Business Development Framework

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Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.

Assignment Sheet: Business Development Project
Your Name:
Due Dates: Multiple assignments with due dates throughout the term
1. nitial concept: Due week 3, Monday, Jan 21, 10 am to Moodle
!. Business research write"up: Due week 3, Friday, Jan 25, 10 am to Moodle
#. Bus Dev Plan Annotated $utline: Due week 4, Friday, Feb 1, 10 am to Moodle
%. Dra&t Bus Dev Plan 'partial(: Due week 7, Wednesday, Feb 20, 10 am to Moodle
). *inal Bus Dev Plan: Due week 10, Monday, Mar! 11, 10 am to Moodle
+. Presentation: Due week 10, Mar! 11 " 15# $ 20 minute multi%media &resentation o' your
&ro(et# W!at you learned, w!at ot!ers s!ould know )resoures, &roess, et#*
,. Port&olio: Due week 10, Mar! 15, Friday, 10 am# +nlude ea! assi,nment, your 'inal
&ro(et, and your notes 'rom t!is &ro(et in your &ort'olio#

-!e &ur&ose o' t!is assi,nment is to broaden your &ers&eti.e about !ow businesses o&erate, and
!ow to struture a business 'or suess/ to allow you to ,ain a dee&er, more onrete
understandin, o' t!e key one&ts you !a.e been learnin, somew!at abstratly 'rom t!e
readin,s/ and to e0&lore1e0&eriment wit! !ow t!ese one&ts mi,!t &lay out in t!e business
world t!rou,! a .ariety o' .iable a&&roa!es you and your ollea,ues will &ursue in t!is
2a! student will identi'y an industry o' interest, and de.elo& a ustom business de.elo&ment
&lan# We are allin, it a 3business de.elo&ment &lan4 beause it is a skill%buildin, e0erise, and
your &lan may inlude elements o' a 'easibility study, a start%u& business &lan, and a strate,i
&lan wit! an initial set o' &oliies# 5ome elements will be re6uired, ot!ers will be re6uired but
wit! an o&tion de,ree o' de&t! o.ered, and t!e remainin, elements will be o&tional# 7ou may
also some uni6ue elements s&ei'i to your seletion to inlude outside o' t!e elements
&ro.ided !ere#
+n ,rou&s t!e ourse o' t!e term, you will work to &resent your initial and, ideas,
and brainstorm wit! ea! ot!er to assist in ea! ot!ers8 &ro(ets# 9art o' your e.aluation will
inlude t!e e0tent to w!i! you ontributed to your ollea,ues &lannin, &roess and o.erall
suess# 7ou will &resent and turn in t!e 'inal written &ro(et at t!e end o' t!e term#
-eneral nstructions &or written wor.:
:ead t!e entire assi,nment are'ully be'ore you &roeed# ;ut and &aste t!e !eader below,
insertin, t!e a&&ro&riate name o' t!e assi,nment# <e sure to inlude your name and t!e date 'or
ea! assi,nment#
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.2
Business Development Plan
'Assignment Name(
Student Name:
nitial /oncept " nstructions &or written wor.:
=en,t!: 1%2 &a,es, sin,le or 1#5 s&ain,, -imes >ew :oman 12 'ont#
+nlude t!e 'ollowin, in'ormation )ut and &aste t!e bolded !eaders into your doument " do not
inlude t!e instrutions in brakets ?@*:
Business Name: ?identi'y your business name " t!is an !an,e t!e 6uarter@
0eason1Stor2 3ehind name: ?remember t!e story o' t!e name not re'letin, t!e business
itsel', and !ow t!at a''eted t!e ustomers A t!ink about w!y you are !oosin, t!at name, w!at
