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difficult words
deem to be
At the moment, artemisinin-based therapies are considered the best treatment, but cost about $10 per
dose - far too much for impoverished communities.
infinitely or immeasurably small
The minute stain on the document was not visible to the naked eye.
concurrence of opinion
The committee worked in accord on the bill, and it eventually passed.
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judment
That confidence was certainly evident in the way !mith handled the winnin play with 1" seconds left
on the clock.
a customary way of operation or behavior
#e directed and acted in plays every season and became known for e$plorin %li&abethan theatre
have in mind as a purpose
'(ipstick, as a product intended for topical use with limited absorption, is inested only in very small
)uantities,* the aency said on its website.
somethin that interests you because it is important or affects you
The scandal broke out in +ctober after former chief e$ecutive ,ichael -oodford claimed he was fired
for raisin concerns about the company.s accountin practices.
perform an act, usually with a neative connotation
/n an unprecedented front pae article in 0001 The Times reported that ,r. 2lair, a youn reporter on
its staff, had committed journalistic fraud.
some situation or event that is thouht about
As a result, the privacy issues surroundin mobile computin are becomin ever-more comple$.
move towards
!pain3s jobless rate for people aes 14 to 0" is approaching 50 percent.
set up or found
A small 6rench colony, 7ort (ouis, was established on %ast 6alkland in 184" and handed to the
!panish three years later.
922: ;6eb 14, 0010<
without )ualification= used informally as ;often pejorative< intensifiers
>o one can blame an honest mechanic for holdin a wealthy snob in utter contempt.
9/nersoll, ?obert @reen
direct the course of= manae or control
!cientists have been conducting studies of individual enes for years.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 15, 0010<
consume all of one.s attention or time
-e had nearly two hundred passeners, who were seated about on the sofas, readin, or playin ames,
or engaged in conversation.
96ield, #enry ,. ;#enry ,artyn<
come into possession of
#e delayed makin the unclassified report public while awaitin an Army review, but ?ollin !tone
maa&ine obtained the report and posted it 6riday niht.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 11, 0010<
deficient in )uantity or number compared with the demand
,eanwhile, heatin oil could row more scarce in the >ortheast this winter, the %nery Bepartment
warned last month.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 01, 0010<
a plan of action adopted by an individual or social roup
/nflation has laed behind the central bank3s 0 percent taret, ivin policy makers e$tra scope to cut
92usiness-eek ;6eb 15, 0010<
successive ;without a break<
After three straight losin seasons, #oosiers fans were just hopin for a winnin record.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 15, 0010<
the capital raised by a corporation throuh the issue of shares entitlin holders to an ownership interest
/n other words, Apple3s stock is cheap, and you should buy it.
96orbes ;6eb 14, 0010<
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judment
2ut the elderly creak is beinnin to become apparent in ,c:artney3s voice.
9Time ;6eb 14, 0010<
a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class
+win to these maic properties, it was often planted near dwellins to keep away evil spirits.
97arsons, ,ary %li&abeth
imaine= conceive of= see in one.s mind
6or a time, indeed, he had fancied that thins were chaned.
9-eyman, !tanley C.
an abstract or eneral idea inferred or derived from specific instances
As a psycholoist, / have always found the concept of speed datin fascinatin.
9!cientific American ;6eb 11, 0010<
an assembly ;includin one or more judes< to conduct judicial business
-hen 2rown pleaded not uilty to assaultin ?ihanna, their violent past came out in court.
9!late ;6eb 14, 0010<
assin a duty, responsibility or obliation to
/n 1D41 he was appointed by the eneral assembly professor of oriental lanuaes at >ew :ollee.
a section of te$t= particularly a section of medium lenth
#is interpretation of many obscure scriptural passages by means of native manners and customs and
traditions is particularly helpful and informin.
9!heets, %mily :hurchill Thompson
unproductive of success
An attempt was made to inore this brilliant and irreular book, but in vain= it was read all over
an occurrence of somethin
/n many instances lare districts or towns would have fewer representatives than smaller ones, or
perhaps none at all.
9:larke, #elen Archibald
the shore of a sea or ocean
,artello towers must be built within short distances all round the coast.
9-infield, (ewis
a planned undertakin
The funds are aimed at helpin build public projects includin mass transit, electricity networks, water
utility and ports, it said.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 18, 0010<
a special roup deleated to consider some matter
The developers are now seekin approval from the landmarks commission.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 14, 0010<
a )uantity that does not vary
/n 1F0F, #ubble independently put forward and confirmed the same idea, and the parameter later
became known as the #ubble constant.
9>ature ;>ov 15, 0011<
your overall circumstances or condition in life ;includin everythin that happens to you<
The circumstances leadin up to the shootins was not immediately available.
9:hicao Tribune ;6eb 1F, 0010<
to compose or representGHThis wall forms the backround of the stae settinH
+il and natural as constituted almost 50 percent of ?ussian overnment revenue last year.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 1F, 0010<
a relative position or deree of value in a raded roup
+nly last month did the men3s and women3s unemployment rates reach the same level.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1F, 0010<
have an effect upon
The central bank will start distributin low-interest loans in early ,arch to individuals and small- and
medium-si&ed companies affected by the floodin.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 1F, 0010<
set up or lay the roundwork for
:orporations have to be more and more focused on instituting hiher labor standards.
9-ashinton 7ost ;6eb 8, 0010<
ive an interpretation or rendition of
2ut authorities had rendered the weapon and the e$plosive device inoperable, officials said.
9:hicao Tribune ;6eb 18, 0010<
be attractive to
To et traditional women3s accessories to appeal to men, some desiners are ivin them manly names
and styles.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1F, 0010<
brin into e$istence
Iualities such as these are not generated under bad workin practices of any sort.
9#unerford, %dward
a well-substantiated e$planation of some aspect of the natural world= an orani&ed system of accepted
knowlede that applies in a variety of circumstances to e$plain a specific set of phenomena
Testin that theory beins !aturday niht, as the :apitals take on Tampa 2ay in another important
9-ashinton 7ost ;6eb 1D, 0010<
a variety of different thins or activities
(ike American community collees, admission at an open university is not competitive, but the schools
offer a range of prorams, includin doctoral derees.
9Time ;6eb 1F, 0010<
a race between candidates for elective office
At the same point in 000" 9 as an incumbent facin re-election 9 ,r. 2ush had taken in about $1"5.4
million for his campaign.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1D, 0010<
an association of sports teams that orani&es matches for its members
H-hen / broke into the bi leagues until a month ao, @ary kept in touch,H ,ets third baseman Bavid
-riht said.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 18, 0010<
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted
,ore labor is entailed, more time is re)uired, reater delay is occasioned in cleanin up, and the
amount of water used is much reater.
9#oskin, Arthur C.
have a conference in order to talk somethin over
,s. !tewart said ,rs. 2achmann conferred with her family and a few aides after her disappointin
showin on Tuesday evenin.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can ", 0010<
allow to have
#e had been granted entry into the -hite #ouse only for the daily briefin, later that afternoon.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 18, 0010<
think moodily or an$iously about somethin
2ut it is hardly necessary to dwell on so normal an event.
9Einoradoff, 7aul
provide entertainment for
The first !uper 2owl in 1F48 featured collee marchin bands entertaining the crowds at halftime.
9?euters ;6eb 4, 0010<
a bindin areement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law
Contracts with utilities will be sined startin ne$t month, he said.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 14, 0010<
characteri&ed by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions
Too much praise cannot be iven to the earnest and efficient missionaries who founded and have
maintained this mission.
9,iller, @eore A.
ive or supply
/t is a very important honey plant, as it yields an e$ceptionally pure nectar and remains in bloom a lon
97arsons, ,ary %li&abeth
to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course
-hile each animal wandered throuh the ma&e, its brain was workin furiously.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 14, 0010<
be emphatic or resolute and refuse to bude
/nterior Bepartment officials insisted that they had conducted an e$tensive scientific in)uiry before
movin ahead with the spill response plan.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 18, 0010<
oriinally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry= today in @reat 2ritain a person honored
by the soverein for personal merit
The knight was allant not only in war, but in love also.
9:rothers, !amuel ,c:hord
make ;someone< aree, understand, or reali&e the truth or validity of somethin
2ut thouh he listened he was not convinced.
9?eade, :harles
serve as the incitin cause of
#is surprisin performance inspired an outpourin of fan adoration that has been dubbed H(insanity.H
9:hicao Tribune ;6eb 1F, 0010<
a lare formal assembly
(ast year, the industry3s main trade convention, the /nside !elf-!torae -orld %$po, orani&ed
workshops in (as Eeas focusin on lien laws and auction sales.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 18, 0010<
an ability that has been ac)uired by trainin
#e says many new drivers are terrified of motorway drivin because they do not have the skills or
confidence needed.
922: ;6eb 00, 0010<
annoy continually or chronically
There3s somethin upliftin about hearin a strin instrument when /3m feelin raed or harried.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb F, 0010<
involvin financial matters
,eanwhile, universities have raised tuition every year, puttin many students in a financial bind.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 00, 0010<
show an imae of
Teens rantin over chores and whatnot can often reflect deeper feelins of alienation or perceived
uncarin on the part of parents.
9Time ;6eb 18, 0010<
an e$tended fictional work in prose= usually in the form of a story
2efore ?obert 2arr publishes a novel he spends years in thinkin the thin out.
provide or e)uip with furniture
/nstead, accordin to court documents, the money went toward furnishing mansions, flyin in private
jets, and retainin a $100,000-a-year personal hairstylist.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 1, 0010<
force somebody to do somethin
2ut the flames rew too lare, compelling firefihters to call off the rescue.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1D, 0010<
proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible daners
:learly he would not venture to descend while his enemy moved.
9!tran, #erbert
the eoraphical area under the jurisdiction of a soverein state
+n 6riday, -est Africa reional roup %cowas condemned the rebels, urin them to end hostilities
and surrender all occupied territory.
922: ;6eb 1D, 0010<
a characteristic ;habitual or relatively temporary< state of feelin
+scar -ilde, to do him justice, bore this sort of rebuff with astonishin ood temper and sweetness.
fi$ed in your purpose
The business-oriented constituency of the ?epublican 7arty, Cacobs said, has been weakened by a
faction bent on lowerin ta$es and cuttin spendin.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 18, 0010<
marked by close ac)uaintance, association, or familiarity
The female spider can choose when to cut off intimate relations by eatin her partner, or kickin him
9!cientific American ;Can 11, 0010<
enter upon an activity or enterprise
An autopsy has reportedly been undertaken but the results are not e$pected for several weeks.
9The @uardian ;6eb 11, 0010<
;elections< more than half of the votes
?epublicans need just four seats in the !enate to take control as the majority party.
9?euters ;6eb 8, 0010<
to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
/n your talk you asserted the pill.s risks of blood clottin, lun artery blockae, heart attack and stroke
are minimal.
9!cience ,aa&ine ;6eb 1D, 0010<
the men and women who man a vehicle ;ship, aircraft, etc.<
!everal pilots and crew members would have to escape at once, while safety divers watched, ready to
rescue anyone who became stuck.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 4, 0010<
a natural or artificial enclosed space
HToday,H said the old man, Hyou must push throuh with me into my most solitary chamber, that we
may not be disturbed.H
9:arlyle, Thomas
marked by meekness or modesty= not arroant or prideful
':hallenin yourself, playin up aainst stroner, touher, and overall better competition will keep
you humble.*
9-ashinton 7ost ;Can 18, 0010<
an elaborate and systematic plan of action
!ome companies in the @lobe Bistrict of Ari&ona have started e$tensive underround schemes for
minin lare tonnaes very cheaply by HcavinH methods.
9#oskin, Arthur C.
havin or demonstratin ability to reconi&e or draw fine distinctions
>ot one of his movements escaped her keen observation= she drank in every shiver.
9-infield, (ewis
havin political or social views favorin reform and proress
?omney3s actually done well in open primaries where fiscally conservative yet socially liberal
independents have backed him over his opponents.
9Time ;6eb 1", 0010<
a state in which all hope is lost or absent
There were wounded love, and wounded pride, and despair, and comin madness, all in that piteous
9?eade, :harles
the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the ravitational pull of the moon
/n the case of mobile connectivity, a risin tide does not lift all boats.
9!late ;6eb F, 0010<
a comple$ mental state involvin beliefs and feelins and values and dispositions to act in certain ways
H2ehaviours have chaned and attitudes have chaned,H ,r Taylor said.
922: ;6eb 14, 0010<
show to be reasonable or provide ade)uate round for
#e felt sure that if the circumstances justified it, the necessary proceedins could be taken.*
emblem usually consistin of a rectanular piece of cloth of distinctive desin
7alestinian 7resident ,ahmoud Abbas declared three days of mournin and ordered flags flown at half
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 14, 0010<
any admirable )uality or attribute
Thus far in our in)uiry e$traordinary merits have been offset by e$traordinary defects.
9Ayres, #arry ,oran
reveal its presence or make an appearance
A too rapid transformation of e$istin conditions miht very easily lead to an economic crisis,
symptoms of which are already beinnin to manifest themselves.
9Eay, 7Jter
a eneral inclusive concept
Boes that old notion that defense wins championships still hold up these daysJ
9!eattle Times ;Can 11, 0010<
relative manitude
And there miht not be much money, so fashion shows are done on a much smaller scale.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 18, 0010<
characteristic of or befittin a person in authority
A formal decision to call off the search is likely on -ednesday, rescue officials said.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 11, 0010<
available source of wealth= a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed
'%conomists assume that, under normal conditions, markets will allocate resources efficiently,* he
92usiness-eek ;6eb 18, 0010<
continue to e$ist
+ld ideas, lon after the conditions under which they were produced have passed away, often persist in
9/nersoll, ?obert @reen
lack of respect accompanied by a feelin of intense dislike
And with his backhanded contempt for all thins ordinary, 2lake is makin some of the catchiest, most
difficult music in recent memory.
9Time ;Bec 00, 0011<
a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area
#e typed in '!outh 7ark* and took senior e$ecutives on a tour of -eb sites offerin pirated episodes.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb D, 0010<
enter a plea, as in courts of law
Aria pleaded not uilty, but he acknowleded that he had violated some laws.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1D, 0010<
to be oppressive or burdensome
!o far, the political turmoil has not appeared to have discouraed visitors, but proloned strife could
weigh on tourism.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 11, 0010<
how somethin is done or how it happens
!peakin of science, he says, in lanuae far in advance of his timesG KThere are two modes of
knowin9by arument and by e$periment.
9Adams, -. #. Bavenport ;-illiam #enry Bavenport<
a discrimination between thins as different and distinct
2ut such a distinction is )uite e$ternal= at heart the men may be very much alike.
at an anle to the hori&ontal or vertical position
!uch an inclined passae followin a seam of coal is known as a slope.
9#oskin, Arthur C.
an abstraction belonin to or characteristic of an entity
The authors found that when the available prospects varied more in attributes such as ae, heiht,
occupation and educational backround, people made fewer datin proposals.
9!cientific American ;6eb 11, 0010<
make a reat effort at a mental or physical task
!chool boards may come to exert even reater influence over what students read.
96orbes ;Can 01, 0010<
come down on or keep down by unjust use of one.s authority
Those who manaed to survive were later oppressed by 7oland.s post-war communist authorities.
9?euters ;Can 1D, 0010<
compete for somethin= enae in a contest= measure oneself aainst others
2ut eiht men, however bold and stout-hearted, could not lon contend with an enemy at least four
times their number.
9!tran, #erbert
a stron wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the round
#is remains were buried in :annon !treet, and a stake was driven throuh the body.
9Andrews, -illiam
work hard
#e toiled in the sweat of his brow, tillin the stubborn round, takin out stones, buildin fences.
9Adler, 6eli$
pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
!imon -iesenthal.s parents are lon since deceased, with his father dyin in -orld -ar / and his
mother perishing in the #olocaust.
922: ;6eb 1", 0010<
your usual mood
,elancholia 9 the state of mind 9 can hide behind seeminly sunny dispositions.
9!eattle Times ;Bec 0D, 0011<
complain bitterly
,r. @ray railed aainst lenthy stae directions, sayin he crossed them out in scripts before he would
bein rehearsals with his actors.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 8, 0010<
;?oman :atholic :hurch< one of a roup of more than 100 prominent bishops in the !acred :ollee
who advise the 7ope and elect new 7opes
%ach time he names cardinals he puts his stamp on ?oman :atholicism.s future by choosin men who
share his views.
9:hicao Tribune ;6eb 1D, 0010<
show off
,r. %stes was also well connected politically, boasting that the president of the Lnited !tates took his
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 10, 0011<
a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
-ell, safety advocates, consumers and the overnment draed the automobile industry toward
includin seat belts, air bas, more visible taillihts and other safety features.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1F, 0010<
#e bestowed public buildins and river improvements in return for votes.
9@ilbert, :linton -. ;:linton -allace<
report or maintain
/t is bein fired into enclosed areas and homes, the human rihts roup alleges.
922: ;6eb 8, 0010<
despite anythin to the contrary ;usually followin a concession<
#e seems to have taken thins easily enouh, notwithstanding the sorrow and sufferin that
surrounded him on every side.
9Adams, -. #. Bavenport ;-illiam #enry Bavenport<
of imposin heiht= especially standin out above others
#e found himself in an enormous hall with a lofty ceilin.
92lasco /bJJe&, Eicente
a lare indefinite number
Bepartment store chains in eneral have been strained in recent years as a HmultitudeH of alternatives
has emered, all competin for customers.
9:hicao Tribune ;Bec 0D, 0011<
havin a sharp inclination
/t was narrow and very steep, and had precipices in all parts, so that they could not mount upward
e$cept one at a time.
pay close attention to= ive heed to
2ut :ain was already too far one to heed the warnin voice.
9Adler, 6eli$
not lare but sufficient in si&e or amount
A healthy person livin in an unfashionable city with no student loans to pay off can et by on a fairly
modest income.
9!late ;6eb 18, 0010<
bein or affectin only a part= not total
@enerali&ations of this sweepin order are apt to contain only partial truth.
9:larke, #elen Archibald
;usually followed by Mto.< naturally disposed toward
Another reason to display beds at an electronics showG consumers are apt to use hih-tech devices
while tucked in.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can F, 0010<
the condition of bein honored ;esteemed or respected or well rearded<
Bespite bein held in the hihest esteem by his fellow poets, ?edrove never )uite achieved the critical
reception or readership he deserved.
9The @uardian ;6eb 10, 0010<
appearin to merit belief or acceptance
,ike ,ullen, then chairman of the Coint :hiefs of !taff, has acknowleded receivin the memo but
said he inored it as not credible.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 1F, 0011<
provide the needed stimulus for
/t provoked a bier reaction than we could ever have anticipated.
9The @uardian ;6eb 10, 0010<
a step in walkin or runnin
The farmer went down, his clumsy boots makin no sound on the uncarpeted stairway, so careful was
his tread.
9-oolson, :onstance 6enimore
learn or discover with certainty
#ealth care providers and manufacturers can ascertain alternative treatment more effectively by
tacklin predicted dru shortae incidences early in the process.
96orbes ;6eb 11, 0010<
proceed or et alon
A recent study breaks down how raduates with various collee derees are faring in today3s difficult
job market.
9-ashinton 7ost ;6eb 18, 0010<
relin)uish possession or control over
!ome militia chiefs say they will only cede command of their fihters once an orani&ed military and
security apparatus is in place.
9?euters ;Can 1, 0010<
continuin forever or indefinitely
The river is a perpetual enjoyment, always somethin oin on.
9-addinton, ,ary Nin
a leally bindin command or decision entered on the court record ;as if issued by a court or jude<
-hile the decree takes effect immediately, it re)uires 7arliament3s approval within 40 days to remain
in force.
92usiness-eek ;Can 0D, 0010<
make or work out a plan for= devise
The wily ?oc, never taken much by surprise, contrived to escape, but old Tributor and his men were
all captured.
9Thornbury, -alter
formed or developed from somethin else= not oriinal
,odern kale, cabbae, broccoli, cauliflower, 2russels sprouts, and kohlrabi are all members of the
same species, derived from a sinle prehistoric plant variety.
