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Stress is a major obstacle in the way of the employees which reduces the
talent of the employees .it is also responsible for accidents and suicides of the
employees .it is also responsible for organizations low production . Everything
is because of the negative stress in the employees all over the world. This stress
should be managed. To reduce the stress among employees so that the
complete talent of the employees is utilized for the organization and to reduce
stress levels in the employees so that they can prove themselves. In this nutrine
confectionery stress levels of the employees is studied so that their skills are utilized
completely and to reduce stress levels among employees.
Stress as a persons adaptive response play stimulus that places e#cessive
psychological and physical demands on $him or her%

& RIC'( ). *RI!!IN+
Stress as a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with
an opportunity, constraint, or demand related to -hat he or she desires and for -hich
outcome is perceived to .e .oth uncertain and important.
&"T/0N / RO11IN"+

"CO/ O! T0 "TUD(
The !""# is the manufacturing and $ar%eting of confectionery
products since &'(. $ar%et research and product )uality and range have been
the %ey factors of success. !utrine confectionery company limited *!""#+ is
the flags ship company of nutrine group spanning diverse products and services
li%e confectionery, fruit bars, chewing gum, granite mar%eting and surface
transport. !""# was established in &'( by late ,.-. .eddy a graduate from
national /niversity, 0dyar, *$adras+. The chanedor of this university then was
Sri. .abindranath Tagore, !oble laureate. !""# was started as a small
$anufacturing unit to produce different type of candies.
Stress causes low production and low performance for industries in
order to increase the productivity, improve their performance and also to
study the problems faced by the employees.
1ence a study on stress management is needed. So 2 have chosen
stress management as my topic in !utrine confectionary company.
To analyse the level of stress faced by the employees.
To %now the stress levels faced by the employees during their wor%ing
To %now what are the techni)ues they are using to overcome the stress
2nformation gathered both from primary and secondary sources
of data to realize the objective of study.
/RI46R( D6T6
5rimary data is the data that is a collected freshly and it is not
e6isted already and this can be collected through )uestionnaire, personal
observation and 2nterviews.
Secondary data means the data that has already been available The
secondary data can be gathered from official records, broachers, office files,
annual reports, 2nternet and also through discussion with concerned officers
Introduction to chocolate or confectionery
"andy bars, $il% sha%es, coo%ies flavored coffee, even cereal and
$edicine chocolate is a %ey ingredient in many foods infact it ran%s as the
favorite flavor of $ost 0mericans and yet few of as %now the uni)ue origins of
this popular treat.
The story of chocolate spans more than (777 years and now circles the
globe. The tale began in the tropical rain forest of central and South 0merica
where cacao *%ah %ow+ first grew. "hocolate is made from the seeds of the
cacao tree.
Chocolate 0istory
The tasty secret of the cacao *%ah %how+ tree was discovered (777 years
ago in the tropical rain forests of the 0mericans. The pods of this tree contain
seeds that can be processed into chocolate. The story of how chocolate grew
from a local $esoamerican beverage into a global sweet encompasses $any
cultures and continents.
The first people %nown to have made chocolates were the ancient
cultures of $e6ico and "entral 0merica. These people including the $aya and
0ztecs $i6ed ground cacao seeds with various seasoning to ma%e a spicy,
frothy drin%.
#ater, the Spanish con)uistadors brought the seeds bac% home to Spain,
where new recipes were created. Eventually, the drin%s popularity spread
through out Europe. Since then, new technologies and innovations have
charged the te6ture and taste of chocolate, but it still remains one of the worlds
favorite flavors. Select which part of chocolates long history youd li%e to
e6plore first.
INTODUCTION7 Chocolate8s 0istory at a glance.
Chocolate8s roots in 6ncient 4esoamerica
9e tend to thin% of chocolate as a sweet candy created during modern
times. ,ut actually, "hocolate dates bac% to the ancient peoples of
$esoamerica who drin% chocolates as a better beverage.
:or these people, chocolate wasnt just a favorite food ; it also played
an important role in their religious and social lives.
The ancient 4aya gre- cacao and made it into a .everage
The first people clearly %nown to have discovered the secret of cacao
were the classic period $aya *('7 ; &77 ".E<0.=>+. The $aya and their
ancestors in $esoamerica too% the tree from the rain forest and grew it in their
own bac% up roll, where they harvested, fermented, roasted and ground the
seeds into a paste.
9hen $i6ed with water, "hile peppers, corneal, and other ingredients,
this paste made a frothy, spicy chocolate drin%.
The 6ztecs adopted cacao
,y 477, the 0ztec empire dominated a sizeable segment of
$esoamerica. The 0ztecs traded with $aya ? other peoples for cacao ? often
re)uired that citizens and con)uered peoples pay their tribute on cacao seeds a
form of 0ztec $oney.
#i%e the earlier $aya, the 0ztecs also consumed their bitter chocolate
drin% seasoned with spices ; sugar was an agricultural product unavailable to
the ancient $esoamericans.
Drinking chocolate -as on important part of 4aya and 6ztec life
$any people on classic period $aya society could drin% chocolate at
least on occasion although it was a particularly favored beverage for loayality.
,ut in 0ztec society, primarily rules, priests, decorated soldiers, and honored
$erchants could parta%e of this sacred brew.
"hocolate also played a special role on both $aya and 0ztec royal and
religious events priests represented cacao seeds on offering to the goods and
served chocolate drin%s during sacred ceremonies.
Chocolate7 6 contemporary confection7 :or hundreds of years, the
chocolate ma%ing process remained relatively unaltered. ,ut by the mid
@77s the blossoming industrial revolution saw the emergence of innovations
that changed the future of chocolate.
0 steady stream of new inventions and advertising helped set stage for
solid chocolate candy to become the globally favored sweet it is today.
Ta%e a more detailed loo% below at the different ways people obtained,
$ade and used cacao in the recent past ? present.
The creamy chronicle of chocolate
=id you %now that chocolate was first cultivated and consumed by the
$ayans and 0ztecsA ,y the year 777 0=. The beans were being used as
currency. The 0ztecs believed that drin%ing chocolate, which was the
undiluted, on sweetened li)uor from the fermented cacao beans, would bring
great wisdom understanding and energy. 2ts use was reserved for the rating and
priestly classes.
2n 4&( "olumbus was given some of the cacao beans and too% then
bac% to Spain, but he didnt %now how to process and ferment them. 2n '&
"ortez descended upon the 0ztecs were convinced that Buetzalcoatl had
returned as prophesied and they tried to get him to leave by once again playing
him with chocolate.
The 9::;years secret
2t didnt wor% very well, as "ortez organized the area as a Spanish
colony but it did introduce "ortez to not only the consumption but the
processing of chocolates. They too% the beans and the process bac% to Spain.
The Spanish added sugar and honey to the bitter li)uid and then fell in love
with it. 0s in the 0mericans, its use was reserved for member of the court.
"hocolate was %ept a secret by the Spanish court for almost a hundred years.
1aker8s chocolate
2n @'' the processing of chocolate $oved bac% to the new world when
john 1anau and Dames ba%er opened a processing house in $assachusetts
which was beginning of the company now %nown as ba%ers chocolate.
No- for the science staff
"ocoa batter as a trigly cevide which begins to soften at @' f., and $elts
at &@ f. 2t is a highly saturated fat which consists principally of the fatty acid
stearic acid, which is found in higher concentration in chocolate that in any
other food. Stearic acid is rapidly converted by the liver into oleic acid , a
mono unsaturated that neither raises nor lowers serum cholesterol oleic acid is
also a present in olive and canola oils.
"hocolate does contain caffeine, but not much one ounce of mil%
chocolate usually contains ' $g of caffeine, one ounce of semiEsweet usually
has 'Elong and a si6Eounce cup of cocoa usually has 7$g. :or comparison, a
si6Eounce cup of coffee contains 77E'7 $g. "hocolate does not cause acne.
2t does obtain a protein that in habits bacterial growth on teeth and since it
meets at body temperature and melts off ones teeth, the sugar in chocolate
does not cling to ones teeth.
)hy -e love Chocolate
The loveliest thing about chocolate, the thing that ma%es us all so happy
when we eat it is that it contains the highest concentration in any food of
phenyl ethylamine, which is the chemical produced in the brain when a person
is in love. 9atch this space for more information about chocolate from peter
boo% chocolatier, where we fall in love with chocolate a new every day.
0o- /hyllis invented chocolate covered popcorn
5hyllis #oc%wood Feiger, owner of peter ,roo%e chocolatier says the
company is chocolate covered popcorn which she calls a pare gift from Fod
was created by accidentG. 2t was bac% in &C4 when 2 had my first little.
"hocolate shop on San macro s)uare, that 2 inadvertently invented it.
She saidH 0ll the San macro merchants were giving away from samples at the
annual holiday magic celebration, and 2 had a shop fall of very e6pensive hand
made items that 2 couldnt afford to give away. 2 ran down to the theater, got
some fresh popcorn and sprin%led chocolate on it so we have something to give
too. This past holiday seasons peter ,roo%e sold more than 'tons of chocolate
covered popcornG. 2ts turned into our most popular item,G laughs Feiger. 0
true holiday blessingIG.
