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Kerala is increasingly rated as one of the must visit destinations not only by the
highly discerning foreign tourists but also by the domestic tourists. Tourism is a major
phenomenon of modern world and is one of the worlds highest priority industries and
employers. Kerala is today the most sought after and trusted tourism brand in India.
Kerala is famous for different facets like pilgrimage tourism, cultural tourism, medical
tourism, beach tourism, backwater tourism etc.
Among them one of the important facets of Kerala tourism is beach tourism.
Kerala beaches, most of the Indias finest beaches are in Kerala. Its entire !! kilometer
length coastline is lined with sandy beaches, rocky promontories and coconut palms.
"ach year a large number of visitors #both foreign as well as domestic tourists$ visited
there in search of tran%uil, palm fringed beaches and also for the various packages linked
with beach tourism like Ayurveda tourism or health tourism. The factors stimulating a
flourishing beach tourism sector include scenic splendor, moderate climate, clean
environment, a friendly and peace & loving people with high tolerance or cultural
diversity and the potential for creating uni%ue tourism products like beach resorts,
Ayurvedic centres, spa centres, health tourism etc. Kerala enjoys an e'traordinary kinship
with the sea or beaches which offers a surf, spice and sand like no other place. Though
e'tremely popular worldwide, the beaches remain strangely une'ploited and bewitching.
Importance of beach tourim in Kera!a
"# To increae forei$n e%chan$e
(each tourism is an industry that earns foreign e'change for a country
without harming natural resources and also without e'porting any material goods. (oth
domestic as well as foreign tourists are fre%uently visiting various popular beach
destinations of Kerala tends to show an increasing rate of revenue generation.
&# 'e(e!opment of infratructura! faci!itie
The improvement and development of infrastructural facilities is another
important benefit offered by the beach tourism industry. )ome of the infrastructural
facilities like roads, water supply, hotels, resorts, ayurvedic centers, spa centers, and other
sectors of the economy have a positive impact due to it. The provision of infrastructural
may provide the basis as an encouragement for economic diversification. And also, a
variety of secondary activities may be promoted in presence of beach tourism.
)# *eneration of emp!o+ment opportunitie
(each tourism is a sector that offers a wide range of employment opportunities
for highly skilled, semi&skilled, and unskilled labors in sectors like hotels, spas,
restaurants, travel agencies, tour operators, travel guides, tourism officers, shops etc.
,# To maintain a ba!anced re$iona! de(e!opment
It greatly benefits underdeveloped regions of various places or beach
destinations. There are some places which have places of high scenic beauty, natural
environment, potentiality etc., but they are not been given importance for improvement
initiatives to bring a lot of prosperity and development to the regional sector.
-# Importance in maintainin$ peace and undertandin$
(each tourism in Kerala plays an important role in promoting national as
well as international goodwill. It creates awareness and appreciation of other countries
culture and tradition and paves a way for cultural e'change and enrichment. (each
tourism can be considered as a mediator for international understanding by way of
bringing diverse people from different countries, cultures, customs, and traditions to be
Cha!!en$e of Beach Tourim in Kera!a
"ven though beach tourism is considered as a positive phenomenon, there are
some challenges that are faced during the promotion of beach tourism which includes
"# 'ipoa! of .ate/ h+$iene and c!ean!ine
The waste disposal system of the beaches like Kovalam, *arkala, Alleppey is
not properly availed, even though if they are available they are not properly maintained
which makes the beaches an dilemma and also, the usage of plastics articles, waste
plastics etc makes beaches a polluted one.
&# *uided er(ice
The services of the guide for the tourists to , the beach destinations in Kerala is
below the standard to +oa beaches and the guide there was not properly trained so as to
cope up with the tourist demands is one of the major challenge faced in beach tourism.

)# Lac0 of proper infratructura! faci!it+
"ven though Kerala is labeled a +od,s -wn .ountry, it is not able to meet the basic
current re%uirement of various infrastructural facilities such as toilets, kiosks, fireplaces,
benches, parlors, information centers, waiting sheds etc to be needed in various beach
destinations like Kovalam, *arkala and Alleppey. /acking of basic infrastructural
facilities in those destinations can be considered as the reason for the decline of tourists
visiting beaches. In order to raise the availability of infrastructural facilities necessary
funding is to be provided and steps is to be taken to access infrastructural facilities by the
concerned authorities.
,# Baic Amenitie
The basic amenities are the factor that promote beach tourism in Kerala. (y
focusing on various beach destinations like Kovalam, *arkala, Alleppey the basic
amenities such as transport facilities, hotels , car parking areas, toilets, restaurants,
hotels, waiting sheds etc were absent which makes destinations a weaker one. )o
necessary initiatives is to be implemented in order to solve the issue.
