
In hc coursc o is complcx lic cyclc, hc
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parasic is ablc o acccss hacm whcn i inccs rcd
blood cclls and gobblcs up hc hacmoglobin hosc
cclls conain. Hacmoglobin is hc molcculc ha
makcs i possiblc or rcd cclls o ranspor oxygcn
around hc body.
Work carricd ou wo dccadcs back a C.
Padmanabhans laboraory a hc Indian Insiuc
o Scicncc (IISc) in Bangalorc had lcd o hc
discovcry ha ncvcrhclcss hc human malaria
parasic could also synhcsisc hacm. Thc cnzymcs
involvcd in hc complcx, muli-scp proccss uscd
by hc parasic or doing so wcrc subscqucnly
workcd ou.
Now, cxpcrimcns carricd ou by a cam o
scicniss a hc IISc and hc Naional Insiuc o
Malaria Rcscarch havc shown ha having hc
capabiliy o synhcsisc hacm was absolucly
csscnial or hc parasics dcvclopmcn in
mosquiocs as wcll as in carly sagcs o inccion
whcn i invadcs hc livcr.
Whcn hc singlc-ccllcd parasic consumcs
hacmoglobin ound in rcd cclls, hc largc amouns
o hacm gcncracd as a conscqucncc is oxic o hc
organism. I ovcrcomcs hc problcm by urning
hacm ino an insolublc pigmcn, hacmozoin.
Howcvcr, hc parasic nccds hacm or iron-
conaining procins, known as cyochromcs, ha
arc csscnial or is own cncrgy producion.
Thc qucsion ariscs whchcr hc parasic
dcpcnds on hacm biosynhcsis or hacm
rom hacmoglobin or a combinaion o boh o
makc miochondrial cyochromcs, obscrvcd
Viswanahan Arun Nagaraj, a Ramanujan Fcllow a
IISc, and his collcagucs in hc papcr.
To hclp answcr ha qucsion, hc scicniss
urncd o- , a malaria parasic
ha inccs micc. Thc was gcncically
modiicd so ha wo gcncs or cnzymcs hc
parasic rcquircd o synhcsisc hacm wcrc
knockcd ou. Thc scicniss wcrc ablc o show
ha whilc much o hc hacm rom hacmoglobin
brcakdown cndcd up as hacmozoin, somc o i
was also incorporacd ino hc parasics
Thcn, hrough cxpcrimcns using hc
human malaria parasic, -
hcy ound ha hacm synhcsiscd by
hc parasic whilc i was in rcd cclls wcn ino
cyochromcs as wcll as hc hacmozoin pigmcn.
I may bc ha hc abiliy o synhcsisc
hacm was criical o hc parasic in siuaions
whcrc i could no gc acccss o hc hoss hacm,
such as whcn an incccd individual had sicklc ccll
anacmia, said Pro. Padmanabhan, who is a co-
auhor o hc papcr.
Clear proof
Thc scicniss ound clcar proo ha
hacm synhcsis was vial or hc parasics
dcvclopmcn in mosquiocs. Parasics ha wcrc
unablc o makc hacm did no givc risc o is
inccious orm, known as sporozoics, in hc
insccs salivary glands.
Ccncically cnginccrcd which
had onc gcnc or hacm synhcsis knockcd ou,
could makc hacm and producc sporozoics whcn
hc missing incrmcdiac molcculc was supplicd.
Howcvcr, hosc sporozoics, lacking hc abiliy o
gcncrac hacm, wcrc unablc o incc micc.
Knocking ou gcncs or hacm synhcsis
could bc a way o producc gcncically acnuacd
sporozoics ha migh scr vc as a vaccinc
candidac or malaria, according o Dr. Nagaraj.
Rcccnly publishcd rcscarch had shown ha
acnuacd sporozoics could bc an cxrcmcly
cccivc vaccinc agains malaria.
Fxpccaions arc running high abou hc
Rcscrvc Bank o India (RBI) govcrnor-dcsignac,
Raghuram Rajan unusually or an RBI govcrnor,
his appoinmcn was no jus rcporcd by bu also
commcncd on cdiorially in hc orcign prcss.
Iiving up o hcsc cxpccaions will bc a hugc
challcngc or Dr. Rajan. I is bad cnough ha hc
Indian cconomy has o copc wih alling growh,
high inlaion and an advcrsc cxcrnal posiion.
Wha makcs hings morc diicul or him is ha
many o his pas posiions arc a odds cihcr wih
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hosc o hc inancc minisry or hc RBI or boh.
Three Issues
Dr. Rajan nccds o rcad warily on hrcc
issucs in paricular. Onc, whchcr hc RBIs
mandac should bc conincd o pricc sabiliy or
whchcr i nccds o pursuc ohcr objccivcs as
wcll, such as growh, currcncy sabiliy and
inancial sabiliy.
Two, whchcr corporac houscs should bc
grancd bank liccnccs and bascd on wha cricria.
Thrcc, hc rolc o hc Financial Sabiliy and
Dcvclopmcn Council (FSDC).
Bcgin wih hc mandac o hc ccnral bank.
In is rcpor in 2008, hc Commicc on Financial
Sccor Rcorms (CFSR), ha Dr. Rajan chaircd,
madc is posiion clcar. This Commicc ccls ha
moncary policy should bc rcoricncd owards
ocusing on a singlc objccivc, and hcrc arc good
rcasons why his objccivc should bc pricc
sabiliy (dcincd as low and sablc inlaion). An
cxchangc rac obj ccivc would limi policy
opions or domcsic macrocconomic
managcmcn and is no compaiblc wih an
incrcasingly opcn capial accoun.
This is no and has ncvcr bccn hc vicw
cihcr o hc inancc minisry or hc RBI. Tha
apar, hc prcscn cconomic siuaion makcs i
impossiblc o ocus on pricc sabiliy alonc. Thc
wholcsalc pricc indcx, which hc RBI uscs or
purposcs o moncary policy had, unil hc mos
rcccn monh, shown signs o dcclining. Coing
by pricc sabiliy alonc, i could bc argucd ha
moncary policy mus swich o aciliaing
Going by Reer
How do wc squarc moncary casing wih
hc all in hc rupcc` Many in hc poliical class
arc ap o scc hc rupcc as a symbol o a naions
viriliy bu his is no a vicw ha scnsiblc
cconomiss would sharc. In judging whchcr
dcprcciaion has bccn cxccssivc or no, hcy
would go by hc rcal cccivc cxchangc rac
(Rccr). In hc ycar cndcd 3unc 2018, hc
dcprcciaion in hc Rccr, wcighcd by radc wih
rcspcc o 86 currcncics, was jus hrcc pcr ccn.
Ovcr a much longcr pcriod, 2005-18, hc
dcprcciaion in hc Rccr has bccn only six pcr
ccn, no macr ha hc dcclinc in nominal crms
in hc samc pcriod was ncarly 22 pcr ccn. Fvcn i
wc wcrc o acor in hc all in hc rupcc sincc
3unc, hc dcclinc in hc Rccr would all broadly
wihin hc RBIs comor zonc o ivc pcr ccn in
a givcn ycar.
Bcorc hc all o around Rs.65 in rcccn
days, hcrc was hus a srong casc or hc rupcc o
dcclinc in nominal crms. Thc casc was
paricularly srong, givcn wcak global dcmand or
cxpors. This is onc rcason hc panicky rcacion
o hc dcclinc in hc rupcc is ovcrdonc. Anohcr
rcason is ha i ignorcs hc ac ha currcncics
across a rangc o cmcrging cconomics havc allcn
sharply bccausc o hc scnsc ha Fcd is abou o
apcr o Quaniaivc Fasing, which had scn
unds looding ino cmcrging markcs. Thc
concnion ha hc rupccs sharp all is cnircly
or mainly bccausc o somc spccial brand o
cconomic mismanagcmcn on hc par o Ncw
Dclhi jus docs no wash.
Craning hc casc or dcprcciaion, howcvcr,
hc RBI canno allow hc rupcc o go ino a rcc
all. Forcign inlows ino India mus bc rcckoncd
in dollar crms bccausc hc dollar is hc rcscrvc
currcncy. Too sccp a dcclinc in hc rupcc wih
rcspcc o hc dollar could rcsul in an cxodus o
Forcign Insiuional Invcsor unds, no macr
ha hc radc-wcighcd rcal cxchangc rcmains
rclaivcly sablc. Thcrc will always bc a casc o
managc volailiy in hc rupcc so as no o upsc
orcign invcsors.
Tha is why hc RBI hough i i o clamp
down on liquidiy and ighcn incrcs racs a hc
shor cnd a cw wccks ago. I ook hc vicw ha
oo rapid a all in hc rupcc could causc a
pocnially disasrous ligh o unds. Howcvcr,
hc markcs wcrc quick o lach on o anohcr
problcm: hc RBIs acmp o shorc up hc rupcc
poscd a hrca o a hird ccnral bank objccivc,
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namcly, inancial sabiliy. Bank socks wcrc
hammcrcd hcavily in hc days acr hc RBI
ighcncd liquidiy and wih good rcason.
Banks had akcn posiions on bonds in hc
cxpccaion ha yiclds wcrc rcnding down and
arc now incurring losscs on hcsc. Privac banks,
which dcpcnd hcavily on wholcsalc dcposis,
accd subsanially highcr unding coss. Mos
imporanly, an incrcasc in incrcs racs
incrcascs corporac disrcss, which impacs on
banks qualiy o asscs.
Crowh orccass, including ha o hc RBI,
havc bccn rcviscd downward in rcccn wccks.
Whcn slow growh is combincd wih hcighcncd
problcms in hc banking sccor, i grcaly
incrcascs hc chanccs o a raing downgradc
and hc vcry ligh o orcign invcsors ha hc
RBI is sccking o prcvcn. Thc RBI sccms o havc
rcaliscd ha is acmps o ighcn liquidiy can
a bcs bc shor-crm hcrapy and i has akcn
scps o rcvcrsc is coursc. Oncc hc rupcc
sabiliscs, i will bc ncccssary o rcvcrsc his all
and movc owards cnginccring dcclinc in
incrcs racs.
Banking and Corporates
Ycs, hcrc is hc dangcr o a ligh o unds,
cspccially unds invcscd in dcb. Bu unds
invcscd in cquiy migh wcll choosc o say,
givcn hc boos o corporac prois rom lowcr
incrcs racs. Thcy will also bc cncouragcd by
ongoing projccs procccding owards complcion.
A hc samc imc, wc mus prcparc or hc wors
coningcncy a signiican ligh o orcign
unds by arranging capial inlows in cvcry
conccivablc way: non-rcsidcn Indian dcposis,
ovcrscas borrowings by public sccor
undcrakings, ncgoiaions wih hc
Incrnaional Moncary Fund or a linc o crcdi.
Whacvcr hc coursc o acion, Dr. Rajan canno
hold as o hc CFSRs posiion ha moncary
policy mus ocus on pricc sabiliy alonc.
On hc issuc o bank liccnccs, hc RBI and
hc minisry arc unicd in hinking ha hc imc
has comc or hc icld o bc opcncd o corporacs.
Thc CFSR, in conras, had concndcd ha i was
prcmaurc o allow indusrial houscs o own
banks. I cicd hc prohibiion on hc banking
and commcrcc combinc in hc Unicd Sacs and
said hc samc was ncccssary in India unil privac
govcrnancc and rcgulaory capaciy improvc.
Thcrc is no jus hc conccpual issuc o
whchcr corporacs should bc allowcd ino
banking. Thcrc is also hc pracical macr o
cnsuring ha hc sclccion proccss is no viiacd
by chargcs o corrupion. This is no casy ask,
givcn hc clou ha many o hosc in hc ray
cnjoy. In a rcccn spccch, RBI Covcrnor Dr. D.
Subbarao argucd ha lcing in Indian corporacs
would lcad o innovaion o ncw busincss
modcls or inancial inclusion I his is wha
hc RBI bclicvcs, hcn Dr. Rajan mus cnsurc ha
inancial inclusion is madc hc primary cricrion
or hc gran o ncw bank liccnccs.
Regulatory Body
Finally, hcrc is hc rolc o hc Financial
Sabiliy and Dcvclopmcn Council. This body has
is gcncsis in hc CFSR rcpor. Thc CFSR had
suggcscd hc crcaion o an apcx rcgulaory
agcncy ha would havc rcsponsibiliy or
monioring syscmic risks and cnsuring
coordinaion among hc dicrcn rcgulaors in
hc inancial sccor. Thanks o hc Financial
Sccor Icgislaivc Rcorms Commission (FSIRC),
his idca has sincc mcamorphoscd ino onc o
vcsing sauory auhoriy in hc FSDC, wih hc
Financc Miniscr prcsiding ovcr i.
No doub poliicians and burcaucras arc
smacking hcir lips in anicipaion o an FSDC
wih grcacr powcrs bu hc RBI undcr Dr.
Subbarao has brislcd a hc suggcsion. Hc has
insiscd ha hc FSDC should bc a coordinaion
body and ha cvcry carc should bc akcn o cnsurc
ha hcrc is no inringcmcn o hc auonomy o
rcgulaors. Hc has cxprcsscd similar conccrns
abou hc FSIRCs proposal o vcs hc conduc o
moncary policy wih a council dominacd by
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ousidcrs. Dr. Rajan brings o hc job a dcgrcc o
incllccual capial, pcrhaps unmachcd by any o
his prcdcccssors. Sill, in rcconciling divcrgcn
vicws and rcvisiing his own, hc has his work cu
ou. Hc mus know by now ha no RBI govcrnor
can aord o anagonisc hc inancc minisry
bcyond a poin. Nor can hc aord o alicnac hc
RBI communiy, onc ha is lcgiimacly proud o
is radiions and cxpcrisc and is sanding in
hc world o rcgulaors.
3ournaliss in India havc no spccial righs.
Unlikc hc Unicd Sacs, rccdom o hc prcss in
hc counry docs no low rom any spccial
provision or amcndmcn o hc Consiuion, bu
rom hc righ o rcc spccch and cxprcssion.
Ariclc 10(1) (a) o hc Indian Consiuion
concrs his righ subjcc only o rcasonablc
rcsricions spcciicd in Ariclc 10(2).
Thcrcorc, o proposc liccnccs,
qualiicaions and common cnrancc
cxaminaions or journaliss, as Inormaion and
Broadcasing Miniscr Manish Tcwari did a cw
days ago, is o ry o circumscribc and limi hc
undamcnal righ o rccdom o spccch and
cxprcssion. Disscminaion o inormaion migh
bc hc busincss o somc ncws organisaions, bu
i is also an csscnial par o hc cvcr yday
aciviics o counlcss Indians who alk, pos,
upload or wcc wha hcy scc, hcar, scnsc or
hink. Wha disinguishcs journaliss cmploycd
by a ncws organisaion and privac individuals
aking advanagc o social mcdia and pcrsonal
communicaion channcls o disscminac
inormaion is no hc naurc o hcir work, bu
hc public sanding and crcdibiliy ha hcy
command. Any acmp o prcscribc liccnccs and
qualiicaions or journaliss will ncccssarily cnd
up limiing wha ordinary ciizcns can do. As in
ohcr dcmocracics, ncwspapcrs in India do no
rcquirc a liccncc o opcrac. In auhoriarian or
managcd dcmocracics, whcrc prcss liccnsing is
hc norm, hc hrca o a canccllcd liccncc is
ocn cnough o cnsurc hc mcdia ocs hc oicial
linc. I journaliss arc o bc givcn liccnccs, can
ncwspapcr liccnsing bc ar bchind`
India has bypasscd 3apan o bccomc hc
worlds hird largcs Incrnc uscr acr China and
hc Unicd Sacs, and is uscrs arc signiicanly
youngcr han hosc o ohcr cmcrging cconomics,
global digial mcasurcmcn and analyics irm
com Scorc has said in a rcpor.
India now has ncarly 74 million Incrnc
uscrs, a 81 pcr ccn incrcasc ovcr March 2012, hc
rcpor says.
Thc numbcrs arc lowcr han ohcr rcccn
csimacs, possibly rclccing comScorcs
mchodology ha only acors in PC and lapop-
bascd Incrnc usagc.
Thc Tclccom Rcgulaory Auhoriy o India
(TRAI) pcggcd hc numbcr o Incrnc subscribcrs
in India a 164.81 million as o March 81, 2018,
wih scvcn ou o cigh acccssing hc Incrnc
romhcir mobilc phoncs.
Thc comScorc rcpor, on hc ohcr hand,
pus mobilc and ablcd-bascd Incrnc raic a
jus 14 o hc oal.
Mobilc phonc bascd Incrnc usagc is a kcy
componcn o Indian Incrnc usagc, and Id say
hc rcccn growh is bcing drivcn by mobilc
Incrnc usagc.
Thrcc-ourhs o Indias onlinc populaion
is undcr 85 as agains jus ovcr hal worldwidc,
hc comScorc rcpor, India Digial Fuurc in Focus
2018, says, possibly rclccing Indias morc rcccn
improvcmcns in licracy.
Mcn undcr 85 and womcn bcwccn 85 and
44 arc hcavicr uscrs. Bu womcn accoun or lcss
han 40 pcr ccn o all Indian uscrs, a ar lowcr
scx raio han ha o ohcr counrics.
A quarcr o imc spcn onlinc is on social
mcdia, hc comScorc rcpor says, and anohcr 28
pcr ccn on cmail.
Whilc Cooglc sics havc hc mos uniquc
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visiors, Nc uscrs spcnd hc mos imc on
Faccbook, which is a sccond placc as ar as
uniquc visiors arc conccrncd.
Yahoo, Microso and Wikimcdia sics
ollow in uniquc visior numbcrs.
Among social mcdia sics, Iinkcdin and
Twicr arc hc ncx mos popular, whilc Orku is
in dcclinc. Cooglc is by ar hc mos popular
scarch cnginc, accouning or 00 pcr ccn o all
scarchcs in India.
Onlinc rcail is on hc risc, wih domcsic
rcail sics bcing hc mos popular, hc rcpor
Thc locus o onlinc dominancc has movcd
scadily owards Asia, which now accouns or
41 o all Incrnc uscrs, rom having 66 o all
uscrs in 1006, hc Unicd Sacs now accouns or
jus 18.
China has hc worlds biggcs onlinc
prcscncc, Is Incrnc uscrs ounumbcr Indians
by a raio o 5: 1. Brazils Incrnc prcscncc grcw
ascr han Indias ovcr hc las ycar.
Nicaragua wans o involvc Indian
busincssmcn in a $40-billion projcc o conncc
hc Paciic and Alanic Occans by a mammoh
canal. Thc projcc has bccn awardcd o a Chincsc
cnrcprcncur and will bc longcr han hc Panama
Canal, bu somc doub i i will cvcr bc complccd.
Thc canal accs opposiion rom
cnvironmcnaliss as i will cu across a major
rcshwacr lakc. I is likcly o bc uscd by supcr
largc ankcrs carrying shalc gas o Asian markcs
and India is among hosc counrics ha could gc
gas rom hc U.S.
Thc Naional Food Sccuriy Bill, now an
ordinancc, has bccn a argc o susaincd aacks
in hc busincss mcdia in rcccn wccks. Thcrc is
nohing wrong, o coursc, in bcing criical o hc
bill, or cvcn opposcd o i. Indccd, hc bill has
many laws. Wha is a lilc roubling, howcvcr, is
hc shrill and ill-inormcd naurc o many o hcsc
aacks. Saisical hocus-pocus has bccn dcploycd
wih abandon o producc wildly cxaggcracd
csimacs o hc inancial coss o hc bill, and
no cxprcssion sccms o bc oo srong o
disparagc i. Thc ac ha hc ood bill could
bring somc rclic in hc livcs o millions o pcoplc
who livc in condiions o crriying insccuriy
sccms o coun or vcry lilc.
Mcanwhilc, rcccn sudics shcd somc uscul
ligh on hc sac o Indias Public Disribuion
Syscm (PDS) onc o hc conrovcrsial
oundaions o hc bill. As ar as hc bclow
povcry linc (BPI) quoa is conccrncd, hcrc is a
clcar rcnd o scady improvcmcn in many
Sacs, including somc ha had a vcry poor PDS
no so long ago. A rcccn sudy o hc PDS in
Korapu, onc o Odishas poorcs disrics, ound
ha almos all BPI houscholds wcrc rccciving
hcir ull monhly quoa o 25 kg o ricc a hc
sipulacd pricc. Similar indings cmcrgcd rom a
survcy o hc PDS in wo disrics o Uar
Pradcsh (Iakhimpur Khcri and Chirakoo), whcrc
mos BPI houscholds wcrc gcing hcir duc 85
kg o ricc or whca pcr monh. Thc main problcm
was hc rcsricivc naurc o hc BPI lis, which
lc many houscholds cxcludcd. Thcsc survcys
conirm carlicr indings o a sudy by hc Indian
Insiuc o Tcchnology in 2011 ha BPI
houscholds in ninc samplc Sacs rcccivcd 84 pcr
ccn o hcir PDS cnilcmcns.
I is in hc abovc povcry linc (API) quoa
ha cmbczzlcmcn coninucs in many Sacs. In
Uar Pradcsh (U. P. ), API houscholds arc
supposcd o gc 10 kg o whca pcr monh, bu
mos o hc API quoa gocs sraigh o hc black
markc. Thc gravy lows all hc way o hc op: hc
compliciy o hc hcn Food Miniscr, Raja Bhaiya,
in his scam was cxposcd las ycar by, bu
hc rcaincd his pos. Rcccn
invcsigaions suggcs ha lcakagcs in hc API
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quoa arc also vcry high in Bihar, 3harkhand, and
Madhya Pradcsh, among ohcr primc ocndcrs.
Thc main rcason or his vulncrabiliy is
ha hc API quoa is rcacd as a dumping ground
or cxccss oodgrain socks. In rcccn ycars,
oodgrain procurcmcn has incrcascd by lcaps and
bounds, bu disribuion undcr hc BPI
andquoas has rcmaincd much hc
samc, sincc allocaions arc ixcd and liing is
closc o 100 pcr ccn. To modcrac hc
accumulaion o cxccss socks, hc Ccnral
govcrnmcn has bccn pushing largcr and largcr
amouns o oodgrain ino hc API quoa, which
is now almos as largc as hc BPI quoa (closc o
20 million onncs o oodgrains in 2012-18). Onc
conscqucncc o his dumping is ha hc
cnilcmcns o API houscholds arc, by naurc,
unclcar and unsablc, in ac, hcy arc no
cnilcmcns bu handous. This givcs
middlcmcn a icld day, sincc API houscholds arc
ocn conuscd as o wha hcy arc supposcd o
gc, or whchcr and whcn hcir quoa has arrivcd.
Thc currcn siuaion in U.P., whcrc mos o hc
API quoa gocs sraigh o hc black markc
wihou anyonc raising hc alarm, is jus an
cxrcmc cxamplc o his siuaion.
Rectifies PDS defects
Thc ood bill is an opporuniy o clcan up
his mcss, and o curc wo basic dcccs o hc
PDS: largc cxclusion crrors, and hc lcaky naurc
o hc API quoa. In ccc, hc bill abolishcs hc
API quoa and givcs common cnilcmcns o a
majoriy o hc populaion: 75 pcr ccn in rural
arcas and 50 pcr ccn in urban arcas. Thcsc arc
naional covcragc raios, o bc adjuscd Sac-wisc
so ha hc covcragc is highcr in hc poorcr Sacs.
In his ncw ramcwork, pcoplcs cnilcmcns will
bc much clcarcr, and hcrc will bc grcacr prcssurc
on hc syscm o work. Indccd, widc covcragc and
clcar cnilcmcns arc wo pillars o hc airly
cccivc PDS rcorms ha havc bccn carricd ou
in many Sacs in rcccn ycars (ohcr aspccs o
hcsc rcorms includc dc-privaisaion o raion
shops, compucrisaion o rccords and
ransparcncy mcasurcs). Sccn in his ligh, hc
bill can bc a good movc no only or ood sccuriy,
bu also rom hc poin o vicw o cnding a
massivc wasc o public rcsourccs undcr hc API
Cash Transfers
Thc main goal o hc PDS is o bring somc
sccuriy in pcoplcs livcs, saring wih proccion
rom hungcr bu going wcll bcyond ha. A wcll-
uncioning PDS libcracs pcoplc rom hc
consan car ha i migh bc diicul o makc
cnds mcc i crop ails, or i somconc alls ill, or
i hcrc is no work. Thc valuc o his arrangcmcn
has bccn wcll dcmonsracd in many Sacs
Tamil Nadu, Chhaisgarh, Odisha, Rajashan,
among ohcrs. Whchcr a syscm o cash
ranscrs could scrvc hc samc purposc a lowcr
cos, and how long i would akc o pu in placc,
arc issucs ha nccd urhcr scruiny and dcbac.