Introduction to confectionery
2n 2ndia confectionery industry is one among the earliest establishment
industries. 2t has a large mar%et and potential to grow so many folds.
0t the national companies that are in mar%et are !utrine. 5arrys,
ravalgon, parley, perfetty, van Elle, "adburys, !ational products etc.
"onfectionery consumption is primarily confined to children. The
competition resulting in plenty of varieties. The consumer can choose whatever
he wants from the mar%et.
"onfectionery as a product is in early growth stage. ,ut the demand has been
observed to be increasing gradually over a long period of time.
The word confectioneryG was derived from the #atin word
confectionG which means 5reparationG. 2n other words 0 place where the
sweets are madeG is called confectioneryG. 2t consists of both chocolates and
"onfectionery is of two typesHE
Sugar "onfectionery.
:lavors confectionery.
"ugar Confectionery
Sugar confectionery means sweets in which sugar is the main ingredient
either they consists of sugar in very fine crystal from dispersed in sugar
maintained in a solution of careful blend of different types as sugar i.e. boiled
sweets, toffees or caramels, fate, mil%, nuts are employed to obtain a variety of
flavors and te6tures. ,efore the &
century sweets candies were the monopoly
of apothecaries who made them to hide the taste of their drugs.
!lavors Confectionery
:lavors confectionery consists of parties and fancy ca%es having
flavours as their basis sweetens and mi6ed with variety dairy products such as
butter and eggs.
"hocolate was derived from cocoaG been see of tree Theo bream
"ocoaG originally wild in central 0merica and is not cultivated in the tropical
bet coca powder contains cocoa butter added to compensate for increased bul%
due to inclusion of sugars.

ating Chocolate can .e derived into t-o types

$olded confectionary
"onfectionery covertures for converting fruits, nut biscuits, preserves
and other centers need high proportion of better than chocolate for molding into
bloc%. The manufactures of sugar coated nuts etc., %nown as =.0FEES is said
to have been introduced by .J$0!, D/#2/S, =.0F0T/S, and ,J!SJ!S
were first made in the 3
century. 5astries in the '
century and fondants in
the @
. The great present day volume of manufactures is due to introduction of
automatic and semi automatic machines about the middle of the century.
Confectionery industry of India
2n literal sense confectionery means hard boiled sweets. 2f it is a cold
profession family confectioneries were there from C
century 2ndia. Thus
industry can be classified into two sectors they areH
Jrganized sector
/n Jrganized Sector
Organized sector
$ajor confectioneries in the organized sector are as followsHE
There are si# firms producing in organized sector They are
. !utrine confectionery co. #T=
(. 5arrys confectionery co. #T=
3. "adburys confectionery co. #T=
4. 5arle "onfectionery co.#T=
'. .avalgon "onfectionery co. #T=
8. !estle "onfectionery co. #T=
Each company is having specialization in their respective field.
Unorganized sector
2t consists of small scale units of confectionery whose scale of
operations is limited to their local areas they are firms producing in organized
sector. They areHE
ach company is having specialization in their respective fields
!utrine also contributes to the 0gro 2ndustry as followsHE
. !utrine is the largest industrial consumes f 2ndia li)uid glucose in the
(. !utrine is one of the largest industrial consumers of crystallize sugar in
the country.
3. !utrine is one of the largest consumers of flavours in the country.
4. !utrine consumes substantial )uantities of soya 5owder for protein
environment in confectionery.
'. !utrine has also developed a uni)ue bio catalyst process for production
of li)uid glucose.
CO4/6N( /RO!I5
!utrine confectionery company limited *!""#+ is the flags ship
company of nutrine group spanning diverse products and services li%e
confectionery, fruit bars, chewing gum, granite mar%eting and surface
transport. The !""# is the manufacturing and $ar%eting of confectionery
products since &'(. $ar%et research and product )uality and range have been
the %ey factors of success.
!""# was established in &'( by late ,.-. .eddy a graduate from
national /niversity, 0dyar, *$adras+. The chanedor of this university then was
Sri. .abindranath Tagore, !oble laureate !""# was started as a small
$anufacturing unit to produce different type of candies. 0fter the demise of
Sri. ,. -. .eddy, his son Sri -. =wara%anath .eddy, $.Sc., "hemical
Engineering, /S0, too% over reins of the industry Sri. -. =wara%anath .eddy
gains in valuable insight into the confectionery manufacturing and $ar%eting.
1e is a visionary bound by an obsessive commitment to )uality and
uncompromising faith in business ethics.
The management of the !utrine group ? currently headed by Sri. -.
=wara%anath .eddy nephew Sri. -. -i%ram .eddy, $anaging director, has
been given valuable guidance to the functional management. "rucial
functional area are being efficiently monitoring by directors Sri. -.
$adhusudhan .eddy and Sri. -. =inesh .eddy.
"ompany Status H 2ndias highest selling sweets. The leader in
confectionery industry in 2ndia as well as an
organized sector. 2ts holds 3'K mar%et share
in 2ndia.
!utrine of the ,usiness H Sugar ,oiled "onfectionery.
Lear of Establishment H The !""# was established on
:ebruary &'3 by
#ate Sri. ,. -en%atarama .eddy, a graduate
form national /niversity, 0dyar.
!o. of wor%ers H 0round 4C( wor%ers on all over factory.
0nnual Sales turnover H (('.3 "rores (77& ; (77
"ompany "apital H 37 "rores in (773.
5rincipal E6port mar%et H !""#, E6ports confectionery products to
-arious international mar%ets via., 0ustralia,
$iddle East Europe, south 0frica and !ew
Mealand. Every effort is being made to
establish !utrine household name as
international player in order to establish the
brand strength in many international
$anufactures 5roducts H $ore than @7 varieties of candies, toffees,
:ruit bars and lozenges.
5roduction setup H !""# produces its confectionery with a
:actory at "hittoor
5roduction setup H 77 tonnes per day *rated capacity+
!o. of wor%ers H Sr. "ler%s E (
Dr. "ler%s E
Frade 2 E '
Frade 22 E ((
Frade 222 E 34&
Frade 2- E 74
=river E
Total E 4C4
!umber of staff H $anagers E 3
Jfficer E 'C
Trainers E @
Total E @C
Total number of employees wor%ing is E '8(
"ontractors H 4(
!o. of verities in 5=! H ('
=euble hit
"ompany share H 37K E '7K
!utrine "onfectionery "ompany began as an idea around &'7 and
became a reality in &'3. 9ell ; meaning friends as also s%eptics told him he
had no chance against the old brand name that had been for decades synonyms
for confectionary in 2ndia.
,ut, ,.-. .eddy merely said, They must be room for one better brand
in this vast countryG.
Buality that was the %ey.
!ever compromise
5rofits will come in good time.
5ut yours money into )uality.
$aintain it at all cost
That -as -hat 1.3. Reddy thought us.
1e would fight for his rights that were a matter of principles.
1e would never %nowingly trespass on anothers rights that too was a
matter of principle.
1e left us in &84. but the tradition has not left us it never will.
5ocation !actors
!utrine "onfectionery limited is situated in the border town of "hittoor
on the national 1ighway;4 in 05. The company is established in an area when
the basis raw materials mil%, Sugar etc., are available in plenty and easily
procurable. "hittoor lies in an advantageous, horticultural belt where tropical
fruits li%e mango, banana and papaya are grown in abundance. !utrine produce
its confectionery with a main factory at various centers.
Since &C' !utrine has diversified into other food products li%e chewing
gums, instant feeds dehydrated fruit bars of mango, ,anana, papaya, guava,
fruit pulp, processed fruits .!utrine has a wide range of more than @( varieties
of candies, toffees, lozenges etc. ,eing the leader in the industry for more than
a decade.
!utrine has always endeavored to satisfy the customers changing wants
and desires with its special emphasis on )uality range and cost effectiveness.
Research and Development
!utrine is the only company in 2ndia producing dehydrated fruit bars,
using an innovative technology. !utrine has a well e)uipped research
laboratory. 9here continuous product testing and product development is
organized nutrine produces its confectionery with a main factory at "hittoor
and with pac%ing arrangements at various centers nutrine enjoy a high mar%et
share of 34K in confectionary in the organized sector in china.
!utrine e6ports confectionery gums and fruit bars to "anada, =jibouti,
$alaysia, $auritius, $yanmar, $ozambi)ue, !ew Meland, !epal, 1allway.
Saudi 0rabia, Singapore, ,angladesh and Srilan%a. 9hile !utrine does e6port
some products to =ubai, !ew Mealand and 0frica. 2t is concentrating mainly on
the domestic mar%et.
Company *ro-th = /erformance
:or a small scale unit, which manufactures only candies in the early 87s
!utrine "onfectionery *5+ #td. "ompany has grown to multi mar%et grains
multi core, multi production and has been the single largest manufacturing
company of confectionery and toffees in 2ndia since &C(.
The production strength and the )uality assurance given to the mar%et
the company is due to the biz acumen of the bound members particularly
chairman Sri. -. =war%anath .eddy and $.=. Sri. -. -i%ram .eddy who
have added a number of sophisticated machinery imported form many
e)uipped .?= laboratory where continuous research and development and
production of dimensions to biz philosophy by the nutrine corporate.