it re'lets to you, and w!at it will on.ey to ustomers# -!is s!ould be 1%4 sentenes#@
ndustr2 t2pe: ?Bse t!e >$+;5 odes# 9ro.ide t!e 2%di,it ode C name, t!e 3%di,it ode
C name, and 'ull%di,it ode C name#@
Purpose: ?W!at is t!e &ur&ose o' your business " w!y does it e0ist, w!at does it e0ist to
do, !ow will it do itD -!is s!ould be 1%3 sentenes#@
4ocation 5 0ationale: ?W!ere will you loate your businessD <e as s&ei'i as &ossible
'or t!is e0erise " identi'y a state, a re,ion, and a loale# Justi'y your deision# 7ou will need to
resear! t!is deision as you &roeed, and may end u& !an,in, your loation 'urt!er into t!e
&ro(et# Must be in Was!in,ton 5tate 'or t!is e0erise#@
Anticipated 61t2pe o& emplo2ees: ?Minimum o' 4 inludin, yoursel', annot all be
'amily members# 5ome may be &art%time# $t t!is &oint, (ust identi'y t!e number and a title1(ob
identi'iation 'or ea! " t!is too may !an,e later# +' you antii&ate ontratin, out some work,
identi'y t!at work#@
Mission Statement: ?:e.iew 5arborou,! and Eill C Jones readin,s, t!en dra't an initial
mission statement# <ased on t!e readin,s, inlude t!e 'ollowin, in'ormation below your mission
/ustomer -roups: ?W!o is bein, ser.ed1satis'iedD@
/ustomer Needs: ?W!at is bein, &ro.ided1satis'iedD@
Distinctive /ompetencies: ?Eow are ustomers8 needs bein, satis'iedD@
Business research " nstructions &or written wor.:
=en,t!: 2%4 &a,es, sin,le or 1#5 s&ain,, -imes >ew :oman 12 'ont#
:esear! 4 artiles about your business ty&e or industry# Find at least one artile 'rom an
aademi (ournal disussin, some as&et o' your interest )related to t!e business, t!e &otential
ustomers, 'inanial issues, ,lobal issues, te!nolo,y, et#*, and at least one 'rom an industry
assoiation1trade (ournal# >o more t!an two artiles an ome 'rom a news&a&er# $essin,
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.3
anot!er similar business8 annual re&ort is ae&table and enoura,ed# +nlude t!e artiles )not
(ust a !y&erlink* wit! your submittal# 5ubmit your &a&er and assoiated artiles .ia Moodle#
+nlude t!e 'ollowin, in'ormation )ut and &aste t!e bolded !eaders into your doument " do not
inlude t!e instrutions in brakets ?@*# Write u& your 'indin,s 'rom ea! artile in suession#
Your Business Name: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
ndustr2 t2pe: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
Purpose: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
Article title7 author7 date7 source7 source t2pe 8academic journal7 3usiness journal7
newspaper7 annual report7 etc.9:
Similarities with 2our 3usiness:
Di&&erences with 2our 3usiness:
nsights &or 2our 3usiness development plan:
;onlude your &a&er wit! a 1 &ara,ra&! summary o' w!at you learned about t!e soures o'
in'ormation t!at you diso.ered, and !ow t!is mi,!t be use'ul to ontinue to mine i' you were to
&roeed wit! your business idea# Disuss t!e trends, soures o' in'ormation, nature o' t!e
industry, and insi,!ts about !ow best to &osition your business 'or suess 'rom t!e in'ormation
you diso.ered#
Business Development Plan Annotated $utline " nstructions &or written wor.:
=en,t!: 2%4 &a,es, sin,le or 1#5 s&ain,, -imes >ew :oman 12 'ont#
