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The Nikasu International is located in the Cochin Special Economic Zone,

Kakkanadu. The company is utilizing the beneits o the CSEZ to its optimum le!el oten
reerred to as "#ree Trade Z$NE%. &n e'port processing zone is an encla!e (ithin
nations coustoms territory, housing manuacturing units, the entire production (hich
meant or e'prt e'pect to he e'tend allo(ed or domestic sale.these zones are the tools in
the hands o go!ernment or e'port promotion .
The CSEZ helps the manuacturers to)
*educe the cost o manuacture.
+inimise the delay in the e'port and import.
#aster duty ree customs ser!ice.
Ease to getting into business.
,ro!iding -uality en!ironment by gi!ing actory building and other inrastructure.
*apid and reliable administrati!e support.
& special economic zone is)
& designed duty ree encla!e treated as oreign territory or the trade operations,
duties and taris.
#or attracting oreign direct in!estment.
In promoting e'ort oriented production.
.nlimited /T& sales.
0ess stringent monitoring.
No speciic e'port obligation targets.

#ood industry is one o the most emerging industries in the presen scenario. The
/emand or ood and specially the processed ood is increasing day by day. 1hat (ill be
the uture hold as the (orld population gro(n rom 23 billion by 34546 &long (ith
increased demand in ood -uality, uturists predict a demand or an impro!ement in the
-uality o ood . ho( (ill (e meet uture human ood needs , both in the -uality and in
-uatity 6 the only (ay is more research or higher production and better processing share
in the (orld scenario. /ierent countries ha!e dierent production and processing share
in the (orld scenario.
India has a ma7or scope and opportunities in the ood processing industry. The
Indian ood processing market is one o the largest in terms o production, conception
and e'port and import prospects. The total ood production in India is likely to double in
the ne't 84 years and there is an opportunity or large in!estment in ood processing,
specialty processing, packaging rozen ood9rerigeration and thermo processing, ruits
and !egetables, milks and m ilk products, meat and poultry, packaged9con!enience oods,
alcoholic be!erage and sot drinks and grains are important subsectors o the ood
processing industry . This indicates !ast scope or the in!estors and e'porters.

The International 7ournal o ood science technology and nutrition is being
lauched (ith the basic ob7ecti!e o creating a orum to put or(ard and discuss issues
and research inding in the ield o ood processing. The 7ournal is an international
publication (hich piblishes peer re!ie(ed original research and re!ie(s o all applid
aspects o ood science or ood scientis and other interested proessinals.

The issue o 7ournal comprises o research and re!ie( papers rom all parts o
the (orld. :arious reas like concise re!ie(s and hypothesis in ood chemistry and
to'icology ood micro biology and saesty, products de!elopment, and censoring and
nutriti!e -ualities o ood.
To ha!e a general a(arness o the entire unctioning o the organization.
/ata collected by obser!ing the unction o the organization.
To analyse the o!erall e'port perormance o NIK&S..
To understand the e'tent to (hich -uality control measures are put into practies.
To gi!e suggestions i necessary.
To kno( the duties and responsibilities o Key personal.
To getting practical e'perience regarding the organization unction.
To impro!e management skill.
Methodolgy of The Study
Collection o data is the most important step in the research process. &t
most case must be e'ercised here because any ault (ill lead to the research program.In
the research study both the primary and secondary data sources are used.The main
methods are as ollo(s.
Pr!"ry d"t" are obtained by a study speciically designed
purpose or or a speciic research or the irst time and original in character. The
ollo(ing are the !arious primary data sources that I had used or the research process
/irect inter!ie( (ith the department heads
Interaction (ith (orkers in the company
/ata collected by obser!ing the unction o the organization

Se#o$d"ry d"t" are those data, (hich are collected by one or other purposes and
a!ailable or the present study. The ollo(ing are the !arious secondary data sources used
by me or this study.
&nnual reports o the company
/epartment manuals
$ther pro7ect
,eriodicals,books,etc,published materials by the company
Internet (ebsites

,roduct +i'
North Indian Snacks
North Indian ;reads
North Indian Curries
Indian !egetables
South Indian Snacks
South Indain Curries
Kerala ruits and !egetables
Ice<cream illings
,roduct 0ines)
Spring *oll
+ogo ;a77iya
Tandoori Naan
*umli *otti
$nion kulcha
=arlic Naan
:egeterian ;iriyani
The captain o Nikasu =roup is +r. K.K ,illai, a returned N*I banker (ith !ast
e'perience in !arious countries in trade and banking. >is oreign contacts and
enterprising e'perience made him to establish industries in India to cater to the (orld

>is irst !enture is Nikasu ,ack ,!t. 0td. Established in 8?@2 or baby products (ith
Aapanese technology. Since he pro!ed his entity in Indian soil, he has di!ersiied into
ready to eat rozen oods and trading lines. #rom 8??B on(ards he is catering (ith ready
to eat rozen ood items to countries like .S, .K , Europe etc. >is participation in the
ood e'po in Tokyo enabled him to de!elop the base in Aapan as (ell. The latest !enture
is Spices and Curry,,o(der (ith the highlight like CTomorro( or TodayC. This is one o
the irst o its kind in the spice sector (ith IS$ D >&CC, standard.