Today !utrine has more than '87 employee including wor%er on
employment rolls. !utrine ""# has build in a reputation of e6cellent employee
relationship continuously reinforced by generous benefits offered which
includes free uniform, 0pron, shoes, 9ashing ? $edical allowances
subsidized tiffin and meals, free tea dresses intuits eve of the festival to the
family school uniform, fees and stationery.
Current operations and future outlook
!""# e6ports confectionery products to international mar%et -ia.,
0ustralia, $iddle east south 0frica, Europe, !ew Mealand, with the advert of
9TJ, !utrine has international $ar%eting plans to reach the further mar%ets.
!utrine is actively planning to diversify into processed food processing
units. with superior technology for maintaining high )uality standard and
hygiene factors at every stage of procurements, preservation, processing,
canning and pac%aging. The new plant which would go into commercial
production in 0pril (77( planned and commissioned on 10""5 ? 2SJ
Corporate Image
!utrine have built up an evitable corporate image among most
consumers by effective advertising strategy and promotional input while
investing in brand promotion. !utrine identifies itself with popular sports li%e
cric%et, hoc%ey etc., in its brand strategy in 2ndia.
IT "trategy
!utrine is seriously perusing integrated 2T strategy for 5hased
automation of all its business processes while strategically evolving
S"$N".$NE"J$. Technologies.
1oard of Directors
$r. 0.,.Fodrej E "hairman
$r. -iv% $athur E $anaging =irector
$r. S.Funase%aran E E-pEpso
$r.,.Fia Suddin E /nit 1ead
$r.F.S.Srinivas E $anager 1.
mployee Relationship
!utrine "onfectionery "ompany limited has built up a reputation of
e6cellent relationship reinforced by generous benefits to the employees free
clothing on the eve of festivals. There is only one recognized wor%ers union
out of two registered unions and the industrial relations are maintained
Trade unions
The following are the trade unions commonly formed in !""#.
)orking conditions
9or%ing conditions in !""# are very good, the employee have been
provided good ventilation and good atmosphere at wor% place there are three
shifts for wor%men.
Computerized attendance recording system7;
0ttendance recording system is wor%ing on computer. The employee
will be given an identify cardOpunching card at the joining of company. The
employee had to record their attendance by inserting their punch card in the
punching machine at their entering and leaving the company at time office.
The employee should not leave the premises of the company without
written permission.
5eave particulars
Earn leave H 0s per the factores act
"asual leave H ( days
!ational and festival holidays H 7 days
3arious Departments in the Confectionery
!utrine "onfectionery "ompany limited has C sectors as its various
departments li%e.
Ra- 4aterials departments
The company has a raw materials department, which ta%es care or
provision of raw materials re)uired for the manufacture of products and also
availability of raw materials.
/roduction Department
2n this department the company loo%s after the production process,
which further divided into three sub departments -iz.,
"onfectionery department
Toffee department
9rapping department
Confectionery department
2n this department the company produces more than 4' varieties of hard
body confectioneries.
Toffee Department
2n this Mone the company manufactures more than @' varieties of
)rapping Department
This department deals with the pac%ing of the final products. The
company has automated the wrapping section.
<uality controlled Department
This department loo%s after the )uality of the product, which has a well
e)uipped state of the art .?= laboratory to chec% the )uality of the products.
2t has its own wellEe)uipped wor%shop it deals with the machinery. This
department under ta%es the repairs and snags besides $aintenance.
!inance department
This department loo%s after all the cost transactions ? maintains loo%s
of accounts from all the department of the company.
2n the confectionery field the major competitors of the !utrine are
5opular ? leading brands of !utrine are
!utrine $ahalacto
!utrine coo%ies
1oney fab
"hocolate Pclairs
!""# has a well e)uipped research a development laboratory where
continuous product testing and product development is organized.
=uring the recently held 0= 0S20 conference at Daipur, !utrine was
selected as the ,EST ,.0!= among fast moving consumer goods
industry, become of its inherent, innovative product development
The company has modernized its plant by importing sophisticated card
manufacturing machinery from .obert ,osh of Fermany for ma%ing hygienic
confectionery. The mar%ets imported are the ' or 8 mar%ets of its %ind in the
world with the use of these mar%ets !utrine sold to produce good )uality
confectionery with e6acting standards.
@ with sustained supple from the valued stoc%ed, !utrine is growing
stranger in the mar%ets ? retaining its no position with the facilities available
? those to be decided in the coming years, !utrine will energy as one of the
big food giants in the country on the ne6t few years.
The Fovernment of 0ndhra 5radesh has conferred ,est $anagement
0wardG. Jn
$ay, (773 for then out standing performance in maintenance of
industrial relations ? labor welfare.
/roduct /rofile
/roducts of Nutrine Confectionery company limited
"hocolate Pclairs
!utrine $aha lacto
9ild coffee
Super star delite
Finger caps
"humma ; chumma
!aturo fruit bar
Top cream assortments
Twin treat assortments
Espresso toffee
!utrine royal *pista, badam, %ajur, %esar+
"aramella *mango, coconut, chaco, %esar+
!utrine gold
!utrine white Pclairs
Soft heart
5ineapple toffee
Jrange candy
#acto bon bon
:ruit mi6 candy
Sunshine fruit
0ssorted confecionery
$ango soft center
5ineapple toffee
$il%y caramel
!utrine coo%ies *coconut, elachi+
Sunshine fruit
!utrine lollipop
,ullest jar
$i6ed caraways
Tur%ey eggs
"oconut punch
The $ajor brands of !utrine are
Elachi coo%ies !"Q
Qa%ana%a "oo%ies !"QS
$aha #acto !$#
0ssay 0S0
!utrine Fold !F#
#ollipop ##5
=ishum =S$
Type of
,rand !ameH
Qo%ana%a "oo%ies
elachi chocolate
chocolate Pclairs
"hocolate "entre
"overed with
Feamy caramel
1aud ,oiled $ahalacto !utrine,
0mras !utrins Fold, Ful%land coconut
$il%, ,utter, $all $ango,
-anilla, .ose, "oconut
Toffee 9ild %effy,
super 0ssortment,
=ishum ,
Twin treat top delite
cream coconut pineapple,
Jrange grape coconut
balc% current mango.
#ollipops !utrine #ollipops #ollipop
#ozenges "oolers Finger, Fingermint,
Eucalyptus *J#E+
The company is loo%ing at introducing nut based chocolates, eclairs and
candies with ethnic taste, $ango ? Tamarind in the .s.OE soft for the
organized sugar boiled confectionary industry, .s.OE currently is the highest
price point and less than 7K of its mar%et estimated at .s.@'7OE crore, canes
from it !utrine is trying to increase the revenue share of its .s.OE category and
'K from the present @K.
The company is planning to gradually face out the (' paisa category
which accounts for around 3'K of its product portfolio in the ne6t ( or 3 years.
This category results in ma6imum loses for the company as it does not enable it
to pass on the e6cise duty it increase to the customer.
R1uman resource management is 1umans are an organizationSs greatest
assetsT without them, everyday business functions such as managing cash flow,
ma%ing business transactions, communicating through all forms of media, and
dealing with customers could not be completed. 1umans and the potential they
possess drive an organization. TodaySs organizations are continuously
changing. Jrganizational change impacts not only the business but also its
employees. 2n order to ma6imize organizational effectiveness, human potential
UindividualsS capabilities, time, and talentsUmust be managed. 1uman
resource management wor%s to ensure that employees are able to meet the
organizationSs goals.
1.$ is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. 2t is
responsible for bringing people into the organization, helping them perform
their wor%, compensating them for their labors, and solving problems that
ariseR *"herrington, &&', p. '+. There are seven management functions of a
human resources *1.+ department that will be specifically addressedH staffing,
performance appraisals, compensation and benefits, training and development,
employee and labor relations, safety and health, and human resource research.
The 1uman .esources $anagement *1.$+ function includes a variety
of activities, and %ey among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and
whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs,
recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers,
dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management
practices conform to various regulations. 0ctivities also include managing your
approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and
personnel policies. /sually small businesses *forEprofit or nonprofit+ have to
carry out these activities themselves because they canSt yet afford partEor fullE
time help. 1owever, they should always ensure that employees have EE and are aware of EE
personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in the form
of employee manuals, which all employees have.
$ore recently, organizations consider the R1. =epartmentR as playing a
major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and
the organization are performing at ma6imum capability in a highly fulfilling
.ecently, the phrase Rtalent managementR is being used to refer the
activities to attract, develop and retain employees. Some people and
organizations use the phrase to refer especially to talented andOor highEpotential
employees. The phrase often is used interchangeably with the field of 1uman
.esource $anagement.
>.> Introduction to theoretical concept
The word SstressR is defined by the J6ford =ictionary as Ra state of
affair involving demand on physical or mental energy insomnia, bac%aches,
fre)uent cold and fatigue to diseases such as hypertension, asthma, diabetes,
heart ailments and even cancer. 2n fact, Sanjay "hugh, a leading 2ndian psychologist, says
that @7 per cent to &7 per cent of adults visit primary care physicians for stressErelated
problems. Scary enough. ,ut where do we errA
Dust about everybodyUmen, women, children and even fetusesUsuffer from stress.
