Sinn Fein Responds To Junior Minister Hayes

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Sinn Fin responds to out of touch Hayes

In response to an article which appeared in the Nationalist on the 29th of May, in which Junior
Minister Tom Hayes questions why voters supported Independents and Sinn Fein candidates instead
of the main stream parties. Sinn Fein councillors have issued the following statement where they
call into question Junior Minister Hayes knowledge of how much suffering the people of Tipperary
and the rest of the country are going through, because of his and the previous government austerity
project which was designed to weaken the people of Ireland into submission. It obviously didnt
work and Junior Minister Hayes has thrown the rattle out of the pram with his childish statement.

Fine Gael entered into Government promising to do things differently but all we got was more of
the same, i.e hitting the low- middle income families, the unemployed, the pensioners while
refusing to make the elite pay their fair share. The Sinn Fein team want to know what happened to
the promised reform, when deputy Hayes and his own party stand by Ministers who are inept at
running their Departments eg, Phil Hogan- James O Reilly and also supported Alan Shatter right to
the end even though his position was untenable.
The Sinn Fein Councillors also point to the formation of the new County Council last weekend as
another example of the contempt FF-FG and Lab have for the electorate. It is widely accepted that
people voted for change but at the first opportunity these parties reverted back to their hungry
grabbing past by monolopisisng power against the express wishes of the electorate who used their
vote to reject old politics. Sinn Fein asked that the Dhondt system be used in the new Council,
where each area would be represented equally by the way the electorate voted. Sinn Fein asked that
this system be used also at Municipal district but again this is been rejected. This is a damning
indictment on behalf of the three main Parties (who are tied together as parties of Austerity) and
the Independents who are supporting the retention of these old ways.
Sinn Fein also wants Hayes to explain, why after getting a hammering in the Local and European
elections it has suddenly dawned on them that the way the medical card scandal was handled was
wrong. Listen carefully Junior Minister Hayes if it is wrong two days after the elections it was wrong
the week before, no matter what spin you or your party put on it.
The Sinn Fein team also slams him for questioning the intelligence of the voters of Tipperary about
the questioning of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams during the campaign and wonders if he agrees that
this was politically motivated(Junior Minister Hayes counterparts in the six counties the D U P were
in Downing street clinking glasses at the same time as Gerry Adams arrest) . They also encourage the
FG party to bring their own leader out of hiding so as the media and the public can question him
about where and how he is leading our Country. Sinn Fein welcomes Deputy Hayes challenge to
debate with them on Sinn Fins economic policies and they hope we have seen the last of his and
his party's childish behaviour at both local and national level when questioned by Sinn Fein
The people have spoken listen very carefully Junior Minster Hayes you are next in their sights.
Yours sincerely Cllrs. Samie Morris , David Doran, David Dunne , Catherine Cleary and Martin

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