9!late ;6eb 01, 0010<
marked by comple$ity and richness of detail
2ut the tobacco industry and owners of other convenience stores say tribal ciarette manufacturin is
just an elaborate form of ta$ evasion.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 00, 0010<
havin substance or capable of bein treated as fact= not imainary
Befence lawyers said the lare number of forensic tests which had been carried out had failed to find
any substantial evidence linked to the accused.
922: ;6eb 01, 0010<
a wilderness at the ede of a settled area of a country
Addin to the precarious security situation, tribesmen kidnapped 1D %yptian border uards alon the
frontier with /srael in !inai 7eninsula.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb F, 0010<
arrived at without due care or effort= lackin depth
As one teacher remarks about a troubled student, 'There is no facile solution.*
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 11, 0011<
make reference to
The 6ederal ?eserve has pleded low interest rates until late 001", citing in part the weakness of the
job market.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 01, 0010<
show to be reasonable or provide ade)uate round for
/n the Lnited Nindom and %urope the devices are not used unless the need is warranted by the
patient.s medical condition.
9L! >ews ;Can 18, 0010<
weep convulsively
#e cried and trembled, sobbing, while they spoke, like the child he was.
9-eyman, !tanley C.
a traveler who actively rides an animal ;as a horse or camel<
/n horseback ridin, a rider will ive commands by s)uee&in or lenthenin the reins and alterin the
position of his les.
9Time ;Can 5, 0010<
permittin little if any liht to pass throuh because of denseness of matter
Dense black smoke rose in the distance as demonstrators burned tires in !hiite villaes.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 1", 0010<
cause physical pain or sufferin in
,elanoma lobally afflicts nearly 140,000 new people each year.
9?euters ;Bec 14, 0011<
row viorously
#is business had been all alon steadily flourishing, his patrons had been of hih social position, some
most illustrious, others actually royal.
97etherick, #orace -illiam
invest with ministerial or priestly authority
+ne of the present bishops was consecrated when )uite a youn boy, and deacons are often ordained at
si$teen, and even much earlier.
92ird, /sabella (. ;/sabella (ucy<
havin or showin or e$pressin reverence for a deity
,other, you see, is a very pious woman, and she attributes it all to 7rovidence, sayin that it was the
Bivine interference in her behalf.
cause annoyance in= disturb, especially by minor irritations
There are vexing problems slowin the rowth and the practical implementation of bi data
96orbes ;+ct 01, 0011<
;physics< the force of attraction between all masses in the universe= especially the attraction of the
earth.s mass for bodies near its surface
+nce captured, the combined object will have a new center of gravity and may be spinnin in an
uncontrolled way.
9!cience ,aa&ine ;6eb 15, 0010<
;of undissolved particles in a fluid< supported or kept from sinkin or fallin by buoyancy and without
apparent attachment
6rustratin enouh at round level, but can you imaine the aony about a stranded, ever-soier +reo
bein suspended 11 feet above the roundJ
9-ashinton 7ost ;6eb 01, 0010<
obvious to the eye or mind
/ts briht scarlet fruits are conspicuous in late autumn.
a )uick reply to a )uestion or remark ;especially a witty or critical one<
#avin put him in ill humour with this retort, she fled away rejoicin.
9:oster, :harles ThJodore #enri de
an airplane powered by one or more jet enines
Typhoon fihter jets, helicopters, two warships and bomb disposal e$perts will also be on duty to uard
aainst security threats.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 00, 0010<
run away= usually includes takin somethin or somebody alon
The blare of bules was heard, and a few seconds afterwards Cackson, still facin the enemy, shoutedG
H2y Cupiter, bolting, sir.H
9!tran, #erbert
to aree or e$press areement
#is two companions readily assented, and the promise was mutually iven and received.
9Neihtley, Thomas
a sum of money spoken of as the contents of a money purse
!he watched over her husband, kept his accounts, held the family purse, manaed all his affairs.
9!horter, :lement N.
the arithmetic operation of summin= calculatin the sum of two or more numbers
The survey3s marin of error was plus or minus four percentae points.
92usiness-eek ;Bec 0F, 0011<
ive authority or permission to
The !ecurities and %$chane :ommission said last year it had sanctioned 1F senior officers for
conduct related to the housin market meltdown.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 1F, 0010<
;law< the institution of a se)uence of steps by which leal judments are invoked
:hu attended the special court-martial proceeding on ,onday in #awaii, #ill said.
9?euters ;Can 10, 0010<
praise, lorify, or honor
!ome exalt themselves by anonymously postin their own laudatory reviews.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 04, 0010<
the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuin to attack
?ebellion broke out, and finally the aed :aliph, after endurin a siege of several weeks, was murdered
in his own house.
9>icholson, ?eynold
feelin a need to see others suffer
#e viewed the moths with malice, their flutterin wins fannin his resentment.
9(yman, +lin (.
recklessly wasteful
Advisers say new millionaires are prone to mistakes, like makin extravagant purchases or risky deals
with friends.
9?euters ;6eb 0, 0010<
increase in phase
:arols had e$isted for centuries, thouh their popularity waxed and waned as different overnments
and reliious movements periodically declared them sinful.
9Time ;Bec 10, 0011<
press tihtly toether or cram
Beafenin cheers rent the air as he landed= hundreds thronged around him to clasp his hand.
9!tran, #erbert
reard with feelins of respect and reverence= consider hallowed or e$alted or be in awe of
#e venerated me like a bein descended from an upper world.
92lasco /bJJe&, Eicente
attack someone physically or emotionally
#is campain even issued a press release assailing other rivals for, in ,r. 7aul3s view, takin ,r.
?omney3s )uote about firin people out of conte$t.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 14, 0010<
of hih moral or intellectual value= elevated in nature or style
#e was uneven, disproportioned, sayin ordinary thins on reat occasions, and now and then, without
the slihtest provocation, utterin the sublimest and most beautiful thouhts.
9/nersoll, ?obert @reen
draw from= make ood use of
As humans increasinly exploit the deep seas for fish, oil and minin, understandin how species are
dispersed is crucial, :opley said.
9!cientific American ;Can 1, 0010<
use of physical or mental enery= hard work
+ne day overcome by exertion, she fainted in the street.
9/nersoll, ?obert @reen
catch fire
Then a match was kindled and fire applied.
9-arner, !usan
furnish with an endowment
The rammar school here, founded in 1511, is liberally endowed, with scholarships and e$hibitions.
set forth authoritatively as obliatory
The Arab (eaue has already suspended !yria and imposed economic sanctions.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 00, 0010<
cause to feel shame= hurt the pride of
The letter claims pensioners are too often patronised, humiliated, denied privacy or even medical
922: ;6eb 00, 0010<
a leal riht uaranteed by the 15th amendment to the L! :onstitution= uaranteed to women by the
1Fth amendment
There has been a reat deal said in this country of late in reard to ivin the riht of suffrage to
9/nersoll, ?obert @reen
issue or terminate ;in a specified way, state, etc.<= end
An uproar ensued months after the approval, when opponents reali&ed the online amblin measure
had been slipped in.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 14, 0010<
a natural stream of water smaller than a river ;and often a tributary of a river<
#e walked across the little bride over the brook and at once his mood chaned.
9,ason, A. %. -. ;Alfred %dward -oodley<
a stron wind movin "5-F0 knots= force 8 to 10 on 2eaufort scale
The gale was accompanied, as usual, by incessant rain and thick weather, and a heavy confused sea
kept our decks always flooded.
96it&roy, ?obert
reflect deeply on a subject
Musing about the 2i 7icture may be a lot more ratifyin than focusin on the details of the specific
policies that aren3t workin.
9Time ;Can 0", 0010<
witty lanuae used to convey insults or scorn
There3s plenty of humor on ?ussian television, thouh not much political satire= ,r. 7utin put a stop to
that lon ao.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 11, 0010<
cause to be interested or curious
Besinin and buildin models that intrigue and educate without overwhelmin has been challenin.
9!cience ,aa&ine ;>ov 0", 0011<
somethin that serves to indicate or suest
Authorities said an autopsy found no indications of foul play or obvious sins of trauma on #ouston.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 15, 0010<
send away towards a desinated oal
,ore than one assassin was dispatched by the Turkish authorities to murder >apoleon.
crouch or curl up
The knaves lowered their weapons and shrank back cowering before him.
9-eyman, !tanley C.
an established custom
#e made his customary slick feeds to open teammates, but as is their wont, the >ets struled at times
to convert points on his passes.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 00, 0010<
a system of body parts that toether serve some particular purpose
-hen probiotics flourish in the diestive tract, nutrients are better absorbed and bad bus are held at
bay, research suests.
9!eattle Times ;Can 10, 0010<
a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the 2ible reconi&ed by any
:hristian church as enuine and inspired
6or me, all novels of any conse)uence are literary, and they take their place, hih and low, in the canon
of %nlish literature.
9The @uardian ;Can 10, 0011<
cause to move forward with force
!ome power beyond his comprehension was impelling him toward the neihborin city.
92lasco /bJJe&, Eicente
freedom from normal restraints in conduct
@reat employees often et more latitude to brin up controversial subjects in a roup settin because
their performance allows reater freedom.
9/nc ;6eb 01, 0010<
leave behind empty= move out of
Their number diminished sharply after Eillaraiosa announced last week that he wanted protesters to
vacate the rounds by ,onday or be forcibly removed.
9:hicao Tribune ;>ov 10, 0011<
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted
H(et my epitaph be, #ere lies Coseph, who was unsuccessful in all his undertakings.H
9,arvin, 6rederic ?owland
kill intentionally and with premeditation
H/t were shame,H said (ancelot, Hfor an armed to slay an unarmed man.H
one who precedes you in time ;as in holdin a position or office<
#eller fills in the blanks about Taft, overshadowed by colorful predecessor Teddy ?oosevelt.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 00, 0010<
the )uality of bein beautiful and delicate in appearance
This refinement appears in his works, which are full of artistic race and dainty delicacy.
9Brake, !amuel Adams
leave someone who needs or counts on you= leave in the lurch
H/.m surprised,H said 7hilip, cautiously openin fire, Hthat you were ever allowed to forsake your native
9#ay, /an
ask for or re)uest earnestly
Ltterly distrauht, he ran up and down the bank, huntin for his clothes, callin, cryin out, implorin,
beseeching help from somewhere.
96rank, Llrich
of or relatin to philosophy or philosophers
#is aruments, like %instein3s, were )ualitative, verin on hihly philosophical.
9!cientific American ;Can 10, 0010<
a small rowth of trees without underbrush
!oon after we came to 7asadena, father bouht an orane grove of twenty-five acres.
9:hamberlain, Cames 6ranklin
hinder or prevent ;the efforts, plans, or desires< of
rustrated after two years of missed budet tarets, finance chiefs demanded @reek officials put their
verbal commitments into law.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 11, 0010<
widely known and esteemed
!he will be joinin an illustrious list of recipients that include -inston :hurchill, >elson ,andela,
7ope Cohn 7aul // and 7rincess Biana.
922: ;6eb 0", 0010<
an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
Aou3ve probably also noticed that the telephone and computer are no loner the only devices on your
employees3 desks.
96orbes ;6eb 04, 0010<
cheap or pretentious or vain display
Throuhout L.!. history, Americans have been fascinated by royal pomp -- even on a movie screen.
9?euters ;6eb 01, 0011<
ask for or re)uest earnestly
H(et me o now, please,H she entreated, her eyes unable to meet his any loner.
9#ope, Anthony
transmit ;knowlede or skills<
(on before writin and books were in common use, proverbs were the principal means of imparting
97reston, Thomas
correct or appropriate behavior
/ felt a trifle doubtful about the propriety of takin a short cut across private rounds, and said as
9!utphen, Ean Tassel
render holy by means of reliious rites
The buildin was consecrated as a 7rotestant %piscopal church in ,ay, 1D1".
96aris, Cohn T. ;Cohn Thomson<
the income or profit arisin from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
#is own share in the proceeds was about a hundred thousand dollars.
9!tark, Cames #.
come to understand
2ut after flyin for so many years, the idea of hanin up his sparklin wins is hard for him to
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 18, 0010<
the oal intended to be attained ;and which is believed to be attainable<
The objective was to mobili&e students from 1D hih schools across the city to provide community
services and inspire others.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 5, 0010<
wearin or provided with clothin= sometimes used in combination
A few of the villaers came behind, clad in mournin robes, and bearin lihted tapers.
devoted to a cause or party
2ut iven the bitter partisan divide in an election year, Bemocrats said they would never be able to et
such leislation passed.
9:hicao Tribune ;,ar 10, 0010<
a dissentin cli)ue
+ne faction declared it would bein an armed strule aainst the overnment of the Lnited !tates.
9!late ;6eb 0F, 0010<
artificially formal
/n lesser hands the story about a youn man who discovers life amon the dead could be impossibly
cute and contrived.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 05, 0010<
impressive by reason of ae
Thus, after much more than two hundred years, the venerable buildin looks almost as it did when the
first students entered its doors.
96aris, Cohn T. ;Cohn Thomson<
not showy or obtrusive
2y contrast, ,r. 7ei3s restrained desin took time to claim my attention, particularly since it sat
)uietly ne$t door to !aarinen3s concrete ull wins.
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 4, 0011<
harass, as with )uestions or re)uests
#e can3t trot down the street without bein besieged by papara&&i.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 1D, 0010<
a clear appearance
!inin and dancin are manifestations of what many !yrians describe as a much broader cultural
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 1F, 0011<
an act or e$pression of criticism and censure
Afterward, the leaders fouht court orders to release records showin what they had done, drawin an
uncommonly sharp rebuke from a federal jude.
9-ashinton 7ost ;,ar 1", 0010<
in opposition to a civil authority or overnment
The 6ree !yrian Army, an insurgent roup made of defectin soldiers and based in southern Turkey,
claimed responsibility for both attacks.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 00, 0011<
usin lanuae effectively to please or persuade
#is fiery rhetoric in support of limitin cuts to projected defense spendin has surprised and impressed
some of +bama.s touhest ?epublican critics.
9?euters ;Can 5, 0010<
havin scruples= arisin from a sense of riht and wron= principled
The reason is that the vast majority of businesses are scrupulous and treat their employees well.
9The @uardian ;Cun ", 0010<
approve and e$press assent, responsibility, or obliation
:ompany officials at !afeway said those replacement workers will remain on standby until the
areement is ratified by union members.
9-ashinton 7ost ;,ar 0F, 0010<
cause to be perple$ed or confounded
Thouh family members lon suspected %vans, a local handyman who fre)uently hired local youths,
the case stumped investiators for years.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Au 10, 0011<
marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint
!arko&y has attempted to tone down his imae, becomin more discreet about his private life.
92usiness-eek ;6eb D, 0010<
impressive in appearance
These buildins were rand and styli&ed with intricate details and a bit of an imposing presence.
9!cientific American ;,ar 5, 0010<
showin pensive sadness
!he turned toward him, her face troubled, her eyes most wistful.
9,ason, A. %. -. ;Alfred %dward -oodley<
cause to feel shame= hurt the pride of
/ntensely mortified at this humiliation, the kin fell sick, and henceforth his health failed rapidly.
stir up ;water< so as to form ripples
That could precipitate hiher interest rates that would ripple across the economy.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Cul 08, 0011<
a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
!uccess, real success, comes to the jack of all trades, a major premise handed down from pioneer days.
9@ilbert, :linton -. ;:linton -allace<
wear off or die down
Affliction is allayed, rief subsides, sorrow is soothed, distress is mitiated.
9-ebster, >oah
contrary to your interests or welfare
#ih doses can have adverse effects and even cause death.
9!eattle Times ;,ar 04, 0010<
a sudden desire
>obody is really in chare, and decisions are made on whim and caprice.*
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 10, 0011<
ather or brin toether
Aet 6o$ needed all the strenth that he could muster.
9?osebery, Archibald 7hillip 7rimrose
broad in scope
The Lnited !tates Army developed a comprehensive plan to address problematic race relations in the
1F80s, reconi&in that they were hamperin military effectiveness.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 4, 0010<
yield to another.s wish or opinion
Therefore he made up his mind to accede to his uncle.s desire.
9!treckfuss, Adolph
characteri&ed by intense emotion
2ut, to fervent applause and scattered fist pumps from two sets of worshipers, he pleded to leally
challene the claims aainst him.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 04, 0010<
cause to form a united, orderly, and aesthetically consistent whole
Two antaonistic values may cohere in the same object.
9Anderson, 2enjamin ,. ;2enjamin ,cAlester<
an assembly ;includin one or more judes< to conduct judicial business
The military has historically been protected from civilian courts, with any crimes committed by
soldiers bein decided in closed military tribunals.
9-all !treet Cournal ;6eb 15, 0010<
severely simple
A certain austere simplicity was noticeable all over (onfellow.s house.
returnin to health after illness or debility
'The recovering economy is brinin more people back into the market.
9-ashinton 7ost ;,ar 00, 0010<
people havin the same social, economic, or educational status
!he beloned to the upper stratum of the profession, and, knowin it, could not sink.
9@eore, -alter (ionel
characteri&ed by e$treme care and reat effort
A conscientious hostess would be very much mortified if she served chicken out of its proper course.
9?eed, ,yrtle
based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
!andra >urse, a member of +ccupy.s direct action workin roup, said police treated demonstrators
rouhly and made arbitrary arrests.
9Time ;,ar 1D, 0010<
e$asperate or irritate
!hopkeepers, exasperated at the impact of hiher ta$es and reduced consumer spendin, are plannin
to close down for the day.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 8, 0010<
summon into action or brin into e$istence, often as if by maic
Eacation homes typically conjure up dreams of blue skies, pristine sand and crystalline waters.
9-all !treet Cournal ;6eb 0D, 0010<
threatenin or foreshadowin evil or traic developments
The :ount.s words were so ominous, so full of sinister meanin that for the moment he felt like cryin
out with fear.
9#ockin, Coseph
a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place
They are here erectin a fine stone edifice for an %piscopal :hurch.
9:lark, Cohn A.
escape, either physically or mentally
2ut despite rackin up world titles, +lympic old was eluding him.
9The @uardian ;6eb 10, 0010<
spread or diffuse throuh
An air of intense anticipation pervaded the @eneral3s dinin room.
92urnett, :arolyn Cudson
promote the rowth of
,r. #orne accused the district3s ,e$ican-American studies proram of usin an antiwhite curriculum
to foster social activism.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 1F, 0010<
take to task
H:hildren, children, stop )uarrellin, riht here in publicOH admonished ,rs. Berin, in a low, shocked
97erry, >ora
cancel officially
/f ?epublicans repeal the law, ,s. !chakowsky said, they would be 'takin away benefits that seniors
are already ettin.*
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 1F, 0010<
not arroant or presumin
6oster was an e$tremely modest, unworldly, retiring entleman.
9?osenbach, A. !. -.
not of prime or central importance
The models themselves are incidental on '!couted,* merely empty planets around which revolve some
fascinatin characters and plenty more dull ones.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 08, 0011<
to aree or e$press areement
American officials initially tried to resist 7resident Nar&ai3s moves but eventually ac!uiesced.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar F, 0010<
;often followed by Mof.< a lare number or amount or e$tent
/n fact, intense focus may be one reason why so-called savants become so e$traordinary at performin
e$tensive calculations or rememberin a slew of facts.
9!cientific American ;,ar 1, 0010<
sei&e and take control without authority and possibly with force= take as one.s riht or possession
,ore than anythin, thouh, officials e$pressed concern about reinitin lonstandin ,e$ican
concerns about the Lnited !tates3 usurping ,e$ico3s authority.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 15, 0011<
a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
The prisoners undressed themselves as usual, and went to bed, observed by the sentinel.
9Brake, !amuel Adams
the )uality of bein reproducible in amount or performance
At this time, home ranes of small rodents can not be measured with reat precision, therefore any
such calculations are, at best, only appro$imations.
9Boulas, :harles (.
force to leave ;an office<
(ate -ednesday, ,r. TourP, the deposed president, spoke out from hidin for the first time.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 10, 0010<
occurrin without motivation or provocation
/ am not a sentimentalist by any means, yet / abominate wanton cruelty.
9!tables, @ordon
state of disrace resultin from detestable behavior
This was one of the men who brin odium on the whole class of prisoners, and prejudice society
aainst them.