Mcanwhilc, hc PDS is in placc, hcrc is a raion
shop in cvcry villagc, and hugc ood socks kccp
piling up. I sccms scnsiblc o usc hcsc rcsourccs
wihou dclay. In any casc, hc ood bill docs no
prccludc a cauious ransiion o cash ranscrs i
and whcn hcy provc morc cccivc han hc
Three Problems
Having said his, hcrc arc many rcasons or
conccrn ovcr hc impac o hc bill. Thrcc rclacd
problcms look incrcasingly scrious. Firs, hcrc is
a dangcr o ovcr-ccnralisaion o hc PDS undcr
hc bill, a a imc whcn many Sac govcrnmcns
arc making good progrcss wih rcorming hc
PDS on hcir own. To illusrac, hc bill sccks o
imposc a syscm o pcr-capia cnilcmcns (c.g.
5 kg o oodgrains pcr pcrson pcr monh) across
hc counry, as opposcd o houschold
cnilcmcns (c.g. 25 kg pcr houschold). Pcr capia
cnilcmcns arc ccrainly morc cquiablc and
logical han houschold cnilcmcns. Bu hc
ransiion rom hc lacr o hc ormcr is no a
simplc macr, and could bc vcry disrupivc i i is
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imposcd ovcrnigh rom hc op. 3us hink abou
how an old widow in Rajashan, who livcs alonc
and survivcs on hcr monhly quoa o 25 kg o
PDS ricc, would ccl on bcing old ha hcr
cnilcmcn is bcing slashcd o 5 kg pcr monh.
Political Tool
Thc sccond dangcr is cxccssivc hasc. As hc
counry gcars up or a sring o clccions, hc
Ccnral govcrnmcn and somc Sac
govcrnmcns arc kccn o as rack hc roll-ou
o hc bill or clccoral purposcs. A scnsc o
urgcncy is ccrainly appropriac as ar as ood
sccuriy is conccrncd, bu unduc hasc could bc
vcry councrproducivc. For insancc, somc Sac
govcrnmcns apparcnly proposc o usc hc BPI
Ccnsus o 2002 o idcniy cligiblc houscholds,
inscad o hc morc rcccn and rcliablc Socio-
Fconomic and Casc Ccnsus jus o spccd
hings up. This is a disasrous idca. A bccr way
o as racking hc roll-ou o hc bill would bc o
univcrsalisc hc PDS in hc counrys poorcs
disrics or blocks.
Ias bu no lcas, hc promulgaion o an
ordinancc has urncd hc bill ino a poliical
ooball. Thc Congrcss claims ha hc bill is a
non-parisan iniiaivc, bu is also rying o usc i
as an clccoral card. Thc Bharaiya 3anaa Pary
says in hc samc brcah ha i suppors hc bill
and ha i will no allow Parliamcn o uncion.
Thc Samajwadi Pary is shcdding crocodilc cars
or armcrs, bu is unablc o cxplain why hc bill
is ani-armcr. Thc All India Anna Dravida
Munncra Kazhagam claims ha hc bill is
agains Tamil Nadus incrcss, wihou
mcnioning ha i will cnablc hc Tamil Nadu
govcrnmcn o savc largc amouns o moncy on
ricc purchascs rom hc Ccnrc. Thc rcal issucs arc
gcing los in hcsc squabblcs.
I rcmains o bc sccn whchcr hc monsoon
scssion o Parliamcn will providc an opporuniy
o rcpair his damagc, and also o considcr hc
much-nccdcd amcndmcns o hc bill. Thc silvcr
lining is ha ood sccuriy has inally bccomc a
livcly ocus o dcmocraic poliics in India.
Whacvcr happcns o hc bill, Sac govcrnmcns
arc undcr grca prcssurc o rcorm hcir PDS and
makc i work or pcoplc rahcr han or corrup
middlcmcn and hcir poliical mascrs. This was
long ovcrduc.
Ncw rcscarch has cmcrgcd rom hc
Naional Insiuc o Advanccd Indusrial Scicncc
and Tcchnology (AIST), 3apan, which makcs
possiblc lighcr conducors ha can carry largcr
Icd by an Indian chcmis, rcscarchcrs havc
ound ha whcn carbon nanoubcs arc cmbcddcd
in coppcr, hc rcsuling ncw macrials ampaciy
gcs booscd o a massivc 10,000 pcr ccn, wih an
clccrical conduciviy comparablc o coppcrs.
Maximum Current
Ampaciy is hc maximum amoun o
currcn a conducor can carry bcorc losing is
clccrical propcrics. A largc ampaciy is vial o
good pcrormancc. Howcvcr, o lac, rcscarchcrs
worldwidc havc ocuscd morc on boosing
conduciviy han ampaciy.
Less Dense
Thc ncw macrial, dubbcd CNT-Cu (or
carbon nanoubcscoppcr), consiss o 45 pcr ccn
CNTs by volumc, and is lcss dcnsc han a purc
coppcr conducor by 42 pcr ccn. To producc i,
hc rcscarchcrs clccrodcposicd coppcr ino hc
porcs o macroscopic CNT solids such as
This mchod is morc prolongcd and coslicr
han convcnional mchods likc ion dispcrsion.
Dr. Chandramouli hinks his is hc only hurdlc
or commcrcially dcploying CNT-Cu.
Thcrc is a dominan proccssing cos. Wc arc
now rying o rcducc i and makc i morc
appcaling o indusrics.
An advanagc o hc macrial is ha i
rcduccs hc amoun o coppcr rcquircd and
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providcs 100 imcs highcr pcrormancc. So wc
cxpcc ha hc cos-by-pcrormancc o his
macrial will bc acccpablc o indusrics, hc said.
Coppcr conducors arc assailcd by a
mcchanism callcd clccromigraion ha
supprcsscs is ampaciy.
As clccrons movc insidc hc conducor,
hcy arc ocn scacrcd by aoms in hcir pah. As
hc currcn dcnsiy incrcascs, scacring also
incrcascs unil, a a hrcshold callcd hc
conducors raing, hc macrial can no longcr
conduc hc clccrons, rcsuling in
Higher Ampacity
CNT-Cu achicvcs highcr ampaciy by
supprcssing clccromigraion ha occurs in
coppcr wircs, whcrc clccrons arc scacrcd o
hcir pah by coppcr aoms. This imposcs a limi
on hc amoun o chargc hc wirc can carry
wihou mos clccrons gcing scacrcd, callcd
is raing.
In casc o CNT-Cu, hc ncgaivcly chargcd
pariclcs arc channclcd o movc hrough a
coninuous mcsh-likc ncwork ormcd by hc
nanoubcs, avcring scacring.
In his circumsancc, hc raing
accommodacs an ampaciy o 600 MA/cm{+2].
Thc papcr nocs ha ampaciy o up o 1,200 MA/
cm{+2]is hcorcically possiblc.
Clcaring dcad cclls is a vial par o hc
bodys uncioning. Cclls ha arc aging, damagcd
or incccd arc programmcd o dic, a proccss
callcd apoposis, hcn clcarcd ou and rcplaccd.
Thc clcarancc is carricd ou by immunc cclls callcd
phagocycs which cngul and dcsroy hc
apopoic cclls.
This is commonly sccn in scvcral
inlammaory discascs likc lupus in humans. Thc
cam lcd by Mcans has dcscribcd a molcculc ha
is crucial or dcad ccll rcmovalin micc and, i
conirmcd in humans, could bc uscd o rca such
Dcad cclls dicrcniac hcmsclvcs rom
hcir hcalhy councrpars by molcculcs on hcir
suracc ha ac as ca mc signals or
phagocycs. C1q molcculc is onc such ca mc
signal. Wha was no known unil now is hc
rcccpor procin on hc phagocyc which
rccogniscs and binds o hc C1q on hc dcad ccll,
bcorc cnguling i.
In hc -worm, a rcccpor callcd
CFD-1 is known o do his. Micc and humans
havc a similar procin callcd SCARF1 on hc
suracc o hcir phagocycs. Thc scicniss
wancd o cs hc hypohcsis ha SCARF1 in
mammals could bc playing a similar rolc as CFD-
1 in worms.
For his, Mcans and his cam brcd micc
modiicd o lack SCARF1. Thcy ound ha dcad
ccll clcarancc in hcsc micc was impaircd and
wihin a cw monhs hcy dcvclopcd lupus-likc
sympoms. This provcd ha hc rcccpor is
indccd crucial o rccognisc and cngul dcad cclls
wih hc C1q ca mc signal. Thc SCARF1-
mcdiacd mcchanism is no hc only modc o
dcad ccll clcarancc, bu i is a signiican onc.
Bascd upon our sudics wc bclicvc ha SCARF1
conrols approximacly 40 pcr ccn o dcad ccll
clcarancc, said Mcans.
According o Mcans human SCARF1 oo has
bccn shown o mcdiac binding and cngulmcn
o C1q-bound dcad cclls, bu has no cnough.
Furhcr work will bc nccdcd o inhibi SCARF1
cxprcssion on human cclls or o idcniy humans
wih SCARF1 dcicicncy o dccrminc hc rolc in
I SCARF1 provcs o play a rolc in humans,
hcn rcamcn sracgics involving drugs ha
incrcasc SCARF1 cxprcssion, or SCARF1 procins
ha cnhancc hc upakc o dcad cclls could bc
dcsigncd or lupus paicns.
Dcspic hc laws ha arc in placc, sccking
inormaion rom any govcrnmcn is no casy ask.
Whchcr you arc a mcmbcr o hc public sccking
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somching, or worsc sill, a journalis nosing
around o rcvcal hosc sccrcs, anyonc who has
ilcd hcsc rcqucss can imaginc hc diiculy
Unicd Sacs Frccdom o Inormaion Ac
(FOIA) is onc such law ha rics o bring in
govcrnmcn accounabiliy hrough public
dcmand. I is, howcvcr, riddlcd wih complcxiics,
making i a painul proccss.
This projcc ha sarcd in lac 2012 aimcd
a collccing saisics on rcsponsc imcs ha hc
govcrnmcn ook o public rccords ac rcqucss. In
is prcscn avaar, howcvcr, i auomacs hc
proccss o iling hc rcqucs and racks is
progrcss, apar rom aggrcgaing his daa.
On 3uly 16, hc projcc was launchcd on
Kicksarcr o covcr hc scrvcr coss, inish
dcvclopmcn and curac hc daa. Ovcrwhclming
suppor mcan ha hc schcdulcd unding goal o
$17,500 was rcachcd in lcss han wo days. As hc
campaign is opcn ill Augus 16, hc addiional
amoun collcccd allows hcm o srcch hcir
goals o includc cnhanccd caurcs, improvcd
dcsign and an API.
Ovcr 800 journaliss havc alrcady signcd up
or his scrvicc whcn i launchcs o hc gcncral
public, which is hc cnd o his ycar.
Oncc launchcd, hc CIR will hand ovcr hc
FOIA Machinc o Invcsigaivc Rcporcrs and
Fdiors (IRF), a naional, nonproi uni.
Whilc hc FOIA Machinc docs havc
ovcrlapping caurcs wih scvcral public rccords
projccs likc Ccrmanys Frag dcn Saa, Briains
Wha Do Thcy Know` (uscs Alavccli),
Nchcrlands Nulpun and US-bascd MuckRock, i
hopcs o bc a complcc packagc, rcc or cvcryonc.
Fvcn rouinc gynaccological problcms
among womcn arc indicaivc o ncgaivc lic
siuaions and can bc associacd wih cmoional
and scxual hcalh risk, hc indings o a projcc
implcmcncd in a slum communiy in Mumbai
ovcr hc pas six ycars havc suggcscd. An carly
and holisic incrvcnion in marricd livcs can
hclp miigac hc risk o womcns scxual hcalh
problcms, i said.
Thc Rcscarch and Incrvcnion or Scxual
Hcalh: Thcory o Acion (RISHTA) proj cc
ocusscd acnion on hc sympom o vaginal
dischargc and csablishcd a Womcns Hcalh
Clinic in 3unc 2000 in hc Urban Hcalh Clinic
scrving a low incomc communiy inhabicd
largcly by Muslims. Fvcry woman rccruicd ino
hc projcc 1125 o hcm was askcd o
providc a mcdical hisory, o undcrgo an incrnal
cxaminaion, and cs or scxually ransmicd
inccions (STI) bcorc bcing givcn rcamcn.
RISHTA uscd a muli-lcvcl approach wih a
vicw ha bringing abou changcs in womcns
aiudcs mus bc accompanicd by posiivc
changc in hc marial rclaionship and
communiy norms ha pcrpcuac gcndcr
incquiablc aiudcs. Thc approach incorporacd
counsclling on marial rclaions wih womcn and
group mccings o couplcs. I also includcd a
communiy cducaion componcn o argc
gcndcr incquiablc norms.
Vaginal dischargc is hc lcading sympom
or which womcn in India and Souh Asia scck
carc. Thcrc is cvidcncc o provc ha womcn
sccking rcamcn or his is paricularly high
among hc poor, rcprcscning a physical,
cmoional and inancial burdcn or low-incomc
From a biomcdical pcrspccivc, vaginal
dischargc is mos likcly o bc a normal, non-
pahological, biochcmical proccss inlucnccd by
dic and hormonc lcvcls and hc mcnsrual cyclc.
In hc mcdical licraurc, his condiion has bccn
aribucd o rcqucn or carly onsc o scxual
aciviy, scxual incrcoursc during mcnsruaion,
usc o hormoncs and oral conraccpivcs,
anibioic mcdicaion, inscrion o vaginal agcns
or birh conrol, complicaions wih
scrilisaion, lack o pcrsonal hygicnc and
rcproducivc rac inccion.
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RISHTA implcmcncd by hc
Incrnaional Ccnrc or Rcscarch on Womcn and
is collaboraing parncrs subscqucnly askcd
cvcry woman who camc o hc clinic complaining
o whic dischargc abou any rclacd cvcns or lic
siuaions ha shc accd, including inancial
problcms, diicul communicaion or conlic
wih husband, problcm wih cxcndcd amily,
cxpcricncc o cocrcivc or orccd scx or ohcr
physical or psychological abusc, poor scl imagc,
rcsricions on hc womans bchaviour and
husbands cxramarial scx or alcohol or ohcr
subsancc usc.
CSAT-7, Indias irs ull-lcdgcd miliary
communicaions sacllic, was launchcd rom hc
Kourou spaccpor o Frcnch Cuiana in Souh
Thc muliplc-band spacccra will bc uscd
cxclusivcly by hc Navy o shorc up sccurc, rcal-
imc communicaions among is warships,
submarincs, aircra and land syscms. CSAT-7/
INSAT-4F is said o signiicanly improvc hc
counrys mariimc sccuriy and inclligcncc
gahcring in a widc swahc on hc cascrn and
wcscrn lanks o hc Indian Occan rcgion.
Around 2014-15, ISRO is cxpcccd o launch hc
sccond naval sacllic, CSAT-7A.
A Furopcan Arianc 5 rockc carrying hc
domcsic sacllic and a Qaar spacccra ook o
rom Kourou and rclcascd CSAT-7 ino a
cmporary oval orbi abou 85,000 km high,
Indian Spacc Rcscarch Organisaion said.
Thc Mascr Conrol Faciliy a Hassan,
abou 180 km rom hcrc, pickcd up is signals
immcdiacly and opcncd is powcr gcncraing
solar pancls.
Thc 2,650-kg CSAT-7 is hc las o ISROs
scvcn ourh-gcncraion sacllics. Is orcign
launch cos has bccn pu a Rs. 480 crorc, wih hc
sacllic cosing Rs. 185 crorc.
Par undcd by hc Navy, i is buil o mcc
hc Navys a long-crm modcrnisaion plan ha
includcs usc o sacllics and inormaion
cchnology. Chics o Naval Sa havc
highlighcd spacc-bascd communicaions as vial
or is ncwork-ccnric opcraions.
According o sacllic communicaion
cxpcrs, hc UHF band is bcing uscd or hc irs
imc in an INSAT and will boos communicaion
and inclligcncc ncwork across a widc rcgion.
Thc prcmium S band will cnablc
communicaion rom mobilc plaorms likc ships.
Thc Ku band allows high-dcnsiy daa
ransmission, including voicc and vidco. A spccial
ground inrasrucurc has also bccn crcacd. For
Furopcan launch company Ariancspacc, his was
hc 17h ISRO sacllic sincc 1081.
Novcmbcr 8, 1061, was a landmark or hc
Indian Navy. Indias maidcn aircra carricr,
INS (ormcrly HMS- ), wih is
ull load o ammuniion, Sca Hawks and Alizc
aircra (and a crcw o 1,100), was ccrcmoniously
rcccivcd by Primc Miniscr 3awaharlal Nchru a
hc Ballard Picr o Bombay. 3.R.D. Taa was onc o
hc invicd gucss. Pandiwas akcn around
hc ship by Chic o hc Naval Sa (CNS) Vicc
Admiral R.D. Kaari, (Flag Oiccr Commanding
Indian Flcc FOCIF) Rcar Admiral B.S. Soman,
and hc ships capain, Pccr [Priam Singh]
Rcar Admiral Sadashiv Karmarkar, hc irs
Indian o command Briish oiccrs on
RINS , was hc Flag Oiccr Bombay
(FOB). Thc Navy had o bcrh hc 20, 000
on a Ballard Picr, hc only bcrh whcrc
hc carricr could havc bccn accommodacd wih
ull load. No bcrh in hc naval dockyard could
accommodac hc ully loadcdand shc
nccdcd o lighcn o 17,000 ons. A similar
siuaion is prcvalcn or hc 47, 500 on
INSa Mumbai, and which is sc o
arrivc. Shc will bc bcrhcd ingcniously a hc
oucr naval dockyard bcrh wih spccial ponoons
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manuacurcd by Coa Shipyard Id., ill
pcrmancn aciliics a INS Kadamaba a Karwar
arc sc up as par o Projcc Scabird.
The Great Bombay explosion
3.R.D. Taa and Karmarkar wcrc wincsscs o
hc amous Bombay Vicoria Docks Fxplosion
ha ook placc on April 14, 1044. SSFor
Sikinccarrying a cargo o coon balcs, gold and
ammuniion including 1,400 ons o cxplosivcs,
caugh irc and cxplodcd and brokc ino wo. In
hc impac, windows 12 km away in Bombay wcrc
shacrcd. Thc scismographs a Shimla rccordcd
rcmors. Many pars o Bombay wcrc wipcd ou
bccausc o hc blass and ircs ha ragcd or wo
days. Showcrs o burning macrial sc irc o
Bombays slums. Flcvcn vcsscls bcrhcd closc by
wcrc sunk or damagcd and 800 dcahs rcporcd.
Thc mcmory saycd.
In 1068, 3.R.D. Taa, a visionary, hcard o
hc Navys nccds and lcarn i was going o
rcclaim land owards hc Taj Mahal hocl, a sic hc
rcasurcd, o cxpand hc vinagc naval dockyard.
Icarning o hc cos o ncw bcrhs and drcdging
hc approachcs o hc naval dockyard wcrc worh
hundrcds o crorcs, hc Taas iniiacd a busincss
sudy and ocrcd o dcvclop a dccp wacr naval
basc and a por in Cujara ncar 3amnagar, supcrior
o Kandla, o bcrhVikranand ohcr warships o
dccongcs Bombay.
Karmarkar (also a visionary), duc o
dicrcnccs wih CNS Soman, was abruply rcircd
in 1064. Thc Taas wcrc kccn o cncr hc
shipping and por busincsscs, and 3.R.D. kncw
Karmarkar, had a closc working rclaionship wih
Dccncc Miniscr Y.B. Chavan, who had bccn
appraiscd o, and was in suppor o hc proposal
o dccongcs Bombay. 3. R. D. suggcscd o
Karmarkar o join and pursuc hc projcc rom
Bombay Housc.
A his juncurc, hc wcalhy Chowgulcs,
who hailcd rom Coa, and wih hcir shipping and
mcrcanilc cxpcricncc, bough sca ronagc a
Nhava Shcva. Thcy applicd o hc govcrnmcn o
sc up a ship rcpair and building yard wih
bcrhing aciliics opposic Mumbai, and madc
hc ocr o hc Navy o rclocac across hc
harbour. Thcy cmploycd Karmarkar or hc
vcnurc. Thc proposal ncarly wcn hrough wih
Chavans blcssings. Unorunacly, hc union
cabinc rulcd ha shipbuilding and pors wcrc a
sracgic indusry o bc rcscrvcd or hc public
sccor. Thc land a Nhava Shcva was acquircd or
hc 3awaharlal Nchru Por Trus (3NPT).
Ticking bomb
Thc Navy buil ncw bcrhs, a ncw dry dock,
a submarinc basc, INS Vajrabahu, and cxpandcd
hc naval dockyard on scmi rcclaimcd land. Thc
bcrhs insidc Iion Cac arc locacd ncx o Ballard
Fsac, jus a soncs hrow rom hc Cacway o
India, and a kilomcrc rom hc Sock Fxchangc
and Mumbais busincss disric, hc hub o Indias
cconomic aciviy. In hc cvcn o a warship or a
submarinc loadcd wih wcapons accidcnally
blowing up, hc arca will bc vulncrablc o
cxcnsivc damagc, disrupion and sucr
cconomic loss in billions.
Thc 1044 SSFor Sikincragcdy bcars
rcscmblancc o hc wo massivc cxplosions
INSSindhurakshakcxpcricnccd on Augus 14,
sucring damagc o hc wcapon loadcd bows and
hcn sinking. Six bodics havc bccn rccovcrcd. Thc
causcs arc bcing invcsigacd, and i has arrcd hc
Navys good submarinc rccord whcn comparcd
wih ohcr navics. I is spcculacd ha a irc or
cxplosion could havc rippcd hc bacr y
comparmcn whcrc raccs o hydrogcn arc always
prcscn, jus undcr hc orpcdo and missilc ubcs
in hc doublc-hullcd submarinc. This could havc
sc hc combusiblc oil anks and wcapon
propcllans on irc and ignicd warhcads.
As pcr sandard opcraing proccdurcs,
opcraional submarincs and warships cmbark
missilcs and orpcdocs, bu hcir warhcads arc
no armcd wih dconaors, and considcrcd
rclaivcly sac rom sympahcic dconaion. Bu
hc pocncy o warhcads is incrcasing. In uurc,
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hc damagc hrough an accidcn or macrial
ailurc or saboagc would bc unimaginablc, and
which canno bc rulcd ou in his agc o crror.
Iimpc mincs can bc uscd, as hc ITTF cmploycd.
Naval divcrs cncrcd hc manglcd hull
oSindhurakshakand rccovcrcd charrcd bodics.
Anohcr Kilo submarinc,Sindhurana, doublc
bcrhcd alongsidc, sucrcd a irc i was
possibly hcr ancchoic rubbcr ilcs covcring hc
hull ha caugh irc. Shc was owcd o sacy. Thc
cpisodc is a sark warning no morc can
warships and submarincs rcadicd or opcraional
duics bc bcrhcd ncar big mcropoliscs, as hcy
carry lchal missilcs, orpcdocs, mincs and
rockcs wih ons o cxplosivc ladcn warhcads
and propcllans, and arc also icd wih volailc
bacrics, ha can spark. Howcvcr ailsac hcy
may bc considcrcd o bc, hc chancc o a irc
brcaking ou and sympahcic dconaion can
ncvcr bc rulcd ou.
At Visakhapatnam
Naval bcrhs o hc cxpanding Indian Navy
arc locacd in hc hubs o Mumbai and
Visakhapanam. Thcy nccd rclocaing or sacy
rcasons. Thc Navy is on hc hrcshold o a largc
cxpansion, o 47 ships, as sacd by CNS Admiral
D.K. 3oshi. Hcncc, i nccds o spccdily complcc
phasc wo o hc Scabird projcc a INS
Kadamba o rclocac Wcscrn Command
opcraional ships, and considcr scing up
anohcr ncw basc on hc wcs coas or Indias
mariimc cxpansion. A worsc siuaion prcvails in
Visakhapanam whcrc nuclcar submarincs arc
bcrhcd. Thc naval basc is juxaposcd wih a
rcincry, a crilizcr bcrh and hc rain calcining
plan ncx o onc o Indias busics harbours. Thc
Navy sharcs a wall wih hc sprawling Hindusan
Shipyard Id. Thc por has a vcry narrow cnrancc
ha can bc blockcd by sinking a rawlcr. This
could bolc up hc Fascrn Flcc and is nuclcar
submarincs. Hcrc again, hc Navy cxpandcd rom
1060 and buil, wih Sovic suppor, hc largcs
naval dockyard in hc Fas.
Case for greenfield bases
Boh Admirals Daya Shankar and Corshkov
in hc 1070s had suggcscd ha a ncw grccnicld
naval basc and dockyard bc buil a
Bhccmunipaam or Kakinada as a uurisic
opion, bu i was urncd down. Mrs Candhi
carcd hc Sovics would ask o usc i as a basc. In
hc 1000s, hc Dccncc Rcscarch and
Dcvclopmcn Organisaion ook a sccion o hc
naval dockyard and buil hc imprcssivc and
cxpcnsivc nuclcar submarinc building ccnrc in
hc hcar o Visakhapanam o consruc Indias
own nuclcar submarincs likc hc INS,
whosc rcacor rcccnly wcn criical. (This in
conras o hc original plan or a Mazagon Dock
Id. subsidiary o build nuclcar submarincs ncar
is Mangalorc yard.) Mcanwhilc, a ncw naval
orward opcraing basc is bcing buil souh o
Can naval opcraing aciliics bc rclocacd`
I so, how` In cconomic crms, hc rulc o A.P.
