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I. Primary Authority

A. Laws

Philippine laws
1987 Philippine Constitution.
Batas Pambansa Blg. 881. The Omnibus Election Code, 1985.
Republic Act no.7160. The Local Government Code of 1987, 1991.
Republic Act no.9189. Overseas Absentee Voting Act, 2003.
Republic Act no.9225. Citizens Retention and Reacquistion Act, 2003.

Treaties and International Agreements
Universal Declaration on Human Rights, GA Res. 217 III (A) UN GAOR
Supp. No. 127, at 71, UN Doc. A/810, 1984.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, GA Res. 2200A
XXI, UN GAOR Supp. No. 16, UN Doc. A/6316, 1966.
Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity

B. Jurisprudence

Philippine Cases
Aturias Sugar Central Inc. v. Commissioner of Customs, 29 SCRA 617
Cornejo v. Gabriel, 41 Phil. 194 (1920).
Gartichorena v. Crescini, 39 Phil. 258 (1918).
Matabuena v. Cervantes, 38 SCRA 284 (1971).
People v. Cayat, 68 Phil. 12 (1939).
People v. Corral, 62 Phil. 945 (1936).
People v. Munoz, 170 SCRA 107 (1989).

U.S. Cases
Powell v. McCormack, 395 US 486, 547 (1969).
Spring v.. Constantino, 168 Conn. 563 362 A 2d 871, 875.

C. Philippine Congress Bills

Senate Bills
Senate Bill no. 1468. An Act to Prohibit to Political Dynasty. 14

Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, Frist Session 2007.

Senate Bill no. 12. An Act Prohibiting the Establishment of Political
Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, First
Session 2004.

Senate Bill no. 412. An Act Prohibiting the Establishment of Political
Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, First
Session 2004.

Senate Bill no. 1317. An Act to Prohibit Political Dynasties, Provide
Penalties for Violation Thereof, and for Other Purposes. 13

Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, First Session 2004.

Senate Bill no. 1317. An Act to Prohibit Political Dynasties, Provide
Penalties for Violation Thereof, and for Other Purposes. 13

Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, First Session 2004.

Senate Bill no. 221. An Act to Prohibit the Appointment of Relatives of
Members to Certain Offices and Acts Related Thereto. 8

Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, First Session 1987.

Senate Bill no. 92. An Act Prohibiting the Establishement of Political
Dynasties. 8
Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, First
Session 1987.

House Bills
House Bill No. 783. An Act Prohibting the Establishment of Political
Dynasty. 14
Congress of the Republic the Philippines, First
Session, 2007.

House Bill No. 2026. An Act Prohibiting the Naming of Public Properties
and Government Serviceds After Incumbent Elected Public
Officials, their Kin, Spouses and Relatives of Up to the Fourth Civil
Degree of Consanguinity and Providing Penalties Thereof and for
Other Purposes. 14
Congress of the Republic the Philippines,
First Session, 2007.

House Bill No. 2493. An Act Prohibting the Establishment of Political
Dynasty. 14
Congress of the Republic the Philippines, First
Session, 2007.

House Bill No. 90. An Act Prohibting the Establishment of Political

Dynasty. 9
Congress of the Republic the Philippines, First
Session, 1992.

II. Secondary Authority

A. Books
Agpalo, Ruben, Comments on the Omnibus Election Code. Quezon City,

Bellosillo, Josue, Marquez and Mapili. Omnibus Election Code with Rules of
Procedure and Jurisprudence in Election Law. Quezon City, 2007.

Bernas, Joaquin G. The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines:
a commentary. 2003 ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & distributed by
Rex Book Store, 2003.

Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson, The Philippine Islands
(1493-1898), Cleveland: The A.H. Clark Company, 1911, Vol. XXXVI, pp.

George, T. J. S.. Revolt in Mindanao : the rise of Islam in Philippine politics.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.

Henriquez, Jesus. Electoral Justice: The International IDEA Handbook,
Sweden, 2010.

leto, Reynaldo Clemea. Magindanao, 1860-1888: the career of Datu Utto of
Buayan. Manila: Published and exclusively distributed by Anvil, 2007.

Laarhoven, Ruurdje. Triumph of Moro Diplomacy. New Day Publishers, 1989.

Llamzon, Teodoro A. Handbook of Philippine Language Groups. Quezon City:
Ateneo University press, 1978.

Lucman, Norodin Alonto. Moro archives: a history of armed conflicts in
Mindanao and East Asia. Quezon City: FLC Press, 2000.

Man, Che. Muslim separatism: the Moros of southern Philippines and the
Malays of southern Thailand. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Montiel, Christina. Philippine Political Culture and Governance. Ateneo
School of Government, 2002.

Philippine Democratic Iideas and Realities. Ateneo Political Science

Department. Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2010.Rodolfo,
Stavenhagen. Economis, Social And Cultural Rights: A Textbook.
Asbjom Eideetal, 1995.

Tubangui, Helen R. The Filipino nation: a concise history of the Philippines.
Danbury, Conn.: Grolier International, 1982.

Zaide, Sonia M. The Philippines: A Unique Nation, All-Nations Publishing,
pp. 62, 420, 1999.

B. Articles

Irina, Dana. A Culture of Human Rights and the Right to Culture. Journal for
Communication and Culture 1, no. 2, 2011.

Margalit, Avishai. Social Research. Liberalism and the Right to Culture.
Vol.61,No.3, 1994.

O'Keefe. Roger. The Right to Take Part in Cultural INT' L&COMP. L.Q904,
905, 1998.

Tamir, Yael. Social Research. The Right to National Self-Determination.
Vol.58, No.3, 1991.

C. Theses
Chan, Danny. Legal Definition of Political Dynasty Under the 1987 Philippine
Constitution. JD Thesis, Ateneo Law School, 2003.

Santiago, Robert. Going Local in Anti-Political Dynasty Legislation: Delimiting
the Coverage of Prohibition to Locally Elected Officials. JD Thesis, Ateneo
Law School, 2009.

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