.elationship demands, chronic health problems, pressure at wor%places, traffic snarls, meeting
deadlines, growingEup tensions or a sudden bearish trend in the bourse can trigger stress
conditions. 5eople react to it in their own ways. 2n some people, stressEinduced adverse
feelings and an6ieties tend to persist and intensify. #earning to understand and manage stress
can prevent the counter effects of stress.
The present study is focused on studying the causes, effects of stress at
wor%place and how it can be managed and controlled. The present study aimed
at stress management in nutrine confectionery ltd "hittoor.
Stress is a major obstacle in the way of the employees which reduces the
talent of the employees .it is also responsible for accidents and suicides of the
employees .it is also responsible for organizations low production . Every thing
is because of the negative stress in the employees all over the world. This stress
should be managed. To reduce the stress among employees so that the
complete talent of the employees is utilized for the organization and to reduce
stress levels in the employees so that they can prove them selves. 2n this nutrine
confectionery stress levels of the employees is studied so that their s%ills are
utilized completely and to reduce stress levels among employees.
"TR"" 46N6*4NT
4eaning and definition of stress
Stress can be e6plained basically as pressure on a personSs
psychological system which arises out of comple6ity of oneSs wor% life.
Though stress is basically upon a personSs psychological setEup. 2t also in turn
affects his O her physical and behavior systems. The resources of stress can be
individual, organizational and social. 0ccording to fred luthans
Stress is an adaptive response to an e6ternal situation that results in
physical, psychological andOor behavioral deviations for organizational
"TR"" 46N6*46NT7
Stress management is the need of the hour. 1owever hard we try to go
beyond a stress situation, life seems to find new ways of stressing us out and
plaguing us with an6iety attac%s. $oreover, be it our an6iety, mindEbody
e6haustion or our erring attitudes, we tend to overloo% causes of stress and the
conditions triggered by those. 2n such unsettling moments we often forget that
stressors, if not escapable, are fairly manageable and treatable.
Stress, either )uic% or constant, can induce ris%y bodyEmind disorders.
2mmediate disorders such as dizzy spells, an6iety attac%s, tension,
sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all result in chronic health
problems. They may also affect our immune, cardiovascular and nervous
systems and lead individuals to habitual addictions, which are interElin%ed with
#i%e Rstress reactionsR, Rrela6ation responsesR and stress management
techni)ues are some of the bodySs important builtEin response systems. 0s a
rela6ation response the body tries to get bac% balance in its homeostasis. Some
hormones released during the Tight or flightS situation prompt the body to
replace the lost carbohydrates and fats, and restore the energy level. The
%notted nerves, tightened muscles and an e6hausted mind crave for looseners.
/nfortunately, today, we donSt get rela6ing and soothing situations without
as%ing. To be rela6ed we have to strive to create such situations.
2t is important to recognize whether people are under stress or out of it.
$any times, even if we are under the influence of a stressful condition and our
body reacts to it internally as well as e6ternally, we fail to realize that we are
reacting under stress. This also happens when the causes of stress are there long
enough for us to get habituated to them. The body constantly tries to tell us
through symptoms such as rapid palpitation, dizzy spells, tight muscles or
various body aches that something is wrong. 2t is important to remain attentive
to such symptoms and to learn to cope with the situations.
9e cope better with stressful situation, when we encounter them
voluntarily. 2n cases of a relocation, promotion or layoff, adventurous sports or
having a baby, we tend to respond positively under stress. ,ut, when we are
compelled into such situations against our will or %nowledge, more often than
not, we wilt at the face of un%nown and imagined threats. :or instance, stress
may mount when one is coerced into underta%ing some wor% against oneSs will.
0dopting a humorous view towards lifeSs situations can ta%e the edge off
everyday stressors. !ot being too serious or in a constant alert mode helps
maintain the e)uanimity of mind and promote clear thin%ing. ,eing able to
laugh stress away is the smartest way to ward off its effects.
0 sense of humor also allows us to perceive and appreciate the
incongruities of life and provides moments of delight. The emotions we
e6perience directly affect our immune system. The positive emotions can
create neurochemical changes that buffer the immunosuppressive effects of
=uring stress, the adrenal gland releases corticosteroids, which are
converted to "ortisol in the blood stream. These have an immunosuppressive effect. =r. #ee
,er% and fellow researcher =r. Stanley Tan at #oma #inda /niversity School of $edicine
have produced carefully controlled studies showing that the e6perience of laughter lowers
serum "ortisol levels, increases the amount and activity of T lymphocytesUthe natural %iller
cells. #aughter also increases the number of T cells that have suppresser receptors.
)hat 5aughter Can Do 6gainst "tress 6nd Its ffects7
#aughter lowers blood pressure and reduces hypertension.
2t provides good cardiac conditioning especially for those who are
unable to perform physical e6ercise.
.educes stress hormones *studies shows, laughter induces reduction of
at least four of neuroendocrine hormonesUepinephrine, "ortisol, dopac,
and growth hormone, associated with stress response+.
#aughter cleanses the lungs and body tissues of accumulated stale air as it empties
more air than it ta%es in. 2t is beneficial for patients suffering from emphysema and
other respiratory ailments.
2t increases muscle fle6ion, rela6ation and fluent blood circulation in
,oosts immune function by raising levels of infectionEfighting TEcells,
diseaseEfighting proteins called FammaEinterferon and diseaseE
destroying antibodies called ,Ecells.
#aughter triggers the release of endorphinsUbodySs natural pain%illers.
5roduces a general sense of wellEbeing.
T(/"O! "TR""
"tress is of t-o types
. Eustress
(. =istress
Eustress is a positive stress and it is a good
=istress is a bad stress and it has a negative impact on a person.
!eatures of stress
:ollowing features of stress can be identified
Stress may result into any %ind of deviationEphysical, psychological, or
behavior in the person. This deviation is from the usual state of affairs.
:rom this point of view, stress is different the an6iety which operates
solely in the emotional and psychological sphere. This, stress may be
accompanied by an6iety but it is more comprehensive than the latter.
Stress may be result of individual interaction with environmental
stimuli. Such stimuli may be in any form. 2nterpersonal interaction,
event, and so on. The impact of the stimuli produces deviation in the
It is not necessary that stress is al-ays dysfunctional. On the contrary, there may
.e in any form, stresses, like stress for creative -ork, entrepreneurial activities,
keen competition, etc., -hich stimulates .etter productivity. It is only the
dysfunctional stress, called distress, -hich is .ad and must .e overcome.
"tress can .e temporary or long term, mild or severe, depending mostly on ho-
long its causes continue, ho- po-erful they are, and ho- strong the individual?s
po-ers are. If stress is temporary and mild, most people can handle it or, at
least. Recover from its effects rather @uickly. "imilarly, persons -ho have strong
po-er for tolerating stress can cope -ith stress more @uickly.
Causes of stress
5erforming almost all types of jobs inevitably causes stress, though the
intensity may vary from job to job. 0s such, job performance depends up on
effective management of stress in addition to the other factors which in turn
depend upon identification of sources of stress. These sources can be as
Stress at wor% is a relatively new phenomenon of modern lifestyles. The
nature of wor% has gone through drastic changes over the last century and it is
still changing at whirlwind speed. They have touched almost all professions,
starting from an artist to a surgeon, or a commercial pilot to a sales e6ecutive.
9ith change comes stress, inevitably. 5rofessional stress or job stress poses a
threat to physical health. 9or% related stress in the life of organized wor%ers,
conse)uently, affects the health of organizations. 9hatSs 2tA
Dob stress is a chronic disease caused by conditions in the wor%place that
negatively affect an individualSs performance andOor overall wellEbeing of his
body and mind. Jne or more of a host of physical and mental illnesses
manifests job stress. 2n some cases, job stress can be disabling. 2n chronic cases
a psychiatric consultation is usually re)uired to validate the reason and degree
of wor% related stress.
The signs of job stress vary from person to person, depending on the
particular situation, how long the individual has been subjected to the stressors,
and the intensity of the stress itself. Typical symptoms of job stress can beH
#oss of mental concentration, V0n6iety, stress
Substance abuse,
E6treme anger and frustration,
:amily conflict
5hysical illnesses such as heart disease, migraine, headaches, stomach
problems, and bac% problems.
Causes of )orkplace "tress
Dob stress may be caused by a comple6 set of reasons. Some of the most
visible causes of wor%place stress areH
2o. Insecurity
Jrganized wor%places are going through metamorphic changes under
intense economic transformations and conse)uent pressures. .eorganizations,
ta%eovers, mergers, downsizing and other changes have become major stressors
for employees, as companies try to live up to the competition to survive. These
reformations have put demand on everyone, from a "EJ to a mere e6ecutive.
1igh =emand for 5erformance /nrealistic e6pectations, especially in the time of
corporate reorganizations, which, sometimes, puts unhealthy and unreasonable pressures on
the employee, can be a tremendous source of stress and suffering. 2ncreased wor%load,
e6tremely long wor% hours and intense pressure to perform at pea% levels all the time for the
same pay, can actually leave an employee8s physically and emotionally drained. #cessive
travel and too much time a-ay from family also contri.ute to an employee?s stressors.