9#enderson, 6rank
rule of personal conduct
The law of nature has but one precept, H2e stron.H
9-illiams, :. ,.
a courteous e$pression ;by word or deed< of esteem or reard
+ther rules, as indicated in ,r. :ollins. book, concerned deportment, and demanded constant
deference to superiors.
96aris, Cohn T. ;Cohn Thomson<
a noisy fiht
Armed rebels have joined the fray in recent months.
9?euters ;Can 08, 0010<
openly straihtforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness
The actor was candid about his own difficult childhood rowin up with alcoholic parents.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 18, 0010<
-hat makes the alumphin hubby such an enduring stock characterJ
9!late ;,ar 04, 0010<
improperly forward or bold
/maine callin a famous writer by his first name9it seemed impertinent, to say the least.
9-atkins, !hirley
lackin stimulatin characteristics= uninterestin
,any critics were less than enamored with the kind of 'easy listenin* ,r. -illiams embodied,
deridin his approach as bland and unchallenin.
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct F, 0011<
ive to understand
H@ood heavens, do you mean to insinuate that / did anythin crookedJH said 2ojo loudly, yet at the
bottom ill at ease.
9Cohnson, +wen
insinificantly small= a matter of form only ;Mtokenish. is informal<
#e souht nominal damaes of one dollar from each defendant.
9?euters ;Can 01, 0010<
humbly entreatin
The colonists asked for nothin but what was clearly riht and asked in the most respectful and even
suppliant manner.
9Cudson, (. :arroll
lackin spirit or liveliness
,any viewers, bored by the languid pace of the show, tuned out early.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 10, 0011<
praise enthusiastically
/ have heard lots of women simply rave about him.
9Nauffman, ?einald -riht
relatin to or involvin money
A hundred years ao, monetary policy Q control over interest rates and the availability of credit Q was
viewed as a hihly contentious political issue.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 0F, 0010<
in a hasty and foolhardy manner
'They may not be wishin to rush headlong back into the same sort of risks just yet.*
92usiness-eek ;Bec 0", 0010<
incapable of failure or error
2ut conductors are no more infallible than other people, and once in a blue moon in oin throuh a
train they miss a passener.
9(ynde, 6rancis
influence or ure by entle urin, caressin, or flatterin
#e used his most enticin manner and did his best to coax the little animal out aain.
9Nay, ?oss
elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses
#e ured judes to resist the riid uidelines and to write opinions explicating their reasons for doin
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 00, 0010<
very thin especially from disease or huner or cold
"aunt, starved, and raed, the men marched northwards, leavin the Touat country upon their left
9,ason, A. %. -. ;Alfred %dward -oodley<
suestin the horror of death and decay
%arlier in the day, however, his demise was watched by spectators with a morbid fascination.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 14, 0010<
wanderin freely
#is detective work is fascinatin and wide ranging.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 1, 0010<
cause to be more favorably inclined= ain the ood will of
#ow they pacified him / don3t know, but at the end of two hours he had cooled off enouh to let us o
9Iuincy, !amuel ,.
;used with reard to ideali&ed country life< idyllically rustic
#e made a considerable reputation as an accomplished painter of )uiet pastoral subjects and carefully
elaborated landscapes with cattle.
stubbornly unyieldin
!ome analysts e$pect ,r. 6alcone, who is known for his dogged determination, to just continue to limp
alon while slashin costs.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 15, 0010<
fall away or decline
Althouh @ardner3s competitive appetite ebbed after 000", other cravins did not.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 0D, 0010<
someone who acts as assistant
!he later found work as a teacher3s aide in a #ead !tart proram in #arlem.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 10, 0010<
cause to be more favorably inclined= ain the ood will of
The kin also has tried to appease public aner over corruption.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb F, 0010<
specify as a condition or re)uirement in a contract or areement= make an e$press demand or provision
in an areement
The mayor has an e$ecutive order in place stipulating that all top officials, e$cept those ranted a
waiver, live in the city.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 00, 0011<
somethin or someone turned to for assistance or security
2arain hunters and holiday shoppers are bad uys3 favorite tarets and have little or no recourse when
shoddy or fake merchandise arrives.
96orbes ;>ov 00, 0011<
lackin spontaneity= not natural
All his oodness, however, will be of a forced, constrained, artificial, and at bottom unreal character.
9#yde, -illiam Be -itt
moderate or restrain= lessen the force of
'Aou called her Kan interferin, disareeable old woman3O* whispered 2ertha with bated breath,
lancin half fearfully at the door as she spoke.
9Eai&ey, @eore de #orne, ,rs.
a feelin of intense dislike
Already my passive dislike had rown into an active aversion.
9+ppenheim, %. 7hillips ;%dward 7hillips<
an artistic device or effect
An urban panorama is viewed from a hih vantae point, a conceit used in toporaphic art to render
vast perspectives.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 10, 0011<
;usually followed by Mto.< stronly opposed
6riends and political allies are loath to talk about her, knowin the family3s intense obsession with
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 1", 0011<
an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes
The niht was loomy, dark, and wet= the soldiers, wearied with watchin at the ramparts, do&ed,
leanin on their weapons.
9!ienkiewic&, #enryk
obtain by coercion or intimidation
The owners, in turn, have called the lawyers shakedown artists bent on ruinin their ood reputations to
extort money.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 08, 0010<
leave slowly and hesitantly
6or two days / tarried in 7aris, settlin my little property.
96ord, 7aul (eicester
perform an act, usually with a neative connotation
:ome on it3s just a cruel joke perpetrated by the airline industry.*
96orbes ;Bec 11, 0011<
propriety in manners and conduct
-ishin to observe the rules of decorum she invited him to stay for supper, thouh absolutely nothin
had been prepared for a uest.
9!udermann, #ermann
produced or rowin in e$treme abundance
#er luxuriant curly hair, restrained by no net, but held toether simply by a flowerin spray, waved
over her shoulders in all its rich abundance.
9%lisabeth 2urstenbinder ;ANA %. -erner<
insincere talk about reliion or morals
/t was the familiar cant of the man rich enouh to affect disdain for money, and -ade was not
9Bay, #olman
ive instructions to or direct somebody to do somethin with authority
#e turned to beckon the others forward with one hand, while layin the other over his mouth in a
esture enjoining silence.
92reckenride, @erald
e$treme reed for material wealth
The old man.s fears were assailed with threats, and his avarice was approached by bribes, and he very
soon capitulated.
9Abbott, Cohn !. :. ;Cohn !tevens :abot<
a formal or authoritative proclamation
An edict was issued by him forbiddin any :hristian to ive instruction in @reek literature under any
9(ihtfoot, C. 2.
cause to lose one.s composure
7erple$ed and disconcerted, / found no words to answer such an ama&in sally.
9:hambers, ?obert -. ;?obert -illiam<
balance amon the parts of somethin
%ven the stain displays symmetry, with actors lined up on either side in formal precision.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 0", 0011<
surrender under areed conditions
HAlas, no,H said 2erfeld, mournfully, Hthe day after the battle our brave soldiers were surrounded by
overwhelmin forces and oblied to capitulate.H
9,edin, Cohann 6erdinand ,artin +skar
act between parties with a view to reconcilin differences
The !cottish throne was now disputed by many claimants, and the !cots asked %dward to arbitrate
between them.
separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
/nstead someone shouts H@oH and he is bearin down on me and almost cleaves my shield in two with
his first blow.
922: ;Au 8, 0011<
add to the very end
!ome specimens will appear in the papers appended to this report.
the human face ;Mkisser. and Msmiler. and Mmu. are informal terms for Mface. and Mphi&. is 2ritish<
An honest, )uiet lauh often mantled his pale earnest visage.
9Turnbull, ?obert
a movin crowd
#ordes of pu&&led tourists, many with rollin suitcases attached, poured down the staircases.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 1, 0010<
a short moral story ;often with animal characters<
/n most instances, / have closed my visits by readin some interestin story or parable.
96rothinham, +ctavius 2rooks
censure severely
!he remembers an upsettin incident when a headmistress chastised her for workin too much.
9The @uardian ;Can 1", 0011<
hinder or prevent ;the efforts, plans, or desires< of
+n ,arch 1st, a Turkish newspaper reported that the country.s intellience service had foiled an
attempt by !yrian aents to kidnap the colonel.
9Time ;,ar D, 0010<
often used as intensifiers
The heavy rain had reduced this low-lyin round to a veritable )uamire, makin proress very
difficult even for one as unburdened as he was.
97utnam -eale, 2. (. ;2ertram (eno$<
come to terms with
2ut, he said, all coastal communities will have to grapple with risin seas.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 0", 0010<
the most powerful members of a society
The mode of travel of the gentry was ridin horses, but most people traveled by walkin.
9?eilly, !. A.
a sudden numbin dread
?esidents who fled in recent days spoke of the smell of death and piles of arbae driftin like
snowbanks, castin a pall over the city.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 8, 0010<
a sayin that is widely accepted on its own merits
The maxim HAll is fair in love and warH was applied literally.
9Thomson, 2asil
a prediction made by e$trapolatin from past observations
Eolume is down 05 percent from five years ao, and projections show even further declines, said
7ostmaster @eneral 7atrick ?. Bonahoe.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 00, 0010<
a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation
-hile our enineerin prowess has advanced a reat deal over the past si$ty years, the principles of
innovation larely have not.
9Time ;,ar 01, 0010<
thickly covered with inrained dirt or soot
Thouh composed amid the unromantic surroundins of a dingy, dusty, and nelected back room, the
speech has become a memorable document.
9#erndon, -illiam #.
an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleadin
#e was perceptibly older, in the way in which people look older all at once after havin lon kept the
semblance of youth.
9Nin, 2asil
adverti&e in stronly positive terms
Testin is bein touted as the means of makin the L.!. education system competitive, even world-
9-ashinton 7ost ;,ar 01, 0010<
strenth of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courae
(eih #unt bore himself in his captivity with cheerful fortitude, sufferin severely in health but
flain little in spirits or industry.
9:olvin, !idney
into parts or pieces
/n 1D5", as / have already remarked, >icaraua was split asunder by civil war.
97owell, %. Ale$ander ;%dward Ale$ander<
an overwhelmin defeat
/t.s how !eattle won !unday.s ame in :hicao, scorin 11 consecutive second-half points as an
impressive comeback became an overwhelmin rout.
9!eattle Times ;Bec 1F, 0011<
characteri&ed by dinity and propriety
#e was prim and staid and liked to do thins in an orderly fashion.
9Boyle, A. :onan
influence by slyness
/ can no loner remain silent in the presence of the schemers who seek to beguile you.
92olanden, :onrad von
have the often specious appearance of bein, intendin, or claimin
+f course, none of these purported medical benefits have any roundin in science.
9!cientific American ;Can 0D, 0010<
corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
The people who make up this typical @orky offerin are drunkards, thieves, depraved creatures of
every kind.
9Nilmer, Coyce
leave or ive by will after one.s death
>o matter how often she chaned her will, she told me, that diamond pin was always be!ueathed to
9-ells, :arolyn
somethin that baffles understandin and cannot be e$plained
Tails are often an enigma= many creatures have them, but scientists know little about their function,
particularly for e$tinct species.
9!cience ,aa&ine ;Can ", 0010<
marked by care and persistent effort
#e.s an assiduous diary-keeper and reularly rereads ancient entries to check up on himself.
9The @uardian ;Cul 18, 0010<
a person holdin a fief= a person who owes alleiance and service to a feudal lord
And what was of still reater importance, he could only obtain ta$es and soldiers from amon the
vassals, by the consent of their feudal lords.
96reyta, @ustav
draw back, as with fear or pain
#e !uailed before me, and forettin his new part in old habits, muttered an apoloy.
9-eyman, !tanley Cohn
outlyin areas ;as of a city or town<
,s. -aters talked about how she had spent the day at an oranic farm on the outskirts of 2eijin
lookin at veetables for the dinner.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 1", 0011<
a protective structure of stone or concrete= e$tends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from
washin away
The cliffs are of imposin heiht, nearly three hundred feetG a formidable bulwark.
9-hite, -alter
an erratic deflection from an intended course
#owever, / was not oin to swerve from my word.
9Cohnstone, Cames Cohnstone, chevalier de
prepare oneself for a military confrontation
7rotesters are girding for another police raid as several :ity :ouncil members have called on
protesters to leave.
9-ashinton 7ost ;>ov 11, 0011<
pleded to be married
-e are not betrothed.9her eyes filled with tears,9.he can never marry me= and he and my father have
96lemin, @eore
of or concerned with or related to the future
,ost prospective homesteaders make the same mistake / did in buyin horses, unless they are
9,icheau$, +scar
make reference to
/n the family circle it was rarely adverted to, and never e$cept when some allusion to the approachin
separation had to be made.
9-erner, %. T. :. ;%dward Theodore :halmers<
not allowin contradiction or refusal
This time it was not a re)uest but a peremptory order to o at once to :uba and undertake the work.
9Cohnson, -illis 6letcher
the elementary staes of any subject ;usually plural<
#e retraced his steps, and came to :ape @irardeau, in ,issouri, where he remained some time,
ac)uirin the rudiments of the %nlish lanuae.
reason by deduction= establish by deduction
They then used models of lobal wind circulation to deduce which dust sources have become stroner
and which weaker.
9%conomist ;Can 4, 0011<
framentary or haltin from emotional strain
'/ so much love cricket,* he said, shyly, in halting %nlish.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 00, 0010<
a state of dishonor
After all, we love nothin better than seein the powerful and formerly smu draed across the front
paes in ignominy.
9Time ;Cun 8, 0011<
an orientation that characteri&es the thinkin of a roup or nation
2ill +3?eilly and others picked up on the theme, summin up left-win ideology as '!an 6rancisco
9!late ;Can 1F, 0010<
lackin in vitality or interest or effectiveness
2ut too often the music sounded thin and pallid.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 05, 0010<
stron feelins of embarrassment
2ut he was feelin deeply chagrined and mortified over his last escapade.
9-hite, 6red ,. ;6red ,errick<
thrust oneself in as if by force
!he had no riht to obtrude herself into his life and to disturb it.
97ackard, 6rank (. ;6rank (ucius<
disposed to venture or take risks
/n an audacious operation that unfolded like a #ollywood thriller, the >avy !eals e$ecuted a darin
raid deep into 7akistan to kill +sama bin (aden.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep ", 0011<
make sense of= assin a meanin to
2ut nothin that was said Tuesday can be construed as ood news.
9-ashinton 7ost ;!ep 1", 0011<
cross a river where it.s shallow
!ometimes they drive their teams throuh unsettled country, without roads, swimmin and fording
streams, clearin away obstructions, and campin where niht overtakes them.
96olsom, -illiam #enry :arman
the food served and eaten at one time
6rarant coffee, liht rolls, fresh butter, ham and es, fried crocuses and soft crabs, formed the repast.
9?eid, ,ayne
an unbroken period of time durin which you do somethin
#e found his unioni&ed warehouse job after a stint workin for his father, an accountant.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 01, 0010<
a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster
The little church has an ancient fresco of !t. :hristopher, placed, as usual, opposite the entrance.
9:onybeare, %dward
willinly obedient out of a sense of duty and respect
7erhaps he thinks an enaed youn lady should be demure and dutiful, havin no eyes or ears for any
one e$cept her betrothed.
9#arland, ,arion
make or shape as with an a$e
They bouht a lo chain, and lumber for a door= the window frames were hewed from los.
9Bauhters of the American ?evolution. >ebraska
functional e)uality
#ow many of the world3s problems would be solved, or at least reatly reduced, if women had true
parity with menJ
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 15, 0011<
diffusin warmth and friendliness
#e was well liked and respected in these islands, for his affable manners had obtained for him much
tiresomely lon= seeminly without end
All was oin well, but slowly, the time taken for the last few feet seemin to be interminable.
9:umberland, 2arlow
steal oods= take as spoils
/n addition reat material losses were inflictedG seven hundred houses were destroyed, si$ hundred
stores pillaged, and thousands of families utterly ruined.
9!traus, +scar !.
a feelin of evil to come
,r. #ardin had stron forebodings that the trouble, so far from bein ended, was only just beinnin.
9,arsh, ?ichard
tear or be torn violently
/n the distance heavy artillery was rowlin, and hih e$plosive shells were burstin with a violence
that seemed to rend the sky.
9Tracy, (ouis
the financial means whereby one lives
-ith businesses shut, fields untended and fishin abandoned many have lost their livelihoods as well
as their homes, our correspondent says.
922: ;Apr 15, 0011<
do somethin that one considers to be below one.s dinity
To ,r. @ompers. courteous letter :&ar @ary did not deign to reply.
96oster, -illiam R.
determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
#er admirers were capricious, returnin to her at times, and then holdin aloof aain= and as for
suitors, they entirely disappeared.
9!chubin, +ssip
so reat in si&e or force or e$tent as to elicit awe
The fact was so stupendous that Terry felt almost frihtened over the reat ood fortune.
9!abin, %dwin (. ;%dwin (erand<
material consistin of seed coverins and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from
the seeds
The wheat, bein heavy, falls, while the chaff is blown away.
9!tarr, 6rederick
not established by conditionin or learnin
/n other words, one of our most essential abilities as humans--readin--is the product of a combination
of innate and learned traits.
9Time ;Bec F, 0011<
an abstracted state of absorption
#e stood still, seeminly lost in reverie, and )uite oblivious to the roup about him.
96rey, #ildeard @. ;#ildeard @ertrude<
to )uarrel noisily, anrily or disruptively
#ere were many fierce and bitter wrangles over ve$ed )uestions, turbulent scenes, displays of
sectional feelins.
9?aymond, %velyn
a lon narrow openin
The disruptive power of tree roots, rowin in the crevices of rocks, is well known.
appearin as such but not necessarily so
This already-e$haustive book is studded with diary entries, academic papers and other ostensible
evidence that its fictitious stories of destruction are true.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun 4, 0010<
lackin even the rudiments of courae= abjectly fearful
-as it for them to follow the craven footsteps of a cowardly enerationJ
9?obinson, Eictor
an indication that somethin has been present
>ow, there was no vestige of veetation= no livin thin.
9#opkins, -illiam Cohn
e$amine thorouhly and in reat depth
Tellinly, ,s. (iao said she had reat difficulty findin three actors willin to plumb their own
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun 1, 0011<
temperamentally disinclined to talk
>o )uestions were asked, and few indeed were the words spoken, his reticent manner preventin any
undue familiarity.
9,aclean, Cohn
an inclination to do somethin
A lontime colleaue, @ate Theatre director ,ichael :olan, noted Nelly.s old-school charms,
punctuated by his propensity for bow ties and smart suits.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 15, 0010<
censure severely or anrily
#e chided reporters as havin 'stalked* family members, demandin that his relatives be left alone.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov D, 0011<
choose and follow= as of theories, ideas, policies, strateies or plans
#e said /slam should not be e)uated with terrorism or the kind of violence espoused by 2in (aden.
9?euters ;,ay 0, 0011<
especially fine or decorative clothin
:lothed in fine raiment and farin sumptuously every day, he soon developed into a handsome lad.
9+$ley, C. ,acdonald ;Cames ,acdonald<
invulnerable to fear or intimidation
There are some very couraeous and intrepid reporters in Afhanistan, includin some who work for
American media outlets.
9!alon ;Apr 5, 0010<
accordin with custom or propriety
The 2aron was less conscientious, for he ate more beefsteak than was seemly, and talked a reat deal
of stupid nonsense, as was his wont.
9#offmann, %rnst Theordor -ilhelm
lessen the intensity of or calm
+ur boy was scared and confused= we tried to allay his fears.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 10, 0010<
occurrin in spells and often abruptly
!he had lost her composure, her breath came in fitful, uneven asps, and as she sat there she pressed
one hand over her heart.
9Bavis, +wen
become round down or deteriorate
Another report today showed home prices fell more than forecast in >ovember, eroding the wealth of
families as they seek to rebuild savins.
92usiness-eek ;Can 11, 0010<
free of artificiality= sincere and enuine
#is conversation was unaffectedly simple and frank= his lanuae natural= always aboundin in
curious anecdotes.
