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Master Emotions Conquer Fears
End Anxiety/Panic Boost Confidence
Lose Weight uit !mo"ing
Find Lo#e $et %ich
&no' (ourse)f M*C+ M,%E-
"The Stuff Really Works!"
Copyright 2005-13 by Reid Reichardt
HOWEVER. you may distri/ute this P0F #ersion
of The MC1 Method #ia emai) to friends2 The )atest
P0F #ersion may /e o/tained from
This text descri/es a #ery genera) se)f
de#e)opment technique2 The approach 'i)) not /e
appropriate for e#eryone. and it is not intended as a
means of diagnosis or rep)acement for professiona)
ad#ice2 *se on)y at your o'n discretion. )ia/i)ity.
and ris"2 Any testimonia)s appearing on /oo"
co#er or 'e/site are 3,T typica) resu)ts2
The fo))o'ing is a transcript of a spo"en )ecture2
We apo)ogi4e for the grammatica) errors2
art !
$ood morning and 'e)come e#eryone2
Before 'e /egin. 56d )i"e to first than"
you for the opportunity to /e part of
your persona) de#e)opment process 7
regard)ess of 'hat that may mean for
you2 By ta"ing the initiati#e to /e here
today. you6#e a)ready demonstrated your
/e)ief that you can impro#e your )ife in
some 'ay2 And you definite)y can2 The
technique that 56m going to share 'ith
you has not on)y /een an incredi/)e too)
for o#ercoming my o'n inner
ad#ersities. /ut a)so my greatest asset for
mo#ing on to a more fu)fi))ing )ife in
a)most e#ery aspect2 56#e seen it 'or" for
many. many peop)e. and it6s my sincere
/e)ief that it can do the same for you2
3o'. 56)) /e gi#ing some simp)ified
examp)es throughout the course. /ut 56d
)i"e to stress that 5 in no 'ay intend to
minimi4e the seriousness of any person6s
circumstances2 %ea) )ife is not simp)e.
and each person6s strugg)e is #ery rea)2
Many peop)e are dra'n here /ecause of
serious issues and difficu)t transitions2
Whi)e 56m confident in this approach6s
#a)ue to anyone that6s ready for it. 56))
)ea#e the con#incing to the materia)
5n a nutshe)). 'hat you6)) /e )earning is
a method of se)f transformation through
management of /ody energies2 Whi)e
this might sound unusua). it6s pro/a/)y
quite different from 'hat you might
expect. and some of the most dynamic
and effecti#e peop)e undou/ted)y use
some of the same concepts that 'e6))
discuss 'ithout e#en "no'ing it2 5t6s a
rare person 'hose potentia) is not
significant)y )imited /y a simp)e fai)ure
to proper)y manage their /ody energies2
Learning to a)ign your a'areness 'ith
your inner energies can he)p reso)#e a
num/er of issues. such as anxiety and
stress. ha/its and addictions. shyness
and spea"ing fears. insomnia.
o#ereating. and many others2 This 'i))
/e the focus of our first day here2
,nce you6#e )earned ho' to rea)ign
'ith your energies. you6)) /e in a good
position to then )earn ho' to channe)
them into higher forms. and more
desira/)e conditions in your )ife2 And
this 'i)) /e the focus of day t'o. 'hich
'i)) /e next 'ee"2 !ince the materia) in
that second section /ui)ds upon the first.
it6s important that you ta"e notes. and
practice 'hat 'e discuss here today
/efore the next session2 A)) the concepts
that you6)) /e )earning are re)ati#e)y
simp)e and easy to understand2 But
you6)) find the /enefits of app)ying them
to extreme)y profound2 !o it6s important
to practice2
To get started. 56d )i"e to c)arify 'hat
/ody energy is2 For our purposes. you
can start off /y thin"ing of /ody energy
as emotions and fee)ings2 But it a)so
inc)udes a p)ethora of other sensations
that you might not yet /e a'are of2 A))
these emotions. fee)ings. and sensations
exist essentia))y as energies 'ithin the
/ody2 We use )anguage to p)ace )a/e)s
on energies 7 )i"e ;happy;. ;sad;. angry.
ner#ous. cra#ing. stressed. anxious. and
many others2 But these are <ust )a/e)s or
sym/o)s of the actua) energies2 For the
duration of this course. 56d )i"e you to
thin" of emotions and fee)ings as the
energy or essence under)ying those
'ords2 *sing )a/e)s or 'ords to
sym/o)i4e emotiona) energy is usefu) for
communicating 'ith other peop)e. /ut
you connect 'ith yourse)f /y direct)y
experiencing the pure )a/e)7)ess energies
'ithin2 (our re)ationship 'ith yourse)f
is a unique one. in that you6re the on)y
person 'hose inner 'or)d you can e#ery
tru)y "no'2 Learning to o/ser#e. )isten
to. and interact 'ith your energies is the
"ey to your re)ationship 'ith yourse)f.
and the "ey to your persona) po'er2 3ot
surprising)y then. most of our rea)
trou/)es /egin 'hen 'e )ose connection
'ith our inner energies. usua))y as a
resu)t of a#oidance. distraction.
suppression. or fear2 Peop)e ha#e an
instincti#e tendency to a#oid pain.
'hether physica) or emotiona)2 But on
an emotiona) )e#e). such a#oidance can
/ecome a se)f defeating /eha#ior2 A
mu)ti7/i))ion do))ar pharmaceutica)
industry no' caters to our desire to
a#oid emotiona) discomfort2 But you6re
a/out to )earn that the secret to fee)ing
/etter is to first fee) 'hate#er you fee)2
And this is a s"i)) that fe' ha#e
mastered2 We )i#e on an emotiona)
pendu)um2 Loss. )one)iness. anger. gui)t.
stress. anxiety. fear222 these are some of
the fee)ings that 'e try to a#oid2 But
once these fee)ings enter our experience.
the "ey to mo#ing /eyond them is to go
through them. not to a#oid them2
To i))ustrate the )in" to /ody energy
a#oidance. consider anxiety and stress2
These conditions arise 'hen 'e 'ant to
a#oid some rea) or imagined situation
/ecause of a certain emotion or /ody
energy that 'e thin" it 'i)) cause2 E#en
if the 'orry is of something simp)e. )i"e
/eing )ate for an appointment or
performing poor)y on a test. it6s not
actua))y the e#ent itse)f causing the
stress 7 it6s fear of the fee)ing that 'e
associate 'ith the e#ent6s occurrence2
Whether )ogica) or i))ogica). our mind
percei#es these feared possi/i)ities as
actua) danger. and re)eases stress
hormones )i"e adrena)ine to prepare us
for them2 3o'. a )itt)e of that is o"ay 7 to
"eep us on time. prepared. and
performing 'e))2 But for many peop)e.
stress )e#e)s /ecome disproportionate)y
high. e#en for things they can6t do
anything a/out2 We /ecome so fearfu) of
a possi/)e situation that 'e 'ant to
a#oid. or more specifica))y an emotiona)
possi/i)ity that 'e 'ant to a#oid. that 'e
generate a se)f defeating )e#e) of stress2
Whi)e 'e6d typica))y try to que)) that
stress /y a#oiding or contro))ing the
e#ent in some 'ay. the most direct route
to getting stress and anxiety under
contro) is to stop fearing the fee)ing that
you associate 'ith the e#ent2 ,nce you
"no' that you can hand)e the fee)ing.
you stop fearing the possi/i)ity. and
stress disso)#es2 5f you6#e e#er strugg)ed
'ith socia) anxiety. thin" a/out 'hat it
is that causes your socia) discomfort2 5s
it fear of negati#e <udgment. re<ectionB
that peop)e 'on6t )i"e you. that you6re
not interesting enoughC There are many
reasons that peop)e /ecome socia))y
uneasy. /ut a)most a)) the reasons are a
ref)ection of the desire to a#oid some
sort of /ody energy that arises in those
situations 7 perhaps ner#ousness.
a'"'ardness. insecurity. or some other
fee)ing2 Whate#er that fee)ing is for you.
as" yourse)f. 'ou)d you ha#e a socia)
anxiety pro/)em if you "ne' that you
cou)d hand)e that fee)ingC What if you
e#en en<oyed the fee)ingC A'"'ardness.
em/arrassment. socia) discomfort2 0o
you thin" a shy person 'ou)d /e shy for
)ong if they )earned to en<oy the fee)ing
of approaching peop)eC Become o"ay
'ith the inner sensations that you6re no'
a#oiding. and soon the shyness 'i))
The same goes for peop)e strugg)ing
'ith addictions2 Cigarettes. a)coho).
drugs2 We start using these su/stances
/ecause 'e 'ant to fee) /etter in some
'ay2 May/e 'e 'ant to fee) more
mature. more socia). more re)axed. more
coo). )ess /oring 7 it6s a )ong )ist of
reasons. most)y connected to menta)
images or perceptions that 'e6#e
associated 'ith smo"ing2 %egard)ess.
'hate#er the fee)ing 'as that you
'anted in the /eginning. it 'as more
accurate)y a ref)ection of your desire to
menta))y a#oid the rea) )ife fee)ings that
you 'ere ha#ing2 That6s 'hy 'e start2
And 'e continue using either for the
same reason. or /ecause 'ithdra'a)
from the su/stance creates a ne' type of
pain that 'e 'ant to a#oid2 Loo" at <ust
a/out any smo"ing cessation product on
the mar"et. and you6)) see promises of
quitting 'ithout the fee)ing of
'ithdra'a)2 That6s 'hat 'e6d )i"e. and
therefore that6s 'hat se))s2 But not
surprising)y. <ust a/out a)) those
products are quite ineffecti#e2 When
you6#e rea))y made the choice. your
a/i)ity to quit 'i)) /e /ased a)most
pure)y on your a/i)ity to to)erate and go
through the fee)ing of 'ithdra'a)2 And
that6s something you6)) )earn ho' to do
today2 Eust as important)y. your a/i)ity to
stay quit 'i)) /e /ased on your a/i)ity to
go through and e#entua))y transform the
e#eryday fee)ings that dre' you to
cigarettes. a)coho) or drugs in the first
p)ace2 This 'i)) /e your "ey to freedom
from addiction2
The same goes for 'eight
management2 What is hungerC 5t6s a
/ody sensation2 And 'hat does <ust
a/out e#ery popu)ar 'eight )oss product
and program promiseC Easy 'eight )ossB
Weight )oss 'ithout the discomfort of
hunger2 5f you6#e tried one or more of
these /efore. 'as it effecti#eC 0id it
)astC Was it hea)thy and sustaina/)eC
There6s a simp)e equation that the
num/er of food ca)ories you ta"e in. )ess
the num/er of food ca)ories you /urn.
equa)s your ca)ories of 'eight gain or
)oss2 Whi)e regu)ar exercise is important.
and a good 'ay to /urn ca)ories. the
'ea" )in" in 'eight management usua))y
comes on the other side of the equation.
in the form of o#ereating2 The tendency
to o#ereat might deri#e from sur#i#a)
instinct. it might come from chi)dhood
messages a/out finishing e#erything on
our p)ates. it might ha#e an emotiona))y
soothing or comforting effect. or it
might come from associating food 'ith
entertainment2 But regard)ess of 'hether
it6s pure hunger. or some menta)
association. o#ereating is a)most a)'ays
caused /y a desire to a#oid some sort of
unp)easant fee)ing2 ,f course there are
certain medica) conditions that can cause
'eight gain. and you shou)d a)'ays
"eep your nutritiona) requirements in
mind2 But in most cases. many of us
simp)y don6t need the amount of food
'e6re eating2 We6re in the ha/it of eating
to maximum capacity. e#en though a
sensation of fu))ness occurs 'e)) /efore
that2 And it6s usua))y this simp)e fact that
causes us to gain 'eight2 5f you can
)earn ho' to get comforta/)e 'ith your
fee)ing of hunger or cra#ing. and /egin
to stop eating 'hen you6re fu)) or a )itt)e
/efore. you6)) soon re#erse the ca)orie
equation and /egin to )ose 'eight2
!tress. anxiety. addictions.
o#ereating222 these are <ust a fe' resu)ts
of /ody energy a#oidance that can /e
re#ersed through the method 'e6)) co#er2
There are many others. some of 'hich
'e6)) discuss )ater2 But the first ha)f of
this program is a/out more than <ust
o#ercoming the symptoms of /ody
energy a#oidance2 5t6s a/out increasing
your emotiona) comfort )e#e) for a)) the
energies in your /ody 7 not <ust the ones
responsi/)e for anxiety. addiction. and
o#ereating 7 /ut a)) of them2 5n order to
mo#e on to the second part of this
program. 'here 'e transform energies
into higher. more desira/)e fee)ings. 'e
must /e a/)e to experience the )o'er
ones2 This re)ates to a psycho)ogica)
phenomena that 5 ca)) the emotiona)
energy pendu)um2 To s'ing high. you
must /e a/)e to s'ing )o'2 +o' good
can you e#er fee) if your positi#e
emotions are accompanied /y a constant
fear of )osing themC E#ery/ody
experiences )oss. disappointment.
fai)ure. re<ection. and other ad#ersity2 5f
'e approach the day to day possi/i)ity
of such fee)ings 'ith fear and a#oidance.
'e6)) get stuc" some'here on the
negati#e side of the emotiona)
pendu)um. 'ith the #ery fee)ings that 'e
don6t 'ant2 But 'e can choose instead to
experience such fee)ings. if and 'hen
they come. 'ith acceptance 7 e#en 'ith
an appreciation for the humanness they
grant us 7 and see them as door'ays
/ac" to the other end of the emotiona)
spectrum2 That6s ho' 'e gro'2 ,nce
you "no' that you can hand)e. go
through. e#en appreciate any fee)ing.
then none can stop you from mo#ing
for'ard2 Each /ecomes <ust a stepping
stone /ac" to fee)ing /etter. or to finding
happiness in your o'n form2 ,ur current
cu)ture is focused on emotiona) comfort.
safety. security. ta"ing the easy 'ay. or
ta"ing a pi))2 5ronica))y. the )o'er our
emotiona) to)erance fa))s. the more
restricted and misera/)e our )i#es
A rich and fu)) )ife is achie#ed through
'i))ingness to )i#e on the fu)) spectrum
of human emotion. and today you6))
great)y expand your a/i)ity to do that2
Most of us ha#e de#e)oped a
su/conscious ha/it of suppressing 'hat
'e percei#e as uncomforta/)e or
un'anted /ody energy 7 the quote ;/ad;
fee)ings2 But in the rea)m of /ody energy
and emotion. good and /ad are rea))y
<ust a matter of perception2 For examp)e.
'hat one person experiences as fear.
another person might experience as
excitement2 Part of the po'er of the
method you6)) /e )earning comes from its
a/i)ity to expand the range of emotions
that you current)y consider comforta/)e.
e#en en<oya/)e2 5t might not seem
intuiti#e to 'ant to experience 'hat you
current)y thin" of as a /ad fee)ing2 But
'ith fear inspiring emotions. meaning
/ody energies that you fear or a#oid.
you6)) find that once you6re a/)e to
o/ser#e. fee) and accept them direct)y in
the manner 'e6)) discuss. they6)) either
disso)#e or change into something that
you don6t consider negati#e at a))2 5n
fact. they6)) )i"e)y transform into a
source of tremendous persona) po'er for
Whate#er the reason is that you 'ere
dra'n to this course. )earning ho' to
to)erate and e#en en<oy a greater depth
of /ody energy 'i)) /e of enormous
#a)ue2 5t6s a po'erfu) too) for
o#ercoming a #ariety of specific
persona) issues )i"e 5 mentioned. as 'e))
as an exce))ent approach to simp)y )i#ing
)ife more fu))y2 Achie#ing inner
harmony in#o)#es increasing to)erance
for a)) emotions to a point 'here none
can stop you from mo#ing for'ard into
the )ife you rea))y 'ant2
!o assuming that you no' ha#e some
/asic understanding of the reason /ehind
'hat 'e6re doing. 56d )i"e to demonstrate
the first method of menta) interaction2
This simp)e technique has a po'erfu)
a/i)ity to expand emotiona) to)erance.
and effecti#e)y re#erses tendencies
to'ard suppression2 (ou6)) find that in
direct)y interacting 'ith your energies.
you6)) /e a/)e to o#ercome the ma<ority
of their negati#e. se)f defeating. or
de/i)itating effects2 Ad#erse energies
'i)) )ose their po'er o#er you. and you6))
regain contro) o#er your inner 'or)d 7 of
'hich your outer 'or)d is <ust a
ref)ection2 Thin" a/out itF if you can
hand)e anything on the inside. then you
can hand)e anything on the outside2
,"ay. so don6t 'orry if some of 'hat
56#e said so far seems confusing2 What
you6re a/out to )earn is a simp)e too).
and you don6t need to comp)ete)y
understand the under)ying theory in
order to ma"e use of it2 A )itt)e common
sense is a)) it 'i)) ta"e to app)y the
method to your specific situation2 P)ease
ho)d any questions for )ater. /ecause
rea))y the /est 'ay to )earn this first
technique is to experience it2 !o 56d no'
)i"e to guide you through an exercise
that demonstrates the process2 For this
exercise. <ust ma"e sure you6re
comforta/)y seated. and 56m going to
c)ose the door no' so that 'e 'on6t ha#e
any distractions2 When you practice this
)ater on your o'n. you shou)d not /e
dri#ing or operating machinery of any
"ind2 5nitia))y it shou)d /e an eyes7
c)osed practice2 56)) a)so put an audio
on)ine for you to fo))o' a)ong 'ith2
!o o"ay. p)ease c)ose your eyes no'
and re)ax2 0irect your a'areness to'ard
the inside of you /ody2 56d )i"e you to
put your menta) a'areness first on the
inside of your head2 Eust menta))y
o/ser#e that space 'ith your minds eye
G@A second pauseH2 3o' mo#e your
a'areness to your nec"2 !tay there at
)east a fe' seconds unti) you6#e fu))y
o/ser#ed it G9 second pauseH2 3o' do'n
into your chest and a/domen area G9
second pauseH2 3o' mo#e your
a'areness to your )eft arm G9 second
pauseH2 Then your right arm G@A second
pauseH2 Then do'n to your )eft )eg G9
second pauseH2 And your right )eg G9
second pauseH2 Fina))y. expand your
a'areness so that it encompasses your
entire /ody2 %e)ax in this state for a
minute 'ith in'ard a'areness
throughout your /ody2
G@ minutes pauseH
3o' that you6#e centered
concentration 'ithin your /ody. 56d )i"e
you to notice the sensations in that
space2 (ou can start in any area of your
/ody 'here a physica) sensation is
present2 For demonstration purposes. 56))
assume you6re starting in the head or
nec" area. /ut you can rea))y start in any
area of your /ody that you 'ish2
E#entua))y you6)) pro/a/)y choose to
/egin 'ith areas 'here you notice
significant physica) sensations
accumu)ated. /ut for no' any'here 'i))
do2 Menta))y o/ser#e the space that
you6#e chosen 'ith your mind6s eye. and
notice the sensations2 (ou may ha#e
come here today 'ith the intent of
e)iminating some particu)ar fee)ings. /ut
for no' 5 <ust 'ant you to )et them /e
there2 Eust o/ser#e 'hate#er6s there2
GDA second pauseH
When you p)ace a'areness on this part
of your /ody. you6)) find that it6s not <ust
empty spaceB There6s something there2
(ou can fee) your /ody. the sensations.
the energies 'ithin it2 Each person6s
interna) sensations 'i)) #ary. /ut some
examp)es are pressure in the head.
tightness in the nec". or may/e aching in
an arm2 !ensations can range from
physica) ones )i"e aching 'ithin
musc)es. to emotiona) ones )i"e the
/utterf)y fee)ing in a ner#ous stomach.
or the hea#iness of depression2 5f the
sensation you find is of an emotiona)
nature. )i"e ner#ousness. note that e#ery
emotion has an energy. or a physica)
sensation. that under)ies it2 5t6s that
physica) sensation. not the emotion. that
'e6re interested in here2 The sensations
you find might resem/)e ting)ing.