The e6pansion of technologyUcomputers, pagers, cell phones, fa6
machines and the 2nternetUhas resulted in heightened e6pectations for
productivity, speed and efficiency, increasing pressure on the individual
wor%er to constantly operate at pea% performance levels. 9or%ers wor%ing
with heavy machinery are under constant stress to remain alert. 2n this case
both the wor%er and their family members live under constant mental stress.
There is also the constant pressure to %eep up with technological brea%throughs
and improvisations, forcing employees to learn new software all the times.
9or%place "ulture 0djusting to the wor%place culture, whether in a
new company or not, can be intensely stressful. $a%ing oneself adapt to the
various aspects of wor%place culture such as communication patterns,
hierarchy, dress code if any, wor%space and most importantly wor%ing and
behavioral patterns of the boss as well as the coEwor%ers, can be a lesson of
life. $aladjustment to wor%place cultures may lead to subtle conflicts with
colleagues or even with superiors. 2n many cases office politics or gossips can
be major stress inducers.
/ersonal or !amily /ro.lems
Employees going through personal or family problems tend to carry
their worries and an6ieties to the wor%place. 9hen one is in a depressed mood,
his unfocused attention or lac% of motivation affects his ability to carry out job
responsibilities. The Survival Sutras
,ecause change is constant in life, stress is an integral part of it. Since
we donSt want to perish under it, we have to adhere to the bottom line for
!ollo-ing are some of the long;term tips to survive stress7
Even if we feel secured in a habituated life, the truth remains that
changing with the times ma%es oneSs position more secure. 2n todaySs
business climate, you must continually be prepared for changes to avoid
stress and survive in the competitive world.
:ind and protect whatever time you get to refresh, reEenergize and reE
motivate yourself. Spend )uality time with your family. This can be an
e6cellent source of emotional and moral support.
0void giving in to alcohol, smo%ing and other substance abuses while
under constant stress.
=evelop positive attitudes towards stressful situations in life. Five up
negative mental traits such as fear, anger and revengeful attitudes,
which actually germinate stress. Try to revert to holistic rela6ation and
personal growth techni)ues such as meditation, breathing and e6ercises,
to remodel your lifestyles.
2n case of chronic stress consult a health professional.
.educe wor%place stress by celebrating yourSs or your colleaguesS
0dapting to demands of stress also means changing your personality.
2mprove your line of communication, efficiency and learn from otherSs
=onSt be complacent. ,e prepared for any change physically,
emotionally and financially.
1ut, -hen you are under stress at -ork, some simple practices can
Sit straight and comfortably on your seat, and try breathing e6ercises. 2t
will rela6 your nerves and muscles.
.ela6 and count bac%wards *(7,&,C,@,8,9A....B
Try creative visualization
9. Individual stressor
Some stressors at the level of an individual may arise in the conte6t of
organization life or personal life.
"areer developmentH there are two major clusters of stressors relating to
career development.
#ac% of job security, *fear of redundancy, obsolescence or early
Status incongruity *under or over promotion and frustration stemming
from attainment of oneSs career ceiling+.
5ersonality typeH in respect of personality, two concepts. Type a
personality and type , 5ersonalities are relevant in this content
The type 0 personality is stress prone as it is associated with the
following behavioral patterns.
a+ 0lways moves, wal%s and eats rapidly.
b+ :eels impatient with the pace of things, hurries others, and disli%es
c+ =oes several things simultaneously.
d+ :eels guilty when rela6ing.
e+ Tries to schedule more and more in less and less time.
f+ /ses nervous gestures scuh as clenched fist, banging the and on the
g+ =oes not have time to enjoy life.
The achievement orientation, impatience and perfectionism of
individuals with type 0 personalities may create stress in wor% circle stances
that other persons find relatively stress free. Type 0 personalities in this sense,
bring stress on themselves.
The type , personality, on the other hand, is less stress phone.
:ollowing are the typical characteristics of Type , personality.
a+ 2s not concerned about time.
b+ 2s patient
c+ =oes not brag.
d+ 5lay to fun, not to win.
e+ .ela6es without feeling guilty
f+ 1as no pressing deadline.
g+ 2s mild mannered
h+ 2s never in a hurry
5ife Changes
#ife and career changes are stressEproducing. :ast changes are more
dangerous than the slow changes as fast changes have greater stress. 1eart
attac%s are commonly observed in the case of fast changes in life and careers.
:amily problems as well as swift promotions are cases of fast changes.
Economic and social problems are attached with life changes. 0 belief in locus
of control decides the destiny, internals, i.e., people -ho .elieve in -ork, are more
stress prone than the e#ternals, i.e. /eople -ho depend on god for success and failure.
Role perceptions
2ndividuals have multiple roles to perform successfully. 0 person has to
wor% as a father, husband, boss, junior, friend and so on. 2n his diverse roles, he
comes in to contact with stress as it is difficult to perform e)ually well in all the
diverse roles. 2n a job, for e6ample, he has to face role ambiguity, poor
communication, role conflicts, and overloads of different roles. Stress factors
are additive. 2t is necessary to control stress in the initial stages itself.
>B *roup level stressors
Froup level stressors are caused by group dynamics and managerial
behaviors. $anagers create stress for employees byH
i. E6hibiting inconsistent behaviors,
ii. :ailing to provide support,
iii. "ho-ing lack of concern,
iv. /roviding inade@uate direction,
v. Creating a high productivity environment, and
vi. !ocusing on negatives -hile ignoring good performance.
"e#ual harassment is yet another group level stressor. "e#ual harassment refers
to un-elcome conduct of a se#ual nature that affects the Co.;related performance of an
employee adversely. One e#ample of se#ual harassment is the male supervisor
threatening to fire a female employee if she fails to accept his se#ual advances.
6nother serious interpersonal stressor is the rising -ave of physical violence and
aggression in the -orkplace. It is estimated that more than 9::: employees are
murdered at -ork each year in the U". )ork place violence includes assaults, rape and
threats using a -eapon.
DB Organizational stressors
Jrganizational stressors are various factors in the wor% place that can
cause stress. The general sets of Jrganizational stressors are as followsH
Task demands7;
Tas% demands are stressors associated with the specific job a person
performs. Some occupations are by nature more stressful than others. The jobs
of surgeons, air traffic controllers, and professional football coaches are more
stressful than those of general practitioners, airplane baggage loaders, and
football team e)uipment managers.
,eyond specific tas%Erelated pressures, other aspects of job may pose
physical threats to a personSs health. /nhealthy conditions e6ist in occupations
such as coal mining and to6ic waste handling. Security is another tas% demand
that can cause stress. Threats to job security can increase stress dramatically.
Role Demands
The sources of stress in organizational role include role ambiguity, role
conflict, responsibility towards people and things and other stressors. .ole
ambiguity involves lac% of clarity about the wor% objectives, e6pectations of
colleagues related to scope and responsibilities of the job. .ole conflict arises
where the individual is e6posed to conflicting job demands or is re)uired to do
things which he does not want to do. .esponsibility towards people is more
stress generating than responsibility towards things *e.g., e)uipment, materials,
Inter;personal relationships at -ork
The nature of relationship with oneSs boss, subordinates and colleagues
also form a major source of stress. 5oor relations involve low trust, low
supportiveness and low interest on listening to and dealing with organizational
problems of the members. The members feel more stress if the boss is low on
Organizational structure and climate
This source of stress involves perception of being in the organization
and a threat to oneSs freedom. 0utonomy and identity. Specifically such
stressors include. #ittle or no participation in decisionEma%ing, lac% of
belongingness, lac% of effective consultation, poor communication, restrictions
on behavior and politics by some organizational members.
Organizational leadership
#eadership style also may cause stress. Suppose an employee needs a
great deal of social support from his leader but the leader shows no concern or
compassion for him. This employee will probably feel stressed. Similarly,
assume an employee who has a strong need to participate in decisionEma%ing
and to be active in all aspects of management. ,ut his boss is very autocratic
and refuses to consult subordinates about anything. !aturally, stress is li%ely to
*roup /ressures
Froup pressures may include pressure to restrict output, pressure to
conform to the groupSs norms, and so forth. :or instance, it is )uite common for
a wor%group to arrive at an informal agreement about how much each member
will produce. 2ndividuals who produce much more or much less than this level
may be pressurized by the group to get bac% in line. 0n individual who feels a
strong need to vary from the groupSs e6pectations will e6perience a great deal
of stress, especially if acceptance by the group is also important to him or her.
EB #tra;organizational "tressors
E6traEorganizational stressors are caused by factors outside the
organization. :or instance conflicts associated with oneSs career and family life
is stressful.
1ome life certainly impacts oneSs attitudes and performance at wor%. =eath
of a spouse, injury to oneSs child, war, failure in school or at wor%, an
unplanned pregnancy and similar other life events can be stressful.
Socioeconomic status represents a combination of
a+ Economic status as measured by income.
b+ Social status assessed by educational level, and
c+ 9or% status as inde6ed by occupation. These stressors are li%ely to
become more important in the future.
