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Alphabetized Vocabulary List Tech 3 English (With English Definitions)

S= Safety O&G = Oil & Gas

Module Word Part of Speech Definition
Environment achieve verb reach a goal; complete a plan
Environment achievement noun
the act of reaching a goal through hard work; a
goal that was reached
advantage n
a good chance
Environment agree verb
two or more people have the same idea about
Environment agreeable adjective nice; pleasant; easy to get along with
Environment agreement noun
an understanding between 2 or more people or
businesses to follow a certain action or
S alert noun fire alarm, whistle or bell
Environment alteranative adjective
being different; Example: Solar Power is an
example of alternative energy.
O&G alteration noun
the process of re-arranging the chemical
structure of one one substance to make another
Environment alternate verb change back and forth
Environment alternate noun
a different choice or thing; Example: They didn't
have the same paper for the retest - they used
an alternate exam.
Environment alternative noun a different choice or thing
Environment alternatively adverb in a different way
amenity n any feature that increases comfort, usefulness or
S amputate verb
to completely cut off a finger, leg, arm
or other body part
Environment assess verb check, measure or test
Environment assessment noun a tool (or exam) used to check, measure or test
Environment atmospheric adjective about the air
Environment atmposhere noun the air
available adj
present and able to be used
O&G bitumen n a thick, black liquid used on roads (gar)
S blast noun an explosion
O&G blend verb to mix together
S blindness noun
the condition of being blind (not being
able to see)
O&G boiling point noun
the exact temperature at which a substance
changes from a liquid to a gas
O&G boiling point noun
the temperature at which a substance changes
state from liquid to gas; Example: At sea level
water has a boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius.
O&G boiling range noun
a group of temperatures that are near together
at which a group of similar substances will
change from liquid to gas. Example: The group of
compounds called "Kerosene" has a boiling
range between 204 and 288 degrees Celsius.
brackish adj
O&G break apart v to separate into different pieces or parts
breakdown n
a mechanical failure
brine n
concentrated salt water
O&G bubble verb; noun
noun: a rounded collection of gas inside a liquid;
Example: there are a lot of bubbles in cola; verb:
to make bubbles inside a liquid; Example: Water
gas bubbles up through boiling water.
O&G butane noun
A hydrocarbon with four carbon atoms often
used as lighter fluid; butane is also used in LPG:
the gas C4H10
O&G by-product noun
a substance produced by a process that has
another substance as its goal or purpose
S casualty noun
a person who is hurt or killed in an
O&G catalyst noun
a substance that increases the rate of a chemical
reaction without itself undergoing any change
S circumstances noun
causes surrounding an accident (e.g.,
greasy floor, fog, heavy rain, driving
too fast)
clogged adj
blocked; unable to flow easily
O&G coking noun
a type of cracking: residual is heated until it
cracks into heavy oil, gasoline and napth
O&G column noun a tower or tall structure
O&G combine verb; noun verb: to mix together
compatible adj
able to work together easily
S complete verb finish writing or filling a form
Environment component noun
one part of many; example: The reading grade is
the most significant component of the module
O&G compound noun
a substance fromed by the chemical combination
of elements in fixed proportions
O&G compound noun
a substance consisting of two or more chemical
elements: H2s
Environment compound noun
a substance composed of two or more elements
in set precentages; anything made by combining
several things
Environment compound adjective composed of two or more parts
Environment compound verb
form a resulting mixture by combining different
Environment compress verb make something smaller by pusing on it
Environment compressed adjective
having been made smaller by having been
pushed on
Environment compression noun
the action of making something smaller by
pusing on it
S compulsory adjective
you must do something (e.g., it is
compulsory to wear PPE in
concentrated adj
having a large component of some substance:
brine is concentrated salt water
O&G condense v for a gas to lose heat and change into a liquid
O&G condenseation noun
the process by which vapor loses heat and
changes into a liquid
S consequence noun result; what happened after a cause
O&G constituent noun
ofe of the substances or things that combine to
form something else
consume v
consumption n
the action of using
O&G contain v to hold inside
Environment continously adverb
in a way that involves going on and on without
Environment continuation noun
the activity of doing the same thing for a period
of time; work that is started again after a pause
Environment continue verb keep doing something
Environment continuous adjective going on and on without pausing
Environment contract noun a written and signed formal business agreement
Environment contract verb write and sign a formal business agreement
Environment contractual adjective
about a formal written and signed business
Environment contractually adverb
in a way that uses a formal written and signed
business agreement
Environment contribute verb give; be a part of
contribute v
give; be a part of something