The Nikasu =roup o companies unctioning rom the Special Economic Zone
comprises three companies

Nikasu ,ack ,!t 0td
Nikasu rozen oods International
Nini trading corporation
Nikasu Frozen Food International
The second !enture o Nikasu (as into rozen, ood as Nikasu rozen ood
International, manuacturing ethnic Indian ood items (ith (ith state o art technology to
retain ethnic taste o India or the Indians abroad. #or other ood products and
!egetables,ruits, and ice creams illing items. Nikasu rozen oods International has
been establish in the year 8??B and by targeting countries like .S&, .K, Europe etc.
&nd the participation in the ood e'po in Tokyo enabled him to de!elop the base
in Aapan as (ell. Company is en7oying acilities like un<interrupter po(er supply, (ater
supply, (astage "disposal scheme, inrastructural acilities , central e'cise and sales ta'
duty beneits etc as ar as it is in special economic zone.
The products coming under the rozen ood di!ision are eco riendly
containers like pineapple skin, coconut shell and mango skin are used. These eco riendly
ethnic containers are used to ill ice creams, coconut milk, coconut creams, rozen shaded
coconut, desiccated coconut etc.
0ogo o the company is ">E&T &N/ E&T%. Company is concentrated in the
e'port o ready to eat !egetables and rozen oods. It is a #/& *egistered company. It is
a Netherland based company. Nikasu rozen International is unctioning (ith the
help o 82B employees.
The company gi!es training to the employees in dierent stages according to the
>&CC, E>azard &nalysis Critical Control ,ointF. >&CC, certiication is !ery important
or the e'port o ood items. The company is recipient o some a(ards like &,E/&
a(ard E344G<344BF, Srilankan &(ard E344G<344BF and an a(ard gi!en by Chennai
based agency. The company is en7oying :iseh krishi .pa7 yhogana Scheme.
Hu!"$ Re'our#e De("rt!e$t
Employees are the greatest asset o any organization. 1ithout ade-uate
manpo(er no business perorms (ell. The success or ailure o e!ery organization
depends on ho( (ell the employees are perorming and also the -uality o its
,ersonnel management or human resource management is concerned (ith
the planning, organizing ,directing and controlling o the procurement, de!elopment,
compensation, integration , maintenance and reproduction o human resource to the end
so that indi!idual, organizational and social ob7ecti!es are accomplished.
&t Nikasu #rozen #ood International #rozen #ood International also there
is a great stri!ed to de!elop an employees to the best o his9her abilities. The >*
department is helpul or the organization to reach their goals .It carries out !arious
acti!ities or the de!elopment, protection and (ell being o the human resource o the
organization. *ecruitment o ne( sta, conducting training programs, keeping track o
the employees payment o salary etc are some o the important acti!ities carried out by
this department.
M"r)et$g De("rt!e$t
The marketing o the products is carried out by the +anaging /irector o the
company. >e is not only responsible or marketing the products but also makes and
recei!e orders. The main marketing acti!ity o this irm is participating in orign ood
e'hibitions .They does not ha!e the market here. The company is completely e'porting
all the products to abroad. Company%s main ad!ertising marketing acti!ities are
participating in ood e'hibitions, ad!ertising through e<mails and other reerence
Marketing activities
,roduct)< Nikasu rozen ood International is producing ready to eat rozen ood
Spring roll
+ogo bagiya
They are also producing eco riendly. like pineapple skin, coconut shell and
mango skin are used. These eco riendly ethnic containers are used to ill ice
cream, coconut milk, coconut creams, rozen schemed coconut, (elcome drinks
o dierent la!ors, resh tender coconut etc
Export market )< .S, .K, Ku(ait and .&E are the graced countries are the
graced countries (here people o that region en7oy the dierent products o
Nikasu. The company has established the name or -uality and customer relation.
Cochin special economic zone is only keeping 3B K+ rom the sea part and 54
K+ rom the airport.
Certification)< Nikasu rozen ood International is ha!ing >azard analysis and
Critical control ,oint certiication. This certiication is !ery much essential or the
e'port o rozen ood items. & rozen ood e'port company is re-uired to apply o
the >&CC, certiication as soon as it starts its construction. It has t(o agency and
certiication o agency
Imports)< Nikasu rozen oods international is importing only pastry rom
Singapore and +alaysia or spring roll and samosa. Company procure all other
a( materials domestically. The imports o ra( materials is only about @H.
Export promotion)< Company e'pands its e'port by adopting marketing strategies
like participating in e'hibition, ceating a (eb site, gi!ing ad!ertisement in oreign
magazines and ne(spapers etc. IT is also a member o &,E/& E&gricultural and
,romotional #ood products E'port de!elopment &uthorityF
Packing)< company is ollo(ing three types o packing or its e'ports.