Ciannini o Bank o Amcrica nccds o bc applicd.
Hc was hc irs o challcngc hc unwricn rulc
carly in 1008 ha banks should only lcnd moncy
o pcoplc who don nccd i. Thc Minisry o
Dccncc docs no nccd unds. Inscad, i can
orward-scll valuablc naval land in mcros o
dcvclopcrs in aucions wih ixcd basc priccs,
collcc considcrablc advanccs, and wih ha and
loans, build modcrn naval bascs and dockyard
aciliics and rclocac naval opcraing aciliics, in
his agc o privaisaion.
Crccnicld bascs oday can bc madc
opcraional wihin ivc o six ycars (as Souh
Korca, land-sarvcd Singaporc, hc Unicd Sacs
and hc Unicd Kingdom did somc ycars ago by
dccongcsing ciy ccnrcs). Thc Chincsc havc
ollowcd his modcl or hcir submarinc basc in
Hainan and cvcn dcvclopcd a ncw island o
India oo nccds o rclocac naval
indcrboxcs away rom mcropoliscs, wih ncw
grccnicld bascs.
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In a major cxamplc o how hc rich world
counrics arc rcusing o pu hcir moncy whcrc
hcir mouh is on climac changc, a major U.N.-
backcd iniiaivc ha would havc kcp ossil ucls
undcrground in hc prisinc orcss o Fcuador
has collapscd.
Thrcc counrics sharing hc Amazon rcgion
Brazil, Colombia and Fcuador wcrc
discussing plans o improvc monioring o hc
worlds biggcs rainorcs, Fcuadorian Prcsidcn
Raacl Corrca announccd ha his counry was
giving up a conscrvaion schcmc ha would havc
paid hc counr y no o drill or oil in hc
Amazons prcviously unouchcd pars o Yasuni
Naional Park hc mos divcrsc naural zonc in
hc world.
Thc ar-rcaching dccision ha would lcad
o hc dcmisc o hc plancs mos crcaivc and
ambiious approach o biodivcrsiy conscrvaion,
social dcvclopmcn and climac changc
immcdiacly sparkcd a icry dcbac on hc uurc
o hc worlds biggcs cco-syscm, wih Mr. Corrca
blaming hc rich naions or ailing o suppor
hc schcmc o arac donaions or Fcuador.
Wih only $18 million so ar in acual
donaions, hc said hc had bccn orccd o abandon
hc und as hc world has ailcd us.
I was no chariy ha wc sough rom hc
incrnaional communiy, bu co-rcsponsibiliy in
hc acc o climac changc, said Mr. Corrca, who
had launchcd hc schcmc in 2010 wih hc aim o
raising $8.6 billion, almos 50 pcr ccn o hc
valuc o hc rcscrvcs in hc parks Ishpingo-
Tambococha-Tipuini (ITT) oil icld, ovcr 18
A ha imc, hc ITT Iniiaivc, as hc
projcc is known, was wclcomcd as an alcrnaivc
o hc cors o hc Unicd Naions o dcal wih
climac changc and biodivcrsiy loss as i
promiscd o hc kccp carbon in hc ground in a
2,00,000- hccarc corncr o hc park and, in hc
proccss, hclp o rcdisribuc wcalh rom rich
naions o hc dcvcloping world and wildlic.
Lip Service
Bu in hc pas wo ycars, hc lcadcrs o
dcvclopcd counrics ocn paid lip scrvicc o hc
projcc and Hollywood sars appcarcd or phoo-
ops in hc junglcs wih hick vincs, cxoic plans,
rarc birds and cndangcrcd rcpilcs, bu Fcuadors
plcas or unds o savc o local cconomic
prcssurcs cll on dca cars, cvcn as dcvcloping
naions likc Indoncsia and Chilc donacd a cw
million dollars o hc projcc.
On Friday, hundrcds o pcoplc gahcrcd in
Quio o procs agains Mr. Corrcas dccision, bu
hcrc was no visiblc angcr agains hc rich
counrics whosc non-coopcraion acually lcd o
hc schcmcs ailurc.
Now, a coaliion o cnvironmcnal and
indigcnous groups is vowing o kccp hc
Fcuadorcan govcrnmcn and oil companics ou o
hc arca, which is homc o a lcas wo isolacd
ribcs. Thc govcrnmcn docsn havc hc righ
o dissolvc hc Yasuni-ITT Iniiaivc bccausc his
docsn bclong ohcm, saidFspcranza Marincz,
hc prcsidcn o hc Accion Fcologica
cnvironmcnal group.
Thc iniiaivc was a proposal ha camc
romcivil socicy.
Thc dcbac may urn ino angry procss as
hc groups arc planning a scrics o marchcs as
wcll as lcgislaivc acions o rcscuc hc projcc.
Humbcro Cholango, hc prcsidcn o hc
powcrul Concdcraion o Indigcnous
Naionaliics o Fcuador, has said his group
would do whacvcr is ncccssary o block oil
cxploraion in hc arca. Thc Fcuadorcan
Prcsidcns assurancc ha hc oil cxploraion
would lcavc mos o hc park unouchcd,
accing lcss ha onc pcr ccn o is arca, has
donc lilc o dousc hc angcr o cnvironmcnal
In hc rcgion, hc collapsc o hc und is
bcing sccn as a major scback in igh agains
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climac changc and cors o savc hc Amazon
rainorcs. Fcuador, which is also homc o hc
Calapagos Islands, is hc only counry in hc
world o havc rccogniscd hc righs o naurc in
is Consiuion.
Oncc again, a Ccosynchronous Sacllic
Iaunch Vchiclc (CSIV) is on hc launch pad a
Sriharikoa. This launch will bc crucial acr
wo succcssivc ailurcs o hc rockc, hc Indian
Spacc Rcscarch Organisaion can ill aord onc
morc roublcd ligh. Morcovcr, hc spacc agcncy
nccds o dcmonsrac ha, acr 20 ycars o cor,
i has now mascrcd cryogcnic cchnology.
Thc CSIV rcains hc irs wo sagcs o is
prcdcccssor, hc Polar Sacllic Iaunch Vchiclc
(PSIV). In ordcr o carry hcavicr sacllics han
hc lacr, hc hird sagc o hc CSIV uscs
cr yogcnic propulsion. Running on liquid
hydrogcn and liquid oxygcn, a cryogcnic cnginc
ocrs grcacr cncrgy cicicncy han hosc ha
usc ohcr propcllans. Thc improvcd cicicncy
mcans ha hc uppcr sagc can carry lcss
propcllan, wih hc wcigh savcd ranslaing
dirccly ino morc payload.
ISRO ricd o purchasc cr yogcnic
cchnology rom wha was hcn hc Sovic Union,
bu hc dcal ha was signcd in 1001 ran ino
roublc acr hc U.S. imposcd sancions. Russia,
which inhcricd hc dcal acr hc brcakup o hc
Sovic Union, backcd ou o providing hc
cchnology bu agrccd o supply scvcn ligh-
worhy sagcs or hc CSIV.
Ic wih no opion, ISRO bcgan hc
Cryogcnic Uppcr Sagc Projcc in April 1004 or
dcvcloping an indigcnous vcrsion o hc Russian
cryogcnic cnginc and sagc. Whilc his
cchnology dcvclopmcn was in progrcss, i could
ly hc CSIV wih Russian-madc sagcs.
Thc CSIV, cquippcd wih a Russian
cryogcnic sagc, irs lcw in 2001. Howcvcr,
unlikc hc PSIV, which shook o hc ailurc o is
irs launch and wcn on o noch up 28
consccuivc succcsscs, hc CSIV has bccn roublc
pronc. In is scvcn lighs so ar, hrcc wcrc
ourigh ailurcs and anohcr wo sucrcd scrious
In April 2010, hc CSIV lcw or hc irs
imc wih an indigcnous cryogcnic sagc. Closc o
ivc minucs acr li-o, hc cryogcnic cnginc
camc o lic bu only vcry bricly. Wih hrus
rom ha cnginc ailing o pick up, hc rockc
soon umblcd ino hc sca.
In Dcccmbcr hc samc ycar, hc CSIV was
lown again, his imc wih a Russian cryogcnic
sagc. Bu disascr sruck yc again, wih hc
vchiclc going ou o conrol lcss han a minuc
ino hc ligh, brcaking up ino picccs and
cxploding ino lamcs ovcr Sriharikoa.
ISRO has gonc o grca lcnghs o lcarn
rom hosc ailurcs and adop suiablc changcs,
say scnior oicials o hc spacc agcncy.
Thc Russian cryogcnic cnginc and sagc
dcsign is complicacd. Booscr urbopumps
insallcd a hc boom o hc liquid hydrogcn and
liquid oxygcn anks mainain a scady low o
propcllans o hc main urbopump.
Glitch Rectified
Analysis o hc daa radiocd down by hc
rockc during is April 2010 ligh showcd ha
hc booscr urbopump supplying liquid hydrogcn
had causcd hc problcm. Thc urbopump had
sarcd up normally and aaincd a maximum
spccd o 84,800 rcvoluions pcr minuc. Bu is
roaion slowcd acr lcss han onc sccond and
soppcd soon acrwards.
A dcailcd rcvicw concludcd ha onc o hc
pumps scals could havc grippcd hc roaing sha
as a rcsul o hcrmal dcormaion or somc iny
conaminan bccoming wcdgcd somcwhcrc.
Alcrnaivcly, hc casing o hc urbinc ha drivcs
hc pump could havc rupurcd.
Thc rcvicw lcd o a ighcning o
manuacuring olcranccs or hc booscr
urbopumps pars as wcll as morc sringcn
proccdurcs or is asscmbly. Fxcnsivc csing has
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also bccn inroduccd, including o hc ully-
asscmblcd urbopumps.
Thc saring scqucncc or a cryogcnic
cnginc is a complcx proccss, involving spli-
sccond iming. Thc cryogcnic cnginc as wcll as
hc sagcs wo small sccring cngincs wcrc cscd
bricly undcr simulacd high-aliudc condiions
a ISROs Mahcndragiri aciliy in Tamil Nadu o
cnsurc ha hcir igniion wcn smoohly.
In hc CSIVs Dcccmbcr 2010 ligh, a
shroud, which proccs hc cryogcnic cnginc
during amosphcric ligh, opcncd up as hc
rockc accclcracd o supcrsonic spccds. In hc
proccss, i pullcd apar connccors or clccrical
cablcs carrying conrol signals rom onboard
compucrs mouncd ncar hc op o hc rockc o
hc rcs o hc vchiclc. Ou o conrol, hc vchiclc
urncd sharply and soon brokc up. Thc shroud has
now bccn srcnghcncd and hc connccor
mouning modiicd.
In is orhcoming mission, hc CSIV is
carrying CSAT-14, a communicaion sacllic
wcighing closc o wo onncs.
Thc rockc could launch scvcn morc
spacccra ovcr hc ncx our ycars, according o
ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan. This could
includc our communicaion sacllics, a
mccorological sacllic idcnical o hc Insa-8D
ha was launchcd las monh on Furopcs Arianc
5 rockc, hc CISAT rcmoc scnsing sacllic as
wcll as Chandrayaan-2, hc counrys ncx lunar
cxploraion mission.
Thc cos o launching Insa-8D on Arianc 5,
no including insurancc, camc o $82 million
(Rs.400 crorc), Dr. Radhakrishnan old his
corrcspondcn. Thc marginal cos o cach CSIV
ha is, hc addiional cxpcnsc hc spacc agcncy
incurs on hc launch vchiclc bu which docs no
includc all hc organisaional coss and
invcsmcns or supporing hc mission camc
o abou Rs.200 crorc.
Howcvcr, hc currcn vcrsion o hc CSIV
will probably no bc ablc o carry communicaion
sacllics wcighing morc han abou 2.2 onncs.
ISRO has alrcady launchcd scvcral considcrably
hcavicr communicaion sacllics aboard Arianc
rockcs. Thc Dcparmcn o Spaccs lacs annual
rcpor shows cigh morc communicaion
sacllics bcing launchcd abroad ovcr hc ncx
our ycars, including hc CSAT-7 ha will ly on
hc Arianc 5 lacr his monh.
ISRO is in hc proccss o dcvcloping a morc
powcrul rockc, hc CSIV Mark-III, ha will bc
capablc o carr ying our- onnc- class
communicaion sacllics. Thc rockcs gian solid
propcllan booscr and is big liquid propcllan
sagc havc alrcady bccn succcssully cscd on hc
ground. Bu an cnircly ncw cryogcnic cnginc and
sagc havc also o bc prcparcd.
Tcs iring o hc CSIV Mark-IIIs cryogcnic
cnginc would sar soon and hc incnion was o
havc hc cnirc vchiclc rcady or is irs
dcvclopmcnal ligh by 2016-17, according o
hc ISRO chairman.
Nowha hc Union Cabinc has dccidcd on
hc composiion o hc proposcd 3udicial
Appoinmcns Commission, an inormcd dcbac
bccomcs possiblc. Thc commission will bc
prcsidcd ovcr by hc Chic 3usicc o India, and
will includc wo Suprcmc Cour judgcs. Thc non-
judgcs will bc hc Iaw Miniscr, wo cmincn
pcrsons and hc 3usicc Sccrcary, who will bc hc
Mcmbcr-Sccrcary. Thc Icadcr o hc Opposiion
in cihcr Housc will bc par o a commicc which
nominacs hc cmincn pcrsons, hc ohcr
mcmbcrs bcing hc Primc Miniscr and hc Chic
3usicc. Thus, all hc organs o hc Sac, as also
hc ciizcnry, will bc rcprcscncd. And hc judgcs
will bc marginally ounumbcrcd. This is as i
should bc.
Checks and Balances
Rcccn rcacions o scnior lcadcrs o hc Bar
sccm o akc hc vicw ha hc indcpcndcncc o
hc judiciary would bc compromiscd by ousidc
paricipaion. Thc Chairman o hc Bar Council o
India is rcporcd o havc said ha wc arc oally
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agains his Naional 3udicial Appoinmcn[s]
Commission Bill bccausc o hc ac ha in hc
proccss o appoinmcn o judgcs, wc do no wan
any incrcrcncc rom any ousidcr, including hc
cxccuivc (PTI rcpor, Augus 2, 2018). A lacr
prcss rclcasc o hc Bar Council o India (Augus
10, 2018) says . lawycrs o hc counry arc no
going o olcrac hc rcplaccmcn o hc cxising
collcgiums wih hc proposcd Commission,
wihou hc rcprcscnaion o hc Bar Councils
and hc (Bar) Associaions. Thc prcsidcn o hc
Suprcmc Cour Bar Associaion is rcporcd o havc
said ha loading hc Commission wih morc
mcmbcrs rom hc Fxccuivc and including cwcr
mcmbcrs rom hc judiciary would curail hc
indcpcndcncc o hc judiciary and ha hc curc
should no bc worsc han hc discasc. Thc Bar will
no agrcc o ranscr hc powcr o appoinmcn
o hc cxccuivc. Thc collcgium syscm can bc
improvcd by making mchods o sclccion morc
So ar, hc ccnral issuc o dcmocraic
accounabiliy has cihcr no bccn addrcsscd, or
swcp undcr hc carpc. This is hc irs rcason
why hc collcgium syscm nccds o bc scrappcd.
Thc Consiuion uncions undcr a syscm o
chccks and balanccs. 3udgcs o hc supcrior cours
arc givcn hc powcr o srikc down laws o
Parliamcn and hc Sac Icgislaurcs, which in
hcir vicw violac hc provisions o hc
Consiuion. Thc judiciary has, in addiion, givcn
iscl hc powcr o annul amcndmcns o hc
Consiuion i hcy violac hc basic srucurc
(- , 1078), and hc poliical
class has acquicsccd. I is complccly
undcmocraic i hc sclccion o such a powcrul
insiuion is o bc lc cnircly o a body o mcn
and womcn conccdcdly lcarncd in hc law, bu
unclcccd, and in pracicc virually irrcmovablc,
hanks o a complicacd impcachmcn proccdurc.
This scl-sclccing proccdurc, crcacd by hc
judgcs hcmsclvcs in 1008 is uniquc o our
counry. Ohcr dcmocracics arc no worsc o in
hc macrs o judicial indcpcndcncc only bccausc
hcy havc morc paricipaory syscms o
appoinmcn. Indcpcndcncc is nicc, bu wih
accounabiliy, i is bccr.
Not their sole prerogative
Thcrc is a sccond rcason why judicial
appoinmcns should no bc hc solc prcscrvc o
judgcs or cvcn a body o judgcs and lawycrs. Thc
lcgal procssion will asscss procssional mcri
only in crms o cchnical skills.
Fory ycars ago, in lcss salubrious imcs, hc
lac Mohan Kumaramangalam crcacd car by
srcssing hc imporancc o hc social
philosophy o judgcs o jusiy hc supcrscssion
o hrcc scnior judgcs o hc Suprcmc Cour or
appoinmcn as Chic 3usicc o India. I is now
imc o hink dispassionacly. Whilc hc
supcrscssion o a judgc can ncvcr bc jusiicd on
hc basis o his social or consiuional
philosophy, surcly i is a rclcvan acor o bc
akcn ino accoun a hc imc o appoinmcn.
Fvcn i hcy consul scnior lawycrs, hc
collcgiums only look a cchnical compccncc.
Whilc sclccing lawycrs or hc High Cour hcy
look a hcir lcvcls o pracicc, hcir incomcs,
hcir major argumcns and hcir courroom
ciqucc. And whcn judgcs arc sclcccd rom hc
High Cours or hc Suprcmc Cour, i is mainly on
hc basis o hcir scnioriy (subjcc o coursc o
hc rcjccion o hosc whom hc collcgium
dccidcs o rca as uni). Any incrrogaion on
consiuional philosophy is ousidc hc scopc o
his cxcrcisc. Thcrc is only onc philosophy say
judgcs and cmincn lawycrs and ha is hc
philosophy o hc Consiuion. And, pray, wha
is ha philosophy` Wc all know, acr all, ha hc
Consiuion is wha hc judgcs say i is.
A rcccn Consiuion Bcnch judgmcn has
crcacdconscrnaion. Inanohcr o hosc rapid
judgmcns, a ivc judgc bcnch o hc Suprcmc
Cour hcld ha rcscrvaion in supcr spccialiics
in hc aculy o hc All India Insiuc o Mcdical
Scicnccs was unconsiuional. Thc corrccncss o
ha judgmcn is no hc subjcc o odays
commcn, hough hcrc is scopc or wo vicws on
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i. Wha is disurbing is an obscrvaion in hc
pcnulimac paragraph ha hc vcry conccp o
rcscrvaion implics mcdiocriy. Thcrc is no
nuancc hcrc, no qualiicaion, jus a bald
sacmcn. Thc judgmcn is auhorcd by hc
ougoing Chic 3usicc, who was o coursc undcr
prcssurc o imc. Bu our ohcr judgcs who
signcd hc judgmcn havc no had a problcm wih
hc languagc. This is hc judicial pcrccpion o
rcscrvaion, whilc applying a 68-ycar-old
Consiuion which has airmaivc acion
wricn ino i. Can wc scriously ind aul wih a
lcgislaor who wans o know wha a judgcs
consiuional philosophy is`
And hcrc is a hird rcason why ousidcrs
bccomc rclcvan. Manpowcr planning is no a
conccp which hc judiciary has cvcr considcrcd
imporan. Ovcr hc ycars boh in prc- and pos-
collcgium days, wc havc wincsscd hc spccaclc
o Chic 3usiccs o India occupying oicc or
pcriods likc 41 days in hc casc o 3usicc C.B.
Paanaik, approximacly onc monh in hc casc o
3usiccs Rajcndra Babu and 3.C. Shah and as cw
as 18 days in hc casc o 3usicc K.N. Singh. Thcrc
has no bccn a singlc occasion whcn a judgc has
rcnounccd hc high oicc o makc way or a
collcaguc who would havc a longcr cnurc and
would hus scrvc hc insiuion bccr. Thc
proposcd commission nccds o bring in human
rcsourcc consulans as wcll, o cnsurc ha only
hosc wih suicicn cnurcs will occupy hcsc
Similarly, High Cour Chic 3usiccs havc
occupicd hcir posiions or as lilc as hrcc o six
monhs cn rouc o hc Suprcmc Cour. Iilc
conccrn has bccn shown or hc ccc ha hcsc
shor-crm appoinmcns havc on adminisraion
in hc High Cours. Nor has hcrc bccn oo much
worry abou hc qualiy o rccommcndaions or
judicial appoinmcns by collcgiums prcsidcd ovcr
by such shor-crm Chic 3usiccs, who would
rcally havc had no occasion o asscss hc
compccncc o such pcrsons. Thcrc havc also
bccn insanccs whcrc scnior judgcs havc bccn
appoincd as High Cour Chic 3usiccs or jus a
cw days bcorc hcir rcircmcn, so ha hcy do
no losc ou on hc bcncis o rciring rom ha
highcr posiion. Whilc hc judiciary has ound i
pcrccly rcasonablc and lcgiimac o mandac a
wo-ycar crm or Dirccors Ccncral and
Inspccors Ccncral o Policc (- ,
2006), ha unorunacly is no saucc or hc
In 3unc 2018, mcmbcr sacs o hc World
Tradc Organisaion (WTO) agrccd o cxcnd hc
ransiion pcriod or adhcrcncc o hc Agrccmcn
on Tradc-Rclacd Aspccs o Incllccual Propcry
Righs (TRIPS) among lcas-dcvclopcd counrics
(IDCs). Wha his mcan was ha IDCs nccd no
comply wih incrnaional rulcs o incllccual
propcry righs (IPR) proccion or
pharmaccuical pacns ill up o 3uly 1, 2021.
This dccision has major implicaions or
public hcalh. Acccss o csscnial mcdicincs has
bccn a prcssing conccrn or scvcral dccadcs.
Counrics such as India and ohcrs in is
gcography o souh Asia as wcll as hc 10 co-
mcmbcrs o hc World Hcalh Organisaion
Souh-Fas Asia Rcgion (WHO SFAR) nccd o
usc his opporuniy o producivcly and
imaginaivcly promoc acccss o mcdical producs
such as mcdicincs, vaccincs and diagnosics.
To bc air, his is no a ncw issuc. Thc
pcriod sincc hc adopion o WTOs Doha
Dcclaraion in 2001 has sccn dramaic growh in
hc quanum and divcrsiy o paricipans in
incrnaional policy dcbacs conccrning
innovaion and acccss o mcdical cchnologics.
Acccss o mcdical producs in hc concx o
incllccual propcry proccion was iniially
cxamincd wihin hc WHO by hc Commission on
Incllccual Propcry Righs, Innovaion and
Public Hcalh (CIPIH), sc up in 2008.
In April 2006, hc CIPIH publishcd is
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rcpor. I conaincd a numbcr o
rccommcndaions aimcd a oscring innovaion
and improving acccss o mcdicincs. In 2008, a
World Hcalh Asscmbly rcsoluion rccrrcd o hc
Clobal Sracgy and Plan o Acion on Public
Hcalh, Innovaion and Incllccual Propcry.
I aimcd o promoc ncw hinking on
innovaion and acccss o mcdicincs, or nccds-
drivcn, csscnial hcalh rcscarch and dcvclopmcn,
rclcvan o discascs ha disproporionacly
acccd dcvcloping counrics.
I has bccn csablishcd ha priccs all
sccply as soon as drugs go o pacn and whcn
hcrc arc gcncrics compciors. Iogically, hc pricc
all sccms o bc grcacr whcn morc gcncrics
compciors cncr hc markc. Thcrc is a nccd o
usc hc policy spacc availablc wih hc cxcnsion
in hc TRIPS agrccmcn and cncouragc pricc
rcducions by aciliaing hc cnry o gcncrics
For India his placcs a dual challcngc as
a uscr o mcdicincs and a socicy commicd o
minimising hcalh-acccss incquiy and as an
cconomy wih a robus pharmaccuical indusry,
cspccially in hc gcncrics spacc.
Economies of scale
For many dcvcloping counrics, including
somc o Indias parncrs in hc WHOs Souhcas
Asia Rcgion (SFAR), opions arc limicd by hc
small sizc o hcir markcs and lack o indigcnous
cchnological, producivc and rcgulaor y
capaciics. This lack o capaciy o crcac a
compciivc cnvironmcn nccds o bc addrcsscd.
Thc criical issuc is ha hc cconomics o supply
o an individual counry wih a limicd markc
may bc insuicicn o arac pocnial gcncrics
supplicrs. To allow, hcrcorc, or cconomics o
scalc and a dcgrcc o compciion, i is imporan
ha small markcs cngagc ogchcr as much as is
Incrnaional insiuions such as hc
WHO or hc Clobal Fund o Figh AIDS,
Tubcrculosis and Malaria (CFATM) could bc
associacd o assis SFAR counrics in aciliaing
and inancing group purchascs rom boh
brandcd and gcncrics manuacurcrs o promoc
acccss o mcdical producs.
