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Author of toy oleos

ch - chain
sc single crochet
dc double crochet
hdc half double crochet
sl st slip stitch
increase 2 sc in next stitch
decrease 2 sc together
K knit
P - purl

HEAD BODY, to crochet from top.

1 rnd: 6 sc in double adjustable ring
2 rnd: (increase) 6 times (12)
3 rnd: (sc, increase) 6 times (18)
4 rnd: (2 sc, increase) - 6 times (24)
5 rnd: (3 sc, increase) - 6 times (30)
6 rnd: (4 sc, increase) - 6 times (36)
7 rnd: (5 sc, increase) - 6 times (42)
8 rnd: (6 sc, increase) 6 times (48)
9 rnd: (7 sc, increase) 6 times (54)
10-13 rnds: 54 sc
14 rnd: 14 sc, (increase, sc) 6 times, 2 sc, (increase, sc) 6 times, 14 sc (66) - cheeks
15-16 rnds: 66 sc
17 rnd: (9 sc, decrease) - 6 times (60)
18 rnd: (8 sc, decrease) - 6 times (54)
19 rnd: (7 sc, decrease) 6 times (48)
20 rnd: 48 sc
21 rnd: (6 sc, decrease) 6 times (42)
22 rnd: (5 sc, decrease) - 6 times (36)
23 rnd: (4 sc, decrease) - 6 times (30)
24 rnd: (3 sc, decrease) - 6 times (24)
25 rnd: (2 sc, decrease) - 6 times (18) fill the head with stuffing
26 rnd: (2 sc, increase) - 6 times (24)
27 rnd: 24 sc
28 rnd: (3 sc, increase) - 6 times (30)
29 rnd: 30 sc
30 rnd: (4 sc, increase) - 6 times (36)
31 rnd: 36 sc
32. rnd: (5 sc, increase) - 6 times (42)
33 rnd: 42 sc
34 rnd: (6 sc, increase) 6 times (48)
35 - 42 rnd: 48 sc
43 rnd: (6 sc, decrease) 6 times (42)
44 rnd: (5 sc, decrease) 6 times (36)
45 rnd: (4 sc, decrease) - 6 times (30)
46 rnd: (3 sc, decrease) 6 times (24) to fill with stuffing
47 rnd: (2 sc, decrease) - 6 times (18)
48 rnd: (sc, decrease) - 6 times (12)
49 rnd: (decrease) - 6 times (6)
With the sewing needle sew up and down the yarn around each stitch from last round and pull
tightly to close.
Front Side Back

Registration of the face (eyes, mouth, noise, ears)

Where there was a beginning of a each round is a back of the face. Opposite side front. To find
in front rounds with decreases.

Above the central round with decreases will settle down noise.

On a photo the seat where will be noise is noted with pink pin
(14 round from top). To count from top of 11 rounds. To put
markers between 11 and 12 rounds. Here there will be eyes.
Between eyes - 4 stitches (symmetrize marks to a nose).

On a neck, with red pins, the author has noted seat where it is necessary to enter a needle

MOUTH. To make marks between 18-19 rounds. Distance between marks - 5 stitches.

NOISE (make 1)
1 rnd: 6 sc in double adjustable ring
2 rnd: (increase) 6 times (12) fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.

EARS (make 2)
1 rnd: 6 sc in double adjustable ring
2 rnd: (increase) 6 times (12)
3 rnd: 12 sc, fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.

To sew eyes beads or ready eyes.

HANDS (make 2)

Big finger (make 2)
1 rnd: 5 sc in double adjustable ring
2-3 rnds: 5 sc, sl st, fasten off
Other fingers (second, third, fourth) (make 6)
1 rnd: 4 sc in double adjustable ring
2-3 rnds: 4 sc, sl st, fasten off
Little finger (make 2)
1 rnd: 4 sc in double adjustable ring
2 rnd: 4 sc, do not fasten off.

1 rnd: 2 sc from little finger, 2 sc from second finger, 2 sc from third finger, 4 sc from fourth
finger, 2 sc from third finger, 2 sc from second finger, 2 sc from little finger (16)

2 rnd: (increase, 7 sc) 2 times (18)
3 rnd:
for right hand: 6 sc, 3 sc to crochet grasping stitches of the big finger and a palm, 9 (18)
for left hand: 10 sc, 3 sc to crochet grasping stitches of the big finger and a palm, 5 sc (18)

4 rnd: to crochet 18 sc, taking on a course of crocheting the remained stitchess of the big finger
5 rnd: 18 sc
6 rnd: (sc, decrease) 6 times (12), to fill with stuffing
7 rnd: (2 sc, decrease) 3 times (9)
8 rnd: (2 sc, increase) 3 times, (12),
9 - 12 rnds: 12 sc
The beginning of round one step at a time is displaced. It is necessary to crochet some
stitches of displacement that a round began sideways. In my case 3 sc. Now the beginning
of round equal sideways.
The marker notes the beginning of round.
And here there should be a beginning.
13 rnd:
for right hand: 6 sc, 6 hdc, ch, turn (further to crochet in rows) elbow
for left hand: 6 hdc, ch

14 row: 6 sc, ch, turn
15 row: 6 sc, further to crochet in rounds. For left hand to crochet 6 sc prior to the beginning of

16 23 rnds: 12 sc. To fill with stuffing.
24 rnd: (decrease) 6 times (6). With the sewing needle sew up and down the yarn around each
stitch from last round and pull tightly to close.

