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Roll No: 10211
Course of Independent Study
A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the
Requirements of
Vignana Jo!"i In#!i!$!% o&
I hereby declare that this project report titled STUDY ON FDI IN
RETAILSECTOR IN INDIA MORE THAN GOOD submitted by me is a bonafide work
undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other Institution or uniersity for the award of
any de!ree"diploma certificate or published any time before#
N$%& O' T(& STUD&NT SI)N$TU*& O' T(& STUD&NT
I aail this opportunity to e+press my deep sense of !ratitude to all the people who hae helped
me to carry out and complete this project in partial fulfillment of my ,)D% de!ree curriculum#
I am deeply indebted to %r# -$%$. )(OS( *$Y/ Director/ 0I)N$N$ 1YOT(I
INSTITUT& O' %$N$)&%&NT/ 2achupally/ (yderabad for the aluable support and !ae
me an opportunity to do my project work#
I want to e+press my sincere thanks to $# *$%&S( for his constant moral support and aluable
!uidance in successful completion of the project work#
I wish to e+press my hearty thanks to all faculty members of 0I)N$N$ 1YOT(I INSTITUT&
O' %$N$)&%&NT/ for the help they proided to carry out this project#
'inally/ I would like to thank all my friends and staff members without whom this would not
hae been successfully completed#
Date3 DI2Y$ *$N1$N 2&(&*$
,lace3 (yderabad
There is !rowin! reco!nition of the si!nificant effect the actiities of the priate sector hae4on
employees/ customers/ communities/ the enironment/ competitors/ business partners/ inestors/
shareholders/ !oernments and others# 'DI is become more ital for Indian economy# 'DI means
forei!n direct inestment# $fter !lobali5ation forei!n companies inested in our country#
In India there are two type of retail sector i#e# or!ani5ed and unor!ani5ed# $s India is a
deelopin! country so the Indian market was dominated by unor!ani5ed retail sector# In India
there was 678 of unor!ani5ed retail sector# In India the standard of liin! of the people is ery
low and there was the problem of unemployment# So that the people were tryin! to be
independent#'DI at last enter into the Indian market in retail sector# 'irst they tar!eted the
metropolitan city to establish their business# Due to 'DI in retail sector there is a rapid !rowth in
)D,# The unemployment problem of our country is on control#'DI make a reolution on Indian
retail sector# In the analysis part it is findin! that 'DI in retail sector will help country for
economy !rowth and job problem#
Ta*l% o& Con!%n!#
1+ In!,o-$.!ion 6
!! "b#e$ti%es 6
!&! 'imitations 6
!(! )ethodolo*y 6
2+ R%/i%0 o& (i!%,a!$,%7
&!! +DI 7
&!&! Impa$t ", ,lobali-ation .
&!(! /urrent Retail 0$ene (
International Retail (
1nor*ani-ed Retail 0e$tor(
"r*ani-ed Retail 0e$tor 2
"r*ani-ed 3s 1nor*ani-ed 0e$tor 2
&!2! Indian Retail 4
&!4 Employment in Indian Retail 6
1+ 2$gg%#!ion# &
3+ Con.l$#ion &&
4+ R%&%,%n.%# &&
1. Introdut!on
1.1 O"#$t!%$&
9# To see what is the impact of 'DI when enter into retail sector#
:# To know what is the impact on economy of our country#
;# To know what is the impact on the unor!ani5ed retail sector#
<# To hi!hli!ht the benefits due to 'DI in retail sector#
1.' L!(!t)t!on&
9# It will destroy the traditional market#
:# It will create the problem of 2,.#
1.* M$t+odo,o-.
