Introduced By: UPLB University Student Council

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Introduced by: UPLB University Student Council

WHEREAS, Republic Act 9500 states that the University of the Philippines shall take
affirmative steps which may take the form of an alternative and equitable admissions
process to enhance the access of disadvantaged students, such as indigenous peoples, poor
and deserving students, including but not limited to valedictorians and salutatorians of
public high schools, and students from depressed areas, to its programs and services.

WHEREAS, the concept of socialized tuition is based on the principle that those who can
shoulder the cost of studying in a higher education institution should pay while those who
cannot, should be duly subsidized.

WHEREAS, the Socialized Tuition System (STS) approved by the UP Board of Regents last
December 2013 effectively replaced the Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance
Program (STFAP) by offering the following structural and substantial changes:

a. Simplification of the basis for assigning tuition brackets;
b. Upward adjustment of the gross income cut-offs of Brackets A, B, C, and D;
c. Increase in the monthly allowance of Bracket E2 students;
d. Streamlining and automation of the bracket assignment;
e. Streamlining and decentralization of the appeal process; and
f. Implementation of supporting measures

WHEREAS, the Implementation of supporting measures states that mechanisms for
sustained regular review, monitoring, and evaluation of the program will be
institutionalized to ensure the efficient and sustainable operation of the STS.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the General Assembly of Student Councils (GASC)
create a Socialized Tuition System Monitoring Committee that would review, monitor and
evaluate the STS with regard to our constitutionally-guaranteed right to education.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the GASC propose recommendations and policies that
would enhance the democratic access of the university in terms of its admission process
and tuition system.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Office of the Student Regent serve as the overall
coordinator of the Academic Calendar Shift Monitoring Committee.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Socialized Tuition System Monitoring Committee draft
and present an initial report during the first convention of the GASC for the Academic Year

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