9:onway, ,oncure Baniel
a major division of a lon poem
6oleno3s ne$t production was the +rlandino, an /talian poem of eiht cantos, written in rhymed
easily handled or manaed
Time and aain humans have domesticated wild , producin tame individuals with softer appearances
and more docile temperaments, such as dos and uinea pis.
9!cientific American ;Can 05, 0010<
treat condescendinly
,s. 7aul herself noted that 'lib talk about appreciatin dysle$ia as a Kift3 is unhelpful at best and
patroni$ing at worst.*
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 4, 0010<
be teemin, be abu&&
The coast, once teeming with traffic, is now lonely and deserted.
9,ahaffy, C. 7.
arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness
An atmosphere of distrust, suspicion and fear can cause workers to feel estranged from one another,
Br. -riht has written.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 0D, 0010<
a )uarrel about petty points
7ublic spats are rare in the asset-manaement industry, where companies typically resolve disputes
behind closed doors.
92usiness-eek ;!ep 14, 0011<
sin or play with trills, alternatin with the half note above or below
,eadow larks, as you have undoubtedly noticed, warble many different sons.
92arrett, ?. %.
dinified manner or conduct
>evertheless, before oin to meet !amuel, she assumed a calm and dinified mien.
9Nras&ewski, CoJ&ef /nacy
fill to satisfaction
#is appetite was not sated by any means, but he knew the daner of overloadin his stomach, so he
9Bewey, %dward #ooker
the body of voters who elect a representative for their area
%ach posited that the blue-collar Bemocratic constituency rooted in the >ew Beal had rown
increasinly conservative, alienated from 'bi overnment.*
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 1", 0010<
belonin to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
?espectable ladies, lon resident, wearin black poke bonnets and camel.s-hair shawls, lifted their
patrician eyebrows with disapproval.
92rooks, :harles !tephen
avoid or try to avoid fulfillin, answerin, or performin ;duties, )uestions, or issues<
The boys asked a few uarded )uestions, but ained no information whatever, their )uestions bein
parried in every instance.
9,ears, Cames ?.
someone who practices a learned profession
/n particular, modern medical practitioners are comin around to the idea that certain illnesses cannot
be reduced to one isolatable, treatable cause.
9>ature ;Bec 01, 0011<
+vercastin is done by takin loose stitches over the raw ede of the cloth, to keep it from ravelling or
9+ntario. ,inistry of %ducation
occupy in lare numbers or live on a host
,any lived in dilapidated apartments with leaky pipes, broken windows, rooms full of mold, and walls
infested with cockroaches and rats.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cul 0D, 0011<
ive an incentive for action
#e knew that men were actuated by other motives, ood and bad, than self-interest.
92lease, -alter (yon
inclined to aner or bad feelins with overtones of menace
2ut 2lake, bein surly and )uarrelsome even when sober, ave the lapel a savae jerk, and reached out
with his other hand.
9:hisholm, A. ,. ;Arthur ,urray<
et over an illness or shock
7atients convalescing from pneumonia were evacuated to %nland or iven 2ase Buty.
9Cahns, (ewis %.
lower someone.s spirits= make downhearted
The storm clobbered many communities still recoverin from the floodin two months ao caused by
#urricane /rene, leavin weary homeowners e$hausted and demorali$ed.
9-ashinton 7ost ;>ov 1, 0011<
row worse
As the rhetoric heated up inside, the violence outside devolved into chaos.
9Time ;6eb 11, 0010<
liveliness and eaerness
%very one e$erted himself not only without murmurin and discontent, but even with an alacrity which
almost approached to cheerfulness.
9Nippis, Andrew
do without or cease to hold or adhere to
(ow rates have also led retail brokeraes to waive fees on money market funds to avoid neative
returns for their clients.
9?euters ;Can 11, 0010<
out of the ordinary
#e must rush off to see his people, who no doubt were )uite confounded by his unwonted enery.
9!peed, >ell
be in an aitated emotional state
+utwardly )uite calm and matter-of-fact, his mind was in a seething turmoil.
9Boulas, #udson
to look at critically or searchinly, or in minute detail
6ans and commentators are scrutini$ing every blemishG his turnovers, his weak left hand, his jump
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 5, 0010<
lackin self-confidence
!hyly diffident in the presence of straners, her head was lowered.
97ackard, 6rank (. ;6rank (ucius<
curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment
-hen all @reat 2ritain was execrating >apoleon, picturin him as a devil with horns and hoofs, 2yron
looked upon him as the world.s hero.
9#ubbard, %lbert
incapable of bein placated
This man was a savae in his implacable desire for revene.
9Nelly, 6lorence 6inch
a sudden outburst of aner
A talented younster who smashes his uitar in a fit of pi!ue finds it maically reassembled just in
time for a crucial concert.
9The @uardian ;,ay 11, 0010<
a sliht but appreciable amount
/ never saw anybody so pleased with monkeys as she is, and not one mite afraid.
9?aymond, %velyn
hold back
Two others were makin slower proress for the reason that each was encumbered by supportin a
disabled man.
9-esterman, 7ercy 6. ;7ercy 6rancis<
lackin refinement or cultivation or taste
#e had not stopped to consider her rouh speech and uncouth manners.
9Cohnston, Annie 6. ;Annie 6ellows<
easily irritated or annoyed
The black eyes emitted an anry flash, the voice that answered was sharp and petulant.
96lemin, ,ay Anes
make amends for
-ulphere was absolved on condition that he should expiate his crime by foundin churches and
monasteries all over his kindom.
9:lifton, A. 2.
iven to hauhty disreard of others
!ome would have iven >icklaus a cavalier responseG polite nod while thinkin, 'Aeah, whatever.*
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun 1D, 0011<
liht teasin repartee
+ur easy banter had suddenly been replaced by strained and awkward interaction.
9!late ;6eb 15, 0010<
act in an arroant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
!lade, despite his swaers and blustering, was at heart a coward.
9(andon, #erman
corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
(on oppression had not, on the whole, either blunted their intellects or debased their morals.
9Adler, 6eli$
a person workin in the service of another ;especially in the household<
This faithful and trusted retainer is reatly valued by his employers.
92lack, #elen :.
make subservient= force to submit or subdue
The :onfederacy was led by thorouhoin racists who wanted to keep blacks subjugated for all time
because of the color of their skin.
9!late ;Apr 8, 0010<
praise, lorify, or honor
#ow / praised the duck at that first dinner, and extolled ,adame.s skill in cookeryO
9-arren, Arthur
filled with or attended with
2ut the ocean remains an unpredictable place, fraught with ha&ards.
9!cientific American ;Apr 5, 0010<
profoundly honored
At all times reserved in his manner and his bearin full of dinity, never before had she reali&ed the
majesty of @eneral -ashinton3s august presence.
9,adison, (ucy 6oster
a lon narrow depression in a surface
The brown bark is not very rouh, thouh its numerous fissures and cracks ive it a rued
9!tep, %dward
a small natural hill
+pened in 000D, the park serves as a true public space= elderly couples stroll around the artificial lake
as toddlers roll down rassy knolls.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay 8, 0010<
emotionally hardened
+utwardly merry and ood-humoured, he was by nature coldly fierce, calculatin, callous.
9-infield, (ewis
teach and impress by fre)uent repetitions or admonitions
2ut instruction in history has been for a lon time systematically used to inculcate certain political
sentiments in the pupils.
9(iebknecht, Narl 7aul Auust 6riedrich
cause annoyance in= disturb, especially by minor irritations
(incoln bean these remarks by ood-humored but nettling chaffin of his opponent.
turn pale, as if in fear
#e is silent, as if struck dumb, his face showin blanched and bloodless, while she utters a shriek, half
terrified, half in fren&ied aner.
9?eid, ,ayne
of an obscure nature
The fashion industry is notoriously opa)ue and often inscrutable for outsiders, even ones as well
connected as him.
9!eattle Times ;+ct 1, 0011<
stubbornly unyieldin
!he was a tenacious woman, one who would even hold fast a thin which she no loner valued, simply
because it beloned to her.
9,orris, :lara
the state of bein under the control of another person
Then Niss commenced in earnest, and )uickly held his audience in thrall.
96arjeon, 2enjamin (eopold
a pressin or urent situation
The exigency of the situation roused ,r. 7opkiss. sluish faculties into prompt action.
9,anay, -illiam
sad beyond comfortin= incapable of bein consoled
-as there a bereaved mother or disconsolate sister weepin over their deadJ
9!teward, T. @. ;Theophilus @ould<
a force that moves somethin alon
:ritics say it has known mi$ed success at best, althouh supporters hope the L.!. drawdown could
provide just the impetus it needs to thrive.
9?euters ;Can 10, 0010<
an uncalled-for burden
+n that far-away day he had considered the little, lost irl a nuisance and an imposition.
9:hisholm, A. ,. ;Arthur ,urray<
kindly endorsement and uidance
/n ,arch 000F, neotiations between /srael and #amas were held in :airo, under the auspices of the
%yptian intellience aency.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov F, 0011<
full and loud and deep
#is voice ran out firmly now, a deep and sonorous bass.
92edford-Cones, #.
an act that e$ploits or victimi&es someone ;treats them unfairly<
/n a scathin report released last year, Amnesty /nternational found there was widespread exploitation
of mirants in ,alaysia.
922: ;Apr ", 0011<
somethin causin misery or death
Nnee pain is the bane of many runners, sometimes causin them to ive up altoether.
9!eattle Times ;Cun 8, 0010<
interchaneable with Mmeans. in the e$pression Mby means of.
/f only certain pu&&les could be solved by dint of sheer hard thinkinO
9,arsh, ?ichard
;used of conduct or character< deservin or brinin disrace or shame
The reat +ttawa chief saw his partially accomplished scheme witherin into ignominious failure.
9?udd, Cohn
characteri&ed by friendship and ood will
After a short collo)uy the two men evidently came to an amicable understandin, for they shook
9Nras&ewski, CoJ&ef /nacy
the beinnin or early staes
Thousands of families are livin in makeshift camps as temperatures fall to free&in with the onset of
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 10, 0011<
a schoolhouse with special facilities for fine arts
The youn instrumental talent that is comin out of local music schools and conservatories is as
ama&inly ood as you are oin to find anywhere.
9:hicao Tribune ;Cun 1, 0011<
the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imainary sphere aainst which
celestial bodies appear to be projected
/n other words it never reaches the $enith, a point directly overhead.
9@eore #. (owery.
marked by a ready flow of speech
/ find him charminG shy Q yet easy to talk to Q voluble and funny once he ets oin.
9The @uardian ;Au 01, 0010<
in former times was free and cultivated his own land
+n one e$treme was the well-to-do yeoman farmer farmin his own land.
9?eilly, !. A.
a manner lackin seriousness
The same balance of seriousness and levity runs throuh her plays, which put an absurdist spin on
everyday problems.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay 8, 0010<
feelin reat rapture or deliht
!he was watchin the development of the investiation with rapt, eaer attention.
9,itford, 2ertram
characteri&ed by oppressive heat and humidity
>ew uidelines from the American Academy of 7ediatrics arrive just as school sports ramp up in sultry
Auust temperatures.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Au F, 0011<
bind the arms of
The prisoners havin dismounted, were placed in a line on the round facin the uillotine, their arms
;loic< a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof= its truth is assumed to be self-evident
The fundamental axiom of scientific thouht is that there is not, never has been, and never will be, any
disorder in nature.
9#u$ley, Thomas #.
catch siht of
(ookin off seaward, / could descry no sails.
9Brake, !amuel Adams
the roup followin and attendin to some important person
Bespite his retinue of security personnel, Atambaev had been poisoned durin his short tenure as
prime minister.
9!alon ;Apr F, 0010<
a worker who holds or is invested with an office
#e was the functionary of the assi&e court, impanelin its juries, brinin accused men before it, and
carryin out its penalties.
9?eilly, !. A.
take in li)uids cornered at last,H he said suddenly, as the old man set the bottle down after havin imbibed the
best half of its contents.
9Boulas, #udson
havin variety of character or form or components= or havin increased variety
6unds in both cateories tend to be hihly diversified, typically with 100 or more stocks across at least
10 industries.
9-all !treet Cournal ;6eb 0", 0010<
raid and rove in search of booty
/ts reporter says armed ans and looters are marauding the streets.
922: ;Apr D, 0011<
petty or reluctant in ivin or spendin
%$pect delays, scattered outaes and surly, grudging customer service in the interim.
9Time ;Au 10, 0011<
a predisposition to like somethin
!he still showed a partiality for briht colors, by her own of deep crimson.
9!ae, -illiam
the humanistic study of lanuae and literature
/ had determined to study philology, chiefly @reek and (atin, but the fare spread out by the professors
was much too temptin.
9,Sller, 6. ,a$ ;6riedrich ,a$<
humorously sarcastic or mockin
!he also has a very understated but very wry sense of humour= watch out for it.
9The @uardian ;+ct 11, 0010<
meet to select a candidate or promote a policy
?epresentative ?on 7aul of Te$as isn3t campainin in 6lorida, instead focusin on ,aine, which will
caucus in late 6ebruary.
92usiness-eek ;6eb 1, 0010<
spread or diffuse throuh
6lorida3s summertime heat permeates almost every scene, becomin somethin like a character.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 11, 0010<
presentin favorable circumstances= likely to result in or show sins of success
-ith the Athens stock market down nearly 10 percent so far this year, it would not seem a propitious
time for initial public offerins.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun 0, 0010<
havin a )uality that thrusts itself into attention
2ullyin has become an increasinly salient problem for school-ae children, and in rare cases has
ended traically with victims committin suicide.
9?euters ;6eb D, 0010<
make peace with
Nin %dward, havin subdued the -elsh, 'endeavoured to propitiate his newly ac)uired subjects by
becomin a resident in the con)uered country.
96rith, -illiam 7owell
remove by cuttin
-ieldin a ra&or, Cefferson excised all passaes containin supernaturalistic elements from the ospels,
e$tractin what he took to be Cesus.s pure ethical teachins.
9The @uardian ;Apr D, 0011<
be a sinal for or a symptom of
The haard face and sombre eyes betokened considerable mental anuish.
9Aoun, 6.%. ,ills
acceptable to the taste or mind
/f nicely cooked in this way, cabbae is as palatable and as diestible as cauliflower.
9?onald, ,ary
e$press criticism towards
-hen Nahn warned of a serious economic HdepressionH, he was upbraided by the -hite #ouse for
usin such lanuae.
9The @uardian ;Can 10, 0011<
someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw
/f he went off to another people he lost all standin amon the !iou$ and was thereafter treated as an
outlaw and a renegade.
9?obinson, Boane
The device of the trapped youn person saved by books is a hoary one, but ,s. -interson makes it
seem new, and sulfurous.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar D, 0010<
marked by a narrow focus on or display of learnin especially its trivial aspects
The reader is treated to pedantic little footnotes, and iven a ood deal of information which is either
ratuitous or uninterestin.
9#ay, /an
showin marked and often playful or irritatin evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or
committin statement
/t was funny watchin such a solid person, based in faith and education, row a trifle coy about the
year of his birth.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cul 11, 0010<
a solemn plede of fidelity
!he had pleded to him her troth, and she would not attempt to o back from her plede at the first
appearance of a difficulty.
9Trollope, Anthony
entry to another.s property without riht or permission
The move may mark yet another attempt by 6rance to rein in what it sees as the encroachment of
online services on the country.s culture.
92usiness-eek ;Can D, 0010<
be in contradiction with
H/t is a fine mornin,H he said, taken aback by my sudden movement, but affectin an indifference
which the sparkle in his eye belied.
9-eyman, !tanley Cohn
a lare fleet
An armada of three hundred ships manned by eihteen thousand marines assembled in the bay on their
way to the con)uest of Aliers.
9Boulas, 6rances
assistance in time of difficulty
@iven his health woes, succession worries and persistent isolation, ,r. Nim may simply be seekin
succor from what may be his last friend on earth.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay 5, 0010<
not easily perturbed or e$cited or upset= marked by e$treme calm and composure
+rdinarily imperturbable, even in the face of une$pected situations, he was now visibly aitated.
9@ris, !utton %. ;!utton %lbert<
uncertain how to act or proceed
/ stood for a moment before / entered on my arduous undertakin, irresolute and hesitatin, swayed by
two conflictin impulses.
9-auh, Coseph (ain
a special way of doin somethin
#e had a special knack of huntin out farm houses, enain madame in conversation, and comin
away with bread, es, or cheese in his knapsack.
97rice, (ucien
not in keepin with accepted standards of what is riht or proper in polite society
The s)uare mile.s upbeat mood may strike some as unseemly at a time of national loom.
9The @uardian ;Can 1, 0011<
to stress, sinle out as important
This sparklin marvel lies modestly nestled amon the law courts, whose plainer modern buildins
serve but to accentuate its wonderful beauty.
9!herrill, :harles #itchcock
make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was
meant to be kept a secret
!he hectors her children not to divulge personal information like phone numbers online.
9!eattle Times ;>ov 15, 0011<
possessin muscular strenth
#e believes #ollywood has often have had an over-reliance on physical brawn as the decidin factor
for portrayin a stron man.
9?euters ;Cul F, 0010<
polish and make shiny
@reat cleanliness is enforced in all that belons to a lihthouse, the reflectors and lenses bein
constantly burnished, polished, and cleansed.
9-hymper, 6rederick
beat rapidly
After supper my heart started racin, palpitating like a tick.
9/saacson, (auren Ann
not selective of a sinle class or person
A promiscuous assembly had athered there9men of all creeds and opinions9and an Hopen-airH
meetin was in proress.
9-hitney, +rson 6.
make believe with the intent to deceive
7ictures have always dissembled Q there are millions of snaps of miserable families rinnin bravely Q
but now they directly lie.
9The @uardian ;Bec ", 0010<
a fleet of small craft
!he was uarded by a flotilla of boats e)uipped with satellites, @lobal 7ositionin !ystem devices,
advanced naviation systems and shark shields.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 11, 0011<
abusive or venomous lanuae used to e$press blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will
There.s much more name-callin, shoutin and personal invective in American life than anywhere /.ve
ever traveled outside the Lnited !tates.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Can 15, 0011<
the abode of a hermit
All the rest of their time is passed in solitude in their hermitages, which are built )uite separate from
one another.
destroy and strip of its possession
-herever his lordship.s army went, plantations were despoiled, and private houses plundered.
9:ampbell, :harles
make dirty or spotty, as by e$posure to air= also used metaphorically
-hy sully the reputation of an otherwise fascinatin online community with really deeply
)uestionable, troublin contentJ
96orbes ;6eb 11, 0010<
havin or e$ertin a malinant influence
!o you don3t believe in evil, as an actual malevolent forceJ
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 0D, 0011<
so lackin in interest as to cause mental weariness
/t was pretty irksome passin the time in his enforced prison, and finally Andy went to sleep.
9-ebster, 6rank E.
speak ;about unimportant matters< rapidly and incessantly
!he prattled on about the ossip of the town until 7enny and her father were thorouhly bored.
9:lark, Coan
inferior in rank or status
The careful commandin officer of a reiment discouraes his youn subalterns from takin leave to
#ill !tations.
9:asserly, @ordon
a raised mark on the skin ;as produced by the blow of a whip<= characteristic of many alleric reactions
2ut red, itchy welts typically appear within 0" to "D hours of bein bitten.
9L! >ews ;>ov 01, 0010<
cause to happen or to occur as a conse)uence
The burden of payin for collee is wreaking havoc on the finances of an une$pected demoraphicG
senior citi&ens.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Apr 1, 0010<
based on sound reasonin or evidence
6irst, it is no loner really tenable Q and in fact a bit disrespectful Q to call a country like :hina an
emerin economy.
9The @uardian ;6eb 1D, 0011<
defyin imitation= matchless
(eave aside !pain, where 2arcelona breeds its own, inimitable style, and the answer miht be that we
are rushin toward uniformity.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 04, 0010<
;usually plural< a destructive action
-ild elephants abound and commit many depredations, enterin villaes in lare herds, and
consumin everythin suitable to their tastes.
to brin or combine toether or with somethin else
-here two weak tribes amalgamated into one, there it e$ceptionally happened that two closely related
dialects were simultaneously spoken in the same tribe.