aching. hea#iness. or constriction2 They
may ha#e shape to them. such as sphere7
)i"e. or rod7)i"e2 ,r they may ha#e
density. such as )ightness or so)idity2
The possi/i)ities are end)ess. and 'i)) /e
unique to you2 5f you6re not finding any
sensations at a)). you6re pro/a/)y trying
too hard2 Eust o/ser#e 'hat6s a)ready
there2 (ou don6t need to force anything
to /e created2 5f you find yourse)f
/ecoming frustrated 'ith the process. or
rushed for any reason. then that energy 7
the one under)ying the fee)ing of
frustration or rush 7 is a good one to
transfer your a'areness to2
P)ease ta"e a moment to find and
o/ser#e the energy in your chosen /ody
area no'. and 56)) re<oin you in a minute2
G@ minute pauseH
,nce you6#e found a sensation. 56d )i"e
you to greet it. a)most as if it6s a separate
part of you. /y saying something )i"e
;+e))o energy;2 This may seem )i"e an
odd thing to do. /ut it6s a means to an
end that 'i)) soon /ecome apparent2 But
for no'. <ust direct your a'areness
to'ard the energy. and try this greeting2
;+e))o energy;
G1A second pauseH
3o'. continue focusing your
concentration on your energy. as if
you6re )istening to it 7 as if it6s spea"ing
to you 'ith the sensations that it
radiates2 ,#ercome any tendencies
to'ard a#oidance. and fee) genuine
interest in the energy 7 in 'anting to
)isten2 Listen 'ithout ana)ysis. 'ithout
e#a)uation. 'ithout <udgment. and
'ithout desire to change the energy in
any 'ay2 3o thought is necessary here2
5f it he)ps. thin" if )istening to energies
simp)y as concentrating on and
o/ser#ing them 'ith pure. thought7free.
a#oidance7free a'areness2 5n order to
"eep your focus. )isten to the energy
'ith an intention of true interest2 Try
this no'2
G@ minute pauseH
Eust as a good )istener 'ou)d put a))
their menta) attention on the person
they6re )istening to. you shou)d )isten to
the emotiona) or physica) energy 'ith a))
your accepting a'areness 7 meaning free
of ana)ytica) or <udgmenta) thought222
free of any thought at a)) for that matter2
Try to "eep yourse)f as an outside
o/ser#er of the energy /y ho)ding your
o/ser#ing consciousness some'here
around the center of your head2 This
he)ps to a#oid going into or /ecoming
immersed in the energy that you found2
Ma"e the energy the focus of your
outside o/ser#ing a'areness2 Continue
trying to do this for another minute or
G1 minute pauseH
The a/i)ity to stay focused and
)istening is )i"e a musc)e2 The more you
practice. the stronger your a/i)ity 'i))
/ecome2 5f you start to )ose focus. say
something to the energy )i"e ;5 am 'ith
you energy2; 5f you /ecome distracted
'ith other thoughts. there6s no need to
forcefu))y push them out. as doing so
on)y gi#es them the additiona) po'er of
your attention2 5nstead. 'hen they come.
accept them. and )et them /e there or
f)oat a'ay2 But "eep the focus of your
attention on the /ody energy2 0istracting
thoughts 'i)) )ose strength as you
continue concentrating on the energy
that you6re 'ith2 Eust turn your
a'areness /ac" to the energy. and say
something )i"e ;Fee)ing. 5 am 'ith you
no'2 There is 3othing more important
right no' than /eing 'ith you2 5 Want to
"no' you2; Continue )istening to the
energy for a minute or so 'ith this in
G@ minute pauseH
For the energy you6re current)y
)istening to. 56d )i"e you to try no' to
descri/e the physica) characteristics of
that energy222 meaning ho' the energy
physica))y fee)s2 5f the sensation you6re
'ith is of an emotiona) nature. try to
a#oid p)acing #er/a) )a/e)s )i"e
;ner#ousness; or ;anger; on it2 This type
of identification requires an inte))ectua)
e#a)uation that interferes 'ith your
comp)ete attenti#e )istening to the pure
energy2 The "ey right no' is to o/ser#e
the energy As 5t 5s2 (ou can instead
descri/e energies 'ith 'ords )i"e
;ting)ing #i/ration;. ;smooth energy;.
;tight;. ;thic";. ;dense;. ;thro//ing;.
;)ight;. ;hea#y;. ;fu44y;. and so on2
,nce you6#e found some sort of
descripti#e 'ord. ref)ect that o/ser#ation
to the energy. as if you6re spea"ing to it2
(ou can do this either out )oud or in
your mind2 !ome examp)es might /eF
;Energy. you are smooth and thic";B
;!ensation. you are a ting)ing #i/ration
in my stomach;B ;Energy. you are
aching and so)id; or ;dense and
thro//ing;B ;Fee)ing you extend from
my stomach into my chest;B ;Energy
you are shaped )i"e a rod; or ;you6re )i"e
a hea#y sheet in front of my face;B
;!ensation. you6re a smooth pressure
inside of my chest;B or ;(ou6re a sharp
aching at the top of my head;. ;Energy.
you6re )i"e a thic" c)oud in my face;B or
;(ou6re a f)oating sensation;2 These are
<ust some examp)es2 (ou6)) o/#ious)y
ha#e your o'n unique energies. and
therefore unique descriptions2 Try to
come up 'ith as many descriptors as
possi/)e. inc)uding shape. si4e. density.
fee) and so on2 Ta"e a minute to try this
no'2 Te)) the energy your o/ser#ation of
it6s Physica) characteristics2 Whi)e you
can spea" the 'ords either out )oud or in
your mind. /e sure that you do use
'ords initia))y. as this he)ps to "eep your
mind focused2 (our descriptions don6t
ha#e to /e exact 7 there6s no need for
perfection2 Eust ref)ect the first
o/ser#ations that come to mind2 0o this
no'. and 56)) re<oin you in a minute2
G@ minute pauseH
%emem/er to descri/e on)y physica)
characteristics2 0o not get caught up in
trying to )a/e) your energies. to interpret
them. or to associate them 'ith outside
e#ents in your )ife2 The energy
descri/ing process that 'e6re doing is
actua))y a form of acti#e )istening2
(ou6re ref)ecting /ac" to your inner
energies your understanding of them2
The process of ref)ecting he)ps maintain
menta) focus. and it necessitates c)ear
o/ser#ation2 By focusing on the physica)
characteristics. you6re )imiting the need
for any of the inte))ectua) acti#ity that
interpreting sensations into fee)ing
'ords 'ou)d require2 This is the /est
'ay to stay focused on )istening to the
pure energy2 P)ease continue )istening
and ref)ecting for another minute or t'o2
G1 minute pauseH
The o"ser#$%&' des(r$"$%&' a%d
refle(t$%& )ro(ess $s the *ost
$*)orta%t (o*)o%e%t of $%(reas$%&
e*ot$o%al tolera%(e+ Whe% )ra(t$($%&
th$s *ethod o% your o,%' the *a-or$ty
of your t$*e should "e de#oted to th$s
ste)+ 5f you6d )i"e to spend some more
time )istening to the energy that you6re
'ith no'. p)ease fee) free to do so
/efore 'e mo#e on2 %aise your hand
'hen you6re done. and 56)) continue 'hen
most peop)e are ready2
G8 minute pauseH
%emem/er that the goa) of this process
is to increase to)erance for a)) emotions.
3,T to rid yourse)f of the un'anted
ones2 There6s some irony in this /ecause
as you spend time )istening to your
energies. they often transform into
fee)ings that are no )onger
o#er'he)ming2 *sua))y this happens
'ithin a fe' hours after doing the
exercise2 (ou6)) notice that an energy
that had perhaps /een quite
uncomforta/)e for a )ong time /efore
your session /ecomes something that6s
easi)y to)era/)e. perhaps e#en
comforta/)e or en<oya/)e2 !ometimes
energy shifts )i"e this can e#en occur
during the session itse)f2 !ensations may
change shape or density. expand or
contract. or mo#e s)ight)y2 !ometimes an
energy you6re spending time 'ith may
e#en seem to disappear a)together2 Eust
go 'ith these transformations. and
continue /eing present 'ith the ne'
forms that emerge2 5t6s nice 'hen it
happens. /ut remem/er that an
e)imination of unp)easant fee)ings
shou)d not /e the o/<ecti#e of your
interaction 'ith /ody energy. as that
'ou)d /e counterproducti#e2 To ha#e a
menta) goa) of disso)#ing your fee)ings
'i)) defeat this method6s po'erfu)
/enefits2 The uncomforta/)e and
o#er'he)ming nature that any of your
/ody energies current)y ho)d W5LL soon
/e transformed. /ut that transformation
is on)y possi/)e 'ith acceptance 7 'hich
'e6re accomp)ishing through direct
interaction2 (ou6re )earning to /e 'ith
your energies. and in doing so.
e)iminating the magnification of
uncomforta/)e ones that6s caused /y
a#oidance2 E#en though they6re
sometimes uncomforta/)e. these are sti))
your energies. and this is a process of
rec)aiming them2 !o don6t try to empty
yourse)f of emotions2 They6)) soon /e a
source of great persona) po'er to you2
For no'. your o/<ecti#e shou)d /e to
achie#e acceptance and appreciation of
your energies 7 As They Are. and
'hate#er they may /e2
5f you6#e opened your eyes. p)ease
c)ose them again. and turn your attention
/ac" to the energy you 'ere spending
time 'ith2 Affirm your acceptance of
that energy6s presence /y repeating the
fo))o'ing phrases to itF ;Energy. you are
o"ay to /e 'here you are; GpauseHB
;Energy. 5 can hand)e you; GpauseHB
;Fee)ing. 5 am o"ay 'ith your presence
in my /ody; GpauseH2 As you say these
next sentences. try to simu)taneous)y
pro<ect the matching and genuine fee)ing
T, the energy2 A)though 'ords 'i))
he)p in the /eginning. it6s not actua))y
the 'ords. /ut rather the attitude that
you6re channe)ing to your energy that6s
important2 !o say it 'ith your fu)) /eing.
and rea))y mean it2 ;Energy. 5 do not
see" to suppress you; GpauseHB
;!ensation. 5 see" on)y to /e
comforta/)e 'ith you; GpauseHB ;Energy.
5 )et you /e as you are; GpauseHB
;Energy. 5 am o"ay 'ith you; GpauseH2
Eust )isten no'2 (ou might ha#e
noticed that the manner in 'hich 'e6re
communicating 'ith inner energies is
simi)ar to an interaction 'ith a person2
And for our purposes. that6s a good 'ay
to see it2 (ou can temporari)y treat the
energies as separate entities. or friends.
'ithin you2 And indeed they are friendsB
Most energies arise /ecause they6re
trying to pro#ide us 'ith something that
the su/conscious mind thin"s is usefu)
information. as i))ogica) as it6s
interpretation may /e2 More important)y.
emotiona) energies are 'hat ma"e us
human2 Fee)ings. and our a/i)ity
experience a)) of them. ma"e )ife rich
and fu))2 (ou don6t 'ant to e)iminate
that2 ,ur num/er one goa) here is to
)earn ho' to )isten to energies
o/<ecti#e)y2 ,nce you6re a/)e to do this.
you6#e mo#ed from /eing fearfu) of. and
contro))ed /y. energies. to simp)y fee)ing
them2 With practice. you6)) de#e)op a
piercing a/i)ity to direct)y experience
/ody sensations. and o#erride tendencies
to'ard a#oidance2 The /enefits you6))
recei#e from doing this 'i)) /ui)d upon
themse)#es as you continue practicing2
(ou6)) soon /e a/)e to mo#e through
se)f7)imiting emotions 7 such as fear.
anxiety. and cra#ing 7 'ith comfort.
/ecause they6)) no )onger o#erpo'er you2
But again. the "ey to reaching that )e#e)
is to direct)y face and interact 'ith
energies. not to e)iminate them2
P)ease turn your a'areness /ac" once
more to the energy you 'ere spending
time 'ith2 With a fee)ing of genuine
appreciation. regard)ess of the nature of
the energy. repeat the fo))o'ing phrases
to itF ;Energy. than" you for the message
you6re trying to gi#e me; GpauseHB
;Energy. 5 appreciate and accept your
presence 'ithin me;2
3o'. 'ithout using 'ords. menta))y
pro<ect a fee)ing or energy of acceptance
to the sensation2 This shou)d /e the "ind
of energy that you 'ou)d gi#e to a good
friend. one 'ho you accept no matter
'ho they are or 'hat they do 7 'ith no
desire to change them2 0o this no'2
Menta))y pro<ect the 'ord)ess energy of
acceptance. in'ard)y to your /ody
GDA second pauseH
3o' continue repeatingF ;Energy. 5
am o"ay With you. or Without you;
GpauseHB ;Energy. Than" (ou for
contri/uting to my humanness;2 These
statements. or something simi)ar that
fee)s right for you. can conc)ude your
interaction 'ith this particu)ar energy2
,"ay. as a fina) step. expand your
a'areness so that it encompasses your
entire /ody 7 the o#era)) fee)ing in your
/ody2 This may /e the co))ection of a))
the indi#idua) fee)ings. or it may simp)y
/e a current)y dominant emotiona)
energy2 5t may /e quite strong. or #ery
su/t)e2 Whate#er it is. p)ease ta"e a
coup)e minutes to perform the )istening
process 'ith your o#era)) /ody
sensation2 ,/ser#e the co))ecti#e /ody
energy A! 5T 5!222 then descri/e it. and
then #er/a))y affirm your acceptance of
it2 Ta"e as much time as you6d )i"e here.
and 'e6)) continue 'hen e#eryone6s
G9 minute pauseH
,"ay. it )oo"s )i"e most e#eryone has
their eyes open no'. so )et6s continue2
This exercise has demonstrated the
princip)es of the first energy
management method2 But gi#en our time
constraints. and the fact that 'e6re doing
this as a group. 'e6#e on)y spent )imited
time 'ith one energy2 0uring a se)f7
paced session. you can spend as much
time 'ith an energy as you 'ish. mo#e
/et'een a)) the energies 'ithin your
/ody. or quic")y scan your /ody and
repeat the same process for each energy
that you detect2 5n actua) practice. you
don6t need to spend a)) that much time
'ith each and e#ery fee)ing2 Whi)e 'e
spent a )ot of time on a sing)e sensation
<ust no'. that6s /ecause 'e6re pausing to
exp)ain each step2 5n actua) practice. you
can spend as )itt)e as a minute 'ith each
energy /efore mo#ing on to another2
Find itB $reet itB !pend most your time
menta))y )istening. o/ser#ing. and
descri/ing itB Then pro<ect genuine and
comp)ete acceptanceB And then mo#e
on2 That may seem )i"e a )ot of steps to
remem/er at first. /ut 56)) put a guided
recording on)ine for you to refer to this
'ee" 'hi)e you6re getting started Iat
mc1method2orgJ2 ,nce you6re fami)iar
'ith the technique. you can 'or"
independent)y at your o'n pace. and
e#en create your o'n #ariations of the
technique2 For examp)e. you may choose
to mo#e from one area of your /ody to
another. or to 'or" first 'ith the most
uncomforta/)e energies2 5n my o'n
sessions. 5 tend to start 'ith areas 'here
5 notice the most dominant energies. /ut
that6s <ust a persona) preference2 The
technique doesn6t ha#e rigid ru)es. and
you6)) undou/ted)y find an approach that
'or"s /est for you2
Be a'are that you6)) often come across
energies that you6re not comforta/)e
p)acing your a'areness on at a)).
especia))y gi#en that some of you may
/e here /ecause you ha#e fee)ings )i"e
anxiety. fear. addiction. cra#ing. or other
sensations that you6#e spent years trying
to a#oid2 +o'e#er. T+E!E are the most
re'arding energies to spend time 'ith2
Learning ho' to accept and /e 'ith
these sensations is the "ey to your
freedom from them2 Most of us
unconscious)y do <ust a/out anything to
a#oid fee)ing discomfort 'ithin
ourse)#es2 We get in the ha/it of
ignoring or suppressing the sensations
'ithin /y engaging in a p)ethora of
externa) acti#ities that 'e thin" 'i))
ma"e us fee) /etter2 But it is tru)y /y
/ringing consciousness /ac" to your
inner energies that you regain po'er
o#er them2 0irect o/ser#ation ta"es se)f
discip)ine. and may initia))y /e #ery
uncomforta/)e. /ut your a/i)ity to
impro#e your emotiona) state 'i)) /e in
direct proportion to your a/i)ity to
extend your experience into the rea)m of
discomfort2 5n fact. the /est time to
engage in this particu)ar exercise is in
the period <ust /efore. during. or
immediate)y after an e#ent that has
caused ad#erse energies to arise2
This is especia))y true for any of you
current)y experiencing anxiety attac"s.
or panic disorder2 3ext time you fee) an
attac" coming on. and can safe)y do so.
try to immediate)y engage that )ast
exercise2 Face the anxiety head on /y
fee)ing it comp)ete)y. and not trying to
pre#ent it2 Eust )et it come2 Focus your
attention direct)y on it2 0on6t try to stop
it2 WA3T to fee) the energy2
WELC,ME it. and accept it2 $reet the
sensations. o/ser#e them. /e 'ith them.
and experience them comp)ete)y as their
pure energy2 Anxiety attac"s are
triggered 'hen trying to a#oid anxiety
sensations2 But since anxiety is a fear7
/ased fee)ing. fearing it. suppressing it.
or running from it on)y creates more of
it2 Then. 'hen the sensation amp)ifies.
so does your fear. 'hich in turn creates
more of the sensation2 These t'o forces
continue feeding each other and
esca)ating unti) something simi)ar to
comp)ete terror resu)ts2 And if you6#e
e#er suffered from panic attac"s. you
"no' ho' distur/ing this sensation can
/e 7 to /e fu)) of horror 'hen there6s no
#isua) danger present2 But no' that you
understand the phenomena. next time it
occurs try to direct)y confront and
o/ser#e those sensations 'ith comp)ete
acceptanceB E#en 'ith a desire to fee)
them2 (ou6)) quic")y pre#ent anxiety
from turning into panic2 The more
direct)y you6re a/)e to fee) the energies
'ithout a#oidance. and to e#en 'e)come
them. the sooner anxiety attac"s 'i))
/ecome a thing of your past2
,ne of you mentioned that you6re
trying to o#ercome fear of pu/)ic
spea"ing2 And actua))y. for <ust a/out
any pho/ia. try using this same
approach2 A )itt)e ner#ousness is
comp)ete)y norma) 'hen spea"ing in
front of a group 7 in fact. ner#ousness
can actua))y /e a good thing if you )earn
ho' to channe) it into an engaging
performance2 +o'e#er. trou/)e arises if
that energy /ecomes so o#er'he)ming
that it para)y4es you. as it does for many2
Because 'hen you /ecome preoccupied
'ith suppressing and a#oiding your fear
and ner#ousness. 'hat happensC 5t
$%,W!2 (our heart /egins /eating
faster. your face turns red. a )ump /ui)ds
in your throat. you might forget your
'ords. and 'hat started as genera)
ner#ousness /ecomes a hundred times
'orse2 0oes this sound fami)iarC 5n fact.
it6s quite simi)ar to the panic attac"
phenomena that 'e <ust discussed2 But
in this case. you at )east "no' 'hy
you6re terrified2
Perhaps your fear of spea"ing is not so
se#ereB ,r perhaps it6s 'orse2 But
anything that distracts your attention
significant)y is )imiting your persona)
effecti#eness2 5magine. on the other
hand. that no matter ho' much fear and
ner#ousness you had. you 'ere sti)) a/)e
to gi#e a good presentation2 That6s
entire)y possi/)e 'hen you app)y the
method you <ust )earned W+5LE
spea"ing2 3o' matter ho' much fear
and ner#ousness you fee). <ust )et it /e
there and don6t try to stop it2 Accept it
and fee) it2 And a)so don6t try to a#oid
the symptoms2 E#en if your heart fee)s
)i"e it6s pounding out of your chest. or
your )egs start sha"ing. <ust )et those
sensations /e there and fee) them2 3o
matter ho' /ad it is. the "ey is to face it2
The more effort you put into fee)ing this
episode fu))y. the )ess strength it 'i))
ha#e to effect you next time2
The funny thing is that once you6#e
done this a fe' times. and once you6#e
seen that you can gi#e a good
presentation despite fear. the intensity of
the sensations d'ind)es and your fear of
pu/)ic spea"ing disso)#es2 But e#en if
does stay 'ith you for a'hi)e. or if it
reappears. it6s a)right /ecause you "no'
that you can a)'ays hand)e it 'ith this
A)ong the same )ines. if you suffer
from socia) anxiety or un'anted
shyness. 'or" on /ecoming comforta/)e
'ith the ad#erse energies that you
associate 'ith socia) situations 7 'hether
it6s ner#ousness or a'"'ardness.
