2014 RBIA Newsletter

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This winter was a particularly

hard winter on our communi-

tys water infrastructure.
Several serious water main
breaks plagued our neighbor-
hood, several of which lasted
for days before city crews re-
sponded to repair them. They
caused road flooding, water
pressure issues, road icing,
outages, and big inconvenienc-
es for our residents!
RBIA / TPIA took action,
and realized that short-term
fixes to this widespread prob-
lem weren't going to cut it any-
more, and that our community
deserved better. With that, we
put pen to paper and reach out
to our elected officials Coun-
cilwoman Cathy Bevins and
County Execuitive Kevin
Kamenetz, along with the Di-
rector of Public Works for Bal-
timore County.
We asked that the county con-
duct a thorough inspection of
the water lines that service our
community, and give consider-
ation to undertaking a capital
improvement project to replace
them, as it affects the quality of
life for our residents, and holds
our community back from revi-
The County Executive,
Councilwoman Bevins, and the
Director of Public Works all
agreed, and informed us that
the Turkey Point Peninsula,
which is currently serviced by
water lines in excess of 60
years old, will have all of its
water lines replaced, at no cost
to our residents, and without an
increase in property taxes.
The lines on Greyhound
Road and Rosalie Avenue will
be replaced first, as they are in
the worst condition. Following
the replacement of those lines,
Rockaway Beach Ave.,
Beach Ave., Sue Grove Road,
Seneca Road, Turkey Point
Road, and Beck Avenue. Those
streets will have their lines re-
placed by the end of 2016, as
that portion of the project will be
funded by the countys FY 2015
capital budget.
RBIA / TPIA shared the news
of the project at a special meet-
ing held in March. At that meet-
ing, Councilwoman Bevins was
also presented with a letter of
appreciation honoring her for her
assistance with securing the wa-
ter line replacement project, as
well as her offices unparalleled
commitment to excellence in
constituent service.
The remaining portion of the
peninsula, not receiving water
line replacement are serviced by
lines that are newer and that are
in significantly better condition
that those being replaced.
Water Line Replacement for Turkey Point Peninsula
Community Newsletter
R O C K A W A Y B E A C H I M P R O V E M E N T A S O C . I N C .
T U R K E Y P O I N T I M P R O V E M E N T A S S O C .
C / O : 2 0 2 3 N E W H A V E N D R I V E
B A L T I M O R E , M D 2 1 2 2 1
Summer 2014

Kim GoodwinMaigetter
Bob Schweitzer
Vice President
Kevin McDonough
Secretary / Web Administrator
Janice Misey
Chip Miller
Sergeant at Arms
Connect with us!

RockawayBeach TurkeyPoint
Rockaway Beach used to be
the loading point for a ferry
that shuttled passengers to
Baltimore Yacht Club before
Sue Island was connected to
land and a roadway built!
Greyhound Road and Rosalie
Avenue have suffered many
major water main breaks over
A major water main break
occurred in the 700 block of
Sue Grove Road in early 2014.
Visit us online: WWW.TURKEYPOINT.ORG
Prepared & Designed by: Kevin McDonough - Edited by: Kim Goodwin-Maigetter
RBIA / TPIA presented Council-
woman Bevins with a letter of
appreciation for her assistance
with our water line project.
Its that time of year again!
The RBIA/TPIA Annual Labor
Day Raffle is getting ready to
kick into full swing! As has
been done in the past two years,
donations were solicited from
local businesses to use as prizes
for our communitys raffle. We
are very thankful to them for
their donations, sincerely ap-
preciate our partnership with
each one of them and urge you
to patronize them with your
Each household in our com-
munity will be given one book
of five raffle tickets to sell to
benefit the community, Mem-
bers are encouraged to sell a
minimum of 10 tickets. Tickets
are $1.00 each. If each house-
hold in our community sells
just simply $5.00 worth of tick-
ets, we could easily generate
over $1,000 from this years
raffle. Last year came extreme-
ly close with a total just shy of
$1,000 .
All proceeds from the Raffle
are used to cover the general
operating expense of the Im-
provement Association, as out-
lined in our budget and to un-
dertake small scale community
projects from time to time
such as our recent storm drain
painting Save the Bay pro-
Raffle Drawing will be held on
the grounds of Eastern Yacht
club at 7:00pm on Labor Day.
Residents of the community are
welcome to come and watch
the drawing and have a drink at
the Tiki-Bar!