8. .nder the irst method the products are put in micro able plain pouch and put
them into an attracti!e plain pouch. #inally this attracted pounch is put into
cartons as per placed in the cartoons accordingly to the speciications.
3. In second method the products are put into the micro able plain pouch, and is
also packed by attracti!e printed, duple' packets. #inally the products are
placed in the cartons accordingly to the speciications.
5. In the third method the products are packed them into attracti!e duple'
cartons and inally they are put into the cartons accordingly to the buyers
speciications. It is mainly used or dishes .The e'porters e'port the products
in packages (hich are importer%s taste and preerence.
In the case o competition the company doesn%t ha!e any competition in the
rozen ood e'port. &nd the company is e'porting the products according to the
speciications o the importer.
The accounting unction in!ol!es day to day accounting o se!eral
transactions receipt and disbursement o money transactions related to purchase,
sales and other income, i'ed assets, salaries and (ages. Control and e'penses are
assured by comparing actual e'penses (ith budgeted igure.
Account system
The company ollo(s a ully computerized accounting system. They
(ere using the accounting sot(are Tally and !isual basic in the company. &ll the
oicers in, the inancial department can access the inancial inormation (ithin
their authority.
INTE*N&0 &./IT
To pro!ide guidelines or perorming internal audit to check the ade-uacy and
compliance o -uality acti!ities (ith deined elements o ood saety systems.
Scope :-
&ll the ood saety system and related elements e'isting in the company
Responsibility :- >&CC, team leader , internal auditor
The internal audit (ill be done once in I months . audits at sorts inter!als
can be carried out dependency on the re-uirements.
& team o trained internal auditors (ill do internal audit
/etails o the internal audit team (ill be (ith do >&CC, team leader.
&n inter!al audit schedule (ill be prepared and maintained by >&CC,
team .
& speciic internal audit schedule pro!iding the details like audit no) date
o audit department to be audited, time o audit , auditor , auditee and
standard9 clause to be co!ered (ill be prepared prior to e!ery audit.
Copy o the speciic internal audit schedule (ill be gi!en to the auditees
and auditors at least one (eek prior to the date o the audit.
&uditors shall ha!e no direct responsibilities in the area to be audited.
&uditors shall study D !eriy the ade-uacy and compliance or e!ery
procedures. The internal audit check list (ill be prepared by the internal
&uditors shall (rite do(n the non compliance and inade-uacy in the IJ&
report and shall obtain the signature o the auditor
$riginal copy o the NC* i.e. IJ& report shall be handed o!er to
>&CC, team leader a copy shall be gi!en to the concerned auditor
>&CC, team leader shall ensure that the auditees E>$/ sF re gi!en a
copy the NC* sEIJ& reportF
&uditor shall commit the dates o correcti!e action or each o the non
#ollo( up o the pending NC* or timely and eecti!e correcti!e action
and closure shall be ensured by >&CC, team leader.
The pending NC* s (ill be maintined by >&CC, team leader to ollo(
Summary o the correcti!e actions originating rom NC* and pending
NC* (ill be presented in the management re!ie( meeting by >&CC,
team leader.
Nii has an eecti!e in house !eriication procedure or the implementation
system in addition to the !eriication o the entire system is sub7ect to audit annually.
The initial >&CC, plan is audited ater a trial run or si' months or !alidation, the audit
includes >&CC, (orksheet Khazard analysis ,>&SCC, plan, monitoring procedures ,
details o traceability , sampling and testing procedures to ensure ade-uacy o
implementation o the designated >&CC, system and all related documents the records
o the audit are a!ailable (ith -uality controller along (ith the correcti!e action taken.
The correcti!e actions taken are all !eriied by the production manager .The
responsibility or arranging is (ith th =+.
It is the purchase department (hich has the authority to procure the ra(
material like pastry , its -uantity and -uality and all is decided by this particular
department according to the company needs. It consist o purchase manager , purchase
super!isor and employees. &ll they ha!e their o(n duties and responsibilities.
Pur#h"'e Su(er+'or
+aintain the attendance register%
Shall co ordinate , maintain and !eriy the acti!ities o out source ser!ices like
post control, rodent control etc and constantly monitor record related to abo!e
outsource ser!ices maintained by production.
*eport the ra( material re-uirements to the purchase manager
Take incoming materials in the stock register
+aintain records o receipt and issue
Check and issue the material on #I#$ ;&SIS
*eport dead stock to the purchase mgr
Issue ra( material as per indent recei!ed rom production super!isor on a daily
and ile
+aintain proper stocking o materials dry aa2 (et separately
+aintain the cleanliness o the store utensils, tables , rack room etc
Keep record o all looking and other utensils, spoons, buckets etc and issue (ith
proper indent to the concerned departments.
