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Northern Lights

It was almost twelve and everyone around was retiring into their warm, cozy beds as the relentless snow
kept piling up outside, in massive heaps. The streets, now deserted, were sleeping, comfortably under
their soft, white blankets too, while I, like an angel was strolling over them, watching them intently
while they were lost in their dreams.
My flight to Alaska had been delayed due to bad weather and my mother had called me a million times
to check on meto ask me if I was safe and alright.
Dont worry Ma. Ill be just fine I had replied, calmly.
My footsteps were the only sound that broke the silence around me. As I walked on alone, through the
familiar paths of that quiet town tucked away in a small corner of the world, I reminisced over all the
happy childhood memories Id had there. I thought of all the times Id played on those very streets, how
Id sat on our balcony and talked frivolously with my young friends and how, every Christmas, more than
anyone elses, Id been in wait of Maggies gift, the most and with the highest expectations.
My sister Maggie had meant the world to me back then and undoubtedly she does, even now. She was
seven years elder to me and after my father died, she took up his place with so much selflessness that
we never felt any void. My childhood hadnt been perfect. Those were certainly trying times, when we
didnt have enough money to buy, even a loaf of bread for dinner. But through all these difficulties, a ray
of light always gave us hope and kept us alive. That never ending ray was Maggie.
There wasnt a single moment when she hadnt been there for me. For a young child to be exposed to
the harsh adversities of life at such a tender age was a curse indeed but my sisters softening touch
smoothened my way and saved me from all the sharp thorns that marred my path. She never gave up in
her belief that there was light at the end of the tunnelthat every cloud had a silver lining.
The most vivid memory I have of Maggie is of the evening I last saw her. Her friend Pat was waiting at
the bus-stop. There was a blizzard outside and she was stranded there. Maggie immediately decided to
go help her out.
Why are you doing this? It is too dangerous! Id told her before she was about to leave.
Always remember, Sarah, that there is nothing nobler than helping people when they require help the
most. A life of selfishness is a life thoroughly wasted. Just like the northern lights, strive to be the
enchantment of someones life. I must go, Sarah. I must.
And that was it. I waited for hours for her to return and with each passing second I got more and more
When she hadnt returned even after 12 in the night, something told me that she was never going to
come back and that all I could have of her were the memories of our few years together.
My chain of thoughts was broken by the ringtone of my mobile.
Hi! Sarah! Northern Lights has been declared the most successful charity foundation! You need to be
here by 3 oclock tomorrow for the felicitation ceremony, came a voice.
Thanks Millie! Ill surely be there!
And with that the call ended and I withdrew myself into my own world once again.
You know, Sarah, I dream of a world with no pain and no anger where everyone coexists in unity and
where there is happiness all around. I want to be that change Sarah! she had once told me casually.
After I lost her, her wish became my sole aim in life.
I looked up to see that Id arrived at my destination. I pushed open the rusty old gate of the cemetery, in
front and walked up to the third tombstone on my right.
Margaret Julianne Coleridge. 1988-2000
I laid the dark red rose down on her tombstone.
Happy birthday, Maggie. Ive finally made your dream come true.
I looked up at the sky and smiled peacefully into the distance. The glorious northern lights shined down
upon me and pierced through all the prevailing darkness.
Love you, Sarah I felt her say.
I closed my eyes as I felt the cool wind blowing on my face.
Yes Maggie. I know.

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