Or mail donations to:

Attn: Middle River Fireworks
2330 Seneca Road
Essex, MD 21221
While neither is currently for
sale, we continue to monitor the
Bills Property (across from
Balto. Boating Ctr.) as well as
the Edgar Grove Property (both
Sides of Edgar Ave.).
A few foreclosure properties,
still remain vacant and have yet
to be officially listed. Many of
these properties have been va-
cant for several years. It is our
hope that the recovering real
estate market will potentially
encourage those banks holding
on to those to list them, so that
they can be purchased and re-
habbed back to livable condi-
In an effort to continue to
keep our community looking
nice, and to keep home prices
high we have taken proactive
steps to combat problem prop-
erties, eyesore properties, and
blatant county code violations.
While many older communities
tend to be more passive with
allowing these sorts of things to
slide we feel it important that
we should do everything in out
power to keep the Turkey Point
Peninsula looking absolutely
beautiful! That said, we have
developed a great working rela-
tionship with the Baltimore
County Department of Permits
Approvals and Inspections,
particularly with their code
enforcement division.

Real Estate on the peninsula
has been holding steady. The
new development, the Cottages
at Normans Creek has been
selling well, with prices for
duplexes starting at $250,000+
and single family homes selling
in the $350,000+ range .
Our community continues to
remain desirable from a home
buying standpoint, as several
high dollar homes have recently
sold, as well as several modest-
ly priced single family homes
and townhomes on the Turkey
Point Peninsula.
With the uptick in the real
estate market, we do have a
growing concern about impend-
ing developments of several
properties that have been on
our radar for years. The Mantz
Property (1630 Turkey Point
Road) has been placed up for
sale again this time at its low-
est price to date since original
purchase. The Schweitzer
property also remains listed on
the market.
Real Estate Round-Up
Annual Labor Day Raffle
Community Newsletter info@turkeypoint.org
Page 2
We are always looking to
compile an archive of old
photographs from around
the peninsula. Submit yours
Drop us an e-mail or give us
a call. All photos are re-
turned once copies are made.
EYC Event Calendar
**Tickets available!
June 5th8th
Opening Weekend
July 5th
Middle River Fireworks**
August 23rd
Blues & Wine Festival **
Sept 21st
Family Day Picnic
October 11th
Gulls Crab Feast
Volunteers painted storm drains on
the peninsula with Save the Bay
messages and nautical artwork!
(D), Ron Yeatman (D), and Joe
DiCara (D), among other can-
Your county Council repre-
sentative works hand in hand
with the association to help
better our community, address
issues, and solve problems.
Make sure to vote, and to vote
in someone who will do good
things for our community!
Due to the overwhelming
success of the event, and the
strong interest from the com-
munity to have another event
similar to it, we will be sched-
uling another community His-
tory Luncheon in the fall.
This Luncheon will offer
some fresh topics relating to the
history of the area, such as
Ballestone Mansion, Essex
History, Back River Neck
Church, along with tons more!
We hope to add some different
speakers and be able to share
more photos and home movies
of events that happened in the
Information on a date, ticket
price, venue, and menu will be
solidified soon and will be
shared once we have then avail-
able! The event will most likely
be held in the fall.
Please consider joining us! Its
a great way to learn more about
your neighborhood and to inter-
act with your neighbors!

This year will mark the 18th
Annual Middle River Fire-
works Extravaganza. The
event, is organized by Eastern
Yacht Club, with the help of
the Rockaway Beach Improve-
ment Association. The fire-
works are presented by Benjer
Inc., which is the title sponsor
of the event. Several major
businesses sponsor the fire-
works including: Paypal, The
Arbors at Baltimore Cross-
roads, Greenleigh at Cross-
roads, Access Demolition
Company, Peterbilt Trucks,
Bobcat of Baltimore, Rosedale
Federal Savings and Loan, and
Pizza Johns.
Last year, residents from the
Turkey Point Peninsula were
able to collectively donate over
$6,000 to the Middle River
Fireworks! We STRONGLY
ENCOURAGE all of our resi-
dents to make a contribution to
help fund the Middle River
Fireworks, and keep this time
honored tradition alive and
It is an expensive show to
put on, costing close to
$30,000. The event is a charity
event though, as the proceeds
from the event go to Project No
Person Left Behind, which is a
Maryland based charity that
supports wounded United
States Veterans, that live in
Maryland. Last year, we were
able to make a $4,000 donation
to help our veterans and thank
them for fighting for our na-
tions freedom and giving us a
reason to celebrate Independ-
ence day!
You can make a donation to
support the fireworks (any
amount is helpful! Even if it is
just $25) by mailing a check to:
Middle River Fireworks
2330 Seneca Road
Essex, MD 21221
You can also make a donation
using your credit card online:
Or call Kevin @ 443-768-0221