*eport to purchase manager all re-uirements o materials , utensils etc
Super!ising the cleaning , (ashing chopping employees
*esponsible or receipt , storage and deli!ery o inished products as per report
rom production super!isor
+aintain the record o inished product in the cold storage.
Check *ecord daily receipt o inished goods D (astage separately
/eli!er pastry as per indent rom production
*ecord deli!ery 9 shipment (ith properly
Keep re7ects separately D report to production manager D e'port manager.
Check cold room temperature D report any complaints report to technical
manager and e'port manager
Super!ise the packing D store employees
&ccount the packaging materials D stock
/iscuss (ith e'port manager D J9C or labour arrangement

,roduction department is carried out the production o the products according to
the order recei!ed. &ter the production, the goods are passed to the -uality
department. The production unit o the rozen ood items is kept e'tremely hygienic.
The -uality testing is conducted on e!ery batch o products on a daily basis.
,roduction department includes ,roduction +anager , production super!isor
and the employees . In rozen ood di!ision the only importing ra( materials is pastry
, it is used to the production o spring roll and samosa only the main reason behind is
-uality and the a!ailability o the product as and (hen needed.
The production process o the company in!ol!es the con!ersion o input
onto output. In the production department all the (orkers are emale employees. The
(orking time o the employees is rom @ &+ to B ,+. &ll the employees are
(orking hard or to achie!e the production targets.
Is responsible or the smooth running o the production acti!ities, achie!ing
targeted production9producti!ity, strict adherence to -uality norms related to
production eecti!ely and indigenous allocation o in products 9 producti!ity.
Is responsible or o!erall management o production planning and processing
Is responsible or issue and ollo( up o daily production plan
*esponsible or the implementation o =+,S in the processing acility and
sanitation o e-uipments.
Shall take correcti!e action in case o non conormance identiied during
processing packing and storage.
Shall be responsible or producti!e , sanitation , personal hygiene and hygiene
o the actory.
To discuss the production schedule oe the ollo(ing day (ith the , production
superior, purchase manager , kitchen superior
Shall identiied the training needs o his subordinates
;e responsible to prepare process -uality report or correcti!e and pre!enti!e
pre!enti!e actions and inorm the same to JC and =+
Shall be responsible or * D /
&ssure the appro!al o recipe and sample by the certiying body beore
starting the commercial production
+onitoring customers ser!ice issues relating to complaints and samples and
ensuring that appropriate action is completed
*esponsible or the co<ordinate o >&CC, team and make sure that >&CC,
audit and !eriication is done on a scheduled basis
+onitor the distribution o employees
To discuss the production (ith production manager kitchen super!isors,
purchase super!isor e!ery e!ening
*esponsible or the smooth running o the production acti!ities targeted
production , producti!ity , strict adherence to -uality norms related to
Is responsible or issue and ollo( up o daily production plan
Shall take correcti!e action in case o non conormance identiied during
processing, packaging or storage
Shall liaise (ith production manager or impro!ing producti!ity
Shall identiy the training needs o his subordinates
&rrangement or container , customs and outside agencies etc or e'ports.
Take ad!ise rom production manager
+ake intend or ra( materials. Spices etc to purchase super!isor
Check -uality o ra( materials record
+ake cooking as per ad!ises o production manager
Taste the cooked items
Test the temperature o oil and record. Check cleanliness o utensils beore
cooking check the gas connections 9 o!en beore cooking
Check the (ashing area
Check transer o used utensils or cleaning
Check the (aste disposal properly
Indent the ood material or the e!ening shitD e'port day
Transer the cooked items to the production hall
+anage the cooking team
*eturn the unused oil, etc back to the store daily
/iscuss the cooking schedule to the production manager D super!isor
Indent the ra( materials e!ery e!ening or the ne't day
&rrange the cooking o ood to the scheduled employees
Check the (ater e!ery time beore cooking D record e!ery day
*eport complaints o machine to production manager D technical manger
8. #rozen !egetables snack items Esamosa, cutlet, spring rolls etcF
aF Ingredients
,otato, carrot, green peas, chicken peas, ginger, green chilly , coriander lea!es,
mustard, Tamarind , turmeric po(der , salt sugar, citric acid , cumin , coriander po(der,
garam masala , garlic, check pea lour , oil, onion and (ater.
bF ,reparation o illing
/eli!ering the re-uired !egetables duty cleaned, (ashed and chopped to kitchen
/eli!ering the other ingredients rom dry store to kitchen l
Cooking peas items 54 minutes separately >eating re-uired oil in a !essel and
adding turmeric po(der, !egetables D salt and cooking or 34 nminutes.