This is also a imc or such counrics o
consolidac ncw approachcs o incllccual
propcry managcmcn or public hcalh. From hc
imc ha Indoncsia ocusscd hc acnion o hc
global hcalh communiy on sharing o viruscs
ha lcd o hc WHO Pandcmic Inlucnza
Prcparcdncss (PIP) Framcwork, a ncw plaorm
or bcnci sharing has cmcrgcd. Thc Framcwork
cnablcs hc sharing o bcncis dcrivcd rom such
viruscs and includcs ncw mchods o
managcmcn o rclacd incllccual propcry (IP)
hrough dcvcloping Sandard Macrial Transcr
In urn, hcsc providc or a rangc o opions
or biological macrial rccipicns, such as
inlucnza vaccinc manuacurcrs, o cncr ino
bcnci-sharing agrccmcns.
This is or hc irs imc ha hc usc o
gcncic rcsourccs and associacd righ o prior
inormcd conscn, primarily undcr hc domain o
hc Convcnion on Biological Divcrsiy and in
kccping wih hc principlcs o hc Nagoya
Proocol on Acccss o Ccncic Rcsourccs and hc
Fair and Fquiablc Sharing o Bcncis Arising
rom hcir Uilisaion, which o coursc awais
raiicaion has bccn applicd o hcalh
Genetic resources
Thc succcss o hc PIP ramcwork has
opcncd hc door o cxploring uurc
collaboraions in acccss o mcdicincs, boh
radiional and modcrn. India has a widc varicy
o gcncic rcsourccs and wc nccd o cxplorc
sracgics o opimisc hc lcssons o PIP in hc
concx o mcdical producs. I is known ha
radiional mcdicinc providcs lcads or hc
dcvclopmcn o ncw rcamcns. Many modcrn
mcdicincs wcrc originally bascd on hcrbal
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For cxamplc, osclamivir, uscd o rca
various inlucnza inccions, is bascd on shikimic
acid, which is isolacd rom Chincsc sar anisc, a
cooking spicc uscd in radiional Chincsc
mcdicinc. Currcn malaria rcamcns conain
synhcic dcrivaivcs o arcmisinin, which is
dcrivcd rom a plan, swcc wormwood or
Arcmisia annua. This is an ancicn Chincsc
mcdicinc ha was in ac uscd o rca malaria-
srickcn soldicrs during hc Vicnam War and was
dcvclopcd, hrough an incrnaional parncrship,
ino a widcly-uscd pharmaccuical produc or
malaria rcamcn.
Thcsc arc nocworhy prcccdcns. Wc havc
o lcarn rom hcm, and usc hc incllccual-
propcry window ovcr hc ncx cigh ycars o
addrcss hc issuc o acccss o mcdicincs or hc
longcr crm.
I has bccn hc bclic o many
palacnologiss so ar ha
, hc irs lying dinosaur, had a
brain sizc ha was incrmcdiac bcwccn ha o
non-avian dinosaurs and modcrn birds. Howcvcr,
a ncw sudy by Ms. Amy Balano and hcr cam
indicacs ha hc brain sizc o
was smallcr han ha o many
carlicr dinosaur spccics. Ms. Balano is
Insrucor o Rcscarch Anaomical Scicnccs,
Dcparmcn o Anaomical Scicnccs, Sony Brook
Univcrsiy School o Mcdicinc, Sony Brook, Ncw
York, U.S. Thc sudy is publishcd in a rcccn issuc
o hc journal.
Brain sizc is an imporan dccrminan o
hc abiliy o ly and hc grcacr hc rclaivc brain
sizc (rclaivc o body mass) hc grcacr hc
ncurological capabiliics rcquircd o ligh. Birds
arc disinc in his aspcc as hcir brains,
paricularly orc brains, arc cxpandcd rclaivc o
body sizc.
Thc cxpansion by volumc o hc avian
cndocranium (hc spacc insidc hc skull housing
hc brain) bcgan carly in hcropod (carnivorous
dinosaur) cvoluion and rcccn sudics unlikc
prcvious oncs suggcs ha avialans, hc amily o
which bclongs, arc no uniquc in
hcir brain-rcadincss or lying. In ac many
carlicr dinosaurs had largcr cndocranial spacc
han .
This ac was bornc ou o hc sudy which
involvcd Compucd omography analyscs o ossil
skulls o hc phylogcny o dinosaurs including
modcrn birds. Prcvious sudics havc csablishcd
ha was no hc basal bird. Is
his inding o brain sizc urhcr proo ha
is no a basal bird` In a way ha is
ruc, Ms. Balno nocd in an cmail. Our sudy
shows ha i is bccoming hardcr o dcinc wha
a bird is. Fcaurcs ha wc hough wcrc
characcrisic o birdsshow up much carlicr in
cvoluionary hisory han wc prcviously wcrc
awarc o (wihin non-avian dinosaurs).
I non-avian carlicr dinosaurs had ligh-
capablc brains, why did hcy no cvolvc ino
Ms. Balano nocs: Thc sory wih hc
ligh rcady brain is ha i cvolvcd bcorc ligh
did. Iikc ohcr ligh-rclacd caurcs o birds hc
largc brain cvolvcd carly in hc hisory o non-
avian dinosaurs wcll bcorc hc cvoluion o
powcrcd ligh. Only lacr in hcir hisory did
dinosaurs cvolvc hc capabiliy o ly. Is a good
illusraion o mosaic cvoluion in which
disparac, sccmingly unrclacd picccs wcrc pu
ogchcr or anohcr usc.
Thc sudy considcrcd hc rclaionship
bcwccn oal cndocranial volumc and body sizc
o hcropod lincagcs mos looscly rclacd o
avialans. Thc rcscarchcrs also dividcd hc
cndocass ino volumcric pariions o csimac
hc major ncuro-anaomical rcgions such as
olacory bulbs, ccrcbrum, opic lobcs, ccrcbcllum
and brain scm.
This was donc o ind ou how hc various
cndocranial rcgions o hc avian brain cvolvcd in
rclaion o hc body sizc and o onc anohcr. Thc
rclaivcly high corrclaions bcwccn hc oal
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volumc and changcs in sizc o dicrcn brain
rcgions, indicac ha cach rcgion wih hc
cxccpion o hc olacory bulbs, cxpandcd along
hc avian scm.
Thcrc was no srucural consrain on hc
growh o cndocranial volumc. Thc ac ha hc
rcgions cxpandcd ogchcr shows ha hc
surrounding skclcon o hc issucs was highly
rcsponsivc o cvoluionary growh o hc various
rcgions o hc brain. Fnccphalisaion (hc cxccss
growh o brain issuc in rclaion o body sizc)
also ook placc duc o gross cxpansion o hc
issuc or dccrcasc in body sizc or a combinaion
o hc wo.
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I is no by coincidcncc ha his ariclc
carrics hc samc ilc as our Rcpor, or his is by
way o an inroducion o a Rcpor ha wc bclicvc
should bc csscnial rcading or all hosc who
would likc o scc hc ulillmcn o Candhijis
drcam or indcpcndcn India. Rcplying o a qucry
on his Drcam or Indcpcndcn India, hc wroc
in his journal, 10 Scpcmbcr 1080:
- -
is - - -

This vision is inscribcd on hc covcr o hc
Rcpor and consiucs is lcimoi.
Thcrc is no way in which hc lc
alonc hc poorcs Indian, can havc a scnsc o
bclonging in a Parliamcn in which his MP
rcprcscns 15-20 lakh ohcrs, or an cccivc voicc
in dccisions arc akcn in rcmoc Sac capials or
Dclhi, lc alonc cvcn in hc inacccssiblc rcachcs
o hc Collccors o ivc 65 ycars acr.
Indcpcndcncc almos cvcry Indian ccls alicnacd
rom hc poliical and adminisraivc proccss, hc
scnsc o alicnaion bcing hc grcacr hc lowcr
down hc cconomic scalc and social hicrarchy ha
pcrson inds himscl or hcrscl in, and also hc
morc disanccd hc or shc is gcographically rom
hc imposing Bhawans whcrc his or hcr uurc is
dccidcd. Six and a hal dccadcs o dcmocracy lcavc
mos individuals as disan rom having an
cccivc voicc in hc making o hcir counry as
hcir parcns and grandparcns wcrc undcr
colonial rulc.
Thc onc ray o hopc is a rcurn o Candhian
irs principlcs. Candhiji wancd our dcmocraic
insiuions o bc buil on hc oundaions o
Panchaya Raj, as cvidcnccd in hc 1046
publicaion by Shriman Narayan Agarwal,
- ha
Candhiji himscl cndorscd in cnircy in hc
Forcword hc wroc o hc book.
Acr many ravails, Parliamcn cvcnually
incorporacd kcy clcmcns o hc Candhian
vision in our schcmc o govcrnmcn, by passing,
virually unanimously, hc 78
and 74
amcndmcns o hc Consiuion in Dcccmbcr
1002 ollowcd by Thc Provisions o hc
Panchayas (Fxcnsion o Schcdulcd Arcas) Ac,
1006 [PFSA] in Dcccmbcr 1006, as rcquircd by
Par IX (Thc Panchayas) o hc Consiuion. Thc
Consiuion dcscribcs PRIs as insiuions o
scl-govcrnmcn, no scl-govcrnancc, a
disincion vial o hc cccivc cmpowcrmcn o
hc Panchayas.
Ncarly aquarcr ccnury lacr, wc havc somc
Panchaya Raj bu no holisic Panchaya Raj.
Our Rcpor aims a corrccing ha dcicicncy.
Morc spcciically, i aims o cnsurc ar
grcacr cicicncy in hc dclivcry o public goods
and scrviccs by shiing hc burdcn o boom-up
planning arc las-milc dclivcry o hc Panchaya
Raj Insiuions (PRI) rom a burcaucraic modc
o dclivcry ha has pacnly ailcd.
How dramaically hc prcscn syscm o
dclivcry has ailcd is wcll illusracd by wo scs
o irrcuablc acs. Onc, whcrcas Ccnral
budgcary cxpcndiurc on social sccor and ani-
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povcry programmcs has grown by 25 imcs sincc
hc onsc o cconomy rcorms (rom around Rs.
7500 crorc in 1002-08 o ovcr Rs. 2 lakh crorc in
hc currcn budgc) our ranking on hc UN
Human Dcvclopmcn Indcx coninucs o hovcr
around 185 as i did a hc sar o cconomic
rcorms. Wc appcar o bc likc Alicc in Wondcrland:
hc ascr wc run, hc morc wc rcmain whcrc wc
wcrc. Thc Rcpor characcrizcs his as rcadmill
Thc sccond sc o acs dcrivcs rom hc
Twclh Fivc-Ycar Plan documcns: ha whcrcas
our cconomy has grown a ncarly 8 pcr ccn ovcr
hc prcvious Plan pcriod, hc rac o povcry
allcviaion which languishcd a undcr 0.8 pcr ccn
in hc prcvious clcvcn ycars, is now avcraging no
morc han 15 pcr ccn pcr annum. Thus, widcning
dispariy and incqualiy has bccn compoundcd by
gross ailurc o makc opimal usc o hc
addiional Covcrnmcn rcvcnuc gcncracd by
rcorms cvcn i hc Union Covcrnmcn has
cvolvcd ovcr 150 Ccnrally Sponsorcd Schcmcs,
wih vcry much highcr budgcary allocaion han
could havc bccn conccivcd o 25 ycars ago. This
appalling was o rcsourccs is much morc
disurbing han hc so callcd lcakagcs accing
subsidcs or cvcn hc alling growh racs in hc
acc o simulus hrough rcvcnucs orcgonc in
hc amoun o ovcr Rs.25 lakh crorc urnishcd o
hc producivc clcmcns o our cconomy sincc
Ncihcr growh nor jusicc will bc sccurcd
wihou morc cquiablc sharing o rcsourccs
bcwccn hc 70 pcrccn poor and vulncrablc
scgmcn o our populaion, idcniicd by hc lac
Dr. Arjun Scgpua in his cclcbracd 2007 Rcpor,
and hc bccr o scgmcns o our pcoplc on
whom wc arc incrcasingly rclying o cnlargc hc
naional cakc.
Unorunacly, CSS guidclincs only vcry
rarcly obligc Sac-govcrnmcns o cccivcly
dcvolvc Funcions, Financcs and Funcions,
Financcs and Funcionarics o Panchaya Raj
Insiuions. PRIs arc occasionally-mcnioncd as-
an-opion bu in such a passing and casual
manncr ha Sac burcaucracics prccr o
hcmsclvcs bc hc dclivcry agcncy or sc up
parallcl bodics o do hcir bidding as rcgiscrcd
socicics (whosc accouns arc no subjcc o local
or CAC audi). This lcachcs hc cnirc dclivcry
syscm o any rcsponsibiliy o hc incndcd
bcnciciarics. hc abscncc o accounabiliy o
hc local communiy, and hc ransparcncy in
ransacions ha such accounabiliy would
imposc, whilc vas sums o moncy arc cxpcndcd
and a widcning ncwork o giganic mcchanisms
o dclivcry arc dcviscd, hc bcnciciarics
hcmsclvcs arc, or hc mos par, rcduccd o
bcggars wih hcir bcgging bowls or silcn
spccaors o dccisions ha inimacly impingc
on hc wclarc o hcmsclvcs and hcir amilics.
Thus, hc principal rcason or hc ailurc o
our syscms o govcrnancc o makc hc poorcs
ccl i is hcir counry, in whosc making hcy havc
an cccivc voicc is ha, nowihsanding hc
and 74
amcndmcns, Panchaya Raj has
lilc or no rolc in CSS. Thcrc arc wo cxccpions
o his gcncralizaion: MNRFCA, ha has givcn
a placc undcr rcd hc sun o hc Villagc Panchaya
(or, a any rac, o hc villagc sarpanch) and hc
Backward Rcgions Cran Fund ha makcs
grassroos planning hc - as Primc
Dr. Manmohan Singh has said, o hc
BRCF. I disric planning in accordancc wih
Consiuional provisions can bc obligaory and
mandaory or hc mos disrics o hc counry,
ha why can his no bc donc or hc morc o
advanccd disrics or, indccd, or ohcr CSS in hc
samc backward disrics`
This ailurc in CSS has aaincd hc mos
alarming proporions in ribal disrics incccd
wih Ic-Wing Fxrcmism (IWF).
Nowihsanding hc scaring indicmcn in hc
DcbuBandyopadhyay Commicc Rcpor o 2008
on - -
- o hc maladminisraion o dcvclopmcn
programmcs in Fih Schcdulc arcas (ha arc
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almos co-crminus wih IWF disrics), hc
Incgracd Acion Plan or WF disrics, now
undcr considcraion or mcrging ino BRCF, by-
passcs boh-Consiuional provisions as also
PFSA, hus alicnaing hc local communiy rom
paricipaivc dcvclopmcn. Wihou paricipaivc
planning and implcmcnaion, hcrc can bc no
inclusivc growh. Inclusivc growh wihou
inclusivc govcrnancc is hc incviablc
conscqucncc o rclying morc on hc burcaucracy
and lcss on hc pcoplc o sc or aain
dcvclopmcn goals.
Our Rcpor cmphasizcs ha,
nowihsanding various ailcd iniiaivcs
undcrakcn in hc pas dccadc, wha appcars o
undamcnally conound hc highcr cchclons o
hc burcaucracy in oricning CSS owards PRIs is
an inadcquac undcrsanding o hc proccsscs
involvcd in cccivc dcvoluion. Thcrcorc, hc
hcar o hc Rcpor is hc prcscnaion o modcl
Aciviy Maps or cigh kcy CSS
- --

- ,
- ---
- o
dcmonsrac how o cnsurc an adcquac rolc or
PRIs in planning and implcmcnaion by
dcvolving o hcm hc 8 Fs (Funcions, Financcs
and Funcionarics) in a scicniic, clcar-cu -
manncr on hc basis o hc principlc o subsidiary
rc lcccd hrough hc prism o hc basic
principlcs o sound public adminisraion.
Thc principlc o subsidiariy holds ha
whacvcr can bc donc a a lowcr lcvcl mus bc
donc a ha lcvcl and no highcr lcvcl.
Rcciprocally, hc principlc o subsidiariy also
holds ha whacvcr canno bc donc a a lowcr
lcvcl mus bc donc a hc appropriac highcr lcvcl
and no lowcr. To dccrminc hc appropriac lcvcl
or any givcn aciviy, hc principlcs o sound
public adminisraion arc invokcd o providc or
hc cacgorizaion o aciviics o aciliac hc
proccss o dcciding hc appropriac lcvcl or
Thc Map also dcails which aciviy would
rcquirc wha sharc o inanccs and which
agcncics (Funcionarics), burcaucraic or cxpcr,
or hc opimal pcrormancc o hc ask. Thc
Rcpor rccommcnds ha cxplici provision bc
madc or all CSS Aciviy Maps o bc projcccd as
modcls o hc Sacs, lcaving i o hc Sacs o
modiy hc Aciviy Maps o sui local condiions.
Thus, a hc sagc o implcmcnaion, Aciviy
Maps would assumc hc characcr o Sac-spcciic
Aciviy Maps ha can bc adjuscd ovcr imc a
hc discrcion o Sac govcrnmcns or in
consulaion wih hc Ccnrc, bu all CSS would
havc Sac-spcciic Aciviy Maps carving ou hc
domain o hc PRIs in ha Sac or cach CSS.
Thc suggcscd mchodology or scicniic
dcvoluion on hc basis o objccivc cricria would
cnd hc apparcn conronaion bcwccn Sac
incrcs and PRI incrcss ha has hus ar
symicd cccivc dcvoluion. All six lcvcls bccomc
coopcraors in a join cndcavour o sccurc bcs
rcsuls. No onc is lc ou, all arc includcd, and hc
Candhian drcam is progrcssivcly rcaliscd.
Thc suggcscd mchodology also givcs hc
lic o hc common pcrccpion, rclcccd in hc
Twclh Plan documcn, ha Panchaya Raj bcing
hc rcsponsibiliy o hc Sacs, hcrc is lilc hc
Ccn1rc can (o, should) do o push macrs
orward. In ac, had hcrc no bccn hc rcquircd
poliical will, hc longcs and mos dcailcd
amcndmcn cvcr o hc Consiuion could hardly
havc bccn passcd virually unanimously in boh
Houscs o Parliamcn. I hcrc wcrc no poliical
will, hc approval o hc amcndmcns o hal hc
Sac lcgislaurcs rcquircd bcorc sccuring
Prcsidcnial asscn or hc cnry ino orcc o hc
Bill would no havc bccn obaincd wihin our
monhs, as acually happcncd. I hcrc wcrc no
poliical will, hcrc would no havc bccn ha
largc Mcasurc o adhcrcncc o mandaor y,
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Consiuional provisions in rcspcc o Panc hay
a Raj as has acually bccn hc casc - such as hc
passagc o Sac-lcvcl conormiy lcgislaion,
rcgular Panchaya clccions, rcscrvaions,
indcpcndcn Sac-lcvcl clccion commissions
Sac-lcvcl inancc commissions, local and CAC
audi and social audi Nor would wc havc sccn as
many as 15 Sacs incrcasing rcscrvaions or
womcn rom 88 pcr ccn o. 50 pcr ccn, as has
acually happcncd.
Finally, i nccds o bc cmphasizcd ha
alhough hc pacrn o dcvoluion o. PRIs has
bccn cxrcmcly uncvcn, wih somc Sacs likc
Kcrala and Kamaaka (and, rcccnly, Maharashra)
in hc lcad and ohcrs likc UP and 3harkhand as
laggards a birds cyc survcy o Panchaya Raj ovcr
hc las wo dccadcs shows Panchaya Raj
as advancing cvcr ywhcrc and somc
laggards lcap-rogging ovcr morc advanccd Sacs
o givc rcmarkablc rcurns. Scvcral cxamplcs
spring o mind: Kcrala iscl, ha wcn in onc
lcap in hc sccond hal o hc 1000s rom virually
no Panchaya Raj o irs posiion, Tripura ha
undcrook hc samc Crca Icap Forward in hc
pas dccadc, Bihar ha has zoomcd ahcad in
rcccn ycars convcring dcspair ino hopc,
Haryana, Himachal and Rajashan, ha havc madc
rcmarkablc progrcss. Somc Hill Sacs likc Sikkim
and Uarakhand havc shown i can bc donc,
ohcrs likc Arunachal Pradcsh arc sill o sc hcir
housc in ordcr. Somc o hc smallcr Sacs likc
Coa havc pcrormcd wcll alhough problcms
rcmain. Thc Union Tcrriorics, a Ccnral
rcsponsibiliy havc bccn among hc wors
laggards. Assam, Andhra Pradcsh, Madhya
Pradcsh and Cujara arc among hc biggcr Sacs
ha had a hcad-sar bu havc sincc sagnacd.
Barring Maharashra in rcccn ycars, all ninc
Sacs wih
Fih Schcdulc arcas havc urncd in a mos
disappoining pcrormancc in rcspcc o
implcmcning PFSA provisions. Thc lis is
incomplcc, bu illusraivc o hc imporan
poin ha poliical will is no cnircly lacking, as
so casily assumcd by many.
Wha is morc rclcvan is ha burcaucraivc
will has bccn wocully lacking, cspccially in
Dclhi. Thc Rcpor quocs a lcngh rom hc pah-
brcaking inaugural addrcss by Primc Miniscr Dr.
Manmohan Singh a hc irs concrcncc o chic
miniscrs hc convcncd wihin a monh o
assuming oicc on Rural Prospcriy and Povcry
Allcviaion hrough Panchaya Raj (20 3unc
2004) in which hc laid ou such a cogcn and
comprchcnsivc road map or Panchaya Raj ha
hc Commicc havc adopcd hc Addrcss as hc
cmplac or hcir own Rcpor. Noc is hcn akcn
o hc Primc Miniscrs dirccivc o hc Cabinc
Sccrcary o circularisc all Sccrcarics in chargc o
CSS o modiy hcir rcspccivc CSS guidclincs o
bring hcm in conormiy wih Consiuional
provisions. Thc Cabinc Sccrcary did so on 8
Novcmbcr 2004, wih hc addcd proviso ha hc
cxcrcisc mus bc complccd wihin wo monhs
and rcporcd- o him pcrsonally.
Tha, alas, was hc cnd. Thrcc ycars lacr,
inding ha no Ccnral Minisry was aking hc
Primc Miniscrs dirccivc scriously, hc Union
Panchaya Miniscr pcrsuadc hc Cabinc
Sccrcary o sc up commicc comprising a
sccrcary rom hc Cabinc Sccrcaria and his
Panchaya Raj sccrcary o incrac will hcir
councrpars and producc hc irs round o
Aciviy Maps o aciliac cccivc dcvoluion o
hc PRIs undcr hcir rcspccivc CSS. 15 schcmcs
wcrc sclcccd, accouning or morc han wo-
hirds o all CSS cxpcndiurc, and in ull
consulaion wih hc sccrcarics conccrncd,
inaliscd and submicd o hc Cabinc Sccrcary
on 22 3anuary 2008. Howcvcr, no acion has
ollowcd. For hc las ivc ycars, hc cxcrcisc has
rcmaincd dcadlockcd wih hc Cabinc Sccrcaria
saying i will no do i and a haplcss Minisry o
Panchaya Raj plcading ha i canno do i.
Thc Planning Commission had cvinccd
considcrablc incrcs in aking orward Disric
Planning as cnvisagcd in hc Consiuion. A
commicc was consiucd undcr hc
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chairmanship o hc lcgcndary champion o
Panchaya Raj Shri V. Ramachandran ormcr Vicc-
Chairman o hc Kcrala Sac Planning Board.
Bascd on hc V. Ramachandran commicc
rccommcndaions, hc Planning. Commission
issucd dcailcd guidclincs o hc Sac
govcrnmcns, saying all Sac plans had o
includc hc componcn o disric planning bcorc
bcing brough o hc Planning Commission or
approval. Unorunacly, hc
Planning Commission hcn pu is own
guidclincs ino cold soragc and now appcars o
havc abandoncd hc cxcrcisc alogchcr,
nowihsanding hc Manual or Disric
Planning circulacd by hc Planning Commission
on 1 April 2000. Thc unanimous Rcpor o hc
NDCs Fmpowcrcd Sub-Commicc on Panchaya
Raj also languishcs unimplcmcncd in hc
cupboards o hc Planning Commission.
