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Mathematical Things to Do in the Summer

REUs: REU stands for research experience for undergraduates. A typical REU is !"#
$ee%s long and $ill pro&ide the students $ith a small stipend '(")##!*###+, and perhaps
tra&el expenses, room and-or .oard on top of that. As a participant, you $ill most li%ely
first read a fe$ papers on your research topic, and from there pro&e something ne$
relating to that topic. Some REUs $ill strongly encourage you to pu.lish your results,
either in an undergraduate or a professional /ournal. REUs are a great $ay to get a feel
for $hat the research process is li%e. To see a list of 0S1!sponsered REUs, follo$ this
NSA Summer Programs: The 0ational Security Agency employs a large of
mathematicians to $or% on cryptography research, $hich in&ol&es a lot of
theory, com.inatorics, and alge.ra. They ha&e t$o summer programs for
undergraduates2 the Director6s Summer 7rogram and the Mathematics Summer
Employment 7rogram. As a participant in either of these programs, you $ould perform
research in the area of cryptography, on real!$orld pro.lems the 0SA is
currently $or%ing on. 0ote that the application deadline is October 15
The 0SA also offers the 8raduate Mathematics 7rogram for students .et$een their last
year as an undergraduate and their first year as a graduate student.
CIA Summer Programs: Another opportunity to gain practical experience applying
your mathematics through the 9entral :ntelligence Agency6s Undergraduate :nternship
7rogram. Read more at2
CCR Summer Programs: The 9enter for 9ommunications Research in 7rinceton, 0<
also $or%s on pro.lems in cryptography. E&ery summer, the 99R holds a "#!$ee%
conference in $hich cryptographic pro.lems are presented and the participants $or% on
those pro.lems that interest them. Undergraduates are eligi.le to apply.
Park City Mathematics Istitute: This program is a *!$ee% intensi&e summer session
that focuses on .oth mathematical research and honing teaching s%ills. As a college
student or graduating senior, you can apply to the Undergraduate Summer School, $hich
consists of three intensi&e courses on different topics e&ery year. =ou can also apply for
financial support.
Natioa! "abs: The three national la.s, Argonne, >i&ermore, and ?a% Ridge, all hire
summer interns in the sciences. @or%ing at any of these three la.s is a great $ay to
experience $hat it might .e li%e to apply your mathematical s%ills to a real!$orld
pro.lem, perhaps incorporating or learning a.out other sciences along the $ay. As $ith
REUs, summer interns recei&e a stipend, housing, and tra&el allo$ance.
http2--computing.ornl.go&-internships-rams- '?a% Ridge+
http2--$$$.dep.anl.go&-p3undergrad-summer.htm 'Argonne+
https2--/o.s.llnl.go&-ll/o.s3html-studentfacultyf.html '>i&ermore+
#eorge $ashigto Ui%ersity Summer Math Program &or $ome: This )!$ee%
program is &ery similar to SM7. As in the 9arleton program, the focus is on course$or%
rather than research, and the program is exclusi&ely for $omen. The courses in the 8@U
program $ill focus more on preparing you for graduate school, and $ill .e more
ad&anced than your SM7 classes. As $ith SM7 and REUs, you $ill recei&e a stipend,
tra&el allo$ance, room, and .oard.
IMMERSE: :MMERSE stands for :ntensi&e Mathematics2 a Mentoring, Education, and
Research Summer Experience. This program is designed for graduate students, young
faculty, and students a.out to enter their first year of graduate school 'pre!grads+. The
pre!grad group ta%es an intensi&e course in analysis and one in alge.ra to prepare for
first!year graduate course$or%. The pre!grad program is intended to ease the transition
from undergraduate to graduate $or%. :MMERSE includes a stipend, room, and .oard
for the summer.
E'#E: ED8E stands for Enhancing Di&ersity in 8raduate Education. This program is
intended for $omen and female minority students a.out to enter their first year of
graduate school. As $ith :MMERSE, ED8E participants ta%e t$o intensi&e courses in
alge.ra and analysis. ED8E also prepares pre!grads for the culture of graduate school,
and continues .eyond the summer .y esta.lishing a mentor!protBgB relationship .et$een
faculty and pre!grads. Again, a stipend, tra&el, room and .oard are included.

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