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OFM 12-102TM

Second Semester : SY 2013-2014

Name: Charles John G. Aranosa
Time/date: !:30-10:30am
Prof. Antonia T. Petre
Activity No. 1
Identifying Our Conceived Values
Write down in each box the things you consider very valuable in your life. Arrange them according to
hierarchy from most important to least important.
What is important to Me?

op !riority
- Family
"econd !riority
#My curriculum
hird !riority
#My $riends
%ast !riority
#My &o''ies
Activity No. ( ) *+ploring Our ,eal Values
Instructions: elow is a list of activities. !ow much time do you spent for each of them" #lace the
corresponding score to indicate the fre$uency. Write additional activities that are not in the list.
%coring: &nder column F 'fre$uency() score
* if the activity is something you never did
+ if done once or twice in your lifetime
, if done occasionally
- if it is done on a regular basis through not necessarily everyday or done each time situation
re$uires you to do it.
&nder %) 'struggle( score , if the activity entails a lot of struggle) difficulty or resistance 'including lac. of time
or money() yet you ta.e time to do it despite the struggle or constraint) + if struggle is minimal and does not
pose a problem to you and you ta.e time to do it) or if you are unable to overcome the struggle that you fail to
accomplish it.
&nder / 'choice() score + if the activity or pre-occupation is something that you have willingly chosen to do)
you were not pressured or dictated upon by anybody.
&nder 0) write the total score per item.
Activities $ " C
+) prayer or meditation at home or elsewhere - , + 1
,) bible reading) bible study or any activity designed to enrich .nowledge on the word of 2od)
including fellowships) prayer meetings
, - + 1
-) 3oining and participating in parish4 religious organi5ation - , + 1
6) going for a personal or group retreat or any seminar on character building - , + 1
7) visit to the adoration chapel or any place of worship 'aside from %unday( , + * -
1) going to mass or any religious celebration in one8s church regardless of religion - , + 1
9) forgiving someone who has hurt me - , + 1
:) time with someone in trouble listening to him) giving counsel or guidance - + * 6
;) giving aims to the poor or doing any act of charity< performing a community service - + + 6
+*) visit to a prisoner) sic. person) attending a funeral) or other forms of assistance + , - 1
++) rendering extra service to clients or customers beyond the call of duty) doing more than
what one is paid for< or doing an extra favor to someone without compensation
, , + 7
+,) expressing special concern and consideration to ladies) the elderly) the handicapped li.e
giving them a seat) assisting them in crossing a street) etc.
6 , * 1
=our score in this exercise reflects the value you give to the following:
+-) showing courtesy and politeness to strangers) ladies) clients) etc. 'being patient) tactful
and not rude) greeting them) etc.
, + * -
+6) sharing .nowledge > expertise with someone by dialogue) training) counseling) etc. , + + 6
+7) time to relax by watching a movie in a tv or theatre or going for other forms of
relaxation4unwinding li.e going to a ?8sing along88 bar) attending a concert) cultural show) etc.
, - * 7
+1) engaging in sports) physical exercise or any program for physical fitness + - + 7
+9) giving oneself a good brea. from wor. or study through outing) fellowships) night out)
dining out) etc.
- , + 1
+:) going to a parlor for a haircut) massage) facial or other ways of improving one8s beauty or
- , + 1
+;) conscious effort to control weight low calorie foods) detoxification) etc , + + 6
,*) going for routine medical chec.-up 'not necessarily for treatment( , , + 7
,+) vitamins and supplements to increase energy or immunity to disease - , + 1
,,) time for self-improvement through special studies) tutorial lessons) seminars)
research or study
, + + 6
,-) going on routine 3ob) business or official transaction sales) client visits) etc. or going to
school 'in the case of students(
, , + 7
,6) doing an overtime wor. or study - , + 1
,7) scouting for business or career opportunities li.e possible sources of income) career
improvement) etc.
+ + * ,
,1) attending business meetings or official gatherings in school or wor. - , + 1
,9) doing a homewor. or assignment 'in the case of students( or bringing home extra wor. to
do in the case of wor.ers or professionals
, + + 6
,:) participating in extracurricular activities) 3oining professional organi5ations or student
, - + 1
,;) doing a household chore) cleaning or gardening) etc. , , , 1
-*) extra time for sociali5ing4 chatting with the family 'parents) spouse) children)
brothers) sisters(
+ + + -
-+) a fellowship with the family inside or outside the home i.e going for outing) dining out
together) other ways of fostering closer bonds and intimacy
, + + 6
-,) giving a gift) flowers) love notes) other acts of thoughtfulness to a family member , - + 1
--) time to give assistance to children4brothers4spouse in their homewor. or other
concerns and problems
- , + 1
-6) praying with the family or going to mass or fellowship with the family + , , 7
-7. attending to a sic. or troubled member of the family or relatives + , - 1
=our relationship with 2od - items + 9
=our relationship with other people4community 'value for people( - items : +6
@alues for personal well-being 'self( - items +7 ,+
@alue for wor. 4career4study - items ,, ,:
@alue for your family - items ,; -7
"ummari-e your score as follo.s/
WI0! 2DF
'spiritual values(
'value for self(
@alue for one8s
@alue for the
Item no %core Item no %core Item no %core Item no %core Item no %core
+ 1 8 6 15 7 22 6 29 1
, 1 9 6 16 7 23 7 30 -
- 1 10 1 17 1 24 1 31 6
6 1 11 7 18 1 25 , 32 1
7 - 12 1 19 6 26 1 33 1
1 1 13 - 20 7 27 6 34 7
9 1 14 6 21 1 28 1 35 1
total -; total -, total -9 total -- total -1
%core e$uivalent
Write down your score in the appropriate box above. 2et the total score for each category 'spiritual '+-:() value
for humanity ';-+1() etc.
-:- 6, high score
-,- -1 moderate
elow -, low
+. Coo. into the distribution of your scores. What does it say about your hierarchy of values" What are your
priorities in life" What have you neglected"
,. What do you thin. are the conse$uences that resulted from your neglect in attending to some other important
0ry to validate your scores in this exercise with the hierarchy of values you have written in activity +.
What is written in activity + reflects what you thin. is important while your test results in the exercise reflects
what you really hold important) - your real) authentic values. Are the scores congruent" For instance) if you
put family on top priority in activity +) is there a high score for family as a value in activity ,"
,*A%I0AION" and IN"I1&"
-@alues are adopted on the basis of their worth and value. @alues are chosen
after weighing the benefits and other conse$uences. #erson or things is something
that a person can openly show the world that it is significant to him
"tri2ing a 3alance in our !ersonal %ife
Insights and Aeali5ation on Activity + and ,
-Well balance is good in managing our time and its give us good
personality and values.

