HUC722 Discussion3 Review Kirti

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The Sociology of Conversion

Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 10 (1984)

- David A. Snow and Richard Machalek

This article reviews recent research on religious conversion, particularly within the context of new religious
movements. It addresses three fundamental issues pertinent to the study of conversion: first, the conceptualization
and nature of conversion; second, the analytic status of converts' accounts; and third, the causes of conversion. The
chapter concludes with a proposed agenda for subsequent research on conversion and related topics.
The review discussed the above 3 facets in light of recent scholarship and research and to suggest a range of questions
and directives for future research. The purpose of this review seems to inspect and evaluate the extensive recent
research, as well as the earlier literature, in order to assess what is known about conversion.
In Conceptualization of conversion the author states that the recent literature is devoted to pinpointing the causes of
conversion without having conceptualized it clearly , in this part the author critically examined the traditional and
implicit conceptions of conversion and assess the few existing conceptual works. Our objective is to develop an
understanding of conversion that lends itself to empirical investigation. The first thing which comes under this study is
conversion as a radical personal change where the author reviewed about various works which distinguish between
conversion and adhesion. Secondly the article discussed as conversion as a change of ones universe of discourse
which states that something more than fundamental beliefs changes when someone undergo conversion. Viewed in
this light, conversion concerns not only a change in values, beliefs, and identities, but more fundamentally and
significantly, it entails the displacement of one universe of discourse by another
The second main issue in the study of conversion is the analytical status if converts account; the author reviewed that
most of the study takes converts verbal account true and reliable, but some have actually challenged and work to
analyze the converts data. This further explains about the socially constructed Character of Converts' Accounts and
The Temporal Variability of Converts' Accounts
The third phase studied The cause of conversion where the Induced effect on the convert from the outer society and
the converts own personal and psychological state has been discussed. Apart from this another cause of conversion is
also been reviewed which says: A third set of causes often held accountable for conversion includes situational factors
that induce tension. These can include marital strain, the loss of a family member, change or loss of a job, the
pressures of higher education, or any of a number of other tensions.
Reviewed by: Kirti, 2010CH10084

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