9%nels, 6riedrich
not subject or susceptible to chane or variation in form or )uality or nature
-e are mistaken to imaine a work of literature is or should be immutable, sculpted in marble and
similarly impervious to chane.
9The @uardian ;,ay 08, 0010<
a person authori&ed to act for another
/deally, everybody over 1D should e$ecute a livin will and select a health care proxy 9 someone to
represent you in medical matters.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 18, 0011<
shower with love= show e$cessive affection for
#e doted on him, just dearly loved him, and thouht he could do no wron,* Nredell said.
9-ashinton 7ost ;+ct 18, 0011<
e$tremely conservative
+ld people are often accused of bein too conservative, and even reactionary.
9:hinard, @ilbert
the doctrine that reason is the riht basis for reulatin conduct
+fferin a reliious rationale for policy oals threatens what for many has become the cherished
principle of secular rationalism in public life.
9!alon ;Apr 0", 0011<
ive )ualities or abilities to
To say the least of it, he was endued with sufficient intellience to ac)uire an ordinary knowlede of
such matters.
showin or indicatin careful judment and discernment especially in matters of taste
Cobs3 Apple speciali&es in delihtin the most discriminating, hard-to-please customers.
96orbes ;+ct 10, 0011<
a decorative pin worn by women
Lpon her breast she wore a brooch of old set with many precious stones.
92utler, 7ierce
characteri&ed by a lihtly pert and e$uberant )uality
#er pert, lively manner said she hadn.t taken any wooden nickels lately.
9!choenherr, Cohn
o ashore
The immirants disembarked from their ships tired and underfed9enerally in poor health.
9#uhes, Thomas 7roctor
an elaborate son for solo voice
,s. >etrebko san an eleantly sad aria with lustrous warmth, achin vulnerability and floatin hih
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 08, 0011<
;usually plural< accessory wearin apparel
They were caparisoned in /ndian fashion with ay colors and fancy trappings.
9?oy, (illian %li&abeth
assist or encourae, usually in some wrondoin
H!ince AouTube, diital culture has aided and enhanced -- or maybe the better word is abetted -- the
celebrity meltdown,H said -ired maa&ine senior editor >ancy ,iller.
9?euters ;,ar F, 0011<
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
6or Cordan, this is a clandestine relationship it would much prefer to have kept secret.
922: ;Can 5, 0010<
swell from or as if from internal pressure
!ome kids said (a>iyah.s distended abdomen looked like she was carryin a baby.
9!eattle Times ;Apr 8, 0011<
havin only superficial plausibility
The other sort of enineer understands that glib comparisons between computers and humans don.t do
justice to the comple$ities of either.
96orbes ;Cul 00, 0010<
to ather somethin into small wrinkles or folds
@odmother,. she went on, puckering her forehead aain in perple$ity, .it almost feels like feathers.
9,olesworth, ,rs. ;,ary (ouisa<
a )uick reply to a )uestion or remark ;especially a witty or critical one<
H>ot at allOH was Aunt !usannah.s brisk rejoinder.
adornment consistin of a small piece of shiny material used to decorate clothin
,adalen.s arments are rich with spangles= her mantle is scarlet= she has flowers in her lu$uriant
tresses, and looks a vain creature.
9+.!hea, Cohn Auustus
affected by bliht= anythin that mars or prevents rowth or prosperity
#udec, whose career has been blighted by knee injuries and operations, won for the first time in more
than four years.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb ", 0010<
conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety
They accepted the invitation= but ,rs. ?owlandson did not appreciate the niceties of /ndian eti)uette.
9Abbott, Cohn !. :. ;Cohn !tevens :abot<
infrine on the rihts of
!ome fallout appears evident in donations from -all !treet e$ecutives, who feel particularly aggrieved
by ,r. +bama3s criticisms and policies.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 00, 0010<
own ;especially ceremonial arments< worn by the clery
And then a priest, arrayed in all his vestments, came in at the open door, and the prince and princess
e$chaned rins, and were married.
9@linski, A. C.
showin a hih deree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social e$perience
7olished, urbane and entlemanly9his manners were calculated to refine all around him.
9Cudson, (. :arroll
bear the e$penses of
The leislation also calls for $1.4 billion in spendin cuts to help defray the disaster costs.
9-ashinton 7ost ;!ep 04, 0011<
resemblin or characteristic of a phantom
#awthorne3s fiures are somewhat spectral= they lack flesh and blood.
9,erwin, #enry :hilds
very enerous
They have shown themselves very lovin and enerous lately, in makin a )uite munificent provision
for his travelin.
9:arlyle, Thomas
an authoritative declaration
/n other words, they seemed fully subscribed to Andy -arhol3s dictum that business art is the best art.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 10, 0011<
an interest followed with e$aerated &eal
Accordin to :hinese media, the hottest new fad in :hina involves sellin small live-animal key
9Time ;Apr 5, 0011<
a sheath for a sword or daer or bayonet
Brawin his own sabre from its scabbard, he pointed to a stain on it, sayin, HThis is the blood of an
9?eed, #elen (eah
corrupt, debase, or make impure by addin a forein or inferior substance= often by replacin valuable
inredients with inferior ones
!hady dealers alon the supply chain fre)uently adulterate olive oil with low-rade veetable oils and
add artificial colorin.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 8, 0011<
annoy persistently
?ock concert ticket sales dropped sharply last year, soundin another sour note for the beleaguered
music industry.
9The @uardian ;Bec 10, 0010<
/f America is oin to gripe about the yuan3s rate, then :hina will complain about the dollar3s role.
9%conomist ;Can 00, 0011<
an abatement in intensity or deree ;as in the manifestations of a disease<
After a few hours there is a remission of the pain, sliht perspiration takes place, and the patient may
fall asleep.
reatly e$ceedin bounds of reason or moderation
!oon, stories bean tricklin across the Atlantic of cra&ed fans payin exorbitant sums to et into
(ondon is.
9!late ;+ct 10, 0011<
the act of appealin for help
These dances are prayers or invocations for rain, the crownin blessin in this dry land.
9?oosevelt, Theodore
influence or ure by entle urin, caressin, or flatterin
#amilton, however, was not to be cajoled into friendliness by superficial compliment.
96isher, #arrison
includin much or everythin= and especially includin stated limits
-e are oin to adhere to our basic proramin stratey of nonpartisan information inclusive of all
different points of view.
9?euters ;!ep 08, 0010<
command aainst
6ailin to satisfy his e$aminers, he was interdicted from practice, but inored the prohibition, and
suffered more than one imprisonment in conse)uence.
9-orley, @eore
cause to feel shame= hurt the pride of
Ashamed, abased, deraded in his own eyes, he turned away his head.
9:aine, #all, !ir
do away with
:omfortable sleepin-cars obviate the necessity of stoppin by the way for bodily rest, provided the
traveller be physically stron and in ood health.
92allou, ,aturin ,urray
move with or as if with a rushin sound
The hurricane was e$pected to hit -ashinton in the early hours of !unday before hurtling toward
>ew Aork :ity.
9?euters ;Au 08, 0011<
everyone bein of one mind
+n all other points of colonial policy, ,acken&ie declared, people would be found to differ, but as
reards the post office there was absolute unanimity.
9!mith, -illiam, !ir
the courae to carry on
The deployment will also test the emotional mettle of soldiers and their families.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun 04, 0010<
insert words into te$ts, often falsifyin it thereby
,ost scholars aree that these lines are interpolated, since they do not fit in with the rest of the poem.
marked by )uiet and caution and secrecy= takin pains to avoid bein observed
#e noticed that the peddler was eyin the ba !cotty had picked up, and was tryin to be surreptitious
about it.
9@oodwin, #arold (. ;#arold (eland<
hide ;feelins< from other people
6rom infancy these people have been schooled to dissimulate and hide emotion, and ordinarily their
faces are as opa)ue as those of veteran poker players.
9Nephart, #orace
a deceptive maneuver ;especially to avoid capture<
+verseas criminals use elaborate ruses, includin phony websites, to trick job-seekers into helpin
transfer stolen funds.
92usiness-eek ;Au ", 0011<
plausible but false
Aou miht be tempted to think of the biest airline as the one with the most aircraft, but capacity
differences make this reasonin specious.
9!alon ;,ay 4, 0010<
intense aversion
After a first instinctive cry of horrified revulsion, the men reached down under water with their hands
and drew out9a corpse.
9(ivinston, Arthur
e$hibitin or restored to viorous ood health
6rom a hearty, hale, corn-fed boy, he has become pale, lean, and wan.
9Adams, Abiail
lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or e$tent of
Bivisions and ine)ualities persist, but overnment can palliate their effects with hard cash.
9The @uardian ;Au 1", 0010<
lackin in insiht or discernment
The affair had been mentioned so plainly that it was impossible for the most dense and obtuse person
not to have understood the allusion.
92ra&il, Anela
habitually complainin
#e was, at times, as !uerulous as a complainin old man.
9-illiams, 2en Ames
an une$pected and ine$plicable chane in somethin ;in a situation or a person.s behavior, etc.<
Today such ac)uisitions are more likely to stay put, destined to survive both market fluctuations and
the vagaries of style.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 0F, 0010<
only partly in e$istence= imperfectly formed
Above all, medical teams will need to establish )uick surveillance to identify health needs and pinpoint
incipient outbreaks before they e$plode.
9Time ;Can 11, 0010<
stubbornly persistent in wrondoin
!everal appeared deeply affected, with tears of repentance standin in their eyes, others sullen and
9#uth, Ale$ander
show submission or fear
The two youn men who drove them had fallen flat and were grovelling and wailin for mercy.
9,itford, 2ertram
stubbornly resistant to authority or control
2eyond them the ardener struled with a refractory horse that refused to draw his load of brush and
dead leaves.
92acon, Cosephine Bode Baskam
sediment that has settled at the bottom of a li)uid
H?iht ot to o,H Ali says, drainin the dregs of his beer.
922: ;6eb 05, 0010<
the state that e$ists when one person or roup has power over another
2ut in a few days he had secured an almost incredible ascendancy over the sullen, starved, half-clothed
havin or showin arroant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
A supercilious, patroni&in person9son of a wretched country parson9used to loll aainst the wall of
your salon9with his nose in the air.
97inero, Arthur -in, !ir
someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
%undits of aricultural science e$plore the sheds, / believe, the barns, stables, machine-rooms, and so
forth, before inspectin the crops.
92oyle, 6rederick
to feel or e$press sympathy or compassion
-e had spent countless hours toether drinkin wine and commiserating about child-rearin, lon
-isconsin winters and interrupted sleep.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 0", 0011<
a small recess openin off a larer room
They showed him where he would sleep, in a little closet-like alcove screened from the bi room by a
ay curtain.
9-ilson, #arry (eon
make an effort or attempt
#e decided to assay one last project before ivin up.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 10, 0010<
narrowly restricted in outlook or scope
2ut ?epublicans in 7ennsylvania also have narrower and more parochial thins to worry about.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 18, 0011<
of or relatin to marriae or to the relationship between a wife and husband
They even had conjugal visits for prisoners 9 five hours in a private room every three months with
your wife.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 01, 0010<
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
The caste abstain from li)uor, and some of them have abjured all flesh food while others partake of it.
9?ussell, ?. E. ;?obert Eane<
an architectural ornament consistin of a hori&ontal sculptured band between the architrave and the
All the doorways mentioned above have cornices, and in those at 7almyra and 2aalbec richly carved
frie$es with side corbels.
marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details
Lnlike his literary icon, #erman ,elville, he doesn3t adorn his writin with ornate flourishes or
complicated scaffoldin.
9!cientific American ;Bec 00, 0011<
arousin to action or rebellion
-e don.t know whether inflammatory lanuae or imaes can incite the mentally ill to commit acts of
9Time ;Can 11, 0011<
a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ;usually sinister< ends
#e was continued a member of :onress until 1888 when his enemies succeeded in their lon nursed
machinations aainst him.
9Cudson, (. :arroll
a pauper who lives by bein
/n others are the broken-down mendicants who live on soup-kitchens and bein.
9?itchie, C. %win ;Cames %win<
to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course
They paused beside one of the low stone walls that meandered in a meaninless fashion this way and
that over the uplands.
9Eance, (ouis Coseph
old or silver in bars or inots
/n times of economic turmoil, more people tend to invest in bullion old.
9-ashinton 7ost ;,ar 10, 0010<
lack of self-confidence
#is rave diffidence and continued hesitation in offerin an opinion confirmed me in my own.
96roude, Cames Anthony
done or made usin whatever is available
The house was still under construction, so he climbed up a ladder bein used as a makeshift stairway,
fell and injured his le.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 10, 0010<
the practice of cultivatin the land or raisin stock
The L.!. can take a lesson from Benmark, which has efficiently raised livestock without hurtin
farmers, by usin better animal husbandry practices.
9!cientific American ;,ar 00, 0011<
a platform raised above the surroundin level to ive prominence to the person on it
(eyva beamed as he stood atop the podium, noddin as the American fla was raised and 'The !tar-
!panled 2anner* played in his honor.
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 00, 0011<
an insufficient )uantity or number
A continuin dearth of snow in many L.!. spots usually buried by this time of year has turned life
upside down.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Can 5, 0010<
a storehouse for threshed rain or animal feed
#ere is where he does his huskin, and the Hclear cornH produced is stored away in some underround
granary till /t is needed.
9!eton, %rnest Thompson
make keen or more acute
-hile he described the fishin as 'pretty ood,* the silver salmon runnin in the creek only whetted
his appetite to return to Alaska.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Au 18, 0011<
pretendin to be another person
#e ot somebody to prosecute him for false pretences and imposture, on the round that ,adame was
a man.
9(eland, :harles @odfrey
an ornamental jeweled headdress sinifyin sovereinty
/ dethrone monarchs and the people rejoicin crown me instead, showerin diadems upon my head.
9Tilney, 6rederick :olin
undeveloped but potentially useful
!everal new prostate cancer drus have been approved in the last couple of years, after a lon fallow
period, and others are in advanced development.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 1, 0011<
loud confused noise from many sources
There was some ood-humoured pushin and thrustin, the drum beatin and the church bells janlin
bravely above the hubbub.
9-eyman, !tanley C.
unaffected by stron emotion or prejudice
The commission sittin by, judicial, dispassionate, presided with cold dinity over the sacrifice, and
pronounced it ood.
9:andee, #elen :hurchill #unerford, ,rs.
e$tremely painful
2elium found itself in turmoil as hundreds of people came forward to offer harrowing accounts of
abuse over several decades.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 14, 0010<
with suspicion or disapproval
A secret marriae in these days would be looked upon askance by most people.
9-ood, ,rs. #enry
a surical knife with a pointed double-eded blade= used for punctures and small incisions
#is left arm was held by the second physician, while the chief sureon bent over it, lancet in hand.
9#ay, ,arie, #on. ;Anes 2lanche ,arie<
naw into= make resentful or anry
#e was feelin more like himself now, thouh the memory of the bully3s sneerin words rankled.
9:hadwick, (ester
have or develop complicatin conse)uences
:ometary science has ramified in une$pected ways durin the last hundred years.
take e$ception to
That -hitman entertained a enuine affection for men and women is, of course, too obvious to be
9?ickett, Arthur
a politically orani&ed unit
:hina needs a polity that can address its increasinly sophisticated society, and to achieve that there
must be political reform, ,r. !un said.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 01, 0010<
the mental attitude that somethin is believable and should be accepted as true
H-ell-known brand names that promote new products receive more credence than newcomers that
people don.t know about.H
9L! >ews ;+ct 4, 0010<
make amends for= pay compensation for
!he put her affairs in order and left instructions that those whom she had unwittinly wroned should
be indemnified out of her private fortune.
92utler, 7ierce
ain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
#e became kindly and coa$in, leanin across the table with an ingratiating smile.
9Nin, 2asil
a downward slope or bend
/n this frihtful condition, the hunter rappled with the rain beast, and, strulin for life, they rolled
toether down a steep declivity.
9@oodrich, !amuel @. ;!amuel @riswold<
e$pressin earnest entreaty
The youn man was then passionately importunate in the protestations of his love.
92arr, Amelia %dith #uddleston
out of fashion
,y friend is very keen on the new crowd= everythin else he declares is Hpasse.H
9#olliday, ?obert :ortes
cut small bits or pare shavins from
Tad followed, whittling on a stick with his knife and kickin at the shavins as they fell.
9Njelaard, Cames Arthur
e$press discontent
Those poor fellows above, accustomed to the wild freshness and freedom of the sea, how they must
mourn and repineO
9+.!hea, Cohn Auustus
strip the skin off
+nce at the moose and hastily flaying the hide from the steamin meat my attention became centered
on the task.
9!inclair, 2ertrand -.
a small storeroom for storin foods or wines
,r. @oncalves3s larder holds staples like beefsteak, salt cod, sardines, olives, artichokes, hot and sweet
peppers and plenty of arlic.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1D, 0011<
havin the nap worn away so that the threads show throuh
They were all poor folk, wrapped in threadbare cloaks or tattered leather.
92rackett, (eih Boulass
shockinly repellent= inspirin horror
Television video showed a heavily damaed buildin and a grisly scene inside, with clothin and
prayer mats scattered across a blood-splattered floor.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 1F, 0011<
not in keepin with accepted standards of what is riht or proper in polite society
?espondin to criticism that cash payments are a classic means of ta$ evasion, he said he had done
nothin untoward.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 0, 0011<
a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
+ne of his well-known idiosyncrasies was that he would never allow himself to be photoraphed.
9(e Iueu$, -illiam
make jokes or )uips
H/ could have joined the 62/ in a shorter period of time and with less documentation than it took to et
that mortae,H she !uipped.
9?euters ;+ct 11, 0010<
without any attempt at concealment= completely obvious
There was no blatant display of wealth, and every article of furniture bore sins of lon thouh careful
92ull, :harles (ivinston
stop the flow of a li)uid
!he did not attempt to stanch her tears, but sat lookin at him with a smilin mouth, while the heavy
drops fell down her cheeks.
9!tockley, :ynthia
the )uality of disareein= bein unsuitable and inappropriate
#anin out wet clothes and an American fla at the >orth 7ole seemed an amusin incongruity.
9:ook, 6rederick A.
tendin to betray= especially havin a treacherous character as attributed to the :arthainians by the
The perfidious /talian at lenth confessed that it was his intention to murder his master, and then rob
the house.
92illinhurst, 7ercy C.
a trite or obvious remark
2ut details are fu&&y and rebel leaders often resort to platitudes when dismissin suestions of
discord, sayin simply that H(ibya is one tribe.H
9-all !treet Cournal ;Cun 00, 0011<
unrestrained merrymakin
2ut all this revelry 9 dancin, drinks, e$uberant youth 9 can be hard to manae.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun 1, 0010<
turn up, loosen, or remove earth
!o she did what any reporter would doG she delved into the scientific literature and talked to
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 08, 0010<
lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or e$tent of
7rosecutors often spend time weihin mitiatin and extenuating circumstances before decidin to
seek the death penalty.
9-ashinton 7ost ;+ct 15, 0011<
a controversy ;especially over a belief or doma<
-ould it be a polemic that denounced -estern imperialism for usin cinema to undermine emerin
nations like Na&akhstanJ
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct ", 0010<
hold spellbound
/ was delihted, enraptured, beside myself--the world had disappeared in an instant.
9!pielhaen, 6riedrich
someone who is da&&linly skilled in any field
%ach of the seven instrumentalists was a virtuoso in his own riht and had ample opportunity to prove
it, often in lon, soulful solos.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay 1, 0010<
look anry or sullen, wrinkle one.s forehead, as if to sinal disapproval
A moment later he would collapse, sit glowering in his chair, lookin anrily at the carpet.
9#echt, 2en
found in the ordinary course of events
>ow, it would seem, that the :hinese are ettin back to their everyday concerns, payin attention to
events more mundane and less cataclysmic.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 00, 0010<
devoid of intellience too stupid, for one thin= they o on burnin houses and breakin windows in their old fatuous
9,cNenna, !tephen
impervious to correction by punishment
!he scolded and lectured her sister in vain= :ynthia was incorrigible.
maintain or assert
/n fact, when %instein formulated his cosmoloical vision, based on his theory of ravitation, he
postulated that the universe was finite.