Activity 4 3alancing our Circle of Concern
Fo balancing in your life now by accomplishing the following goal setting and planning exercise.
/olumn + outlines the 1 core values
/olumn , should indicate your mission4goal in relation to the core value. For example under self) the mission
statement maybe ?8Fo regular exercise to be physically fit88
In column -) write down what you failed to do or accomplish in relation to the core value for example what
you failed to do maintain close relationship with 2od.
Write in column 6 how you specifically intend to accomplish your mission statement for every core value. &se
additional sheets of paper when necessary.
Gy personal
What I failed to
/onstructive activities
I will do to accomplish
%BCF physical) mental
well being
Gy goal in life is to
finish my studies.
I will accomplish my
sub3ects w4 no failing
%tudy hard and give
importance to the
activities you have.
2DF) %#IAI0&AC
Attending mass every
0o repair my sins in life. 2ive importance to 2od
and pray every day.
Gy personal
What I failed to
/onstructive activities
I will do to accomplish
FAGIC= 0o give a good life to
my family.
For not giving the good
Achieving my dreams in
/AABBA 0o achieve my dreams. For not doing good. Achieving my dreams in
/DGG&EI0=4/D&E0A= 0o be a good people. 0o not follow in to the
I want to be a country
Activity 6 @alues Auction %ale
=ou will go to an auction sale with a budget of #+**)***. With this money) you will bid for the values
that are most important to you. =ou are allowed to buy as much as you want. =ou can change the amount you
originally budgeted. =ou can also pool resources with others to buy a highly priced value. First) indicate your
bid for items you want. 0hen go to the public auction. 0he highest bidder gets the value.
0he facilitator will serve as the manager of the auction sale and will award the value to the highest bidder.
After the bid) ran. the items by degree of importance to you based on the amount you bid.
Values for "ale &o.
+) !appy family and happy marriage +* +
,) Intimate relationship with 2od +* ,
-) #eace of mind 7 6
6) Gaterial prosperity) en3oying life8s comforts , +,
7) A fulfilling career where I could be of best service to others , +-
1) A career that will give me prestige > a comfortable life - ,*
9) 0o be popular for one8s accomplishment or for one8s talents li.e singing)
modeling) beauty) sports) etc.
, +6
:) Academic excellence< graduating with honors or high grades - +;
;) /ompleting advance studies li.e a master8s or doctoral degree or
another course
, +7
+*) eing beautiful) attractive and having many suitors or fans - +:
++) !aving plenty of loyal friends whose company I en3oy 7 +*
+,) 2ood and sound sleep) undisturbed by tension - +9
+-) 2etting a scholarship , +1
+6) Dccupying a high position in a company) in a government : ++
+7) /lean conscience) precious in 2od8s eyes 7 7
+1) Finding the right man4woman for me< one who I could be proud of 7 1
I+9) !aving good sleep< undisturbed by anxiety 7 9
+:) eing able to ma.e a difference in the lives of others 7 :
+;) &nion with 2od after death 7 ;
,*) eing respected by my family and society +* -
!rocessing of Insights
0he amount of #+**)*** symboli5e your resources time) money and talents. 0he amount you bid for
each of the values represent the worth you attribute to them.
+. Were you able to get the values you really wanted" Was your investment big enough to be able to get it"
,. Fid you invest all your money or you still have something left"
-. What have you learned about the values you hold" What do they say about your character as a person"
6. Fo you see a relationship among the values you have chosen"
7. !ow did you feel competing about what you wanted"
,*"!ON"*" AN5 IN"I1&"
#My investment is enough to fulfill my value of sales I invest all of my money. I have
learned ho. to 'e a good person.
a2e a loo2 at your ans.ers. Which ones appear to 'e of greater value to you? &o. do they fit into a
Values otal 'id ,an2
$amily6marriage 7item 18 19: ;;;;1<;;;; ;;;(;;;;;
Career 7item 98 =: ;;;;<;;;; ;;;9;;;;;
!restige6popularity 798 >8 1?: ;;;;;>;;; ;;;;<;;;;
Integrity6reputation 71<8 (?: ;;;;1<;;;; ;;;4;;;;;
Material comforts 7 @ and 9: ;;;;<;;;; ;;;;>;;;;
*ducation 7 A8 14 : ;;;;A;;;; ;;;;@;;;;
"piritual life6Inner peace 7(8 48 1(8 1>8 (?: ;;;44;;;;; ;;;;1;;;;
"elf#fulfillment through service 7<8 1A: ;;;;>;;;; ;;;;A;;;;
!o.er8 authority 7 1@: ;;;;A;;;; ;;;;1?;;;;
$riends ;;;;<;;;; ;;;;;=;;;;
Activity < *+ercise on Values Conflict
!ere is a story that you will discuss with a group. =ou will ran. the characters in the story from the worst to
the least worst. =ou have to convince the other members of the group so that you can arrive at a consensus.
Mar and Mary are lovers for 3 years and they seem to be deeply in love with each other. Mar
belongs to a conservative but well to do family while Mary comes from a poor family of 5 children.
Marys mother died when she was 5 years old and her father was an irresponsible breadwinner that
Mary was unable to finish her college education and was forced to work at an early age to finance the
schooling of her younger brothers and sisters. Her income was too little to make ends meets. She
happened to meet an old rich man who got interested in her. This man become her sugar daddy
helping her out with her financial problems !hen Mary met Mar she broke off with the old man and
since she wanted to be honest with Mar she told him her story and her relationship with her sugar
daddy. Mar flared up called her "kadiring pokpok meaning disgusting prostitute. He immediately
broke off his relationship with Mary even if he was told that Mary is pregnant and he is the father.
!hen Marys father came to know about the plight of her daughter he summoned Mar and threatened
to kill him if he does not marry her daughter. #ut Mary refused to marry Mar knowing that he has lost
his trust and respect for her. $nother guy Mel who happened to be a close friend of Mary is very
much in love with her and offered to marry her even if she is pregnant by another man.