There is only the secondary data which is collected from the website# Some important data from
&conomic Times# I !et some data from the other like the website of =SO#
'.1. FDI
These three letters stand for forei!n direct inestment# The simplest e+planation of 'DI
would be a direct inestment by a corporation in a commercial enture in another country# $ key
to separatin! this action from inolement in other entures in a forei!n country is that the
business enterprise operates completely outside the economy of the corporation>s home country#
It usually inoles participation in mana!ement/ joint?enture and transfer of technolo!y# There
are three types of 'DI3 inward forei!n direct inestment and outward forei!n direct inestment/
resultin! in a net 'DI inflow @positie or ne!atieA and Bstock of forei!n direct inestmentB#
Direct inestment e+cludes inestment throu!h purchase of share#'DI is distin!uished from
portfolio inestment that does not inole obtainin! a de!ree of control in a company# 'DI in
retail tradin! is not encoura!ed in any form# 'orei!n Direct Inestment in *etail was taken in the
year :CCD# Tradin! is permitted under automatic route with 'DI up to E98 proided it is
primarily limited to e+port actiities/ and the undertakin! is an e+port house"tradin! house"super
tradin! house"star tradin! house# (oweer/ under the 'I,2 route 9CC8 'DI is permitted in case
of tradin! companies for the followin! actiities3
bulk imports with e+?port"e+?bonded warehouse salesF
cash and carry wholesale tradin!F
other import of !oods or serices proided at least GE8 of it is for procurement and sale
of !oods and serices amon! the companies of the same !roup and not for third party use
or onward transfer"distribution"sales#
$ few forei!n retail names appearin! in the market like %arks H Spencer/ 2enetton/
.ifestyle are in the nature of franchisee#
$s India is a deelopin! country so India allows the forei!n retail company to enter into India in
:CCD# The E< 'DI approals hae been !ranted by the !oernment and the country has receied
a cash inflow to the tune of about *s 6C9#D< crore#
The scenario at present is3
I 9CC8 'DI is allowed in wholesale cash and carry trade
I E98 'DI in Sin!le 2rand *etail
I No 'DI in %ulti 2rand *etail
They are comin! with the 'DI in India>s retail sector because of some reason which are mention
9# India is a deelopin! country
:# Indian market is a ery lar!e market
;# *etail is the top most !rowin! market in India#
<# The enironmental factor and the political factor is not so bad in India#
E# The ta+ rate is low#
*etailin! is the interface between the producer and the indiidual consumer buyin! for personal
consumption# This e+cludes direct interface between the manufacturers# $ retailer is one who
stocks the producer>s !oods and is inoled in the act of sellin! it to the indiidual consumer/ at
a mar!in of profit# $s such/ retailin! is the last link that connects the indiidual consumer with
the manufacturin! and distribution chain#
The retail industry in India is of late often bein! hailed as one of the sunrise sectors in the
economy# India is the Jsecond most attractie retail destination> !lobally from amon! thirty
emer!ent markets# Kith a contribution of 9<8 to the national )D, and employin!G8 of the
total workforce in the country/ the retail industry is definitely one of the pillars of the Indian
So the 'DI in retail sector in India# $s per the report prepared by 'I==I and I=I=I ,roperty
Serices in 'eb :CCE/ 'DI can be a powerful catalyst to spur competition in the retail industry# It
can brin! about3 I Supply =hain Improement I Inestment in Technolo!y/ %anpower and Skill
deelopment I Tourism Deelopment I Up!radation in $!riculture I &fficient Small and
%edium Scale Industries I )rowth in market si5e I )reater ,roductiity I 2enefits to
!oernment throu!h !reater )D,/ ta+ income and employment !eneration#
T+$ Ind!)n S$n)r!o
Trade or retailin! is the sin!le lar!est component of the serices sector in terms of contribution
to )D,# Its massie share of 9<8 is double the fi!ure of the ne+t lar!est broad economic actiity
in the sector
Table 93 =omponents of Serice Sector In India
=omponent Share 8 in )D, @:CC:?C;A )rowth durin! @:CC:?C;A