Environment contribution noun something that is given
Environment conversion noun
the action of changing from one form to another
Environment convert verb change from one form to another form
Environment converted adjective
having been changed from one form to another
Environment corrode verb
make a metalic substance weaker by rust or
S corroded adjective damaged by corrsion - like rusty
Environment corroded adjective having been made weaker by rust or oxidation
Environment corrosion noun
rust or weak metal that has been made weaker
by rust or oxidation
O&G cracking noun
the process of breaking large hydrocarbons into
smaller molecules
O&G crude oil n the natural feedstock of hydrocarbon distillation
S deadly adjective
something that could cause death;
something toxic like H2S
O&G decay v
to be slowly destroyed or broken down by a
natural chemical process
decline v
decrease; go down
S defective adjective not working properly, broken
demand n the desire to buy or use something: at Dhs20 per
liter, demand for petrol would be smaller than
depend on v need someone or something for support or help;
OR: be contingent on: the result will come one
way under one condition or another way under a
different condition: grades often depend on how
much work somebody does
O&G derive v
to obtain or create one chemical substance from
something else
desalinate v
remove or reduce the salt in salty water
desalinated adj
the amount of salt has been reduced or all the
salt has been removed
desalination n the process of reducing or eliminating salt in
salty water
Environment design verb
make a written or drawn plan for something
before building it
Environment design noun
the plan that someone makes before building
S designation noun
your job or your position in the
Environment designed adjective having been planned
dilute v decrease the concentration by adding more
water (or some other fluid); flared gases are
diluted in the atmosphere
S disabling injury noun
a serious injuury that may force time
off or prevent ever working again
disadvantage n
a weakness or loss that makes it more difficult to
reach a goal
S disaster noun
a very serious event, worse than an
O&G discharge verb
to give off, or dispose of a gas or liquid; to be
disposed of
Environment discharge verb release or put out
Environment discharge noun material that has been released or put out
discharge v
S dislocate verb
different from break: to force a bone
out of its natural position
S dismiss verb fire someone; kick someone out
dispose of v
eliminate; throw away; get rid of
Environment dissolution noun the process of disolving
O&G dissolve verb
to disappear into water or another liquid;
Example: the sugar dissolved in hot water
Environment dissolve verb
disappear into a liquid; break into smaller pieces
by putting it into a fluid; Exaample: Many people
like to dissolve sugar into their tea.
dissolve v
for a solid to disappear into a liquid: sugar
dissolves in coffee or tea
Environment dissolved adjective
having been broken into smaller pieces by
putting something into a fluid.
O&G distillation noun
the process of separating, concentrating or
purifying liquid by boiling it and then
consdensing the resulting vapor back into liquid.
O&G distillation column n
fractionation tower; a large metal cylindar where
heat is used to separate crude oil into different
O&G draw off verb
to remove a small amount of liquid from a larger
amount by using a tube or pipe
S drill noun practice for something
Environment drill noun
the action of practicing an acitivity; Example:
Sometimes we have a fire drill.
Environment drill verb practice some activity;
drought n a significant length of time with little or no rain
but in a place with a climate that is usally wet:
When the monsoons fail in India, little rain falls
and agricultural production falls until a more
normal climate returns.
Environment efficiency noun
the ability to do a lot using very little energy or
Environment efficient adjective able to do a lot using very little energy or money
Environment efficiently adverb in a way that uses very little energy or money
Environment eliminate verb
make something go away or disappear; dispose
of; get rid of
Environment elimination noun
the process of making something go away or
S emergency noun
something bad that happens without
Environment emissions noun things that are released or allowed to go out
Environment emit verb allow to go out; release
Environment ensure verb make certain of something
Environment environmenatlly adverb in a way that protects the natural world
Environment environment noun
the natural world; the area around something;
Example: It is important to maintain a safe work
Environment environmental adjective about the natural world
Environment equilibrium noun a balancing point
S errors mistakes
O&G essential adj something that we need or must have
S evacuate verb
to leave the room or building as
quickly as possible, especially during a
fire drill
Environment evaporate verb change from liquid state to a gas
O&G evaporation noun
the process that happens when a fluid is heated
and becomes a gas
O&G evaporation noun
a process in which something is changed from a
liquid to a vapor, sometimes witout its
temperature reaching the boiling point
Environment evaporation noun
the process of changing from a liquid state to a
exceed v
to be larger, faster or bigger than something
Environment exist verb
to be real, not just an idea; Example: The people
in this room exist, but Spiderman does not exist.