!rocessing 1uide/
+) !ow did you ran. your answers" Bxplain why.
What made you ran. the characters as worst or least
,) Were you able to arrive at a consensus"
Why4why not"
-) If placed in the situation of Gary) will you also
succumb to a sugar daddy in an effort to ma.e ends
meet" If not) What will you do instead"
6. If you are a man) will you agree to the decision of
Gar" If you were in his place) what will you do"
7) Fo you agree to Gary8s decision not to marry Gar
even if she is pregnant" What will you do if you were
in her place"
1) If you were the father of Gary) how would you react
to Gary8s situation"
Will you also force Gar to marry her" Why or why
9) If you are Gel and you fell in love with Gary) will
you still marry her despite your .nowledge that she is
pregnant with another man"
sponses and Insights
-I ran. my answer because its based on my
-/lassification and values enhancement lies.
-I will let the sugar daddy and do not choose
any man from the two man.
-=es. I will agree in Gary decision.
- I will confront him.
-I will disappoint
-Eo. ecause I don8t .now will happened after
wedding ends.
-=es) ecause if you love the person u can
give her a life.
$rom your e+perience in this e+ercise8 do you reali-e that/
+) =ou have revealed your values and your character when you made 3udgement on the characters.
,. 0hat you tend to identify with the people whose values somewhat resemble yours<
-. 0hat li.e Gar in the story) you too can be shortsighted in 3udging someone on the basis of your standards
and values. Ci.e him) you must have been so focused on faults and failed to recogni5e the circumstances
behind the action of erring people<
6. 0hat you sometimes find it hard to reach agreement with some people because you are listening only to
your own values) ideas and arguments. =ou might have forgotten that there could be merit or truth to what
they have to say. ut you failed to recogni5e this because you failed to listen to and understand the ideas and
values they uphold.
7. 0hat sometimes you are forced to sacrifice your own values and convictions because you are too wea. and
vulnerable to succumb to social pressure<
1. 0hat the .ey to establishing healthy relationship with people is to understand) accept) and respect their
values. 0his means being less 3udgmental and being more accepting of people as they are.
What else have you learned and reali-ed from the e+ercise?
-%ometimes you are forced to sacrificed your own values and convictions being
less 3udgmental and accepting people