Millers Island, Sparrows Point,
The seat on the County Council
that represents District 7 is
currently up for grabs in the
upcoming election. Several
people have throwing their hat
in the ring to take a stab at try-
ing to win that seat, including
Todd Crandell (R),
Scott Holupka (D), Brian Weir
For the last decade our commu-
nity has been a part of Council-
manic District 6, which is rep-
resented by Councilwoman
Cathy Bevins. As a result of the
2010 census, our community
has been re-districted and will
no longer be considered a part
of the 6th District, but instead
will be included in the 7th Dis-
trict which includes Dundalk,
In March, we held our first ever
Community History Lunch-
eon at the Eastern Yacht Club,
which was catered by Norris
Seafood. Close to 100 people
packed the room to listen as
speakers engaged in discussion
about the history of the Essex /
Middle River area. Former
Delegate Nancy Hubers, Paul
Blitz (Heritage Society), Eve-
lyn Reed, and Lillian Amtman
served as our panelists, leading
discussion and fielding ques-
tions from the audience.
Were Now In County Council District 7
Community History LuncheonPart 2
Middle River Fireworks Donations Needed!
Community Newsletter info@turkeypoint.org
Page 3
It is against the law to ride ATVs
and Dirt bikes on public roads, on
private property without the writ-
ten and signed consent of the
owner, and to operate them within
300ft of a residence.
All residents are urged to call
seeing ATVs or Dirt Bikes in the
community. It is not just a public
safety issue, but they are damag-
ing environmentally sensitive
areas and are TRESPASSING!
ATVs & Dirt Bikes
Bauernschmidt Manor Mansion
Submitted by: Keith Roberts
We are always looking for volun-
teers to help us out with every-
thing from handling community
issues to distributing flyers and
newsletters. Even a half hour of
your time is appreciated!

Dumpster Day
SatAugust 23rd
At the Baltimore Boating Center

Sponsored by:
rentals daily for anyone inter-
ested in venturing out on their
own to get a great workout and
explore Sue Creek!
Fore details regarding rental
prices, policies, info on guided
excursions, lessons, etc. please
contact the Baltimore Boating
via telephone at: 410-687-2000

otherwise have to be taken to
the landfill.
This years event is sponsored
by the Baltimore Boating Cen-
ter, and will be held on their
grounds on Saturday, August
23rd. Volunteers will engage in
community clean-up activities
and help unload residents cars.
BBC will be providing refresh-
ments for all of our volunteers!
This a wonderful event, and we
encourage all residents to take
advantage of this opportunity,
or use it as a chance to
Last year, we brought back a
time honored community tradi-
tion, the Rockaway Beach Im-
provement Association Sum-
mer Block Party! It was a
HUGE success, with over 50 in
attendance, great food, wonder-
ful music and a beautiful day
up on our community field.
Again this year, we will con-
tinue that tradition and will be
hosting our 2nd Annual RBIA
Block Party on the Associa-
tions field along Rockaway
Beach Avenue. This years
event will be scheduled towards
the later part of summer. The
association will supply drinks,
burgers and hot dogs. We ask
that those attending bring with
them a covered dish, chips, or a
dessert to share!
This event is completely
free, we just ask that you RSVP
to let us know that you are
It is expected to be an even-
ing filled with food, fun, neigh-
bors, and celebrating the great
community that we all have the
privilege of calling home!
Ample parking on the field is
available, and there will be
plenty of tables and chairs!
Keep a lookout for the invite!!
for the residents of our area.
The Baltimore Boating Center
is now the proud home of Mid-
dle River Stand-Up Paddle
Very similar to Kayaking,
(except that you are standing
while rowing) Stand Up Paddle
Boarding is very simple and
provides a Great workout and a
unique way to explore our
neighborhoods gorgeous wa-
MRSUP will be hosting once
weekly guided excursions in
Sue Creek, as well as providing
The Baltimore Boating Center,
located along Turkey Point
Road, just below Old Turkey
Point Road is a small family
owned and operated marina
nestled on about 4 acres along
Beautiful Sue Creek with
longstanding ties to our com-
While the boating Center is
making amazing strides in go-
ing green as a recycling drop
off site for used oil, zinc, shrink
wrap, aluminum cans, plastic
bottles, and paint it also making
some impressive strides in be-
coming a recreational hotspot
Once again this year, our com-
munity is scheduled to take part
in Baltimore Countys Annual
Community Clean-Up Pro-
gram, by providing Dumpsters
for the use of ALL residents on
the peninsula to get rid of gen-
eral household items that would
Balto. Boating Ctr. Offers Paddleboard Rentals
Dumpster Day at Balto. Boating Center
RBIA Summer Block Party
Community Newsletter info@turkeypoint.org
Page 4
The Primary Election is on
June 24th this year!
Our communitys poling
place is at Chesapeake High
School. We encourage you to
get out and do your civic duty
to vote for those who will
represent us! This is an im-
portant election, as we are
voting for local offices
(State and County).
Dont Forget!
Middle River Stand-Up Paddle
Board Rentals
Baltimore Boating Center
Encourage your
neighbors to become
RBIA members!!!!!
$20 per household
yearly dues

RBIA / TPIA General
Membership Meeting

End of June!

