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Norah Emanuela Gonsalves

Mr. Davis
Design Technology
March 27, 2014
Sustainable Low-Carbon Menu

Design Brief:
Today, it is difficult to attain a healthy diet that has a minimal effect on your carbon footprint
due to all the processing, hormones, and chemicals that are used to produce quick meals at low
prices. Such ingredients cause large emissions of carbon, generating a high carbon footprint
affecting various aspects of climate change--particularly global warming. Designing a menu
(appetizer, main course, dessert) that includes ingredients that reduce the carbon footprint is a
step in the right direction and will make anyones life healthier.

The amount of processed food that is consumed today has largely increased over the last decade.
In supermarkets, all the products that can be purchased have been processed. It is one of the
contributors to greenhouse gases as during its life cycle, large amount of fossil fuels are used and
released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, increasing global warming.

In the pre-production stage of food processing, it affects climate change through consuming large
amount of energy to grow and harvest crops and animals, with 21% of the total energy used to
process them used in this stage. Raising livestock also takes a toll on the global climate as the
amount of waste they produce is a lot more than vegetable and fruits. For example, a tomato only
requires 15 liters of water while a cow requires 2,400 liters of water. Animals also emit methane
gas which further adds to global warming. Not only does it greatly contribute to the ever-
growing layer of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the pesticides and hormones required to
grow them also affect the immediate surroundings such as poisoning the soil and nearby

Manufacturing the processed food, such as the packaging, also requires a large amount of fossil
fuels to compete up to 7% of the total energy. Frozen foods require even more as they have to be
kept cold.

On average, it takes 1,300 miles for a food product to be delivered to the consumers plate
causing the distribution stage to greatly affect the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the
atmosphere due to the vehicles consuming fossil fuels, therefore, increasing the carbon footprint.

Changing to a more low-carbon diet will allow for carbon emissions to be significantly reduced
slowing down global warming.
Research Questions:
1) What is a carbon footprint?
The carbon footprint of an individual or group of people presents the amount of carbon
emissions or greenhouse gases (in tonnes) they emit from their daily activities. Usually, the
results are displayed as a visual representation such as the amount of earths the person needs to
fulfill their daily needs. The factors that are included into calculating the carbon footprint are:
Water usage: the amount of water used daily/monthly/yearly (shower, sink, toilet,
Electricity usage: the amount of electricity used daily/monthly/yearly (bills, lights,
Air Travel: the amount of vacations/business trips done yearly (plane trips both long and
Fuel usage: the amount of fuel used daily/monthly/yearly (cars, buses, trains, amount of
times vehicle is refueled)
Amount of meat eaten: the amount of meat weekly (the percentage of food types eaten,
amount of times shopping is done)

To calculate the amount of greenhouse gases emitted, there are online calculators that require
information on the above factors. However, these calculators vary greatly as they do not include
every factor or are region based, making it hard to calculate the exact amount of greenhouse
gases emitted.

2) What affects on the environment does a high carbon footprint have?
A high carbon footprint concludes that a large amount of carbon is being emitted into the
atmosphere. One of the main effects of large carbon emissions is the global warming increasing
the earths temperatures causing irregular weather patterns (droughts, and monsoons) and the
melting of the ice caps. This then affects agricultural production as the weather becomes
unpredictable and areas that do not receive much rain will have an even harder time supplying
their countryor exportingwith food.

Even though global warming is inevitable, due to the world going through another era such as
the Ice Age, carbon emission has been rapidly increasing. Research has stated that the earths
temperature has been increasing by 0.2 degree per decade and will continue to speedup due to
the amount of carbon emissions that are being emitted into the atmosphere. That is due to carbon
emissions, usually in the form of carbon dioxide (CO
), being a type of greenhouse gas that
builds up below the atmosphere and reflects the heat created by the earth therefore creating
global warming.

3) What is the carbon footprint of each food type?
Food is responsible for a large portion of a person's carbon footprint as eating is an activity that
is performed daily. The food items that contains the most CO2 emissions are arranged in this
table ranging from meat being at the top (which emits the most carbon into the atmosphere), and
fruit at the bottom (which creates the least amount of carbon waste) per kilo of the product.