9ro.ide an in an annotated outline 'ormat o' w!at elements you intend to in your
business de.elo&ment &ro(et# +ndiate w!i! elements you antii&ate will be o.ered in ,reater
de&t! and w!i! will be o.ered in minimal de&t!# -!e writin, an be in'ormal, essentially
&ro.idin, a blue&rint o' w!at you antii&ate resear!in,, e0&lorin, and inludin, in your &ro(et#
-!is is a dra't and an !an,e as you &roeed# -!e ,oal is to !el& 'ous your time and e''ort#
+nlude t!e 'ollowin, in'ormation )ut and &aste t!e bolded !eaders into your doument " do not
inlude t!e instrutions in brakets ?@*#
Your Business Name: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
ndustr2 t2pe: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
Purpose: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
Dra&t Bus Dev Plan 'partial( : " nstructions &or written wor.:
=en,t!: 4 )minimum* &a,es, sin,le or 1#5 s&ain,, -imes >ew :oman 12 'ont#
Due week 7, you are to submit your dra't &lan as a !ek%in# Faulty will not read t!is dra't in
de&t!, but san it 'or elements you are workin, on and &ro,ress made to date# 7ou may be asked
to meet wit! 'aulty to disuss your &ro,ress a'ter submittin, t!is assi,nment# 7ou do not need a
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.4 &a,e but you s!ould inlude a dra't table o' ontents )you do not need &a,e numbers yet*
and any a&&endies om&leted at t!at time alon, wit! t!e body o' t!e doument#
+nlude t!e 'ollowin, in'ormation )ut and &aste t!e bolded !eaders into your doument " do not
inlude t!e instrutions in brakets ?@*#
Your Business Name: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
ndustr2 t2pe: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
Purpose: ?-!is may !a.e !an,ed sine your initial one&t " &lease indiate@
Progress to date: ?Write u& 1%3 &ara,ra&!s indiatin, w!at you !a.e om&leted, w!at you are
still workin, on, and !ow t!e &ro(et is omin, alon, to date#@
Project :uestions1concerns: ?+ndiate any 6uestions or onerns you would like 'aulty to
*inal Business Development Project " nstructions &or written wor.:
; &a,e: 9resentation is e.eryt!in,# 9ro.ide an interestin, &a,e t!at inludes your
name, t!e business name, and t!e date#
-able o' ontents: First identi'y t!e <usiness De.elo&ment 9lan, 'ollowed by t!e !eaders 'or t!e
body o' your &lan and &a,e numbers# -!en identi'y t!e $&&endi0, 'ollowed by t!e
!eaders 'or ea! a&&endi0 and related &a,e number# Finally, identi'y -ables and Fi,ures
)title and &a,e*#
<ody o' t!e &lan: 10%20 &a,es, 1#5 s&ain,, -imes >ew :oman 12 'ont# +nlude !eaders,
sub!eaders, tables, ,ra&!s, and ot!er rele.ant data#
First item in body o' &lan: 20euti.e 5ummary )2%3 &a,es*# +nlude bot! a ty&ial
e0euti.e summary o' your &lan )about 1 &a,e*, and t!en !a.e a !eader titled 39lan
Fr,aniGation#4 20&lain to t!e reader )t!e 'aulty member* w!at your &lan inludes " w!at
you !ose to 'ous on, and w!at you s&ei'ially !ose to &ro.ide in%de&t! o.era,e on
in your &lan )e#,#, marketin,, 'inanials, or,aniGational struture, areditation*#
;onlusion: 2.aluation o' your &ro(et C &roess# Desribe !ow .iable your business
mi,!t be in t!e real world )about 1%2 &ara,ra&!s*# Desribe w!at is missin, 'rom t!is