Environment existence noun the activity of BEING;
Environment existing adjective
the way things are now; Example: The existing
level of emissions are still too high; we are
working to bring them down more.
Environment exploration noun the action of looking to try to find something
Environment explore verb look to try to find something
S exposure noun
not being protected from something
dangerous (e.g., too much exposure to
the sun will cause cancer.)
S extent (of) noun
how bad the injuries are (fraction,
amputation, dislocation, cut, and so
S eyewitness noun someone who saw the accident
Environment facility noun a place where work is done
S fatality noun a person who dies in an accident
O&G feedstock noun
a raw material used in the industrial
manufacture of a product. Example: Crude oil is
the feedstock for hydrocarbon distillation.
O&G fluid n liquid
O&G fractionalation n
the process of separating a mixture into different
parts or fractions
O&G fractions noun
small parts, amounts or proportions of
something. Example: In hydrocarbon distillation,
crude oil is separated into different fractions.
S fracture verb to break something (like a bone)
Environment friction noun
the action of two things rubbing together;
Example: A car's brakes help it stop by using
S fulfill verb
to achieve or finish something (to
O&G granulate v to break into small pieces
Environment harm verb to hurt or injure
Environment harm noun injury
Environment harmful adjective
possibly able to cause injury; Example: Carmon
monoxide is a harmful gas.
Environment harmfully adverb in a way that could cause injury
Environment harmless adjective without injury
Environment harmlessly adverb in a way that does not cause any injury
S hidden adjective you cannot see it
O&G horizontal adj level; flat; the opposite of vertical
O&G hydrocracking noun
a type of cracking: hydrocracking uses a catalyst
to crack heavy oil into gasonine and kerosene
impact n
collision; the striking or hitting of one thing
against another
O&G impurity noun
a contaminant, something that makes another
substance less pure; Example: water and sand
are examples of impurities in cruide oil.
S incident noun
anything that happens that must be
reported: accident, near-miss, or
security problem
S infecttion noun
germs or bacteria are growing in a cut
or wound
inhibit v hinder; restrain; slow or stop something from
Environment inject verb
cause some material to go into a place; Example:
The doctor injected some medicine into my arm.
Example: CO2 is sometimes injected into a
petroleum well.
Environment injection noun the activity of injecting something.
Environment install verb put something into place so it can be used
install v
to connect, set up or prepare something for use
Environment installation noun
the process of putting something into place so it
can be used
S investigate verb to find the causes for something
irrigation n
the activity of causing water to flow over land to
provide liquid for plants
O&G kerosene noun
a group of hydrocarbons with from 10 to 16
carbon atoms
S lack noun not enough of something
lack n; v
the absence of something: He took a low grade
because of lack of study.
S leak verb
drip or pour from a container or pipe:
a leak or spill is probably a reportable
S leak noun
a small hole or crack in something that
lets a fluid or gas escape
Environment libricant noun
a substance that is placed between working
surfaces to reduce friction
O&G liquefaction n the process of turning something into a liquid
O&G liquify v
to make into a liquic or to cause something to
become a liquid
lower v
let down; allow to descend by its own wait; pull
down; reduce the height of
O&G lubricant noun
a substance, typically oil or grease, applied to a
surface to reduce friction between moing parts
Environment lubricate verb
place or put some substance between working
surfaces to reduce friction
maintain v
keep in good working order; preserve; keep up
Environment maintan verb keep in good working order
Environment maintenance noun
the activity of keeping something in good
working order
maintenance n
actions done to keep some machine or system in
good working order
S major adjective
big (e.g., In a major accident he
fractured his leg.)
Environment manage verb control or direct; organize; supervise
Environment management noun
the act of watching and controling a business or
situation; the people who are responsible for
managing a business
Environment manager noun someone who manages
O&G manufacture v; n verb: to make in a factory
S medic noun
person who works in the clinic, like a
membrane n a flexible separating part between two places or
environments; a membrane may allow
substances to pass through (permeable), allow
no substances to pass through (impermeable) or
allow some substances but not others to pass
through (semi-permeable)
O&G methane n
a hydrocarbon gas, CH4, with a boinling point of
minus 162 degrees Celsius
O&G method n the way or the steps used to do something
S minor adjective
small (He had only a small cut: it was a
minor injury.)