Rank Food CO2 Kilos
Car Miles
1 Lamb 39.2 91
2 Beef 27.0 63
3 Cheese 13.5 31
4 Pork 12.1 28
5 Turkey 10.9 25
6 Chicken 6.9 16
7 Tuna 6.1 14
8 Eggs 4.8 11
9 Potatoes 2.9 7
10 Rice 2.7 6
11 Nuts 2.3 5
12 Beans/tofu 2.0 4.5
13 Vegetables 2.0 4.5
14 Milk 1.9 4
15 Fruit 1.1 2.5
16 Lentils 0.9 2

Likewise, diets that contain more meat will have a higher carbon footprint as the amount of
resources required to raise the animals (feed, water) and to then process and deliver it (slaughter
and pack) takes up a lot of fossil fuels causing there to be high emissions of carbon dioxide.
Below is a table on the amounts of tonnes each diet emits over the course of a day. Clearly,
vegan-based diets create half the amount of carbon waste than those that consume meat.

3) What existing meals are low in their carbon footprint?
To create a menu that contains a low carbon footprint, existing meals will be used to gain
inspiration. Even though meat is considered to be the greatest contributor to the carbon footprint
of a meal, there are several recipes that include them, but still have a fairly low count of carbon
emissions compared to normally prepared ones.

Meals with meat:
Chicken Breast with Apricot-Onion Pan Sauce
+This meal would satisfy meat lovers yet lower the carbon footprint.
-It includes white wine as one of the ingredients. If I were to do this recipe, Id have to look for
an ingredient that replaces the white wine, but gives the same effects and flavor.

Mustard Glazed Chicken with Arugula and Bok Choy
+Pleases meat lovers and is balanced in both protein and minerals/vitamins (meat and
vegetables). It also uses a very small amount of water.
-As it does have meat, the carbon footprint will be higher than if it were without.

Oven Fried Chicken
+This meal will appeal to meat lovers and is cooked in the oven which lowers the carbon
-Since it is a meat based meal, it will still have a higher carbon footprint than any of the
vegetable meals.

Meals without meat:
Warm Potato Salad with Arugula
+Has a low carbon footprint as there is no use of meat or water in the cooking process. All the
reviews are positive.
-Only satisfy specific people and tastes.

Free-Form Onion Tart:
+ Is a healthy and easily made snack, not using an water or meat.
-However, a lot of gas or electrical power (depending on the stove) is used which can affect
overall carbon footprint.

Scrambled Eggs with Herbed Croutons
+It contains no water or meat and contains very positive reviews.
-As it contains eggs, the carbon footprint will not be as low as it can be due to the eggs coming
from chickens which have to be fed, which requires energy. Also, it is more of a breakfast meal
than a main course.

Green Pizza
+This meal is completely vegetarian and is a type of food that almost everyone can enjoy. Since
it is cooked in an oven, it uses less fire which lessens the carbon footprint.
-It may not appease meat lovers.

Zesty Quinoa with Broccoli and Almonds
+ This is meal is completely vegetarian and is easy to make. Since takes such a short time to
make, the amount of gas used will be minimal on the impact on the carbon footprint.
- Meat lover will not be appeased lessening the amount of audience and since it uses a little bit of
water, that could affect the carbon footprint.

Winter Bruschetta
+ Very appealing as an appetizer as it has both a salty and sweet taste to it. There is no water
required which lowers the carbon footprint.
- The taste might not appeal everyone as it is a mixture lessening the audience that would eat

The Three-Minute Oatmeal Raisin Cookie:
+The ingredients are very healthy and it is very simple to make. It contains a low carbon
footprint as no meat or water is used.
-As it is baked in the microwave, long exposure might cause health problems.

Raw Coconut Macaroons:
+It contains healthy ingredients and no water, lowering the carbon footprint.
-They take a while to make as there is a twenty-four waiting period where the cookies need to be
dehydrated. Also, all of the ingredients and tools needed may not be available in Lima.

Chocolate Coconut Cookie
+Very easy to make and requires no water causing the carbon footprint to be low.
-They do contain eggs which would increase the carbon footprint as the chickens required to
make them need water and feed to survive.

Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
+Only three ingredients are required (oatmeal, banana and chocolate chips) that require no egg or
butter which gives it a very low carbon footprint.
-Since the appearance is not the most appealing, it may not attract a wide audience.