&roess t!at you mi,!t onsider in leadin, an or,aniGation8s business &lan 'or a start%u&
or strate,i &lannin, &roess 'or an e0istin, business#
$&&endies: 5%15 &a,es, an be sin,le or 1#5 s&ain, as needed, ,ra&!s and e0el s&read s!eets
set u& as needed )&ortrait or landsa&e*# <e sure ea! new item in t!e $&&endi0 is
:e6uired elements in your <usiness De.elo&ment 9ro(et 9lan:
Desri&tion, e0&lanation, and &ur&ose o' t!e business1or,aniGation
=e,al struture C ty&e
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.5
;ustomer ,rou&s and needs
Distinti.e om&eteny and om&etiti.e ad.anta,e
Feasibility disussion )inl# bus# resear! 'indin,s* C 9orter8s 5 'ores model
<usiness model statement
Fr,aniGational struture and ulture
Ioals, Fb(, and 5trate,ies
Finanial &lan C 2%year 'inanials
9er'ormane measures C 'eedbak me!anisms
20it &lan
Follow eit!er t!e business &lan )below, $brams, or <:;*, strate,i &lan, or non%&ro'it
&lan basi struture F: a ombination o' elements a&&ro.ed 'rom t!e $nnotated Futline
+n addition )not noted below*:
o +nlude disussion o' re,ulations t!at a&&ly to your business1or,aniGation,
inludin, t!e =C+ re6uirements 'rom t!e works!o&
o $ &ersonnel de.elo&ment C suession &lan
o $ te!nolo,y &lan )!ow te!nolo,y will be used1inte,rated1ke&t urrent*
o +denti'iation o' assoiations a&&ro&riate 'or your business to onsider (oinin,
o +denti'iation o' areditation1erti'iation your business mi,!t onsider
Presentation " nstructions &or &inal presentation:
7our &resentation is to be between 15%20 minutes ea! " &ratieJ -imer will sto&
&resentation at 20 minutes# 9resentations less t!an about 15 minutes will be onsidered
inom&lete ,i.en all t!e as&ets you were asked to learn about in your business
de.elo&ment &ro(et#
-one1Hoie: 7ou are to take t!e stane t!at you are &resentin, to a ,rou& o' in.estors
w!o will deide t!e 'ate o' your business# 7ou are to ,ain t!eir trust, on'idene, and )'or
&ur&oses o' t!e e0erise* KK money#
$t t!e end o' your &resentation 3sales &it!,4 you an swit! ,ears and !i,!li,!t 'or your
audiene o' ollea,ues w!at you learned durin, t!is &ro(et t!at ot!ers mi,!t be
interested in t!at did not ot!erwise ,et s!ared durin, t!e &roess " a &artiular soure o'
assistane1in'ormation1data, an a&&roa! you took, so'tware 'or 'uture use, et#
Multimedia " w!at does t!at meanD 7ou are to &resent usin, any additional media t!at
you !ose to reati.ely interwea.e into your &resentation# 7ou must inlude one ot!er
soure o' media besides a stand C &resentation# -!at an mean usin, t!e internet,
&ower &oint, &oster, !alk board dia,rams, arti'at 'rom t!e business1industry, w!
!el&s tell your story# 5!ow inno.ation and !a.e some 'un wit! t!is#
Do not read your 'ully dra'ted &lanJ " t!is is a s!ort, onise to ,ain interest "
!i,!li,!ts o' ea! area, told as a story to enoura,e interest# F' ourse you an re'er to
your notes, but do not (ust look down and read diretly 'rom t!em wit!out en,a,in, t!e
audiene# +t is a &resentation, not a readin,#
+tems to ty&ially inlude in your &resentation )read t!e 'inal bullet 'or lari'iation*:
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.6
7our name, business name, industry )desri&tor, not number* or non&ro'it ty&e
