Plant Equipment

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1. Property of a capital nature (including movable assets, machine tools, test equipment,
furniture, vehicles, and accessory and auxiliary items) for use in manufacturing supplies,
in performing services, or for any administrative or general plant purpose. .
1. (Industrial product) Industrial production is a measure of output of the industrial sector
of the economy. The industrial sector includes manufacturing, mining, and utilities. ...
hat Is an !xample of an Industrial Product"
#n industrial product is any item that is used in manufacturing or industry. !xamples $ill
vary according to the type of product being manufactured. %ome common examples
include carts or dollies, tapes or adhesives, ladders, lifts, storage loc&ers, cabinets, and
scaffolding. 'ther industrial products are personal protection equipment, office supplies,
light fixtures, or tools.
Industrial products refer to goods produced in a factory $ith the use of machinery and
(rom food and clothes, to computers and cars, industrial products are today not only an
important part of people)s lives, but also the base of many countries) economy.
*iscrete manufacturing is an industry term for the manufacturing of finished products that are
distinct items capable of being easily counted, touched or seen. In theory, a discrete product can
be bro&en do$n at the end of its lifecycle so its basic components can be recycled. #n
automobile is a product of discrete manufacturing.
*iscrete manufacturing can be contrasted $ith process manufacturing. In process manufacturing,
the product is created by using a formula or recipe to refine ra$ ingredients and the final product
cannot be bro&en do$n to its basic components. #spirin is a product of process manufacturing.
Discrete manufacturing is the production of distinct items. #utomobiles, furniture, toys,
smartphones, and airplanes are examples of discrete manufacturing products. The resulting
products are easily identifiable and differ greatly from process manufacturing $here the products
are undifferentiated, for example oil, natural gas and salt.
Industry Profile + *iscrete ,anufacturing includes ma&ers of consumer electronics, computer
and accessories, appliances, and other household items, as $ell as -big tic&et. consumer and
commercial goods li&e cars and airplanes. *iscrete ,anufacturing companies ma&e physical
products that go directly to businesses and consumers, and assemblies that are used by other

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