4) Where in Lima can I find bioorganic markets?
Peru is known for its wide assortments of vegetable and fruits.Throughout Lima, there are
several locations where bioingredients are purchasable.

Parque Reducto, Avenida Benavides and Via Expresa Open Saturdays 8 a.m. till 2 p.m.
This bio market, called Bioferia Organic Market, specialized in selling fresh organic
fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, syrups, and dried herbs. There are also various stands with
hand-made toys and textiles and already prepared meals.
Av, Alameda del Corregidor Block 5 8:30 a.m. till 1 p.m.
Mercado Saludable La Molina is a bio market that provides a range of fresh fruits and
vegetables and also a variety of organic products. Those products include honey, jams,
dairy products, and eggs, flour and bread. As the market before, there are clothes
produced out of organic materials as well.

Parque Reducto, San Antonio, Miraflores 8 a.m. till 2 p.m.
This Bioferia is known for its fresh vegetables, fruits, spices, pastries and cheeses.

Mercado #1, Surquillo 8 a.m. till 2:30 p.m.
Similar to the Bioferia in Parque Reducto, it sells fresh produces.

Avenida 28 de Julio 202, Barranco Assumed to be open during regular shop hours
A single shop that sells more organic spices, herbs, and snack than vegetables and fruits.
They also sell organic soaps and other cleaning liquids.

Jron Colina 108, Barranco Assumed to be open during regular shop hours
A small shop that contains three sections. One containing organic ingredients such as
meats and vegetables, the other a second hand shop of clothes and books, and a small
cafe that serves organic coffee and snacks.

5) How can I calculate the carbon footprint of a meal? (calculator)
There are online calculators to calculate the carbon footprint. However, most focus on the carbon
footprint of households or conferences rather than individual meals. Also, they all take into
consideration the specific factors from regions, such as the United States and England, and not
Peru. To accurately calculate the carbon footprint of the meal, the results of various calculators
will be used to get a better picture of what it would be.

Below are several links to possible carbon calculators to use when calculating the carbon
footprint of each meal:

+Has an array of specifications that will help create an accurate image of what the carbon
footprint of the meal is by including the food group, distance traveled in the distribution stage,
and quantity.
-This calculator is only valid for those living in North America which may cause the results to be
inaccurate as they do not follow the customs of Peru.

+ Asks specific questions on what your diet consists of to make an accurate calculation of your
carbon footprint.
-Only calculates diets and not individual food items or meals which will not be very helpful
when calculating the carbon footprint of the designed menus.

+Allows for the calculation of individual food groups which will then accurately give the carbon
emissions for the designed meals.
-Does not calculate for daily consumption which will then cause time to be wasted on dividing
the number by a week to collect the carbon emissions of one meal.

+Each food category has several item options that are individually calculated and are also
accumulated when placed into the bowl therefore allowing for the calculation of the exact meal.
-Some ingredients are missing and the calculator is in German which will cause time to be
wasted on translating.

6) Which blogging platform would be best to create and promote my problem and solution?
There are a variety of platforms on the Internet that allow a person to create a blog. Each
platform has their unique attributes that aid different formats.

Wordpress: Is one of the most used blogging platforms on the web covering around 19% of
websites. It contains both a free trial version, and a paid one.
+It has a wide range of customizable options and since it is widely used, many tutorials on how
to make the blog appealing will be easily accessible.
-The tools it has at its display may be a challenge to use to beginners.

Blogger: A Google blogging platform that I have had some previous experience with in ninth
+It is very easy to navigate and use.
-It is not as popular and does not have many customization options making the blog hard to be

Ghost:A new blogging platform that and has new characteristics that other blogs do not have.
+The layout is very elegant and organized. It also has a very easy customization tab where you
can see the preview of what you are writing and editing next to the editing bar.
-As it is new, there are still a lot of features that have not been released yet. After having created
an account, it turns out to create a blog, it is not free and a small amount of money is required to
do so.

Tumblr:A popular blogging site whose audience is mostly teenagers and young adults. I have
some experience with it as I have a Tumblr account.
+It is easy to reblog and find tags. The layout is also very simple.
-It is hard to organize and customize the dashboard as this type of blog is hard to find past posts

Quora: This platform is mostly used to tell stories and accounts of knew knowledge.
+It has a strong community that is very open to new content.
-Lacks any personalization tools to make the blog feel like your own creation.