1opu!ar Beache in Kera!a
)ome of the destinations popular beaches of +od,s -wn .ountry, Kerala include0
Ko(a!am Beach
It is one of Indias internationally renowned beach. Kovalam is situated just 12 kms from
capital city of Kerala, Thiru(nanthpuram and journey takes only about half an hour.
Kovalam beach is an ideal destination of hone+moon coup!e/ fami!ie/ !one!+ heart
and ad(enturer due to it ambience combined .ith $ood faci!itie# This beach is
named as golden beach due to its golden sand. This beach has lovely coconut palms
fringe in the golden sands. Kovalam in fact is stretched among three crescent beaches
which are separated by natural rocky promontories as barriers. These beaches are
samudra beach, "ve,s or the 3awah and Li$hthoue beach# Kovalam beach is e'cellent
for sunbathing, swimming, surfing and boating. The beach is guarded by lifeguards.
Kovalam beach is highly commerciali4ed having most of the modern facilities.
Ayurveda massages, panchrakma, spas, auna and 2acu33i are very common and are
offered by most of the hotels5resorts. 6oreigners throng Ayurvedic parlors, yoga and
meditation centers, that have sprung up all over the place. The volleyball court and the
hammocks are the spots around the Kovalam beach resorts, popular with the tourists in
Kovalam beach. Apart from the usual sunbath and surfing, many marine activities are
possible at Kovalam. In 7!!89!:, the number of tourist visited Kovalam destination was
;::,; and those visited on 7!!9!; has an estimation of <8;,:< indicates an increase
in trend of inflow of tourists for about four years and the number of International tourists
visited during 7!!9!; was about 1<2,<78 as compared to 1!2,::; in 7!!89!: also
e'hibits an increase in tourists inflows in an continuous manner.
4ar0a!a Beach
*arkala (each is been ranked as a top ten seasonal beach by discovery
channel. )ituated in )outh Kerala at =orth end boarder of Trivandrum >istrict, *arkala is
an ama4ing seaside resort and spa. *arkala spa, 87 km away from Thiruvananthapuram,
is the best spot along Kerala coast for watching sunset. The sight of the sun melting into
the sea would blossom your poetic sense. The mineral water gushing from the hill is
believed to have medicinal properties. The *arkala sand has become an ideal spot for
confluence of cultures e'otic and alien. The *arkala (each has something for everybody
I As a tourism destination *arkala is filled with 3otels, ?estaurants, Ayurvedic and @oga
centers, )pa centers and Travel -perators. It is an ideal location for those looking for a
rela'ed and %uieter holiday. The (each with its brown sand, panoramic landscape and
seascapes is a tropical paradise. *arkala beach is an ideal spot to enjoy the sight of sunset
in Kerala ?ed laterite cliffs that borders the beach just dramatically into the seaA *arkala
is a seaside resort and spa, as well as important 3indu center of pilgrimage. *arious
beach activities like, beach volleyball, swimming, surfing, sailing, parasailing or scuba
diving can be enjoyed at the *arkala family beach. "lse just la4e in the sun or try your
hand at building a sand castle or participate in any of the numerous beach activities
offered on the beautiful beach.There is =ature .ure .entre at *arkala beach, which is
ideal for naturaotherapy and Ayurvedic treatments. It offers a wide range of %uality stay
facilities from lu'ury accommodation to budget rooms to the tourists. The tourists inflow
for the period 7!!89!: has ;B:,!8; and <8;,:< during 7!!9!; and the International
tourists visited there was about 1<2,<78 in 7!!9!; as against <8,;2: in 7!!29!8.
A!!eppe+ Beach
Allapu4ha is known as *enice of "ast. Alappu4ha beach in Kerala is located o
a strip of land, sandwiched between the Arabian )ea and the Cunnamada backwaters.