5I! "T(5 TI4 46N6*4NT TC0NI<U"
5erhaps it is time to put emphasis on the Wlife after birth. 0nd ma%e it as
enjoyable and stress free as it can be. Streamlining oneSs living pattern and priorities of life
is perhaps the most significant step that one can take in order to sidestep stress and its
effects. The first thing is to set oneSs body cloc% right to get around crippling stressEeffects
such as sleep disorders, bowel disorders, nerve perturbation and hormonal dysfunction.
To minimize the effect of stress one has to help oneself to a good sleep. The
human body is designed for sleep to come effortlessly. 9hen sleep comes with an effort it is
obvious that weSre holding on to the daySs stresses and reaching out for tomorrowSs as well.
0part from adjusting oneSs lifestyle to oneSs body cloc%, effectively managing time is
also an invaluable s%ill in coping with stress. Qnowing when to ta%e the load and when to
offload, often goes a long way to maintaining a healthy and balanced e6istence.
To get yourself organized in life the follo-ing points can prove vital7
1e !le#i.le
There is always more than one solution to a problem. Jne should be
fle6ible enough to accept alternative solutions and e6periment with them. 2t
doesnSt help becoming an6ious, depressed and staying screwed, if oneSs dream
formula for a problem didnSt wor%.
1e Realistic 6.out (our 6.ility.
2t does help to set realistic and achievable goalsA long term or short
term, in life. The targets should correspond to oneSs capability to achieve them.
$a%ing unrealistic demand on oneself and others is a sure way to invite stress.
/rioritize (our Tasks.
5rioritizing the tas%s on hand can help reduce the challenges in
completing them. 5utting time and energy to important tas%s and brea%ing a big
tas% into smaller steps makes things easier. )hen one finishes one thing at a time and
is a.le to meet one?s responsi.ilities in time, the effect can .e inspiring.
Do Not 1aulk 6t Delegating Responsi.ility
=elegating responsibility when it is appropriate, prevents emergence of
stress. 9hen one has several tas%s at hand and puzzles over how to go about
them, assigning smaller tas%s to others can wor% wonders. This can be done both in
office and at home.
5earn To 1e 6ssertive
5racticing to be a little more assertive or learning to say SnoS when
re)uired can prevent you from ta%ing up e6tra tas%s which can eat into your
precious time and energy. 9e often come across a housewife at home or an
e6ecutive in office putting themselves under unwelcome stress by ta%ing more
than what they can handle.
'eep 6 Time /lanne
Qeeping a time planner ready helps going about oneSs tas%
systematically. The listings should be scheduled on a dayEtoEday and priority
basis. 2t is, also, important to allot a little more time for each schedule to avoid
wor%ing under strain and an6iety.
Take /lanned 1reaks !rom )ork.
9hether a )uic% 'Eminutes brea% or a 'Eday long holiday, the brea%s
might offload the afterEeffects of stress in us. 0 jaunt to a spa or health resort goes a
long way in refueling our stress resistant capabilities.
ffective Communication
Effective communication is %ey to the success of all %inds of
relationships. StressUthe real SbugS in our lives, generally comes from the
interaction with others and demand from modern way of living. 0 hiccup in
communication at any level is most li%ely to lead you into a situation.
#earning to say no, developing interpersonal communication s%ills such
as listening to otherSs views and providing effective and timely feedbac% is %ey
to effective communication.
9hen your ideas and attitudes are effectively communicated to people
around, you may find yourself in a winEwin situation in every sphere of lifeE
family, wor%place or social gathering. This can save you from unnecessary
misunderstandings and conse)uent tensions.
!orm of stress
Stress is understood by its different forms which may be temporary or
longEterm, mild or severe.
The form of stress, if temporary and mild, cannot be distressing. Jne
can recover from it easily. $any employees find stress merely superfluous but
they suffer temporarily with such strenuous wor%. 9hen an employee finds
himself under a new and un%nown situation with a different environment, he
faces mild stress. 1e is unable to cope with the new situation. "onflicts ta%e
place and he becomes restless. 9hen he becomes accustomed with the new
situation and adjusts to it, the stress diminishes gradually. The forms of stress
are mild, stiffer and chronic.
9. 4ilder form
The milder form of stress is visible in digestive problems, high blood
pressure, nervousness and inability to rela6 and insomnia.

>. "tiffer !orm
2f the stress is not prevented at the initial milder stage, it becomes the
stiffer form.
3. Chronic !rom
"hronic worry, insomnia, frustration, instability and uncoEoperative
attitude are developed if stress is not chec%ed initially. 2f high intensity stress
continues for an e6tended duration, problems arise. 0n individual suffering
from high intensity stress cannot cope with problems, as the human body
cannot rebuild its strength for a longer period. Stress is removed by the body as
it has the capacity of homeostasis. #ong stressed body wea%ens people
psychologically. This is %nown as burnEout. The ne6t chronic form of stress is
4. 1urn Out
2ndividuals are emotionally e6hausted under burnEoutS. They are
detached from wor% and are unable to achieve their objectives. There are many
jobs where in burnsEout are e6perienced often. 2ntellectuals and professionals
face burnEout because they suffer from continuous high stress. $anagers and
e6ecutives in an organization are prone to burnEout. They have to resort to
physiological and physiological therapy to reduce the recurrence of burnEout.
Employees prone to burnEout e6perience certain symptoms. They face
irritation, errors in wor%, frustration and apathy. They find their job
monotonous. Jften, they tend to leave their present job and face many
problems while ta%ing up new jobs. Jrganizations have to present situations
which indicate symptoms of burnEout. Employees are told how to cope with
stressful situations. $any organizations arrange yoga and meditation programs
to prevent their employees from reaching this condition of a burnEout.
The most serious form of stress is trauma. 2t occurs in a hostile
atmosphere wherein employees do not find adjusting easy with the continuous
stress. The wor%place contributes significantly in the development of trauma E
the wor% strains, social reactions to jobs, acute insecurity at wor%place and
beyond. The increasing incidence of terrorism and e6tortion has caused trauma
to highly placed employees. 0ny hazardous occupation creates trauma at wor%
as well as after wor%. 5ostEtraumatic stress disorder is e)ually disturbing. The
wor%place trauma is often visible in the form of harassment, wrongful
rumination, biased attitudes and discrimination. $any times, employees
assume responsibilities and find themselves in an emotional tailspin.
Jrganizations witnessing the symptoms of trauma ta%e serious steps to prevent
its recurrence. Satisfaction, clarification and mutual help avoid trauma.
"tages of stress
There are three stages of stressH 0larm, resistance and e6haustion.F0S
*Feneral 0daption Syndrome+ as termed by hans selve is another name for
stress. 1e has given three stages of stress.
. 6larm
The first stage of stress is alarm where in the stress mobilizes the
internal stress system. $any physiological and chemical reactions are observed
during the alarm stage. 2ncreased pituitary adrenaline secretions, increased
respiration, heart trouble and high blood pressure are observed during the alarm
stage. $any employees prevent themselves from becoming more stressed
through physiological and physiological treatment.
(. Resistance
2f the alarm stage is not prevented, resistance develops. The body organs
become resistant but it paves the ways for the development of other stressors.
!ervousness and tension are increased ma%ing individuals unable to rela6.
2ndividuals develop conflicts, frustration and uneasiness. 2llness and diseases
attached with stress are developed under resistance. 0pparently, individuals
feel free from stress, but serious diseases develop stealthily. 2t is essential to
%now the causes of stress and avoid them at the beginning stage.
D. #haustion
.esistance or resistant stress creates e6haustion. The immunity of the
body is reduced. 2ndividuals feel fatigue and inability. E6haustion develops
moodiness, negative emotions and helplessness. 9herein stress has reached the
state of e6haustion. 1ealth and physiological depression reduces the
effectiveness of employees. "onse)uently, the success of an organization is
adversely affected. Stressed employees cannot contribute significantly. 0 large
number of organizations have started stress education to prevent stress from
negatively affecting the employees.
Conse@uences of stressF effects of stress
$edically, it has been established that chronic symptoms of an6iety and
stress can crumble our bodySs immune system. 2rrespective of the nature of the
causes of stressU real or perceivedUour subconscious mind reacts with the
same body response by releasing stress hormones e)ual to the degree of our
fear, worry or sense of threat. 2t brings about changes in the bodySs biochemical
state with e6tra epinephrine and other adrenal steroids such as hydrocortisone
in the bloodstream. 2t also induces increased palpitation and blood pressure in
the body with mental manifestations such as anger, fear, worry or aggression.
2n short, stress creates anomalies in our bodySs homeostasis. 9hen the e6tra chemicals in
our bloodstream donSt get used up or the stress situation persists, it ma%es our body prone to
mental and physical illnesses.
:or e6ample, imagine a secretary in an office. 1er boss comes in, angry and furious.
1e starts blasting the secretary for no apparent reasons. !ow, her activated adrenaline cycle
would tell her to flee or fight. 1er senses become acute, muscles tighten, heartbeats and blood
pressure increase and brain activity speeds up. She would probably li%e to wal% out or
alternatively, turn around and punch him in the face. ,ut she does neither, for to do so might
mean losing her job. So what followsA She burns up a lot of her body energy without
achieving anything. 0t the end of the day she would be left mentally, physically and
emotionally e6haustedUclassic symptoms of an6iety and stress. 2t can happen to anybody
from a high profile businessman to a student, an e6ecutive or a homema%er. 0ll are burning
out their energies to defend themselves from their real or perceived causes of stress.