&dding cooked peas items and other masalas alongs (ith coriander lea!es.+i'ing
(ell and transerring to tray and deli!er to production hll ater 84 minutes.
cF ,reparation o pastry
,astry stored in cold storage allo(ing to derost or 54 minutes
Cutting into re-uired sizes
/eli!ering to production hall
dF #illing o samosa
Taking double layer pastry
#old and ill (ith sub7i D place it in a tray
Store the illed tray in a tray
Transer the illed trolley to the reezer e!ery trolley to be illed and transerred to
the reezer (ithin one house
#rozen samosas are packed and stored in a old storage
eF ,roduct Speciication
1eight, size, taste D colour to be uniorm or all
Corners and co!ering to be intact
Samosa should be ree o cracks
F +icrobiological speciication
Total potato count 8444 cu9gm
Caliorms absent
E<coli absent
Stapy lococcus auerus absent
0isteria monocytogenes absent
gF ,esticdes and hea!y metals
,esticides belo( +*0 limit
Cadmium belo( +*0 limit
0ead belo( +*0 limit
+ercury belo( +*0 limit
&rsenic belo( +*0 limit
E=reen chilly , drumstick , small onion, tapioca F
0 Pro#e''$g
Ensuring the -uality D -uantity
Cleaning D (ashing properly
Cutting into re-uired sizes
,ealing o skin
1ashing 3 or 5 times (ith chlorinated (ater D (iping (ith neat cloth
Keeping in reezers or 5 hrs.
#rozen tapioca packed D stored in cold storage
0 Produ#t '(e#f#"to$
The processed tapioca should ha!e (hite color, uniorm sizes and should ree
rom black spots and yello( lanes.
0 M#ro3olog#"l '(e#f#"to$
Total potato count 8444 cu9gm
Caliorms absent
E<coli absent
Stapy lococcus auerus absent
0isteria monocytogenes absent
40 Fro5e$ 'te"!ed2fred 3re") f"'t te!'
Edosa, masala dosa, idly, appam etcF

%0 Ingredients
*a( rice, ,onni rice, black gram dal, salt, (ater D oil
B0 ,rocedure
The re-uired -uantity o ra( rice , ponni rice, and black gram are taken
and (ashed properly
Each ingredients are ground seperatrel D mi'ed (ell
Salt is added mi'ed (ell
The batter is kepted or B hrs in room temperature
This doses are made on a hot plate
,aked I nos in pouch and allo(ed to reeze or 5 hrs
#rozen dosas are packed and stored in cold temperature
1eight, colour, taste and size 5 should be same or all
Total potato count 8444 cu9gm
Caliorms absent
E<coli absent
Stapy lococcus auerus absent
0isteria monocytogenes absent
E0 Pe't#de' "$d he"+y !et"l'
,esticiedes belo( +*0 limits
Cadmium L
0ead L
+ercury L
&rsenic L
In -uality control department , the responsible person checks (hether
e!ery acti!ity is carried out according to >&CC, rules . The person in charge (ill
check that the truck or !an used or carrying any chemicals, e'plosi!es or
hazardous products. The general manager has appointed a >&CC, team leader
and technical manager to manage the technical aspects o the company.
>ere the -uality control and the technical department includes -uality
control manager, -uality control oicer, >&CC, team leader, technical manger
and employees. &ll the members ha!e their o(n duties and responsibilities.
Functions of personal department
8. *ecruiting the -ualiied employees at the right time.
3. +an po(er planning
5. ,ro!iding (elare acilities and ensure health and saety
G. *educe the disputes bet(een employees and (ell handling the
B. Ensure discipline in the organization
I. +aintain a good relation (ith public as (ell as third parties
2. ,eriodically e!aluate and appraise the perormance o the
@. /etermine the re-uired -ualiication and skills or a particular
?. ,oint out the duties and responsibilities peromed in each
,ersonal department is one the most important departments o any manuacturing
concern. >ere the company is !ery much satisied (ith the perormance o the labor

Types of Employees
Employees consist o both (orkers and oice sta. 1orkers are mainly di!ided into
3 categories, unskilled (orkers and skilled (orkers. They are selecting the unskilled
candidates ort the production and sanitation (orks. &nd ha!e high skilled employees or
the oice and management (orks.
The personal, hygienic and sanitation department o the Nikasu International
include chie manager hygienic and sanitation oicer and (orkers. >ygienic department
check (hether the acti!ities are carried out according to the >&CC, rules. Sanitation
department prepares a chart and checks e!en minute errors in department like production,
packing and kitchen etc , ater the checking a chart report is prepared and sent to the
department manager and last it (ill be handed o!er to the -uality department. Then
-uality department (ill check and sign as it is ully hygienic and acti!ities are perormed
(ithout any errors .
>&Z&*/ &N&0MSIS
N##I has identiied, analyzed and e!aluated all potential hazard that can ha!e
ad!erse eect on the saety o the product
&ny changes in the operation that could ad!ersely aect the saety o the product,
all steps (ith regard to hazard
&nalysis shall be updated N##I has adopted the ollo(ing model or risk analysis
or identiication o hazards to ensure ood saety
Each identiied hazard is assigned a numerical !alue or its conse-uences and
probability o occurrence based upon e'perience o the company, pre!ious results
and a!ailable literature.