LEGS (make 2)

FINGERS of right leg:
Big finger (make 1)
1 rnd: 6 sc in double adjustable ring
2-3 rnds: 6 sc, sl st, fasten off.
Other fingers (second, third, fourth) (make 3)
1 rnd: 4 sc in double adjustable ring
2-3 rnds: 4 sc, sl st, fasten off.
Little finger (make 1)
1 rnd: 4 sc in double adjustable ring
2 rnd: 4 sc, do not fasten off.
Fingers of the left leg to crochet in a similar way, only a yarn do not fasten off on the big
Right leg Left leg

Palm from a little finger, three fingers and the big finger. Yarn on a little finger:
1 rnd:
For right leg: 2 sc from little finger, 2 sc from second finger, 2 sc from third finger, 2 sc from
fourth finger, 6 sc from big finger, 2 sc from fourth finger, 2 sc from third finger, 2 sc from
second finger, 2 sc from little finger (22)

Right leg

For left leg: 3 sc from big finger, 2 sc from second finger, 2 sc from third finger, 2 sc from fourth
finger, 4 sc from little finger, 2 sc from fourth finger, 2 sc from third finger, 2 sc from second
finger, 3 sc from big finger (22)

Left leg

2-3 rnds: 22 sc
4 rnd: sc (3 sc, decrease) 4 times, sc (18)
5-6 rnds: 18 sc
Further to crochet in rows
7-11 rows: 12 sc, ch, turn

crocheting to close in a ring

12 rnd: (decrease) - 6 times (6)

On the open edge of a foot to type 18 stitches (6 st from left side, 6 st from front, 6 st from right

13-18 rnds: 18 sc
The beginning of round is behind a heel. To crochet stitches of displacement (in my case 5 sc)
that the beginning of round was sideways.

19 rnd: 9 hdc, ch, further to crochet in rows
20-21 rows: 9 sc, ch,

Further to close in a circle, 9 sc prior to the beginning of round

22-28 rnds: 18 sc. To fill with stuffing.
29 rnd: (sc, decrease) 6 times (12)
30 rnd: (decrease) 6 times (6) With the sewing needle sew up and down the yarn around each
stitch from last round and pull tightly to close.

Shoes and a dress.

Cast on 21 st with main color
1 row: K 21
2 row: K 1, inc, K 9, inc, K 1, inc, K 9, inc, K 1 (25)
3 row: K 25
4 row: K 2, inc, K 9, inc, K 3, inc, K 9, inc, K 2 (29)
5 row: K 29
change on other color, 6
row to knit (K 1, P 1), increasing stitches.
6 row: K 3, inc, K 9, inc, K 5, inc, K 9, inc, K 3 (33)
7 row: K 33
8 row: K 1, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1 inc, P 1, K 1 (to alternate, all 9 st), K 1 inc, P 1, K 1 (to alternate,
all 7 st), K 1 inc, P 1, K 1 (to alternate, all 9 st),K 1 inc, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1 (37)
9 row: (Slip one purl wise with yarn over, K 1) till the end of row (37)
10 row: (K 1, stitch with yarn over slip with one more yarn over) till the end of row (37)
11 row: (K 1, P 1 (stitch with 2 yarn over)) till the end of row. (37)
change yarn on main color
12 row: (K 1, P 1) till the end of row (37)
13 row: (Slip one purl wise with yarn over, K 1) till the end of row (37)
14 row: (K 1, stitch with yarn over slip with one more yarn over) till the end of row (37)
15 row: (K 1, P 1 (stitch with 2 yarn over)) till the end of row. (37)
16 row: K 10, (K 2 tog) 4 times, K 1, (K 2 tog) 4 times, K 10 (29)
17 row: K 29
18 row: K 7, bind off 15 sts, K 7 (14)
19 row: K 7, pick up and knit 1 st. Cast on 8 sts.
20 row: to knit 8 sts and 14 on a needle (22)
21 row: K 22, bind off all sts.
To execute a seam of a sole and a heel. Edges to tie with sc with a yarn of auxiliary color, thus in
the end of a thong to make an eyelet for a button. At knitting the second shoe the thong should be
on the other hand.

With pink yarn ch 45. To crochet in rows.
1 row: 15 sc, ch, 15 sc, ch, 15 sc
change on white yarn
2 row: 15 dc, ch, 15 dc, ch, 15 dc
3 row: (3 in next stitch) repeat till the end
change on pink yarn
to close in a circle, crochet in rounds
4 rnd: 16 dc, skip 35 st, 33 dc, skip 35 st, 16 dc (65)
5-8 rnds: 65 dc.
change on white yarn
9 rnd: ((dc, ch, dc) in next stitch, sc) repeat till the end.


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