Svbtl: A free blogging platform that used to be only for a selected audience, but has recently
been opened to the public.
+Has a very simple, yet elegant design.
-Lacks a layout of the blog as the posts created cannot be categorized into folders.

Weebly: A blogging/website making platform that most creative users utilize.
+Very easy to use with a wide variety of options in customizations even without paying for the
pro version.
-Is not well-known causing it to be a hard platform to advertise.

To decide which blogging platform will be used for the product, an account for each of the ones
listed has been created to see which will allow the message and solution to be expressed the best.
After experimenting with a few of them, the platform Weebly stood out the most as its editing
sidebar is very easy to use and the layouts are stunningly beautiful. It will be the best platform to
use to attract peoples interest and display information in an orderly fashion.

Design Specifications:
1. The menu must consist of an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert.
2. The ingredients of the meals must be organic and from biomarkets in Lima.
3. The meals have to be tasty enough to appeal to a large audience.
4. The blog in which all my information and process will be transferred to must be intuitive,
appealing, and must complete its purpose of informing others about the issue of high
carbon meals and its solutions.

Design Tests:
1. A picture of the appetizer, main course, and dessert will be taken. For this specification to
be successful,
2. A video will be shot of the process of purchasing the organic ingredients. For this
specification to be successful, a list of ingredients in each meal has to be created and a
small clip of each ones origin has to be included beneath it.
3. A survey on the tastiness of the meal will be conducted to an audience of 30 people. For
this specification to be a success, 80% of the respondents have to agree that the meal is
4. A survey on whether the blog is intuitive, appealing and completes its purpose will be
sent out to 20 people. For this specification to be a success, 90% of the surveyors have to
agree that the three attributes mentioned above were available.

Annotated Bibliography:

"Bioferia Organic Market." Happy Cow. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This webpage
describes what the Bioferia in Avenidas Benavides contains. It is a reliable source due to
inlcuding the address and times it opens, and several comments and high ratings of
satisfied customers. The source is relevant as it is a possible location in where I buy the
organic ingredients for my meals.
Borenstein, Seth. "Climate report: Global warming's impact on humans far more immediate."
First Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <
report-global-warmings-impact-on-human-far-more-immediate-1447357.html>. This
article depicts future visions on how the world will be once climate change has occured.
It is a reliable source due to it being a news platform and various statistics to back-up
their claims. The source is relevance because the information gathered helps justify the
severety of my problem and how it conncts to Green Design.
"Calculator." Food Carbon. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This webpage displays a personal
carbon foodtprint caclulator design to calculatre the carbon emissions of a meal. The
source is semi-reliable as the content of this website clearly informs the audience about
carbon footprints, that has been corrobarated with other websites such as Food Emissions,
and how to calculate them. However, the author of this website is not clealry labeled
which causes doubt on whether the calculator is accurate. It is relevant as it is necessary
to calculate the amount of carbon emissions my product creates to then successfully solve
my problem.
"Carbon Footprint." Global Footprint Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. The article
informs the audience about the basics of what a carbon footprint is. It is a reliable source
as the website is the carbon footprint network where all the information on this subject is
stored. This source is relevant because it gives a detailed account on what a carbon
footprint is to better understand what my problem is and how to solve it.
"COOKING GREEN." She Knows: Food & Recipes. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
reducing-your-carbon-footprint-in-the-kitchen>. This article shares several tips and ideas
on creating low carbon meals. It is a reliable source due to the article being featured in
the magazine She Knows and due to the positive comments expressing the satisfaction of
the consumers. Each recipes include their ingredients and steps to create them. The
source is relevant as it provokes inspiration to create low carbon meals to solve my
Dolsen, Laura. "Chocolate Coconut Cookies." N.p., 2014. Web. 15 May 2014.
<>. The recipe contains a
detailed step and list of ingredients needed to create low-carbon chocolate coconut
cookies. It is a reliable source as the website is known for assisting others with problems
by creating tutorials and because there are several ratings and reviews on the recipe
making it more credible. The source is relevant as it is a possible recipe to use for the
desert section of my menu.
"Eat Low-Carbon for a Day." Eating Well. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
warming>. This article describes everal simple ideas to creating low carbon recipes for an
entire day. It is a reliable source as it is an article from a published magazine includes
hyperlinks to individual pages of the recipes to view them in better detail. The source is
relevant as it gives inpsiration to design several simple, but low carbon meals to solve my
E.C. LaMeaux. "How Does Your Carbon Footprint Impact Climate Change?" Gaiam Life. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <
impact-climate-change>. This source informs the audience about the effects a high
carbon footprint has on the evniroment, particularly climate change. It is a semi-reliable
source as there are several hyperlinks to their sources within the article, but there is no
credible information about the author that makes them an expert in this field. The article
is relevant due to justifying why my problem relates to the topic of Green Design.
"Food Carbon Calculator." Carbon Neutral. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This webpage displays
a simple food carbon calculator. It is a reliable source as the website is managed by an
NGO which calculates the carbon footprint of not only food, but also other occasions
such as conferences or energy consumption. This source is relevant as it will allow my
product to be tested to see whether or not I sucessfully solved my problem.
"Food Emissions Calculator." Food Emissions. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This webpage consists
of a carbon calculator for food items. It is a reliable source as the company that created it,
ClearMetrics, is one that focuses on creating sustainable economy and businesses. The
source is reliable as it is key in completing my project, which is creating a low carbon
meal, which requires a carbon calculator to calculate the carbon emissions that are
created from cooking it.
"Foods Carbon Footprint." Green Eatz. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This article shares data on
what the carbon footprint that each type of diet has and how to reduce the carbon
emissions. It is a reliable source as the article is filled with hyperlinks to the different
sources it used to back up its claims. The source is relevant as it shows a clear picture of
which ingredients should be used to keep the carbon footprint to a minimum, thus solving
my problem.
"Help and FAQs for the online Carbon Calculators." Carbon Footprint. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr.
2014. <>. This webpage articulates
in detail what each section of the carbon calculator means and what data is supposed to
go in it. It is a reliable source as there are statistics to back-up their claims and hyperlinks
throughout the page that link to other websites where their informatino was sourced from.
The source is relevant as it allows a better understanding about how to use a carbon
calculator accurately to get the best results.
"How School Food Affects the Environment - Upload Knowledge." Cee Online. N.p., n.d. Web.
15 May 2014.
<>. This NGO
presents an article on the affects food processing has had on energy consumption and
how it has affected the environment through the lens of climate change. It is a reliable
source as the article is filled with hyperlinks to sources they used to support their
arguments. The source is reliable as it ties in the life cycle assessment with my problem
verifying that it is something that should be solved.
"Klimatsmart mat." Uni Level Food Solutions. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2014.
mat/klimatsmart-mat>. This page contains a calculator for calculating the carbon
emissions of specific food items. It is a reliable source as the entire website is dedicated
to creating solutions on eating healthy with minimal impact on the environment and is a
cooking company from Germany that creates tutorial videos for recipes. The source is
relevant as it will allow for yet another calculation of the carbon footprint of a meal and
will allow the number to be even more accurate as it corroborates with other calculators.
"Low Carbon Footprint Dishes." Food and Wine. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. The
slideshow is a collection of ten low-carbon recipes. It is a reliable source as the website is
also a magazine and is well known for its delicious and diverse recipes. Also, each meal
is linked to an individual page where the ingredients and stpes are clearly labeled and
ratings and comments on its success are also shown. The source is relevant due to
contaning several recipe ideas that I could potentially cook and experiment with.
"Mercado Saludable La Molina." Lima Easy. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
The article displays information about a biomarket in La Molina. It is a reliable source as
it includes information such as the address, times it opens, and a Google Map for where it
is located. However, due to not having any comments of customers verifying their
satisfaction, it is unsure whether it will be a helpful market for my product. The
information is relevant due to being one of the possible places where I will buy organic
ingredients for my meals.
"pequeo mercado orgnico de agricultores en el parque de Lima." Trip Advisor. N.p., n.d. Web.
11 Apr. 2014. <
r162890140-Bioferia-Lima_Lima_Region.html>. The article informs the audience about
a Bioferia in Miraflores. It is a reliable source due to containing the address and opening
times of the market, and having several high ratings and comments of satisfied customer
experiences. The source is relevant due to being a possible location in where I will buy
the organic ingrediencts necessary to create my low carbon meals.
Russell, Jon. "The 15 best blogging and publishing platforms on the Internet today. Which one is
for you?" The Next Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This article gives an
extensive list of different blogging platforms. It is a reliable source due to the author
being an expert in each one of the mentioned platforms and due to having a link to each
one of them, allowing the audience to experience them first-hand. Also, each blog is
explained through its pros and cons. However, it is a personal top-15 list causing it to be
a bit biased. The source is relevant because it allows me to see which blogging platform
will be best to display my research, process, and results on.
Sam. "Recipes." Low Carbon Diet. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This blog is a collection of an extensive
list of different low carbon recipes ranging from entrees to desserts. It is a reliable
resource as the recipes are homemade, dedicated to being low carbon, and contain the
ingredients, steps, pictures as evidence, and comments from satisfied customers. The
source is relevant as it gives a very wide range of possible recipe ideas and inspiration to
create my own to solve the problem.
"Superbugs Invade American Supermarkets." Meat Eater's Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
<>. This article is about the antibiotics
and chemicals that are placed into meat today and its negative health affects it has on
consumers. It is a reliable article as there are many statistics shown throughout the article
that back up their claims. Also, it was written by several NGO's such as Applegate
Organic and Natural Meats. However, the only downside is that this article may be a bit
biased due to the writers being activists for natural food. The source is relevant as it
justifies my design brief where unhealthy ingredients contain chemicals and hormones
that contribute to the carbon footrpint of the diet.
Wood, Sam. "WHERE TO FIND ORGANIC FOOD IN LIMA." Indefinite Adventure. N.p., n.d.
Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>. The
article gives a list of several biomarkets available in Lima. It is semi-reliable as it does
depict the items that they sell and the address and opening times. However, there are no
ratings or comments causing doubt in whether all of these markets are suitable for
gathering the ingredients to create my product. Nontheless, it is a relevant source as it
still contains possible options in where I could buy my organic ingredients from.

