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3 Power Management System

The main function of a power management system is to start and stop gensets
/alternators according to the current network load and the online alternator capacity.
The power management system takes care that the next alternator will be started, if
the available power (= Installed power of all connected alternators current load)
becomes lower than a preset limit. This triggers a timer and if the available power
stays bellow the limit for a certain time period the next genset / alternator in
sequence is started. It also blocks heavy consumers to be started or sheds
(unnecessary) consumers, if there is not enough power available, in order to avoid
unstable situations.
Class rules require from gensets / alternators 45 seconds for starting,
synchronizing and beginning of sharing load. So it is always a challenge for the power
management system to anticipate the situation in advance and to start gensets /
alternators before consumers draw the network and overload the engines.
Overloading an engine will soon decrease the speed / frequency with the danger of
motoring the engine, as the flow of power will be altered from network to alternator
(Reverse power). The electric protection system must disconnect such alternator from
the network. An overload situation is always a critical situation for the vessel and a
blackout has to be avoided.
The detailed power management functionality always depends on the plant
configuration, the operational requirements but also on general philosophy and
preferred solution of the owner. The parameters when to stat or to stop a genset /
alternator have always to be evaluated individually. The following figure shows that in

Figure 2.1

Derived from the above mentioned main tasks of a power management system the
following functions are typical:

Automatic load dependent start / stop of gensets / alternators
Manual starting / stopping of gensets / alternators
Fault dependent start /stop of standby gensets / alternators in cases of
under-frequency and/or under-voltage.
Start of gensets / alternators in case of a blackout (Black-start capability)
Determining and selection of the starting / stopping sequence of gensets /
Start and supervise the automatic synchronization of alternators and bus tie
Balanced and unbalanced load application and sharing between gensets /
alternators. Often an emergency program for quickest possible load
acceptance is necessary.
Regulation of the network frequency (with static droop or constant
Distribution of active load between alternators
Distribution of reactive load between alternators
Handling and blocking of heavy consumers
Automatic load shedding
Tripping of non-essential consumers
Bus tie and breaker monitoring and control

2.3.1 Variants of power management system
Variant 1 : (maximum variant)
Start/stop function
Pre and re- lubrication
Monitoring with system and aggregate protection
Synchronization and parallel connection
Controlling of frequency and active load
Controlling of voltage and reactive load
Black out recovery
Variant 2 : (take down variant)
Start/stop function
Controlling of frequency and active load
Synchronization and parallel connection

Variant 3 : (slim down variant for emergency set)
Start/stop function
Pre and re- lubrication
Variant 4 : ( slim down variant)
Synchronization and parallel connection
Controlling of frequency and active load

2.3.2 Power Distribution
The power management system can accelerate and control this process by a data
transfer between the individual units. Power Control
After switching the generator on,the active load control will be activated
in the automatic operation mode
The power of ship system will be equally distributed to all generators in
relation to their power ratings
Furthermore, in case of paralell operation of different aggregates
(turbo,shaft,diesel generator) , it will be ensured that the required power
is generated mainly by primer aggregates (shaft generator)
The frequency and so the speed control is prioritized in operation Active Power Balancing
The measurement result will be compared with the sum of active power
of all active diesel generators
In relation to the deviation from the percentage equal load
distribution,each generator will be readjusted
A falling static speed characteristic of the engine and a proportional
action speed controller are assumed here Governor (Speed Controller)
Characteristic for an electronic PID governor (speed controller) is the
good dynamics in case of load changes, which is possible by a fast
detection of the load and the speed
Load changes caused by the switching on and off large consumers such as
thrushter generate only a small reduction in speed Load depending start and stop of diesel generator
Start or shut down of additional aggregates, because changings in
network load
Aim: to keep the aggregates under load so that they ensure enough
reserves to the maximum power for load variation in the network and to
keep the aggregates under high load for good efficiency
According to the requirements of the ship operation, an absolute and a
relative power reserve is parameterized as active and reactive load
2.3.3 Functions of the power management Synchorinization
The synchronization is performed as a dynamic process under the
following conditions:
Synchronization is always done in over synchronic
modus,regarding the programmable reference frequency
Switching to busbar only when the voltage difference is lower
than limit
Phase Position:
Switching to busbar only when the phase angle diffrence of
the voltage on both sides of the circuit breaker is lower than
the parameter limit
Phase Sequence:
In permanently installed plant the right phase sequence is
taken for granted Floating Voltage
The right phase position for synchronized switching is derived
from the floating voltage
Floating voltage is the difference between busbar and

2.4 Electrical Enclosures Class
Enclosure class states the degree to which an electrical enclosure, such as a
motor, is protected against the intrusion of solid objects and water. Enclosure class is
expressed as IP followed by two digits (see table). The two digits indicate the protection
against solid objects and water, respectively.
Example : An electrical socket rated IP33 is protected against solid objects bigger
than 2.5 mm, i.e. wires, tools, etc. The socket will not be damaged or become unsafe if
it is exposed to water spray falling at an angle of 60 from vertical.

IP33 is of a higher standard then IP2X that is the typical minimum requirement
for indoor use. X is used when there is no protection rating for the criterion
concerned, in this case water intrusion.

In some situations a lower IP class may be more suitable than a higher IP. For
example, IP 44 motors can be more suitable than an IP 55 motor in a damp
environment where condensed vapour can form in the stator housing. Drain holes in
an IP 44 motor allow the moisture to drain out of the stator housing, which would not
be possible in an IP 55 motor

IEC 60034-5 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) gives a full
overview of enclosure classes.
ORD 195.
No First Digit Second Digit

Protection against contact and ingress
of solid objects
Protection against ingress of water
0 No special protection No special protection
The motor is protected against solid
objects bigger than 55 mm, e.g. a
The motor is protected against vertically
falling drops of water, such as condensed
The motor is protected against
objects bigger than 12 mm, e.g. a
The motor is protected against vertically
falling drops of water, even if the motor is
tilted at an angle of 15
The motor is protected against solid
objects bigger than 2.5 mm, i.e. wires,
tools, etc.
The motor is protected against water
spray falling at an angle of 60 from
The motor is protected against solid
objects bigger than 1 mm, e.g. wires
The motor is protected against water
splashing from any direction
5 The motor is protected against the The motor is protected against water
ingress of dust being projected from a nozzle from any
6 The motor is completely dust-proof
The motor is protected against heavy seas
or high-pressure water jets from any
The motor is protected when submerged
from 15 cm to 1 min. water for a period
specified by the manufacturer
The motor is protected against
continuous submersion in water under
conditions specified by the manufacturer

Siemens: SIPROTEC-7UM62 Katalog
SELCO: Produktinformationen
Diesel-Electric-Propulsion-Plants-Engineering-Guideline 2013.pdf

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