*isk actor N probability O se!erity
*isk rating
Nikasu rozen oods has conducted >&CC, analysis to identiied hazards
or elimination and control to acceptable le!els or production o sae period
>&CC, team shall !eriy the identiied hazards (ith respect to loe
diagram, sops, and responsible or !eriication and !alidation o identiied
potential hazards and their elimination or sae product.
The CC, identiication is made as per the decision tree.
,roduct identiication and traceability.
The organization has a product identiication programme is place.
The committee is constituted (ith -uality controller as the co coordinator.
Impro!ements o their programme or other procedure are made on the committees
suggestions. The -uality controller is responsible or this programme.
1hen a market complaints is occurred rom the customer, the product is
traced back as per the code and source coding systems rom packing code, the
inished inspection report (ill be traced out (hich gi!en the appropriate source
code be traced out. In case o deects the batch no enables to ensure traceability
$ the end product back to the ra( materials used. The trace procedure oolo(ed
in N##I as ollo(s
JJ < product name
+ < +onth
// < /ate
;; < ;atch No.
MM P Mear No.
&ll complaints related to -uality are recei!ed by the managing director and
the same is list to the production manager. The manger discuss the problem (ith
-uality controller. The products under complaints are identiied under the batch
no) since the irm has a best system o traceability to the day%s production the
product under complaints can be easily identiied and the process parameters can
be e!aluated rom the records. The action taken and the inal decisions re
con!eyed to the manager and the super!isor incase the ma7or o the section is held
,*$CE/.*ES #$* T*&ININ=
N##I ha!e systematic procedures or imparting need based training to
all (ork orces. &ll the employees are gi!en induction training at the time o
appointment in all discipline the need o training or all employees and a time
based scheduled has been prepared to put on regular training to the employees.
The >&CC, team has been trained and certiied by the -ualiied
trainers to implement the designed >&CC,. &ll the employees are di!ided into
groups and as systematic and regular training has been arranged in good
manuacturing practices, good handling practices and personnel hygiene.
,*$CE/.*E #$* :E*I#IC&TI$N
The internal !eriication o the implementation o >&CC, is done by
the -uality controller. & person not directly in!ol!ed in the particular operation
does !eriication. &ll monitoring records are !eriied by the -uality controller
once in a (eek and signed. The >&CC, based plan and its operation and records
relates to product -uality are all re!ie(ed by the >&CC, team (hene!er re-uired
and at least once in si' months. The result o !eriication is kept separately (ith
-uality controller along (ith correcti!e action taken in cases i non compliance
during !eriication.
Control measures
To ensure that proper monitoring and measuring procedures are
established and implement to ensure ood saety.
Parameters and critical limits:
#or all speciic control measures related to critical control points, the
process and product parameters are identiied and documented to demonstrate
eecti!e control.
Monitoring and measuring:
&ll critical points are being monitoring and recorded or eecti!e
control. Care is taken to ensure that measurements being carried out their
traceability comply (ith national rele!ant standards.
orrective !ction:
1hene!er there is de!iation o critical limits the same is corrected by taking
appropriate correcti!e actions and details are recorded. The eecti!eness o
correcti!e actions its !eriied by production manager and by >&CC, team.
"nternal !udit:
To !eriy eecti!eness o ood saety system, internal audits are regularly
crried out by >&CCp team once in I months or depending on situation, (hen
there is ma7or the responsibility or planning the audit and conducting the same
lies (ith >&CC, team leader.
The purpose o this procedure is lay do(n a system or hazard analysis and
identiy critical control points that (ill aect the product auality and ormulate suitable
control measures to monitors their eecti!eness through rele!ant -uality systems.
8F Scope
&ll the processes o Nikasu rozen ood international
3F Responsibility
>&CC, team leader
*especti!e team member
5F Procedure
#i!e preliminary tasks are accomplished beore the application o the >&CC,
principles to a speciic product and process as speciied belo(
o &miable >&CC, team
o Identiy the process steps
o /escribe the intented use and consumer o product
o /e!elop a lo( diagram (hich describes the process
o :eriy the lo( diagram
&ssemble the >&CC, team
The >&CC, team comprises o indi!iduals also (ho ha!e speciic kno(ledge
and e'perience appropriate to the product and process. The team decides the >&CC,
plan. The team (ill study the products that are being prepared and their
Identiy the process step
The >&CC, team identiied the process steps and critical control points that
may aect the product -uality D ood saesty
/escribe the intended use and consumers o the product
The >&CC, team describes the normal e'pected use o the product the
intended consumers are generally.
/e!elop a lo( diagram (hich describes the process
The purpose o a lo( diagram is to pro!ide a clear, simple outline o the steps
in!ol!ed in the producti!e process.Thescope o the lo( diagram co!ers all the steps
in the producti!e process.
:eriy the lo( diagram
The >&CC, team has physically !eriied the entire process operation, site
lay out to !eriy the accuracy and completeness o the lo( diagram.