'hate#er you6#e /ecome accustomed to
a#oiding2 5ncreasing your to)erance for
those inner /ody sensations 'i)) /e your
foundation of socia) confidence2 Learn
to accept the fee)ings of ner#ousness and
socia) discomfort. and you6)) /e a/)e to
go through them2 Learn to appreciate the
a'"'ardness of your socia) interactions.
and soon they 'on6t fee) so a'"'ard2
Become comforta/)e 'ith fee)ings of
re<ection. and you6)) ha#e no trou/)e
approaching ne' peop)e or esta/)ishing
ne' re)ationships2
A)right. mo#ing on222 5f you6re trying
to quit smo"ing or any other addiction.
'or" on /ecoming comforta/)e 'ith the
fee)ings of 'ithdra'a) 7 that fee)ings of
'anting a cigarette 7 as 'e)) as any
fee)ings that trigger that urge2 For
examp)e. you might find yourse)f
'anting a cigarette 'hen you6re fee)ing
agitated. /ored. or angry2 Whene#er you
notice that cra#ing. e#en if you6re gonna
ha#e the cigarette. ta"e some time 7 at
)east DA seconds 7 to first turn in'ard)y
and o/ser#e. fee). and accept that /ody
energy inside you comp)ete)y222 that
cra#ing sensation. or the agitation. or the
/oredom 7 'hate#er6s there2 ,/ser#e it.
)isten to it. and accept it as energy 'hose
presence you can /e o"ay 'ith inside
your /ody2 0o this right no' if you6re
fee)ing the urge to smo"e2 Why 'aitC
Fee) the cra#ing fu))y2 ,/ser#e it.
/ecome comforta/)e 'ith it. e#en
appreciate it2 T+E3 ha#e the cigarette at
/rea" if you sti)) 'ish2 At )east you6))
ha#e increased your emotiona) to)erance
for the cra#ing a )itt)e. and it 'i)) /e that
much )ess o#er'he)ming next time2 0o
this frequent)y. and 'ith repeated
exposure to your accepting a'areness.
you6)) soon not ha#e to num/ the
sensation a'ay 'ith nicotine. a)coho). or
drugs2 That6s a)) you6re addiction is 7 an
attempt to a#oid fee)ings inside your
/ody2 When your need to a#oid those
energies is gone. the addiction itse)f 'i))
/e gone2 !o ta"e e#ery opportunity you
can to o/ser#e those sensations more
Li"e'ise. if your goa) is to )ose
'eight. start getting comforta/)e 'ith
the energies that dri#e you to o#ereat2 5f
you find yourse)f ha)f'ay through a
mea). fee)ing fu)) /ut 'ith the urge to eat
e#en more. first put some of your menta)
a'areness on the sensation of that
hunger fee)ing inside you2 $et to "no'
itB ,/ser#e itB Accept it2 ,r next time
you find yourse)f dri#ing ha)f'ay across
to'n for a !tar/uc"s. pu)) o#er to the
side of the road and ta"e some time to
o/ser#e that cra#ing inside you first2
(our a/i)ity to /ecome comforta/)e 'ith
cra#ing energies 'i)) /e your "ey to
'eight management2 5t 'i)) ena/)e you
to refrain from <un" food. eat sma))er
portions. and to stop o#ereating once
you6#e had enough2 ,f course. a)'ays
use good <udgment. respect your
nutritiona) requirements. and reduce
food inta"e gradua))y for safe 'eight
reduction2 (ou might /egin practicing
'ith cra#ings you encounter for non7
nutritiona) <un" foods. refined foods and
sugary drin"s2 Then. if necessary. mo#e
on to ad<usting your inta"e during
regu)ar mea)s2 0on6t 'orry if you don6t
a)'ays succeed2 Any effort at a)) to first
interact 'ith your energies. e#en if for
<ust a fe' seconds. 'i)) ma"e the next
effort that much easier2 5f done
regu)ar)y. you6)) soon find your eating
ha/its. and your /ody. comp)ete)y
(ou can app)y this same approach to
ha/its. o/sessions. and compu)sions2
Whether nai) /iting. compu)si#e )ying.
or excessi#e hand 'ashing. a good first
step to o#ercoming these aff)ictions is to
/ecome comforta/)e 'ith the sensations
that arise 'hen you refrain2 3ext time
you6re a/out to /ite a nai). or a/out to
'ash your hands for the third time. ho)d
/ac". sit do'n. and <ust /e 'ith the
sensations that are there2 Whether it6s a
'anting. or a ner#ousness. or some other
energy222 o/ser#e it. fee) it. and accept it
in the manner that 'e discussed2 The
more often you do this. the sooner those
energies 'i)) )ose their po'er o#er you2
5f you ha#e trou/)e 'ith compu)si#e
)ying. thin" a/out the )ast time you to)d
a persona) )ie 7 meaning a )ie to a friend
or a )o#ed one2 What 'as your
moti#ationC Most )i"e)y. on some )e#e).
that )ie 'as a resu)t of your desire to
a#oid some sort of emotiona) discomfort
that te))ing the truth 'ou)d ha#e resu)ted
in2 Peop)e 'ho fear interna) sensations
)i"e <udgment. em/arrassment or
disappro#a). are more )i"e)y to act
dishonest. reser#ed. and secreti#e in
order to protect themse)#es from those
fee)ings2 But it comes at the expense of
strong re)ationships and persona)
integrity2 !o if you6re in the ha/it of
te))ing )ies. next time you catch yourse)f.
ta"e a moment to fee) the sensations that
you6re trying to a#oid2 Thin" a/out the
"ind of person you 'ant to /e. 'ho it is
that you6re ta)"ing to. and 'hat your
priorities are for that re)ationship2 (ou6))
then /e in the /est position to ma"e your
decision2 5f you choose to te)) the truth
this time. fee) the sensations that come
'hi)e doing so. and it 'i)) /e that much
easier next time2
A fe' more issues that 5 'on6t co#er
right no' 7 inc)uding hypochondria.
/erea#ement and )oss. 'e6)) discuss )ater2
5f those are topics that current)y app)y to
you. /e sure to as" me )ater if 5 forget2
3o'. 'e6#e /een discussing the
concept of /ody energy a'areness as
app)ied to some #ery specific issues. )i"e
anxiety. addiction. cra#ing 7 and 56#e
gi#en a fe' simp)ified examp)es2 56)) /e
discussing some more. /ut there are
rea))y count)ess 'ays in 'hich
a#oidance of interna) energies )eads
peop)e to se)f defeating actions and
inaction2 !ome are o/#ious. )i"e anxiety
and addiction. /ut there are others that
are more su/t)e. possi/)y stemming from
energies that you6re on)y #ague)y a'are
of2 And it6s for this reason that 5
encourage you to practice the exercise
you <ust )earned 'ith a)) the energies in
your /ody2 This 'ay you don6t need to
ana)y4e or guess 'hich energies are
more important2 (ou can instead <ust /e
'ith e#erything that6s there2
Each time you extend yourse)f into
direct)y o/ser#ing pre#ious)y a#oided
sensations. the /enefits of your efforts
'i)) gro'. and inner ad#ersity 'i))
d'ind)e2 (ou6)) /e ama4ed at the se)f
empo'erment you create /y expanding
your to)erance further and further each
day2 5t6s simi)ar to exercising222 running a
hundred feet might 'ipe you out 'hen
first starting on a fitness program2 But as
you continue extending your )imits )itt)e
/y )itt)e on a dai)y /asis. you soon find
yourse)f running further and further.
reaping the /enefits more and more2
56d no' )i"e to introduce a #ariation of
the energy a'areness technique that
precise)y targets particu)ar /ody
energies2 Before 'e get started. p)ease
ta"e a moment to thin" of a situation that
inspires an inner energy that you find
uncomforta/)e2 For examp)e. if you6re
dea)ing 'ith anxiety. then this might /e
some e#ent that you fear happening. or
some situation that you frequent)y a#oid2
Perhaps there are p)aces. socia) settings.
or acti#ities that you associate 'ith
panic attac"s2 5f you6re trying to
o#ercome fear of pu/)ic spea"ing. fear
of f)ying. or some other pho/ia. then
your situation might /e standing in front
of a group gi#ing a speech. or sitting on
an airp)ane as it6s ta"ing off2 5f you6re
trying to 'or" through un'anted
shyness. you might thin" of a recent
socia) situation 'here you fe)t ner#ous
or a'"'ard. or imagine yourse)f
approaching a ne' person2 5f you6re
trying to o#ercome an addiction. your
situation might /e spending time 'ith
drin"ing /uddies. /eing offered a
cigarette. or experiencing some sort of
emotion that triggers your desire to
smo"e. drin". or do drugs2 5f your goa) is
'eight management. you might imagine
yourse)f at a restaurant. choosing
/et'een a hea#y or )ight mea). or
passing a store 'here you often /uy <un"
food2 5f you ha#e a pro/)em 'ith anger
or rage. then thin" of a situation that gets
you agitated2 ,r if you6re trying to 'or"
through grief. )oss. or a re)ated emotion.
you might simp)y reca)) something a/out
'hat it is. or 'ho it is. that you6re )osing
7 and then thin" a/out not /eing a/)e to
ho)d on2
For those of you 'ho aren6t current)y
'or"ing through a particu)ar emotiona)
issue. 56d )i"e you to choose instead a
past e#ent from your )ife that sti)) causes
you to react 'ith some sort of ad#erse
emotion 'hen you thin" a/out it 7
perhaps gui)t. anger. anxiety. sadness222
anything uncomforta/)e2
And fina) examp)e. you6re using this
program as a means to attract 'ea)th.
)o#e. or any form of increased
a/undance. 'hich 'e6)) get to. then the
e#ent that you might use cou)d /e one
that inspires an opposite sensation for
you 7 perhaps a thought or image of
yourse)f that /rings fee)ings of po#erty.
)one)iness. )ac". or fear of that un'anted
A)right. if you need some time to
come up 'ith a situation. ta"e a minute
no' to thin" a/out it. and raise your
hand 'hen you6re ready2 Eust a/out any
e#ent or thought that pro#o"es a
some'hat high )e#e) of emotiona)
discomfort 'i)) 'or" for this exercise2
GDA second pause unti) most peop)e had
raised their handsH
,"ay. 'e6re no' going to )earn ho' to
use our energy a'areness s"i))s to
reduce the emotiona) o#er'he)m of that
particu)ar situation. thought. or past
e#ent that you ha#e in mind2 ,nce you6re
fami)iar 'ith this approach. you can use
it to drastica))y decrease the intensity of
A3( painfu) or uncomforta/)e energy2
Many psycho)ogists might get a simi)ar
resu)t using therapeutic dia)og222 /ut
'hi)e such hand ho)ding can /e
/eneficia). especia))y for deep)y
traumatic or suppressed memories. the
psycho)ogist is sti)) re)ying a)most
comp)ete)y on the patient6s a/i)ity to
reso)#e his or her o'n emotiona)
conf)icts2 There may /e certain issues
that you find too difficu)t to ref)ect on
a)one. and you shou)d /y a)) means see"
professiona) he)p or a support group if
you thin" that 'ou)d /e he)pfu)2
+o'e#er. in most cases you can pro#ide
yourse)f 'ith that same supporti#e and
hea)ing inner en#ironment2 !o 56d no'
)i"e to )ead you through the exercise that
'i)) sho' you ho' to do that2 For this
exercise. you shou)d once again <ust /e
comforta/)y seated2 And 'hen
practicing on your o'n this 'ee".
remem/erF not 'hi)e dri#ing or
operating machinery of any "ind2
G@9 second pauseH
C)ose your eyes no' and re)ax2 0irect
your a'areness in'ard)y. and <ust fee)
the sensations of your /ody2 Ta"e a fe'
moments to re)ax into the fee)ings of
your /eing. and )et any thoughts <ust
f)oat a'ay2
G1A second pauseH
5magine yourse)f no'. in your minds
eye. in the situation that causes
emotiona) ad#ersity for you2 5f your
un'anted fee)ing is triggered /y a
thought or a memory. /ring that into
your a'areness and fu))y immerse
yourse)f in it2 5f it6s a recurring situation
that inspires the fee)ing. a past e#ent that
sti)) trou/)es you. or an upcoming one
that you6re 'orried a/out. see yourse)f in
that situation as if it6s current)y
happening2 0on6t <ust #isua)i4e it no'.
/ut menta))y pro<ect yourse)f into that
situation. as if you6re in it in this
moment222 not <ust in your mind6s eye.
/ut as if it6s rea))y happening in front of
and a)) around you2 (ou can "eep your
eyes c)osed or open 7 'hate#er you find
/etter for ma"ing the experience fee)
G@A second pauseH
As you do this. you6)) quic")y notice an
emotiona) reaction arise some'here in
your /ody222 a ne' sensation that 'asn6t
there /efore2 5mmediate)y transfer your
a'areness to that energy 7 <ust )et it
come. )et it /e there 'ithout trying to
stop it2 0on6t react to the energyB don6t
try to e#a)uate or ana)y4e it. and a/o#e
a)) do not try to suppress it2 Eust /e 'ith
the energy 'ith a)) your o/ser#ing
a'areness2 0on6t 'orry a/out 'hat the
sensation is. or 'hat it re)ates to. /ut
instead direct)y experience the pure
/ody energy A! 5T 5!. 'hate#er it isB
Let it /e thereB ,/ser#e it2
We6)) no' go through the same
process that 'e performed in the first
exercise. instead app)ying it to this
interna))y generated fee)ing2 !o first.
greet the energy /y saying something
)i"e ;+e))o energy; GpauseH2 3o'. "eep
your accepting a'areness on the energy
you6re spending time 'ith 7 )istening to
it. 'ithout ana)ysis. 'ithout e#a)uation.
and 'ithout <udgment of the energy2 0o
this for a minute no'2
G@ minute pauseH
5f you start to )ose focus. say
something to the energy. )i"e ;5 am 'ith
you2 5 'ant to "no' you2; 5f you )ose
trac" of the energy. re7imagine the
situation. and then transfer a'areness
/ac" to the fee)ing 'hen it comes2
Continue )istening for another minute or
so 'ith this in mind2
G@ minute pauseH
3o'. start descri/ing the energy6s
physica) characteristics2 &eep your
in'ard a'areness on the sensation. and
ref)ect your o/ser#ations to it 7 either out
)oud or in your mind using 'ords2
;Energy. you are222;B ;!ensation. you
are222;B ;Fee)ing. you are222; 0o this
G1 minute pauseH
When distracting thoughts arise. <ust
)et them go. and re7greet the energy2 Te))
the energy that there6s nothing more
important to you right no' than getting
to "no' and /e comforta/)e 'ith it2
Continue )istening and ref)ecting for a
minute or t'o2
G1 minute pauseH
As 'ith the pre#ious exercise. most of
your time shou)d /e spent on this step2
!ince 'e6re doing this as a group
demonstration. 'e6)) mo#e on at this
!o next. )et the energy "no' that you
accept and appreciate it6s presence /y
repeating the fo))o'ing phrases to itF
;Energy. you are o"ay to /e 'here you
are; GpauseHB ;Energy. 5 accept and
appreciate your presence 'ithin me;
3o'. 'ithout needing a reason 'hy.
try to generate a fee)ing of true
acceptance and appreciation for the
energy2 Whether this energy in#o)#es
fear or pho/ia. socia) discomfort.
addiction. cra#ing. )oss. or any other
fee)ing. pro<ect a sense of appreciation
to it 7 no matter 'hat it is2 0o this no'2
GDA second pauseH
3ext. 'hi)e continuing to "eep your
a'areness on the sensation. and 'hi)e
pro<ecting sincere acceptance and
appreciation. repeat the fo))o'ing
phrases to your energyF ;Energy. 5 )et
you /e as you are; GpauseHB ;Energy. 5
do not see" to a#oid or suppress you;
GpauseHB ;Energy. than" you for
contri/uting to my humanness; GpauseHB
;Energy. than" you for this fee)ing of
)ife; GpauseHB ;Energy. than" you for
/eing part of my se)f a'areness and
inner po'er; GpauseHB ;Energy. than"
you for the message you are trying to
gi#e me; GpauseHB ;Energy. 5 can hand)e
you2 5 can no' /e 'ith or 'ithout
,"ay. <ust )isten2 As mentioned ear)ier.
you can mo#e /et'een these steps as
you see fit2 !tay 'ith the energy unti)
you fee) that you6re a/)e to to)erate and
e#en /e comforta/)e 'ith it6s presence2
,nce again. the most important
component of achie#ing this o/<ecti#e is
the practice of non7e#a)uationa) )istening
and focused o/ser#ation of the energy2
5f you )ose trac" of the fee)ing you
started 'ith. you may 'ant to go /ac"
and re7#isua)i4e the situation. so that the
energy is re7focused 'ithin you2 (ou6))
pro/a/)y notice that each time you start
o#er. the origina) energy6s tendency to
emotiona))y o#er'he)m you /ecomes
'ea"er and 'ea"er2 E#entua))y. 'hen
practicing this method regu)ar)y. you6))
ha#e a hard time e#en finding the
ad#erse energies that once affected you2
Many anti7anxiety. anti7addiction. and
anti7pho/ia programs and experts
suggest doing exercises in#o)#ing
re)axation. perhaps using musc)e
contraction or peacefu) #isua)i4ations2
But re)axation is not the goa) of this
exercise that 'e6re doing2 To the
contrary. 'e6re actua))y #isua)i4ing a
feared or undesira/)e situation for
purposes of fu))y experiencing the
discomfort2 5ronica))y. re)axation is
usua))y the end resu)t2 And in my
opinion. there6s nothing more re)axing or
more empo'ering than "no'ing that
you6re a/)e to hand)e and /e o"ay 'ith
any /ody energy. or any fee)ing that e#er
comes a)ong2 *)timate)y you6)) fee) in
contro) of yourse)f e#en if the un'anted
energies do resurface. /ecause you6#e
conscious)y affirmed your a/i)ity to
hand)e their presence2 And "no'ing that
you6re a/)e to hand)e any inner sensation
frees you from the fear of any externa)
condition that might inspire it2 !o )et
your o/<ecti#e /e to direct)y fee) and get
comforta/)e 'ith your /ody sensations2
When those trigger situations do come
a)ong 7 the feared speech. the agoni4ing
memory. the smo"ing/drin"ing or
o#ereating opportunity 7 the energies
you encounter 'i)) /ecome easier and
easier to hand)e2
This exercise is a)so great for 'or"ing
through emotiona))y painfu) experiences
from your past2 (ou may not 'ant to
'or" on extreme)y traumatic memories
/y yourse)f 7 /ut use your /est <udgment2
%emem/er that you6re not trying to
e)iminate or change the past2 And you
don6t ha#e to accept the past. on)y the
fee)ings that you6re sti)) carrying 'ith
you2 A#oidance of past fee)ings is 'hat
"eeps them 'ith us. and causes pain to
)inger and accumu)ate2 The 'ay to
)i/erate yourse)f is to go into and
through those fee)ings2
5f you6d )i"e to do any more 'or" 'ith
this exercise no'. 'e6re going to ta"e a
1A minute /rea"2 ,ther'ise. if you
ha#en6t a)ready done so. go ahead and
open your eyes2 !tretch your arms and
)egs. and ta"e a fe' moments to read<ust
to your en#ironment2 Fee) free to use the
/athroom or gra/ some 'ater. and 'e6))
start up again in 1A minutes2
G1A minute pauseH
5f it 'as anxiety. addiction. or some
sort of fear or pho/ia that )ed you here.
your dai)y )ife is )i"e)y ridd)ed 'ith
situations. or potentia) situations. that
create uncomforta/)e energies for you2
Consider the extreme examp)e of an
agorapho/ic person 'ho can6t e#en )ea#e
their home. go to schoo) or 'or".