-!e business &ur&ose, mission, .ision, .alues
-ar,et ustomer ,rou& C needs, broadly
Distinti.e om&etenies
Ei,!li,!ts o' 'easibility
Fr,aniGational struture )an draw on board*
F.erall business model statement
-o& ,eneral%le.el ,oals )s!ould be 3%5*
+m&lementation items " ,i.e !i,!li,!ts o' most im&ortant as&ets o' ea! item 'or
your business: Io.ernane, &er'ormane measurement, et!ial issues 'aed by
your 'irm1industry, some ty&ial &oliies, or,aniGational ulture, or,aniGational
Eow you will set u& 'eedbak me!anisms C set u& t!e business 'or ada&tability
to !an,e
2nsure you lea.e a 'ew minutes 'or any LC$
7ou an t!is in'ormation in w! order makes sense to you, and you an
inlude any additional in'ormation 'rom your &lan t!at is uni6ue or interestin, to s!are# +'
t!ere are some as&ets o' t!e business asked 'or abo.e t!at sim&ly are not rele.ant or
use'ul 'or s!arin, out &ur&oses, ski& t!em# <ut be sure to ot!er as&ets not asked
'or to s!ow broad o.era,e in your &resentation#
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.7
Appendi; A
<2pical =lements in a *easi3ilit2 Stud27 Business Plan7 Strategic Plan7 and Non"pro&it Plan
*easi3ilit2 Stud2
. ndustr2 and &easi3ilit2 anal2sis
$# Luestions to ask
i# Eow lar,e is t!e industryD
ii# Eow 'ast is it ,rowin,D
iii# +s t!e industry as a w!ole &ro'itableD
i.# +s t!e industry !arateriGed by !i,! &ro'it mar,ins or raGor%t!in
.# Eow essential are its &roduts or ser.ies to ustomersD
.i# W!at trends are s!a&in, t!e industry8s 'utureD
.ii# W!at t!reats does t!e industry 'aeD
.iii# W!at o&&ortunities does t!e industry 'aeD
i0# Eow rowded is t!e industryD
0# Eow intense is t!e le.el o' om&etition in t!e industryD
0i# +s t!e industry youn,, mature, or somew!ere in between )li'e yle
<# 9orter8s Fi.e Fores Model
i# :i.alry amon, om&anies om&etin, in t!e industry
ii# <ar,ainin, &ower o' su&&liers to t!e industry
iii# <ar,ainin, &ower o' buyers
i.# -!reat o' new entrants to t!e industry
.# -!reat o' substitute &roduts or ser.ies
. Product or service &easi3ilit2 anal2sis
$# Luestions to ask
i# $re ustomers willin, to &ur!ase our ,oods and ser.iesD
ii# ;an we &ro.ide t!e &rodut or to ustomers at a &ro'itD
<# :esear! a&&roa!es
i# ;ustomer sur.eys and 6uestionnaires
ii# Fous ,rou&s
iii# -rade assoiations and business diretories
i.# Diret mail lists
.# Demo,ra&!i data
.i# ;ensus data
.ii# Market resear!
.iii# $rtiles
i0# =oal data
0# World Wide Web
;# 9rototy&in,
D# +n%!ome trials
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.8
. *inancial &easi3ilit2 anal2sis
$# ;a&ital re6uirements
<# 2stimated earnin,s
;# :eturn on in.estment
Business Plan
1. =;ecutive Summar2
-!is setion s!ould be written last# 1 &a,e in len,t! o' business, market&lae, mana,ement, assum&tions, lon,%term
strate,y, 'inanin,, and estimate o' 1
and 2
year re.enue
!. -eneral Business Description
Hision and mission statements
W!at do you doD W!at business1industry are you inD W!o are your tar,et
W!o are you )identi'y ma(or owners o' t!e business and t!eir 6uali'iations*D
)$tta! a resume 'or ea! owner to t!e $&&endi0#*
=e,al 'orm o' owners!i& and w!y you seleted t!is 'orm
;om&any ,oals and ob(
