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About Kevin Anderson: UK Climate Scientist ManchesterU & Tyndall Centre

Advocates for a Rational Understanding of the Need for Urgent CO2e Carbon Emission Reductions

I like Professor Kevin Anderson PhD, mainly because hes knowledgeable and insightful. Plus
Anderson has a very good way and attitude about him when communicating to the general public.
Hes light hearted and good natured, with a good sense of humour as he helps one connect the dots.
He is not hyperbolic and keeps things based in good science and energy data. He explains well how
to connect the differences between the climate science and the climate energy use and government
policy rhetoric versus the reality in increasing GHGs not reductions. Kevin Anderson covers topics
such as the Carbon Budget, projected energy use, UK government and UN goals vs the reality so far.
Anderson and his coworker Professor Alice Bows-Larkin PhD have written many papers on climate
science, energy use and climate policy.
Kevin Anderson, Professor of Energy & Climate Change,
Deputy Director - Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Manchester UK

Reflections on COP19 Warsaw 2013
"I left Warsaw with the very clear impression that the spineless nature of contemporary politics on
climate change, supported by a supine civil society and a science-base too afraid of its funders to be
vociferously candid about its analyses, leaves little hope of reducing even the rate of growth in
emissions, let alone absolute emissions. Has 2C simply become a pipedream?"
Links to reports of the Tyndall Centres COP event, interviews, etc:
COP film: On the need to convince policy makers to bring emissions down
Democracy Now: We have to consume less
Guardian: Warsaws widening climate chasm could lead to 4C warming
Guardian: Make the rich change their ways to avoid a 2C rise, says top scientist
Blog post: Avoiding dangerous climate change demands de-growth strategies
COP19 Warsaw 2013: Kevin Anderson, Tyndall Centre
Full Interview (10 mins)
Wealthier nations now need ~10% reductions every year in carbon emissions. In most countries, most
of the emissions 40 to 60% come from a very small part of 1 to 5% of the population. So this gives a
clearer indication about who needs to and can reduce their emissions and what those policies might
look like. @ (to 3m30s)

COP19 'We Have To Consume Less'
- Scientists Call For Radical Economic Overhaul to Avert Climate Crisis -
In the video above one can see the genuine and long term 'shifts in mind sets' required to tackle the
climate change problem, as exemplified by the great attitudes of Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows-
Larkin. Please see sections @ and

Full interview of Prof Kevin Anderson Tues 17th Dec 2013
Post Radical Emissions Reductions conference

Professor Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Centre
Talks about the Radical Emissions Reductions conference that is happening in December 2013 at the
Royal Society in London.

Cabot Institute Annual Lecture 2012
Real clothes for the Emperor: Facing the challenges of climate change

Kevin Anderson 'Rhetoric to Reality'
Kevin Anderson presenting at the EcoCities conference, Manchester on 14 May 2012.
Full lecture
Kevin Anderson speaks about who is most responsible and obligated to change first and the most.
"So what can we do about it?" Anderson then begins to look at what category of people are the
largest CO2/GHG emitters. He applies the 80/20 rule a few times to conclude: 50% of all carbon
emissions come from 1% of the global population.?
Who are the 1%? Corporate shareholders, Executives, Politicians, Professionals, Celebrities, Property
Developers; Climate scientists - Climate journalists & Bloggers - OECD G20 academics - Anyone who
gets on a plane - For the UK anyone earning over 30K pounds per year? Almost anyone in the
OECD above average weekly earnings. See @ 16mins

Letter to EU Commission President on inequitable & unscientific 2030 decarbonisation target
Avoiding dangerous climate change demands de-growth strategies from wealthier nations
Shale gas incompatible with "avoiding dangerous climate change"; Chatham House. Nov. 2013
Evangelising from 32 thousand feet: why enticing more environmentalists to fly is wrongheaded
Why carbon prices can't deliver the 2 degree Celsius target
EU 2030 decarbonisation targets and UK carbon budgets: why so little science?
Hypocrites in the air: should climate-change academics lead by example?
UK unveils new Office of Unconventional Oil and Gas. - another nail in the climate change coffin?
Warsaw COP19 Short Anderson Q&A by the official interviewing team on engaging policy makers with the
scale of mitigation required
COP19 (20/11/13) Kevin Anderson, Tyndall Centre talks about why wrestling climate change away from
economists can help drive policy-makers away from economic arguments and bring emissions down.
He says since the first major scientific report on climate change came out in 1990, the worlds emissions have risen
every year and are almost 60% higher then they were. In addition, since 2007, we have pumped 200 billion tonnes of
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As a result, Anderson says we have squandered most of the carbon budget that
was created to tackle climate change in 1992.
He says most of the emissions come from a small proportion of the population. As a result, we need to look at
persuading this group of people to reduce their emissions. For example, he says we need to make household products,
such as refrigerators and cars, more efficient.
Anderson also says that it is unreasonable to expect poorer countries not to develop as wealthier countries have done,
but that we should encourage them to look to low carbon energy systems. In fact, he says wealthier countries should
pay the difference in the price between high and low carbon energy options to poorer countries because it is their moral

Related links:

[Last updated 2014-06-10 Url
Rhetoric-to-Reality ]

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