Low Carbon Menu Prototypes

***For all of the prototypes, the design specification of the meals including organic
materials will be not met as they are just prototypes and the purchasing of those
ingredients was not possible within the time constraint of creating these menus. Also, as the
website will be created during the Create Stage, the last Design Specification is also not
relevant when assessing these meals.

Prototype 1:
Starter: Scrambled Egg with Herbed Croutons
Main Course: Green Pizza
Dessert: Three-minute Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Scrambled Eggs with Herbed Croutons


The croutons in the scrambled eggs were successful in being crunchy and having a rich flavor
with the spices and olive oil used. The eggs, however, had a very waxy, dry texture and required
more salt to be added. When the eggs were in the cooking process, the pan would sizzle and
squeak as they were moved around the pan. The reason to why it had such a texture was due to
waiting too long to scramble the eggs which then resulted in its dryness. To improve its texture,
the eggs will be scrambled at an earlier stage, contain more salt, and the croutons will also be
added earlier to allow the spices used to soak into the eggs as well.


All of the tasters were content with the taste of the scrambled eggs, especially the croutons, but
commented on the lack of salt the eggs had. Also, they critiqued the texture for being too sponge.
The presentation also lacked in appeal. Again, as mentioned in the observations, to improve on
its taste, more salt will be added and it will be scrambled earlier to enhance its texture. For its
presentation, it will be arranged in a small bowl and sprinkled further with herbs to increase its

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Green Pizza


As this was the first time cooking dough for a pizza, I hesitated on the amount of oil needed
when creating it and used too little, causing it to be dry once it was cooked. The herbs in the
dough, however, did add a very pleasant flavor. Since tomatoes were part of the topping, the
water from them did soak and moisturize the dough a bit, allowing it to be easier to eat. Also,
the garlic, olive oil, and rosemary that were sprinkled over the pizza made it light causing it not
to be heavy and there more room to eat more pieces. To improve the dough, the amount of oil
stated in the recipe should be used to avoid it being too dry.