7our business &!iloso&!y " w!at is im&ortant to you in businessD
Halues and &rini&les on w!i! t!e business stands
7our &rodut or
Distinti.e om&etenies and om&etiti.e ad.anta,e, 3ni!e4 &ositionin,
#. 4ocation
W!ere you &lan to loate )loale*
W!y loation seletedD
$d.anta,es1disad.anta,es o' loation
<usiness !ours o' o&eration
%. Management and $perations
Desri&tion o' bak,round and e0&eriene o' owner and key mana,ers and t!e
roles t!ey will assume in your business# W!o will do w!at 'untionsD -y&ial
needed 'untions: buyin,, marketin,, bookkee&in,, ustomers, in.entory,
maintenane, et#
2m&loyees# Desri&tion o' 'ull%time &ersonnel )number, duties, wa,es, et#*#
W!at will t!eir role beD W!at 6uali'iations do t!ey needD -rainin,
re6uirementsD -y&es o' &art%time &ersonnel#
9ro'essional ad.isors120ternal ser.ies# Will you use outside &ro'essionals or
'amily members to !el&D +ndiate any aountants, bookkee&ers, attorneys, et#
5tate 'amily member8s role in your business#
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.9
Does your business re6uire any s&eial liensin,, bondin, or re,ulationsD +s your
retail or &rodution loation Goned &ro&erlyD W!at insurane do you !a.eD
+denti'y any key su&&liers# Do you !a.e bak%u& su&&liersD
Will you sell on reditD W!at will your &oliies and terms beD Eow will you
determine reditwort!iness 'or new lientsD
). ndustr2 and Anal2sis
+ndustry desri&tion and analysis )B5, 5tate*, trends and strate,i o&&ortunities
Desri&tion1&ro'ile o' ideal ustomer
W!y was t!is tar,et market seletedD
5iGe o' market )M o' &otential ustomers*
$ntii&ated ,rowt! o' market
>ames o' your key om&etitors
5tren,t!s and weaknesses o' key om&etitors
7our om&etiti.e ad.anta,e
7our antii&ated market s!are
+. Mar.eting Strateg2 strate,y# Desribe your ma(or ser.ies and1or &roduts#
9riin, strate,y
$d.ertisin, and &romotion
W!at is your distribution networkD Eow will your &rodut or rea! your
,. Production1$perations1 Manu&acturing
9rodution 'aility
9rodution s!edule
+n.entory ontrol
Finanial ontrol
>. Startup =;penses and Sources o& /apital
2stimate o' start%u& e0&enses# >ew businesses !a.e a way o' ostin, more t!an
antii&ated, inlude a se&arate 3;ontin,enies4 ate,ory e6ual to 20N o' all ot!er
total start%u& e0&enses#
=ist soures o',s and as! you will !a.e to !el& 'inane your business#
?. 4ong"<erm Development and =;it Plans
=on,%term business de.elo&ment ,oals )1%year, 3%year, 5%year !oriGons*
$tion 9lans
:isk e.aluation and mana,ement
20it 9lan15uession 9lan
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.10
1@. *inancial Data
;as! Flow 9ro(etions )at least 2 years*, inludin, assum&tions and notes
+nome 9ro(etions )2 years*, inludin, assum&tions and notes )9ro'it and =oss*
<alane 5!eet
<reak%e.en analysis
11. Ase o& 4oan *unds
<reakdown o' !ow t!e loan would be used
;ollateral used to seure your loan
:e&ayment s!edule
1!. Appendi;
:esumes o' key owners1mana,ers
Fr,aniGational !art
=etters o' intent1key ontrats
2ndorsements1testimonials )=etters o' su&&ort 'rom 'uture ustomers, strate,i
&artners, et#*
Market resear! results
Marketin, materials
<usiness liense )Was!in,ton 5tate, ;ity*
Finanial statements
