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The authors are allowed to submit their contributions to the conference in both
types of articles (i.e., essay and scientific paper). The number of submitted
contributions is not limited for one author. However, the corresponding author
of the accepted paper/essay should be registered in presenter registration. In
other words, she/he cannot register to conference only as an observer.
All contributions will be reviewed by our editor team which includes
representatives from Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional (I4). The selected
papers have a chance to be published by Indonesian Scholars Journal.
For more detailed descriptions, the author may refer to the writing guidelines of
respective articles. Before submitting the contributions, please refer to our
submission guidelines by clicking here.

Abstract/Scientific Paper
All authors who submit an abstract of a paper must confirm that they have not
previously published these data, that have not previously presented them at a
large scientific meeting and that they are not planning to present or publish
them prior to the dates of this ICONIC 2014 conference. Author submitting
abstracts for presentation at this ICONIC 2014 conference should consider the
1. Abstract and final paper should be written in English and formatted
according to the provided MS-Word templates, which are available on the
conference website. To download the templates, click here.
2. For the abstract, the page number is only limited to two pages for review. If
the abstract is accepted, the authors have to submit a final paper (i.e., four
to six pages of standard ICONIC 2014 paper template) to the same website.

3. It should be noted that the template of the final paper will be different from
that of the abstract. The submitted final manuscript will be included in the
official conference proceedings of ICONIC 2014.
4. It should be emphasized that for the inclusion in the official proceedings, it
is mandatory that the paper is presented at the conference. The accepted
paper, which is not registered and presented in the conference, will be
removed from the conference program and proceedings, respectively.
5. The number of authors and their affiliations for each paper is not limited.
6. The paper can be either a research paper or literature study, which is
related to the main theme of ICONIC 2014
7. Authors are allowed to submit more than one abstracts. Nevertheless, the
acceptance of one abstract will not automatically include the other
8. The acceptance of an abstract translates automatically to the acceptance of
its corresponding paper. The author(s) needs only to register themselves as
presenter(s), make a necessary payment and (if any) make required
amendments as notified later by our editor team via email.
9. When uploading the abstract to the conference website, the authors should
indicate the sub-theme category, in which the abstract will be registered
and reviewed (i.e., it should be also written on the left header above the title
of abstract or paper).
In the abstract and final paper, please underline the presenting author and
make sure that the e-mail address, regular mail address, telephone number,
and fax number of the corresponding author are written correctly. The authors
will be informed about the paper acceptance via the corresponding author's e-
mail address.

It should be noted that call for paper in ICONIC 2014 is open to anyone,
regardless of nationality, race, gender, age, occupation, religious affiliation,
political view and academic status.

Main Topic of ICONIC 2014
Global Competitiveness and Developing Nations: A
Strategic Approach Towards Holistic Development

Choice of sub - topics

Economy and Business
The concept of competitiveness is closely linked to sound economic policies,
which in turn describes the efficiency of firms to allocate resources. This
allocation comprises a myriad of elements such as business micromanagement,
use of capitals, innovation; each of which can be tweaked to boost efficiency. In
the long run, overhanging factors such as government policies and technological
improvement can play a role as well. The scope of the discussion of this sub-
theme includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
Microeconomic policies
Macroeconomic domestic and foreign policies
Management of the economy of a nation
International trade
Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs)
Business strategy for competitions among firms in a global market.

Politics and Governance
The ability of a nation to be internationally competitive, such as in the context of
the imminent ASEAN Economic Community 2015, is heavily influenced by
political factors. Visionary political decisions, as well as robust and sound
policies, are pivotal factors in the development of nations. To be truly
competitive and able to soar above the unpredictability of the world nowadays
requires delicate handling, along with effective and efficient steps taken in the

field of politics and governance. The scope of the discussion of this sub-theme
consists of, but is not limited to, the following topics:
Policies and Regulatory Tools
Bureaucracy and Government Effectiveness
Ethics and Control of Corruption
Voice and Accountability

Human Resources Development
Human resources played a decisive role in building globally competitive nations.
When all other natural resources can be easily imported and exported by
another country due to open markets, the only factors that can assure
consistent and quality progress in the nation is the population itself. Skillful,
productive, and employable workforce in a country will secure the ability of both
the nation and its population to survive in todays rapidly changing global
landscape. The scope of discussion of this sub-theme consists of, but is not
limited to, the following topics:
Social Demography

Science and Technology
From the creation of knowledge to the acquisition, adaptation and utilization of
know-hows science and technology play important roles in achieving
accelerated growth nowadays. Innovations and new discoveries are constantly
in need to put nations one step ahead from another and bring progress forward.
Today, science and its application in technology permeate into every single
aspect of the populace; from basic needs such as food to extremely complex
specializations such as oil refinery. Therefore, it is not too daring to say that the
lives of many can be improved when countries strive for scientific and
technological advancement to tackle various problems more efficiently. It is no
wonder, then, that such a decisive catalyst warrants a deeper discussion. The
scope of discussion in this sub-theme includes, but is not limited to:
Any innovations and discoveries that could improve human lives and/or
help nations development
Adaptation of technological knowledge to local settings and its application

Improvement in research and development, ranging from the enterprise to
national level

Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure development is the backbone of any nations development. It
provides framework, supporting an entire structure of development, facilitates
economic growth by providing attractive platforms for domestic and
international investment, improves quality of life, increases efficiency in the
workforce and helps shape human society. In the face of an open market and an
increasingly globalized world, infrastructure development provides the anchor
in embracing the ever-changing global economic landscape. The scope of
discussion in this sub-theme focuses on hard infrastructures and consists of,
but is not limited to, the following topics:
Transportation and Communication
Rural Development and Urban Infrastructure
Electricity, Water and Waste Management
Green Infrastructure

Social and Welfare
The development of a country is always intertwined with the situation of its
societies. A sustainable development in any country can only be achieved when
the society is integrated and synergized with the other key factors. Therefore,
tackling social issues ranging from poverty to inequalities is the key to a resilient
holistic development. This sub-theme has an interdisciplinary approach and
hence can be tackled from a plethora of various fields; socially,
anthropologically, culturally, medically and politically. The scope of the
discussion of this sub-theme consists of, but is not limited to, the following
Food Security and Nutrition
Poverty and Prosperity
Health and Social Services
Traditions and Culture
Social Inequalities and Hate Crimes

Industrial Development
Economic liberalization and a globalized market often lead to an ever-increasing
demand for rapid innovations and stable economic growth in a country, both
domestically and internationally. A greater industrial development gives a
country a better chance to survive globalization and international competitions.
However, it must be done sensitively and with careful consideration of the local
situations and conditions. If done right, it will continually help shape the base of
economy in terms of macroeconomic stability, an increasing employment rate,
and positive business and investment climate. At the same time, industrial
development becomes one of the triggers and pull-factors for the rise of science
and technological advancement and human resources development. Discussion
about global competitions and developing nations will inevitably have its
inclination towards industrial development. The scope of the discussion of this
sub-theme consists of, but is not limited to, the following topics:
Sustainable industrial development
Building industrial capacity in developing countries
Necessary de-industrialization
Developing countries and Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Industries
Industrial policies and its institutions in developing countries
Learning from success of new industrialized countries

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