=onstruction E#; G#;
(otel H*estaurant 9#9 <
Trade 9< <#E
*ailway 9#9 E#G
Other Transport <#; D
Stora!e C#9 ?G#7
=ommunication ;#E ::
2ankin! and Insurance D#6 99#D
*eal &state/ 2usiness".e!al Serices D#9 E#6
Defense E#6 E#;
Other =ommunity HSocial Serices G#7 D#:
Total ED#9 G#:
9# India is a deelopin! country with hi!h population#
:# So there is less opportunity for employment#
;# %ost people are dependent on a!riculture and small retail store#
2! 'rom the aboe pie?chart it is clear that trade is contributin! hi!hest to )D,
other than any sector
'.'. I(1)t o2 G,o"),!3)t!on
$fter !lobali5ation the retail sector was !rowin! oer the recent period# $s home markets hae
become crowded and with opportunities for new emer!in! market/ modern retailers from
deeloped countries hae been turnin! to new markets# On an aera!e each of the top :EC
retailers in the world has operated on an aera!e in E#6 countries in :CCE?CD @1uly?1uneA a!ainst
fie countries in :CCC?C9 @Deloitte? Stores *eport/ :CCGA# 'orei!n business accounted for 9<#<8
of retail sales of these companies in :CCE?CD up from 9:#D8 in :CCC?C9# The retail sales !rowth
of companies which hae entured into forei!n markets has been faster than those that hae
confined themseles to home markets# 'or the !lobali5ation India is the best tar!et for the
forei!n company to inest because India has the lar!e market with less ta+ to be paid to the
!oernment# The worldLs lar!est retailer Kal?%art has solicited support from the US !oernment
for enterin! the multi?brand doller Indian retail market# The US?based Kal?%art Stores one of
the world>s top reenue !rosser with oer M<CC billion of the total annual sales and present in 9E
countries# Its presence in India is limited to business?to?business wholesale market and back?end
supply chain mana!ement business throu!h a joint enture with Sunil %ittal?led 2harti !roup
and it has been tryin! for many years now to enter Indian retail market/ as India does not allow
forei!n direct inestment in multi?brand retail business/ in which Kal?%art speciali5es# The
company had si!ned the 10 with 2harti *etail in au!ust :CCG# Importantly/ there is a complete
ban on forei!n inestment in multi?brand/ front?end retail# This has resulted in keepin! all the
!iant corporate N backed retailers of the world like Kalmart @US$A/ =arrefour @'ranceA/ Tesco
@U-A/ and %etro @)ermanyA/ who are ery keen to foray into India>s retail sector/ away
from enterin! into the country# $ll of these retailers/ therefore/ to make their presence felt in the
country/ hae either tied?up or tryin! to tie?up with local corporates/ to offer their serices for
back?end operations like sourcin!/ lo!istics/ inentory mana!ement/ amon! others/ for front?end/
multi?brand retail operations of such corporates#
)rowth of *etail Outlets in India @CCCA
Outlets 966D 966G 9667 9666 :CCC :CC9
'ood *etail :GD6 :6<;#6 ;9:;#< ;;CC#: ;<7C ;D7:#6
EGG;#D DC<C D;;:#: DDDD#; GCEE#E G<7:#9
7E<:#D 767;#D 6<EE#D 66DD#E 9CE;<#< 999DE
In :C:C the total production is :GC<#6@ CCC A in such a way which will we !et
from normal eOuation
Time Series $nalysis
Y @Total *etailers in
@9667R9666A +y +
Trend 0alue inB CCCB yc
966D 7E<:#D ?; ?:ED:G#7 6 7E<<#DE
966G 767;#D ?: ?9G6DG#: < 76E<#D<
9667 6<EE#D ?9 ?6<EE#D 9 6;D<#D;
9666 66DD#E 9 66DD#E 9 9C97<#D9
:CCC 9CE;<#< : :9CD7#7 < 9CE6<#D
:CC9 999DE ; ;;<6E 6 99CC<#E6
G S+
In this case/ since n/ the number of pair is een i#e D/ we shift the ori!in to the time which is the
arithmetic mean of the two middle times i#e/ 9667 H 9666
The normal eOuation for estimatin! a H b
T aQE7D<G#G"D TbQ99<G6#G":7
aQ6GG<#D: bQ<C6#66
9# Time series analysis is a statistical tool which is used in business for forecastin!#
:# It is the tool which is help mana!ers to take proper decision#
;# 'DI is playin! a !reat roll for the deelopment of our country#
<# In India retailer sector is ery ital because it is proided job opportunity and !iin!
more profit#
E# 'or that reason 'DI is interested in retail sector#
D# $fter !lobali5ation 'DI is comin! ery Ouickly to our country#
G# The aboe table shows that there is an increment in the retail sector in both food and non?