O&G molecule n
the smallest physical unit of a substance that can
exist independently, consisting of one or more
atoms held together by chemical forces
monitor v
O&G naptha noun
hydrocarbons with from 5 to 9 carbon atoms
used to make chemicals
S near miss noun an accident that nearly happened
S non-disabling injury noun
a minor injury: someone with a non-
disabling injury can go back to work
with no time off
Environment nozzle noun
a short tube that allows a liquid to pass out of a
hoze or pipe
O&G numerous adj having a large number
obstruct v
block; reduce or stop the ability to move or flow
O&G obtain v
to get possession of something, especially by
making an effort or having the necessary
S occupation noun
your job or your position in the
S occur verb
to happen (the accident occurred on
Hamdan Avenue)
O&G occur verb to happen
S on duty at work, on the job
Environment operate verb make a machine work; sue a machine
operate v
to use; to make work (as a machine)
Environment operation noun
the activity of making a machine work or using a
outpace v
go faster than
overcome v
win over a difficulty; rise over an obstruction
O&G paraffin n.
a hydrocarbon with ten to sixteen carbon atoms;
paraffin can be gas or liquid and can be used in
heaters and lamps
Environment particle noun a part or a pice
O&G pentane noun
a hydrocarbon with five carbon atoms: the gas
O&G perforation noun
a hole or group of holes in something; Example:
cooling trays have perforations (or holes) in
Environment perform verb work
Environment performance noun the activity of working; the quality of working
Environment periodically adverb from time to time; occasionally
permeable adj
allows things to pass from one side to the other
side; example: a permeable membrane
Environment permission noun
the action of agreeing to let someone do
something or to let something happen
Environment permit verb
allow; let someone do something; let something
Environment permit noun a paper that says that something is allowed
S position noun
your job at the company (the same as
potable adj usable for drinking: sea water is not potable
water; water used for washing or irrigation is
often not potable water
S premises noun
buildings, property inside a wall that
belongs to you or to a company
measures noun
actions we take to prevent an
accident from happening in the future
(e.g., wearing PPE is a preventative
Environment previous adjective the one before; one that hhappened before
Environment previously adverb at some time in the past
S procedure noun the correct way of doing something
O&G process verb; noun
noun: the way or steps involved in doing
something; verb: to put a substance through the
steps for doing something (the steps of the
process, noun).
Environment produce verb make
O&G product n something that is produced
Environment production noun the activity of making something
Environment productive adjective useful; making things
Environment productively adverb
in a way that is useful; in a way that makes
things or works well
Environment protect verb keep safe
Environment protection noun the activity of keeping something safe
Environment protective adjective
keeping something safe; Example: It is important
to wear your Personal Protective Equipment
when you are working.
Environment protectively adverb in a way that keeps things safe
Environment pump verb to force fluid from one place to another place
Environment pump noun
a machine that forces fluid from one place to
another place
Environment pure adjective
100% that substance; without anny other
material or pollutant
Environment purely adverb in a way that is pure
Environment purifly verb
to make more pure; remove othher materials or
purify v
make more pure
O&G purity noun
the degree to which a a substance is pure: How
absent are contaminents?
Environment purity noun the condition of being pure
O&G range verb; noun
to start and one number and go on to another
number. Example: The group of compounds
called "Kerosene" has a boiling points that range
between 204 and 288 degrees Celsius.
Environment rate noun the speed at which something happens
Environment recognition noun
the activity of knowing someone or something
when you see it; the praise that is given for
doing a good thing
Environment recognize verb
know someone or something when you see it;
give praise for doing a good thing
Environment recover verb to get something back
Environment recovery noun the activity of getting something back
O&G reduce verb
to make or become small in size, number,
extent, degree or intensity; to make something
smaller in this way
O&G refine v
to make pure through distillation or another
process; Example: Table salt is refined from sea
Environment regulate verb
make rules and laws to control some activity;
control some activity
Environment regulation noun
a rule or law that controls some activity; the
activity of controlling some activity
Environment regulatory adjective
relating to a rule or law that controls some
Environment release verb allow to open or go out
Environment relief noun the removal of stress or pressure
Environment relief adjective
relating to the activity of removing stress or
pressure; Example: relief valve
Environment relieve verb
to reduce the amount of stress or pressure on
O&G remove verb take out of a place; get rid of
remove v
take out of something
require v
to need something; to have to do something
O&G residue noun
a thick substance that ermains on the surface
after a chemical process; thick hydrocarbon that
does not evaporate in a distillation column but
instead stays in the bottom of the fractionation
Environment result noun The ting that happens after a cause.