Luote 'rom insurane om&any, or urrent insurane o.era,e#
;o&ies o' leases or ontrats
Ma&s and &!otos o' loation
9rodut &!otos
Ft!er su&&ortin, materials
Strategic Plan
. De&ining the Business
$# Mission 5tatement
1# ;ustomer Irou&s
2# ;ustomer >eeds
3# Distinti.e ;om&etenies
<# Hision 5tatement
;# Halues
D# Desi,n o' Fr,aniGational 5truture )Fr,aniGational ;!art in a&&endies*
2# ;om&any Eistory
1# ;om&any 'oundin,
2# Finanial and o&erational !i,!li,!ts
3# 5i,ni'iant a!ie.ements
. Assessing the =nvironment1SB$< Anal2sis1Business Model
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.11
$# 20ternal $nalysis
1# Oey 5take!olders
2# 20ternal Fores
a* 2onomi:
b* 5oial, ultural, demo,ra&!i, and natural en.ironmental:
* 9olitial, ,o.ernmental, and le,al:
d* -e!nolo,ial:
e* ;om&etiti.e )inl# 9orter8s C +ndustry 5ta,e*:
<# +nternal $nalysis
;# 5WF- Matri0 C 5WF- $nalysis
1# Oey o&&ortunities
2# Oey t!reats
3# Oey stren,t!s
4# Oey weaknesses
5# $nalysis o' 5WF-
D# <usiness Model 5tatement
. -oals7 $3jectives7 and Strategies
$# Ioal 1#
1# Fb(eti.e 1#1
5trate,y 1#1#$
5trate,y 1#1#<
2# Fb(eti.e 1#2
5trate,y 1#2#$
5trate,y 1#2#<
<# Ioal 2#
1# Fb(eti.e 2#1
5trate,y 2#1#$
5trate,y 2#1#<
2# Fb(eti.e 2#2
5trate,y 2#2#$
5trate,y 2#2#<
C. Strategic mplementation
$# Io.ernane
<# 9er'ormane Measures
;# 2t!is
D# 9oliies
2# Desi,n o' Fr,aniGational ;ulture
F# Desi,n o' Fr,aniGational ;ontrols
I# Feedbak 9roess
E# Fle0ibility, $da&tability
+# IlobaliGation onsiderations
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.12
Nonpro&it Plan
1. =;ecutive Summar2
-!is setion s!ould be written last# 1 &a,e in len,t! o' t!e 'ats o' t!e situation bein, addressed )need*, t!e or,aniGation8s
&ur&ose and a&&roa! to addressin, t!e need, and w!at issues t!at you e0&et to
on'ront# +nlude t!e status and ty&e o' non%&ro'it, or,aniGation mana,ement,
assum&tions, lon,%term strate,y, 'undin,, and estimate o' 1
and 2
year re.enue#
!. $rganiDational Description
>on%&ro'it status and ty&e, and w!y you seleted t!is status
Hision and mission statements
>eed statement, e0&lanation o' need )'ats, data*, and w!o your tar,et 3issue4 or
3lient4 base is )w!o or w!at are you,D*
$ ,o.ernane struture, inludin, t!e siGe and om&osition o' t!e <oard
5tatements o' <oard and <oard member res&onsibilities
Fr,aniGation ,oals and ob( )e#,#, ad.oay, resear!, eduation, outrea!,
ommuniation, in'ormation, a&aity buildin,*
7our or,aniGation8s &!iloso&!y
Halues and &rini&les on w!i! t!e or,aniGation stands
;lear identi'iation o' your ser.ies and related &roduts
o $ ,eneral%&ur&ose bro!ure 'or t!e or,aniGation )basi te0t and ,eneral
one&t o' layout and .isuals*
#. 4ocation
W!ere you &lan to loate )loale*
W!y loation seletedD
$d.anta,es1disad.anta,es o' loation
<usiness !ours o' o&eration
%. Management and $perations
$ (ob desri&tion 'or t!e e0euti.e diretor and statement o' t!e <oard8s
e0&etations o' t!e e0euti.e diretor
Desri&tion o' bak,round and e0&eriene o' key &aid mana,ers and t!e roles
t!ey will assume in your or,aniGation# W!o will do w!at 'untionsD
Desri&tion o' &aid and .olunteer sta'' )number, duties, wa,es, et#*# W!at will
t!eir role beD W!at 6uali'iations do t!ey needD -rainin, re6uirementsD