food retail sector#
7# 'rom that the non food retailers are increasin! by <#E8 per year#
6# On that data I used time series to know what is the position of both food and non?food
retailers in :C:C#
9C# The Trend alue in :C:C will be :G<C<96C#
99# 2y the use of Time series analysis a mana!er can know whether it will be !ood to inest
or not#
9:# # 'rom the aboe Trend line !raph it is ery clear that the retail sector positie slope#
(!There are two type of retail sectors i#e Unor!ani5ed and Or!ani5ed#
9<# Due to 'DI the Or!ani5ed sector is increasin!#
'.*. Curr$nt R$t)!, S$n$
Int$rn)t!on), R$t)!,
)lobal retail sales are estimated to cross M9: trillion in :CCG#The !rowth in the world economy/
!lobal retail sales !rew stron!ly in the last fie years @:CC9?CDA at an aera!e nominal !rowth of
about 78 per annum in M terms# )rocery dominates retail sales with a share of appro+imately
<C8 in the world#
0nor-)n!3$d R$t)!, &$tor
It means the retail sector which is not re!ister under !oernment# These retail sectors are not
payin! the sale ta+/ at etc# In India the unor!ani5ed retail sector hae a !reat impact oer the
last fie decade# These type of retail sector sere many people in our country like kirana shops/
owner manned !eneral stores/ paan"beedi shops/ conenience stores/ hand cart and paement
endors/ etc# Unor!ani5ed retailin! is by far the prealent form of trade in India N constitutin!
678 of total trade/ while or!ani5ed trade accounts only for the remainin! :8#
Or-)n!3$d R$t)!, &$tor
These type of retail sectors are re!ister under the !oernment# They are payin! the sale ta+/ at
etc to the !oernment# 'DI is the e+ample of or!ani5ed retail sector# Some of the %N= in retail
sector like Trent .imited/ *,) Spencer>s/etc# 2harti?Kal?%art stores/ 'uture )roup/ %etro $)
Or-)n!3$d /& 0nor-)n!3$d R$t)!,
In the deeloped economies/ or!ani5ed retail is in the ran!e of GE?7C per cent of total retail/
whereas in deelopin! economies/ the unor!ani5ed sector dominates the retail business# %odern
retail formats/ such as hypermarkets/ superstores/ supermarkets/ discount and conenience stores
are widely present in the deeloped world/ whereas such forms of retail outlets hae only just
be!un to spread to deelopin! countries in recent years# In deelopin! countries/ the retailin!
business continues to be dominated by family?run nei!hborhood shops and open markets# $s a
result/ wholesalers and distributors who supply the products from industrial suppliers and
a!ricultural producers to the independent family?owned shops and open markets remain a critical
part of the supply chain in these countries#

S+)r$ o2 Or-)n!3$d R$t)!, !n S$,$t$d Countr!$&4 '556
=ountry Total *etail Sales
Share of Or!ani5ed
*etail @8A
US$ :67; 7E
1apan 997: DD
U- <GE 7C
'rance <;D 7C
=hina G7E :C
)ermany <:9 7C
India ;:: <
2ra5il :7< ;D
*ussia :GD ;;
-orea/ South :C9 9E
,akistan DG 9
%alaysia ;< EE
Thailand D7 <C
,oland 9:C :C
'rom the aboe table is clear that in :CCD there is ery less contribution by or!ani5ed retail
compare to total retail sales of our country# Up to :CCD the retail sectors were dominated by
unor!ani5ed retail sector# The contribution by or!ani5ed retail sector is ery less in deelopin!

'.7. Ind!)n R$t)!,
The !rowth of the retail trade in India is associated with the !rowth in the Indian economy#
)ross domestic product @)D,A !rew by an annual rate of D#D8 durin! 966<?CC but the !rowth
slackened to <#G8 per annum durin! the ne+t three years before the !rowth remarkably rose to
7#G8 per annum in the last four years# This meant a substantial rise in disposable income of
Indian households since the mid?966Cs# The data from the =entral Statistical Or!ani5ation @=SOA
indicate that the !rowth of real priate final consumption e+penditure/ which dipped from an
aera!e of E#G8 per annum durin! 966<?CC to <8 per annum durin! :CCC?C;/ shot up to D#G8
per annum durin! :CC;?CG# *etail sales @in nominal termsA in the country also followed a similar
pattern3 a hi!h annual !rowth of 9;#D8 durin! 966<?CC/ a low !rowth of <#78 durin! :CCC?C;
and a smart pick up in the last four years/ :CC;?CG at around 998
GDP4 Pr!%)t$ F!n), Con&u(1t!on E81$nd!tur$ )nd R$t)!, S),$&
Gro9t+4 1::7;5< =Co(1ound Annu), Gro9t+ R)t$>#
'555;51 to
'55*;57 to
*eal )D, D#D <#G 7#G
*eal priate final
E#G <#C D#G
*etail sales 9;#D <#7 9C#6
'rom the aboe table it is clear that after !lobali5ation )D, of our country was increasin! but in
:CC9?C; due to some e+ternal enironmental effect it had decreased but after that it is in !rowin!