Environment result verb To happen after a cause.
S reveal verb to show something that was hidden
reverse v;adj
to change directions 180 degrees; example:
forward is the reverse of backward
Environment revocering adjective about the activity of getting something back
S risk verb
take a chance which may cause harm
or injury
Environment risk noun the danger that a bad thing might happen
Environment risk verb
to act in a way that makes it possible for a bad
thing to happen
Environment risky adjective dangerous; involving risk
saline adj
contaning salt
scarce adj
uncommon; existing only in small amounts
Environment screen noun the activity of checking something
Environment screen verb check something
Environment screened adjective soemthing that has been checked
O&G separate v to take different parts in to different places
separate adj
in different locations; not connected
O&G separation n
the process of taking different parts into
different places
shift v
change from one thing to another
shrink v
become smaller
Environment significant adjective important; large
Environment significantly adverb in a way that is important or large
S site noun the exact location
Environment standard noun the degree of quality that we should achieve
Environment standard adjective normal; usual
Environment standardize verb
to work to ensure that all products achieve the
same quality
O&G structure n
the shape of something; Example: Each chemical
substance has its own chemical structure.
O&G substance an a particular type of solid, liquid or gas
S suffocate verb to choke so you can't breath
Environment supply verb provide or give something that is needed; equip
Environment supply noun the things that are given; equipment
supply v;n
give or provide something that is needed (equip)
; the thing that is given or provided (equipment)
swallow v
pass liquid or food from the mouth toward the
stomach: when we drink water we swallow it
O&G tar n a thick, black liquid used on roads (gar)
O&G thermal adjective related to heat or termperature
O&G tower noun
like a column; Example: a distillation tower;
Example: the Burj Khalifa is a tower.
S trapped adjective
something is locked in a room or stuck
in a pipe so escape is impossible
S treat verb
to help with a health problem (usually
by medical staff)
O&G treat v
to expose a person or thing to a certain
Environment treat verb
hadle or deal with somebody or something in a
certain way
Environment treatment noun
the activity of handling or dealing with
somebody or something in a certain way
Environment ultimate adjective
the last one; the greatest possible; the most
Environment ultimately adverb
relating to the last item or the most important
S unsafe act noun
Soemthing that you do that is unsafe (e.g.,
horseplay in the workshop)
S unsafe condition Noun
something that someone else did or a
condition you found at work (ex. a
greasy floor where you are working)
O&G vacuum noun a space that is completely empty of all gas or air
O&G vapor (vapour) noun
the gaseous state of a liquid or solid, especially
at a temperature below its boiling point.
Example: Fog and clouds are visible examples of
water vapor, a gas well below water's boiling
O&G varioius adj of different kinds or categories, types or things
O&G vary v to change
Environment venitilation noun
the process of moving new gas into a place;
Example: AC is a kind of ventilation
Environment vent verb
to allow something, usually a gas, to pass out of
a place
Environment vent noun an opening that allows gas to flow
S ventilation noun
a system for bringing air into a room;
AC is ventilation
O&G versatile adj
something that has many uses or can be used for
many things.
O&G vertical adj
straight up and down; forming a ninety degree
angle with a flat surface; the opposite of
Environment vessel noun a ship or airplane; a large container
Environment vet verb to check to ensure quality
Environment vetted adjective
the condition of having been checked to ensure
Environment vetting noun the activity of checking to ensure quality
O&G viscosity n
describes a fluid that has a relatively high
resistance to flow; Example: honey is viscous
O&G viscous adj
thick and sticky; flows very slowly; is difficult to
O&G volatile adj
of a liquid: changing easily into a gas. Example:
Gasoline is a very volatile liquid.
O&G vosbralomg noun
one type of cracking: residual is re-heated and
then burned quickly.
O&G wax n
a substance of animal, plant, or mineral origin
that feels slightly greasy or oily to the touch.
Example: Wax is used to make candles.
withdraw v remove; take away; take out; Be sure to
withdraw your hand from the machine before
you turn it on.

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