9!cientific American ;Cul 04, 0011<
the central meanin or theme of a speech or literary work
The synta$ was a little off, even comical at times, but / ot the gist of what was oin on.
9Time ;,ay 4, 0010<
conspicuously and offensively loud= iven to vehement outcry
The complaints rew so loud and vociferous that even 7resident +bama was forced to address the
backlash from (isbon on !aturday.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 01, 0010<
supply with provisions
And we will aree also to purvey food for these horses and people durin nine months.
9Eillehardouin, @eoffroi de
deadly or sinister
'2ut he is dead,* put in 6annin, wonderin at the baleful e$pression of hatred that had come into the
man3s face.
92urnham, ,araret
lauh at with contempt and derision
!o much did their taunts prey upon him that he ran away from school to escape their gibes.
9#ubbard, %lbert
irritable as if sufferin from indiestion
+ne may bein with heroic renunciations and end in undinified envy and dyspeptic comments outside
the door one has slammed on one.s self.
9-ells, #. @. ;#erbert @eore<
a person e$cessively concerned about propriety and decorum
:riticisin hih-profile prorammes about teenae se$ education often means riskin bein written off
as a prude.
9The @uardian ;6eb 11, 0011<
a celebrity who is an inspiration to others
6ounded in 1F"8, the roup.s members have included such luminaries as -alt Bisney, !pencer Tracy
and another American president, ?onald ?eaan.
9!eattle Times ;Apr 11, 0011<
disposed or willin to comply
#e, Cean 2oulot, bein so amenable to sensible arument, would at once fall in with his views.
9-infield, (ewis
habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
/ crossed my arms like a willful child.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 1D, 0011<
havin or showin arroant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
HTrue= but99H HCust so,H interrupted ,r. 6auntleroy, in his decisive and rather overbearing manner.
9-ood, ,rs. #enry
a platform raised above the surroundin level to ive prominence to the person on it
The throne was elevated on a dais of silver steps.
9Tracy, (ouis
make automatic or control or operate automatically
And because leap seconds are needed irreularly their insertion cannot be automated, which means
that fallible humans must insert them by hand.
9%conomist ;Can 10, 0010<
weaken mentally or morally
The reviewers have enervated men3s minds, and made them indolent= few think for themselves.
9?ossetti, -illiam ,ichael
influence or ure by entle urin, caressin, or flatterin
+n one level, / e$pected incessant flattery in attempts to wheedle e)uipment or even money from
American forces.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 14, 0010<
viorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
The audience, surprisinly lare iven the inclement weather, responded with gusto, applaudin each
son, includin those within the !hostakovich cycle.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 0, 0010<
a clear seasoned broth
The meat soups are called broths, bouillon, or consommP, accordin to their richness.
9?onald, ,ary
infinitely wise
?obbe-@rillet responds that his work is in fact far less objective than the odlike, omniscient narrator
who presides over so many traditional novels.
9The @uardian ;,ay 11, 0010<
not faithful to reliion or party or cause
They are atheist conservatives 9 ,r. Nhan an apostate to his family3s /slamic faith, ,s. ,ac Bonald
to her left-win education.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1D, 0011<
the dead and rottin body of an animal= unfit for human food
#abitually his diet is not carnivorous, but he will eat at times either carrion or livin flesh.
9?eid, ,ayne
compensation received by virtue of holdin an office or havin employment ;usually in the form of
waes or fees<
As the TL: has pointed out, those incomes Q e$cept for senior e$ecutives, whose emoluments seem to
know few bounds Q are risin more slowly than prices.
9The @uardian ;Can D, 0011<
lackin race in movement or posture
Thomas looked up furtively and saw that an ungainly human fiure with crooked les was bein led
into the church.
9@ool, >ikolai Easilievich
unrihteousness by virtue of lackin respect for a od
That, however, is unbelief, e$treme impiety, and a denial of the most hih @od.
92ente, 6. ;6riedrich<
the state of bein deenerate in mental or moral )ualities
2ut there are people who really do not want to import what they reard as -estern decadence,
especially public drunkenness.
922: ;Cun 11, 0011<
a sermon on a moral or reliious topic
/n his >ew Aear.s homily, the pope said Hwords were not enouhH to brin about peace, particularly in
the ,iddle %ast.
9?euters ;Can 0, 0011<
an au$iliary activity
Lnlike many retired doctors, whom he says often have no life outside their profession, he always knew
sailin would become his avocation.
9>ewsweek ;>ov 18, 0010<
avoid or try to avoid fulfillin, answerin, or performin ;duties, )uestions, or issues<
,r. 2loomber said he would take several steps to circumvent obstacles to his proposals posed by city
labor unions.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 10, 0010<
deductive reasonin in which a conclusion is derived from two premises
The conclusions arrived at by means of syllogisms are irresistible, provided the form be correct and the
premises be true.
9-ebster, -. 6. ;-illiam 6ranklin<
assemblin in proper numerical or loical se)uence
/n the case of early printed books or manuscripts, which are often not paed, special knowlede is
needed for their collation.
9?ooke, >oel
wranle ;over a price, terms of an areement, etc.<
+bama said while officials can haggle over the makeup of spendin cuts, the policy issues have no
place in the measure.
92usiness-eek ;Apr 4, 0011<
wait in hidin to attack
!ir !amuel :litherin was not, of course, a member of it= but he lurked about outside and waylaid us as
we went in.
92irminham, @eore A.
someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
6rank had studied somethin of almost everythin and imained himself a savant.
9?oussel, Cohn
a roup of people havin appro$imately the same ae
The current cohort of collee students is, as many have pointed out, the first truly diital eneration.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Bec 1, 0011<
e$cessive but superficial compliments iven with affected charm
HAou couldn.t ask too much of me,H he returned, with no unction of flattery, but the cheerfully frank
e$pression of an inenuous heart.
9+den, @eore -. ;@eore -ashinton<
command solemnly
'/ adjure thee,* she said, 'swear to me that you will never o near those :hristians aain or read their
97ennell, T. (. ;Theodore (eihton<
a rouh and bitter manner
?elations with /ndia have been slowly improvin, althouh talks ended in acrimony last Culy with the
two sides indulin in a public spat over Nashmir.
922: ;6eb 10, 0011<
loud and clear
'#e has been the sinle, clarion voice for commuter rail in central 6lorida for 00 years,* said ,ayor
Nen 2radley of -inter 7ark.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun 08, 0011<
;of li)uids< clouded as with sediment
The thick turbid sea rolled in, castin up mire and dirt from its depths.
9?eynolds, ,rs. 2aillie
e$treme reed for material wealth
-ell educated, but very corrupt at heart, he found in his insatiable cupidity many ways of ainin
9Nras&ewski, Co&ef /nacy
discontented as toward authority
The financial crisis, larely caused by banker incompetence, has created leions of disaffected
96orbes ;!ep 15, 0011<
surpassin the ordinary or normal
/n fact, they rearded the !paniards as superior beins endowed with preternatural ifts.
9@ilson, Cewett :astello
avoid and stay away from deliberately= stay clear of
,orrissey is amon those seniors who are eschewing nursin homes in favor of independent livin.
9-ashinton 7ost ;,ar 01, 0010<
add details, as to an account or idea= clarify the meanin of and discourse in a learned way, usually in
#e then expatiated on his own miseries, which he detailed at full lenth.
9,an&oni, Alessandro
instructive ;especially e$cessively<
(et us have a book so full of ood illustrations that didactic instruction shall not be needed.
curved or curvin in and out
/n oriami parlance, ,r. Coisel was a wet-folder, dampenin his paper so that he could coa$ it into
sinuous curves.
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 00, 0010<
a feelin of deep and bitter aner and ill-will
The current session of 7arliament has so far produced only rancor, as opposition parties have shut
down proceedins with anry, theatrical protests aainst corruption.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 1", 0011<
The ship was not fihtin now, but yieldin9a complacent leviathan held captive by a most puissant
and ruthless enemy.
9Tracy, (ouis
characteristic of country life
#is rural, homespun demeanor ordinarily miht elicit snickers from /ndia3s urban elite.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 1D, 0011<
force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action
2ut ,r. ,arbury, often embroiled in controversy durin his >.2.A. days, seems to have found some
measure of peace in :hina.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 1, 0010<
caused by or evidencin a mentally disturbed condition
H6i$ated individualsH 9 mentally ill people with a pathological focus on someone, often a straner 9
make up the first roup.
9Time ;Apr 04, 0011<
characteri&ed by resonance
#is eyes were piercin but sad, his voice rand and resonant, suitin well the wrathful, impassioned
:alvinism of his sermons.
92arr, Amelia %dith #uddleston
the words of an opera or musical play
/n many reat operas, composers have had to whittle down an epic literary work into a suitable
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 4, 0010<
move like a flail= thresh about
%$ercise is prescribed, but when she joins an a)ua aerobics class, she flails embarrassinly.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 10, 0010<
discuss lihtly
#illary :linton3s name has been bandied about, but she3s made it clear she3s not interested.
9Time ;,ar 00, 0010<
costin nothin
H-ould you admit them gratisJH asked ,r. :astlemaine with a smile, Hor would they have to pay, like
ordinary residents in an hotelJH
9#ockin, Coseph
a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
The inevitable upshot of their rowin social power was that brands wanted an e$panded visual
9The @uardian ;Cul 08, 0010<
a short pithy instructive sayin
@eneral !herman.s famous aphorism that H-ar is #ell,H has become classic.
96letcher, !amuel #.
worthy of respect or honor
:aptain ,iles !tandish was a redoubtable soldier, small in person, but of reat activity and courae.
9,ann, #enry
e$cessively fat
+besity is very common, but chiefly amon the women, who while still )uite youn often become
enormously corpulent.
9B.Anvers, >.
lackin enlihtenment or knowlede or culture
/ alone was manificently and absurdly aware9everyone else was benightedly out of it.
9Cames, #enry
aboundin in or iven to pompous or aphoristic morali&in
#e is the villae wise man= very sententious= and full of profound remarks on shallow subjects.
9/rvin, -ashinton
a cli)ue ;often secret< that seeks power usually throuh intriue
!upposedly, see, there.s this lobal cabal of scientists conspirin to brin about socialist one-world
9!alon ;Cul 8, 0010<
e)uipment consistin of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.
/t.s outfitted with cricket bats and other anti)ue sports paraphernalia.
9!eattle Times ;!ep 08, 0011<
make imperfect
#is talent in writin is vitiated by his affectation and other faults.
92lair, %mma #elen
servile flattery= e$aerated and hypocritical praise
And celebrities et all this adulation for somethin that is not about character, it.s about talent.
9!alon ;Can 10, 0011<
to swallow hurriedly or reedily or in one drauht
,eanwhile the officers under the tree had ot served, and, cups in hand, were !uaffing joyously.
9?eid, ,ayne
not arroant or presumin
7arr.s conduct after his most heroic actions was thorouhly modest and unassuming.
9@reely, Adolphus -.
a dissolute person= usually a man who is morally unrestrained
!till, ,r. Awlaki was neither amon the most conservative ,uslim students nor amon the libertines
who tossed aside reliious restrictions on drinkin and se$.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay D, 0010<
injure badly by beatin
#undreds of concert oers were mauled as they left by what The >ew Aork Times called 'bands of
rovin youths.*
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 18, 0011<
a condensed but memorable sayin embodyin some important fact of e$perience that is taken as true
by many people
!o he focuses on the fans and embraces the adage, '(ivin well is the best revene.*
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 05, 0011<
the act of e$pressin earnest opposition or protest
#e even believed he saw visions with his own bodily eyes, and no expostulations of his friends could
drive this belief out of his head.
9#offmann, %. T. A. ;%rnst Theodor Amadeus<
tastelessly showy
/t was a tawdry affair, all :upids and cornucopias, like a third-rate weddin cake.
9-ilde, +scar
repeated too often= overfamiliar throuh overuse
The subject9a deathbed scene9miht seem at first siht to be a trite and common one.
9(ancey, ,adalene de
a person who works only for money
-hy should /J9a mere police detective, who had been hired to do a service and paid for it like any
other hireling.
9#anshew, Thomas -.
fi$ firmly
Thouh she is firmly ensconced in a writin career, ,s. 6reud, "D, said that in the early days she
missed actin terribly.
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 10, 0011<
conspicuously and outraeously bad or reprehensible
'These offenses are very serious, even egregious,* the jude said.
9-ashinton 7ost ;!ep 10, 0011<
powerfully persuasive
#is thesis was too cogent, and appealed too powerfully to all classes of the Lpper :anada community,
to be anythin but irresistible.
9,orison, C. (. ;Cohn (yle<
havin or demonstratin ability to reconi&e or draw fine distinctions
A half-hour of informed and incisive )uestionin by ,r. ?ussert would have demolished ,r. Trump.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay 1, 0011<
strayin from the riht course or from accepted standards
As the crowd voiced its displeasure, the referees made sure -isconsin ot the ball, but pass was errant
and rolled out of bounds at midcourt.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 0D, 0010<
marked by care and persistent effort
&edulous attention and painstakin industry always mark the true worker.
9:alhoon, ,ajor A.?.
characteri&ed by ardent emotion or intensity or brilliance
Nirkwood.s aner cooled apace= at worst it had been a flare of passion9incandescent.
9Eance, (ouis Coseph
in deplorable condition
+thers are clustered under a tin awnin by a derelict railway station or in similarly run-down school
9Time ;Can 5, 0011<
the branch of &ooloy that studies insects
6rom the department of entomology you e$pect to learn somethin about the troublesome insects,
which are so universal an annoyance.
9(atham, A. -.
une)uivocally detestable
2ut minds were so overe$cited at the time that the parties mutually accused each other, on all
occasions, of the most execrable crimes.
9/mbert de !aint-Amand, Arthur (Pon, baron
pour as if from a sluice
At "G15 p.m., as the rain was sluicing off roofs in sheets, the firemen moved the trucks to hiher
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 11, 0011<
of no leal sinificance ;as havin been previously decided<
The statement from #ermitae said even in the !oviet period no defendant had been tried after death,
when chares were enerally considered moot.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 8, 0010<
tendin to vanish like vapor
Time seems stopped but it is movin on, and every limmer of liht is evanescent, flittin.
9The @uardian ;Apr 15, 0010<
a lare open vessel for holdin or storin li)uids
The cream remains in the lare vat about twenty-four hours before it is churned.
9:hamberlain, Cames 6ranklin
marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
Thorouhly dapper, he took off his black-and-white pinstriped suit jacket 9 with its pocket-s)uare
flair 9 and weaved in and out amon them, his voice ever risin.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 00, 0011<
harshness of manner
All this proceeds from the old man, whose proper character it is to be anry and bitter, and to e$hibit
rancor and asperity.
9Arndt, Cohann
a natural talent
/n fact, while (amarr )ualified as an inventive enius for her artistic flair, she fell somewhat short on
her scientific acumen.
9!late ;>ov 0D, 0011<
;nontechnical usae< a tiny piece of anythin
#e took his dischare out of his pocket, brushed every mote of dust from the table, and spread the
document before their eyes.
9Auerbach, 2erthold
heedful of potential conse)uences
+bama administration officials arue that new reulations are forcin insurers to be more circumspect
about raisin rates.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 08, 0011<
not friendly
The #indu idea is that so lon as justice and e)uity characterise a kin3s rule, even beasts naturally
inimical are disposed to live in friendship.
9Ninscote, ,rs. #oward
of an appropriate or pertinent nature
/ found myself thinkin vauely about thins that were not at all apropos to the situation.
9!tockley, :ynthia
a thin porride ;usually oatmeal or cornmeal<
#e says, keep them on just two pints of /ndian-meal gruel9by which he appears to mean thin hasty
puddin9a day, and no more.
9Alcott, -illiam A. ;-illiam Andrus<
eleance by virtue of fineness of manner and e$pression
This was no rouh bully of the seas= :arew.s bearin and dandified apparel bespoke gentility.
9!priner, >orman
an e$pression of stron disapproval= pronouncin as wron or morally culpable
,r ?uthven shook his head and declared that he rearded the conduct of her persecutors with rave
moral disapprobation.
9-heeler, %.C.
enravin or carvin in low relief on a stone ;as in a brooch or rin<
The trinket was a small round cameo cut out of mother-of-pearl and set in old= it represented !t.
@eore and the draon.
9CJkai, ,Jr
obtain by coercion or intimidation
!hortaes also have raised concerns about hiher prices and gouging by wholesale dru companies that
obtain supplies of hard-to-et drus and jack up the costs.
9!eattle Times ;Can 00, 0010<
a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a reliious te$t
,endelssohn had no sooner completed his first oratorio, H!t. 7aul,H than he bean to think about
settin another 2ible story to music.
9%dwards, 6rederick @eore
;of weather or climate< severe
2e prepared for inclement weather and possible ice and snow on park roads.
9!eattle Times ;+ct 14, 0011<
a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
@ardner Hnever e$pressed one scintilla of remorse for his attack upon the victimH despite
overwhelmin evidence, prosecutors wrote in a sentencin memo.
9!alon ;,ar 1, 0010<
a flowin toether
And indeed, before the 11th century, there was an e$traordinary confluence of enius and innovation,
particularly around 2ahdad.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 0D, 0010<
sordid dirtiness
-hat can be e$pected of human beins, crowded in such miserable habitations, livin in filth and
s!ualor, and often pinched with hunerJ
96ield, #enry ,. ;#enry ,artyn<
severe criticism
-hile ratefully acceptin the enerous praises of our friends, we must briefly reply to some strictures
by our critics.
9!tanton, %li&abeth :ady
decorate with heraldic arms
#is coat of arms was embla$oned on the cover.
9,ason, A. %. -. ;Alfred %dward -oodley<
an event that is e$perienced as indicatin important thins to come
This is always an encourain sin, and an augury of success.
9Aler, #oratio
lie adjacent to another or share a boundary
/t depicts a mountain landscape near Ninston, a historic town abutting the #udson ?iver.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can D, 0010<
repeated too often= overfamiliar throuh overuse
#ihly dramatic incidents are ju$taposed with comparatively banal ones= particular attention is iven
to tales of doomed love affairs.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec ", 0011<
become elatinous
2oil down the syrup to half its oriinal )uantity, but take care that it does not boil lon enouh to
congeal or become thick.
92aruJ, !ulpice
make off with belonins of others
,any youn people scavene for reusable arbae, livin on proceeds from pilfered construction
material and other recyclables.
9!eattle Times ;6eb D, 0010<
a person who is discontented or disusted
>ow, unfortunately, some malcontents amon the hands here have spread their ideas, and a strike has
been called.
9,aitland, ?obert
direct enery or ures into useful activities
They miht instead have passionate friendships, or sublimate their ures into other pursuits.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun ", 0010<
pertainin to or causin improvement in the offsprin produced
'ugenics was aimed at creatin a better society by filterin out people considered undesirable, ranin
from criminals to those imprecisely desinated as 'feeble-minded.*
9-ashinton 7ost ;Au 1, 0011<
the characteristic parts of a person.s faceG eyes and nose and mouth and chin
The tears stood in ,uriel.s eyes, and her face was very pale, but serenity marked every lineament.
9Bavidson, Cohn
someone who deliberately foments trouble
2ut #assan is not some teenae firebrand hurlin rocks= he3s a sliht, rayin scholar committed to
9>ew Aork Times ;Cun F, 0011<
a sudden and violent collapse
The !tuttart protests became a national fiasco in late !eptember, when protesters clashed with police
wieldin batons and water cannons.
9>ewsweek ;Bec 1", 0010<
marked by defiant disreard for daner or conse)uences
,any mistakes9e$travaant purchases, foolhardy investments9are made in the first months after a
9-all !treet Cournal ;6eb 0", 0010<
tihten one.s belt= use resources carefully
2ut there was only one way open to me at present9and that was to retrench my e$penses.
9:aine, #all, !ir
lyin beyond what is openly revealed or avowed ;especially bein kept in the backround or
deliberately concealed<
!hop window displays may help prettify shoppin thorouhfares, but any savvy retailer has the
ulterior motive of self promotion.
922: ;6eb 1, 0010<
not varyin
#is must have been that calm, e!uable temperament not easily ruffled, which oes with the self-
respectin nature.