sta!e# 'or the !rowth of )D, retail sale is playin! a !reat roll#
'.?. E(1,o.($nt )nd Out1ut !n t+$ R$t)!, S$tor
*etail is a labour?intensie economic actiity# $ccordin! to the &conomic =ensus carried out by
the =SO in 9667/ the country had a total of 9C#D6 million enterprises en!a!ed in retail trade/ of
which E#:; million were in the rural areas and E#<D million in the urban areas# The total
employment in these enterprises in 9667 was 97#E< million of which G#77 million was in the
rural sector and 9C#DE million in the urban sector# (oweer/ accordin! to NSSO>s &mployment
and Unemployment Surey for :CC<?CE/ employment in the retail trade has been ;E#CD million/
diided between rural @9D#C7 millionA and urban @97#67 millionA sectors#< This constituted about
7 8 of the workforce in the country @<E6 millionA# Kholesale trade/ on the other hand/
contributed to an employment of E#<7 million/ of which only 9#G9 million was in the rural sector
and ;#GG million in the urban sector# $ccordin! to =SO estimates/ total domestic trade/ both
wholesale and retail included/ constituted about 9E#9 per cent of India>s )D, in :CCD?CG/ a
successie increase in share from 9; per cent of )D, in 9666?CC#
$ simple !lance at the employment numbers is enou!h to paint a !ood picture of the relatie
si5es of these two forms of trade in India N or!ani5ed trade employs rou!hly E lakh people
whereas the unor!ani5ed retail trade employs nearly ;#6E crores#There are about 78 of the
workforce in the country are dependent on retail#
S+)r$ o2 r$t)!,!n- !n $(1,o.($nt )ro&& D!22$r$nt ountr!$&
Countr. E(1,o.($nt
Ind!) 7
US$ 9D
,oland 9:
2ra5il 9E
C+!n) G

S+)r$ o2 1$r&on& 9orA!n- !n Tr)d$ =1$r $nt>
*ural Urban
%ale 'emale %ale 'emale
:CCG?C7 G#D :#; :G#7 9:#7
:CC;?C< E#D 9#G 97#7 7#D
9666?:CCC D#7 :#C :6#< 9D#6
966;?6< E#E :#9 :9#6 9C#C
9# 'rom the aboe table it is obsere that after 'DI enter in to the retail sector the
employment increases mostly in urban area#
:# The retail store by 'DI is much bi!!er than the Indian traditional store#
;# The prices in hotel and restaurants are much hi!her than the ordinary hotel and
<# They are inested in the urban area because it is so e+pensie#
E# So that employment increases in the urban area for both male and female#
D# $fter :CC;?C< the employment had increased because it is the be!innin! time for %N=
to enter in to the retail sector in India#
G# There is no such improement in the job opportunity in rural areas because %N= are not
inestin! there#
For$!-n D!r$t In%$&t($nt =FDI> !n R$t)!,
Openin! up the retail sector to 'orei!n Direct Inestment @'DIA becomes a ery sensitie issue/
with ar!uments to support both sides of the debate# Indian !oernment allow 'DI in retail sector
beliee that in will help in !rowin! Indian economy with !reater inte!ration into the )lobal
economy# It is ultimate benefit for the consumer in both price reduction and product selection#
There is one important factor that a!ainst 'DI is that it can destroy traditional retail sector# $s
per present re!ulations/ no 'DI is permitted in retail trade in India# $llowin! <68 or :D8 'DI#
S$tor), GDP4 E(1,o.($nt B Gro9t+ R)t$& =@>
S$tor& S+)r$ @ !n
GDP ='557>
E(1,o.($nt Gro9t+ R)t$ dur!n-
A-r!u,tur$ ::#9 DC#E :#GC
Indu&tr. :9#G 9D#7 D#E;
S$r%!$ ED#: ::#G G#6C
9# 'rom the aboe table we can know what the impact of 'DI is#
:# $fter !lobali5ation there is hu!e !rowth in Indian economy especially in the serice
;# $fter 'DI enter in the retail sector it also increase the job opportunity in our country#
<# 'rom 966<?C< the serice sector contributin! ED#:8 to )D,#
E# $fter independence a!riculture was dominated Indian economy but after !lobali5ation
the !rowth of a!riculture had decreased#
D# Now Indian economy is dominated by Serice sector because of 'DI#
E(1,o.($nt !n Or-)n!3$d W+o,$&),$ B R$t)!, Tr)d$ S$tor4 1::';1::< =No&. !n L)A+&>
Year &mployment
966: 9#<7
966; 9#D9
966< 9#D:
966E 9#D:
966D 9#D<
*etailin! is not an actiity that can boost )D, by itself# It is only an intermediate alue?addin!