Wc hus scc ha i is burcaucraic
rccalcirancc rahcr han any lack o poliical will
ha is hc main hurdlc. Alcrnaivcly, iris pcrhaps
burcaucraic incpiudc, a lack o undcrsanding o
hc mchodology or cccivc dcvoluion ha is
holding up hc appropriac hc modiicaion o
CSS guidclincs as ordcrcd by hc poliical
auhoriy ncarly a dccadc ago. This lacuna has
now bccn illcd by our Rcpor dcmonsraing,
wih rcspcc o cigh kcy CSS, how cccivc
dcvoluion can bc promocd by cnsuring hc
inclusion o modcl Aciviy Maps in all CSS
Bcsidcs Aciviy Mapping, hc Commicc
havc undcrakcn a dcailcd survcy o hc policy
issucs and sccoral issucs involvcd in working
owards Holisic Panchaya Raj. In succcssivc
chapcrs o hc irs Par o hc Rcpor dcaling
wih broad policy issucs, hc Rcpor has ocuscd
on Sac acion on dcvoluion, hc cchnicaliics
o Disric Planning, hc Financcs o hc
Panchayas, hc inricacics o raining and
capaciy building (hc longcs chapcr in hc
Rcpor), womcn in Panchayas, and
disadvanagcd sccions o hc populaion, such as
SC/ST, pcoplc wih disabiliics, and rcligious
minoriics in hc Panchaya syscm, including, a
somc lcngh, hc rcmpan, including, as somc
lcngh, hc rampan ransgrcssion o hc lcgal
and consiuional righs sccurcd by hc ribals
hrough hc ih Schcmc, hc 78
hc Forcs Righs Ac and PFSA.
Thc hird kcy sc o collacral mcasurcs
rccommcndcd rclacs o hc impcraivc o
invoking all rclcvan provisions o hc Fih
Schcdulc and Par IX o hc Consiuion, and
PFSAI Forcs Righs lcgislaion, or hwaring
hc growing mcnacc o Naxalism, hc singlc mos
imporan challcngc o incrnal sccuriy, as
poincd ou by hc Primc Miniscr. Sccuriy
mcasurcs, o coursc, havc hcir placc in his ask
o naional prioriy, so docs dcvclopmcn bu
ncihcr will suicc unlcss
dcvclopmcn, bascd on - govcrnancc, as
cnvisagcd in PFSA, is acualiscd. Morc han any
ohcr singlc acor, is hc ailurc o opcraionalisc
PFSA ha has rcsulcd in so scrious a
dccrioraion o sccuriy in Fih Schcdulc arcas,
and as hc Ccnrc has hc righ (and duy) undcr
hc Fih Schcdulc o issuc dirccions rclaing
o hc adminisraion o hcsc arcas, hc Rcpor
rccommcnds ha in vicw o hc pacn ailurc o
mos Fih Schcdulc Sac govcrnmcns o livc up
o hc promisc o PFSA, hc Ccnrc is obligcd
undcr hc Fih Schcdulc o akc macrs in-hand.
I Naxalism is hwarcd by rccoursc o PFSA, a
dramaic cxamplc would ollow or Sacs o
rcplicac o mainain dcmocraic sabiliy a hc
lcvcl whcrc i macrs mos - hc grassroos.
I is popular, boh in currcn casual and
scrious discoursc o alk o a rus dcici in hc
incracion bcwccn hc pcoplc and hc sac. Thc
naurc o a rclaionship bcwccn an insiuion
callcd hc Sac and is ciizcns can only bc in hc
naurc o a social conrac. This dciniion and
cxpccaion o rus, is an ac o aih and akcs
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away rom hc cqual, causal and raional
rclaionship ha dcmocracy sccks o csablish
hrough is syscms. I wc look a somc o hc
csscnial rcquisic o dcmocraic insiuional
srucurcs, o scnd rcprcscnaivcs o panchaya,
asscmbly and Parliamcn, hcrc is implici in hc
clccion proccss an obligaion or rcprcscnaivcs
o bc accounablc or hcir acions. Wc ranscr
our sovcrcigny undcr conrac and consiuional
obligaion o pcrorm in accordancc wih hc
promiscs madc o us. Thc ac o aih and rus
sccms a misplaccd conccp in hc rclaionship
bcwccn hc ciizcn, and hc Sac. Onc quarrcls
cvcn wih Candhijis drcam o a jus rclaionship
cmcrging hrough rusccship. I is no possiblc
in any, bu in an Uopian socicy. In hc Indian
poliical concx o dcmocracy and govcrnancc,
skcwcd by-casc, class, gcndcr and rcligious
prcjudiccs, wih laycrs o idcniics and dividcs, a
conccp such as rus would-do wcll o bc lc
alonc - o individual and inimac rclaionships.
I is his growing rccogniion which lcd
pcoplc o a scrious asscssmcn o hc way
govcrnmcns uncion, and hc naurc o powcr
rclaionships inlucnccd by cudal social norms
colonial adminisraivc pacrns and hc
cmcrging pacrn o nco socio poliical-cconomic
vcscd incrcss. Thc dcmand or righs is hc sum
o hc currcn undcrsanding o his obligaion o
hc Sac. I is undcr conrac o is pcoplc
hrough hc voc and promiscs madc on
assuming oicc. A pcoplc chcacd o cqualiy in
hc conccpion o policy, lcgislaion and
implcmcnaion, in hc discharging o dcmocraic
and consiuional obligaions ocn by an
indicrcn and ocn callous Sac, canno bu
scc hc rclaionship wih hc Sac as a
conracual rclaionship, moniorcd by
ransparcncy and accounabiliy, a cvcry scp o
Thc obvious ruh ha govcrnancc was
morc han an cvil ncccssiy, and had a dircc, day
o day impac on our livcs ook a long imc o bc
undcrsood. Thc rus o a populaion rclicvcd o
hc colonial yokc, ook our dccadcs o dissipac,
Thc iniial cuphoria urncd o dismay: and
disappoinmcn whcrc basic consiuional
promiscs and a drcam o-a bccr lic cludcd many.
Thc assurancc ha indcpcndcncc iscl would
consiuc rccdom rom wan bccamc a naivc
aih, nccding o bc dismanlcd. Progrcss and
improvcmcns no-wihsanding, hc
marginaliscd populaion cl hclplcss and unablc
o impac hc syscm o dclivcr bccr spccialiscd
domain knowlcdgc which apparcnly grans hcm
hc auhoriy and conidcncc o aking hc mos
appropriac dccision in hc grcacr public good o
hc cconomy and/or hc counry. Thc PIP has hc
pocnial o brcaking noions likc his and
rcvcrsing pahs o knowlcdgc crcaion by
augmcning cxpcrisc wih cxpcricncc. I looks
a unpacking hc crm policy currcnly consising
o gamc changcr idcas o includc lcarning rom
hc grassroos bascd on rcgular incracc bcwccn
hc Sac and is manicsaions, and hc pcoplc,
who arc daily subjcccd o hc irrcgulariics and
dysuncional clcmcns o Sac govcrnancc. Thc
PIP providcs an opporuniy or hosc ciizcns
who cxpcricncc hc oucomcs o dccisions akcn
by auhoriics ar rcmovcd rom hc ccncrs o
powcr o conribuc owards hc raming o ncw
Icgislaions and Rulcs and makc hc proccss o
policy ormulaion and dccision making morc
inclusivc and inormcd.
Thc ollowing arc hc kcy principlcs ha
will guidc hc draing o Icgislaions and Rulcs
(ncw and amcndmcns o old) by all Covcrnmcn
Dcparmcns and Minisrics:
(a) Pro-active disclosure of Statement of
Objects and Reasons
Fvcry Dcparmcn is mandacd Pro-acivcly
disclosc a Sacmcn, Objccs and Rcasons, in
Hindi arc Fnglish, dcscribing hc nccd, inancc
and social implicaions o bringing in a ncw Iaw/
Rulc and amcnding currcn Iaws/Rulcs. Thc
Sacmcn o Objccs and Rcasons is cxpcccd o
bc wricn in ordinary prosc, as o aciliac non-
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spccialiss o undcrsand and comprchcndcd hc
inormaion casily inormaion casily.
(b) Pro-Active Disclosure of Draft Rules/
Subscqucn o hc abovc proccss hc
conccrncd Dcparmcn is cxpcccd o pro-acivcly
disclosc hc dra Icgislaion/Rulc ormulacd by
i, along wih an cxplanaory noc dcscribing hc
lcgal languagc in uncional Fnglish, or a pcriod
o 00 days on is wcbsic. In addiion, whcrc such
a ncw law/rulc and amcndmcn o law/rulc
dirccly accs a spcciic group in hc populaion.
a physical copy o hc samc will bc providcd or in
cvcry Panchaya. School Pos Oicc. Rajiv Candhi
Sahaya Kcndra in hc arca consising o acccd
pcoplc. Thc csscncc o hc naurc o disclosurc
rcmains onc whcrc auhoriics pro-acivcly
disscminac kcy documcns in hc public domain
in modcs ha arc casily acccssiblc o hosc
siuacd in rural arcas.
(c) Public Consultations
Conccrncd Dcparmcns will bc mandacd
o organizc public consulaions o aciliac
discussion o hc public on hc dcails o hc law/
amcndmcn arid pro-acivcly solici hc ccdback
o acccd sakcholdcrs on hcir proposcd lcgal
(d) Record of Summary
I will bc mandaory or hc conccrncd
Dcparmcn o havc a rccon o a summary o all
hc ccdback ha i has rcccivcd by hc public on
hc law/rulc and prcparc a sacmcn o hc
rcsponsc ha hc ormcr dcviscd. Thc samc shall
bc produccd bcorc hc Cabinc or making is
dclibcraion morc inormcd, Subscqucnly, hc
rccord o public ccdback rcccivc, shall bc
produccd bcorc hc conccrncd Parliamcnary
Sanding Commicc sudying hc rulc/law.
(e) Enforcement Mechanism
Thc PIP will bc cnorccablc hrough an
Fxccuivc Ordcr issucd by hc Covcrnmcn o
India o all Dcparmcns and Miniscrs. In
addiion, hcrc shall bc in placc, a imc bound and
ciizcn ricndly gricvancc rcdrcss mcchanism in
cvcry conccrncd Dcparmcn or hc Rcdrcssal o
complains rcccivcd by hc public in cascs o non-
compliancc o hc Covcrnmcn o guidclincs o
hc Prc Icgislaivc Proccss, Thc Dcparmcn o
Iaw 8 3usicc will bc hc nodal auhoriy or
cnsuring hc cccivc roll ou o hc PIP.
Ic us akc a quick look a hc bcginnings o
a ncw pcrccpion o govcrnancc which is
paricipaory and mandacs ha ciizcns mus bc
involvcd in a ashioning and monioring o
dcmocracy in which hc conribuion o
lcgislaion and policy assumc a ncw dimcnsion.
Thcrc is a rc word o cauion o boh govcrnmcn
and ciizcns ha hcy canno qucsion or
ovcrridc Consiuional guaranccs. Thcy rcmain
sacrosanc. Thc PIP addrcsscs hc pcrormancc
and accounabiliy o hc poliical and
burcaucraic csablishmcn. I gocs bcyond hc
dcmand or scruiny o a singlc law, bu dcmands
i o all proposcd lcgislaions. As lac Mohanji, a
dali crusadcr or hc RTI said. I makcs hc voc
spcak or 5 ycars. By implicaion i makcs hc
burcaucracy also rclcvan and accounablc.
I is imporan o rc- cmphasizc ha hc
Prc Icgislaivc Proccss makcs room or grcacr
ransparcncy and paricipaion, wihou
undcrmining hc rolc and scopc o hc
Parliamcnary proccsscs, hcncc hc crm prc-
lcgislaivc proccss. Onc can undcrsand hc Prc-
lcgislaivc Proccss o bc an opporuniy or pcoplc
o rc-cngagc wih macrs o govcrnancc and
uncions o hc Sac in gcncral. This is a
wclcomc changc rom many o hc morc rcccn
agcndas o good govcrnancc rcorms ha
absolvc hc Sac rom is corc duics o
implcmcnaion by rclying on privac sccor
cxpcrisc o rcplacc incicicn public sccor
uncionaliics. Thc Prc-Icgislaivc Proccss
makcs hc much rcquircd sacmcn o placing
hc rcsponsibiliy o making is dccisions
squarcly on hc Sac, (in hc orm o rulcs and
laws) morc ransparcn and accounablc and
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achicving i hrough grcacr ciizcn involvcmcn
and paricipaion.
Wc can lcavc hc inal word o Plao, who
wih his pccrs gavc us hc conccp o dcmocracy.
Thc pricc o apahy owards public aairs is o bc
rulcd by cvil mcn.
Why the Government Should Embrace the
Public Domain
Fach o you rcading his ariclc is a criminal
and should bc jailcd or up o hrcc ycars. Ycs, you.
Why, you may ask.
Havc you cvcr whislcd a unc or sung a ilm
song aloud` Havc you cvcr rcold a jokc` Havc you
rcplicd o an c-mail wihou dclcing hc copy o
ha c-mail ha auomaically addcd o hc rcply`
Or phoocopicd pagcs rom a book`
Havc you cvcr uscd an imagc rom hc
Incrnc in prcscnaion` Havc you cvcr surcd
hc Incrnc a work, uscd hc sharc buon on a
wcbsic, or rc-wcccd anyhing on Twicr` And
bcorc 2012, did you cvcr usc a scarch cnginc`
I you havc donc any o hc abovc wihou
hc pcrmission o hc copyrigh holdcr, you
migh wcll havc bccn in violaion o hc Indian
Copyrigh Ac, sincc in cach o hosc cxamplcs
yourc crcaing a copy or arc, ohcrwisc inringing
hc righs o hc copyrigh holdcr. Incrcsingly,
i was only hrough an amcndmcn in 2012 ha
scarch cngincs (likc Cooglc and Yahoo) wcrc
Traditional Justifications for Copyright
Copyrigh is onc among hc many orms o
incllccual propcry righs. Across dicring
hcorics o copyrigh, wo broad cacgorics may
bc madc. Thc irs cacgory would bc hosc
counrics whcrc copyrigh is incndcd o bcnci
socicy hc ohcr whcrc i is incndcd o bcnci
hc auhor. Wihin hc sccond cacgory, hcrc can
again bc wo subcacgorics hosc ha scc hc
nccd o bcnci hc auhor duc o noions o
naural jusicc and hosc ha scc hc nccd o
providc inccnivcs or auhors o crcac.
Inccnivcs o crcac arc ncccssary only whcn hc
ac o crcaion iscl is valuablc (and morc so han
hc crcaor).
Thc ac o crcaion is alucd highly as i
dirccly bcncis socicy. Thus, i is sccn ha hc
sccond sub-cacgory is closcr o hc socical
bcnci hcory han hc naural jusicc sub-
cacgory. In hc Unicd Sacs, hc wording o hc
Progrcss Clausc makcs hings clcar ha copyrigh
is or hc bcnci o hc public, and hc auhor is
only givcn sccondary considcraion. I is in ligh
o his ha hc U.S. Suprcmc Cour said.
Thc monopoly privilcgcs ha Congrcss
may auhorizc arc ncihcr unlimicd nor primarily
dcsigncd o providc a spccial privac bcnci.
Rahcr, hc limicd gran is a mcans by which an
imporan public purposc may bc achicvcd. I is
incndcd o moivac hc crcaivc aciviy o
auhors and invcnors by hc provision o a
spccial rcward, and o allow hc public acccss o
hc producs o hcir gcnius acr hc limicd
pcriod o cxclusivc conrol has cxpircd.
Fconomic hcorics o copyrigh scc
copyrigh as an inccnivc mcchanism, allowcd or
hc rcproducion, communicaion o hc public,
or publicaions on any govcrnmcn work, hcn
ha iscl would clcganly akc carc o hc
problcm. This would also rcmovc hc ambiguiics
inhcrcn currcnly in hc whcrc hc
ccnral govcrnmcn is publishing inormaion
ha i wans civil socicy cnrcprcncurs and ohcr
govcrnmcn dcparmcns o usc, howcvcr hcrc is
no clariy on whchcr hcy arc lcgally allowcd o
do so.
Rcccnly, hc mcmbcr sacs o hc World
Incllccual Propcry Organizaion- passcd a rcay
ha would aciliac blind pcrsons acccss o
books. On ha occasion, a Marrakcsh, I nocd
ha incllccual propcry mus no bc sccn as a
good in iscl bu as an insrumcnalis ool which
may bc sclccivcly dcploycd o achicvc socically
dcsirablc objccivcs. I said: I is hisoric ha
oday WIPO and is mcmbcrs havc collccivcly
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rccognizcd in a rcay ha copyrigh isn jus an
cnginc o rcc cxprcssion bu can posc a
signiican barricr o acccss o knowlcdgc. Today
wc rccognizc ha blind wricrs arc currcnly
curailcd morc by copyrigh law han procccd by
i Today wc rccognizc ha copyrigh no only
many bc curailcd in somc circumsanccs, bu ha
i mus bc curailcd in somc circumsanccs, cvcn
bcyond hc cw ha havc bccn liscd in hc Bcrnc
Onc o hc original ramcrs o hc Bcrnc
Convcnion, Swiss juris and prcsidcn, Numa
Droz, rccognizcd his in 1. 884 whcn hc
cmphasizcd ha limis o absoluc proccion arc
righly sc by hc public incrcs. And as
Dcbabraa Saha, Indias dclcgac o WIPO during
hc adopion o hc WIPO Dcvclopmcn Agcnda
nocd, incllccual propcry righs havc o bc
vicwcd no as a scl conaincd and disinc
domain, bu rahcr as an cccivc policy
insrumcn or widc ranging socio-cconomic and
cchnological dcvclopmcn.
Thc primary objccivc o his insrumcn is
o maximizc public wclarc. Whcn copyrigh
docsn scrvc public wclarc, sacs mus
incrvcnc, and hc law mus changc o promoc
human righs, hc rccdom o cxprcssion and o
rcccivc and impar inormaion, and o procc
auhors and consumcrs. Imporanly, markcs
alonc canno bc rclicd upon o achicvc a jus
allocaion o inormaional rcsourccs, as wc havc
sccn clcarly-rom hc book aminc ha hc blind
arc cxpcricncing.
Marrakcsh was hc ciy in which, as
Dcbabraa Saha nocd, hc damagc o TRIPS was
wrough on dcvcloping counrics. Now i has
rcdccmcd iscl hrough his rcay.
Thc Indian govcrnmcn nccds o similarly
rcdccm iscl by rccing govcrnmcnal works,
including hc scicniic rcscarch i unds, hc
archivcs o All India Radio, hc movics ha i
produccs hrough Prasar Bharai, and all ohcr
ax-paycr undcd works, and by rcurning hcm o
hc public domain, whcrc hcy bclong.
Whchcr or no hcrc cxiss a sandard
dciniion o hc crm Clobalizaion, hcrc is a
broad agrccmcn wih hc ac ha hc proccss o
Clobalizaion has had and coninucs o havc
proound impac on various aspccs o human
lic. Clobalizaion is no a ncw phcnomcnon or
i has bccn a long-crm gradual proccss o changc,
which accs cvcry aspcc o human lic and
bcing acccd by hc human lic and bcing
acccd by hc human cncrprisc, sincc hc days
o Columbus, and yc hc samc imc i is
irrcgularly puncuacd by cpisodcs o dramaic
changc. Fvcr sincc hc Columbian voyagc
iniiacd hc proccss o incrmingling o hc
conincns o Furopc and hc Amcricas,
Clobalizaion has bccn inlucncing and rcshaping
cvcry par o hc world in all aspccs o human lic
social, culural, cconomic, biological and
ccological aspccs.
In hc rcccn pas, hcrc wcrc wo incnsc
pcriods whcrc hc proccss o globalizaion
induccd dramaic changcs across hc world. Thc
irs wavc happcncd in hc lac nincccnh
ccnury up hc Firs World War, which was
characcrizcd by cxcnsivc radc ncworks across
various conincns undcr Furopcan Colonialism.
Thc sccond wavc happcncd in hc wcnich
ccnury, saring rom hc 1080s o hc prcscn
day, characcrizcd as rcc markc Capialism lcd by
hc phcnomcnal dcvclopmcn o hc inancial
markcs, and callcd as hc inancializaion phasc
o Clobalizaion or simply Financial
Thc aim o his ariclc is o discuss hc
proound changcs ha wcrc brough abou by hc
sccond wavc o Clobalizaion, paricularly in hc
concx o hc changc induccd by cconomic
paradigms, and hc conscqucn challcngcs o hc
poliical organizaion o hc markc cconomics.
Thc bcginning o hc sccond wavc o
Clobalizaion in hc 10805 markcd a disinc cnd
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o hc global ramcwork o cconomic
organizaion bcwccn Naion Sacs whcrc hc
domcsic poliical syscm was morc or lcss
sovcrcign o hc pcoplc o hc Sac. In ac, such
a poliical arrangcmcn mulilacrally agrccd
upon a hc Brcon Woods-concrcncc in 1044
providcd impcus o hc rcvival o hc proccss o
Clobalizaion, which was disrupcd by hc wo
World Wars.
Alhough, hc scopc o hc rcvival was
limicd duc o hc Cold War, hc cconomic succcss
wihin hc Wcscrn dcmocracics bascd on his
poliical archiccurc laid hc oundaion urhcr
cxpansion and incnsiicaion o hc proccss o
Thc incrnaional poliical archiccurc
bascd on hc Brcon Woods agrccmcn, which
was ably supporcd by hc sovcrcign Naion
Sacs and undcrpinncd by hc cconomic raionalc
o Kcyncsianism dclivcrcd hc so-callcd goldcn
agc o capialism, which collapscd during hc
1070s. I was rcplaccd by a unipolar world ordcr
undcrpinncd by hc cconomic raionalc o
Moncarism which ovcrsaw and supporcd hc
cxpansion and incnsiicaion o Clobalizaion.
Thc downall o Communism and hc cnd o hc
Cold War cra opcncd hc loodgacs or hc
cxpansion and incnsiicaion o hc proccss o
Clobalizaion ousidc hc Wcscrn hcmisphcrc.
Howcvcr, his proccss camc a hc cos o
dismanling hc vcry cconomic raionalc ha laid
is oundaion and undcrmining hc poliical
archiccurc ha gavc hc impcus o is cvcnual
cvoluion ino hc cra ha wc rccr o as hc
sccond wavc o Clobalizaion.
In hc concmporary licraurc hcrc havc
bccn numcrous accouns on hc impac o hc
sccond wavc o Clobalizaion on various
dimcnsions o human cndcavor a boh hc
naional and incrnaional concx. In hc
ollowing discussion, I would likc o discuss hc
impac paricularly in hc domain o poliical
rcprcscnaion and ariculaion brough abou by
hc Moncaris cconomic paradigm, which
rcplaccd hc Kcyncsian orhodoxy and advanccd
hc sccond wavc o Clobalizaion.
Thc pos Sccond World War pcriod saw hc
rcplaccmcn o hc old cconomic orhodoxy o
rcc markc cconomic philosophy, i.c., --
policics, wih hc Kcyncsian rcvoluion, Thc
rcvoluion brough abou a changc in hc poliical
naurc o hc Sac.
Whilc boh iscal and moncary policics
wcrc inormcd by scicniic rcscarch bascd on
Kcyncsian cconomic hcory, hc Sac was vcry
much sccn as hc implcmcncr o hosc policics.
Thc pos-war poliical climac wih syscmic
compciion bcwccn Wcscrn capialism and
Sovic socialism also conribucd o hc winds o
changc in cconomic hinking, which in urn
providcd an cconomic raionalc or hc wclarc
Thc poswar rcconsrucion aid rom hc US
was insrumcnal, no by dcsign in cxpcrimcning
wih hc cconomic policics o hc Kcyncsian
rcvoluion in Furopc.
No only did Kcyncsian policics
dcmonsrac. bascd on hc ncw hcory o how
cvcn unproducivc war cxpcndiurc could rcsul in
ull cmploymcn and urn around ailing
cconomics i also providcd hc incllccual basis
or hc poliics o social dcmocracy ccncrcd
around hc noion o acion sac, o bring abou
coopcraion bcwccn hc concnding cconomic
classcs o labor and capial. Furhcrmorc, wih hc
advcn o hc Wclarc Sac, hcrc ollowcd onc o
hc mos prospcrous pcriods in Furopcan hisory
hc so-callcd Coldcn Agc o Capialism.
Thc unincrrupcd growh in wcscrn
cconomics crcacd posiivc ccdback bcwccn hc
poliics o hc Wclarc Sac and Kcyncsian sylc
cconomic managcmcn. Thc Sac was sccn as hc
drivcr 0 hc cconomy and is poliical naurc was
no qucsioncd. Morc imporanly, Sac acion
was no sccn as dcrimcnal o hc incrcs o
capialiss as long as Kcyncsian sylc class
coopcraion crcacd invcsmcn climac
conducivc o privac invcsmcn drivcn by proi.
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Howcvcr, proi as hc cnginc o growh slowcd
down wih an cnsuing proi squcczc in hc 1070s
and hc limi o such coopcraion bcgan o
cmcrgc. Thc win oil shocks (1078 and 1870)
crcacd inlaionary prcssurcs on alrcady
sagnaing cconomics and qucsions wcrc raiscd
abou hc suiabiliy o Kcyncsian policics, which
by hcn had bccomc convcnional wisdom.
