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Inflammation is the body's first line of defense against infection, irritation, and injury; a response to

neutralize/destroy injurious pathogens, create a barrier to limit injury, set cells and factors in place for
healing, and alert the host to injury.
This is done by white blood cells and CIC Circulatory Immune Comple!" protein chains, the
former tagging the irritations" to direct the latter to what damage needs to be repaired. This is #nown
as $cute Inflammation, most%commonly recognized by swelling, s#in redness, loss of function, and
pain, and is a natural occurrence.
It's when the condition becomes chronic that it's seriously harmful to o&erall health. Chronic
Inflammation is when the healing agents are released needlessly due to persistent stimulus, resulting in
attac#s on the arteries, joints, muscles, brain, and internal organs. If left untreated for too long, it can
lead to an arrange of diseases and conditions such as' cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, heart disease,
arthritis, and more. (arious irritants can cause the immune system to become confused and e!pel
e!cess white blood cells into the bloodstream, where they no longer ha&e any injurious pathogens to
attac# and thus e!aggerates minor injuries, irritations, and infections. )hen you wal#, they thin# your
legs are suffering and attac# the joints and muscles, for e!ample.
The leading cause of Chronic Inflammation is dietary imbalance, where the effected person eats
processed &egetable oils in e!cess. These include most salad dressings, french fries, crac#ers, chips,
coo#ies, powder coffee creamer, etc.
This is not the only cause, howe&er. $ long term or lingering low grade infection can cause the
same reaction, where the white blood cells are continually being released but in too great a number now
and the same effect as stated abo&e ta#es place. $ person allergic to gluten wheat, barley, and rye" but
eats it anyway will cause an inflaming of their gut, where the white blood cells will become confused
and attac# throughout the digesti&e tract. Ingesting hea&y metals, pesticides, or chemicals will cause
the same reaction. $n inflammation of the gut can also lead to the classic 'beer gut', and onwards to
obesity if left untreated.
Immune dysregulation, howe&er unli#ely, can also cause prolonged acti&e inflammation, where
the body can't discern what is a threat or not. $lso #nown as Immune *ysfunction, is basically an
inappropriate robust, unrestrained, unregulated, or wea# immune system, either o&ercompensating for
its inability to detect infections, irritations, or injuries, or not react at all.
+urther *isease
,o matter the root cause of the Chronic Inflammation, it opens the door for further problems. In
modern )estern culture, where the people eat are e!posed more to these contributing factors, chronic
diseases are also more common. *iagnosis' of autoimmune diseases, heart problems, obesity, and
cancer ha&e increased within the last decades alone to where there is not one $merican that either
doesn't ha&e one of those issues or #nows someone that does. In fact, any condition ending in -itis. or
-osis. are, in some form or another, directly connected to inflammation.
Chronic Inflammation is being diagnosed alongside these conditions more often as well, and the
reason why it escalates to the point of further illness, aside from the fact that doctors weren't being
properly trained in its identification until recently, is because it ta#es place o&er a prolonged period of
time, so can go unnoticed until the person is diagnosed with a different condition or disease. It causes
these conditions most often because it actually distorts the communication ta#ing place in the body
between the &arious systems digesti&e, endocrine, respiratory, cardio&ascular, and central ner&ous
system" and sets it all into a &iscous cycle of increasing a minor form of inflammation past its actual
importance, spreading throughout the body.
/re&ention 0 Treatment
1nli#e some of the conditions it can cause, howe&er, Chronic Inflammation is treatable and re&ersible
with a simple change in diet. The causes listed abo&e ha&e mostly to do with dietary concerns, and
changing the foods you eat will see your immune system up to speed again soon. This can be done by
cutting 'bad fats' from your diet, which can be pro%inflammatory. 2owe&er, there are 'good fats' that are
anti%inflammatory and can actually help protect the body against it. It is all right to eat pro%
inflammatory foods, though in moderation and not in e!cess, which is what most%li#ely caused the
Chronic Inflammation to begin with.
Transition away from inflammatory foods li#e sugar, refined carbs pasta, crac#ers, etc." and
store%bought mil# and meat. Commercial cows are fed a diet of grain and produce e!cessi&e omega%3
fats in their mil#, and lea&ing residual steroids, hormones, and antibiotics in the meat, so it's best to get
mil# and meat from cows that ha&e been grass fed. 4odas and coffees are also acidic foods and should
be cut bac#, since acidity is a major dietary cause of Chronic Inflammation.
The problem with medicinal treatments of Chronic Inflammation, is that con&entional
medicines are symptom specific. In this instance, it is li#ely a doctor would prescribe a person pain
medication or inflammation suppressants as a temporary fi!. If the person in 5uestion has a disease or
condition caused by the inflammation, a doctor specializing on what it affects in the body could &ery
li#ely also prescribe medication to relie&e symptoms and focus on the larger problem.
)hen the proper precautions are ta#en, or a dietary change is ta#en immediately after diagnoses, the
benefits of reducing inflammation are instantaneous and more li#ely to last into the long term. $
person's s#in would loo# younger, mobility would come easier, and allergy symptoms could also
impro&e. The most important bi%product, howe&er, is the lessened ric# of chronic disease.

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