process# If there aren>t any !oods bein! manufactured/ then there will not be many !oods to be
retailedV This underlines the importance of manufacturin! in a deelopin! economy#
Tr$nd An),.&!& o2 E(1,o.($nt !n Or-)n!3$d Tr)d$ &$tor41::';:< No&. !n ,)A+&
Year Y employment in lakhs +Qt?966<
966: 9#<7 ?: < ?:#6D 9#E:CD
966; 9#D9 ?9 9 ?9#D9 9#EEG;
966< 9#D: C C C 9#E6<
966E 9#D: 9 9 9#D: 9#D;CG
966D 9#D< : < ;#:7 9#DDG<
Total SyQG#6G S+QC S+
Q6 C#;;
The normal eOuation for estimatin! a H b
SyQnaRbS+ S+yQaS+RbS+
T aQG#6G"E TbQC#;;"6
aQ9#E6< bQC#C;DG
9# 'rom the aboe data I make the forecast for :C9E the employment that is :;D<GC#
:# Or!ani5ed retail Trade is a !rowin! sector in India#
*. R$o(($nd)t!on&
9# The retail sector in India is seerely constrained ". ,!(!t$d )%)!,)"!,!t. o2 ")nA 2!n)n$# The
)oernment and *2I need to eole suitable lendin! policies that will enable retailers in the
or!ani5ed and unor!ani5ed sectors to e+pand and improe efficiencies#
:# $ N)t!on), Co((!&&!on must be established to study the problems of the retail sector and to
eole policies that will enable it to cope with 'DI as and when it comes#
;# The proposed National =ommission should eole a clear set of ond!t!on),!t!$& on -!)nt
2or$!-n r$t)!,$r& on the procurement of farm produce/ domestically manufactured merchandise
and imported !oods# These conditionalities must be aimed at encoura!in! the purchase of
!oods in the domestic market#
<# In order to address the dislocation issue/ it becomes imperatie to deelop and !(1ro%$ t+$
()nu2)tur!n- &$tor in India# There has been a substantial fall in employment by the
manufacturin! sector#
E# The !oernment must actiely encoura!e settin! up of o;o1$r)t!%$ &tor$& to procure and
stock their consumer !oods and commodities from small producers# The !oernment can also
facilitate the settin! up of warehousin! units and cold chains/ thereby lowerin! the capital costs
for the small retailers#
7. Con,u&!on
'rom the aboe study I can conclude that 'DI in retail sector in India is !ood than bad# $fter
!lobali5ation India is the one of the major country with hi!h economy !rowth# =onsumer>s
iews are in positie direction towards the introduction of 'DI in %ultiband *etailin!#
=onsumer think that still there is a need to improe in backend supply chain actiities which can
be deeloped by allowin! 'DI in *etail sector# =onsumer>s demand is to make a re!ulatory body
which can put a cap upon forei!n inestors# India is populated country with the hu!e problem of
unemployment# Due to the 'DI this problem is under its control#

?. R$2$r$n$&
9 www#!oo!le#co#in
: www#ficci#com
( www#timesof!nd!)#!nd!)times#com"###"!nd!)###FDI;!n;r$t)!,###"D79:EG9#cms
2 The &conomics Times/ edition ;C
may :C9C
4 Issue of Discussion paper on 'DI in %ulti?Brand *etail Tradin!
6 Impact of Or!ani5ed *etailin! on the Unor!ani5ed Sector N %athew 1oseph/ %anisha )upta/
San!hamitra Sahu/ Nirupama Soundarajan/ %ay :CC7/ icrier report
G 'undamentals of Statistics N S#= )upta#
7 Statistics for %ana!ement N *ichard I# .ein/ Daid S#*ubin#


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