Fconomiss lcd by Milon Fricdman, in
paricular, bcgan o qucsion hc csablishcd
docrinc o Kcyncsianism by arguing ha hc
cconomic policics o hc Sac, iscal and
moncary policics in paricular wcrc shown o
disor hc cxpccaions o hc cconomic agcns
and hus hcir supply dccisions in hc shor-run
wih no rcal impac on hc macrocconomic lcvcl
o oupu and cmploymcn in hc long run. Thc
sccond phasc in hc dcvclopmcn o Fricdmans
hcory, ocn rccrrcd o as Moncarism Mark II,
or hc Ncw Classical School lcd by Robcr Iucas
wcn urhcr and dcmonsracd hc
incccivcncss o moncary and iscal policics by
arguing ha workcrs arc cndowcd wih raional
cxpccaions, which givcs hcm hc knowlcdgc o
know hc cxac conscqucnccs o such policics,
would no alcr hcir supply dccisions and hcncc
hcrc would bc no impac o hcsc policics or
macrocconomic oupu and cmploymcn cvcn in
hc shor-run - his is hc so callcd policy
incccivcncss argumcn.
Thc Moncaris councr-rcvoluion had
proound impac on hc sylc o cconomic
managcmcn. Thc Policy Incccivcncss
argumcn was uscd cccivcly o arguc ha
raional cconomic agcns would adjus hcir
supply dccisions cvcn whcn hc policy is simply
announccd by hc moncary auhoriy or hc
Sac. This allowcd hcm o akc hc argumcn
urhcr and claim ha givcn - poliical
compulsions, hc dcmocraic Sac may no bc in-
a-posiion o sick o is moncary policy
commimcns. Hcncc, i was argucd ha hc
inconsiscncics arising ou o such a
discrcionary policy making o hc Sac would
only lcad o ncgaivc impac on hc scnimcn o
hc invcsor and hcrcby acc hcir supply
dccisions. Thus, hc Moncaris councr-
rcvoluion argucd or ar indcpcndcn moncary
auhoriy, viz., hc Ccnral Bank ha would
conduc a rulc-bascd moncary policy dcvoid o
poliical incrcrcncc rom hc Sac, and hc
proccss o dclinking poliics o hc Sac rom hc
conduc o hc moncary policy was sc in moion.
Thc idca o an indcpcndcn, objccivc, non-
parisan and apoliical Ccnral Bank argcing
cxclusivcly hc inlaion rac rcsonacd wcll
wihin hc inancial communiy and i was
implcmcncd in Ncw Zcaland and soon was
ollowcd by many dcvclopcd and dcvcloping
counrics. Thus hc moncaris councrrcvoluion
likc hc Kcyncsian rcvoluion, rcdcincd hc rolc
o hc Sac in hc-cconomic sphcrc. In hc
pursui o is idcal o a minimalis i ook away
rom hc sac as a irs scp, is conrol ovcr
moncary policy. Howcvcr, iscal policy sill
rcmaincd wihin hc conrol o hc Sac.
Thc Moncaris councr-rcvoluion
providcd a pcrcc cconomic raionalc or hc
conscrvaivc poliical idcology ha advocacd a
minimalis sac. Thus, hc cconomics o hc
councr-rcvoluion and hc poliics o
Conscrvaism ccncrcd on hc minimalis Sac
aligncd pcrccly a hc urn o hc 1080s and hc
sagc was sc or hc dcvclopmcn o an
unccrcd inancial sccor around hc globc.
Fiscal policy was rcincd in o crcac a conducivc
ax climac o boos privac invcsors scnimcn
vis-a-vis hc inancial markcs. Fvcn hough hc
inancial markc wcn hrough a cw shocks in
hc lac 1080s and hc 1000s, c.g., hc 1087 onc-
day crash and hc docom mcldown in 2000, hc
rcsilicncc o hc modcrn inancial sccor was
hailcd as robus and is conribuion o hc
ovcrall prospcriy o hc cconomic cxpansion was
Thc Moncaris orhodoxy ha dislodgcd
hc Sac rom is moncary policy commimcns
using hc logic o markc scnimcns go
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irrcvocably lockcd ino hc vcry proccss in a scl-
rccrcnial way. Thc moncar y policy was-
conduccd by-indcpcndcn
Ccnral Banks, which supporcd hc
cxpansion o hc inancial sccor ha was o bc
ovcrsccn by an objccivc and scicniic risk-raing
mcchanism. Thc Crcdi raing agcncics providcd
such a scr vicc and gradually bccamc hc
undcrwricrs o risk or hc cnirc inancial
syscm, including hc Ccnral Banks or hcir
opcn markc opcraions conduccd wihin hc
ambi, o moncary policy. I was bclicvcd ha
hc apparcnly objccivc and scicniic proccss o
undcr wriing risk providcd a pcrcc baromccr
ha gaugcd markc scnimcns. In his proccss,
hc logic o markc scnimcns bccamc
insiuionalizcd via hc risk-raing mcchanism o
hc crcdi raing agcncics. A pliablc hcory was
rcsorcd rom prc-Kcyncsian hisory o pu in
placc a pcrcc scl-rccrcnial scing by which
an indcpcndcn Ccnral Bank as assumcd o
dclivcr consiscn and crcdiblc moncary policics
ha supporcd hc cxpansion o hc inancial
sccor which was ccriicd in urn as sound by a
prcsumably objccivc proccss o risk- raing by hc
crcdi raing agcncics. Thc rcsul was massivc
inancializaion drivcn by inancial innovaions
jusiicd by his scl-rccrcnial logic, which
circumvcncd hc Sac during hc so-callcd
sccond wavc o globalizaion .
During his cxpansion, i was undcrsood
ha inancial innovaion, which improvcd hc
cicicncy o hc rcsourcc allocaion uncion o
hc inancial markc, combincd wih hc objccivc
o a scicniic undcrwriing proccss would
improvc hc rcsilicncc o hc ovcrall inancial
syscm by sharing and disribuing risk. A
compciivc markc or hc undcrwriing
proccss dcvclopcd and hc cicicncy o ha
markc was considcrcd vial or hc rcsilicncc o
hc inancial syscm and hc ovcrall cconomy. As
hc proccss o inancializaion dccpcncd, hc
busincss and in lucncc o hc crcdi raing
agcncics grcw in proporion and bcgan o shapc
markc scnimcns, and hcir aciviics bccamc
incgral o hc uncioning o hc modcrn markc
Thc caasrophic collapsc o hc inancial
markcs in 2008 and hc Fnsuing cconomic crisis
in hc wcscrn cconomics did no acc hc
inlucncc o cihcr hc crcdi raing: agcncics or
hc Moncaris orhodoxy. On hc conrary, boh
hc moncaris orhodoxy and hc crcdi raing
agcncics ha cndorscd hc rising lcvcl o
syscmic risk duc o hc inancial innovaion prior
o hc crisis havc srcnghcncd hcir posiion
which now sccms poliically unassailablc dcspic
hc dccpcning o hc crisis. In ac using hc
currcn crisis hc crcdi raing agcncics havc
movcd bcyond raing hc risk o privac inancial
insiuions o dccisivcly undcrwric hc capaciy
o hc Naion Sac in conducing is cconomic
aairs. In ac, in hc currcn crisis hc raing
agcncics bcgan o pcrorm hc rolc o cnorccr o
disciplinc, i.c. disciplining hc Sac rom is
cxravaganccs via hc raing o sovcrcign dcb
using hc objccivc and scicniic undcrwriing
proccss, rcinorcing hc dominancc o hc
moncaris orhodoxy and providing a grca
opporuniy o implcmcn is vision o a
minimalis sac. Thcir powcr docs no mcrcly
sop a limiing hc Sac and is agcncics rom
borrowing rom hc markc, i gocs bcyond hc
bond markcs ino hc rcalm whcrc i is
bcginning o rcshapc hc poliics o
rcprcscnaivc dcmocracy in hc conduc o hc
iscal aairs o hc sac.
Thc cconomic raionalc or dclinking
poliics rom iscal aairs is o climinac
unccrainics conccrning hc conduc o
cconomic policy in gcncral and iscal policy in
paricular, Thc discrcionary naurc o iscal
policy is qucsioncd bccausc i advcrscly accs
invcsors cxpccaions and markc scnimcns,
and i is dcsirablc o minimizc unccrainics in
hc conduc o iscal policy. This argumcn
cchocs hc 1080s dcbac whcn moncary policy
was dclinkcd rom hc poliics o hc Sac on hc
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ground ha discrcionary moncary policics
induccd inconsiscncics in hc invcsors
cxpccaions abou uurc policy changc, which,
in urn, advcrscly acccd markc scnimcns.
Similarly, i is now argucd ha discrcionary
iscal policy should bc rcplaccd by iscal policy
rulcs, which cnhancc ransparcncy and
consiscncy o susain hc sabiliy o hc markc.
Dcmocracy Happcns whcn pcoplc voicc. I
happcns whcn pcoplc spcak abou hcir nccds,
wans an dcsircs. This cssay wc shall cncouncr
hrcc kinds o pcoplcs and why and how hcy
voicc. Thosc pcoplc who havc los o moncy arc
mos vocal and spcak a lo abou hcir dcsircs.
Thosc who havc somc surplus moncy acr
mccing hcir nccds arc ablc o alk abou hcir
wans. Howcvcr hosc who havc lilc moncy o
mcc cvcn hcir basic nccds only scldom voicc.
Dcmocracy happcns whcn many pcoplc spcak
cspccially whcn hosc who havc lilc arc ablc o
say wha hcy ccl. Thosc who havc morc moncy
spcak morc.
Dcvclopmcn is csscnially rclacd o
producion o macrial goods and scrviccs or
consumpion o pcoplc, which is rclcccd in
indicaors likc gross domcsic producion pcr
capia. Thc conccp o dcvclopmcn has bccn
urhcr cxpandcd o includc cducaion and hcalh.
Thc cxpccaion is ha hosc cducacd could
conribuc morc o producion han hc
uncducacd. Similarly hcalhicr hc populaion
morc is hc dcsircd producion Unhcalhy and
uncducacd populaion is sccn as worhlcss and a
drain on rcsourccs.
Dcmocracy dirccs-hc proccss o
dcvclopmcn. Pcoplc who havc los o moncy and
arc cncrprising rcquirc avcnucs or invcsmcn,
whcncc growh akcs placc. Such pcoplc orm
organizaions ha lobby or policc and laws, rulcs
and rcgulaions o makc invcsmcn possiblc and
also o cnsurc rcurns on hcir invcsmcn. In
his manncr, hcy conribuc o macrial
progrcss o hc cconomy. In a scnsc, hcy arc ablc
o givc dirccion o hc cconomy and hus playa
lcgiimac rolc in hc syscm. Somcimcs
scrupulous clcmcns ry and akc an unjusiicd
advanagc in hc syscm. I is in hc naurc o
dcmocracy ha lobbying akcs placc and pcoplc
arc ablc o akc such advanagcs. Howcvcr, hcrc
arc vigilan insiuions ha kccp a survcillancc:
Planning Commission, Comprollcr arid Audior
Ccncral and ohcrs. So dcmocracy and
dcvclopmcn do no ollow a lincar pah. Thcy
incrwinc wih onc anohcr and hcrc arc
scvcral cruss and roughs ha comc across hcir
progrcss. Morc hc moncy morc could bc
lobbying and also unduc advanagcs. Bu
dcmocracy in India has succcssully ovcrcomc
many such siuaions whcn govcrnmcn and
pcoplc wih moncy havc bccn chcckcd by
insiuions and hrough clccions. In imcs-o
comc whcn moncy incrcascs in scalc, dcmocraic
insiuions will acc ncw challcngcs.
Pcoplc wih somc surplus moncy wish o
ulill hcir wans. Thcy nccd avcnucs, goods and
scrviccs on which o spcnd hcir monics. Thcy
wan malls wih goods likc hosc sold in wcscrn
counrics. Thcy nccd rcsaurans likc hosc in hc
Wcs. Thcy wan ncw cars and roads. Thcy wan
all comors. Covcrnmcns who ulill such wans
arc dcscribcd by hcsc pcoplc as dcvclopmcn
oricncd: Thcy arc hc mos vocal pcoplc and
now orm a largc middlc class in India. Thcir
vicws arc voiccd in hc mcdia conrollcd by pcoplc
who havc los o moncy and who providc hcsc
pcoplc hc malls and rcsaurans. Mcdia makcs
his dcvclopmcn and hosc rcsponsiblc or i
morc visiblc. I makcs all pcoplc aspirc or such
dcvclopmcn. In his manncr dcvclopmcn, mcdia
and dcmocracy gc linkcd. Dcmocracy lcs his
happcn. I lcs mcdia advcrisc or morc wans,
lc i crcac wans, and makc pcoplc aspirc or
. Thc hird kind o pcoplc wih lilc moncy
arc in an ovcrwhclmingly largc numbcr. Thcy arc
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shor o ood, clohcs and shclcr a all or somc
imcs in a ycar. Thcy arc vulncrablc o cxcrnal
shocks, all in priccs o commodiics hcy
producc, droughs, no bcing ablc o rcpay dcbs.
Covcrnmcns all ovcr hc world call hcm poor.
Poor scldom spcak or hcmsclvcs mainly rom
car and losing whacvcr lilc hcy havc. In
rying circumsanccs hcy would cxi rom
whcrcvcr hcy bc and migrac o unknown lands.
Ohcrwisc, hcy rcly on incrcasingly ragilc social
rclaionships and a vcry small assc basc.
All poliical parics and many NCOs and
social aciviss claim o undcrsand and rcprcscn
hc hird kind o pcoplc. So pcoplc spcak lcss bu
arc spokcn abou morc. Various schcmcs arc
dcsigncd hc sac or hcir bcncis. In rcccn
ycars, bcncis havc bccn rcplaccd by a righs and
duics ramcwork. So pcoplc havc a Righ o
Inormaion and hc sac is duy bound o
providc inormaion in is domain. Thcy now
havc a Righ o Work and hc sac is duy bound
o providc 100 days o cmploymcn o a
houschold in a ycar and soon hcrc shall bc a
Righ o Food and hc sac would bc duy bound
o cnsurc ood o hc nccdy. Thc Righ o
Fducaion cnsurcs rcc cducaion or all childrcn.
Thcsc havc bccomc possiblc in hc dcmocraic
spaccs whcrc civil socicy could voicc or hc
Door and advocac o hc Parliamcn o makc laws
and schcmcs or hcsc in nccd.
Thc succcss o somc o hc abovc righs
bcing achicvcd could parly bc aribucd o hc
judiciary which in a dcmocracy could bccomc
voicc o hc Pcoplc who .choosc o rcmain silcn.
Thc civil socicy judiciary govcrnmcn havc
workcd in andcm in hc dcmocraic spaccs in
incrcs o hc pcoplc. Dcmocracy allows his.
Such largc righs bascd programmcs havc bccn
achicvcd wihou a vcry largc numbcr o pcoplc
spcaking or hcmsclvcs, wihou hcir knowing
as o wha is bcing hough abou hcm. Small
groups o pcoplc lcd by dynamic social aciviss
and hcir ncworks arc ablc o mobilizc pcoplc or
dcmonsraions a rcgular incrvals.
Thc mcdia would scldom covcr hcsc
sorics. Pcoplc paricipaing in hcsc cvcns arc
no good looking o comc on hc scrccn. Bcsidcs
hcir dcmands would bc a drain on hc iscal,
which pcoplc wih surplus moncy havc o pay
hrough highcr axcs. Bu i is in hc incrcs o
hc govcrnmcns o liscn o hcm. Public Policy
cnsurcs ulilling hc dcmands o sccurc vocs.
Such succcssul vcrical movcmcns o social
aciviss/civil socicy arc uniquc o hc
dcmocracy in India. Covcrnmcn rcspccs hcsc
aciviss who arc mad mcmbcrs o various
Advisory Council all or Commiccs and invicd
lccurc govcrnmcn acadcmics.
A hcir own iniiaivc govcrnmcns cnsurc
a lo o ohcr programmcs or hc pcoplc:
housing, agriculural and ohcr crcdi, roads and
ohcr inrasrucurc and so on. Poliical parics in
a dcmocracy do no darc disconinuc such
Whilc programmcs arc hcrc or pcoplcs a
hcir doorscps somc pcoplc arc no ablc o akc
ull advanagc o hcsc. Thc irs kind o pcoplc
who havc los o moncy havc ways and mcans o
akc advanagc o say paricipaion in Spccial
Fconomic Zoncs, rcal csac, building
inrasrucurc, clccom. In all dcmocraic socicics
including USA, UK and 3apan pcoplc wih los o
moncy arc ablc o lobby or hcir collccivc and
individual incrcss. This is how dcmocracy
uncions: clcccd rcprcscnaivcs rcspond o
lobbiss in a manncr ha hcir own individual
incrcss arc also lookcd acr. Such dcals arc
morc likcly o happcn in hc dcmocraic spaccs
han in hc rcgimc o an idcal bcncvolcn dicaor.
Such siuaions arc now morc rcqucn in India as
wcll. In hc ncwly ound cnvironmcn hc vcil is
hin and i is casy o scc hrough mos dcals. I
could hickcn wih imc, Thc challcngc now
hcrcorc is o build insiuions ha would bc
ablc o scc hrough hc vcil ha shall hickcn in
a dcvcloping cconomy. In a uncioning
dcmocracy, hc vcil and prcvcnivc insiuions
shall cxis simulancously.
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Thc middlc class wih somc surplus moncy
is scldom saisicd wih is wans and would no
likc hc samc o bc curbcd. Whcn hcrc was a hikc
in pcrolcum priccs in a dcmonsraion a srong
man icd ropcs on his back and pullcd - car.
Anohcr pcrson pu his ahcr on a carl ha
lcopards usc and wcn around bcgging o buy
pcrol. Thc govcrnmcn dccision prcvailcd
showing-is srcngh .and commimcn o rcducc
iscal dcicis. In a dcmocracy, hc poliical
parics do makc inormcd dccisions on which
class-o pcoplc o bcnci a hc cos o ohcrs.
For cxamplc, a high dcici causcd by subsidy o
pcrolcum producs could lcad o lcss rcsourccs
bcing availablc or an cmploymcn guarancc
programmc. In a dcmocracy, hc dccision is
wcighcd agains whom hc poliical parics rcally
Thc ragcdy o hc pcoplc wih lilc moncy
is ha hough hc programmc is a hcir
doorscp, hc dclivcry agcns havc lilc inccnivc
o dclivcr and hc pcoplc havc lilc moncy and arc
ill-inormcd o know wha is in sorc or hcm.
Thcy havc lilc moncy o pay o hcsc agcns o
gc somc bcnci/righs ha civil socicy ough
or hc silcn pcoplc. As dcmocraic proccss work
a dicrcn lcvcls, hc cxpccaions arc ha
hings changc or hc bccr. Somc NCOs work
wih pcoplc wih lilc moncy inorming hcm
abou various programmcs, making hcir
collccivcs, and so on.
O coursc, hcrc arc conlics o incrcs
bcwccn hosc who havc a lo o moncy and hosc
wih lilc moncy. For cxamplc, whcn land is
acquircd or SFZ or o sc up a ncw indusry,
pcoplc acccd havc lilc moncy and cw opions
and would rcsis displaccmcn. I is only hrough
proccss o ncgoiaions, possiblc only in a hcalhy
dcmocracy, ha displaccmcn o pcoplc bccomcs
possiblc, who invariably gc highcr
compcnsaions. In his manncr Dcmocracy lcads
Dcvclopmcnal proccsscs.
Onc o hc characcrisics o dcmocracy is
ha i is a proccss o cgaliarianism. Thcrc is
consan sriving among pcoplc or cqualiy in
ac a passion or cqualiy. This passion is ably
rclcccd in hc XII Fivc Ycar Plan:
Indias 1.25 billion ciizcns havc highcr
cxpccaions abou hcir uurc oday, han hcy
havc cvcr had bcorc. Thcy havc sccn hc
cconomy grow much ascr in hc pas 10 ycars-
han i did carlicr, and dclivcr visiblc bcncis o
a largc numbcr o pcoplc. This has undcrsandably
raiscd hc cxpccaions o all sccions, cspccially
hosc who havc bcncicd lcss. Our pcoplc arc
now much morc awarc o wha is possiblc, and
hcy will sclc or no lcss. Thc Twclh- Fivc Ycar
Plan mus risc o hc challcngc o mccing hcsc
high cxpccaions.
In hc ncw India, whcn rugaliy and
rcnunciaion arc chcrishcd valucs only or somc,
dcmocracy has hc propcnsiy owards
macrialism or all. Thc hird aspcc o dcmocracy
is ha i is ablc o ulill individual dcsircs, makc
individual morc compciivc rahcr han
To summarics, dcmocracy is abou pcoplc
voicing and lobbying in dcmocraic spacc. Thosc
wih a lo o moncy can do i bccr han ohcrs.
Thc mcdia also hclps such pcoplc. Thc mcdia also
rclccs incrcss o hc pcoplc wih somc moncy
or hc middlc class. Thc mcdia crcacs imagcs o
Dcvclopmcn, a imcs rcal a ohcrs illusory. I is
in hc naurc o dcmocracy ha i lcavcs
dcmocraic spaccs whcrc all pcoplc could
ncgoiac hcir incrcss in a lcgiimac manncr.
Thosc wih los o moncy a imcs adop unair
mcans and hclp crcac a rcnicr class. As hcrc is
morc dcvclopmcn, hcrc will bc morc moncy and
morc rcns. Thc insiuions ha mainain
survcillancc will havc morc challcnging asks
ahcad. Dcmocracy and Dcvclopmcn, boh,
wihou srong insiuions would bc a ailurc. I
is in hc naurc o dcmocracy ha pcoplc voicc
hcir conccrns. Howcvcr, somc pcoplc choosc o
rcmain silcn. Civil socicy spcaks or hcm. Whilc
hc govcrnmcns iniiac many dcvclopmcn and
wc arc programmcs or pcoplc wih lilc moncy
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or hcir vocs, hc civil socicy aking duc
advanagc o hc dcmocraic spaccs havc workcd
wih hc govcrnmcn o makc programmcs in hc
righs and duics ramcwork. 3udiciary has hclpcd
hcm ar morc han hc mcdia. Thus, dcmocracy
providcs dcmocraic spaccs o all pcoplcs o
paricipac in dcvclopmcn. Srongcr insiuions
could curb rcnicr praciccs inhcrcn in a
dcmocracy and conribuc o urhcr
dcvclopmcn. Bcsidcs, insiuions o do hc
monioring, rolc o civil socicy in organizing
pcoplc wih lilc moncy is also ncccssar y.
Dcmocraic spaccs or such organizaions is vcry
limicd. Somcimcs hcy could urn milian and
bccomc hrca o dcmocracy iscl.
Also such organizaions arc no wclcomcd
by pcoplc wih los o moncy. So incqualiics
would rcmain or a vcry long imc in a happcning
dcmocracy, unlcss pcoplc cxcrcisc hcir powcr in
hc local arcas whcrc hcy livc. This is cspccially
ruc or pcoplc wih lilc moncy. Acr all
dcmocracy docs no mcan puing powcr by
casing voc in Ncw Dclhi and livc in a rcmoc
villagc or hc ncx ivc ycars wih rcmorsc.
As hc c-govcrnancc iniiaivc picks up, hc Primc Miniscrs Commicc on Naional c-Covcrnancc Plan
has sc ncw argcs or various c-govcrnancc plans in hc counry. Among hc iniiaivcs planncd or hc
ycar, hc commicc has sc a argc o connccing 200 disrics in hc counry undcr c-Disric projcc.
Thc govcrnmcn has alrcady conncccd 180 disric undcr hc projcc. By hc cnd o his iscal, hc
govcrnmcn incnds o bring 880 ou o 600 disrics in hc counry undcr hc schcmc.
Undcr hc c-Disric iniiaivc, hc -govcrnmcn aims o providc high-volumc govcrnmcn scrviccs a hc
disric and sub-disric lcvcls o hc ciizcns in clccronic modc across hc counry. Wih hc govcrnmcn
plan o conncc all 2,50,000 panchayas in hc counry hrough naional opical ibrc ncwork, hc
Dcparmcn o Flccronic and inormaion cchnology (Dciy) is implcmcning a susainablc modcl or
dclivcry o scrviccs o ciizcns and insiuions hrough hc opical ibrc ncwork.
Thc pilo projcc is bcing carricd ou in 50 panchayas in hrcc blocks o Rajashan, Andhra Pradcsh and
Tripura. Undcr hc schcmc, all panchayas arc providcd 100 Mbps connccion and all insiuions arc bcing
providcd 10 Mbps horizonal conncciviy. Undcr hc c-Bhara iniiaivc, which cnvisagcs o suppor hc
Naional c-govcrnancc plans counry widc plans o incrcasing hc availabiliy o onlinc scrviccs or ciizcns
in hcir localiy, hc govcrnmcn approvcd 20 proposals las ycar.