/ecause of a)) the situations that may
trigger un/eara/)e anxiety for them2 5f
this is you to any degree. you6)) find
these first t'o exercises that 'e6#e
co#ered to /e extreme)y #a)ua/)e too)s
for "eeping your emotiona) /a)ance as
you face the f)o' of acti#ities during
your day2
5f your goa) is to 'or" through a
particu)ar fear. addiction. cra#ing. or
other energy. my suggestion is to
initia))y use these first t'o exercises as
frequent)y as possi/)e. especia))y /efore.
during and after any e#ents that inspire
those energies2 For examp)e. suppose
your o/<ecti#e is to o#ercome fear of
pu/)ic spea"ing. or you6re afraid to
approach someone that you6re attracted
to. or you6re afraid of as"ing for a raise
at 'or"2 And suppose that you "no'
you6)) /e gi#ing that presentation. or
ma"ing that approach. in the near future2
!tart preparing in ad#ance /y
performing the second exercise.
app)ying it to the upcoming e#ent2
Menta))y pro<ect yourse)f into the future
situation. and <ust /e 'ith the energies
that arise2 Then. as the time for action or
spea"ing approaches. e#en minutes
/efore. continue acti#e)y )istening to
your energies as you get ready2 ,/ser#e
and )et them /e there. e#en if they
intensity. and no matter ho' much they
intensify 7 continue /eing o"ay 'ith
them2 Fina))y. e#en 'hi)e spea"ing. "eep
some accepting menta) a'areness on the
anxiety and fear energies 'e))ing up
inside you2 5nstead of suppressing those
energies 'hi)e spea"ing. <ust )et a)) those
reactions f)o' into and through you2 3o
matter ho' much you6re /)ushing or
sha"ing. no matter ho' hard your heart
is pounding. or ho' intense that
ner#ousness /ecomes. if you can <ust )et
it /e there. you6)) /e a/)e to go through
it2 What 'ou)d usua))y ha#e /ecome
/ott)ed up energy o#er)oad 'i)) /e a
comp)ete)y managea/)e reaction2
This stuff rea))y 'or"s2 And the /est
part is. once you "no' that you can
hand)e and go through any fee)ing that
arises 7 that you can "eep performing or
ta"ing action e#en 'hen things go
'rong. no matter ho' much heart
pounding ner#ousness you fee) 7 you6))
stop fue)ing the fear. and the intensity of
the ner#ousness 'i)) decrease2 As you
/ecome more confident in your a/i)ity to
hand)e the sensations of spea"ing or
approaching ne' peop)e. the fear
causing those sensations 'i)) disso)#e. as
'i)) the fear of spea"ing itse)f2 An
attitude of inner energy acceptance
ma"es mo#ing through fears and
pho/ias a 'or)d easier2 Trust in your
capacity to hand)e e#en the 'orst case
emotiona) scenario. and your fear 'i))
soon /ecome a thing of the past2
The examp)e of pu/)ic spea"ing might
/e extreme. /ut e#en a moderate)y shy
person cou)d experience a simi)ar
reaction during socia) encounters 7 and
the same approach can /e app)ied2
5nitia))y it might seem difficu)t to
concentrate a'areness in'ard)y. 'hen
in#o)#ed in an acti#ity )i"e spea"ing or
socia)i4ing. /ut you6)) find that. 'ith
practice. maintaining some inner
a'areness 'hi)e engaged in an externa)
acti#ity is possi/)e. and #ery /eneficia)2
,/#ious)y you 'on6t /e a/)e to ha#e the
fu)) f)edged inner dia)og 'ith your
fee)ings. /ut <ust "eep a portion of your
a'areness on your /ody6s sensations.
and accept their presence2 An accepting
a'areness is a "ey to managing such
emotiona))y difficu)t situations2
The same is true of addictions and
cra#ings2 A smo"er might get fifty. a
hundred or more cra#ings and urges per
day 'hi)e quitting2 5f trying to o#ercome
the ha/it through pure 'i))po'er 7 'hich
for more peop)e means a#oiding.
stuffing. or suppressing their cra#ings
and urges 7 menta) focus remains on
those energies. 'hich causes them to
accumu)ate and gro'2 Try approaching
your addiction in the same manner 'e
approached fear of spea"ing 7 using a
/efore. during. and after approach2
!tri#e for the capacity to fee) a)) your
/ody energies a)) the time. and soon you
'on6t need to suppress them 'ith
nicotine. a)coho). or drugs2
A%d k%o, that the "e%ef$ts of ,hat lear%$%& &o far "eyo%d the
sa*)le $ssues ,e.#e d$s(ussed+ For
instance. thin" of ho' much suffering
occurs. ho' much anger turns into rage.
and rage turns into #io)ence. /ecause of
a simp)e ina/i)ity to to)erate our o'n
emotions2 Counterproducti#e and hurtfu)
'ords. e#en #io)ent actions. are often
<ust an out'ard attempt to suppress 'hat
'e fee) on the inside2 Life is fu)) of
e#ents that ma"e us fee) one 'ay or
another2 Learning to manage our /ody
energies. and /eing a/)e to remain in
conscious contro) of our actions at a))
times. is the foundation of emotiona)
responsi/i)ity2 And it6s a)so an ama4ing
step for'ard into /ecoming the person
of your fu)) potentia) 7 /ecause the
greater the depth and range of emotions
that you6re a/)e to to)erate and /e
comforta/)e 'ith. the more fu))y you can
experience )ife2 Thin" of ho' many
peop)e ha#e stagnated into du)) )i#es. not
made a career change. or not fo))o'ed a
dream 7 'hate#er it may ha#e /een 7
simp)y /ecause of a feared possi/)e
outcome2 That feared outcome 'as most
)i"e)y <ust fear of a potentia) emotion 7
some ;'hat if; scenario and its imagined
,n another )e#e). thin" of ho'
common it is for peop)e to a#oid ne'
re)ationships. or to not /e open to )o#e.
/ecause they6re afraid of re7experiencing
fee)ings of )oss. /etraya). or other
sensations that they encountered in the
past2 Trying to a#oid such energies. or
insu)ating onese)f from recurrence of a
fee)ing. ma"es it un)i"e)y that a person
'i)) ris" )o#ing again. as he or she
associates un/eara/)e pain 'ith doing
so2 But )o#e is on)y possi/)e 'ith a
'i))ingness to experience a)) the fee)ings
that ma"e it possi/)e2 5f you 'ant to /e a
)o#er. you must not /e stopped /y the
possi/i)ity of )oss. /etraya). hurt. or
other fee)ings that cou)d resu)t2
A)ong the same )ines. if you 'ant to /e
'ea)thy. or to ha#e it ;a)); in any area of
your )ife. you must /e a/)e to hand)e a))
the sensations that ha#ing it a)) requires.
as 'e)) as a)) the sensations that )osing it
a)) requires2 Because e#erything that 'e
gain in this 'or)d 7 in this physica)
dimension 7 'e Wi)) someday )ose2 At
)east from our current perspecti#e222
e#ery possession. e#ery re)ationship.
e#ery thing 'e cherish. 'e 'i)) )ose2
And ho' p)easant is gaining those things
if ha#ing them <ust fi))s us 'ith anxiety
a/out )osing them2 (our capacity to )i#e
fu))y. and to )o#e deep)y. 'i)) /e in )arge
part defined /y the depth to 'hich you6re
a/)e to )ose deep)y2 !uch contrast is
simp)y the nature of our physica) 'or)d2
5t may not ma"e sense right no'. /ut
you might miss out on a )ot if you don6t
em/race the fact2
!adness. )oss. anger. em/arrassment.
)one)iness. and a)) the other seeming)y
negati#e emotions 7 no one usua))y
'ants to experience these things. /ut
they6re sensations that ma"e us human.
and ones through 'hich 'e gro' and
change2 The degree to 'hich 'e6#e
insu)ated ourse)#es from fee)ings that
'e6#e gro'n to fear. grasping for
comfort and security. is a measure of the
degree to 'hich 'e6re )imiting our )i#es
and persona) potentia)2 !o regard)ess of
'hat situations or sensations come
a)ong. ta"e the opportunity to gro' from
them2 Be 'ith those fee)ings 7 o/ser#e
their energy 'ith acceptance rather than
a#oidance 7 and go through them2
The cyc)es of happiness and sadness.
comfort and suffering. )o#e and
)one)iness. 'i)) come and go2 True and
permanent <oy is found in /eing a/)e to
fee) each moment. and accepting
yourse)f in it2 That6s 'hy <ust )earning to
to)erate and fee) your current energies
can in itse)f /ring an emotiona)
)i/eration2 After you6#e /een using these
first exercises for <ust a fe' days. you6))
pro/a/)y a)ready notice a change in ho'
you fee)2 What you6re fee)ing is L5FE
E3E%$(2 5n your o)d consciousness of
fear and a#oidance. )ife energies 'ere
/eing /)oc"ed. or at )east not f)o'ing
free)y2 What you6re doing no' is
re#ersing that 7 getting /ac" into
congruence 'ith your )ife force2 And
this energy fee)s good2 5t adds a sort of
magica) fee)ing to )i#ing2 5t a))o's you
to see /eauty in more p)aces. and in
more experiences2 With it. co)ors may
seems more #i/rant. sme))s and tastes
ha#e more depth. a)) your senses come
a)i#e again2 But don6t get preoccupied
'ith )oo"ing for these things2 !uch
p)easant sensations are not the goa) of
the process. simp)y a /yproduct of it2
When you do notice them. you6))
remem/er these 'ords2 What you6re
seeing is a c)ear indication that
something a/out 'hat you6re doing is
right 7 that you6re getting /ac" into
a)ignment 'ith 'ho you are. and that the
f)o' of )ife force is increasing2
3ext 'ee" 'e6)) )earn ho' to further
transform /ody energies. and uti)i4e
those energies in achie#ing externa)
o/<ecti#es2 But if 'e try to do that
'ithout first /ecoming comforta/)e 'ith
our current energies. it6s too )i"e)y that
the tendency to use the upcoming
process as a too) of suppression 'i))
render it ineffecti#e2 !o /efore coming
/ac" next 'ee". p)ease spend some time
practicing these first t'o exercises that
you6#e )earned2 ,nce you6#e /ecome
fami)iar 'ith the menta) process. try
app)ying it to some rea) )ife situations2
The deep rea)i4ation that you can tru)y
hand)e any interna) sensation 'i)) come
/y pro#ing to yourse)f that you can /e
o"ay in the presence of the externa)
condition that you once associated 'ith
it2 !o don6t /other comp)ete)y
e)iminating your interna) sensations
/efore confronting their externa) cause2
%ea) inner strength and confidence can
/e found in doing the things that you
don6t yet ha#e the confidence to do 7 in
ta"ing action. despite fear and inner
discomfort2 +o'e#er. do ma"e a specia)
point of app)ying 'hat you6#e )earned 7
o/ser#ing and accepting the /ody
sensations that arise W+5LE confronting
those externa) fears2 This 'ay you6))
extract the greatest /enefit from those
experiences2 *se any situations that
come a)ong as practice opportunities2
(ou might e#en intentiona))y put
yourse)f into situations that cause your
anxiety. fear. cra#ing. or other energies
to arise2 Eust practice )istening to. and
/eing 'ith the sensations2
For examp)e. if your difficu)ty is 'ith
pu/)ic spea"ing. )i"e 'e discussed
ear)ier. try to put yourse)f in a spea"ing
situation this 'ee". e#en a sma)) one 7
and use that as an opportunity to practice
menta))y accepting your sensations2 !ee
each cha))enge as one 'ith yourse)f 7
you6re not <ust gi#ing a speech. you6re
confronting your fear of spea"ing2 (our
focus isn6t on)y on the speech. it6s on
/eing o"ay 'ith the fee)ings during the
speech2 This 'ay. regard)ess of ho' it
goes. you6re successfu) /ecause you got
up and fe)t those sensations2 (ou6#e
pro#ed to yourse)f that you can hand)e
them. and you6)) ha#e that much )ess fear
of them next time2 5f your goa) is to
o#ercome socia) anxiety. 'hene#er you
notice yourse)f trying to a#oid some
person. interaction. or socia) situation
this 'ee". use that as an opportunity to
practice /eing o"ay 'ith those
sensations2 Learn to in#ite and e#en )o#e
that fee)ing of ner#ousness and
a'"'ardness that arises2 Fu))y o/ser#e it
and )et it /e that 'ay2 ,nce you6#e
pro#ed to yourse)f that you can hand)e
any fee)ing. there6s nothing )eft to fear.
and socia) anxiety disso)#es2
5f any of you ha#e /een ha#ing anxiety
attac"s. once you6#e made some progress
'ith the exercises. go to a p)ace that
reminds you of an anxious episode and
/e 'ith the fee)ings that arise from
memory2 ,r if you6re trying to quit
smo"ing and find yourse)f 'ith friends
'ho are smo"ing. try using that as a
practice opportunity2 Be proud of any
progress or effort you ma"e in /ecoming
more to)erant of your 'ithdra'a)
3o'. <ust in case you6re thin"ing that
'hat 'e6re doing is simi)ar to fee)ing an
emotion )i"e you norma))y do. 56d )i"e to
stress that there6s a huge difference
/et'een <ust 'a)"ing around 'ith an
un'anted fee)ing. and actua))y ta"ing
the time to fu))y )isten to the under)ying
energy direct)y and 'anting to fee) it2
5f you6re suffering from anxiety.
addiction. or any other inner ad#ersity.
the manner in 'hich you6#e /een
hand)ing the associated fee)ing is a)most
definite)y one of a#oidance2 This means
that 'hen there6s a situation or thought
prompting fear. anxiety or cra#ing
'ithin you. you may try to a#oid the
situation. or you may try to suppress the
emotiona) reaction2 But it6s the third
'ay. /y conscious)y ta"ing time to
comp)ete)y fee) the uncomforta/)e
energy. that you /oost your to)erance
)e#e) 7 not on)y for that fee)ing. /ut a)so
for the situations that cause it to arise2
Whe% a"le to ha%dle a%y
se%sat$o% $% your $%%er ,orld' you.ll
"e a"le to ha%dle a%yth$%& $% your
outer ,orld+ And once you6#e )earned
ho' to manage your current energies.
you6)) /e in the /est position to further
channe) them into higher forms. 'ithout
fear /eing your moti#ation 7 'hich
'ou)d interfere 'ith the process2 !o 56d
)i"e to stress the importance of
practicing 'hat you6#e )earned today
/efore returning next 'ee"2 There are so
many /enefits to /e gained from these
exercises a)one. that for many peop)e 5
thin" this first segment is 'ay more
important than the second2 !o un)ess you
rea))y fee) that you6#e got your energies
'e)) managed. p)ease spend this 'ee" 7
may/e a session or t'o each day 7
o/ser#ing. interacting 'ith. and
accepting your current energies2 The
concept /ehind 'hat 'e6#e co#ered so
far may not seem #ery exciting. /ut
you6)) see that the resu)ts rea))y are2 !o 5
'ish you 'e)) 'ith your experimenting.
and 56)) see you here again next 'ee"2 5f
you ha#e any questions. fee) free to stic"
Please find the Q&A and spple!ental
readings for Part 1 in "Rich #!$
%orney to &appiness" at
Part 2 contines on the ne)t page(
art 2
We)come /ac" e#eryone2 !o hopefu))y
you6#e had a chance to use the exercises
from )ast 'ee" to /egin reconnecting
'ith your /ody energies2 What you6#e
/een doing is mo#ing from a fear7/ased
a#oidance of inner energy. to direct
interaction 'ith it2 This quic")y reduces
accumu)ations of suppressed energies.
and frees you from their po'er o#er you2
A)though it 'ou)d /e difficu)t. e#en if
you 'ere to attain more desira/)e
conditions in your )ife 'ithout first
o#ercoming /ody energy a#oidance. it
'ou)d /e un)i"e)y that you6d experience
any )asting fu)fi))ment 'hi)e continuing
to fear the un'anted energies2 There
'ou)d /e a constant 'orry a/out )osing
any impro#ed conditions that you6d
attained2 For examp)e. in a fearfu)
interna) en#ironment. )o#e easi)y
reduces to <ea)ousy or c)inginess.
financia) freedom easi)y /ecomes
stinginess or greed. and so on2 The 'ay
to )i/erate yourse)f from those
tendencies is to )earn that you can
hand)e any /ody sensations that come
a)ong. and need fear none2 And this is
exact)y 'hat you6#e /een 'or"ing on2 5n
o#ercoming the tendency to a#oid )o'er
energy states. you6#e increased your
capacity to experience higher ones2
!o 'ith that hurd)e /ehind us. 'e6re
no' going to )earn ho' to further
transform /ody energies. and ho' to
channe) them in a manner consistent
'ith your desires2 We6)) ca)) this process
transmutation. in reference to the
con#ersion of energy from one form to
another2 A)) fee)ings and emotions. from
ecstatic <oy. to hope)ess depression. are
actua))y the same energy. /ut 'e shift
our /ody energies to higher or )o'er
)e#e)s through the transformationa)
capacity of our mind and 'i))2 We6re
actua))y doing this a)) the time. 'hether
'e6re a'are of it or not2 When done
passi#e)y. 'e typica))y transmute inner
energies as reactions to externa) e#ents.
thoughts. or ideas2 And these are a))
simi)ar. as any externa) e#ent is first
captured /y our senses and con#erted to
a thought2 Then. 'hether pure)y
imagined or inspired /y externa) e#ents.
the thought is then fi)tered through our
perception. 'here 'e passi#e)y decide
'hat meaning it has for us 7 and a /ody
energy corresponding to that perception
is then generated2 A positi#e fee)ing is
produced if 'e percei#e the thought or
e#ent as ha#ing a positi#e impact. and a
negati#e fee)ing is produced if 'e
percei#e a negati#e one2
From this perspecti#e. the )ogica)
approach to quote ;happiness;. ;<oy;. or
;fee)ing /etter; 'ou)d /e to continua))y
attain conditions 'e desire. so as to
attain the positi#e fee)ings 'e associate
'ith them2 And that6s the approach 'e
are accustomed to ta"ing2 We assume
that once 'e reach some condition. get
enough money. ha#e enough )o#e. then
'e6)) /e happy2 !o 'e 'or" to'ard those
things. and if a)) goes right. 'e reach our
o/<ecti#e2 *nfortunate)y. using this
approach. things often don6t go 'e)). and
more important)y. the conditions often
don6t )i#e up to our expectations 7 the
fee)ing 'e hoped for isn6t there. or it
doesn6t )ast2
See$%& e/ter%al (o%d$t$o%s as
re0u$re*e%ts for feel$%& &ood kee)s
us feel$%& "ad u%t$l the%+ And it a)most
a)'ays resu)ts in perceptions of 'orry
and fear a/out attaining those
conditions2 Then 'e6re right /ac" to the
o)d mindset of energy a#oidance 7
focused on 'hat 'e fear and don6t 'ant2
Furthermore. e#en if 'e do manage to
find our 'ay to that desired condition.
