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Instructions for SALI Application Form, 2014

Instruct|ons on Comp|et|ng the Southeast As|a Leadersh|p In|t|at|ve

App||cat|on Iorm

lLLA requlres all appllcanLs Lo flll ouL an Cnllne AppllcaLlon. Whlle Lhls wlll be very Llme consumlng and rlgorous
Lo compleLe, lL ls a crlLlcal plece for helplng us Lo beLLer know who you are and whaL you do.

lease read Lhe lnsLrucLlons below vL8? CA8LluLL? before proceedlng wlLh your Cnllne AppllcaLlon. 1hey wlll
provlde you wlLh an ouLllne of whaL Lo expecL when you compleLe Lhe onllne form. When worklng on Lhe Cnllne
AppllcaLlon, at any t|me you w||| be ab|e to save the app||cat|on data and return to |t at a |ater t|me]date.

|ease prepare the Io||ow|ng Items kICk to start|ng your Cn||ne App||cat|on:
1. ueLalled resume (sample ls on Lhe followlng page)
2. Scanned copy of your passporL LhaL lncludes your plcLure, name and daLe of blrLh
3. 1wo (2) names of references who can aLLesL Lo your ablllLy Lo succeed on Lhe program
lease glve careful conslderaLlon Lo your answers Lo Lhese quesLlons, as Lhey are a very lmporLanL facLor ln Lhe
admlsslons declslon. Also, please llmlL your responses for each quesLlon Lo 300-1000 words. LLASL CI1L
|ease do your best to answer these quest|ons |n Lng||sh.
1. ou: lease descrlbe who you are ln 200 words or less
2. V|s|on: lease share wlLh us your vlslon for Lhe fuLure. WhaL personal and professlonal vlslon do you
have for yourself? Also, whaL vlslon do you have for your organlzaLlon, your communlLy, and/or your
counLry? (300 words or less)
3. Leadersh|p: lease answer Lhe followlng quesLlons relaLed Lo your leadershlp experlence. (1000 words
or less ln LoLal)
a. lease descrlbe your experlences ln a leadershlp role wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlons and communlLles
ln whlch you have worked.
b. WhaL have been Lhe mosL dlfflculL aspecLs ln Lhls leadershlp role?
c. lease glve concreLe examples of Lhe challenges you have faced and how you have worked
Lhrough Lhem.
4. Network 8u||d|ng: Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL goals of SALl ls Lo grow a reglonal neLwork of lLLA
graduaLes ln SouLheasL Asla. lease speak your oplnlon of Lhls goal and how you see yourself as a parL of
lL? Why does Lhe SouLheasL Asla reglon need a neLwork of soclal leaders and whaL are Lhe opporLunlLles
and challenges ln bulldlng Lhls neLwork? (300 words or less)
3. Cross-Cu|tura| Cha||enge: 1ell abouL a speclflc Llme when you had Lo handle a Lough cross-culLural lssue
LhaL challenged your own assumpLlons and worldvlew (for example, aLLlLude Loward class, gender roles,
sexuallLy, rellglous bellefs, eLc.) Pow dld you deal wlLh Lhe challenge? WhaL have you learned from Lhe
experlence? (300 words or less)

Instructions for SALI Application Form, 2014
I||||ng out the App||cat|on
1. CuesLlons marked wlLh an asLerlsk (*) are requlred. ?ou wlll nC1 be able Lo proceed Lo Lhe nexL page
wlLhouL answerlng all requlred quesLlons.
2. 1o save Lhe Cnllne AppllcaLlon and reLurn Lo lL aL a laLer daLe, please cllck "Save" aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe
3. 1he Cnllne AppllcaLlon ls seven (9) pages ln LoLal:
a. age 1: lnsLrucLlons
b. age 2: ersonal uaLa (name, address, emall, phone, eLc.)
c. age 3: rofesslonal Lxperlence (uploaded resume or Cv, general quesLlons, eLc.)
d. age 4: 8eferences: (conLacL lnformaLlon, lnsLrucLlons for recommendaLlon form, eLc.)
e. age 3: PomesLay Lxperlence (quesLlons abouL your needs ln llvlng wlLh a homesLay)
f. age 6: ersonal lnqulry Lssays (uploaded Word or ul documenL)
g. age 7: AddlLlonal lnformaLlon (crlmlnal background, vlsas, professlonal supporL)
h. age 8: ersonal LvaluaLlon (lssues assessmenL based on personal experlences)
l. age 9: Slgned ueclaraLlon (acknowledglng your undersLandlng of Lhe program)
4. 1he deadllne for submlLLlng Lhls appllcaLlon ls Monday, Iune 30, 2014. LaLe submlsslons wlll noL be
3. Incomp|ete app||cat|ons w||| not be accepted for rev|ew.
a. A compleLed appllcaLlon lncludes a submlLLed onllne appllcaLlon and two compleLed
8ecommendaLlon lorms submlLLed by Lhlrd-parLy references.