Tourists can fly upto Kochi airport in =edumbassery and can get a cab to travel the rest
<! kilometer towards south of the state9 Alappu4ha beach is %uite a popular hangout and
rela'ation spot in the district of Alappu4ha. Alappu4ha is a district of enormous natural
beauty. 6acilities at the Alappu4ha (each include boating, a childrenDs park with toy train
and bicycles. The tourists participate in any of the numerous beach activities offered on
the beautiful Alappu4ha beachesE 6or instance, indulge in any of the e'citing water sports
such as surfing or parasailing, or go swimming in the clear blue sea, or even try your
hand at building a sand castle or playing a game of beach volleyballE Fater sports are one
of the most thrilling beach activities, and Alappu4ha beach have the best of a%ua9sport
e%uipment such as water9scooters and high9speed boats .The Alleppey beach is a
spectacular one. At one end are the dense palm groves that are so characteristic of
Kerala,s landscape. Gost of the tourist visited there in order to e'perience its natural
scenic beauty and clean environment which made them an e'perience of rich and
The domestic tourists during 7!!29!8 has an estimation of 17,11< as
compared to 1!,21 shows an decline in tourists visit in the destination and the
International tourists in the destination was about 2;,!78 in 7!!29!8 and the arrival of
tourist in 7!!9!; was 8!,8B2 indicates an inflow of tourists.
Be0a! Beach
(ekal beach is located towards the northern tip of Kerala and is 18kms away
from Kasargode. The Ka4argode district is blessed with so many beaches like bekal
beach which has an historical background which makes one of the most tourist
destination beach spot. The 7 km long (ekal beach is a perfect place for individual, who
knows nothing then swimming and sightseeing (ekal beach with (ekal fort in the
background is been developed as international tourist spot which is 2!! years old and the
largest and the best preserved fort in Kerala. /argest best preserved 6ort in Kerala
spreading over 8! acres that runs in to the Arabian )ea. The (ekal fort is also among the
five centers selected by the government of India to be developed as )pecial Tourism
The tourists arrival in the destination has an estimation of 128,BB1 during
7!!29!8 and 12:,1<1 as in 7!!9!; shoes an increase trend in visits. And the
international tourists arrival was ;B; in 7!!9!; as compared to B;< in 7!!29!8.
Mu3hupi!an$ad Beach
Gu4happilangad beach of Kannur is one of the longest beaches of Kerala. It is
situated at a distance of 1: kilometers from Kannur. The Gu4hapilangad beach is the
only drive9in beach of India. This is what makes it uni%ue among all other beaches of not
only Kerala but also India. The long stretch, which measures around 8 kilometers, is the
ideal place to la4e around or go for a drive. The beach is about : km long and curves in a
wide area providing a good view of Kannur on the north. /ocal laws allow beachgoers to
drive for a full 8 km directly on the sands of the beach. The beach is clean and well
maintained and is one of the best places to hang around in Kannur. It is Kerala,s only
drive in beach where one can drive about 8 kilometer from Kannur to Tellichery. It is one
of the beach that welcomes to have an e'perience of swimming, sunbathing etc. The
beach is famous for a number of water activities and a naval academy, Gu4hupilangad
beach. It is a suitable place for Ayurvedic therapies, )pa treatments etc.
Kappad Beach
/ocated at a distance of 1B kilometer from the Ko4hikode town, the kappad
beach is wrapped in a sheet of history. It is a land where the famous portugese sailor,
*asco >a +ama set his feet in the year 1<8; along with 1! men which marked the
beginning of a new era and new relationship earlier. Today, Kappad attracts a whole lot
of visitors desirous of knowing more about the Cortuguese and the native Indians of that
time. Travel to Kappad (each and get immerse in various beach activities. Garvel the
beauty of nature that engulfs this beautiful sandy beach. A mere sight of the beach evokes
the feelings of joy and content. Clay beach volleyball or football or just lie down on the
powdered sands makes the Kappad beach an distinct one.
Cherai Beach
.herai (each is one of the most beautiful beaches in Kerala. It is a long
golden sandy beach e'tending for 1! kilometers, famous by families for its ideal wind
conditions and good restaurants. .herai (each is located in *ypin island, Kochi, India.
.herai (each is just 7: km from Kochi, the business capital of Kerala and 2! km from
.ochin International Airport. The place is a uni%ue combination of sea and backwaters
rimmed by lush green coconut palms and paddy fields. It is an ideal location for
swimming, surfing etc. angling is one of the best leisure sports that test both the agility
and the patience of the sportsman. 6ishing and angling tours on the magical cherai waters
can be the most fascinating e'perience .The crystal clear waters around .herai waters are
ideal for swimming, snorkeling and surfing. (esides these, there is an ample scope for
bird and animal watching. .herai is well known for the mouth lingering fresh sea food
and country wine Toddy.
.herai also has some ancient historical monuments in its close pro'imity.
5ort Kochi Beach
HThe Iueen of Arabian )eaJ, Kochi, beckons one and all to relish and relive
the glory of the bygone years. 6ort Kochi beach is among the finest beaches of world and
popular beach holiday on the map of Kerala beach tourism and renowned for Indo9
"uropean architecture and cultural roots with Cortugal, Kudaism .ulture. The 6ort Kochi
beach has secured a top position in the itineraries of tourists and businessman alike 6ort. .