yet another pitfa)) is encountered. in that
attainment of the #ision does not a)'ays
/ring the )asting fee)ing that 'e had
associated 'ith it2 That6s 'hy the 'or)d
is fu)) of 'ea)thy. married. successfu)
peop)e 'ho are comp)ete)y misera/)e2
3ot a)) of them of course. /ut attainment
of the externa) #ision or desire is
certain)y no guarantee of the associated
interna) fee)ing that 'e assumed it
'ou)d /ring2
!o as you can see. there are some
'ea"nesses in re)ying on externa)
conditions as foundations for our
fee)ings2 5t may 'or" sometimes. /ut for
today at )east. 5 'ou)d )i"e you to
consider the possi/i)ity that the opposite
cause7effect re)ationship might /e true222
that fee)ings can ha#e a creati#e impact
in the opposite direction 7 first o#er the
thoughts 'e produce and imagine. then
o#er our perception and the 'ay 'e see
the 'or)d. and then fina))y e#en o#er the
'ay externa) e#ents unfo)d2 5f this 'ere
the case. then instead of )oo"ing at the
'or)d and reacting 'ith fee)ings. 'e
'ou)d instead generate the fee)ings 'e
desired. and the 'or)d 'ou)d fa)) into
a)ignment2 Conscious transmutation
'ou)d /ecome the "ey not on)y to
emotiona) freedom. /ut the "ey to
attaining any condition that 'e e#er
3o'. /efore you dismiss this as a
cra4y ne' age idea. consider that
'hether it6s true or not. approaching
your )ife 'ith this perspecti#e is going to
ha#e a tremendous)y positi#e impact for
you either 'ay2 E#en in the most
practica) sense. peop)e 'ho achie#e the
fee)ing they desire /efore attaining the
associated condition are much. much
more )i"e)y to manifest that condition222
'hether it6s a simp)e goa) or a )ofty
dream2 A person 'ho a)ready has the
fee)ing of achie#ing their intended
outcome is more )i"e)y to /e)ie#e that it
can /e achie#ed. and more )i"e)y to ta"e
consistent action to'ard it2 Moreo#er. if
they a)ready fee) great. they 'on6t /e
affected /y the frustrations that often
cause others to gi#e up2 This person is a
thousand times more )i"e)y to engage in
the /eha#iors. form the re)ationships. see
and ta"e ad#antage of the opportunities.
find creati#e approaches. and in short
ta"e the steps necessary to achie#e that
rea)ity2 Furthermore. in a)'ays
experiencing the energy of the attained
desire. that person /ecomes )ess
preoccupied /y fee)ings of 'orry and
fear a/out attainment. 'hich on)y get in
the 'ay of attainment2 A fear free
mindset is the strongest one for success
in any form2
Thin" a/out a foot/a)) p)ayer that goes
on the fie)d 'orried that his team might
)ose. ner#ous that he might fum/)e the
/a)). paranoid that he might get in<ured2
This p)ayer6s fearfu) focus at the #ery
)east 'i)) put him at a disad#antage2
More )i"e)y he6)) get smashed2 3o'
imagine a guy that goes on the fie)d 'ith
the fee)ing of #ictory a)ready inside him
7 a)) energies f)o'ing in unison.
ner#ousness channe)ed into strength.
comp)ete focus on the 'in /ecause his
mind is a)ready there 7 that6s the menta)
p)ace 'here e#ery step comes natura))y
'ithout a thought2 This person 'i))
perform at his pea"2
3o'. in another sense. the person 'ho
has a)ready found the fee)ing of their
desire or dream. has in many 'ays
a)ready achie#ed it2 The fee)ing. 'hat
'e experience on the inside. is actua))y
the essence of anything 'e desire2 For
examp)e. thin" a/out something you
'ish to experience or attain in your )ife2
Then as" yourse)f. 'hat emotion is it
that you associate 'ith its attainmentC
*ndou/ted)y there is some positi#e
fee)ing there2 5t may /e difficu)t to see
past the association. /ut the fact is that
as soon as you rea))y immerse yourse)f
in the fee)ing of ha#ing 'hat you desire.
you6re a)ready experiencing the true
essence of 'hat you 'ant2 Because of
this. a person 'ho finds the fee)ing
/efore they achie#e the condition. is in a
#ery rea) 'ay more successfu) that one
'ho attains the #ision /ut sti)) )ac"s the
fee)ing2 This is the difference /et'een
ha#ing money and ha#e true financia)
freedom. a re)ationship and true )o#e.
i))usions of happiness and true
happiness2 %ea) success in any 'ay.
shape or form shou)d start from 'ithin.
or e)se it6s <ust empty appearances2
%ea) 'ea)th starts 'ithinB %ea) )o#e
starts 'ithinB %ea) happiness starts
'ithin2 (ou must fee) 'hat you 'ant
AL%EA0( on the inside. e)se you ris"
chasing i))usion after i))usion. a)'ays
returning to the starting )ine of
discontent2 And from there. you ris"
/ecoming a s)a#e to outside forces that
imprison us 'ith economic shado's of
happiness that can on)y e#er /e pursued2
5t6s for these reasons that the a/i)ity to
conscious)y create fee)ings independent
of your externa) en#ironment might turn
out to /e your greatest asset 7 and it6s
one that can ne#er /e ta"en a'ay from
you2 E#en if you 'ere to )ose a))
materia) things. you a)'ays ha#e the
fee)ings. the essence of your desires.
immediate)y a#ai)a/)e2
5f you6re 'i))ing to stretch your mind
e#en further /eyond that con#entiona)
reasoning. 56)) a)so suggest that 'hen
starting 'ith fee)ings first. it6s on)y a
matter of time /efore those energies
attract physica) 'e))7/eing to you2 This
is 'here the rea) po'er of fee)ing )ies2
For 'hen you6re a/)e to se)f generate the
/ody sensations that you associate 'ith
your desired state. your interna) 'or)d
/ecomes )i"e a magnet for the externa)2
!ome peop)e ca)) this ;attraction;. 'here
)i"e energies attract )i"e energies2
,"ay. 5 "no' some of you might /e
questioning my credi/i)ity right no'.
and 5 don6t /)ame you2 Eust stic" 'ith me
for a minuteB 5n the end it 'on6t matter
'hether you agree 'ith me or not on this
For those 'ho are 'i))ing to /end their
minds a /it. remem/er that o#er a
hundred years ago A)/ert Einstein
sho'ed us that matter and energy are
one and the same thing. <ust at different
rates of ;#i/ration; or ;frequency; you
might say2 (ou. your /ody. and
e#erything you see. are simp)y energy at
#arying frequencies2 The entire uni#erse
for that matter is an interaction of
energy. a)) interconnected. and directed
through consciousness2 3o' this might
/e a simp)ified interpretation. /ut it6s
practica) for our purposes here2 !o e#en
if <ust for today. thin" of e#erything that
exists. inc)uding a)) matter 7 your
c)othes. your home. your car. and e#en
the road you dri#e on. a)) as forms of
energy #i/rating at rates that your eye
can see2 (ou are an energy /eing. as is
e#ery other person. and a)) that exists2
And if )i"e energies attract. then the
quic"est 'ay to manifest anything in
your )ife. /e it an experience or a
possession. is to start producing the
good fee)ings that you expect to recei#e
from that experience or attainment in
your )ife 7 /efore you e#en physica))y
experience or attain it2 Matching your
/ody energies to the condition of ha#ing
or experiencing your desire )itera))y
dra's it to you 7 )i"e a magnet2 5nner
fee)ings and sensations /ecome )i"e
energy "eys that natura))y attract their
corresponding externa) ref)ection2
They6re the mo)d 'ith 'hich 'e can
shape. create. and define the )ife 'e
'ant2 And the more strong)y and c)ose)y
you match your interna) energies to the
ones under)ying your desire. the more
quic")y you6)) find yourse)f in the
externa) state that you associated 'ith
your desire2
This concept is nothing ne' 7 you6))
find it mentioned in a)most e#ery great
re)igious text. it6s an integra) part of ne'
age phi)osophy. and it6s e#en /eing
discussed in quantum physics2 !ome
sources exp)ain it /etter than others. and
56m no authority on ho' or 'hy it 'or"s2
But 5 don6t need to /e 7 and that6s not
'hat you need either 7 /ecause no matter
ho' much spiritua) reading you do. ho'
much scientific e#idence you unco#er.
or ho' much inte))ectua) confirmation
you find. nothing 'i)) con#ince you
more of the po'er of transmutation than
your o'n persona) experience2 There6s
no greater teacher. so 5 'on6t try to
pro#e anything to you here2
The fact is. you don6t need to fu))y
understand the concept in order to app)y
it2 Eust as you don6t need to understand
e)ectricity /efore you turn on a )ight in
your home. you don6t need to exp)ain
sate))ite signa)s /efore you can use a ce))
phone. and you don6t need to pro#e the
existence of radio 'a#es /efore you can
)isten to music in your carB (ou try
turning it on. it 'or"s. you /e)ie#e it.
you use it2 We may not #isua))y see or
inte))ectua))y understand these things.
/ut that doesn6t mean 'e can6t use them2
To deny their existence 'ou)d /e
!o past experience may ha#e you
/e)ie#ing that externa) e#ents a)'ays
determine your interna) state. /ut you
o'e it to yourse)f to at )east experiment
'ith the re#erse for a'hi)e2 A)) you need
is enough faith to f)ip the s'itch 7 trust
in the process temporari)y. experience
the resu)ts. and you6)) ha#e found the "ey
that opens a)) doors2
And 'hat6s the 'orst that cou)d
happen if it doesn6t 'or" outC (ou6))
ha#e /rief)y fe)t a greater sense of
contro) o#er your )ife. you6)) ha#e fe)t
'hat it6s )i"e to attain your dreams.
you6)) ha#e temporari)y fe)t more
optimistic. and you6)) ha#e pro/a/)y
ta"en some constructi#e action to'ard
achie#ing your goa)s2 3ot so /ad2 And
'hat might you )oseC A huge i))usion2
This may /e the re#erse of the
mainstream approach. /ut ta"e a )oo" at
the mainstream. and you6)) see quite a
fe' peop)e stri#ing to attain images 7
i))usi#e associations insti))ed /y
ad#ertising. parents. peers. and other
unen)ightened fa)se authorities2 (ou6))
see peop)e 'ho ne#er attain the sense of
fu)fi))ment that they 'ere conditioned to
associate 'ith those images2 There are
many things that 'e do in this 'or)d
simp)y /ecause those 'ho 'ent /efore
us did it that 'ay 7 /ut this is a /ig one2
Consider that most peop)e go through
their entire )i#es 'ithout e#er
questioning the purpose or meaning of
)ife. and it6s not surprising that most of
us a)so ne#er choose to question the
mainstream approach to quote
That6s o"ay for some peop)e. it may /e
right for them. /ut if you6#e /een dra'n
to this course. and if 'hat you6re hearing
fee)s )i"e it might /e true. that ring of
truth is <ust confirmation of 'hat part of
you a)ready "no's 7 that there6s a force
in this uni#erse. in us and in e#erything.
that 'e ha#e the capacity to direct
through our conscious 'i)) 7 through
'hich 'e can instant)y fee) the
fu)fi))ment of e#ery dream. and through
'hich 'e can shape our externa) 'or)d
in any 'ay2 3either inte))ectua)
understanding nor spiritua) perspecti#e
are necessary to /enefit from the process
of transmutation2 E#en from an entire)y
conser#ati#e #ie'point. "no'ing that
fee)ings are the essence of any desire.
and that positi#e fee)ings )ead to
constructi#e action. it a)ready ma"es
sense to at )east experiment 'ith this
ne' approach2
!o assuming that you see some #a)ue
in the concept. 56d no' )i"e to guide you
through a serious of exercises that 'i))
/egin de#e)oping your s"i))s of
conscious)y transmuting /ody energy2
We6)) /e demonstrating transmutation
using many different issues and
o/<ecti#es. /ut e#en if certain exercises
don6t app)y to you persona))y. p)ease sti))
fo))o' a)ong for )earning purposes2 5n
app)ying the method to a #ariety of
situations. you6)) /e /etter prepared to
app)y it to your o'n2 A)) of the energies
that 'e6)) 'or" 'ith are positi#e and
hea)thy ones2 But if you shou)d
encounter anything that you6re not
comforta/)e 'ith. simp)y ignore it and
'ait for us to mo#e on to the next2
For the exercises. p)ease get
comforta/)e in your seats2 56m going to
c)ose the door no' so that 'e 'on6t ha#e
any distractions2 And again. 'hen you
practice on your o'n this 'ee". you
shou)d definite)y not /e dri#ing or
operating machinery of any "ind2
,"ay. to get started. 56d )i"e you to
first ta"e a fe' moments to reca)) 'hy it
is that you chose to attend this course2
May/e your goa) is to quit smo"ing. or
to )ose 'eight. or may/e you 'ant to
o#ercome anxiety. s)eep /etter. reduce
fears. or impro#e your )ife in some 'ay2
3o' expand on that. and thin" a/out
'hat e)se it 'ou)d ta"e to rea))y ma"e
you happy on a)) )e#e)s2 E#ery/ody6s
'ishes are unique2 !ome'here in there
might /e a desire for financia) freedom.
a )o#ing re)ationship. or good hea)th2
(ou might ha#e some persona) goa)s.
)i"e starting your o'n /usiness or
retiring in the near future2 May/e you
'ant to )i#e in another part of the 'or)d.
or to ta"e a specia) #acation2 May/e you
<ust 'ant to /e a/)e to spend more time
'ith fami)y or friendsB ,r to ha#e more
friendsB ,r to <ust fee) o"ay /eing 'ith
yourse)f2 (our goa)s might inc)ude
spiritua) aspects. )i"e finding purpose or
spiritua) understanding2
5n considering the things you 'ant.
ma"e sure they6re things that rea))y ha#e
meaning for you2 A /ig house might /e
at the top of one person6s )ist. 'hi)e
another person might prefer to /e
tra#e)ing around the 'or)d2 True )o#e
and a sou)mate might /e one person6s
priority. 'hi)e a short term re)ationship
or sing)e )ife might /e more appea)ing to
another2 !o forget a/out 'hat you thin"
you shou)d 'ant. or 'hat you shou)d /e
doing 7 that6s pro/a/)y someone e)se
ta)"ing. perhaps a comparison you6#e
made to your peers. or some passi#e)y
accepted fami)y or cu)tura) norm2 5t6s
impossi/)e for anyone except for you to
"no' 'hat6s in your heart. or 'hat6s /est
for you2 5f you )et other peop)e choose
your desires for you. it 'i)) /e #ery hard
to get any'here. /ecause you6)) )ac" the
passion that a 0eep)y 0esired #ision
pro#ides2 5n order to get 'hat you rea))y
'ant. you must /e honest 'ith yourse)f
a/out 'hat you 'ant 7 'hat you tru)y
desire2 (ou can define your )ife ho'e#er
you 'ish. /ut choose a #ision that rea))y
fee)s right for you 7 at )east for no'. in
this moment2 !ure. passions may
change. your course may change. and
you may redefine yourse)f many times2
But 'hat is that #ision that fee)s right for
you. at this timeC P)ease ta"e a coup)e
minutes and <ust ma"e a menta) )ist of
the ma<or points2
G1 minute pauseH
3o'. for each goa) or item on your
)ist. as" yourse)f. 'hy do you 'ant that
particu)ar thingC What is it that you
rea))y 'ant from the experience of
ha#ing. /eing. or doing 'hate#er it isC
56)) ans'er for you. /ecause you may not
yet rea)i4e it. /ut the under)ying ans'er
in a)most e#ery case is going to /eF The
Fee)ing2 Whether )ong term or short
term. 'hat you rea))y 'ant is the fee)ing
under)ying your goa). #ision. or dream 7
the fee)ing you associate 'ith its
attainment. or that you /e)ie#e 'i))
resu)t from it6s attainment2 !o if one of
the items on your )ist is to ha#e ten
mi))ion do))ars. your truer desire is
pro/a/)y for a fee)ing of financia)
freedom 7 the fee)ing that comes 'ith
not ha#ing to e#er 'orry a/out money 7
of "no'ing that you can /uy 'hat you
'ant. do the things that you 'ant to do.
and ne#er ha#e to 'orry a/out financia)
)ac"2 5f the desire on your )ist is for a
/oyfriend. gir)friend. hus/and. 'ife. )ife
partner or sou)mate 7 your under)ying
desire might /e for a fee)ing of )o#e.
companionship. connection. intimacy.
romance. passion. security. or any
num/er of the other fee)ings that peop)e
associate 'ith re)ationships2
3ote that. as in this case. e#en if an
item on your )ist is simi)ar to another
person6s. your emotiona) associations 7
the fee)ings you expect to deri#e from
attaining the particu)ar item 7 might /e
unique to you2 Whether it6s a
re)ationship or <o/B ,r a persona). socia).
or spiritua) o/<ecti#eB There6s a 'ide
range of fee)ings that might /e
associated 'ith it2 !o 'hen desiring to
/uy a ne' car. you might /e )oo"ing for
a sense of security that comes 'ith
dri#ing a re)ia/)e #ehic)eB ,r the comfort
of not ha#ing to 'ait for the /usB ,r the
pride of o'ning a good )oo"ing carB ,r
may/e the excitement of possi/)e
'ee"end road trips2 5n quitting smo"ing.
you might gain a fee)ing of re)ief from
a#oiding i))nessB A fee)ing of <oy from
/eing a/)e to do the hea)thy acti#ities
you )o#eB A fee)ing of contro) that
addiction too" a'ay from youB ,r the
fee)ing of integrity that come 'ith not
ha#ing to hide your ha/it from others2
The particu)ar fee)ing that you )oo"
for'ard to 'i)) depend on 'hat
moti#ates you2 But for a)most e#ery item
on your )ist of ;'ants;. there 'i)) /e
some positi#e fee)ing that you expect to
come from attaining. /eing. or doing
'hate#er it is2 And that6s the under)ying
reason that you 'ant it2
3o' 56m not saying that the externa)
condition or the #ision isn6t important2 5t
is 7 it6s usua))y our percei#ed moti#ation
in this physica) dimension2 But for our
purposes here. in )earning to use
transmutation as an approach to
manifesting the externa) desire. it6s
important to iso)ate the under)ying
fee)ings that are moti#ating you2 !o for
the first one or t'o ma<or items on your
)ist. ta"e a moment to consider ho' you
persona))y expect to fee) once that goa)
is attained2 As" yourse)f 'hat that
fee)ing or mix of fee)ings is that you
associate 'ith your goa) 7 or that you
hope 'i)) come from it2
That fee)ing 'i)) /e the foundation for
manifesting your #ision2 Peop)e 'ho
don6t start 'ith this foundation might
strugg)e to attain image after image after
image in )ife 7 i))usi#e associations
p)anted in their minds /y up/ringing.
cu)tura) attitudes. or media inf)uences2
And /ecause of the erroneous
associations. they might ne#er attain the
)asting fee)ings that they expected to
deri#e from them2
There6s nothing 'rong 'ith the
images. /ut to get to 'here you6re
expecting to go. the fee)ing is 'here you
shou)d start2 3ot on)y does attainment of
the fee)ing instant)y /ring fu)fi))ment of
your under)ying desire. /ut it a)so guides
you there2 5t gets the uni#erse on your
side in attracting matching externa)
conditions. /ringing unseen forces into
a)ignment 'ith your energies2 This is the
essence of intuition. from 'hich a))
action shou)d /e ta"en2
!o a)'ays as" yourse)f 'hat you 'ant
on the inside /efore see"ing something
on the outside2 !tart from the end2 What
is the /ody energy. fee)ing. or emotion
that you6d expect to ha#e if you 'ere
a)ready in the state of /eing. ha#ing. or
doing 'hate#er your desire isC +o' do
you expect to fee) 'hen you6#e /ecome
rich. 'hen you6#e found your sou) mate.