Date to be announced soon!
It is through the hard work and dedication of these individuals that we are able to do all of the great things we do for our community.
We would like to sincerely thank.
Scott Huffines for donating his time and talents as our go-to guy for anything tech oriented and for providing us with such an amazing web-
Janice Misey, Bob Schweitzer, Jack Weiland, Woody & Unvi Proveaux, Brian & Diane Robertson , Joe Eiben, Norman Jackson and
Brittany Neff for their help keeping Turkey Point Road and Bauernschmidt Drive clean and litter free!
Chip Miller & Karl Dudek for cleaning up the Community beach property this spring of old tires and debris!
Nina Cheeks for keeping an eye on and policing our RBIA Ball-Field property!
Darlene Baugher, Janice Misey and Fred Puhl for the work on keeping the Rockaway sign well landscaped and beautiful!
Terry Gerard for his assistance with tax filing for the 2013 fiscal year.
Kim Goodwin for all of her work as our President. She devotes countless hours to RBIA and is often an unsung hero!
Kevin McDonough for all that he does to address complaints, concerns, issues, and keep things running smoothly.
Barb Norris, Mike & Rebecca Machin, and Terry & Mary Gerard for assembly and distribution of newsletters, flyers and publications
throughout the year.
Woody & Unni Proveaux, Rebecca Machin & Mia, Trish & Mike & Lauren McDonough, Joe Eiben, Jeanine, and Brian & Diane Robertson
for their help with painting and cleaning storm drains in the community!
Councilwoman Cathy Bevins Office, and County Exec. Kevin Kamenetzs Office for assisting us with complaints and issues throughout the
City Council President Jack Youngs Office for their assistance with water main breaks in our community.
Jim High, Brenda Wilmoth, Sue Kane and the Baltimore Boating Center for agreeing to host this years Dumpster Day and Movie Night at
the Boating Center! (Looking forward to it!!!)
Eastern Yacht Club for allowing use of their clubhouse for all of our meetings.
Heritage Society of Essex & Middle River, Nancy Hubers, Lillian Amtman, Evelyn Reed, & Paul Blitz for their assistance with our
Community History Luncheon
Our members and residents you all truly make this community the fantastic place that it is! Thank you for always volunteering and being
actively engaged in your community. It is truly a privilege to be able to work with such great people!
Thank Yous-
Turkey Point Trivia
How well do you know your neighborhood history? Try your hand at answering some of the questions below! (answers upside down)
1.) What well known Baltimore philanthro-
pist used to own land on the Turkey Point
Peninsula? _______________

2.) In what year was the Rockaway Beach
Improvement Association formed?

3.) What was the name of the bootlegger
who used to live on Sue Island, where pre-
sent day Baltimore Yacht Club sits?

4.) The wooded area just before Chesa-
peake High School on Turkey Point Road
used to be used as a farm for what kind of
animal? ____________________________
5.) TRUE or FALSE The Building
which houses Norris Seafood was once a
small neighborhood bar.

6.) What was the name of the restaurant in
Rockaway Beach, before it was Kristis

7.) Name the resident who was instrumental
in lobbying for sewerage to be installed in
the 1990s? ________________________

8.) TRUE or FALSE A canoe club used
to be housed in Rockaway Beach many
years ago? _________________

9.) Bobby Berger, owner of Bobby Bs
Palace is famous for this impersonation of
a famous singer? __________________
10.) Where was this building located?

A n s w e r s :
1 . ) E n o c h P r a t t 2 . ) 1 9 5 5 3 . ) S m o o t y
M a t t e s 4 . ) P o n i e s / H o r s e s 5 . ) T R U E 6 . )
G l o r i e s P l a c e 7 . ) J o h n L i n z 8 . ) T R U E
9 . ) A l J o l s o n 1 0 . ) O n t h e R B I A F i e l d .
F r o m t h e 6 0 s - 8 0 s R B I A h a d t h e i r o w n
c a t e r i n g h a l l !
2015 Turkey Point Road
Maryland Burglar
Alarm Co.

629 Eastern Blvd
Essex, MD 21221
Jiffy Lube #100
213 Eastern Boulevard
Essex, MD 21221

Chip & Sharon Miller
The following businesses are supporters of our community
Please patronize them with your business! They all have our highest recommendations
The following businesses are supporters of our community
Please patronize them with your business! They all have our highest recommendations
Crumbs Galore
7931 Pulaski Hwy.
Balto. MD, 21237
749 SUE GROVE ROAD - Baltimore, MD 21221
113 Back River Neck Road
WingPics Aerial Photography

Ron BergmanOwner & Photographer



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