The comments that I received from the tasters was that the pizza was very good. Even though a
few of them were hesitant at first, as the presentation looked uncooked and the usual
ingredients such as cheese and tomato sauce were not there, they were all satisfied with the
taste. To improve on both the presentation and the taste of the dough, the tomatoes will be cut
into circular wads and even made into a sauce, as home-made sauce will not affect the carbon
footprint, and the right amount of oil will be used.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Three-Minute Raisin Oatmeal Cookies


The cookies, in my opinion, did not turn out well. The first batch was a complete failure as the
amount of flour used was exceeded the amount stated in the recipe. Then, the entire cookie was
overcooked in the microwave due to misunderstanding the instructions. The second batch was
slightly better; the taste of the flour was very strong and the apple sauce did not aid the taste as
the quality here is not as good as in the United States or Europe. To improve the taste of the
cookies, another sweetener will have to be substituted for the apple sauce. Also, another
ingredient has to be added with the flour to make the cookie harder as they were very soggy.


The tasters commented that the appearance was adequate but that the taste was not good. Only a
small hand was able to eat the entire cookie and state is was good. Most critiqued about the
floury taste and that the odd hint of apple sauce did not mix well with the overall oatmeal taste.
To improve on the recipe, the applesauce has to be replaced and water should be added to harden
it and give it a better appearance.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Does it meet the Design Specifications?

This prototype almost meets all of the Design Specifications. It contains three separate meals (a
starter, main course and dessert) that are clearly labeled succeeding in the first one. Scrambled
eggs with herbed croutons is a meal that is light, making it an ideal appetizer. Likewise, a piece
of green pizza is an ideal main course as it is a food item that appeals to a wide variety of ages.
Lastly, cookies, no matter what kind, are always a pleasant dessert dish that anyone can enjoy.
Even though none of them succeeded in presentation that is an easy factor to change as it only
takes practice to arrange the food so that it looks nice. The taste however, is the most important
as these meals are supposed to convince others to eat them from time-to-time so that their overall
carbon footprint decrease. The starter and the main course succeeded in that specification,
however the dessert did not. For that reason, the three-minute raisin oatmeal cookies will not be
considered a viable meal for the final menu.

Prototype 2:
Starter: Quinoa with Broccoli and Roasted Almonds
Main Course: Warm Potato Salad with Arugula
Dessert: Oatmeal Cookies with Banana and Chocolate chips

Quinoa with Broccoli and Roasted Almonds


This quinoa salad turned out well as the mixture of all the vegetables gave it flavor. The
presentation was also the best so far out of all of the cooked meals as it looked like what it was
supposed to be, a salad. A bit more taste could have been added to the quinoa, but due to not
having all of the ingredients as they were not available in the shops, the recipe could not be
followed. To improve the flavor of the quinoa, rice vinegar needs to be bought and added to the
mixture when cooking.


This meal appealed mostly to grown-ups due to the students that tasted this salad, were not
very content with the taste. Those that were older, were satisfied with both the appearance and
its taste and even some of them requested a portion to take as a lunch the next day. To make
this dish appeal more to other audiences, other ingredients, such as a piece of chicken cooked
with low-carbon directions, would be added.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Warm Potato Salad with Arugula


The oven used to cook the potatoes was very bad as it took an extra 15 minutes for it to start
cooking, and even then some pieces were still raw, that the original recipe. Also, when making
half of the stated serving as the original contained too much, the amount of oil needed to cook it
was not calculated correctly. To add to that oil, the amount prescribed for the arugula salad was
also way too much and caused the entire salad to be very oily. The taste of the potatoes was ok,
but the seasoning of the arugula did not turn out so well. To improve its flavor, a lot less oil
should be used to cook and as the dressing, and the arugula should be prepared better so that its
bitter taste is not so strong.

Not much was commented about the taste of and appearance of this meal. Most tasters
complimented the potatoes and its rich flavor, but then critiqued the excessive amount of oil that
was used. To improve this meal, the oil used to make it will be decreased by half and, the arugula
will be cooked instead of raw so that the spices can cancel out its bitterness.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Banana Oatmeal Cookies


For the dessert portion of the low-carbon menu, my peers commented on the texture of the
cookie being too mushy. As it is a cookie that does not require to be baked, that is the reason to
why the texture resulted in that way. However, the taste was successful as all of the six tasters
favored it. To improve the texture for the next batch, more oatmeal will be added to harden the
cookie. Also, to avoid any moisture to be present in the cookies, a more air-tight container will
be used to contain it.