Instructions for SALI Application Form, 2014

8L11? kACC8C
ln1L8-8LLlClCuS CCunClL Cl uCAnuA,
.C 8Cx 7302, LC1 128, kAlu 8CAu- nAkASL8C,
Pome hone (000) 236 712 831838

C8ILC1IVL: 1o explore and sLrengLhen my leadershlp poLenLlal Lo lnlLlaLe programs for poslLlve soclal change ln
communlLles ln uganda.

My academlc and professlonal experlences have provlded me an lnvaluable opporLunlLy Lo meeL dlfferenL
people and undersLand Lhe communlLles and envlronmenLs ln whlch Lhey llve. uesplLe Lhls exposure, l sLlll need
Lo bulld Lhe skllls Lo crlLlcally undersLand and analyse Lhe bellefs, cusLoms and experlences of people ln Lhese
communlLles Lo be able Lo adopL and lnlLlaLe relevanL programs for poslLlve change ln Lhelr conLexLs.

!""!# !""% 8achelor of ArLs CommunlcaLlon Sclence, unlverslLy of SouLh Afrlca reLorla

&''(# )*+*,-./ 0++1+2,324 567 8,9,-1, :;32-;9 <;=+*/;9> ?=-@*A 13 B,C,-;9*4 D=3>1C=EA; ,3> B,FG*3E*

1hls was my Plgh school vacaLlon employmenL, where l lnLervlewed and recorded sLorles of local communlLles
abouL Lhelr knowledge, aLLlLude and pracLlces on malarla Lransmlsslon and lLs prevenLlon. 1he flndlngs of Lhls
survey helped Lo deslgn programs for malarla conLrol ln wesLern uganda durlng Lhe years LhaL followed.

ln Lhe same manner as above, descrlbe your flrsL [ob responslblllLles. 8e conclse, remove all unnecessary words
and phrases. lnclude Lhe speclflc resulLs of your acLlons or declslons Lo demonsLraLe your conLrlbuLlon.

&''H #!""" I-**9,3.* )*J;-2*-KG-12*-4 6/* L*G M1+1;3 N-13213E ,3> N=C91+/13E :;-J;-,21;3

l was responslble for gaLherlng and wrlLlng news/leaLure sLorles promoLlng chlldren's rlghLs, maLernal healLh,
famlly plannlng and Plv prevenLlon among rural communlLles ln uganda. 8alslng awareness abouL lndlvldual
rlghLs enabled communlLles Lo seek redress ln cases of abuse or vlolaLlon of Lhelr rlghLs.

!"""#!""H O>12;-KO>12;-1,9 8,3,E*-4 ?2-,1E/2 6,9P I;=3>,21;3

l worked on Lhe followlng behavlour change newspapers (?2-,1E/2 6,9P4 Q;=3E 6,9P4 6*,./*- 6,9P ,3> N,-*32
6,9P4 I,-F 6,9P ,3> 6-** 6,9P), whlch promoLe adolescenL's reproducLlve healLh rlghLs, llfe skllls and safer sex Lo
prevenL Plv and AluS among young people ln uganda. l coordlnaLed all aspecLs of prlnL maLerlals and message
deslgn lncludlng budgeL developmenL, supervlslon of edlLorlal and deslgn sLaff, lnLernal sLraLeglc communlcaLlon,
work plan developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon whlle ensurlng quallLy ln Lhe producLlon of prlnL maLerlals

Exemplary Resume

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