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Reading Block

Lesson Topic: Phonological Awareness Grade level: First

Length of lesson: 15 minutes
Desired Results
State Content Standard(s):
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2a Distinguish long from short vowel souns in s!o"en single-sylla#le
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2# $rally !rouce single-sylla#le wors #y #lening souns
%!honemes&' incluing consonant #lens.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2c (solate an !ronounce initial' meial vowel' an final souns
%!honemes& in s!o"en single-sylla#le wors.
Central Focus:
Stuents will unerstan)
that wors have #eginning' mile' an ening
that when souns are com#ine together they
can form wors
there is a relationshi! #etween wor wor" an
!icture #oo"s
Essential Question(s):
What is the beginning, middle, and ending
What words do these sounds make?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Verbally give beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words they hear.
Listen to letter sounds of a word spoken and respond verbally with the word that
the sounds make when blended together.
Distinguish whether a vowel sound is long or short
Assessment Evidence
Performance Tas(s):
Students will use call and response
format while practicing their
phonological awareness using word
from a picture book
!t"er Evidence:
Students will be able to use this skill to
stretch words when reading and writing.
#earnin$ Plan
#earnin$ Activities:
I will remind students of the book that we read on Monday by Jan Brett.
We will then begin the activity using the call and response method
Skill 9 !What is the first sound in this word"# $edgie% cat% icy% den% puppy% &isa% meow%
snowstorm% tugged% keep
Skill '( !What is the last sound in this word"# hedgehog% gander% oink% places% hat%
keep% cackle% pony% purr% hen
Skill '' !What is the middle sound"# !Is it long or short"# line% chest% nose% fit% poke%
way% hat% keep% top% wind
Skill ') !What word do these sounds make"# *+SW,-S. chest% hat% woolen% bark%
snows% winter% gander% s/uealed% meow% cluck
Resources and %aterials:
The Hat by Jan Brett
Phonological Awareness paper for skills 9-12
Re&uired Accommodations'%odifications:
Due to this being a whole group lesson it will take additional reinforcement to
keep students on track and participating. eminders to students to actively
participate for their own benefit in learning and praising students that are doing
really well.
The call!respond can get shaky at times, if this happens, stop and regroup the
students and then begin again.
E(tendin$ t"e #esson
These are whole week lessons. The book is read the first day and there are "
skills for each day that use the words from the book. Students have the
opportunity to take these skills and e#tend them into their own reading and
These skills can also be practiced during short wait times at bathrooms or when
activities take less time than planned.

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