'hen you ha#e your hea)th /ac". 'hen
you6re on that dream #acation. 'hen
you6#e found en)ightenmentC What are
the sensations and /ody energies that
you6re expecting and hoping to fee)C
P)ease ta"e a minute no' to consider
such questions for the first one or t'o
items on your )ist of desires2 As"
yourse)f 'hat6s dri#ing those desires222
'hat are the fee)ings that you6re
u)timate)y afterC
G@ minute pauseH
3o'. rather than 'ait your )ife a'ay
for 'hat you 'ant. try fee)ing it 3,W2
(ou may not rea)i4e it. as you6#e come
to p)ace more emphasis on externa)
appearances. /ut you ha#e the a/i)ity to
conscious)y shape your interna) energies
into the fee)ings you desire. rather than
'aiting for the associated conditions to
react to2 5n se)f generating energies )i"e
this. you instant)y achie#e the interna)
essence of your desire. and you a)so
/egin attracting the externa)
manifestation2 We6)) discuss se#era)
aspects of generating energy. /ut starting
the process is incredi/)y simp)e2 Eust
imagine 'hat it 'ou)d rea))y fee) )i"e to
/e in your desired condition. and then
se)f generate that fee)ing inside you2 Try
experimenting 'ith this for a minute or
t'o no'2 E#en if you on)y find the
fee)ing of ha#ing 'hat you 'ant for a
fe' seconds. that6s a great start2 P)ease
gi#e this a try no'2
G1 minute pauseH
56)) often refer to the process of
transmutation as se)f7generating /ody
energy2 This is /ecause to /ring your
energies to the #i/ration or frequency of
your desire. it often he)ps to thin" of the
process as creating something ne'2 But
you are in fact on)y con#erting energy
that6s a)ready a#ai)a/)e to you2 Energy is
neither created nor destroyedB 5t on)y
changes forms2 But thin"ing of
transmutation as a process of creating or
generating something ne' can /e
he)pfu) in the /eginning2
3o' here6s a tip2 5f you 'ere ha#ing
any trou/)e finding the energy of your
desire. you might start out /y simp)y
contemp)ating the possi/i)ity that your
desire 'i)) /e fu)fi))ed in the future2 For
examp)e. consider the possi/i)ity that
you might <ust e#entua))y /e )i#ing your
dream if e#erything goes right2 $o ahead
7 <ust thin" a/out that possi/i)ity for
a/out 1A seconds2
G!hort pauseH
As you do this. does a )itt)e /it of ne'
energy appear some'here in your /odyC
Perhaps something )i"e excitement or
optimismB E#en <ust a /itC 5f so. ta"e
that energy and amp)ify it 7 meaning.
generate more of it2 The energy that
comes 'ith considering the possi/i)ity
of attaining your desired condition 'i))
/e #ery c)ose to the actua) energy of its
attainment2 P)ease ta"e a coup)e minutes
to try this no'2
G1 minute pauseH
3o' you may ha#e noticed here that
'e6re using a thought as a means of
finding your target fee)ing2 0on6t get this
confused 'ith con#entiona) forms of
positi#e thin"ing that you might /e
fami)iar 'ith2 5n typica) approaches to
positi#e thin"ing. /ody energies are
often neg)ected2 Affirmations are
repeated unti) they6re #oid of fee)ing. or
rep)acement thoughts are so extreme that
the inner #oice argues and opposing
energies are generated2 But congruent
energy is 'hat rea))y matters 7 that6s the
magnetic force that dra's the desired
condition2 With this in mind. any
thought. idea. image. #isua)i4ation or
se)f ta)". is on)y usefu) for our purposes
if it he)ps you to o/tain your desired
fee)ing 7 or if it /rings you c)oser to that
target fee)ing in some 'ay2 !o if you6re
ha#ing trou/)e getting direct)y to the
fee)ing. try to find the thoughts. ideas. or
menta) images that ma"e you fee) good 7
or that get you c)oser to fee)ing the 'ay
you 'ant to fee)2 Anything e)se is
counterproducti#e. so use your fee)ings
as guides2
5f this sti)) isn6t ma"ing sense to you.
thin" a/out 'hy you fee) /etter 'hen
you6re 'ith certain peop)e or in certain
situations2 5t6s /ecause you thin"
different)y 'ith those peop)e. or in those
particu)ar situations. and therefore you
produce more p)easant fee)ings2 May/e
'hat they say to you comforts. supports.
or inspires you2 But you can do the same
thing for yourse)f2 Try spea"ing
in'ard)y. communicating 'ith yourse)f.
in the same manner. 'ith sincerity. for
<ust DA seconds2 !ay something
supporti#e. rea))y mean it. and see 'hat
happens2 Try this no' if you 'ish2 (our
/ody energies 'i)) shift2
G@ minute pauseH
0o you e#er 'onder 'hy you fee)
/etter 'hen you6re reading an
inspirationa) /oo"C 5t6s /ecause it6s
gi#ing you inspirationa) thoughts that
)ead to inspired fee)ings2 But you can
start producing your o'n inspired
thoughts and fee)ings direct)y2
Con#erse)y. if you find yourse)f in a
quote ;stressfu); situation that poses a
)ot of ;negati#e; possi/i)ities. you might
do a )ot of ;'hat if; thin"ing or
;catastrophe thin"ing; that )eads to
fee)ings of anxiety2 But if you instead
remind yourse)f that you can hand)e
anything. and then se)f7generate a
fee)ing of contro). you6)) /e much more
)i"e)y to find a positi#e so)ution2
Why do you thin" it is that you reach
out for. or e#en c)ing to. certain peop)e
'hen you6re fee)ing fearfu)C Because
their presence or supporti#e nature
ena/)es the type of thin"ing that ma"es
you fee) safe and secure2 But you can do
the same thing for yourse)f 7 you can /e
the one that you run to2 5n fact.
)one)iness itse)f. if you ha#e a pro/)em
'ith it. is <ust a ref)ection of your
tendency to generate negati#e thoughts
and negati#e energies 'hi)e you6re
a)one2 And that6s a)) it is2 %e#erse that
tendency and you6)) re#erse the
Eust a)'ays "eep in mind that
'hate#er your o/<ecti#e is. the most
usefu) thoughts are not necessari)y the
the most a/so)ute or extreme)y positi#e
ones2 Anything that ma"es you fee)
more optimistic. more capa/)e. more
)o#ed. more comforta/)e. safer. freer.
c)oser to the 'ay you 'ant to fee) in any
'ay. is usefu)2 %emem/er. it6s the /ody
energy and fee)ing of our desire that
matters2 We6re on)y using 'ords.
thoughts or menta) images as too)s for
finding that fee)ing2 As 'ith the
pre#ious examp)e. sometimes <ust
ac"no')edging a tiny positi#e possi/i)ity
'i)) he)p you to get a hand)e on the
fee)ing that you6re )oo"ing for2 But any
thought. idea. image. se)f7ta)". or
anything that he)ps you get there. is
,nce you6#e found a 'ay to fee) <ust a
)itt)e /it of the energy you6re after.
simp)y expand it 7 meaning. generate
more of it2 When you6#e started doing
this. you6re transmuting /ody energy
through direct conscious 'i))2 When
you6#e reached that state of direct
transmutation. you6)) )i"e)y notice the
cause7effect re)ationship /et'een
thoughts and fee)ings /egin to re#erse2
As you se)f7generate more positi#e
fee)ings. positi#e thoughts /egin f)o'ing
more natura))y 7 as does a more positi#e
perception. or 'ay of seeing your
en#ironment2 This 'i)) change the 'ay
you interact 'ith your en#ironment 7
your actions 7 and it 'i)) /ring other
forces of manifestation into a)ignment
'ith your energies2 !o 'hether your
o/<ecti#e is to impro#e the condition of
your inner 'or)d or your outer 'or)d.
ma"e it your primary o/<ecti#e to first
find the corresponding /ody energy that
'i)) dri#e that change2 First get yourse)f
into the fee)ing state of ha#ing. /eing.
doing. or achie#ing 'hate#er it is that
you desire2
,"ay. another usefu) method for
finding particu)ar energies is through
memory2 (ou might reca)) a time in your
)ife 'hen you 'ere in a condition that
you no' 'ish to recreate2 Try to reca))
the sensations that you 'ere fee)ing
then. and start se)f7generating them
again no'2 Most )i"e)y you6#e had at
)east a /rief period in your )ife 'here
you fe)t a certain 'ay /y chance 7 )o#ed
or in )o#e. confident. financia))y free or
secure. hea)thy in /ody or mind222
something at )east s)ight)y simi)ar to
'hat you6re after no'. 'hat you might
/e )oo"ing for in externa) appearances2
5f that6s the case. try to reca)) 'hat the
experience fe)t )i"e. and then
conscious)y expand that fee)ing2 Try this
no'2 For practice. you can use any
p)easant memory from your past2 May/e
some experience that you 'ou)dn6t mind
ha#ing more of in your )ife. if it came
a)ong2 Try to recreate that fee)ing no' 7
e#en if for <ust a fe' seconds2
G1 minute pauseH
As an experiment. try doing this same
exercise 'ith some rea))y specia)
memories222 may/e the fee)ing of your
first "iss. or a sensation of genuine )o#e.
or some moments 'hen you experienced
a deep rapport or connection 'ith
someone2 (ou might reca)) the fee)ing of
'a"ing up to presents on your /irthday
'hen you 'ere a "id. or the fee)ing of
some spiritua) or re)igious re#e)ation
that you6#e had 7 anything in your
memory that had a specia) or magica)
fee)ing2 Try reproducing that sensation
no'. and then expand it2 Bring that
magic /ac" into your )ife right here2
May/e e#en ta"e it to a deeper )e#e)2 Try
this for a minute no'2
G@ minute pauseH
,"ay. no'. if the energy you <ust
produced is in any 'ay simi)ar to one
that you6re see"ing #ia any of the items
on your )ist of desires. then ta"e that
energy you generated and transfer it to
that item2 5n other 'ords. ta"e the
thought of ha#ing. /eing. or doing
'hate#er it is that you desire. and merge
it 'ith the fee)ing you6re generating
no'. as if it6s your current rea)ity2 For
examp)e. if you produced the <oy of
recei#ing some 'onderfu) gifts on your
/irthday as a chi)d. you might transfer
that fee)ing onto the thought of ha#ing
the car that you rea))y 'ant no'2 ,r if
you created a fee)ing of magica) )o#e
from your past. you might transfer that
fee)ing onto the thought of /eing in the
re)ationship you desire no'2
%ea)i4e that the 'onderfu) experience
is here in your 'or)d. in this moment.
and in that 'onderfu) 'ay2 $i#e this a
try no'2 Transfer the specia) fee)ing you
generated onto the thought of ha#ing
manifested any of the current desires on
your )ist2
G@ minute pauseH
,"ay. )et6s suppose that the fee)ing or
condition you desire is one that you
ha#en6t necessari)y fe)t /efore 7
something comp)ete)y ne'2 5n that case.
one thing you can do is reca)) someone
that you6#e encountered or seen 'ho
ga#e you the impression that they fe)t
the 'ay you 'ant to fee)222 perhaps
someone 'ho 'as in the externa)
condition that you desire 7 hea)thy.
'ea)thy. or successfu) in some aspect2
,r perhaps someone 'ho 'as <ust
/eha#ing in a manner that ref)ected that
fee)ing 7 may/e socia))y confident.
addiction free. etc2 ,nce you reca)) such
a person. try to imagine 'hat they must
ha#e /een fee)ing on the inside in order
to /e that 'ay on the outside2 Fina))y. try
to se)f generate that sensation for
yourse)f2 $i#e this a try no'2 Thin" of
some person that you assumed 'as
experiencing something that you6d )i"e
to experience. imagine 'hat he or she
must ha#e /een fee)ing interna))y. and
then create that energy 'ithin yourse)f2
,nce you find the fee)ing. try to "eep
that energy f)o'ing for at )east @A
continuous seconds2
G@ minute pauseH
At this point. 56d )i"e to mention some
specific desires or goa)s. and discuss the
types of energies that might faci)itate
'ith their manifestation2 5f you6re
)istening to this program as a means
reaching a particu)ar o/<ecti#e. these
examp)es shou)d gi#e you a c)earer idea
of the type of /ody energies that 'i))
he)p you to attain it2
First. 'e6#e a)ready touched a )itt)e /it
on the topics of 'ea)th and a/undance2
To attract these states. you might /egin
generating /ody energies that ref)ect the
<oy of not ha#ing to 'orry a/out moneyB
The excitement re)ated to a)) the things
that you can no' do 'ith your 'ea)thB
,r may/e the sense of security that
comes 'ith "no'ing that your fami)y
'i)) a)'ays /e pro#ided for2 5f you6re
trying to manifest a ne' home. you
might start generating the sense of
comfort that you associate 'ith a )arger
homeB The pride of o'ning a /eautifu)
p)aceB The freedom of ne#er ha#ing to
ans'er to a )and)ordB ,r the <oy of
entertaining friends in your ne' yard2
%emem/er. your emotiona) associations
'i)) /e unique to you2 ,nce you6#e
found the fee)ing that moti#ates you.
ad<ust the #i/ration of your current /ody
energies to match those of the desire222
the freedom. <oy. excitement. or
'hate#er it is that you 'ou)d expect to
fee) if that a/undance 'ere a)ready
present in your )ife2 (ou might generate
the sensation of ha#ing a certain amount
of money in your poc"et right no'B ,r
of )oo"ing at your /an" statement and
seeing the account /a)ance at your
desired amount2 Fee) the sensation of
)i#ing in your ne' home. the emotions
of o'nership. and the sensations of the
en#ironment 7 e#en the sights. sounds.
and sme))s 7 pro<ect yourse)f into the
5dea))y. if energy generation is
practiced proper)y. 'hen the 'ea)th or
a/undance does physica))y appear in
your )ife. you actua))y 'on6t fee) much
different)y than you do no' 7 <ust the
same great fee)ing that you6#e a)ready
produced yourse)f2
A)ign your inner energies 'ith that
energy of fu)fi))ment. )et your actions /e
guided /y your fee)ings. and e#erything
e)se 'i)) fa)) into p)ace2 (ou6)) no )onger
/e /)oc"ed /y fee)ings of frustration or
rush. /ecause in your mind you6))
a)ready /e at your destination2 (ou6))
ne#er again /e 'ishing your )ife a'ay2
(ou6)) /e a/)e to fee) the desired future
in the present moment. and instant)y go
to your desired future 'ithout )osing the
precious present moment2
5f you6re an ath)ete. or in#o)#ed in any
type of competition. try app)ying the
same approach in your pursuits2 5magine
ho' you 'ou)d fee) 'inning that next
competition. coming in first 7 meeting or
exceeding your o/<ecti#es in any 'ay2
Then start fee)ing that energy no'2
Many professiona) ath)etes use
#isua)i4ation as a technique to impro#e
physica) performance. and this can
certain)y /e good menta) preparation2
But try com/ining any images together
'ith strong fee)ings of ha#ing a)ready
attained them 7 'inning the race. scoring
the goa). hitting the home run2 Fee) the
success a)ready. 'hate#er you associate
'ith the 'in 7 may/e the <oy of #ictory
as the game ends. surging se)f esteem as
peop)e cheer. or shared pride among
your teammates2 (ou6re sa#oring the
success. ce)e/rating the #ictory no'2
Whate#er the inner sensations are that
you associate 'ith 'inning. fee) yourse)f
into them 7 as if the condition 'ere
a)ready rea)2
The same approach can a)so /e used in
other competiti#e settings 7 such as in
/usiness en#ironments2 Eust determine
ho' success 'i)) fee) for you persona))y.
and start generating that fee)ing2 Let the
fee)ing /e your guide as you mo#e
to'ard your /usiness o/<ecti#e. or
to'ard the finish )ine2
,"ay. that6s a )ot of ta)"ing2 Let6s ta"e
a coup)e minutes to practice some of
'hat 'e6#e /een discussing2 To start. try
generating an energy of success 7
'hate#er that means to you persona))y 7
as if you6re in it no'2 $i#e it a try2
G1 minute pauseH
5f your desire is for a re)ationship. the
spectrum of fee)ings that you might
associate 'ith that o/<ecti#e is quite
di#erse2 Companionship. romance.
connection. passion. intimacy. safety.
ad#entureB The )ist goes on2 From a
simp)e sensation of security to a magica)
)imit)ess )o#e. there are many moti#ating
forces /ehind re)ationships2 As" yourse)f
'hat they are for you. and then start
generating that #ery /ody energy. as if
the person you tru)y desire 'ere a)ready
/y your side2 Fee) yourse)f )o#ing themB
Them )o#ing youB The sensation of
connection. intimacy. trust. or 'hate#er
you6d expect to experience if that
re)ationship 'here a)ready a rea)ity2
Again. generate the energy that
moti#ates (,*2 5f it6s a comforta/)e.
steady re)ationship that you desire. then
generate that energy. and that6s 'hat
you6)) get2 $enerate fee)ings of ecstatic
passion. and that6s 'hat you6)) get2
Magica) romance or simp)e securityB
0etermine the fee)ing that you )ong for
in this moment of time. and generate it
no' 7 as if you 'ere a)ready )i#ing it 7 as
if that )o#er 'ere a)ready part of your
'or)d2 That6s the energy "ey that 'i)) )et
them in2 P)ease. try this no' for a coup)e
G1 minute pauseH
A)right. )et6s ta)" a/out some of the
energies re)ated to physica) hea)th2 5f
you6re experiencing i)) hea)th. or if one
of your o/<ecti#es is to impro#e your
hea)th in any 'ay. you might /egin the
process /y determining 'hat fee)ings
you6d expect to attain through
impro#ement of your hea)th as desired2
$enerate the fee)ings that you 'ou)d
expect to ha#e if your condition 'ere
cured no'2 Perhaps you6d /e a/)e to
experience the fee)ings of doing
acti#ities you )o#e. or of /eing a/)e to
spend time 'ith the peop)e you )o#e. or
may/e the fee)ing of fina))y doing
something that you6#e a)'ays 'anted to
do2 Whate#er it is that you 'ish to fee)
once you6re hea)thy again. start se)f7
generating and expanding those
sensations as if you 'ere a)ready in that
hea)thy state222 ho'e#er you6d fee) doing
those acti#ities you )o#e. en<oying that
time 'ith fami)y 7 fee) it no'2 This is the
'ay to a)ign your hea)ing energies. and
attract the hea)thy condition to you2 5f
you6re in any pain. do your /est to use
)ast 'ee"6s exercises to manage those
sensations2 5 "no' it6s difficu)t. /ut
/ringing consciousness /ac" to the
affected area can /e #ery therapeutic if
you can manage2 5n fact. if there are any
energies at a)) that you6re trying to a#oid
in this process. such as fear of
uncertainty. don6t forget those exercises2
!taying connected 'ith your inner
energies 7 your )ife energies 7 "eeps you
in the /est position to transmute them2
,n that topic. the same is true of a))
the conditions 'e discussed )ast 'ee"2
For examp)e. if you6re trying to )ose
'eight. it6s important to first 'or" on
/ecoming comforta/)e 'ith the cra#ings
and sensations that you current)y ha#e2
(ou6)) then /e ready to mo#e those
energies into a)ignment 'ith your
'eight )oss o/<ecti#es2 5f this is you. and
you6re ready for the next step. consider
ho' you hope to fee) once you6#e
reached your target 'eight2 +o' do you
imagine and hope yourse)f to /e. on the
inside. once you6#e achie#ed your idea)
/ody on the outsideC Perhaps you6)) fee)
hea)thier. more in#igorated. more
confident2 May/e your ne' )oo"s 'i))
gi#e you greater se)f esteem2 Perhaps
you6)) fee) more attracti#e. more
admired. more desired2 Whate#er it is
that you emotiona))y associate 'ith
ha#ing )ost the 'eight 7 start se)f
generating those energies no'. as if
you6#e a)ready reached that goa)2
$enerate the fee)ings 'ith tota)
disregard for 'hat you see in front of
you2 The energy you6re choosing no' is
the foundation of the ne' you2 !o see
yourse)f in that 'ay no'. and )et those
energies guide you2
*se the same approach if you6re trying
to quit smo"ing. or to o#ercome any
addiction2 First app)y the exercises from
)ast 'ee" to manage the sensations of
'ithdra'a)2 Then. 'hen you6re ready.