Thc proposals, includc ransorming rcgisraion o dccds in UP, comprchcnsivc hcalh inormaion Kcrala,
CIS-cnablcmcn o uiliics in Dclhi and univcrsal c-gov raining or govcrnmcn cmployccs in Madhya
Inclusivc dcmocracy work-s-whcn pcoplc
rom all sccions o hc socicy arc cmpowcrcd o
paricipac in govcrnancc raisc objccions akc
dccisions and cnsurc social and poliical
accounabiliy. Such a vision o dcmocracy
rcquircs dclcgaion o powcr rom bclow and a
ruc dcvoluion o powcr o hc common man.
Thc local scl-govcrnmcn could bc a kcy o
rcalizc hc promisc o Indian dcmocracy in is
ruc scnsc which is inclusivc naurc and
characcr. Thc conccp o inclusivc dcmocracy
sands or paricipaion o all in hc dcmocraic
proccss and cnsuring ha no onc should bc lc
ousidc ha vcry proccss. This approach calls or
rcvision o hc ways wc hink and hc ways wc
dcvclop a vision o rc-dcsign and rc-dcinc hc
socicy in which inclusion o hc marginalizcd
sccions cspccially womcn in hc poliical proccss
mus bc cnsurcd. Inclusivc Dcmocracy is hc
projcc or dircc poliical dcmocracy, orm o
social organizaion which rc-incgracs socicy
wih cconomy, poliy naurc and i is dcrivcd rom
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a synhcsis o wo major hisorical radiions: hc
classical dcmocraic and hc socialis. Thcrc is an
obvious incr-rclaionship bcwccn dcmocracy
and human righs which gocs bcyond mcrc
righs. Thc aim o hc bridging hc gap bcwccn
hc havc and havcnos dcmands an inclusivc
modcl. This no only involvcs passing lcgal
mcasurcs o promoc dc-jurc cqualiy bu also
conccrns making womcn ccl lcgiimac and
compccn o raisc hcir voicc a social and
poliical plaorms. So wc can say ha a vibran
dcmocracy is onc owards which works rcducing
dispariics and conain hc social cnsion and
angcr in ccrain sccions o hc socicy.
For a long imc, hc Indian socicy cndcd
o cxcludc womcn rom poliical lic by dcining
poliical aciviy as a ypically malc dominacd
vocaion. Tangiblc progrcss has bccn madc in hc
las wcny ycars owards a morc inclusivc
dcmocracy whcrcby womcn and mcn can cnjoy
cqual and balanccd paricipaion in public lic. Yc
hc lcgacy o his gcndcr division sill inlucnccs
hc Indian socicy and somc work rcmains o bc
donc o promoc hc amalgamaion o womcn in
poliical aciviy. Inclusivc dcmocracy works
whcn pcoplc rom all sccions o hc socicy arc
cmpowcrcd o paricipac in govcrnancc, raisc
objccions, akc dccisions and cnsurc social and
poliical accounabiliy. Such a vision o
dcmocracy rcquircs dcmocraizaion rom bclow
o achicvc ruc dcvoluion and-dclcgaion o
powcr o hc common rcducing vulncrabiliy o
ill-hcalh and hc impovcrishmcn or chronic
povcry ha may ollow. Thc sac is commicd
o providing csscnial .hcalh carc scrviccs o
hosc bclow hc povcry linc bascd on nccd and
no abiliy o pay. An cccivc righ o hcalh
rcquircs sac provisioning o prcvcnivc
promoivc and curaivc rcamcn and carc or all
ciizcns (and cspccially vulncrablc groups) ha
is acccssiblc rcliablc and high in qualiy. Similarly
acccss o cducaion and skills, crcaion o
inrasrucurc a hc rural lcvcl and acccss o
asscs cnablc cxi rom povcry.
What needs to be done?
Achicvcmcns on rcducing chronic povcry
as wcll as hc hungcr ignorancc discasc and
incqualiy o opporuniy ha accompany i arc
wcll .bclow wha was cnvisioncd. Somc o hc
spcciic rccommcndaions suggcscd by hc
India Chronic Povcry Rcpor or addrcssing hc
challcngc o povcry, arc liscd bclow. Crcac a
dcdicacd cadrc o povcry cradicaion workcrs
and oiccrs, raincd o idcniy drivcrs and
mainaincrs and pocnial incrrupcrs o
povcry. Thcir ask should bc o crcac wo-way
inormaion and suppor channcls rom cach
villagc, hrough block and disric hcadquarcrs,
o hc sac and naional capial. Thcy should
inorm and dcmand suppor o prcvcn any ncw
cnr y ino povcry in any villagc or slum,
idcniy hc poorcs and cnsurc hcy arc linkcd
wih rclcvan govcrnmcn programmcs or social
proccion and incrrup hcir povcry, and
idcniy pocnial opporuniics or cmploymcn
and skills dcvclopmcn.
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Gist of
Thc Asian and Paciic Ccnrc or Womcn
and Dcvclopmcn [APCWD] dcincs
- -- -
- -
- -
or group.
Fmpowcrmcn wih womcn is hc ccnral
issuc ha has bccn pcrvading hc dcvclopmcn
dcbac acr hc 81s. Improving hcir saus and
cmpowcring hcm would go a long way in
accomplishing cgaliarian gcndcr rclaions in
socicy. Womcn who arc hihcro consraincd by
hcir social srucurc or hcir scl-cxprcssion
consiuc hc argc o mos o hc dcvclopmcn
programmcs, which aim a bringing hcm ino
hc mainsrcam o hc dcvclopmcn.
Thc Consiuion o India guaranccs o all
womcn cqualiy [Ariclc 14], no discriminaion by
hc Sac [Ariclc 15 (l)]: cqualiy o opporuniy
[Ariclc 16], cqual pay or cqual work [Ariclc
80(dl], rcnouncc praciccs dcrogaory o hc
digniy o womcn [Ariclc 51 (a) (c)] Thc
Consiuion also allows hc Sac o makc spccial
provision in avor o womcn and childrcn
[Ariclc 15(8)], and sccuring jus and humanc
condiions o work and macrniy rclic [Ariclc
42]. Acknowlcdging hc world-widc signiicancc
o womcn cmpowcrmcn hc Covcrnmcn o
India dcclarcd 2001 as hc o -
and hc Naional Policy or hc
Fmpowcrmcn o Womcn camc ino orcc rom
2001. Dra Counry Papcr o India or hc 4
World Concrcncc on womcn hcld in Bcijing in
1005 proposcd ccrain qualiaivc and quaniaivc
indicaors or cvaluaing womcns cmpowcrmcn.
Thc qualiaivc aspccs includcd scl-csccm and
scl-conidcncc, ariculaion, lcisurc imc,
workloads, rolcs and rcsponsibiliics, domcsic
violcncc, womcn cconomic conribuion .and
dccision making Quaniaivc .aspccs includcd.
dcmographic rcnds, numbcr o womcn in
paricipaion, acccss and conrol ovcr rcsourccs,
physical hcalh saus, licracy lcvcls and poliical
paricipaion a hc local lcvcl
Covcrnmcn Programmcs or Womcn
Fmpowcrmcn. Thc Covcrnmcn o India has
bccn implcmcning- various programmcs hrough
is dicrcn dcparmcns o bring abou womcns
dcvclopmcn and hcir cmpowcrmcn. For lack o
an ovcrarching policy ha would havc providcd a
commonundcrsanding and a uniicd vision, cach
dcparmcn has dcincd and opcraionalizcd
cmpowcrmcn hrough is own prism and rom
is own pcrspccivc and undcrsanding.
In hc casc o somc dcparmcns, hc sacd
goal is no o bring abou womcns cmpowcrmcn,
bu hc cmphasis is on bringing abou hcir
ovcrall cicicncy and cconomic dcvclopmcn. For
cxamplc [i] Social Wclarc Board aims a bringing
abou womcns dcvclopmcn and cmpowcrmcn
hrough parncrships wih NCOs [ii] Dcparmcn
o Rural Dcvclopmcn ocuscs, on cconomic scl-
rcliancc as an indicaor o womcns dcvclopmcn
[iii] Agriculurc Dcparmcn cndcavors o makc
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womcn bccr agriculural workcrs by incrcasing
hcir undcrsanding abou hc usc o cchnology
in agriculurc [iv] Horiculurc Dcparmcn aims
a providing raining o womcn or vcgcablc and
rui producion, prcscrvaion and link hcm o
hc markc so ha hcy can bccomc cconomically
scl-rclian [v] Dairy Dcparmcn, in hc namc o
Womcns Dair y, has sarcd a ncw schcmc
whcrcby womcn arc givcn raining in animal carc,
a radiional occupaion ollowcd by hcm and arc
cncouragcd o sc up hcir own dairy and hcrcby
bccomc cconomically scl-rclian [vi] Social
Wclarc Dcparmcn ocrs various scholarships
and pcnsion schcmcs and hcrcby providcs
cconomic suppor o ccrain vulncrablc groups o
bring abou hcir uplimcn [vii] Fducaion
Dcparmcn, in ordcr o bring abou gcndcr
cqualiy, has iniiacd spccial programs or girls
whcrcby hcy can bc mainsrcamcd wih hc
cxising programs [viii] Adul Fducaion program
o hc Fducaion Dcparmcn considcrs womcns
licracy as hc irs scp owards hcir
cmpowcrmcn and is pursuing hc Coninuing
Fducaion program hrough hc scl-hclp groups
(SHCs) in ordcr o bring abou hcir cconomic
scl-rcliancc [ix] Thc Dcparmcn o Womcns
Fmpowcrmcn and Child Dcvclopmcn is
running various schcmcs and programs or hc
cmpowcrmcn o Womcn by scing up scl-hclp
groups (SHCs) wih hc hclp o NCOs.
Wclarc Schcmcs or Womcn and Cirls Mos
o hc schcmcs currcnly implcmcncd by hc
Dcparmcn o Womcns Fmpowcrmcn and Child
Dcvclopmcn and hosc by hc Sac Social
Wclarc Board and Dcparmcn o Hcalh all in
ollowing cacgory:
Dcparmcn o Womcn Fmpowcrmcn and
Child Dcvclopmcn implcmcns programs viz.

- This is a lagship
program o hc dcparmcn. Whilc providing
scrviccs and hcalh and
nuriional supplcmcns o inans, ICDS also
providcs prc and pos-naal carc or prcgnan and
lacaing mohcrs. Thc workcrs havc
o dispcnsc iron ablcs and iodinc-oriicd sal
o prcgnan and lacaing mohcrs. Thc prcgnan
and lacaing mohcrs also havc o rcccivc dry
raions rom hc anganwadi workcrs.
- -
- - As par o hc ICDS program,
a spccial schcmc or hc adolcsccn girls was
iniiacd rom 2001 onwards, wih assisancc
rom hc Covcrnmcn o India as wcll as rom hc
World Bank. Thc schcmc is incndcd or
adolcsccn girls in hc 11-18 agc group who
bclong o hc BPI (bclow povcry linc)
houscholds. Thc schcmc incnds o providc
raining o hcsc girls in ordcr o bring abou
hcir ovcrall dcvclopmcn. Thc arcas in which
raining would bc providcd would includc
inormaion abou how o akc carc o hcir
bodics, hc mcaning o a balanccd dic,
imporancc o amily wclarc, bcsidcs providing
hcm incrpcrsonal skills and making hcm scl-
conidcn and raining hcm in vocaional skills
so ha hcy can bccomc indcpcndcn. During
2005-2006, bcsidcs saring hc schcmc in 40
blocks, 50 addiional blocks rcccivcd sancion
rom hc Covcrnmcn o India. Thc ICDS program
is run by hc Dcparmcn iscl. Thc ohcr
programs o hc Dcparmcn includc [a]
- This schcmc is applicablc o boh
mcn and womcn and is mcan or boh urban as
wcll as rural arcas and providcs Rs. 400 pcr monh
o hosc who arc abovc 60. ycars o agc (b)
- - ---
- Thc schcmc is applicablc only in rural
arcas and is implcmcncd by hc Disric Social
Wclarc Oiccr on hc basis o hc
rccommcndaion rcccivcd rom hc Pradhan-o
hc Cram Panchaya as wcll as hc Miniscr,
Panchayas, and orwardcd hrough hc Block
oicc. [c] --- o - -
Dcsiuc widows arc cnilcd o rcccivc a sum o
Rs. 400 pcr monh. This is a schcmc or rural
arcas and is bcing implcmcncd by hc Cram
Panchayas [d] ---
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- A sum o Rs. 11,000 is providcd or hc
rc-marriagc o a widow bclow hc agc o 85 ycars
[c)] o - - --

o o - -- A oncimc
gran o Rs. 25,000 is bcing givcn sincc 2006-07
o a cmalc sudcn o cnablc hcr o complcc hcr
Social Wclarc Board sc up in 2008 rcccivcs
unding rom hc Ccnral Covcrnmcn o run is
schcmcs. Thc sac govcrnmcn has hc
rcsponsibiliy or hc day-o-day uncioning o
hc Board. All hc schcmcs o hc Board arc
implcmcncd hrough hc NCOs. Thcsc schcmcs
includc: [i] -- [ii] -
- - [iii]
- [iv]
- [v] - [vi] - --
[vii] - -
In ordcr o rcducc
hc macrnal and inan moraliy racs, hcrc is
a schcmc or hc sac dclivcry o prcgnan
mohcrs-as wcll as carc o hcir inans. Thc
schcmc is applicablc o womcn who bclong o
hc BPI (Bclow Povcry Iinc) houscholds and
who arc akcn o hc govcrnmcn hcalh ccnrc
or hospial or hcir dclivcry. A prcgnan woman
can bc accompanicd by an ASHA (hcalh) workcr
or by hc local dai (midwic) and an allowancc is
paid o his pcrson. In casc a prcgnan woman
dclivcrs hcr baby in a hospial in hc rural arca,
shcis paid an amoun o Rs. 1400/ and Rs. 1000 i
shc is akcn o a hospial in hc urban arca. Thc
prcgnan woman is also providcd hc canus
injccion and ncwly born inan is providcd
vaccinaions agains six dangcrous discascs a
pcriodic incrvals.

[Fmpowcrmcn and Ccndcr Fquiy Schcmcs]:
Undcr hc - (Fducaion or.
AID, Dcparmcn o Fducaion has iniiacd
schcmcs o rcducc hc gcndcr gap in hc
cducaion o childrcn, viz.
Thcsc Ccnrcs arc sc up o cnsurc bccr
cnrolmcn and rccnion o girls in hc
primary schools. Sincc hc girl-child has
hc rcsponsibiliy o look acr hc young
siblings and is hcrcorc dcprivcd o
school cducaion, an FCCF ccnrc
aachcd o hc school would cnsurc ha
girls would comc o school. I is incndcd
ha i school-going girls havc acccss o
such ccnrcs, hcy would gc cnrollcd in
schools, and would bc rcaincd in schools.
Thc schcmc also cnvisagcs provision o
good qualiy cducaion o such girls. A
hc FCCF ccncrs, hc physical and
psychological growh and dcvclopmcn o
all childrcn in hc 8-6 agc group, is
providcd or. Thc cducaion dcparmcn
a hc disric lcvcl has hc rcsponsibiliy
or Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and
Dcparmcn o Social Wclarc (hrough
hc Incgracd Child Dcvclopmcn
Scr viccs Programmc) havc hc
rcsponsibiliy or running hc FCCF

Sincc cducaion is a
concurrcn subjcc, his naional
programmc is also bcing implcmcncd a
hc sac lcvcl in somc sclcc disrics and
blocks sincc 2008. I is incndcd o
incrcasc hc cnrolmcn racs o girls
bclonging o SC/ST communiics a hc
clcmcnary sagc. Thc schcmc incnds o
ocus acnion on hc cducaionally
dcprivcd sccions and o cncouragc hc
cnrolmcn, rccnion and qualiy
cducaion o hc girls bclonging o hc
SC/ST communiics. I ocrs macrials
inccnivcs such as saioncr y and
inroduccs addiional inccnivcs likc
awards, rcmcdial caching and bridgc-
courscs-as wcll as dcvclopmcn o a modcl
uppcr primary school in cach cluscr.
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Thc schcmc draws i lcgiimacy
rom hc hrus in naional policy
documcns as wcll as incrnaional
discoursc ha rccrs o bridging hc
gcndcr gap. Following his hrus, hc
schcmc is bcing implcmcncd in
cducaionally backward blocks wih a
widcr gcndcr gap. Thc schcmc is incndcd
or girls bclonging o hc schcdulcd
cascs (SCs), schcdulcd ribcs (STs), ohcr
backward classcs (OBCs), rcligious
minoriics and bclow povcry linc, (BPI)
houscholds. Fundcd by hc Covcrnmcn
o India, undcr hc -
hc basic idca bchind hc schcmc is o
givc a sccond chancc or mainsrcaming
rural girls bclonging o dcprivcd social
backgrounds who could no sudy up o
or bcyond class V.
- In ordcr o crcac and susain hc
incrcs o girls in cducaion, hcy arc
raincd o producc icms ha can bc uscd
in hcir daily livcs. Thcy arc also ocrcd
componcns o cmpowcrmcn sracgics
such as pcrsonal dcvclopmcn,
conidcncc building abiliics, and lic-
skills oricncd cducaion.

- Was hc irs major
schcmc launchcd by hc Ccnral
govcrnmcn ha owcd is gcncsis o hc
Naional Policy on Fducaion (1086)
rccognizing hc cmpowcring pocnial o
cducaion and cducaion as an agcn o
basic changc in hc saus o womcn. Thc
basic objccivcs o Mahila Samakhya arc:
(a) As a gcndcr-bascd program, o crcac
an ambicncc in hc socicy or olcrancc
and muual rcspcc or womcn (b) To
cnsurc ha cducaion bccomcs acccssiblc
o hc socially and cconomically
marginalizcd womcn and girls (c) To
cncouragc and promoc a gcndcr-bascd
discoursc in socicy (d) To cnhancc hc
scl-imagc and scl-conidcncc o womcn
and cnablc hcm o criically analyzc hcir
rolc as individual womcn and as mcmbcrs
o socicy so ha hcy can bcgin o
challcngc ha rolc collccivcly and
iniiac a proccss o social changc (c) To
collccivcly paricipac in dccision
making an scck cqual righs and
opporuniics or a morc cgaliarian
socicy. () To cnhancc paricipaion o
womcn and girls in ormal and non-
ormal cducaion programs. Fducaion
Dcparmcn o hc Minisry o Human
Rcsourcc Dcvclopmcn, Covcrnmcn o
India, launchcd Mahila Samakha as a
maj or program or bringing abou
womcns dcvclopmcn as wcll as
cmpowcrmcn in 1080 on a pilo basis in
6 sacs o India, wih unding rom hc
Nchcrlands Covcrnmcn.
Horiculurc Dcparmcn has a spccial schcmc or
raining womcn in rui prcscrvaion, viz. picklcs,
jams, chuncys, rui juiccs, cc. Thc aim is o givc
illip o local producion and o cnsurc ha
womcn bccomc cconomically sc-rclian.
Womcn dair y
dcvclopmcn schcmc originacd in 1004-05 and
is main aim was o bring abou rural womcns
cconomic and social dcvclopmcn as wcll as
cnsurc ha hcy assumc lcadcrship posiions.
Thc schcmc cnvisagcs 100 pcr ccn paricipaion
o womcn and cnsurcs ha hc womcns milk
coopcraivc would bc run and managcd cnircly by
hc womcn hcmsclvcs. For hc Womcns Dairy
Dcvclopmcn schcmc, womcn arc ormcd ino
groups a hc villagc lcvcl by hc dcparmcn. A
milk collccion ccnrc is hcn opcncd a hc villagc
lcvcl and i is hc rcsponsibiliy o hc
womcns group o cnsurc ha hc milk ha is
collcccd a hc ccnrc is hcn scn o hc
dairying plan. Thc dcparmcn arrangcs or hc
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cchnical raining o hc womcns group ha
includcs how o mcasurc hc a concn in hc
milk, how-o mcasurc hc puriy o hc milk (wih
hc usc o lacomccr). Fach group has a Prcsidcn
and a Sccrcary and i is hcir rcsponsibiliy, in
addiion o mcasuring hc a concn and hc -
milk puriy, o mainain daily accouns and a hc
cnd o hc monh, o submi hc accouns o hc
dcparmcn. I is hcy who also makc hc paymcn
o cach mcmbcr o hc group. As calc- rcaring is
an occupaion radiionally ollowcd by hc hill
womcn dairying is linkcd o hcir radiional
occupaion o makc i cconomically aracivc o
womcn. Asidc rom dairying, rural womcn arc also
providcd raining in such rclacd issucs such as
irs aid or hc calc, grass culivaion, sccd
producion, scing up kichcn gardcn, usc o
smokclcss (sovc), producion o organic
manurc, scing up - --
(communiy oilcs), as wcll as hcalh rclacd
issucs ha-arc rc1cvan o hc livcs o womcn.
- A synopic ovcrvicw o
wha is happcning wih rcgard o womcns
cmpowcrmcn programs in India is bric ly
prcscncd hcrc.
Somc o hc cmcrging rcnds arc:

Thcrc arc wo disinc srands in hc
womcns programs in India. Thcsc arc
wclarc programs and gcndcr cquiy and
womcns cmpowcrmcn programs. As hc
crm-cmpowcrmcn is widcly uscd i has
lcd o is diluion. Bu on hc ohcr hand,
i has raiscd awarcncss lcvcls among
womcn on various issucs such as hcir
lcgal righs, hcir cnilcmcns undcr hc
dicrcn govcrnmcn schcmcs, abou
how hcy can bccr hcir social and
cconomic condiions and so on.
- - -
- SHCs havc
grown phcnomcnally in rcccn ycars in
hc counry. Womcns collccivcs as
orums o womcns cmpowcrmcn havc
no bccn a ncw phcnomcnon in hc
counry. Thus, Mahila Mandals as par o
communiy dcvclopmcn iniiaivcs dacs
back o hc 10505 Howcvcr, i was NCOs
such as SFWA (Scl Fmploycd Womcns
Associaion) and hc WWW (Working
Womcns Forum) ha gavc illip o
ormaion o womcns collccivcs by
linking hcm o crcdi. Fxpcricncc o
SFWA and o WWF showcd ha womcn
wcrc no dcaulcrs wih rcgard o
rcpaymcn o crcdi. Thc collccivc
cnsurcd ha hcrc was pccr prcssurc on
womcn o rcpay loans and hc rcsuling
high rcpaymcn racs mcan ha lcndcrs
wcrc willing o orcgo collacral.

-- As mcnioncd in
hc hcorcical dcbac on cmpowcrmcn,
cmpowcrmcn is iscl a orm o powcr,
In cminis licraurc, powcr is
disaggrcgacd ino powcr ovcr
(dominaion), powcr o (capaciy),
powcr wihin (inncr srcngh), and
powcr wih , (achicvcd hrough
coopcraion and alliancc). In cminis usc
o cmpowcrmcn, hc cmphasis is clcarly
on powcr o and powcr wih and no on
powcr ovcr. I conccivcd hus,
cmpowcrmcn has o bc a boom up
rahcr han a op-down proccss. I womcn
arc considcrcd powcrlcss, hcn hc idca
o cmpowcring womcn can imply a op-
down approach. On hc ohcr hand, i i
is argucd ha dcspic pariarchal
considcraions, womcn havc powcr, hcn
cmpowcrmcn would bc pcrccivcd as a
boom up proccss. A qucsion ha nccds
o bc askcd abou hc NCOs ha arc
involvcd in hc womcns ,cmpowcrmcn
programs is whchcr cmpowcrmcn is
pcrccivcd as capaciy building o copc
wih hc rcquircmcns o lic as opposcd
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o capaciy building o ransorm hc
condiions o lic and asscr alcrnaivc
gcndcr rolcs. Sincc NCOs rcccivc unding
rom govcrnmcn and havc alrcady
indicacd hc compromiscs hcy arc
rcquircd o makc o cnsurc coninuiy o
unding, i appcars highly likcly ha a
majoriy o hcm arc cngagcd in capaciy
building in ordcr o promoc saus-quo
and no addrcss social jusicc and cquiy

Thcrc was a cndcncy
o ocus, on hc cicicncy dimcnsion o
cmpowcrmcn o individual womcn. Thus
womcn had o bccomc awarc, scl-
conidcn, indcpcndcn, and capablc o
aking dccisions. Whilc hcsc arc
imporan dimcnsions o cmpowcrmcn,
hc ransormaivc pocnial o
cmpowcrmcn ha could bc brough
abou hrough womcns organizaions
was no par o hc consciousncss o a
largc numbcr o NCOs.