What do all your responses reveal about your value system"
+) Gar has revealed his conservatism. !e is convinced that virginity is a pre-re$uisite to marriage. ut he also
showed his shortsightedness. !e simply 3udged Gary for what she did) failing to recogni5e the circumstances
that pushed her to ma.e decisions li.e having a sugar daddy.
Gar had sacrificed his love in favor of a conservative value which he may have ac$uired from his parents. At
the bac. of his mind is the fear that Gary will not be accepted by his conservative family.
/an you identify with Gar in this regard"
- Gar is the sugar daddy of Gary.
,. Gary is a typical woman with a martyr complex who is willing to sacrifice for the love of her family. 0oo bad
she was not understood nor accepted for what she had done.
Will you also go this far in an effort to please others"
-Forced to sacrifice your own value and conviction.
-. Gel is one man who acted out of his convictions. What matters was his love for Gary) unmindful of
whatever others will say or react.
Are you also a man of convictions) willing to stand up for your feelings and for what you believe in regardless
of social disapproval"
-Identify with the people whose value somewhat resemble you.
6. Gary8s father) Gario is an irresponsible father who passes on his responsibility to Gary. !e too was
conscious of social approval that he had to coerce Gar to marry his daughter) without even trying to assess
whether she will be happy with the marriage considering that Gar has lost his love and trust in Gary.
In what ways can you identify with Gario using someone as a clutch) passing personal responsibility to
someone else"
-Aecogni5e the circumstances behind the action.
Ci.e Gario) in what ways have you also been pressured by social approval unmindful of the conse$uence of
your decisions"
Cearning from this exercise) note that J..
J. It is your convictions and perceptions that determine your value 3udgment
J. =our values are $uite different from others such that you tend to have different answers and
opinions consensus difficult to achieve.
J. =ou cannot resolve values conflict unless you are willing to understand the values of the other
person and assess their real merits.
#erhaps consensus could be easier if you truly listen to what people have to say) loo. into the
merits of their opinions and ideas.
Activity 9# Values Clarification
As a person with your own set of values) which ones below are you most inclined to choose or live by.
A 3
Notes and Insights on the Activity
-Find it hard to reach agreeent !ith sae "eo"le listening
only on yo#r o!n val#es $ ideas and agreeent val#e soe!hat
rese%le yo#r val#e&