Ceople come to beach to play, e'ercises, meditations and many other things. The main
attraction on this beach site is the historic fort which helps you to get familiar with its
eventful colonial history and "uropean regimes who ruled it. .ochin .arnival on the =ew
@ear eve is a colorful festival not to be missed at the beach site. The e'perience of the
beach is worth cherishing the entire life. The main attraction on the beach site is the
historic fort which helps to familiari4e with the eventful colonial history and "uropean
regimes who ruled it. The raw and unused stretch of beach is a lonerDs delight, where one
could swim, play cricket or volley ball and even manage to practice yoga. It is offering
some of the beach activities like water and beach sports activities.
Kappi! Beach
Kappil beach is just B kms away from (ekal fort. Kappil (each is a
beautiful, calm and secluded one which is an ideal spot for such nature lovers and attracts
a large number of tourists everywhere. The Kappil beach is sun9drenched and it is an
e'act getaway to spend time after a hectic toured (ekal 6ort The sun drenched Kappil
(each is a perfect gateway after a hectic tour of the nearby (ekal 6ort, some B kilometer
away. The beach covers an area of about twenty9five acres land and it is the most e'citing
location to rela' and enjoy the pleasure The long stretch is wide and clean enough for
swimming and beach walking. The beach has the massive rock, the Kodi .liff, which act
as a resting place for the visitors. It is an ideal location for rela'ation and rejuvenation
which offers a high spirit of peace and solitude from the place.
6or the purpose of the study, a )F-T analysis was conducted by
concentrating mainly on three popular beach destinations of Kerala like Kovalam,
*arkala and Alleppey among the stakeholders and the results of the analysis is given as0
Stren$th 6ea0nee
=atural environment Inade%uate infrastructure
)cenic beauty Ta'ation policy of +overnment of India
)mooth law and order ?estrictive coastal regulation 4one
Innovative brand and positioning Faste disposal system
(each products and services /ack of trained staffs
Advanced society and full literacy
Opportunitie Threat
Lnused potentialities of beach tourism Collution and ecological ha4ards
"mployment opportunities =atural calamities
.ultural distortion
Recommendation for the 1romotion of Beach Tourim in Kera!a
(ased on the )F-T analysis conducted above, some suggestive measures can
be taken into consideration for the purpose of promoting beach tourism in Kerala which
1. Crovide special attention and care to tourists, both domestic and foreign
while they are visiting beaches by setting up of Information .enters, 3elp
me >esk, Trained staffs and guides, medical care facilities etc in order to
support the tourists and tackle the issue and improves the beach tourism in
7. Gaintain smooth law and order and proper enforcement ensuring the safety
and security of those using various beach destinations of Kerala.
2. Crovide necessary basic facilities like hotels, shops, toilets, transport
facilities, car parking facilities to the tourists in various beach destinations.
8. The lack of trained staff and guides in some of the popular beach
destinations such as *arkala (each, Alleppey (each, .herai (each makes
the domestic as well as foreign tourists visits a difficult one. )o it is the
responsibility of Tourism Cromotion .ouncil to provide the e'perienced,
well trained guides to different beach destinations to tackle the situation.
:. The availability of affordable hotels, restaurants, spa centers, parlours to the
foreign tourists as well as domestic tourists is an inevitable one which
makes beach destinations a popular one. )o inorder to cope up with the
demand the +overnment should take initiatives to provide these facilities
both on peak season as well as off seasons
B. Gaintain cleanliness in beaches such as placement of waste dumping
baskets in various places helps to minimi4e the wastages here and there
. Cromote %uality service such as medical facilities, personal care facilities,
transport facilities, accommodation facilities to the tourists visiting different
beach destinations.
;. >evelopment of infrastructural facilities such as toilets, kiosks, fireplaces,
benches, waiting sheds etc for the tourists visiting beaches.
<. It is very important to get the feedback from the tourists visiting different
beach destinations in order to know what the e'periences that they got from
the destinations are. 6or that a mechanism should be developed, reported
and maintained about the feedback so as to improve the beach tourism in
In the forth coming years, beach tourism will develop in an e'orbitant stage which
makes Kerala an identifiable and attractive destination among the world. Kerala is
blessed with so many potentials to a great e'tent and the only way that we to promote
beach tourism are to protect, promote and preserve the beaches of Kerala so that Kerala,
+od,s -wn .ountry will be a place of beach tourism.


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