consider ho' you 'ou)d hope or expect
to fee) in your ne'. addiction7free )ife2
(ou might e#en ta"e a )oo" at the
energies you once associated 'ith your
ha/it 7 the ones that dre' you to it in the
first p)ace2 For examp)e. consider the
fee)ings imp)ied /y images in to/acco
ad#ertising and smo"ing p)acements in
mo#iesF ad#enture. freedom. socia)
connection. sophistication. mascu)inity.
femininity. romance. youth. maturity.
etc. etc2 Free yourse)f from those
manipu)ati#e associations. and start se)f7
generating any such energies you desire
in the a/sence of to/acco2 We chase a
)ot of i))usi#e images in our )i#es. /ut
'hen they6re p)anted /y peop)e 'ho
don6t ha#e our /est interests at heart.
they can /e outright dangerous to our
'e))7/eing2 The decepti#e ad#ertising
used /y /ig to/acco is <ust one examp)e2
What are your menta) associations
'hen 5 mention choco)ate. soft drin"s. or
!tar/uc"sC 5t might /e comfort.
re)axation. fun. excitement. en<oyment2
But the truer associations shou)d rea))y
/e i)) hea)th. dia/etes. a /igger stomach.
a fatter /utt. and )o'er energy )e#e)s2 5f
your actua) desire is for good hea)th. an
attracti#e appearance. fee)ing great and
ha#ing more fun in )ife. then the more
appropriate associations 'ou)d /e eating
more #egeta/)es. drin"ing more 'ater.
doing more exercise. and may/e other
)ifesty)e changes2
Ta"e responsi/i)ity for your o'n
menta) associationsB Ma"e sure they6re
)ogica). and a)'ays question 'hat you6re
exposed toB ,r 'hat others are te))ing
you to 'ant and 'hy2 5n our examp)e of
cigarette addiction. if you can correct)y
associate not smo"ing 'ith fee)ing /etter
than you6#e e#er fe)t /efore. then you6))
ne#er smo"e again2 To reprogram those
associations. simp)y figure out 'hat the
fee)ing 'as that you once )oo"ed for in
cigarettes. or that you no' hope to fee)
once you6re addiction free. and then
/egin se)f7generating those fee)ings in
the a/sence of to/acco2
A)right. if any of 'hat 'e6#e /een
discussing has gi#en you any ideas for
ne' approaches to your goa)s. p)ease
ta"e a coup)e minutes no'. and practice
generating any energies that you thin"
might support your efforts2
G1 minute pauseH
5f you6re e#er ha#ing trou/)e figuring
out exact)y 'hat the fee)ings are that are
dri#ing your desires. or if you <ust 'ant
to reinforce the ones that you6re a)ready
producing. you might try 'hat 5 ca)) the
scattershot approach to generating
energies2 !tart /y imagining that you6#e
a)ready attained the state of /eing.
ha#ing. or doing 'hate#er it is that you
desire2 0on6t <ust #isua)i4e it. /ut rea))y
menta))y pro<ect yourse)f into that
condition 7 as if it6s rea) for you no'2
Then. generate the entire spectrum of
positi#e emotiona) energies that you
thin" might /e associated 'ith that
condition2 0o this 'hi)e ho)ding the
thought of it /eing your current rea)ity2
$enerate a fee)ing of <oy a/out it2 Then
contentment2 Then fee) yourse)f /ursting
'ith enthusiasm or excitement a/out the
experience2 (ou might generate a sense
of pride and se)f7admiration for ha#ing
/ecome the person you 'ant to /e2
Freedom. empo'erment. fu)fi))ment2
Thin" of a)) the positi#e emotions that
might resu)t from attainment of your
desire. and then generate each 'hi)e
ho)ding the rea)i4ation that it has a)ready
/een attained2 Try this no' if you 'ish2
%emem/er that 'hi)e negati#e energies
such as 'orry and frustration /)oc"
manifestation. or more accurate)y
manifest 'hat you don6t 'ant. anything
positi#e 'i)) he)p to attract 'hat you do
G@ minute pauseH
As you practice shaping your inner
energies. the matching externa)
conditions 'i)) /e natura))y dra'n to
you2 %emem/er. se)f generating fee)ings
engages po'erfu) unseen forces. and
you6re going to see that there6s no
stopping them2 5n the past. you6#e
approached happiness. <oy. contentment.
success. and other fee)ings as something
that comes in the end 7 as a resu)t of
your externa) efforts2 But the interna)
fee)ing can /e /oth a magnet for. and a
guide to. your externa) goa)s2 The fastest
'ay to ma"e anything happen the 'ay
you 'ant it to. is to fee) it into existence2
!o put fee)ings at the /eginning2 $et
your energies into a)ignment 'ith
ha#ing attained 'hat you 'ant. )et that
guide any actions you ta"e. and
manifestation 'i)) fo))o'2 The more
c)ose)y you match your energies to the
ones of your desired condition. the more
quic")y that condition 'i)) appear2
Li"e'ise. generating 'ith more intensity
is )i"e adding fue) to the process2 The
more interna))y <oyfu). enthusiastic. free.
or excited you fee) a/out ha#ing a)ready
achie#ed your desired circumstances in
)ife. the faster they 'i)) /e ref)ected in
your )ife2
And here6s yet one more reason to
ma"e fee)ings the priorityF (ou don6t
"no' 'hat you don6t yet "no'2 By that 5
mean. you6re on)y capa/)e of en#isioning
conditions that you ha#e some past
experience 'ith. or "no')edge of2 (ou
ha#e an inte))ectua) association that6s
defining the type of person. type of <o/.
or type of )ifesty)e that you thin" you
'ant2 But there cou)d #ery )i"e exist
conditions. p)aces. types of peop)e. or
other circumstances that are 'ay more in
a)ignment 'ith your happiness than you
can yet imagine2 (ou don6t yet "no'
a/out them. /ut the uni#erse does. and
fee)ing energy first is the 'ay to find
3o'. you6re going to notice that 5
sometimes use the term ;/ody mind;2
This is intentiona). /ecause for the next
'ee" 56d )i"e you to try thin"ing of your
mind not <ust as the /rain inside your
head. /ut as the consciousness
throughout your entire /ody2 5n fact.
each and e#ery ce)) of your /ody does
ha#e consciousness 7 that6s 'e)) "no'n
scientific fact2 And the consciousness of
a)) those interconnected ce))s interact
'ith each other as an integrated 'ho)e2
(our /rain may /e the center of
inte))ectua) processes. /ut rea) /e)ief and
true fee)ing are experienced throughout
the entire /ody 7 in the /ody mind222
some might say ;in the heart;2 5f you can
)earn to generate energies 'ith the entire
consciousness of your /ody in
a)ignment. meaning 'ith a unified
fee)ing throughout. the po'er and
impact of the energies you6re generating
'i)) /e maximi4ed2 This is 'here you6))
most effecti#e)y reprogram the energy
patterns that define you 7 on /oth
conscious and su/conscious )e#e)s2 !o
'hen generating energies. try to do so as
if 'ith each and e#ery ce)) of your
/eing2 (ou6)) find that immersing your
a'areness throughout your /ody )i"e
this )ea#es #ery )itt)e room for
distracting thoughts from the inte))ect to
interfere2 The inte))ect is that )itt)e #oice
in your head that )i"es to question and
argue 'ith anything that doesn6t conform
to its past experience 7 'hich are your
current energy patterns or /e)ief system2
The inte))ect might say ;no you6re not;
e#ery time you thin" a ne' thought
a/out yourse)f2 ,r it might say ;this isn6t
going to 'or"; 'hen you6re generating
ne' energies2 Those )itt)e #oices can
sometimes cause incongruent or
opposing energies to /e generated. and
that6s counterproducti#e2 But 'hen you
concentrate fu)) a'areness on the
rep)acement energies you6re generating.
there 'i)) /e )itt)e room for the inte))ect
to interfere2 5f distracting thoughts do
come a)ong. <ust )et them /e there. or )et
them f)oat a'ay2 5f you "eep your focus
on the energy that you6re generating.
those thoughts 'i)) remain empty and
For practice right no'. p)ease thin" of
something you6d )i"e to change or
manifest in your )ife2 Find the fee)ing
corresponding to that ne' condition /y
using a thought. menta) image. or
'hate#er 'or"s for you2 Then )et the
thought or image go. and expand that
energy to fi)) your entire /ody2 $enerate
the fee)ing as if 'ith e#ery ce)) of your
/ody2 Whate#er sensations you associate
'ith your desire. menta))y 'i)) them.
and fee) them /eing radiated from e#ery
point of consciousness throughout your
/eing2 P)ease practice generating your
energy in this manner for a minute or so2
G1 minute pauseH
3o'. 5 rea)i4e that this is the first time
most of you ha#e done this type of
exercise. and some of you might /e
fee)ing a )itt)e o#er'he)med at this
point2 !e)f generating energies CA3 /e
a cha))enge at first. e#en if doing so for
<ust a fe' seconds2 But it6s "ind of )i"e
using a musc)e that you ha#en6t used in a
)ong time. and it ta"es some time to
/ui)d strength2 But each day that you
practice. e#en if for <ust a fe' minutes a
day. the process /ecomes easier. the ne'
energies come more natura))y. more
strong)y. and they stay 'ith you for
)onger periods2 Within <ust a fe' days
from no'. you6)) pro/a/)y a)ready find it
significant)y easier to generate and
maintain your target energies2
5f you /ecome frustrated in your
efforts. re#ie' 'hat you6re doing 7
/ecause something6s off2 5f you generate
your desired energies correct)y. fee)ings
)i"e frustration shou)dn6t /e an issue222
theoretica))y. they can6t /e 7 and neither
can disappointment. discouragement.
anger. anxiety. or any other negati#ity2
!uch fee)ings indicate that you6re
)ac"ing some condition that you6d prefer2
The aim of the transmutation exercise is
to enter into the consciousness of
AL%EA0( ha#ing 'hat you 'ant2 And
in that state. you simp)y 'on6t fee) )ac"
energies2 !o if done correct)y. the
transmutation exercises shou)d fee) good
7 period2 That6s the point. and that6s the
indicator that you6re doing it correct)y2
!o if you do notice negati#e energy
gro'ing. or /ecoming dominant. stop
'hat you6re doing. )et it /e there 7 use
your )istening s"i))s from )ast 'ee" if
necessary222 and then find a 'ay to get
/ac" to the fee)ing that you 'ant 7 the
fee)ing of ha#ing. /eing. or experiencing
your desired condition as if it 'ere
a)ready your rea)ity2 %emem/er that
see"ing on)y on the outside necessitates
a frustration that on)y interferes 'ith the
fee)ing you 'ant2 !o find the fee)ing
/efore anything e)se. and go there first2
A good examp)e might /e if you6re
fee)ing rushed to get through a practice
session this 'ee"2 %ea)i4e that rush is a
)ac" fee)ing2 (ou6re either eager to get
on to some other acti#ity 7 meaning
some externa) desire that you associate
'ith fee)ing /etter than you do no' 7 or
perhaps you6re eager to see the externa)
resu)ts2 For examp)e. 'hen practicing
right no' you might /e fee)ing impatient
7 perhaps 'aiting for me to re#ea) the
/ig secret2 0on6t cheat yourse)f 7 this 5!
the /ig secret2 5t6s right here. right no'2
Why did you choose to attend this
course. 'hat did you hope to get out of
itC +o' 'ou)d you fee) if it met those
expectations and he)ped you reach those
goa)sC We)). try generating the fee)ing
that it a)ready has2 E#en if the
information or so)ution that you 'ere
)oo"ing for is not co#ered today. that6s
the /est 'ay to /egin attracting it to you
7 or to find the right information that 'i))
)ead you to it2 Whether you 'ant a ne'
pair of shoes. spiritua) en)ightenment. or
a cure for an i))ness. the "ey is to start
from the end 7 tune yourse)f into the
energies of ha#ing a)ready recei#ed 'hat
you 'ant2 !o if you6re fee)ing anything
)ess than 'hat you 'ant to fee) right
no'. p)ease ta"e a minute and
experiment 'ith ad<usting your energies2
Find that fee)ing that you 0, 'ant. and
then generate it for at )east 9 to @A
continuous seconds2
G@ minute pauseH
To at any time determine if your
current energies are in a)ignment 'ith.
and attracting the things you desire.
simp)y ta"e a )oo" at ho' you fee)B ,r
/etter yet. /ring the thought of your
desire into your mind for a moment. and
then pay attention to ho' the thought
ma"es you fee)2 What energy does your
/ody react 'ithC 0oes the thought of the
desire ma"e you fee) frustrated.
incomp)ete. discontent. un'orthy.
)onging. stressedC Then your energy
patterns are sti)) focused on not ha#ing.
and that6s 'hat those energies are
attracting2 Ta"e a moment to try this
right no'2 Consider your current
energies. or thin" for a second a/out
'hat you desire. and see ho' that ma"es
you fee)2 Then as" yourse)f. are those
energies in a)ignment 'ith ha#ing your
desires. or are they in a)ignment 'ith not
ha#ing your desiresC 5f p)easant fee)ings
)i"e <oy or contentment are dominant.
then you6re attracting 'hat you 'ant2 5f
unp)easant energies )i"e )onging. 'orry.
frustration. or anxiety are dominant. then
you6re attracting )ac" 7 or 'hat you don6t
'ant2 When you notice fee)ings )i"e this.
ta"e a step /ac" and reca)) ho'
attraction 'or"s2 Thin" of the condition
that you intend to manifest. and imagine
ho' you6)) fee) once it has manifested2
Then. to get /ac" on the fast trac" to
fu)fi))ment. forget a/out 'hate#er your
current rea)ity is. and generate that
fee)ing2 This initia) re#ersa) requires
some 'i))po'er. /ut e#en <ust a coup)e
seconds of good fee)ing energy is
enough to /rea" the inertia2 Practice
G@ minute pauseH
After you6#e gotten the hang of energy
re#ersa). try app)ying it to some rea) )ife
situations 7 'hene#er you notice that
you6re not fee)ing the 'ay you 'ant to
fee)2 For examp)e. if you6re annoyed
/ecause you can6t find your car "eys.
stressed /ecause you6re )ate for an
appointment. or angry /ecause someone
has /een rude to you. first ac"no')edge
and accept the fee)ing that6s a)ready /een
created2 But then as" yourse)f. 'hat
situation or condition 'ou)d you rather
ha#e than the one you6re inC Then find
some 'ay to get yourse)f into that
energy2 May/e imagine the possi/i)ity of
the situation reso)#ing itse)fB ,r reca))
that you are a creati#e pro/)em so)#er
and resourcefu) person that can ma"e
anything /etterB ,r that you can hand)e
anything2 With that thought. regard)ess
of 'hether you choose to ta"e action or
not. you shou)d /e a/)e to find the
energy that you6d expect to ha#e once
you6#e found your "eys. made it to the
appointment. or not /een affected /y
that rude person2 The point is to remo#e
your focus from the un'anted condition.
and p)ace your fee)ings into a)ignment
'ith 'hat you do 'ant 7 'hich is the
energy that attracts it2 This initia)
re#ersa) can /e a cha))enge after years of
ha/itua))y reacting to outside e#ents. /ut
you6)) /e ama4ed to see ho' much more
quic")y. efficient)y. and pain)ess)y such
situations are reso)#ed 'hen you
approach them in this manner2
%emem/er that 'hen trying to
manifest A3(T+53$ you desire.
negati#e energies )i"e frustration and
)onging shou)d not /e in#o)#ed in the
creati#e process2 5t6s o"ay to fee).
experience. and go through such
energies 'hen they come a)ong. /ut they
shou)dn6t /ecome your dominant
fee)ings2 3or shou)d they continue to /e
energies that arise 'hi)e thin"ing a/out
the condition you desire2 5n case you6re
ha#ing trou/)e 'ith this. 56d )i"e to
mention a fe' common causes and
First. some peop)e find that 'hen trying
to generate a ne' energy. it actua))y
inspires the opposite2 For examp)e.
trying to generate an energy of socia)
confidence might cause a person6s mind
to f)ash on the thought of a recent socia)
/)under. or to imagine a situation that
they don6t thin" they cou)d hand)e2 And
then some sort of fear7/ased fee)ing
arises2 ,r perhaps 'hi)e generating a
ne' energy. the though may drift in that
'hat you6re doing might not 'or"2 And
this causes some negati#e or opposing
energy to spring up2 5ronica))y. a simi)ar
thing can happen e#en 'hen your efforts
0, produce resu)ts2 (ou might get 'hat
you 'ant. and thin" ;Wo'. it 'or"s2
But 'i)) it "eep 'or"ingC; ,r you might
thin" ;$reat. 5 got 'hat 5 'anted2 But
can 5 ho)d onto itC; These types of
thoughts inspire fear energy. and are
perfect setups to /egin repe))ing
'hate#er condition you6#e attracted2 The
tendency to produce these
counterproducti#e thoughts is <ust an
indicator that you ha#en6t yet comp)ete)y
re#ersed your energy patterns. and/or
that you6#e re#erted to p)acing emphasis
on externa) appearances2 The )ong term
so)ution is to remind yourse)f that the
interna) is 'hat matters most. and
continue generating your ne' energies
unti) e#en your su/conscious tendencies
are in a)ignment2 When such thoughts do
come a)ong. <ust )et them /e there or
f)oat a'ay2 5f you ho)d the attitude that
they <ust don6t matter. then they6)) remain
empty thoughts. 'ithout causing an
ad#erse energy reaction2
Another thing you might 'ant to do
initia))y to rea))y de7energi4e such
thoughts. or reduce their a/i)ity to
inspire negati#e energy. is to expose
them to your exercises from )ast 'ee"2
!imp)y thin" those thoughts that
contradict your desire. and then app)y
the exercise to the energy that arises2 For
examp)e. you might ref)ect on the
possi/i)ity that you 'on6t attain your
desiresB That you might not /ecome a
'ea)thy personB That you might not find
your sou)mateB ,r that you might not
o#ercome socia) anxiety2 Bringing that
thought into your mind 'i)) cause an
energy reaction in your /ody 7 pro/a/)y
a fear /ased fee)ing re)ated to )one)iness.
po#erty. fai)ure. re<ection. or something
simi)ar2 When you notice that energy
arise. app)y your )istening s"i))s2 Be 'ith
the energy. )isten to it. o/ser#e it. and
accept it as it is2 0emonstrate that you
can hand)e that energy6s presence in
e#ery 'ay. and your fear of the
un'anted situation 'i)) disso)#e2 (ou6))
then find that 'hen simi)ar thoughts
arise )ater. they6)) remain po'er)ess2
!imp)y "no'ing that you cou)d hand)e
'hat you don6t 'ant 5F (,* +A0 T,
ma"es it much easier to "eep your focus
on 'hat you do 'ant2 %emem/er. ru)e
num/er one is to not fear fee)ings2 !o
practice /eing comforta/)e 'ith the
notion of those un'anted possi/i)ities.
and your ne' energy generation efforts
'on6t /e undermined /y any tendencies
to a#oid un'anted fee)ings2 5f this rings
a /e)) for you. fee) free to ta"e a fe'
minutes no' to ac"no')edge and get
comforta/)e 'ith any such energies2 For
practice. you might consider the
possi/i)ity of some un'anted condition
in your )ife. and then app)y your energy
a'areness s"i))s from )ast 'ee" to the
fee)ings that arise2 This isn6t
/ac"trac"ing 7 you shou)d do it oftenB
Let6s spend a fe' minutes no'2
GD minute pauseH
Another o/stac)e that some peop)e
encounter 'hen starting to se)f7generate
ne' energies is 'hat might /e descri/ed
as fear of emotiona) responsi/i)ity2 (ou
see. 'hen using the o)d approach to
getting 'hat one 'ants. 'ithout the
princip)es of attraction. it6s #ery easy for
a person to see him or herse)f as a
product of their en#ironment 7 a #ictim
of sorts. at the mercy of uncontro))a/)e
outside forces2 With this perspecti#e.