What do your choices reveal?
0hose in column A reveal a modern) materialistic and wordly value orientation. 0hose in spea. of
less wordly and more conservative value orientation. What is important is whether your choices wor.
to your best advantage. What is their real worth and value"
1. a good boyfriend4 girlfriend or
spouse whom you can present with
pride to your friends
boyfriend or girlfriend with good character
and not necessarily beautiful or handsome.
(. a beautiful home where you can en3oy
life8s comforts
simple home) not necessarily elegant and
4. a father who is strict and protective but
a liberal father who is less strict and less
@. a mother who is successful career
a domesticated mother who gives full
attention to her family
<. a 3ob that will ma.e me earn plenty of
money regardless of whatever odds it
may ta.e
a 3ob where I find greatest fulfillment even if
the salary4rewards are not that big
9. having more money) less friends more friends even with less money
>. study in exclusive) prestigious schools study in any college or university that
charges what I can afford
A. gain popularity with my beauty or wealth
or talents
be .nown for my integrity or reputation) more
than anything
=. more wardrobe) shoes) bags) etc. of the
latest fashion
few) simple dresses) shoes) bags
1?. spend more time with friends4peers
prefer staying at home
11. learn by listening learn by reading
1(. marry a rich man or woman with a
modern lifestyle
marry a simple person) not a rich one
Assess your present value system.
Are your conceived values congruent to your operational values?
/onceived values are things perceived to be important but not necessarily actuali5ed.
Dperational values are those that are internali5ed and actuali5ed.
What important things in life have you failed to place a high value such that you still feel
some vacuum in your life"

Notes and Insights
&appiness does not depend on the satisfaction physical and
ego needs. Wealth is not measured ma2ing 'etter place to live in

Activity ># Count Bour reasures
+. Aeflect on the passages -- !ow Guch Are
=ou Worth" What does it say about your life"
,. If you will be as.ed to ma.e an account of
your real wealth and value as defined in the
passages) how much can you count in terms of
your meaningful contributions in the life of
-. What investments) pro3ects or activities do you
intend to underta.e to ma.e a difference in the
lives of others and add meaning to your life"
6. What contributions would you li.e to be
remembered when you are gone"
%hare your insights with a partner or a group.
,esponses and Insights
- Invest a .ealth and account
and diff. contri'ution in my
- Invest the good core values
- I donCt 2no. 'ecause my
e+perience is to short.
My Meaningful
#1ive my .ealth and
core values
hings I Neglect to do
$or Others
#1ive and share
hings I Intend to do to
add Meaning to My %ife
#Magnitude of your
investment in ma2ing this
.orld a 'etter place to live

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