9#urll, %stelle ,. ;%stelle ,ay<
made touh by habitual e$posure
2ut he had become inured to the rush and whirr of missiles, and now paid no heed whatever to them.
9,itford, 2ertram
containin or implyin a sliht or showin prejudice
HAfter an old-fashioned, all-round team performance T it miht seem invidious to sinle out one
player,H admits the paper before sinlin out one player.
9The @uardian ;Cun 0", 0010<
not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity= sometimes used as an intensifier
/n order to be well directed, sympathy must consider all men, and not the individual alone= only then is
it an unmitigated ood.
9-illiams, :. ,.
an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another
The conclusion must be drawn that every epidemic of bubonic plaue is caused by the concomitant rat
9!cientific American ;Can 01, 0011<
cheat or trick
Bicin-houses, where cheaters meet, and co$en youn men out of their money.
showin little emotion
#umanity, when surfeited with emotion, becomes calm, almost phlegmatic.
9Tracy, (ouis
a abled e$tension built out from a slopin roof to accommodate a vertical window
+ther features, such as the front 6rench doors and two roof dormers with curved-top windows and
operable shutters, ive this home a pleasin, well-balanced presence.
9!outhern (ivin ;Apr 1", 0010<
denotin or overned by or relatin to a bishop or bishops
The hih priest made no resistance, but went forth in his pontifical robes, followed by the people in
white arments, to meet the mihty warrior.
9(ord, Cohn
occupy in an areeable, entertainin or pleasant fashion
!traihtway the lade in which they sat was filled with knihts, ladies, maidens, and es)uires, who
danced and disported themselves riht joyously.
9!pence, (ewis
a person who arues to defend or justify some policy or institution
Tories, and apologists for @reat 2ritain, have written much about a justification for this action, but
there is no real justification.
92arce, %lmore
temporary cessation or suspension
,y feelins of home-sickness had returned with redoubled strenth after bein lon in abeyance.
92oldrewood, ?olf
an enclosed territory that is culturally distinct from the forein territory that surrounds it
And its suburban schools, rather than bein e$clusive enclaves, include children whose parents can.t
afford a house in the neihborhood.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Can 11, 0011<
not provident= not providin for the future
#e was industrious but improvident= he made money and he lost it.
9#ubbard, %lbert
an elaborate analytical or e$planatory essay or discussion
:umulatively, what emeres from To Nill a ,ockinbird is a thouhtful dis!uisition that encompasses
Q and oes beyond Q the )uestion of racial bias at its worst.
9The @uardian ;Cul F, 0010<
not modified or restricted by reservations
H%uropean leaders were united, categorical and crystal clearG @addafi must o,H 2ritish 7rime ,inister
Bavid :ameron said.
9Time ;,ar 10, 0011<
cause to be more favorably inclined= ain the ood will of
The %ast /ndia :ompany was placated by the concession of further e$emptions in its favour.
9!mith, A. B.
servin to brin to mind
#ere, however, are conreated a vast number of curious and interestin objects, while the place is
redolent of vivid historical associations.
92allou, ,aturin ,urray
e$hibitin an areeably appropriate manner or style
The first book is the finest, sparklin with felicitous e$pressions and risin fre)uently to true poetry.
9Bennis, Cohn
blowin in puffs or short intermittent blasts
-inds could et gusty, occasionally blowin at more than 10 miles per hour.
9?euters ;,ar 0F, 0011<
marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
#e wore a checked suit, very natty, and was more than usually tall and fine-lookin.
9@reen, Anna Natharine
opposed to war
#e was, furthermore, a real pacifist, believin that war is debasin morally and disastrous
9!eymour, :harles
;of a female body< healthily plump and viorous
,rs. :onnelly9a round, rosy, buxom /rishwoman, with a mellow voice, lauhin eye, and artist-red
hair9was very much taken with their plan.
9Boulas, Amanda ,innie
the period of reatest prosperity or productivity
7layboy.s most popular years are well behind it - the maa&ine enjoyed its heyday in the 1F80s.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Can 10, 0011<
displayin superhuman strenth or power
#e made herculean efforts to et on terms with his e$amination subjects, and worked harder than he
had ever done in his life before.
9,arshall, Archibald
row and flourish
2rooklyn.s burgeoning dinin scene has even developed a followin amon ,anhattan food lovers.
9?euters ;+ct ", 0011<
an uly evil-lookin old woman
The aed crone wrinkled her forehead and lifted her ri&&led eyebrows, still without lookin at him.
9,yrick, 6rank
make a prediction about= tell in advance
#ow strane it is that our dreams often prognosticate comin eventsO
9#uth, Ale$ander
an awkward stupid person
2ut this )uestion was beyond the poor lout.s intellience= he could only blubber and fend off possible
9-illiams, C. !cott ;Cohn !cott<
smile affectedly or derisively
,rs. 2arnett.s mouth simpered at the implied flattery= but her eyes, always lookin calculatinly for
substantial results, were studyin ?eedy Cenkins.
9#amby, -illiam #. ;-illiam #enry<
characteri&ed by ini)uity= wicked because it is believed to be a sin
This was some piece of wickedness concocted by the venomous brain of the ini!uitous Eicar, more
abominable than all his other wickednesses.
9Trollope, Anthony
cause annoyance in= disturb, especially by minor irritations
The prospect of seein ,s. 7alin tour Alaska3s wild habitats may rile some people who oppose her
opinions about climate chane.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 05, 0010<
endowed with feelin and unstructured consciousness
The money fluttered from his hand to the floor, where it lay like a sentient thin, starin back as if
mockin him.
9#itchcock, (ucius -.
tastelessly showy
-ith its opulently garish sets and knee-jerk realism, the production dwarfed the cast, no matter what
stars were sinin.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 0, 0011<
the act of adjustin aain ;to chaned circumstances<
-hile earpieces are not uncomfortable, they do sometimes come loose, re)uirin readjustment.
9!late ;Apr 18, 0010<
belonin to some prior time
!ony, whose erstwhile dominance in consumer electronics has been eroded by the likes of !amsun,
could beat rivals to a potentially new eneration of devices.
9?euters ;,ay 00, 0010<
curved down like an eale.s beak
The nose slihtly a!uiline, curvin at the nostril= while lu$uriant hair, in broad plaits, fell far below her
irritable as if sufferin from indiestion
2ut his sleep had not refreshed him= he waked up bilious, irritable, ill-tempered, and looked with
hatred at his room.
9@arnett, :onstance
spread neative information about
The trial was televised and the victim.s identity became known, resultin in her bein vilified by almost
the entire town.
9The @uardian ;Can 1F, 0011<
a subtle difference in meanin or opinion or attitude
2y workin so hard to simplify thins, we lose any nuance or ability to deal with folks3 individual
9-ashinton 7ost ;+ct 1, 0011<
look with ama&ement= look stupidly
#e speaks mainly of his humiliation at lyin on the sidewalk as hipsters gawked.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr F, 0010<
a communal dinin-hall ;usually in a monastery<
,eanwhile, the soup was ettin cold in the refectory, so that the assembled brotherhood at last fell to,
without waitin any loner for the Abbot.
9!cheffel, Coseph Eictor von
suitable for or like a palace
The house was very lare= its rooms almost palatial in si&e, had been finished in richly carved
hardwood panels and wainscotin, mostly polished mahoany.
9#itchcock, 6rederick (. ;6rederick (yman<
affectedly dainty or refined
!he went, carryin her little head very hih indeed, and takin dainty, mincing steps.
92anks, >ancy #uston
havin keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thouht, e$pression, or intellect
They are written in a serio-comic tone, and for sparklin wit, trenchant sarcasm, and dramatic
dialectics surpass anythin ever penned by (essin.
9(essin, @otthold %phraim
raise in a relief
?e)uests may also be made of the stationer to use an embossed plate so that the letters stand out in
9%ichler, (illian
a member of the workin class ;not necessarily employed<
As yet, the true proletarian wae-earner, uprooted from his native villae and broken away from the
orani&ation of /ndian society, is but insinificant.
9!toddard, (othrop
pitchin danerously to one side
/ turned the steerin wheel all the way to one side, and found myself careening backward in a violent
9Eoel, >ancy
a sound defeat
The 2roncos are comin off their worst season in franchise history, a "-10 debacle that included issues
on and off the field.
9>ewsweek ;Can F, 0011<
a person who tries to please someone in order to ain a personal advantae
The people around the kin are sycophants who are lookin after their own personal advantae.
9:offin, :harles :arleton
annoyed and irritable
#e rew crabbed and soured, his temper flashin out on small provocation.
9-eyman, !tanley C.
somethin that serves as a model or a basis for makin copies
>ewport, ?./., looks like a perfect archetype of a small, seaside >ew %nland town.
96orbes ;>ov 1, 0010<
of an obscure nature
The authorities, beyond some cryptic lanuae about the death bein sudden but not suspicious, have
released no details.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 0", 0011<
a stron likin
2ut sometimes, old -all !treet habits 9 includin a penchant for e$pensive lu$uries 9 are hard to
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 11, 0010<
cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothin
2ut men were buyin Ealentine.s baubles for their honeys lon before the first Rales ever opened its
doors in a suburban shoppin mall.
9!late ;6eb 1", 0010<
a flamboyant deceiver= one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
They are sinularly clever, these /ndian mountebanks, especially in sleiht of hand tricks.
92allou, ,aturin ,urray
attemptin to win favor by flattery
'As any cult leader, he was e$tremely ood at milkin the rich, at flatterin and fawning,* ,s. @ordon
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 14, 0010<
a small natural hill
:aptain 2ill leaned back on a hummock of earth, his arms folded behind his head.
9@rayson, C. C.
model of e$cellence or perfection of a kind= one havin no e)ual
:ontrary to popular belief, however, she said ,s. Been3s fat-laden cookin does not in fact represent
the apotheosis of !outhern cuisine.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 18, 0010<
;especially of funds< not earmarked= available for use as needed
!teeper prices for basic necessities have forced many to cut back on more discretionary purchases.
9-ashinton 7ost ;+ct 1F, 0011<
concise and full of meanin
As ,oore isolated finer points of the passin ame, Neller in neat penmanship jotted down pithy
phrases and punchy )uotes, basic ideas and specific concepts.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 10, 0011<
behave in a certain manner
/ronically, the one man on stae who did comport himself with dinity, Cohn #untsman, is now bein
dismissed as havin not made an impact.
9Time ;!ep D, 0011<
marked by chaneable fortune
2oth restaurants have checkered histories with the health department= they were temporarily shut
down for sanitary violations that included evidence of rodents.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 00, 0010<
;classical mytholoy< the food and drink of the ods= mortals who ate it became immortal
H6rieda represents the lovely oddess, #ebe, who served nectar and ambrosia to the hih ods on
,ount +lympus,H she e$plained.
9Eandercook, ,araret
dissentin ;especially dissentin with the majority opinion<
-ill it be answered that we are factious, discontented spirits, strivin to disturb the public order, and
tear up the old fastnesses of societyJ
9!tanton, %li&abeth :ady
cause or allow ;a solid substance< to flow or run out or over
There are telephone poles and cinder blocks and livin room chairs and lare trash bins, overturned and
disgorging their soy contents.
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 0D, 0011<
make off with belonins of others
Then, in place of the real site, it displays a fake site created to filch account numbers, loin names and
9>ew Aork Times ;Cul 11, 0010<
a mental representation of some hauntin e$perience
-hichever way he turns there loom past wraiths, restless as hosts of unburied @recian slain.
9(ee, :arson Cay
capable of bein demonstrated or proved
The linkae between deposits and trade is definite, causal, positive, statistically demonstrable.
9Anderson, 2enjamin ,.
stubbornly unyieldin
#is temper, thouh yieldin and easy in appearance, was in reality most obstinate and pertinacious.
9Navanah, Culia
make improvements or corrections to
The followin were identified as spellin or typoraphic errors and have been emended as noted.
9#opper, Cames
someone who takes more time than necessary= someone who las behind
:orporate data centers are the slowpoke laggards of information technoloy.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 10, 0010<
pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillinness
A few days of waffling back and forth and / ended up oin out to a mediocre bistro with my parents.
9!cientific American ;6eb D, 0011<
full of trivial conversation
7an soon found it needful to make conversation, in order to keep the lo!uacious old stae driver from
talkin too much.
9@rey, Rane
easily e$cused or foriven
The confidence of inorance, however venial in youth, is not altoether so e$cusable, in full rown
9!chool, A !e$ton of the +ld
a laborer who is oblied to do menial work
6or the most part, the men were wiry peons, some toilin half naked, but there were a number who
looked like prosperous citi&ens.
92indloss, #arold
the )uality of bein briht and sendin out rays of liht
Then, all at once, in a way that seemed to frihten her, the sunshine had burst the clouds, and da&&led
her with its effulgence.
96enn, @eore ,anville
a deposit of valuable ore occurrin within definite boundaries separatin it from surroundin rocks
!uch local perturbations are reularly used in !weden for tracin out the position of underround lodes
of iron ore.
9@ilbert, -illiam
a audy outward display
/t opened a month ao to considerable fanfare, with television cameras trailin overnment officials
meanderin proudly around the briht new stores filled with imported oods.
9>ew Aork Times ;Au 00, 0010<
showin frivolous or superficial interest= amateurish
They dabbled in politics and art in the same dilettante fashion.
9:annan, @ilbert
lackin in courae and manly strenth and resolution= contemptibly fearful
#e was described by his friends as pusillanimous to an incredible e$tent, timid from e$cess of riches,
afraid of his own shadow.
9,otley, Cohn (othrop
;used especially of ideas or principles< deeply rooted= firmly fi$ed or held
The narrow prejudices of his country were ingrained too deeply in his character to be disturbed by any
chane of surroundins.
96uller, ?obert #.
a soft wet area of low-lyin land that sinks underfoot
The heavy rain had reduced this low-lyin round to a veritable !uagmire, makin proress very
difficult even for one as unburdened as he was.
97utnam -eale, 2. (. ;2ertram (eno$<
severe disapproval
,r. :onway denounced this scheme as Hutterly and flarantly unconstitutional, as radically
revolutionary in character and deservin the reprobation of every loyal citi&en.H
92laine, Cames @illespie
havin unnatural mannerisms
>othin was mannered or pretentious= the te$ts came throuh with utter naturalness.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay 0F, 0011<
e$cessively fastidious and easily disusted
2ut please note that this unfire-fueled film is for mature audiences= iven its content, youn andUor
s!ueamish viewers should avoid this one.
9-ashinton 7ost ;Au 4, 0010<
a natural inclination
!he received, under her father.s supervision, a very careful education, and developed her proclivities
for literary composition at an early ae.
9Adams, -. #. Bavenport
;used of persons or behavior< characteri&ed by or indicative of lack of enerosity
>ow, my uncle seemed so miserly that / was struck dumb by this sudden enerosity, and could find no
words in which to thank him.
9!tevenson, ?obert (ouis
lackin sinificance or liveliness or spirit or &est
#ow vapid was the talk of my remainin fellow-passeners= how slow of understandin, and how
preoccupied with petty thins they seemedO
9Bawson, A. C. ;Alec Cohn<
liable to sudden unpredictable chane
-ind enery is notoriously mercurial, with patterns shiftin drastically over the course of years, days,
even minutes.
9!cientific American ;Can ", 0010<
;of lanuae< transparently clear= easily understandable
The statements are plain and simple, a perfect model of perspicuous narrative.
9!mith, Lriah
be a mystery or bewilderin to
/ shook my head and rushed from his presence, completely nonplussed, bewildered, frantic.
9:ole, %. -. ;%dward -illiam<
attract= cause to be enamored
Aoun /ndian audiences are so enamored with reality television that they will not watch the soap
operas and dramas that their parents or randparents watch.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can F, 0011<
repeated too often= overfamiliar throuh overuse
,any speakers become so addicted to certain hackneyed phrases that those used to hearin them speak
can see them comin sentences away.
9(ewis, Arthur ,. ;Arthur ,orrow<
;often followed by Mof.< a lare number or amount or e$tent
6rench authorities are already reportin a risin spate of calls to emerency services by homeowners
whose once-fro&en water mains have now burst.
9Time ;6eb 11, 0010<
someone who educates youn people
#is old pedagogue, ,r. 2rownell, had been unable to teach him mathematics.
97ierce, #. -inthrop
the hihest level or deree attainable= the hihest stae of development
!cientifically speakin, it is the acme of absurdity to talk of a man defyin the law of ravitation when
he lifts his arm.
9#u$ley, Thomas #.
chew ;food<= to bite and rind with the teeth
6ood should be masticated )uietly, and with the lips closed.
9:ooke, ,aud :.
an office that involves minimal duties
#e would have repudiated the notion that he was lookin for a sinecure, but no doubt considered that
the duties would be easy and liht.
9Trollope, Anthony
produce a literary work
!he indited reliious poems which were the admiration of the ae.
92rittain, Alfred
a medicine that induces nausea and vomitin
The juice of this herb, taken in ale, is esteemed a entle and very ood emetic, brinin on vomitin
without any reat irritation or pain.
9!mith, Cohn Thomas
draw out a discussion or process in order to ain time
!o he tempori$ed and beat about the bush, and did not touch first on that which was nearest his heart.
9%rskine, 7ayne
beyond doubt or reproach
-hether we aree with the conclusions of these writers or not, the method of critical investiation
which they adopt is unimpeachable.
9#u$ley, Thomas #.
a comin into bein
#e found himself speculatin on the genesis of the moral sense, how it developed in difficulties rather
than in ease.
9,iller, Alice Buer
harshly ironic or sinister
%ven ,oran himself, intrepid as he was, shrank from the awful menace of the mordant words.
9:rawford, -ill
a small number or amount
+nly a smattering of fans remained for all four hastly )uarters.
9-ashinton 7ost ;!ep 0", 0011<
the )uality of bein bland and racious or inratiatin in manner
#is combativeness was harnessed to his suavity, and he could be forcible and at the same time
9-indsor, -illiam
used of the voice
/f a hundred voices shouted in opposition, his stentorian tones still made themselves heard above the
9CJkai, ,Jr
a trip taken by an official at public e$pense
,r. Abramoff arraned for junkets, includin forein olfin destinations, for the members of
:onress he was tryin to influence.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 04, 0010<
a supplementary component that improves capability
/n the center of this space stood a lare frame buildin whose courtyard, stables, and other
appurtenances proclaimed it an inn.
9,adison, (ucy 6oster
patent medicine whose efficacy is )uestionable
Cust here a native Hmedicine manH dispenses nostrums of doubtful efficacy, and in front a )uantity of
red ,oorish pottery is e$posed for sale.
9,eakin, 2udett
lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
7olitical prisoners, numberin as many as three or four hundred at a time, have been immured within
its massive walls.
92oyd, ,ary !tuart
sour or bitter in taste
There was somethin sharply astringent about her then, like bitin inadvertently into a reen banana.
9,c6ee, -illiam
marked by firm determination or resolution= not shakable
!till unfaltering, the procession commenced to trude back, the littlest boy and irl bearin themselves
bravely, with lips tiht pressed.
9!abin, %dwin (. ;%dwin (erand<
attention and manaement implyin responsibility for safety
/t will do so under @erman leadership that rows less hesitant with each crisis, and without the
American tutelage it enjoyed for so many decades.
9>ewsweek ;Can 01, 0011<
a person who makes a will
This will was drawn up by me some years since at the re)uest of the testator, who was in ood health,
mentally and bodily.
9#enty, @. A. ;@eore Alfred<
bein of such surpassin e$cellence as to suest inspiration by the ods
(ife seemed an elysian dream, from which care and sorrow must be for ever banished.
9#ent&, :aroline (ee
critici&e severely
2ut with people lookin for almost any e$cuse to fulminate aainst airlines these days, there.s a certain
risk of embellishment.
9!alon ;Cun 05, 0010<
easily irritated or annoyed
#e was a fractious invalid, and spared his wife neither time nor trouble in attendin to his wants.