!etal "tress
!ew medical research has established that prenatal stress could
significantly influence development of the .rain and organization of .ehavior in
Researchers e#plain that .ecause stress affects many of the bodySs systemsU
nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and immuneU there is good reason to believe that severe
emotional stress could cause defects in the fetus, especially during the first trimester of
pregnancy when development occurs at the fastest rate.
2n women who are e6posed to severe stress and an6iety, this effect is caused by
reduced blood flow through the arteries that feed the uterus. /sually, the cranial nerve crest, a
structure of cells that is thought to contribute to the development of the head and face in a
fetus, gets affected.
6ccording to Dr 3ivette *lover, research head of a study linking o.stetrics,
pediatrics, psychology and psychiatry, e#periment on animals sho-s that maternal,
fetal, or neonatal e#perience can set the stress responses of the developing offspring for
life. 2f true, in human beings this could predispose children to have behavioral problems, such
as hyperactivity, or cause them to suffer from depression in later life.
"tress = 6ging
0ging is a natural and gradual process, e6cept under e6treme
circumstances such as stress or grief The constant stressors or stress conditions result in
a loss in neural and hormonal balance. This loss of balance will cause increased o6idative
damage accelerating aging in our body. ThatSs because, chronic disturbances in body
homeostasis ultimately affect our hormone secreting glands, cell repair and collagen in our
s%in and connecting tissues. 2mmune and neural degenerative diseases prevent this otherwise
inevitable process from following the normal and healthy course of events.
.ecent research results suggest that longEterm e6posure to adrenal stress
hormones may boost brain aging in later life.
Scientists at the /niversity of Qentuc%y in #e6ington loo%ed at the
results of memory tests ta%en by elderly patients with high levels of the stress
hormone "ortisol, released by adrenal glands when the body is stressed. That
highElevel group scored lower than others with reduced levels of the hormone,
researchers say.
The level of hormone released apparently affects the total volume of the
brainSs hippocampusUa major source of recall and memory function, in later life.
.esearchers found those with high levels of hormone release, had a hippocampus volume 4
per cent less than those with lower levels.
The study results suggest that, Gchronic stress may accelerate hippocampal
deteriorationG leading to accelerated physical and .rain aging.
"tress = /ets
5eople often remain oblivious to the idea that petsUanimals and birdsU
also suffer from stress. 5ets are e6tremely sensitive to their surroundings and
are %nown to develop emotional bonding with their owners as well as fellow
pets. S"hangeS triggers stress in animals the same way it triggers stress in humans. 1ealth
conditions also affect the petsS psychological state.
"onditions such as illnesses, travel, breeding, separation from owner,
shifting, addition or loss of a family member or another household pet, can
cause stress in animals. 2n such cases, pets become e6tremely bored or show symptoms of
severe stress such as fear, an#iety and restlessness
0 bored pet dog would slowly chew, destroy things or move objects in
and around the household, eat or drin% e6cessively, and sometimes, even create
inflammation conditions li%e Rlic% granulomaR *usually an ulcerated area on a
dogSs wrist or an%le caused by the dogSs own incessant lic%ing +. They also tend
to bar% a lot when they are bored. Stressed out dogs show signs of sha%ing,
trembling, restlessness and destructiveness. 2t is just as important to treat
boredom, as it is to treat an6iety.
Tips to 'eep (our /ets in *ood 0umor
5rovide e6ercise to your pet dog several times a day.
=onSt ta%e the same route everyday when you take your dog for a -alk.
=onSt use corrective measures such as yelling and hitting since they only
increase an6iety in pets.
=onSt let the pet SloungeS around. ,e sure to provide enough stimuli to
your pets when you are present at home, play with them and pet them.
"ontrary to popular belief, getting another pet, as company for a lonely
pet, does not necessarily alleviate boredom. 2f only your bored pet has a
strong personality, you may find that it teaches its companion
how to brea% the boredom.
If your dog has developed lick granulomas, seek medical a -ell as .ehavioral
attention to .reak that
If your dog is e#hi.iting .ehavior that is indicative of separation an#iety, seek
help from a @ualified professional as soon as possi.le, .ecause not all dogs
respond to a standard treatment.
1ehavior therapy in conCunction -ith medication can alleviate stress in
$usic, or sound coordinated in a rhythmic manner, is %nown to appeal
to our inner being so powerfully that it can effect healing in our body. The
science of yoga reveals that body is made of vibrating energy. =ifference in physicality
suggests the presence of different types of vibrations in that energy. $usic, whether vocal or
instrumental, basically sends out various forms of vibrating soundEenergy to its surrounding.
5eople are generally attracted to the types of music appealing to their inherent body vibration.
Some people may love to listen to the high and racy vibrations of jazz, but to some other itSs
the slow and lilting sound of flute that appeals most.
The sound of music, -hen coordinates -ell -ith one?s inner vi.ration, untangles
the knotted and stressed out nerves, soothes the mind;.ody, and promotes -ell;.eing in
human as -ell as other species. 4usic can .e a source of emotional enCoyment, -hether
one performs or Cust e#periences it as a passive listener.
2n human body, the music appreciation center is located in the right hemisphere of
the brain. ,y listening to music one SswitchesEoverS from the left hemisphere *dominant for
binary activities+ to the creative right hemisphere. 2t helps stimulate oneSs thin%ing pattern.
$usic has tremendous rela6ation effect on our mind as well as our body. Surveys on the
effect of music therapy reveal that favorable musical vibrations can promote a positive
thought process in an individual.
$odern therapeutic science says that music has a massaging effect on our
brain. 5erhaps, that is the primary reason for widespread usage of music as an antiEan6iety
and antidepressant therapy and the handiest tool for rela6ation. So, each day massaging your
brain with a few moments of your favorite tunes and melodies, can go a long way in ma%ing
you a cheerful and positive person
0utogenic training is a European method of rela6ation based upon
passive concentration and body awareness of specific sensations. Since the last
century it has been successfully applied in relieving most stressErelated
disorders. The affected person learns to use the techni)ues in relieving stress
symptoms such as an6iety, tension, sleep disorder, and e6amination stress as well as in
chronic stress induced medical conditions. The techni)ueSs disease alleviating capabilities has
given it the status of a therapy in the western part of the world. Though autogenic training is
effectively used for reducing stress it is contraEindicated for personSs suffering from diabetes,
hypoglycemia, heart conditions, and high or low blood pressure.
,iofeedbac% is a techni)ue in which stress affected persons are taught to
improve their health and physical performance by altering their brain activity, blood pressure,
muscle tension, heart rate and other bodily functions. /nder stress these functions become
unusual. 5atients are taught to use signals from their own bodies, recognize the anomalies and
redirect them accordingly. This techni)ue of SbioEfeedEbac%S came into being in late &87s
following successful laboratory tests on patients.
65TRN6TI3 "TR"" 46N6*4NT
,esides prescribed drugs, there are e6tremely effective holistic methods
to tac%le the impairing influence of stress. Some of them are ageEold techni)ues
whereas many lost therapies have been retrieved and being applied in new
manners for alleviation of stress and its effects.
Stressed out individuals carry a great deal of physical tension in their
bodies. 2n these cases the natural unbloc%ing effected by yoga postures are
helpful. )hen one rests .et-een postures, a.dominal tension is released
from the .ody promoting deep .reathing. The .enefits of yoga postures
*asana+, breathing *pranayama+, and meditation *dhvana+ include increased
body awareness, release of muscular tension and increased coordination
between mindEand body. 2t helps in better management of stress and ensures an
overall feeling of -ell .eing.
The ancient therapeutic traditions as -ell as modern medical research speaks
a.out the intimate relationship between our breathing patterns and our physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual health. They have shown how natural healthy respiration not only
increases longevity and supports our overall wellEbeing and selfEdevelopment, but also helps
in medical conditions such as asthma, poor digestion, insomnia, low energy, high blood
pressure, an6iety, panic attac%s, heart ailments, and many other pro.lems.
1ere in this !utrine confectionary we have observed two types of stress
. E6tra organizational stress.
(. Jrganizational stress.
!ow our objective is to analyze the above mentioned stress including
effects of stress on Employees.
This is based on the factory problems.
The below table shows what the
. E6tra organizational stress.
(. Jrganizational stress
3. Effects of stress include
. :amily problems increase job stress
R"/ON"" No. of
H O!
Strongly agree & C
0gree 33 3
=isagree (C (@
Strongly disagree ' 4
!eutral 7 7
TOT65 9:A 9::H
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether the family problems increase
job stress. out of 7' respondents ,& strongly agreed,33 agreed,(C
disagreed,' strongly disagreed,7 are neutral i.e, &K agreed,
33Kagreed,(CK disagreed,'K strongly disagreed, 7 K are neutral
(. salaries sufficient to lead livelihood
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O!
(es @@ @3
No (C (@
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether the salaries
sufficient to lead livelihood out of 7' respondents, @@ .espondents said yes
and (C said no. i.e @3K said yes and (@K said !o.
3 =o you 0ble to cope up with new technology.