All of the tasters were content with the results and there were even those who wanted more.
However, the appearance of the cookies was not appealing at all. Most of them would not have
tasted it if I were not their friend and had asked them. To improve its appearance, my peers have
suggested to shape the cookies into spheres or glaze the cookie with chocolate so when it
hardens, it has a more solid shape.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Does it meet the Design Specifications?

This menu mostly complies with all the Design Specifications as it contains a clear appetizer,
main course, and dessert. The quinoa salad is a light meal that is defectively categorized as a
starter and the oatmeal cookies are an obvious dessert as cookies are commonly used as a way to
end the meal on a sweet note. The main course, however, does not really resemble that sort of
plate as its appearance seems like an uncooked salad, rather than a warm one causing it to look
like an appetizer instead. The overall taste was well received by the peer-evaluators as all of the
surveys had the majority stating that the food items were cooked decently. This makes the
specification a success and makes these meals a worthy candidate of being on the final manu
even though the appeal was not as high as it is an easy factor to improve on with practice.

Prototype 3:
Starter: Garlic Bread
Main Course: Mustard Glazed Chicken with Arugula and Bok Choy
Dessert: Chocolate Coconut Cookie
Garlic Bread


As garlic bread is a very simple dish to create, the only noteworthy observations is that there
should have been more of the garlic spread smeared on the bread as they lacked a bit of the taste.
To strengthen its flavor, more of the garlic spread will be added.


Most of the tasters were content with the result. However, due to it being a day old, and it being
such a small meal, none of them really considered it an appetizer. To improve on its taste and
appearance, it will be prepared the day itself and will have other toppings on it as well to fulfill
the appetite.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Mustard Glazed Chicken with Arugula and Bok Choy


The appearance of this main course has been the most appealing out of all of the other food
items. It is the only meal that also appeals to meat lovers, expanding the possible audience. The
taste is a bit strong as the mustard used was not powder and instead, grains. Texture-wise, the
chicken has a harder outer-edge and is very juicy on the inside. To improve on the taste of the
sauce, mustard powder, as stated in the original recipe, will be used to lessen its presence in the


Like the quinoa salad, this dish was more successful within the older-range of the tasters than the
younger. It was due to the strong mustard taste that people usually love, or do not. The
vegetables did have a balanced taste and the appearance was much more appealing than any of
the other meals. Also, the texture of the chicken was very well done as it was juicy, yet had a
small crust. To improve the strong taste of mustard, either less will be used when coating the
chicken or a substitute sauce will be created to appeal to more people.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Chocolate Coconut Cookies


The cookies did not turn out very well. Its texture was sloppy and its flavor did not taste at all
like its ingredients. The reason to why the cookies were a failure was due to the lack of
ingredients that were available in Lima. On the web, the recipe that I tweaked contained coconut
flour and other extracts that were nowhere to be found in the stores. Due it being an American
recipe, the cookies did not result as the intended image.


Even though only three other people tasted the cookies, the results were not favorable. The
appearance of the cookies was flat and smooth, not crunchy; the taste was bland and flavorless,
not like chocolate and coconut. All the tasters were not in favor of this cookie being on the menu.

The results above indicate the satisfaction of the tasters and whether this meal has a good chance of being
chosen for the menu in the final design.

Does it meet the Design Specifications?

The first Design Specification, which is the product consisting of three meals, is definitively
successful within this menu. Even though they may not all be very appealing, they each embody
what their purpose is. The garlic bread, though small, is still a light meal that can be classified as
an appetizer and the mustard glazed chicken looks like a main course and is large enough to fill a
person for the lunch/dinner. Though the cookie was not tasty or appealing, it is still a dessert. As
this menu had both negative and positive feedback, the specification that has to do with the taste
an appeal of the meal was successful, not including the cookies, making this specification a
semi-success. The only factor that is concerning is getting a large enough audience to enjoy the
meals to then inspire more to cook this type of food and lower their carbon footprint. From the
meals above, the chicken and the garlic bread have the best possibility of ending on the final

Final Design Justification:
The prototypes that I created were a series of meals organized into three menus. As they are food
items and there is not redesigning needed to cook them once again, the final menu will be
composed of the starter, main course, and dessert that appealed most to the peer-evaluators as
they are already low-carbondue to being previously researchedand

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