there6s a tendency to fa)) /ac" on
excuses 'hy some factor or condition
'ou)d pre#ent them from /ettering their
)i#es or achie#ing their goa)s2 They
might /)ame other peop)e. /)ame their
up/ringing. /)ame the economy. /)ame
the system. or /)ame some unique)y
difficu)t situation in their )ife2 And. not
surprising)y. a se)f7fu)fi))ing inaction
often fo))o's2
+o'e#er. in re#ersing our approach to
manifestation. and in seeing ourse)#es as
creators of our o'n 'or)ds. the #ictim7
)i"e menta)ity is not possi/)e2 5ronica))y.
this can /e a difficu)t transition /ecause
there6s some emotiona) /enefit
associated 'ith p)aying the ro)e of a
#ictim2 5t might fee) good to /e a/)e to
/)ame someone or something other than
ourse)#es for our misery2 ,r in
comp)aining a/out pro/)ems. 'e might
e)icit a )ot of sympathy from friends and
fami)y. 'hich 'e might thin* fee)s good2
Whose going to fee) sorry for us if 'e
achie#e a)) our dreamsC And 'hat 'i))
'e ha#e to ta)" a/out. to comp)ain
This might sound pathetic. /ut
accepting an attitude that you6re @AAK
capa/)e of se)f7defining your )ife can /e
difficu)t /ecause it requires some
emotiona) sacrifices2 A good 'ay to )et
go of any such attachments is to simp)y
understand that anything )ess is an
i))usion 7 tota) se)f deception2 For
examp)e. if you en<oy the attention and
sympathy that comp)aining /rings. "no'
that the energy of a #ictim menta)ity
rea))y. u)timate)y. <ust repe)s peop)e2 5t6s
the attitude of se)f7determination that
attracts others2 3othing is e#er gained in
trying to ma"e another person fee) sorry
for you 7 in see"ing attention and
sympathy 7 it6s <ust )i"e gi#ing your
strength a'ay2 !trength comes /ac"
from ta"ing @AAK responsi/i)ity for
your o'n inner 'or)d2 And that6s <ust
one examp)eB %egard)ess of 'hat
emotiona) /enefit you recei#e from not
ta"ing charge of your )ife in any 'ay. try
to find the f)a' in that perception 7 there
sure)y is one2 0on6t cheat yourse)f out of
a)) that your )ife cou)d /e2 The
rea)i4ation that your desires are 'ithin
your reach. and that it6s a)) up to you to
attain them. might /e uncomforta/)e at
first2 But it 'i)) /e comp)ete)y )i/erating
in the )ong run2 5magine not /eing
dependent on anyone /ut yourse)f for
your happinessB To "no' that you are
the creator of your )ifeB That you rea))y
do ha#e the capacity to construct your
future into a ref)ection of your most
passionate dreams2 This might /e the
most empo'ering rea)i4ation you6)) e#er
ha#e2 But getting yourse)f into that
mindset may require some ad<ustment to
o)d perceptions2
GBrief pauseH
3o'. a thirst o/stac)e that some
peop)e ha#e trou/)e 'ith is the idea of
generating the fee)ing of ha#ing
o/tained something /efore they actua))y
ha#e2 They might /e a/)e to imagine a
situation and fee) it temporari)y 'ith
their eyes c)osed. /ut to generate that
same fee)ing 'ith eyes open 'hi)e
seeing a contrasting rea)ity can /e
trou/)esome2 There are a coup)e things
to "eep in mind that might he)p 'ith
this2 First. remind yourse)f that in our
physica) dimension there 'i)) /e some
de)ay /efore energies you generate
interna))y attract externa) manifestation2
!o <ust /ecause you don6t instant)y see
change in your outer )ife the moment
you produce one positi#e fee)ing. that6s
not reason to a/andon your efforts2 After
you6#e used this process and seen its
effecti#eness. concerns and dou/ts 'i))
disso)#e2 But unti) then. you might ha#e
to experiment 'ith a )itt)e faith2 5f you
constant)y )oo" around and react to 'hat
you see 'ith 'orry or discouragement.
you6)) <ust start generating energies that
attract )ac"2 5f you6re going to )oo" for
resu)ts. do so 'ith optimistic expectation
on)y2 ,r /etter yet. unti) you6#e rea))y
re#ersed your energy patterns. a#oid
)oo"ing for resu)ts at a))2 Ma"e the
interna) fee)ing your priority 7 after a)). it
shou)d /e 7 that6s 'hat can ne#er /e
ta"en a'ay from you2 (ou might
comp)ete your energy generating
sessions /y saying something )i"e ;May
the 'i)) of the uni#erse /e done in me;2
&ind of )i"e. 'hate#er happens. happens
7 and then )et it go2
,n that topic. another thing that you
might find e#en more he)pfu) to "eep
positi#e fee)ings f)o'ing in the face of
contrasting circumstances. is to cu)ti#ate
the attitude that interna) fee)ings are <ust
as important. or e#en more important.
than physica) conditions2 There6s
actua))y a )ot of truth to this statement2
For if you can attain the fee)ing of
ha#ing achie#ed the physica) state you
desire. you rea))y ha#e achie#ed the
essence of your desire2 Whene#er you6re
discouraged or frustrated /y not ha#ing.
you6re )ost in the i))usion of thin"ing that
outer attainment determines inner
contentment 7 that you can6t /e happy
unti) you6#e achie#ed the resu)t2 (our
perception might say ;once 5 ha#e that
ne' car. 56)) fee) great;B ,r ;once 5 find
my sou)mate. 56)) /e happy;B ,r ;once 5
get a /etter <o/. 56)) fee) free;2 There6s
nothing inherent)y 'rong 'ith a nice
car. a sou)mate. or a /etter <o/2 But if
you fee) )i"e something6s missing from
your )ife 'ithout them. then your mind
'i)) continue /eing preoccupied 'ith
'orry. )onging. and discontent2 And it6s
o/#ious 'hat those energies 'i)) attract2
This is the 'rong approach2 Waiting for
externa) conditions to ma"e you fee) the
'ay you 'ant to fee) is a ne#er7ending
quest that a)'ays circ)es /ac" to
unhappiness2 !o stop hoping. )onging.
yearning. 'aiting. and 'ishing your )ife
a'ay2 (our truest desire. the fee)ing you
'ant. is right here right no'2 Ma"e the
'ay you fee) your top priority2 %egard
that fee)ing of ha#ing 'hat you 'ant as
your rea) accomp)ishment2 With this
perception. you6)) care more a/out the
fee)ings you generate. )ess a/out the
conditions they create. and you6)) find it
much easier to "eep generating your
target fee)ings no matter 'hat6s
happening around you2
3o' there6s some irony in this
approach. /ecause if done proper)y. the
a/i)ity to se)f generate a desired energy
resu)ts in a "ind of non7attachment to the
out'ard manifestation2 56m not
suggesting that 'e /ecome )i"e Buddhas
and comp)ete)y re)ease ourse)#es from
materia) attachments 7 that6s not 'hat
most of us 'ant to experience in this
physica) dimension2 +o'e#er. that inner
en#ironment of non7attachment is T+E
optima) one for manifestation to ta"e
p)ace2 5t a))o's your ne' energies to
gro' in an en#ironment free of fear and
'orry 7 'here the uni#erse can free)y do
it6s 'or" of direct)y matching up the
energy of your desires 'ith physica)
rea)ity2 !o it6s o"ay to ha#e as many
externa) desires as you 'ish. /ut don6t
ma"e the mista"e of 'aiting for them to
sho' up /efore you fee) good222 Because
the 'ay to attract 'hat you 'ant is to
ho)d the energy of a)ready ha#ing it 7 of
/eing comp)ete a)ready2 !o for e#ery
desire that comes into your )ife. start
generating 'hate#er the 'onderfu)
fee)ing is that you associate 'ith its
fu)fi))ment2 56)) say it againF this fee)ing
is the energy "ey that. )i"e a magnet.
dra's the desired condition to you2 And
it6s a)so the "ey to )i#ing your )ife fu))y2
With that "ey. you no )onger ha#e to /e
focused on getting some'here e)se 'ith
your sights on the future2 (ou can en<oy
and fee) comp)ete in the present
moment2 !o fee) your dreams 3,W2
GBrief pauseH
,nce you 'itness the positi#e impact
that se)f7generating energies can ha#e on
your )ife. you6)) pro/a/)y start to ma"e
the practice one of your dai)y priorities2
(ou might e#en start your day /y
generating the fee)ings that you6d )i"e to
ha#e at the end of the day 7 the
satisfaction of ha#ing comp)eted a)) your
goa)s. of e#erything ha#ing gone
smooth)y. <ust the 'ay you hoped2 (ou
can e#en do the same thing on a moment
to moment /asis2 For examp)e. 'hen
starting a con#ersation. you might
generate the fee)ing that the
con#ersation has a)ready unfo)ded as
you 'ish222 may/e create a sensation of
accomp)ishment for ha#ing reached an
agreementB A fee)ing of excitement for
ha#ing made a dateB ,r a sense of strong
socia) connection if that6s your o/<ecti#e2
By starting from the end 'ith
e#erything you do. you6)) find a )ot more
things going your 'ay2
Theoretica))y. you cou)d use the same
approach 'ith e#erything that happens2
+o'e#er. if you try to do this too soon.
there6s a good change it 'i)) resu)t in
frustration2 (ou6)) )i"e)y disco#er that
ha#ing to find a specific energy for each
and e#ery tas" or e#ent that comes a)ong
can /ecome o#er'he)ming2 !o a)though
the primary o/<ecti#e here is to get you
generating specific energies associated
'ith your primary desires. dai)y )ife
presents us 'ith a p)ethora of )itt)e
situations and possi/i)ities that can /e
detrimenta) to happiness if 'e )et them2
For this reason. you might sometimes
choose one /road fee)ing to generate
continuous)y as you approach the f)o'
of e#ents during your day2 ,ne energy
that6s particu)ar)y effecti#e for this
purpose is the energy of WELL7BE53$2
We))7/eing can /e descri/ed as the
fee)ing that comes 'ith ha#ing
e#erything go right for you. in a)) 'ays
and a)) the time 7 the fee)ing that you6d
expect to ha#e if e#erything you desired
'ere constant)y appearing /efore you in
e#ery moment2 5t6s the fee)ing of ha#ing
'ea)th. hea)th. )o#e. and a/undance in
a)) forms constant)y f)o'ing into your
)ife. and "no'ing that nothing /ad can
touch you2 For practice. try generating
such a fee)ing no'2 5t6s the /ody energy
you6d expect to ha#e if e#erything in )ife
'ere <ust going right for you222 if good
things and good )uc" <ust "ept f)o'ing
your 'ay2 (ou might start 'ith a fee)ing
of good )uc" that you experienced in the
past. and then expand it2 P)ease
experiment 'ith this for a coup)e
minutes no'2
G1 minute pauseH
Try generating the energy of 'e))7
/eing during your dai)y acti#ities from
time to time. and see 'hat happens2
(ou6)) )i"e)y find that fee)ings of things
going right in your )ife actua))y
CA*!E! them to go right2 (ou shou)d
a)'ays start 'ith the pure foundation
that comes 'ith eyes7c)osed practice. /ut
'hen you ho)d that /ody energy in rea)7
time. things <ust start fa))ing into p)ace.
and tendencies to'ard 'orry. anxiety. or
other negati#ity soon disappear2 !ure.
things may not a)'ays go perfect)yB But
'hen seeming)y /ad things happen.
remind yourse)f that good and /ad are
<ust interpretations of your perception.
and that there may #ery 'e)) /e
something positi#e in the experience that
you don6t yet see2 For examp)e. if you6#e
/een generating the energy of )o#ing
your <o/ and then you get fired from
your <o/. you might react /y <udging the
experience as negati#e. sin" into a
depression. and gi#e up on your ne'
energies2 But may/e getting fired is
exact)y 'hat you needed to get out of a
rut. free of the past. and open to the
much /etter <o/ that you6#e /een fee)ing
yourse)f into2 As another examp)e. if
you6re stuc" in traffic and starting to fee)
stressed. 'ou)d you /e reacting that 'ay
if you "ne' that the de)ay 'ere a
ref)ection of your 'e))7/eing and had
actua))y caused you to a#oid a serious
accidentC ,f course not2 And of course
you might ne#er "no'2 But it ma"es
sense to assume that there6s something
good in the seeming)y /ad 7 so that the
energy you generate 'i)) stay in
harmony 'ith 'e))7/eing. and you6))
continue attracting the good things to
you2 Choosing to react 'ith negati#e
energy 'ou)d /e counterproducti#e2 And
remem/er 'hat the priority is2
,n another )e#e). imagine 'ho you
'ou)d /e no' if you had ne#er
experienced any ad#ersity in your )ife at
a)) 7 if you had ne#er suffered. ne#er
/een sic". ne#er experienced )ac". ne#er
fe)t )oss or fai)ure222 'ou)d you possess
the depth of character. insight. and
humanness that you do no'C Many
peop)e deri#e the most cherished
memories of their )i#es from times of
tria)2 !ometimes experiences that seem
negati#e 'hi)e 'e6re in them. contain
)essons and opportunities that in
retrospect contri/ute the most /eauty.
gro'th. strength. and happiness to our
)i#es2 Experiencing ad#ersity. or 'hat
'e don6t 'ant. he)ps us to decide and
find 'hat 'e do 'ant2 The contrast
moti#ates us and points us in the right
direction. and /rings appreciation for
'hat 'e 'ant2 !o as difficu)t as it may
/e to ac"no')edge such a positi#e
possi/i)ity 'hi)e experiencing
something seeming)y negati#e. #ie'ing
things from this perspecti#e 'i)) "eep
you in the energies that attract goodness2
5n this 'ay. the truest happiness inc)udes
an a/i)ity to appreciate unhappiness2
5f this particu)ar perspecti#e doesn6t
'or" for you. /e creati#e in finding
another one that does 7 one that "eeps
your energies in )ine 'ith 'hat you
'ant2 The more regu)ar)y you can "eep
the energy of 'e))7/eing f)o'ing. the
more regu)ar)y you6)) see it ref)ected in
your )ife2
We))7/eing is a)so a great /ody energy
to generate if you6re ha#ing trou/)e 'ith
insomnia2 !)eep distur/ance a)most
a)'ays originates interna))y 7 often 'ith
an o#er)y acti#e. anxious. or 'orried
mind2 5n addition to sti))ing your mind
using the exercises from )ast 'ee". try
immersing yourse)f in fee)ings of 'e))7
/eing /eginning a ha)f hour /efore going
to /ed. and you6)) quic")y disso)#e s)eep
hindering 'orries2 This is pure go)d if
you6re a person that suffers from s)eep
GBrief pauseH
,"ay. rather than get into a 4i))ion
specifics. 56m gonna 'rap it up here. and
then you can fee) free to as" any
questions after'ard2
!o. 5 hope you find the ideas presented
here to /e as #a)ua/)e to your )ife as they
ha#e ha#e /een to my o'n and many
others2 5 rea))y encourage you to re#ie'
your notes periodica))y to ma"e sure
you6re getting the most from your efforts
7 and you can a)so access the recordings
on the 'e/site for an occasiona) re#ie'2
The techniques that you6#e )earned
here are extreme)y practica). and can /e
tru)y )ife changing2 But "eep in mind
that you6re re#ersing )ong7time energy
patters2 !o as you get started 'ith your
efforts. don6t /e surprised if you fa))
/ac" on your o)d 'ays from time to
time2 !et/ac"s are a norma) part of the
A)so. remem/er to continue using the
)istening exercises from )ast 'ee". so
that you /a)ance your creation of ne'
energy 'ith acceptance for the o)d2 By
frequent)y affirming your a/i)ity to
hand)e any fee)ings in your /ody. you
'on6t ma"e the mista"e of using
transmutation as a too) of suppressing or
a#oiding them2 A)though you may
achie#e #ery high states 'ith
transmutation. your emotions. your
re)ationships. your career. and a)) areas
of your )ife 'i)) go through cyc)es2 As
smooth as things seem no'. there 'i))
/e dips if you6re )i#ing an acti#e )ife2
0isappointments. fai)ure. )ossB (our
a/i)ity to fee) the emotions that come
'ith seeming)y negati#e e#ents is 'hat
ma"es you human2 %ea) happiness
comes 'hen you6re a/)e to experience
the 'ho)e range of emotions2 The depth
to 'hich you can fee) the )o's. and the
height to 'hich you can fee) the highs.
together define your capacity to )i#e
fu))y2 And the extent to 'hich you can
go through fee)ings )i"e fear and fai)ure
determines your capacity to find success
regard)ess of 'hat your definition of it
may /e2 E#entua))y you6)) reach a point
'here each fai)ure <ust /ecomes a
stepping stone to your next successB
Each re<ection a stepping stone to your
next connectionB Each )o' a stepping
stone to your next high222 And you6)) no
)onger fear these set/ac"s2 (ou6)) find
yourse)f mo#ing more and more rapid)y
from pea" to higher pea" in your )ife.
'hi)e e#en appreciating the #a))eys in
The techniques of energy a'areness
and transmutation can /e po'erfu) too)s
for entering this state of /eing. and the
/enefits you6)) recei#e from their
imp)ementation 'i)) gro' quic")y2 5f
you ma"e it a dai)y priority to more fu))y
o/ser#e your inner energies as they are.
and to more accurate)y produce the
energies of your desired conditions. soon
you6)) find yourse)f not on)y appreciating
your present moment. /ut a)so /ecoming
)i"e a magnet for an e#en greater future2
As 5 mentioned ear)ier. the a/i)ity to
produce this state of consciousness is
)i"e a musc)e 7 it gro's stronger 'ith
use2 Li"e any physica) acti#ity. a fe'
minutes of exertion might /e difficu)t at
first. /ut endurance /ui)ds2
5n the /eginning. 5 recommend
de#oting at )east @A or @9 minutes a day
to sitting do'n and putting your fu))
focus on the process2 And then
experiment 'ith 'hat durations 'or"
/est for you2
5f you often ha#e trou/)e finding that
amount of time to practice. remind
yourse)f of the nature and #a)ue of 'hat
you6re doing2 5f other desires are getting
your focus. then use T+,!E as your
dai)y practice2 $enerate the fee)ing of
ha#ing attained those desires /efore
proceeding further2 Fee) 'hat you 'ant
from )ife no'2 0on6t get caught up in
;strugg)ing; to get there. /ecause in that
mindset it 'i)) ne#er come 7 the fee)ing
'on6t /e 'hat you expected. or it 'on6t
)ast2 !o fee) and )i#e it 3,W2 0oing
this. you6)) )i"e)y find yourse)f mo#ing
much more quic")y to the resu)ts you
'ant. 'ithout surrendering the present
moment2 This moment is a)) you e#er
ha#e. and 'hen you )earn to appreciate
the no' 7 As 5t 5s A30 As (ou Wish 5t
To Be simu)taneous)y 7 )ife /ecomes a
great <ourney2 Thomas Paine once 'rote.
6The mind once en)ightened cannot again
/ecome dar"62 5n this course. 5 hope that
you6#e found some too)s that 'i)) he)p
ma"e your )ife into 'hat you 'ant it to
/e2 They6)) a)'ays /e there for you 7 to
he)p you /e 'here#er you are. and to
he)p you get 'here#er you 'ant to go2 5
'ish you 'e)) on your <ourney. and
Than" (ou a)) for coming2
0oes anyone ha#e any questionsC
Please find the Q&A and additional
Part 2 readings in "Rich #!$ %orney
to &appiness" at '''(richb!(org

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