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether the employees are
0ble to cope up with new technology. Jut of 7' respondents, 8'
.espondents said yes and 47 said no. i.e 8(K said yes and 3CK said no.
4. voluntary retirements is good for the employees and the organization.
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es 8' 8(
No 47 3C
TOT65 9:A 9::
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es 34 3(
No @ 8C
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ataH 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether the voluntary
retirements are good for the employees and the organization. out of 7'
respondents, @ .espondents said yes and 34 said no. i.e 8CK said yes and 3(K
said !o.
' =oes employees are suffering from sound pollution in the factory.
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es ( (7
No C4 C7
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether the
employees are suffering from sound pollution in the factory. out of 7'
respondents, C4 .espondents said yes and ( said no. i.e C7K said yes and (7K
said !o.
8( there any job security.
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es '( '7
No '3 '7
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
50 50
This )uestion has been as%ed whether is there they
have any job security. out of 7' respondents, '( .espondents said yes and '3
said no. i.e '7K said yes and '7K said !o.
@ There is recognition
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es 3C 38
No 8@ 84
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether is they have
any job security. out of 7' respondents, 3C .espondents said yes and 8@ said
no. i.e 38K said yes and 84K said !o.
C is there any .eward system to the employees in the organization.
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es 3 37
No @4 @7
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ataH 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether there is any
.eward system to the employees in the organization. out of 7' respondents,
3.espondents said yes and @4 said no. i.e 37K said yes and @7K said !o.
& does they have recreation facilitiesA
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es '@ '4
No 4C 48
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have
recreation facilities. out of 7' respondents, '@ .espondents said yes and 4C
said no. i.e '4K said yes and @7K said !o.
7 Food inter personal relationships e6ist.
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es C7 @8
No (' (4
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have
recreation facilities. out of 7' respondents, C7 .espondents said yes and ('
said no. i.e @8K said yes and (4K said !o.
=oes they have 1ygienic wor%ing environment inside the factory.
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
(es &4 &7
No 7
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have 1ygenius wor%ing
environment inside the factory .out of 7' respondents, &7 .espondents said
yes and 7 said no. i.e &7K said yes and 7K said !o.
( do they follow norms inside the factory.
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O!
(es CC C4
No @ 8
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they follow norms inside the
factory .out of 7' respondents, CC .espondents said yes and @ said no. i.e
C4K said yes and 8K said !o.
3 does they have Sufficient man power to handle given tas%s.
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have Sufficient man
power to handle given tas%s. out of 7' respondents ,( strongly agreed,3'
agreed,(8 disagreed,@ strongly disagreed, 8 are neutral i.e, (7K agreed,
33Kagreed,('K disagreed,8K strongly disagreed, 8 K are neutral
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O! R"/ONDNT"
"TRON*5( 6*R ( (7
6*R 3' 33
DI"6*R (8 ('
9I 9J
NUTR65 8 8
TOT65 9:A 9::
4 are they feeling any stress during the wor% period.
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have are they feeling
any stress during the wor% period. out of 7' respondents, 7 strongly agreed,
4 agreed, & disagreed, (& strongly disagreed, 33 are neutral i.e, 7K agreed,
3Kagreed, (CK disagreed,3K strongly disagreed, C K are neutral
R"/ON"" No. of
H O!
"TRON*5( 6*R 7 7
6*R 4 3
NUTR65 & C
DI"6*R (& (C
33 3
TOT65 9:A 9::
'. does they have proper training to handle hazards machinery.
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have proper training to
handle hazards machinery. out of 7' respondents, & strongly agreed, 37
agreed, 3C disagreed, 8 strongly disagreed, ( are neutral i.e, CK agreed,
(&Kagreed, 38K disagreed,'K strongly disagreed, ( K are neutral
R"/ON"" No. of R"/ONDNT" H O!
"TRON*5( 6*R & C
6*R 37 (&
NUTR65 ( (
DI"6*R 3C 38
8 '
TOT65 9:A 9::
8 :eel li%e screaming or shouting because of stress.
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have proper training to
handle hazards machinery. out of 7' respondents, @ strongly agreed, &
agreed, 3@ disagreed, 4( strongly disagreed i.e, 8K agreed, &Kagreed, 3'K
disagreed,3K strongly disagreed.
@ does they have heavy wor% load to complete the wor% in time.
R"/ON"" No. of
H O!
"TRON*5( 6*R @ 8
6*R & &
DI"6*R 3@ 3'
4( 47
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they have heavy wor% load to
complete the wor% in time. out of 7' respondents, (8 strongly agreed, 3(
agreed, (@disagreed, 4 strongly disagreed is neutral i.e, (8K agreed,
3(Kagreed, (@K disagreed,4K strongly disagreed, K is neutral.
C does they follow the safety measures as per the government norms
R"/ON"" No. of
H O!
"TRON*5( 6*R (@ (8
6*R 34 3(
DI"6*R (C (@
' 4
TOT65 9:A 9::
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they follow the safety
measures as per the government norms out of 7' respondents, 44 strongly
agreed, (8 agreed, ( disagreed, ( strongly disagreed ( is neutral i.e, 4(K
agreed, ('Kagreed,(7K disagreed,(K strongly disagreed, K is neutral.
R"/ON"" No. of
H O!
"TRON*5( 6*R 44 4(
6*R (8 ('
DI"6*R ( (7
( (
NUTR65 (
TOT65 9:A 9::
& does they feel stress due to lac% of communication.
Source of =ata H 5rimary =ata
This )uestion has been as%ed whether they follow the safety
measures as per the government norms out of 7' respondents, strongly
agreed, (( agreed, & disagreed, (4 strongly disagreed 3& is neutral i.e, 7K
agreed, (Kagreed,&K disagreed,(3K strongly disagreed, 3@K is neutral.
R"/ON"" No. of
H O!
"TRON*5( 6*R 7
6*R (( (
NUTR65 3& 3@
DI"6*R & &
(4 (3
TOT65 9:A 9::
2n machines li%e ,JS1 and EQ, Ferman technology is used.
Food infrastructure e6ists inside the company.
T!T/" and 2!T/" e6ist in !""# to solve the labour problems.
#ac% of employee participation in decision ma%ing leaves the employees
-ery good canteen facility with subsidizedX price is provided.
1esides organizational stress employees are suffering from e#tra organizational
There is hesitation and a .it fear among employees to openly communicate -ith
the superiors. This is not applica.le to all the employees it differs.
There are no rest hours in .et-een the -ork.
J>H of -orkers ans-ered that they are finding it a .it difficult to cope up -ith
ne- technology.
JEH of -orkers ans-ered that they are not getting proper recognition
0s there are voluntary retirements inside the company the wor% burden
has been increased on the employees.
$ore programs should be designed and implemented like financial help to
the children of employees so that stress levels are further reduced.
$ore training must be provided for the employees
2f the timings are not fre@uently changed then the stress levels may .e
The wor%ers may feel wor% burden until the new machinery and
technology is completely brought in to the !""#.
Loga and stress control programs must be conducted for employees.
ncouragement in employee participation in decisions making.

The !""# has ta%en so many steps to help them financially about their
childrens education etc,.
!""# believes that the employees are the most important asset of the
"omplete care is ta%en regarding the health and food facilities of the
N64 7
6* 7
D/6RT4NT 7
2O1 K/RINC 7
. :amily problems increase job stressA
*0+ ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+ =2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE & +
(. Salaries sufficient to lead livelihoodA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
3. =o you 0ble to cope up with new technologyA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
4. -oluntary retirements are good for the employees and the organization.A
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
'. =oes employees are suffering from sound pollution in the factoryA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
8. 2s there any job securityA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
@. 2s there any recognitionA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
C. 2s there any .eward system to the employees in the organizationA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
&. =oes they have recreation facilitiesA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
7. Food inter personal relationships e6ist
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
. =oes they have 1ygenius wor%ing environment inside the factoryA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
(. =o they follow norms inside the factoryA
*0+ LES *,+!J < >
3. =oes they have sufficient man power to handle given tas%sA
*0+ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+=2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE & +
4. 0re they feeling any stress during the wor% periodA
*0+ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+=2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE < >
'. =oes they have proper training to handle hazards machineryA
*0+ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+=2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE < >
8. :eel li%e screaming or shouting because of stressA
*0+ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+=2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE < >
@. =oes they have heavy wor% load to complete the wor% in timeA
*0+ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+=2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE < >
C. =oes they follow the safety measures as per the government normsA
*0+ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+=2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE < >
&. =oes they feel stress due to lac% of communicationA
*0+ST.J!F#L 0F.EE *,+ 0F.EE *"+ !E/T.0#
*=+=2S0F.EE *E+ ST.J!F#L =2S0F.EE < >
6uthor Title /u.lisher
".,.$amoria 5ersonnal management 1imalaya 5ublishers
-.5.$ichale 1uman .esource and 1imalaya 5ublishers
Q.-.Subba .ao 1uman .esource and 1imalaya
2ndustrial relations
"...Qothari .esearch methodology -ishwa publishers
5.Tirupathi 2ndustrial relations and 1imalaya publishers
5ersonnal management
F.".,eri $ar%eting .esearch Tata $c Fraw hill
5.Subba .ao 1uman .esources Qonar% publishers management
Thank You

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