Conduct a hazard analysis
The >CC, team lists all the hazards may be responsibly e'pected to occur each
step rom ra( materials purchase, production, reezing, packing and storage until the
point o distribution the >&CC, team this identiies those hazards (hich are to be
eliminated or reduced in order to ensure product saety. The analysis taken into
account the ollo(ing as applicable.
*a( material speciications
,roduct character tics in process
0ay out o premises, storage areas processing hall areas
Ser!ice materials and ser!ices process including (ater, steam etc
,ersonnel hygiene and kno(ledge (ith regard to process and ser!ice hygiene
The >&CC, team then decides (hat control measures are re-uired to control
speciic hazards
Establish Correcti!e &ctions Eprinciples BF
Speciic correcti!e are de!eloped or each C$, in the >&CC, system in order to
deal (ith de!iations as they occur. The actions ensure that the C$, has been
brought back under control.
Establish !alidation D !eriication procedure Eprinciples IF
:alidation is done to ensure that the hazards identiied by >&CC, team
complete and correct and are eecti!ely controlled under proposed >&CC, plan.
Top management assigned !alidation acti!ity to ensure o sae ood.
:alidation o >&CC, plan is perormed by analysis)
Scientiic data used to establish potential
Technical kno(ledge o the !alidation team
1hether control measure are appropriate to control the hazards. #luctuations o
the parameter (ithin critical limits does not aect product saety
&ppropriate methods used to monitor control measures
Correcti!e actions are appropriate
End product testing result
Customer complaints
*e!ie( o >&CC, system and its record in I months
*e!ie( o systems de!iations and product de!iations conirmation that CC,are
under control
Establish record keeping and documentation procedures
The records and documents are maintained to implement the system and to
demonstrate its eecti!e unctioning
*eerence documents
Cleaning and sanitation documents
,est control documents
:alidation and !eriication document
,re!enti!e maintenance programme
,ersonal hygiene
The e'port department is responsible or all acti!ities in!ol!ed in the e'port o
the product. It prepares the production schedule the e'port import policies and ormalities
and carries out ollo( up ater the sale.
E#port process
The company gets their order directly rom their customers by participating in the
trade airs and e'hibitions, creating (ebsites and by being the member o &,E/&. &s
soon as the orders recei!e, the e'port managers pass this inormation to the production
departmentQ rom there it passes to !arious departments engaged in production.
E'port department is responsible or the preparation o all the necessary documents,
booking the truck, and is also responsible or the ulillment o the e'port order. The
company ulills the e'port order at the correct date mentioned in the purchase order. The
shipping documents to be passed on to the or(arding agent are)
8. & copy o in!oice duty attested by the customs
3. &n e'port promotion o the shipping bill
5. & ull set o clean bill o lading (ith non<negotiable copies are
re-uired by the e'porter
G. The original 09C and the customs order o the contact
B. & duplicate copy o the &* orm
&ter making the shipment the e'porter then issues shipment ad!ise to the importer
indicating the crate o shipment, the name o the !essels and so on. It should be enclosed
(ith the ollo(ing documents like)
8. & non<negotiable copy o bill o lading
3. ,acking list
5. Commercial in!oice
The e'porter managers al(ays ha!e a ollo( up ater the sales. That is he
should pro!ide necessary ater sales ser!ices, ind out buyer opinion to(ards the products
and so (hich help him to generate more and more sales in the international market.

/ocumentation is one o the most important aspect o o!erseas trade. #or
the beginner it is conusing and irksome aspects. ;ut it has to be mastered and the pattern
o documentation used is repetiti!e so that practice make perect in the end.
Correct documentation is !ery important because it alone can secure the s(it
passage o goods through the coustmer resulting in prompt payment o goods e'ported.
&ccording to the type and nature o the products e'porting, the types o document !ary
rom one company to another. Nikasu rozen ood international is preparing the ollo(ing
,urchase order
,acking list
Special custom in!oice
;ill o e'change
=S, orm the certiicate o orgin
Short shipment notice
Shipping bill or e'port o duty ree goods
=* orms
The ollo(ing procedures are adopted in N##I or initiating correcti!e
action in case o non compliances de!iation beyond critical correcti!e actions. &ny non
conormance or product -uality9process limits are rectiied through proper and
immediate. &t the recei!ing, during processing and packing, correcti!e actions in!ol!ing
re7ection disposal o products or ra( materials are done by the -uality controller in
consultation (ith =+. &ll correcti!e actions are checked and !eriied and entered in the
respecti!e records.
M!$!%EME$T RE&"E' MEET"$%
To re!ie( the eecti!e D suitability o ood saety management system at deined
inter!als to achie!e company%s ood saety policy D ood saety ob7ecti!e and to satisy
the re-uirements i the customers.
&pplicable to all acti!ites pertaining to the documented ood saety management
system implemented in N##I.