Sincc a majoriy o NCOs
indicacd ha hcy workcd wih a mixcd
group o womcn bclonging o dicrcn
socio-cconomic background and varicd
casc groups, a qucsion can bc raiscd
whchcr SHCs arc rcally inclusivc o poor
womcn. Onc o hc rcaliics o micro-
crcdi phcnomcnon ha has bccn
csablishcd by sudics is ha i ails o
includc in is old hc vcry poor. Whilc
hc poor arc hc argc, in ordcr o cnsurc
cconomic susainabiliy o hc program,
whocvcr can pay bccomcs par o hc
program. In ohcr words, rcaliics o micro-
crcdi dcmand a ccrain capaciy o pay
and o savc, hcrcby crcaing cxclusions
righ rom hc groups inccpion.
- -
- This is an ICT cra.
Thus various inormaion ools such as
communiy radio, communiy clcvision,
communiy ncwspapcr should bc uscd o
cmpowcr hc rural womcn.
-- --

Dimcnsions o aciliac womcn
cmpowcrmcn includc
Thc ac is
ha womcn hough largcly abscn rom
hc orma workplacc and hcncc rom
oicial labor saisic arc ncvcrhclcss
hcavily cngagcd in subsiscncc
agriculural and inormal sccor o
cconomy. Thcrc is a consan cor o pu
womcns incomc in brackc in ordcr o
consolidac hc posiion ha womcn arc
only rcproduccrs and no produccrs. This
idca nccds o bc changcd. Womcns
cconomic righ is dcinicly an imporan
indicaor or cnhanccmcn o hcir saus.
So, womcn labor nccds- o bc rccognizcd.
Fducaion, morc cmploymcn avcnucs,
poliical awarcncss cc. would all lcad o
womcns cconomic cmancipaion.
A major
limiaion o hc advanccmcn o womcn
is hc inuiional sc o social
prcscripions ha limi hcir paricipaion
in socio-cconomic aciviics and hcir
inpu in dccision making cors o
incrcasc hc pocnial or womcns social
paricipaion cxcnd down o hc lcvcl o
hc houschold.
- mos womcn
in hc hird world counrics work vcry
long hours a numcrous cdious asks as
wcll as akc carc o hcir childrcn and
homcs. Unil wc rccognizcd hc physical
hardships cndurcd by womcn rom
mccing hcir producivc and rcproducivc
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rcsponsibiliics and makc conccrcd
cors o improvc upon hcir hcalh
saus, ohcr advanccmcns will havc
limicd impac or hcm. Physical
cmpowcrmcn is dcpcndcn upon cach o
hc ohcr dimcnsions as all havc
conribuory cccs.
- I is a
common occurrcncc or womcn in hird
World Counrics o bclilc hcir own
posiion in hc socicy and hcir
conribuion o hc cconomy. Whcn askcd
o hcir occupaion hc majoriy o rural
womcn will say hcy havc nonc, dcspic
hc ac ha hcy may cngagc in hrcc or
morc incomc gcncraing and producivc
aciviics o hclp mcc hc nccds o hcir
amilics duc o culural vicw o hc low
posiion o womcn in many socicics hc
womcn hcmsclvcs ocn havc a ncgaivc
vicw o hcir pocnial and imporancc.
Full pocnial o bcncis
cnvisagcd undcr various Covcrnmcn programs
mcan or womcn socio-cconomic wclarc and
cmpowcrmcn can bc harncsscd i arcas o scrious
conccrn arc imcly acndcd, viz.
Sudics conirm ha cmalc
licracy has a signiican inlucncc in
improving social and cconomic saus o
womcn. Thc cmalc licracy rac is
wocully lowcr han ha o malc.
Comparcd o boys, ar cwcr girls arc
cnrollcd in schools and many o hcm arc
drop ou. According o hc Naional
Samplc Survcy daa o 2011, only Kcrala
and Mizorarn havc approachcd univcrsal
cmalc licracy rac. According o, hc U.S.
Dcparmcn o Commcrcc, hc chic
barricrs o cmalc cducaion in India arc
inadcquac school and saniary aciliics,
shoragc o cmalc cachcrs and gcndcr
bias in curriculum.
Though hc counry
has a largc pcrccnagc o womcn workcrs,
hcrc is a scrious undcrcsimaion o
womcns conribuion as workcrs o
naions cconomy. Thcrc arc, howcvcr,
cwcr womcn in hc paid work orcc han
hosc o mcn. In rural arcas, agriculurc
and allicd sccor cmploycd as many as 80.5
pcr ccn o oal cmalc labor. Womcns
avcragc conribuion, in ovcrall arm
oupu, is csimacd a 55 pcr ccn o 66
pcr ccn o hc oal labor. According
oi00rWorid Bank rcpor, womcn
accouncd or 04 pcr ccn o oal
cmploymcn in dairy sccor. Womcn
conribucd 51 pcr ccn o oal
cmploymcn in orcs-bascd small-scalc
-- According
o 2010-11 ycar daa, whilc only 12 pcr
ccn o houscholds in India wcrc cmalc-
hcadcd, abou 88 pcr ccn o hc
houscholds bclow povcry linc wcrc
- In mos
Indian amilics, womcn do no own any
propcry in hcir own namcs and do no
gc a sharc o parcnal propcry. Somc o
hc laws discriminac agains womcn,
whcn i comcs o land and propcry righs.
Marricd daughcrs, whcn accd wih
marial harassmcn, havc no rcsidcnial
righs in hc anccsral homc. Chrisian
womcn havc yc no rcccivcd cqual righs
o divorcc and succcssion.
- Many Muslim womcn
havc qucsioncd hc Fundamcnalis
Icadcrs Incrprcaion o womcns righs
undcr hc Sharia Iaw and havc criiciscd
hc Triplc Talaq Syscm.
Whilc hc counr y is spcaking abou
cconomic and inclusivc growh, rural arcas and
agriculurc havc largcly bccn bypasscd and hc
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raio o rural o urban povcry has incrcascd. As
an oucomc, somc o hc marginalizcd groups in
a socicy ha is alrcady characcrizcd by a high
lcvcl o incqualiy in opporuniics and
scgrcgaion along lincs o, gcndcr, casc, and
social saus, arc widcly rcckoncd o no havc
bcncicd rom ovcrall growh. Womcns cqualiy
and cmpowcrmcn arc sccn as pillars o holisic
approach owards csablishing ncw pacrns and
proccsscs o dcvclopmcn. Thc World Bank has
suggcscd ha cmpowcrmcn o womcn should
bc a kcy aspcc o all social dcvclopmcn programs
(World Bank, 2001).
Womcns cmpowcrmcn in India is
dcpcndcn on dicrcn variablcs ha includc
gcographical locaion (urban/rural), cducaional
saus, social saus (casc and class), and agc.
Policics on womcns cmpowcrmcn cxis a hc
naional, sac, and local (Panchaya) lcvcls in
many sccors, including hcalh, cducaion,
cconomic opporuniics, gcndcr-bascd violcncc,
and poliical paricipaion. Howcvcr, hcrc arc
signiican gaps bcwccn policy advanccmcns
and acual pracicc a hc communiy lcvcl. Onc
o hc maj or rcason or his gap in
implcmcnaion o hc policics is hc cxiscncc o
pariarchal srucurc in India. Duc o his, hc
womcn and girls arc rcsriccd rom mobiliy,
acccss o cducaion, hcalh aciliics and
cxpcricncc violcncc a communiy and houschold
lcvcls. Thc siuaion is changing cqualiy
csablishcd in Indian consiuion and indicacd
ha Indian womcn rcmaincd dcprivcd
cconomically and socially.
New Approach
In ordcr o cmpowcr hc dcprivcd sccion,
hc ih ivc ycar plan (1074-70) rcplaccd hc
social wclarc approach wih dcvclopmcn
approach. This rccognizcd womcns producivc
rolc and hcr conribuions. Thc sixh ivc ycar
plan (1080-85) is a landmark in hc hisory o
womcns dcvclopmcn wih cmphasis on hcalh,
cducaion and cmploymcn. Thc scvcnh ivc ycar
plan (1085-00) gavc prioriy or programmcs o
improvc hc saus o womcn and hc conccrn o
cqualiy and cmpowcrmcn, gcncraing awarcncss
abou hcir righs and privilcgcs and raining
hcm or cconomic aciviics and cmploymcn.
Thc ocus also was on bringing hcm ino hc
main srcam o naional dcvclopmcn. Thc cighh
and subscqucn ivc ycar plan (1002-07)
coninucd cmphasis on cnsuring hc bcncis o
dcvclopmcn in hc dicrcn sccors or womcn
and ha womcn mus bc ablc o uncion as cqual
parncrs in hc dcvclopmcn proccss. A major
dcvclopmcn in hc cmpowcrmcn o womcn is
hc 78rd consiuional amcndmcn o Panchaya
Raj Ac which spcciics onc-hird o hc poss o
Sarpanch and Chairman o hc block lcvcl
asscmblics (Samii) and hc disric asscmbly
(Zilla Parishad) o bc womcn. This is cxpcccd o
bring radical changc in womcns saus and will
gcncrally incrcasc hcir poliical paricipaion.
Thc govcrnmcn is puing lo o cors o
cmpowcr hc womcn, hcncc hcrc is nccd o know
hc cxcn o cmpowcrmcn o rural womcn.
Opporuniy is closcly linkcd o various
paramccrs o dcvclopmcn likc cducaion, hcalh
macrnal and inan moraliy rac, cconomic
saus cc. As shown rom hc variablcs bclow, hc
gcndcr dispariy is dccrcasing gradually which
shows ha alhough no 100 pcrccn bu alcas
50 pcrccn o goal has bccn achicvcd. Bu sill hc
indicaors rclacd o work populaion raios and
child scx raio or scx raio arc skcwcd agains
Womens Participation in the Economy
Thc dcvclopmcn is mcasurcd onaccoun o
hc paricipaion o womcn workorcc, qualiy o
work allocd o hcm and hcir conribuion in
CDP and on all hcsc paramccrs hc womcn in
India arc worsc han mcn and hc challcngc is o
bridgc hc incqualiy: Clobalisaion o hc
cconomy and rapid cconomic growh havc
cscalacd somc o hc cxising srucural barricrs
accd by womcn and ncw challcngcs in hc orm
o dismanling o radiional suppor srucurcs
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displaccmcn duc o migraion, obsolcsccncc o
radiional skill scs havc cmcrgcd.
Thc NSSO daa rom 61
o 66
indicacs ha cmalc work paricipaion rac has
dccrcascd bcwccn 2004-05 o 2000-10, alhough
rcgular and casual labourcrs (boh rural and rural)
shows a marginal incrcasc. Thc ohcr issuc is ha
hc prcscncc o womcn is prcdominanly in hc
agriculurc sccor and lowcrs in hc sccondary
sccor. NSSO daa or hc sccondary and criary
sccors shows ha only 18 pcr ccn and 8 pcr ccn
rcspccivcly, o hc rural womcn workcrs workcd
in hcsc sccors.
Thc major issuc is ha ovcr 00 pcrccn o
womcn arc in inormal cmploymcn whcrc hcy
arc poorly paid, havc unsaisacory work
condiions, do no cnjoy hc proccion o labour
laws, havc no conrol on hc crms and
condiions o hcir cmploymcn and arc subjcc o
grca insccuriy o cmploymcn. This
discriminaion in womcns work incrcascd wih
hc downurn in hc global cconomy. Thcrc is
cvidcncc o show ha womcn in hc unorganiscd
sccor sucrcd a dcclinc in numbcr o work days
availablc, poorcr paymcn or piccc work,
dccrioraion in cmploymcn saus, convcrsion
o casual or cmporary saus, cc. Thc sharp all
in houschold incomc lcvcls also lcd o an incrcasc
in unpaid domcsic work or womcn as wcll as
incrcasc in domcsic violcncc.
Thc rcason bchind low work orcc
paricipaion nccd o bc lookcd ino in grcacr
dcail and may parly bc aribuablc - o posiivc
acors such as bccr rccnion in cducaional
insiuions. Bu cvcn hcn hc dcclinc in
womcns workorcc paricipaion rac is a macr
o conccrn and would havc implicaions or hcir
ovcrall cconomic cmpowcrmcn.
Government Interventions towards Rural
Womcn havc bccn ncglcccd hroughou
hc ycars in cvcr y icld social, culural or
cconomic a nod whcn i comcs o rural womcn,
hc ncgligcncc is in grcacr quaniy. In ordcr o
cnhancc hc condiion o womcn, hc
Covcrnmcn o India is implcmcning a numbcr
o programmcs, or improving acccss o
cmploymcn, cducaion, hcalh, inrasrucurc
orcc dcvclopmcn, urban dcvclopmcn,
programmcs likc Mahama Candhi Naional Rural
Fmploymcn arc womcn. Thc Ac is scnsiivc o
working condiions o womcn workcrs as i
advocacs providing acccssiblc worksic (wihin
5 kms o workcrs rcsidcncc), crcchcs or womcn
wih childrcn bclow six and, abovc all, gcndcr
pariy o wagcs o cmpowcr womcn.
Ohcr lagships programmcs likc
Incgracd Child Dcvclopmcn Schcmcs, Sarva
Siksha Ahhiyan and Naional Rural Hcalh
Mission arc also argccd o improvc hc
condiion o womcn in socicy. Furhcr, in
rccogniion o hc rolc playcd by inrasrucurc in
povcry rcmoval, hc Covcrnmcn also launchcd a
imc bound plan undcr Bhara Nirrnan in 2005.
In ordcr o cnsurc ha womcn
arc cqual bcnciciarics in all programmcs,
hcir nccds and conccrns arc incorporacd. Along
Wih his, hcrc arc ohcr programmcs run by hc
Minisry o Womcn and Child Dcvclopmcn as
Suppor o Training 8 Fmploymcn Programmc
or Womcn (STFP) o upgradc hc skills o poor
and assc lcss womcn and providc cmploymcn o
hcm on susainablc basis, Rajiv Candhi Schcmc
or Fmpowcrmcn o Adolcsccn Cirls which
aims a vocaional raining o girls abovc 16 ycars
o agc or hcir cconomic cmpowcrmcn.
Apar rom his, or holisic and inclusivc
dcvclopmcn o womcn, hc govcrnmcn has
sarcd Naional Mission or Fmpowcrmcn o
Womcn undcr which scrviccs likc Rashriya
Mahila Kosh (Naional Crcdi Fund or Womcn),
Ccndcr Budgcing and ohcr suppor scrviccs likc
hoscls or working womcn, crcchc syscm and
Condiional Macrniy Bcnci (CMB) schcmc
Indira Candhi Mariva Sahyog Yojana (ICMSY))
wcrc sarcd.
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Summing Up:
In rural socicics, and clscwhcrc, womcn
cmpowcrmcn is an impcraivc issuc. Pcrhaps
now hc govcrnmcn has scriously sarcd
hinking abou i and all hc dcvclopmcn
programmcs cmbracc rcquircmcns and conccrns
o womcn, so ha hcy do no all bchind-in hc
racc o dcvclopmcn. Thus, or hc holisic
cmpowcrmcn o womcn, o incr-sccoral
approach has o bc adopcd which will cnd
cxploiaion and discriminaion agains womcn
cnabling hcm o dcvclop hcir ull pocnial o bc
acivc paricipans in naion building, sharing hc
bcncis o cconomic growh and prospcriy
Whilc sccking answcr o hc qucsion
whcrc womcn do sand in India - I would likc o
draw acnion o hc rcadcrs owards somc
rcccnly rclcascd rcpors which aply rclccs hc
currcn dynamics in hc concx o womcn
cmpowcrmcn. Thc lacs
Human Dcvclopmcn Rcpor, rclcascd by
UNDP on 14 March 2018, pus India a 182
posiion ou o 187 counrics, cvcn bclow
Pakisan (rankcd 128
) in is Ccndcr Incqualiy
Indcx ha mcasurcs hc incqualiy in bcwccn
malcs and cmalcs in crms o hrcc kcy
indicaors i.c. labour markc, rcproducivc hcalh
and cmpowcrmcn. Whilc in hc World Fconomic
Forums lacs Clobal Ccndcr Cap Indcx or hc
ycar 2012, India has bccn rankcd a 105h placc
among 185 counrics, hc indcx asscsscs hc gap
bcwccn mcn and womcn on hc basis o
cconomic paricipaion and opporuniics,
cducaional aainmcn, hcalh and survival and
poliical cmpowcrmcn. On hc ohcr hand, in a
rcccnly conduccd global survcy known as hc
Third Billion Indcx shows in is scorccard a
dcplccd posiion o Indian womcn and
rccommcnds or a conccrcd cor owards
womcn cmpowcrmcn India gcs placcd a a
dismal 115 ou o 128 counrics survcycd.
Now whilc characcrising hc currcn
saus o rural womcn, bascd on cvidcnccs i may
bc asscrcd ha hcy arc sill ound o ovcr-
burdcn wih hcavy domcsic workloads, having
limicd rolc in houschold dccision-making a
houschold lcvcl wih limicd acccss and conrol
ovcr houschold rcsourccs, sucr rom rcsriccd
mobiliy and cnilcd o low lcvcl o individual
asscs. Incidcnccs o carly marriagcs among girls
arc sill prcvalcn in somc pars o rural India
bcsidcs ha, domcsic violcncc agains womcn in
hc orm o dowry, wic-bacring, hrca o
divorcc, polygamy, unwillingncss o providc
livclihood suppor, amily conlic cc., arc sill
considcrcd o bc a rcqucnly occurrcd
phcnomcna, as ar as availablc saisics arc
conccrncd. Bu among all hcsc dcmoralising acs
incrcasing work paricipaion rac o rural womcn
undcr MCNRFCA, improvcmcn in hcir licracy
lcvcl and hcir growing involvcmcn in dccision-
making proccss as a par o Panchayai Raj
Insiuion providc us somching o chcrish.
Thcrc is no doub abou hc ac ha Indian
policy-makcrs havc adopcd a vcry comprchcnsivc
ramcwork o srcnghcn hc posiion o womcn
in socicy sincc Indcpcndcncc and also modiicd
hcir policy-approachcs rom imc o imc bu
imc and again qucsions raiscd whcn i comcs o
implcmcnaion o such policics. Fxpcricncc
gaincd hrough numcrous rcscarchcs and sudics
on dcvclopmcn policics rcvcal ha i is no only
a pcrcc planning bu a rcalisic cxccuion-
sracgy nccds o bc ormulacd o cnsurc hc
succcss o any such dcvclopmcnal iniiaivc.
Though much havc bccn donc wih a widc rangc
o policics and programs on hc par o
govcrnmcn and non-govcrnmcn-organisaions
in hc sphcrc o womcn cmpowcrmcn, bu i
sccms ha i has no bccn cnough i wc akc ino
considcraion hc ollowing analyical ramcwork
prcscncd bclow - and simulancously i is bcing
cl ha an urgcn nccd o rchink as how o
cxpcdic hc proccss o womcn cmpowcrmcn in
a pariarchal and radiional socicy likc India wih
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innumcrablc obsaclcs. Vcry ocn hc radiional
bclics, aiudcs and praciccs which arc dccply
cnrcnchcd in rural womcns livcs, hindcr hcir
cmpowcrmcn. Fcminis hcorics arguc ha ha
cmpowcrmcn o womcn is dcpcndcn on scvcral
acors, including owncrship and conrol ovcr
land, acccss o divcrsc ypcs o cmploymcn and
incomc-gcncraing aciviics, acccss o public
goods {such as wacr, villagc commons and
orcss], inrasrucurc, cducaion and raining,
hcalh carc and inancial scrviccs and markcs,
and opporuniics or paricipaion in poliical lic
and in hc dcsign and implcmcnaion o policics
and programmcs. So, kccping in vicw hc Indian
sccnario, I mus say ha hc sracgy o
cmpowcring rural womcn rcquircs a crosscuing
and culurc-bound approach which will bc capablc
cnough o addrcss hc divcrsiy o social
srucurcs ha govcrn rural womcns livcs.
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Online Coaching for IAS PRE GS 2014
(at just 100 Rs per month)
What candidate will get:
1. All the relevant and required materials of subjects mention in the GS syllabus like:
100% IAS Exam Syllabus Covered with MCQs.
History of India and Indian National Movement.
Indian and World Geography - Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
Indian Polity and Governance - Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights
Issues, etc.
Economic and Social Development -Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics,
Social Sector initiatives, etc.
General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change - that do not require
subject specialisation
General Science.
Current Affairs.
2. Home assignment: where Multiple Choice Questions of the learned chapters will be
given for self evaluation.
3. Important current affairs materials for civil services preliminary examination will be
4. Online Tests will be conducted after the end of each subject.
5. At the end of your course, five comprehensive test will be conducted to evaluate your
Gist of
Thc Union Cabinc approvcd hc proposal or rcvicw o Forcign Dircc Invcsmcn (FDI) caps
and roucs in various sccors.
Thc Covcrnmcn has dccidcd o amcnd hc provisions rclaing o hc FDI caps and roucs in
various sccors as undcr:
1. Petroleum & Natural Gas
(Pcrolcum rcining by hc Public Sccor Undcrakings (PSU), wihou any disinvcsmcn or
diluion o domcsic cquiy in hc cxisingPSUs.)

(a) Fxising 40 Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 40 Auomaic
2. Commodity exchanges (para 6.2. 17.4)
(a) Fxising 40(26FDI+28FII) Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 40(26FDI+28FII) Auomaic#
3. Power exchanges (para 6.2.19)
(a) Fxising 40(26FDI+28FII) Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 40(26FDI+28FII) Auomaic
4. Stock exchanges, depositories and clearing corporations (para
(a) Fxising 40(26FDI+28FII) Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 40(26FDI+28FII) Auomaic
5. Asset Reconstruction Company (para
(a) Fxising 74(FDI +Fll) Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 100(FDI+FII) Up o 40 Auomaic 40
o 100 Covcrnmcn
6. Credit Information Companies (CICs) (para
(a) Fxising 40 (FDI+FII) Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 74(FDI+FII) Auomaic
7. Tea sector including tea plantations (para
(a) Fxising 100 (divcsmcn
o 26 o Indian
Online Coaching for IAS Exams - at Just 100 Rs. Per Month
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at Just 40 Rs. Per Month
9. Test Marketing (para
(a) Fxising 100. Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd Para o bc dclccd.
10. Telecom Services ( including Telecom
Infrastructure Providers Category-l)
All clccom scrviccs including Tclccom
Inrasrucurc Providcrs Cacgory-I, viz. Basic,
Ccllular, Unicd Acccss Scrviccs, Uniicd liccnsc
(Acccss scrviccs), Uniicd Iiccnsc, Naional/
Incrnaional Iong Disancc, Commcrcial V-Sa,
Public Mobilc Radio Trunkcd Scrviccs (PMRTS),
Clobal Mobilc Pcrsonal Communicaions
Scrviccs (CMPCS), All ypcs o ISP liccnccs, Voicc
Mail/Audiocx/UMS, Rcsalc o IPIC, Mobilc
Numbcr Porabiliy scrviccs, Inrasrucurc
Providcr Cacgory-l (providing darkibrc, righ o
way, duc spacc, owcr) cxccp Ohcr Scrvicc
parncr wihin
5ycars) Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 100 Covcrnmcn
8. Single-brand product retail trading (para 6.2.1 6.4)
(a) Fxising 100 Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 100 Up o 40 Auomaic
40 o 100 Covcrnmcn
###Subjcc o guidclincs issucd by Dcparmcn o Consumcr Aairs/FMC.
## Fxising paragraphs (2) (d) and (8) o Circular 1 o 2018-Consolidacd FDI
Policy will bc rcplaccd wih ollowing paragraphs:
(a) Fxising 74. Up o 40 Auomaic40 o 74 Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 100 Up o 40 Auomaic 40 o 100 Covcrnmcn;
11. Courier Services (para 6.2.10)
(A) Fxising 100 Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 100 Auomaic
12. Defence (para 6.2.6)
(a) Fxising 26 Covcrnmcn
(b) Proposcd 26No changc $ Up o 26, no changc i.c., hrough
FIPB and CCFA i FDI cxcccdsRs. 1200crorc.
Abovc 26 o CCS on casc o casc basis,
which cnsurc acccss o modcrn and
sac-o-ar cchnology in hccounry.
; FDI up o 100 wih 40 undcr
auomaic rouc and bcyond 40 hrough FIPB
rouc subjcc o obscrvancc o liccnsing and
sccuriy condiions by liccnscc as wcll as
invcsors as noiicd by hc Dcparmcn o
Tclccommunicaions (DoT) rom imc o imc.
$Fllhrough porolio invcsmcn is no
pcrmicd.In hc backdrop o hc airly modcs
FDI inlows ovcr hc las ycar and lack o growh
in gross domcsic capial ormaion, FDI ccilings
and cnry roucs havc bccn libcralizcd or
hcaorcsacdsccors wih a vicw o simulaing
FDI inlows in o hc counr y hcrcby
conribuing o growh o invcsmcn, incomcs
and cmploymcn.
Online Coaching for IAS Exams - at Just 100 Rs. Per Month
Subscribe "The Gist" Yearly Subscription Here:
at Just 40 Rs. Per Month

Study Kit for Preli minary Exami nations:
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v W. V. V8. (8|-8) 9|1R4 91|H| 2014 9 91 -2

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Study Kit for Mai ns Examinati ons:
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