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.13
9ro'essional ad.isors120ternal ser.ies# Will you use outside &ro'essionals to
!el&D +ndiate any aountants, bookkee&ers, attorneys, et#
Does your or,aniGation re6uire any s&eial liensin, or re,ulationsD Do you !a.e
liability issues wit! .olunteersD W!at insurane do you needD
). Needs Anal2sis
+denti'iation and de'inition o' 3lients4 and ot!er 3stake!olders4 and !ow t!e
or,aniGation will ser.e1interat wit! t!em
-!e market analysis to determine t!e ni!e o' t!is or,aniGation
-rends re,ardin, t!e issue or your 3lients4 needs and strate,i o&&ortunities
W!y was t!is tar,et issue or ,rou& seletedD
5iGe o' tar,et ,rou&
$ntii&ated ,rowt! or deline o' tar,et ,rou&
>ames o' ot!er or,aniGations similarly 'oused )your key 'undraisin,
5tren,t!s and weaknesses o' key om&etitors om&ared to your 'ous
+. Strategies
5er.ie19rodut strate,y# Desribe your ma(or ser.ies and1or &roduts#
;ommunity and lients ser.ed# Desribe !ow you will ser.e your tar,et ,rou&#
$d.ertisin, and &romotion
W!at is your outrea! networkD Eow will you rea! your tar,et ,rou&D
,. Service provision and product development
W!at ser.ies will you &ro.ideD Eow will t!ese be de.elo&edD Eow will t!ey be
W!at &roduts will you &ro.ideD Eow will t!ese be de.elo&edD Eow will t!ey be
>. Startup =;penses and Sources o& /apital
2stimate o' start%u& e0&enses# >ew or,aniGations !a.e a way o' ostin, more
t!an antii&ated, inlude a se&arate 3;ontin,enies4 ate,ory e6ual to 20N o' all
ot!er total start%u& e0&enses#
=ist soures o' 'undin, and 'undraisin, you will !a.e to !el& 'inane your
?. 4ong"<erm Development and =;it Plans
=on,%term or,aniGational de.elo&ment ,oals )1%year, 3%year, 5%year !oriGons*
$tion 9lans
:isk e.aluation and mana,ement
5uession 9lan and 20it 5trate,y
Business Development for /r/Enrepreneurs p.14
1@. *inancial Data
$ one%year bud,et and &ro(eted two%year bud,et
;as! Flow 9ro(etions )at least 2 years*, inludin, assum&tions and notes
Fundraisin, and +nome 9ro(etions )2 years*, inludin, assum&tions and notes
)9ro'it and =oss*
$ 'inanial re&ort
Finanial ontrols
11. *undraising7 -rants7 and ncome
$ 'undraisin, strate,y, inludin, names o' &otential 'oundations and strate,y 'or
de.elo&in, a solid base o' 'unders
Disussion o' members!i& and annual ,, am&ai,ns
$ written ,rant &ro&osal to a ma(or 'undin, soure 'or ,eneral su&&ort
5oures o' inome
1!. =valuation
Disussion o' e0&eted &roblems and !allen,es 'ain, t!e or,aniGation
Disussion o' !ow to struture t!e or,aniGation to meet t!ese !allen,es
Disussion o' t!e weaknesses and stren,t!s o' t!e or,aniGation to 'ully meet t!e
identi'ied need
1#. Appendi;
$ ,eneral%&ur&ose bro!ure 'or t!e or,aniGation )basi te0t and ,eneral one&t
o' layout and .isuals*
$rtiles o' inor&oration )Was!in,ton 5tate*
<y%laws )inlude in'ormation 'rom ! 24#03 :;W*
:esumes o' board members and 20euti.e Diretor
Fr,aniGational !art
2ndorsements1testimonials )=etters o' su&&ort 'rom 'uture lients, strate,i
&artners, et#*
Finanial statements
;o&ies o' leases or ontrats
5er.ies or &rodut &!otos
Ft!er su&&ortin, materials

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