+/,>&CC, team leader, >$/
aF & re!ie( committee has been ormed or re!ie( o the ood supply management
sytem in N##I
bF The re!ie( committee consist o +/, >&CC, team leader, as con!ener and all
department heads as member
cF +anagement re!ie( meeting shall be perormed once in si' months, management
re!ie( meeting at shorter inter!als can be carried out, depending on re-uirements.
dF The eecti!e implementation o ood saety ob7ecti!es and -uality system shall
be measured -ualitati!ely in the management re!ie( meeting.
a. Revie( input
The agenda o the management re!ie( meeting shall essentially includes the
*e!ie( o minutes o management re!ie( meeting
C* summary internal9e'ternal audit reports
Customer complaints
,erormance measures
/eli!ery perormance
Correcti!e D pre!enti!e action
,erormance9track record o critical suppliers
Training needs
*esource re-uirements
Eecti!e and continued suitability o ood saety management system in
achie!ing o N##I
b. Revie( output
The re!ie( output mainly includes preparation o suitable action plan to
impro!e the eecti!eness o the ood saety management system so that the
ob7ecti!e can be achie!ed
&llocation o necessary resources Dtraining
Total planning or the orthcoming acti!ities
The management re!ie( committee can also re!ie( suitability o the
documents in !ie( o the changes international >&CC, standards D suggest
changes in the manual
>$/ shall make a presentation highlighting the correcti!e actions or the
departments and their departmental perormance measures.
Shall coordinate (ith production , cleaning and sanitation acti!ities
*esponsible to ensure that all =+,, production , cleaning and sanitation aspects
are meant in processing acility
Super!ising cleaning employees, controlling chemical store etc
Shall be responsible or implementing correcti!e actions (ithin the time rame
speciied by the =+, audits and maintain records thereo
Checking D monitoring ireighting e-uipment
Checking personnel hygiene o employees
Checking microbial load on utensils
Checking and recording store
Inter!ie( D taking ne( laborers in consultation (ith production manger and =+
Checking -uality o sample products o pre!ious day in the cold storage
/istributions o employees in consultation (ith production manager
Ensuring cleanliness o (orkers daily
Inspect employees rest room
>&CC, Team 0eader
The general manger is appointed as the >&CC, team leader. The
responsibility and areas o authority are
*esponsible or laying do(n and implementation system
*esponsibility or any de!iation rom the authority (ith reerence to >&CC,<
laid do(n in the >&CC, system
To take necessary correcti!e and pre!enti!e action
To ensure that the statistical techni-ue identiied or process control and
inspection are adhered to
Technical +anager
Keep a register o a complaints D record completion
.p keep o the e'isting machine through pre!enti!e maintenance
Installation o ne( machinery
Shall be responsible or repairing acti!ities
+aintain records related to maintenance o machines and building
Identiication o spare parts and engineering e-uipments re-uirements
Shall be responsible or calibrating the inspection, measuring and test
e-uipments and ensue that the desired accuracy and response is achie!ed
Shall maintain all records related to inspection
Shall ensure that the spare parts purchased
0iaise (ith =+ to identiy the training needs o his subordinates
0iaise (ith =+ to impro!e machine perormance and producti!ity
To liaise (ith production manger to attain production eiciency
Temperature maintenance o cold room chillers, reezers and rerigeration
and maintenance or controlled en!ironment
Ensure pest control operations
Ensure ireighting e-uipments
>e9She is
,rimarily responsible or assuring >&CC, based -uality management
system in the company
*esponsible or recei!ing inspection o both commodities and packing
material and ensure that it conirms to the speciications
*esponsible or carrying out progress inspection o production (hich
is integrated (ith process control
*esponsible or maintaining the products samples
*esponsible to ensuer that products are ree o contamination (hich
leads to ood saety issues
*esponsible or identiying non conorming products and repoting to
=+ or taking disposition9correcti!e actions the ood saety
management system
+aintain records related to purchase o commodities and production
Shall the training needs o -uality department and co coordinated the
training acti!ities
Check the cold storage temperature D product temperature and
monitors CC,S
*esponsible or conducting monthly ood saety audit
*esponsible or implementation o saety measure in the actory.
The company is ha!ing a good e'perience in thr rozen ood e'port market
&ble to pro!ide -uality products
,rducts are ha!ing >&CC, standard
=oods employees employer relationship
Eecti!ely compete (ith other companies
Inade-uate promotional acti!ities
Need high -uality machineries to the production department
India does not ha!e a good rozen market
=ro(ing demand or the products
E'panding the distribution areas
The inlation rate may aect the proitability
There (ill be chance or high competition in uture
The organizational study enabled to understand in detail the modes o operation
and accounts o NIK&S. International. It also helped to get the practical
;ase or book keeping and accounting (hich neither to be learned theoretically. &lso
the company is a rozen ood manuacturing company so it helped to kno( ho( such
ood is produced and its -uality control, e'porting and importing procedures etc.The
company also ga!e access to its books and helped a lot to get a clear picture o the
company as (ell as the market o the rozen ood items.

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