92ra&il, Anela
strike, usually with the fist
Another, with rubber bands wrapped tihtly around his face, is pummelled by a plastic bo$in
9The @uardian ;Can 00, 0011<
free from slavery or servitude
,oreover, manumitted slaves enjoyed the same rihts, privilees and immunities that were enjoyed by
those born free.
completely acceptable= not open to e$ception or reproach
All cowboys are from necessity ood cooks, and the fluffy, olden brown biscuits and frarant coffee
of ?ed.s makin were unexceptionable.
9,ayer, 6rank
a roup of three men responsible for public administration or civil authority
This triumvirate approach has real benefits in terms of shared wisdom, and we will continue to discuss
the bi decisions amon the three of us.
9!alon ;Can 00, 0011<
a person addicted to lu$ury and pleasures of the senses
#e was not used to travellin on omnibuses, bein somethin of a sybarite who spared nothin to
ensure his own comfort.
9-allace, %dar
be compatible, similar or consistent= coincide in their characteristics
:ontemporary art has never )uite jibed with mainstream media.
9!alon ;Cul 4, 0010<
offensively self-assured or iven to e$ercisin usually unwarranted power
'>ow look here,* he said, makin believe to take down my words and shakin his pencil at me in a
magisterial way.
96enn, @eore ,anville
of somethin havin a dusty purplish pink color
2ehind the trees rouh, lichened rock and stony slopes ran up to a bare ride, silhouetted aainst the
roseate low of the mornin sky.
92indloss, #arold
a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone.s words or actions
This is the real history of a transaction which, by fre)uent misrepresentation, has brouht undeserved
oblo!uy upon a enerous man.
97urchas, #. T. ;#enry Thomas<
influence by slyness
The stories of the saints he rearded as preposterous fables invented to hoodwink a ullible and
illiterate populace.
9The @uardian ;!ep 1F, 0010<
mark with striae or striations
The body is striated with clearly defined, often depressed lines, which run lonitudinally and
sometimes spirally.
9:alkins, @ary >. ;@ary >athan<
sei&e and take control without authority and possibly with force= take as one.s riht or possession
Capanese manufacturers were accused of arrogating American technoloies to churn out low-cost
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay 05, 0010<
of hih moral or intellectual value= elevated in nature or style
The debate over climate science has involved very comple$ physical models and rarefied areas of
scientific knowlede.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr F, 0011<
characteri&ed by reat caution and wariness
There was no independent verification of the fiure= the authorities have been chary of releasin death
tolls for fear of inflamin further violence.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 0", 0011<
any system of principles or beliefs
!he preferred to han out with everyone but was best friends with no one, holdin to the credoG 'Aou
should be nice to people.*
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 01, 0011<
too old to be useful
:ivil servants are superannuated at fifty-five years of ae and are sent home on a pension, seldom
enjoyin life loner than two years afterward.
9#unt, %leonora
not politic
2ill ,aher has always been a vocal critic of /slam, even at times makin impolitic statements about the
9!alon ;,ar 14, 0011<
a disparain remark
(ord !an)uhar then proceeded to deny the aspersion that he was an ill-natured fellow, ever reveneful,
and delihtin in blood.
9Thornbury, -alter
resemblin an abyss in depth= so deep as to be unmeasurable
After all, many Americans reard this :onress as dysfunctional, with abysmal approval ratins.
9>ew Aork Times ;Bec 0D, 0011<
a )uality that arouses emotions ;especially pity or sorrow<
They were curious about the 'near loss* e$perience9specifically the feelins of poignancy that occur
when what we cherish disappears.
9!cientific American ;Can 18, 0011<
artificially formal
2ut thanks to the stilted writin and stiff actin, the characters still feel very much like one-
dimensional fiures from a dutiful fable.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cul 10, 0011<
marked by e$cessive self-indulence and moral decay
Cohn 2ull was an effete old plutocrat whose sons and dauhters were iven up to sport and amusement.
9,offett, :leveland
food for domestic livestock
H6oolsOH she cried, lookin in her maic crystal, Hhe was in the bi sycamore under which you stopped
to ive your horses provenderOH
9#ousman, (aurence
of or relatin to a disease ;or anythin resemblin a disease< constantly present to reater or lesser
e$tent in a particular locality
,ean-spirited chants and sons are also endemic in 2ritish soccer.
9>ew Aork Times ;Can 08, 0010<
full of or showin hih-spirited merriment
#er jocund lauh and merry voice, indeed, first attracted my attention.
9(ever, :harles Cames
of or relatin to procedure
/n other words, the rejection was a bureaucraticUprocedural decision.
9!cientific American ;6eb 1, 0010<
marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness
!he wore her red cap in a rakish manner on the side of her head, its tassel fallin down over her
forehead between her eyes.
9!ae, -illiam
unpredictably e$citable ;especially of horses<
That combined with his calm and reassurin tone made me think of an animal trainer tryin to woo
skittish wild animals.
9Time ;,ay 00, 0011<
a flowery and hihly rhetorical oration
#e had little hope that @allaher, once embarked on a peroration, would stop until he had used up all
the words at his command.
92irminham, @eore A.
a person of no influence
-as he such a nonentity in every way that she could remain unconcerned as to any fear of daner from
9-oolson, :onstance 6enimore
marked by temperance in indulence
?aw, boo&y, untethered performances are heralded as real= the abstemious professional is yawned off
the stae.
9!alon ;Cul 05, 0011<
havin the sticky properties of an adhesive
?oads were )uamires where travellers slipped and laboured throuh viscid mud and over icy fords.
92uck, :harles >eville
a comic verse of irreular measure
#e san, with accompanyin action, some do&en verses of doggerel, remarkable for obscenity and
9?itchie, C. %win ;Cames %win<
adroitness in usin the hands
The trick was performed Tuesday by ?ussell 6it&erald, an amateur maician known to open meetins
with a little sleight of hand.
9-ashinton 7ost ;!ep 0F, 0011<
cateory name
,s. ,oss took issue, not surprisinly, with the notion that roupin the performances under the rubric
of spirituality was a marketin ploy.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 00, 0010<
a full supply
+f course at that season, amid the plenitude of seeds, nuts, and berries, they were as plump as
9?eid, ,ayne
a pu&&le where you decode a messae consistin of pictures representin syllables and words
They wrote at times with pictures standin for sounds, as we now write in rebus pu&&les.
97ark, ?obert %&ra
lean and wrinkled by shrinkae as from ae or illness
Nim Con /l may be increasinly wi$ened and frail, with finernails white from kidney disease, but his
propaanda apparatus is as viorous as ever.
9-all !treet Cournal ;,ar 04, 0010<
a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles ;as formed by leaves or flower petals<
The flowers are wa$y, tubular, frarant, turnin their yellow petals backward in a whorl.
9?oers, Culia %llen
noisy )uarrel
+ther cops were battlin each other, oin after the kids and clutchin empty air, cursin and
screamin unheard orders in the fracas.
96reas, Nelly
someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions
Cobs is a classic iconoclast, one who aressively seeks out, attacks, and overthrows conventional
92usiness-eek ;+ct 10, 0010<
bitter or scornful
+nly when 2ill (ihtfoot spoke did he look up, and then with a set sneer, rowin daily more
9Bi$on, ,aynard
an unaccompanied partson for 0 or 1 voices= follows a strict poetic form
>evertheless we learn from ,alve&&i.s publication that the pieces were all written in the madrigal
style, fre)uently in numerous voice parts.
9#enderson, -. C. ;-illiam Cames<
;of e.. speech and writin< tendin to depart from the main point or cover a wide rane of subjects
'Tabloid,* like his previous films, consists larely of lon, discursive conversations 9 in effect
monoloues directed at an unseen, mostly unheard interlocutor.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cul 00, 0011<
a fervent and even militant proponent of somethin
HThe public is oin to just think of us as these $ealots who want to ban smokin everywhere,H he said.
9!eattle Times ;6eb 00, 0011<
not rowin or chanin= without force or vitality
The entertainment sector there is boomin, while 7akistan.s is moribund.
9!eattle Times ;Bec 1, 0011<
a small or moderate or token amount
#e volunteered a modicum of advice, limited in )uantity, but valuable.
92olderwood, ?olf
an idea that is implied or suested
/n Arabic, the word 'bayt* translates literally as house, but its connotations resonate beyond rooms
and walls, summonin lonins athered about family and home.
9>ew Aork Times ;6eb 1D, 0010<
associated by chance and not an interal part
The derivation of the word thus appears to be merely accidental and adventitious.
9!tace, -. T. ;-alter Terence<
difficult to penetrate= incomprehensible to one of ordinary understandin or knowlede
The mystery of verse is like other abstruse and recondite mysteries9it strikes the ordinary fleshly man
as absurd.
9@osse, %dmund
a sliht wind ;usually refreshin<
The dwellins and public buildins throuhout :uba are planned to ive free passae to every $ephyr
that wafts relief from the oppressive heat.
cancel officially
/n the midst of e$ecutin this order, he ot another order countermanding it, and proceedin directly
from his direct superior.
92elloc, #ilaire
tendin to find and call attention to faults
,iss 2urton had been very irritable and captious in class, more so even than usual, and most of her
aner was vented upon @erry.
9:haundler, :hristine
havin the same ancestral lanuae
The synonyms are also iven in the cognate dialects of -elsh, Armoric, /rish, @aelic, and ,an$,
showin at one view the connection between them.
9Cenner, #enry
a person from whom you are descended
#is forebears were @reek immirants who opened a small sandwich shop in 2rooklyn, then moved,
one after another, to 7rovidence, to sell distinct, delectable wieners.
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 0", 0010<
very thin especially from disease or huner or cold
#e looked aunt and cadaverous, and much of his old reckless joyousness had left him, thouh he
brihtened up wonderfully on seein an old friend.
9Boyle, A. :onan
to force onto another
,r. Nnoll added that the 1-B '!tar -ars* movies are not 'oin to be foisted on anybody aainst their
9>ew Aork Times ;!ep 0F, 0010<
mental infirmity as a conse)uence of old ae= sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
#e is, as you say, a senile old man in his dotage.
9-ilco$, %lla -heeler
a connected series or roup
>umerous innovators are also worryin away at this nexus of problems.
9%conomist ;Apr 0D, 0011<
characteri&ed by aner
Conathan, choleric with indination, stood by his desk, clenchin his hands.
9,ills, -eymer Cay
make false by mutilation or addition= as of a messae or story
2ut the fact remains that the contradictory and inconsistent thins said do reach the public, and usually
in garbled and distorted form.
;used with reard to ideali&ed country life< idyllically rustic
6orty-four years ao, 2ill !ievers moved into his neo-:olonial house in Boulaston, Iueens, on
bucolic 7oplar !treet, lined with stately trees and e)ually stately homes.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ar 04, 0010<
the outcome of a comple$ se)uence of events
!uppose the truly apocalyptic denouement happens -- no deal is reached, and ta$es rise for everyone.
9!alon ;>ov 10, 0010<
a feelin of ill will arousin active hostility
The youthful savaes had each an armful of snowballs, and they were peltin the child with more
animus than seemed befittin.
9,urray, Bavid :hristie
unrestrained, especially with reard to feelins
#e had overweening ambitions even then, alon with a hihly developed sense of his own importance.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 1F, 0010<
someone new to a field or activity
As yet he was merely a tyro, ainin practical e$perience under a veteran Reppelin commander.
9-esterman, 7ercy 6. ;7ercy 6rancis<
dress or room with elaborate care
#e preened on fiht nihts in a tu$edo, a bow tie and no shirt, and he favored showy rins and
9>ew Aork Times ;Cul 0", 0011<
liberality in bestowin ifts= e$tremely liberal and enerous of spirit
After bein saved by overnment largesse, they say, bi banks then moved to thwart reforms aimed at
preventin future meltdowns caused by e$cessive risk-takin.
9>ew Aork Times ;Cul 1", 0011<
ood at rememberin
The child was very sharp, and her memory was e$tremely retentive.
9?owlands, %ffie Adelaide
reatly e$ceedin bounds of reason or moderation
6or enerations in the >ew Aork :ity public schools, this has become the norm with devastatin
conse)uences rooted in unconscionable levels of student failure.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov ", 0011<
frivolous banter
/t was preposterous to talk to her of serious thins, and nothin but an airy badinage seemed possible
in her company.
9,auham, -. !omerset ;-illiam !omerset<
devoid of feelin and consciousness and animation
,en also are those brutal soldiers, alike stupidly ready, at the word of command, to drive the nail
throuh )uiverin flesh or insensate wood.
9!towe, #arriet 2eecher
a fro&en dessert made primarily of fruit juice and suar, but also containin milk or e-white or
H+ne person said it looks like a bi lime sherbet ice cream coneOH
9!outhern (ivin ;Apr 0D, 0010<
marked by utter beninity= resemblin or befittin an anel or saint
!he do&ed at last, her face serene and beatific.
92each, ?e$ %llinwood
cause to be confused emotionally
They were marchin in the middle of the street, chantin and sinin and disruptin traffic while
countless >ew Aorkers looked on, some bemused, others applaudin.
9Time ;+ct 0D, 0011<
a miniature model of somethin
The buildin, he said, is Ha microcosm of what !hanhai was all about.H
9-all !treet Cournal ;Apr 10, 0010<
not produced by natural forces
/ndeed, the :hinese make a factitious cheese out of peas, which it is difficult to discriminate from the
article of animal oriin.
9:ameron, :harles Ale$ander, !ir
have the idea for
,r. (ucas3s most recent project, still gestating, is a collaboration with :uban musicians.
9>ew Aork Times ;,ay F, 0011<
speak unfavorably about
6or @rover :leveland there were no loner enemies to traduce and vilify.
9!traus, +scar !.
a measurin instrument for measurin the anular distance between celestial objects= resembles an
6or e$ample, a sextant could be used to siht the sun at hih noon in order to determine one3s latitude.
9!cientific American ;,ar D, 0010<
the arranement of the hair ;especially a woman.s hair<
They sat down, and !aint-:lair noticed his friend.s coiffure= a sinle rose was in her hair.
9,JrimJe, 7rosper
easily influenced
'The Americans are seen as naVve malleable tools in the hands of the 2rits.*
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 10, 0011<
havin e$cessive asymmetrical ornamentation
The upper part of the case is decorated with elaborately carved and ilt rococo motifs.
92edini, !ilvio A.
become productive or fruitful
Thence they row, e$pand, fructify, and the result is 7roress.
9!tanton, %li&abeth :ady
someone who rejects all theories of morality or reliious belief
'#e3s a loner nihilist who believes in nothin,* ,r. (u said.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 4, 0011<
omission or suppression of parts of words or sentences
#e speaks in ellipses, often leavin sentences hanin, and fiddles apoloetically with his 2lack2erry.
9The @uardian ;Cun 0D, 0010<
a tanible symbol sinifyin approval or distinction
The >obel 7ri&e, considered one of the hihest accolades in literature, is iven only to livin writers.
9!eattle Times ;+ct 4, 0011<
a supplement to a will= a testamentary instrument intended to alter an already e$ecuted will
The codicil to her will, which she had spoken of with so much composure, left three hundred pounds to
!tella and me.
96otherill, Cessie
be aitated
(ike thousands of fellow students, he was roiled with emotions, strulin to come to rips with an
inescapable reality.
9>ew Aork Times ;>ov 04, 0011<
lofty in style
A lare part of his duties will be to strut about on the stae, and mouth more or less unintelliible
sentences in a grandilo!uent tone.
9!mith, Arthur #.
lackin worth or importance
2ut as the months went by, ,r. Nimura had an une$pected epiphanyG #is business, which he thouht
was inconse!uential, mattered to a lot of people.
9-all !treet Cournal ;>ov 11, 0011<
the property of ivin off bubbles
2oth were in the very sparkle and effervescence of that fanciful lee which bubbles up from the
olden, untried fountains of early childhood.
9!towe, #arriet 2eecher
deprive of strenth or efficiency= make useless or worthless
6ar from bein enines of economic rowth, %ypt.s leadin cities are stultified.
9/nc ;6eb 10, 0011<
lare deep servin dish with a cover= for servin soups and stews
!oups are presented in bi tureens and can be )uite ood.
9>ew Aork Times ;Apr 11, 0010<
;of lanuae< transparently clear= easily understandable
:aribou /sland is a scant 100 paes, and written in prose as pellucid as the rivers he used to fish as a
9The @uardian ;Can 1, 0011<
any areeable ;pleasin and harmonious< sounds
/t depends somewhat on usae and on euphony or areeableness of sound.
9#amilton, 6rederick -. ;6rederick -illiam<
bein of )uestionable authenticity reminded of the story, possibly apocryphal, that they used to play the 2each 2oys. !miley !mile
in psychiatric wards to calm patients.
9The @uardian ;Can 00, 0011<
precisely accurate
6or proof, we cite the followin veracious narrative, which bears within it every internal mark of truth,
and matter for rave and serious reflection.
9?oby, Cohn
havin branches or flower heads that bend downward
And all around, far out of reach, the trees of the forest were swayin restlessly, their lon, pendulous
branches, like tentacles, lashin out hunrily.
92ates, #arry
an e$planation or critical interpretation ;especially of the 2ible<
/ts musical sinificance has been presented with illuminatin exegesis by more than one commentator.
96orkel, Cohann >ikolaus
a foul-smellin outflow or vapor ;especially a aseous waste<
#owever, actin on my best judment, / struck a downward course, and then suddenly a horrible
effluvium was wafted to my nostrils.
9,itford, 2ertram
bein of strikin appropriateness and pertinence
#e was )uite capable of meaninful, apposite phrases about the ame, even thouh distant sports
editors did not encourae them enouh.
9The @uardian ;Au 1D, 0010<
havin the sticky properties of an adhesive
!luish, blind crawlin thins like three-foot slus flowed across their path and amon the tree trunks,
leavin viscous trails of slime behind them.
someone who dislikes people in eneral
And shakin his head like a misanthrope, disusted, if not with life, at least with men, 7atout led the
horse to the stable.
9Bumas pWre, Ale$andre
someone who makes wine
The )uestion remains, he said, whether established vintners will chane their winemakin practices or
'continue to sell their schlock.*
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct 08, 0010<
idyllically calm and peaceful= suestin happy tran)uillity
#e now seemed to have entered on a halcyon period of life9conenial society, romantic and
interestin surroundins.
9Nennard, >ina #.
suestin human characteristics for animals or inanimate thins
The same anthropomorphic fallacy that accords human attributes to iant corporations like 27 distorts
clear thinkin about how to limit their political influence.
9!alon ;Cul 0D, 0010<
ostentatiously lofty in style
#is waspish wit can make him entertainin company at a party, but there is little evidence of that in his
larely turgid prose.
9The @uardian ;Cul 18, 0010<
physical discomfort ;as mild sickness or depression<
/nitially, many doctors discounted sufferers3 feelins of enerali&ed malaise as nothin more than stress
or normal fatiue.
9Time ;Bec 00, 0011<
of or involvin dispute or controversy
#is works include several domatic and polemical treatises, but the most important are the historical.
a persistently annoyin person
,r. 7helps is rearded here as the ultimate e$ample of an irritatin local gadfly.
9>ew Aork Times ;+ct F, 0010<
a reappearance of an earlier characteristic
:riminal atavism miht be defined as the sporadic reversion to savaery in certain individuals.
9!ymonds, Cohn Addinton
an injury that doesn.t break the skin but results in some discoloration
,y fallin companion, bein a much stouter man than myself did not fare so well, as his riht shoulder
received a severe contusion.
92evan, A. 2eckford
e$cessively unwillin to spend
7ill-splittin is catchin on amon parsimonious prescription-takers who want to lower costs.
96orbes ;,ar ", 0010<
pleasin to the ear
%ver and anon the dulcet murmur of urlin streams broke ently on the ear.
9,adison, (ucy 6oster
repeat an earlier theme of a composition
The live set reprises material from this remarkable roup.s earlier Aurora :B.
9The @uardian ;Can 4, 0011<
capable of relievin pain
2ut philosophy failed, as it will probably fail till some far-off ae, to find an anodyne for the spiritual
distresses of the mass of men.
9Bill, !amuel
perple$ed by many conflictin situations or statements= filled with bewilderment
They were marchin in the middle of the street, chantin and sinin and disruptin traffic while
countless >ew Aorkers looked on, some bemused, others applaudin.
9Time ;+ct 0D, 0011<

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